• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,897 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...


I was startled awake from the dream I just had and ended up slamming my head into the wall before wincing in pain, smooth move...that was a crazy dream...I had just seen the ending to season ones premiere of friendship is magic but...from Nightmare Moon's point a view... although it wasn't as weird as the dream before that, that was traumatizing…

I rubbed my eyes with my hands...only I felt something hard make contact with my eyes, and I couldn't move my fingers, confused I pulled my hands away from my eyes opening them, staring in shock at what was before me where not my hands but the black hooves from last night, it wasn't a dream then…

Closing my eyes I felt the tears start running down the sides of my muzzle again, why couldn't it have been a dream? I could have then woken up as my normal nerdy self, Had a normal breakfast with my parents at the kitchen table and lived my normal weekend, that's all I would have asked for!!

But no instead I have to be miss evil moon! I try lowering my head onto my hooves only for my head not to budge causing me to wince in pain as I felt an uncomfortable pressure on my forehead, looking up to see what was the cause of my current predicament I saw my stupidly long and sharp horn embedded into the drywall, pulling my head back I tried freeing it but it wouldn't budge, I pressed both of my hooves against the wall trying to give myself some leverage but try as I might to get free I still remained stuck in the wall "come on!" I yelled in Nightmare Moon's voice or rather mine now.

I growl as I gave another mighty tug in a desperate attempt to free myself from this accursed wall, I hear the wall cracking open slightly leaving a fine powdered mess of drywall on my pillow from the effort, “huzzah!” I shout in joy at my freedom, unfortunately I had yet to realize that with great strength comes great momentum, I continued falling backwards from the force I provided in breaking free from the wall "no no wait!" I say in panic as I'm falling off my bed with a thud "ow…" the thud had shook my bedside table causing my clock to fall forward and resulting in it hitting me square on the muzzle "...ow" it didn't hurt psychically but it sure did hurt my pride.

Huffing in disappointment I looked up at my horn where some plaster was still stuck around the base of it, I then looked at my ceiling, what a way to start the day….I rolled over onto my hooves and stood up shakily before finding a suitable position to stand properly, my new wings hung limply on the ground fully outstretched "ugh" I wouldn't be able to walk like this.

Looking around my room I spotted one of my sweatpants legs that had been ripped off during the transformation, an idea suddenly popped into my head as I went to grab it, only for my hoof to just tap it with a light thunk "you've got to be fucking kidding me….ughhh" I grabbed the cloth in my mouth angrily and threw it over my back, I then reached under myself thanks to my much longer neck which was useful in this situation, I grabbed one end before looking at the other realizing my new problem "sunth uf a bithc…" my voice muffled from the cloth in my mouth, I lifted one leg to grab the other end before crashing to my side with a loud thud as the full weight of my body hits the floor since I was used to only standing on all fours, standing on three legs was a bit beyond my capability's apparently, and unfortunately I had landed on top of my wing which hurt immensely as I wince in pain.

DAMMIT!!!" I roared in anger which actually shook my room, I was surprised by how loud I was but relived that I hadn't shattered the window or mirror in the process, I had accidentally tapped into the Royal Canterlot Voice I'm gonna have to learn how to control that.

Looking at the cloth that had fortunately remained draped over my back during my visit with the floor I found that this position would make it easier to complete the task I had in mind,

I began twisting the two ends of the cloth together, lifting one end of the cloth up with my mouth so that I could push the other end of the cloth underneath with a hoof, I then place the end in my mouth back down onto the floor, with both ends of the cloth down I have the beginnings of a half knot, picking up the end of cloth that's on the bottom of the two ends with my mouth I fold it back over itself proceeded by pushing that same end of the cloth underneath with a hoof once done, With the simple half knot completed It's just a matter of repeating the previous steps to finish off the knot.

Standing up I looked at my wings which were now securely tied to my sides and off the ground, smiling proudly of the work I had just accomplished I trotted out of the room and towards the stairs before I stopped...I had just trotted...like it was nothing...haha! I can walk like this! I then tripped on my own legs and immediately proceeded to face plant into the first step, sitting there for bit I thought about life and the universe and how were all just one bug bear attack away from oblivion, just how much I wished to destroy it all before I took a deep breath through the carpet and pushed myself back up, so I can trot like a model horse but walking is like I'm a toddler, that makes sense right?

Growling I looked at the next problem that lay before me, stairs... oh how I loved stairs don't know why, don't ask me either, they were just a lot of fun to have, when I was younger I would run up them on all fours and it was a blast...down them however was something I never cared to try...until today…

I breathed in deeply and exhaled taking a big gulp before taking a tentative step down onto the next step, then another, so far so good, now for the back, first the left one down, now the right, ok...nice and slow...after a few long long minutes I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I was half expecting robots to be waiting down here at the bottom with how long it took me, instead I found my father watching the cable news network, I remembered the events of last night again and regretted coming down stairs.

Henry had awoken early this morning after not getting much sleep, he did his regular morning routine before sitting in his chair and turning on the news, taking his phone out of his pocket he was curious about something that had happened last night and wondered if it had happened to anyone else or if a cure was being made, he didn't find anything closely related to what he was searching for unfortunately.

Returning his attention to the news he let his mind drift, how was he supposed to believe what happened last night actually happened and that he didn't just go mad, it seemed like the thing a mad man would imagine.

Sighing he rubbed his eyes but once he lowered his hand he jumped seeing the large black creature at the bottom of the stairs, it had a cloud of stars on its head and ass as well as a damn long horn sticking from its head, his breath hitched as he looked over this thing that was standing before him inside of his house before his mind started to calmed slightly, he had to remind himself that this was his son...even if it didn't look like him..

"Morning Dad…" I forced a smile to try and calm my dad but he seemed to just get more unnerved by it, oh shit...forgot...sharp teeth…Yeah that definitely didn't look like a calming smile to him.

Henry blinked before shaking his head "uh...good morning..s-son" he cleared his throat, he sounded scared, scared of his own goddamn son..

I hung my head and headed for the kitchen once there I found my mother busy cooking breakfast, the delicious mouth watering smell made me smile, eggs and bacon...bacon... oh no sadness began to start overwhelming me again, I couldn't eat bacon now...I was a horse...horses cant eat meat right?…

Rebecca turned around after hearing clopping sounds and found her son standing there lost in thought, he looked so sad, forcing a smile she brought a plate over to the counter which was luckily high enough for him "good morning Blake"

I got snapped out of my thoughts and looked to my mother, who was forcing a smile, she wasn't good at hiding her feelings much like me "good morning Mom…" I forced a smile as well.

"I made you some breakfast sweetie" she smiled and stroked my cheek which actually felt nice before she walked away.

I then looked at the plate with the ever so delicious looking bacon on it, my mouth watered from just looking at the food I shall never be able to eat again...but...I could maybe just...sample it...yeah that shouldn't make me sick, I stopped myself from raising a hoof to grab the bacon out of impulse and just grabbed it with my mouth instead beginning to chew and oh by the gods above did it taste good, this horses tongue must have better taste buds because I felt like I was in heaven as I began to salivate from pure bliss, all the bacon I've had in my life was rolled up and fused into this single piece.

I let out a delighted purr noise unintentionally as I basked in the flavor before swallowing and went for another, I then froze….I swallowed it...oh shit...I'm gonna get sick...stupid super taste buds! They made it taste so fucking good I forgot to not swallow, shit!!

But I didn't feel sick, I felt fine, raising a brow in curiosity I ate another piece and after enjoying the bacon I took another moment of pure unadulterated bliss I found I didn't feel sick at all from eating the bacon, I felt fine maybe Nightmare Moon just doesn't get sick from eating meat? I mean she does have sharp teeth so it would make sense… and thus I ate another piece.

While deep in thought I heard a giggle get stifled, looking up from the plate to see where the giggle came from while still having a piece of bacon sticking out from my mouth I found my culprit, my mother was holding her phone up pointed towards me while smiling, I realized she was recording, she was recording me eating bacon...me purring...a deep red blush pierced through my black coat "m-mom!" My voice may have been a much higher octave now but that single word hit an even higher pitch than intended.

Rebecca laughed "I'm sorry Blake honey but you didn't see yourself, you were so adorable!" She showed me the video and my ears pinned themselves back against my head in embarrassment as I watched the video, I did look adorable, but it was also super embarrassing.

"Delete it! Delete now!" I screeched.

"Never, I'm keeping this forever, oh and I'm so using this picture as my phone's wallpaper" she showed me the phone again and the adorable picture of me was on the screen.

"Noooo" I whined in embarrassment and put my face on the counter, my mother was truly evil.

"Oh hush and eat your breakfast" she chuckled.

Lifting my head I grumbled and ate my eggs, unfortunately those tasted really good as well and a big smile spread across my face causing me to start purring once more, opening my eyes I found my mother recording again "hrr" I glared and she chuckled.

Looking at the remaining eggs, bacon, and toast I did what I normally did, I began making an egg and bacon sandwich, though it was more difficult than usual as I had to do all of this with my mouth but nonetheless I made my sandwich, I proceeded to eat it which then resulted in an explosion of pure flavor, I kept the happiness inside me just so mother couldn't record it.

I munched happily on the sandwich but like electricity the wonderful flavor was running through my body, I tapped a hoof trying to hold it in, it tasted so good, I tried to force the smile from creeping up my face but I couldn't hold it in any longer and mentally lost to the flavor, I started dancing on the spot tapping my hooves on the ground with giddy excitement and felt my wings twitch in their restraints, I purred loudly in happiness with my tail swishing side to side.

"Oh so cute" my mother squeaked from behind her phone as she recorded.

My face got even redder if that was even possible at this point "mom…."

"Blake our adorable little pony" she chuckled.

"Yeah well...your adorable!..." That was meant to be a come back but...it didn't work how I wanted.

"Thank you sweetheart" she smirked knowing that he intended that to be a witty retort only to fail.

Blake's father walked into the kitchen with a smirk "Rebecca stop teasing him" he walked over to her "send me that too, I want to show the people at work".

"Gahhh!! Dad you traitor!" I yelled pointing my hoof at him "I shall have my revenge on both of you mark my words!"

"Don't forget I pay for your internet son" Blake's dad looked at him smirking knowing he had won this argument.

"Curses…" I said under my breath as I looked away in defeat, now finished with breakfast I picked my plate up in my mouth and walked towards the sink, it felt really strange not having hands and instead being dependant on using my mouth for picking up and holding things, the horn atop my head would be useful for doing those sorts of tasks but I hadn't even the slightest idea on how to start using magic yet.

"Oh Blake you don't need to do that, I can" Blake's mother walked over to him and took the plate.

"I'm fine, I can do it mom…" I went to take the plate back.

"Nonsense….after what you've been through I am not making you do the dishes" she stroked my hairy cheek and walked to the sink beginning to clean the plate.

I was about to argue with her but felt like I should just let her take care of it, this was her way of dealing with stress, she would try to make things easier for everyone else even if it meant making things harder for her.

I left the kitchen heading towards the living room only to stop, the curtain was pulled open from the window like usual allowing sunlight in, I had to squint while looking towards the window, I have always had trouble with bright lights after just waking up in the morning but after the transformation I went thru last night it was now even more unpleasant than before.

I felt the all to familiar sting of a headache piercing the sides of my head and was forced to retreat back into the kitchen, heading for the medicine drawer I quickly pulled on the handle with my mouth and look for the Advil bottle, finding it in the back I pull it out with my mouth accidentally knocking over the other bottles in the drawer, laying the bottle down on the counter I realized what my next problem was going to be….child proof caps….fucking hell.

Placing my hooves on either side of the bottle trying to secure it in place I then attempted to get the cap off, I'd rather not think about how humiliating it is that a seventeen year old is being beaten by a child proof cap, growling I held onto the cap with my teeth pushing down I turned my head in the attempt to turn the cap into the unlock position, after a few attempts of this frustration was getting the better of me, I pulled and chewed on the cap before it suddenly slipped free from my hooves clattering to the floor while I stumbled back unbalanced on my hind legs.

"You ok there Blake…?" Blake's father asked noticing his sons struggle.

I kicked the bottle that's on the ground "I'm getting a headache and I can't get the damn cap off!"

"Watch your language" he walked over and picked the bottle up popping the lid off.

I growled in annoyance at how easy it was...hands...those blessed things I now lacked…

Blake's dad looked at the cap of the bottle finding it chewed up "woah….you could have chew the cap right off if you wanted...how sharp are your teeth?" He looked at Blake questioningly.

I ran my tongue across my shape teeth "They are really sharp, I feel like if I'm not careful I could end up piercing my own tongue with them”.

Blake's dad stared at his son, this black horse creature that barely resembled any living thing on this planet, was his son….the child he had cared for and raised since birth, the child he loved dearly was now this...thing standing before him.

"Dad..?" I looked at my father who had just been staring at me though to be honest it was more like he where looking through me, he was deep in thought, a look I rarely saw on my father, he always seemed to know how things were or should be, that fatherly knowledge though seemed to escape him in this current situation.

He shook his head snapping out of his trance "sorry Blake, here" he shook the bottle in his hand until two pills rolled out, he then handed them to Blake before stopping.

I realized just as he did that I still had no hands, huffing in disappointment at my predicament I opened my mouth for him.

Feeling pity for his son he put the pills in Blake's mouth and then went to the sink to get a glass of water for him, filling the glass half way he walked over and gently put the edge to Blake's mouth slowly tilting it up allowing the water to slowly pour in.

Swallowing the pills I shook my head "bleh" I always hated the taste of pills and the feeling of swallowing something without chewing it down to smaller pieces first "thanks Dad" I smile softly.

"Welcome, uh how about I put these pills in something you can open? That way you won't need me or your mother to get them for you" he offered.

"Sounds good to both me and my pride" I smirked softly as I left the kitchen once more and headed for the backyard, only the door stood in my way preventing me from leaving the house, I really didn't want to do it but I grabbed the doorknob with my mouth and opened it, once outside I proceeded to repeatedly spit in hopes of getting the taste and germs out of my mouth.

My germ removal was suddenly interrupted when I heard a dog barking and getting closer, with that I realized I hadn't seen my dog inside, my head shot up at this realization and what I saw standing before me was none other than Bear my full grown pet husky.

Standing wide eyed I looked my pet in the eyes, it looked both curious and cautious of me, no doubt not recognizing me in this form "h-hey Bear…." He sniffed the air before barking at me "no it's me your father! I just look different!" I yelled stepping back but found the door behind me closed.

He growled running at me at full speed, a ferociousness in his eyes that I've never seen him display before.

I prepared for the incoming bite only to feel the door open behind me and my tail to get yanked as I'm pulled inside with haste, my dad then hastily puts his arms around Bears neck followed by using his body weight to get Bear into a submissive position in an attempting to keep him from attacking me, I stumbled away from the back door feeling my heart beat a mile a minute from the panic and adrenaline.

Looking back outside I saw my dad had successfully calmed the dog down that had always been nice to me...now he acted like he'd never met me before...I guess it's true that he hasn't seen me like this before...to him I'm just some animal that's invading his territory.

Frowning I headed for the stairs and began climbing them, finding it a lot easier than going down them, once I arrive at my room I entered it and climbed back into my bed, I'm thankful my mother had closed my blinds last night which now left my room in a comforting darkness, though with my new eyes I'm still able to see in it clearly, one useful part of this body I guess.

Taking this time I thought of what to do next and something to take my mind off of what had just happened...I was in the body of a cartoon character with no idea as to how this happened or how to reverse this, it's not like there's a website that tells people how to deal with his crap...right?

Sitting up I grabbed my tablet from the bedside table with my mouth and turned it on by pressing the button on top, I then attempted to slide my hoof up the screen to unlock it only for it to not react to my hoof, fan fucking tastic...I tried once more with my nose this time and luckily it open, huffing I prepared myself for the annoying task of searching the internet using my nose.

After a couple of minutes typing in my search and deleting the typos, I then began scrolling through pages and sights for information that could potentially help me I only discovered fanfics and what if discussions that I did not find very useful unfortunately, there was however one article that I had stumbled across that seamed like it could be useful in the process of unlocking my magic.

Of course I had no clue if it would actually work as no one would have any real experience in using unicorn magic, or alicorn in my case as I would soon discover what species I am now, using magic to levitate things would be relatively easy from what I read in theory, the people replying in the discussions said that they would try to picture their hand picking up the item and thru focusing the action thru a magic foci or conduit would get the desired result.

It was worth a shot and would definitely help my daily struggles in this body, feeling I had something I could at least do while in this body I turned my tablet off, the lit screen turning to black reflecting my new appearance.

Seeing my reflection in the black display of the tablet brought a frown to my face as it reminded me of everything that was happening, browsing the internet had allowed me to feel normal again temporarily, Now that I was done browsing I was brought back into reality... I tried living my day normally but...I couldn't, this body was so different, so strange and so wrong!

I couldn't change that fact however, I was stuck like this, stuck in this strange body and I couldn't do anything about it, I clenched my teeth in anger but soon felt tears streaming down my face, gripping my pillow I pushed my face into it and closed my eyes, I just wanted this to be a bad dream that I could wake up from, I just wanted to be me again…

Here I was again in this same dream from the previous night watching from Nightmare Moons point of view helpless to control what was going on, I began to laugh evilly as I rose to my hind legs slamming them forward landing on my fore hooves with a mighty force breaking the elements of harmony where they lay, their shattered remains scattering around me, the lavender unicorn before me looking defeated and distraught “you little foal! Thinking you could defeat me! Now you will never see your princess or your sun, the night will last forever!!” I bellowed with maniacal laughter as my mane wafted in an invisible wind.

My laughter came to an end sooner than I would have liked as I heard shouting coming from the hallway behind the lavender unicorn, said unicorn gasped in realization as she turned around towards the voices “you think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?” She turned around to face me confidence clearly seen on her face.

I frowned greatly displeased with her sudden bout of confidence and not liking where this was going in the slightest, how I so wanted to just blast her off of the face of Equus right here and now for she was nothing but a mortal while I was a goddess.

"Well your wrong! Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!" She speaks confidently as her compatriots arrive coming thew the doorway leading to the lunar throne room were currently facing off in, these five other ponies taking their place beside the lavender unicorn, an orange earth pony with blond mane and a stetson resting on her head stood closest to her right followed by a white unicorn with royal purple mane, flying above those two was a butter yellow pegasus with pink mane, to her left was a pink earth pony there was not much else I could think about her other than pink... so much pink, flying above her was a sky blue pegasus with a rainbow mane.

As I was taking in the details of the new arrivals the shards of the elements began to glow around my hooves, noticing this I exclaim “what?” in shocked surprise and confusion, turning my attention back to the six ponies before me I notice that the lavender unicorn had begun talking again.

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of honesty" the lavender pony calls out with pride as some of the shards around my hooves begin to vibrate before they lift up off of the floor flying towards said orange earth pony, Applejack stands stout with a brave and confident smile upon her face as the shards begin to circle around her.

The lavender unicorn then looks toward the yellow pegasus "Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of kindness" once more shards around me begin to vibrate around me before flying off towards the yellow pegasus, Fluttershy look's terrified and confused before she realizes that the elements are now floating around her harmlessly.

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter" the lavender unicorn looks towards the very pink earth pony whom jumps up into the air with a big goofy smile upon her face as the shards begin to encircle her.

The lavender unicorn then looked towards the white unicorn before speaking "Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity" yet again more shards took off towards the white unicorn whom just stood there smiling pleasantly, as the shards started circling around her she looked down at them in curiosity

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of loyalty" The lavender unicorn turned to look at the sky blue pegasus as shards flew towards her "the spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us".

I looked over the five ponies with the shards floating around them in confusion "you still don't have the sixth element, the spark didn't work!" I remarked knowing that without the sixth element they could not possibly hope to stand against me, my growing confidence was immediately cut short at the lavender unicorns next words.

"But it did, a different kind of spark" the lavender unicorn turned to the five ponies "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you, the spark ignited inside me when I realized you all…" with her deepest sincerity in her words tears began to fill her eyes as she turned back to face me "are my friends!"

With her final words a bright shining light appeared above the lavender unicorn as a stone sphere materialized above the group of ponies before me bearing, the sphere bearing the same mark as the lavender unicorns cutie mark, I immediately knew just like the others in the room that this was the sixth element, as it descended towards the lavender unicorn the light being cast from it increased in intensity forcing me to raise a foreleg to shield myself from it's blinding light.

"You see, Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the uh...the spark that resides in us all, it creates the sixth element...the Element of Magic!" The lavender unicorn smiled as she closed her eyes when the sixth element turned into a blinding white ball of light above her.

With the blinding light fading I'm able to look on in awe as the shards merged together forming necklaces for each of the five ponies but for the lavender unicorn the elements formed a crown upon the mares head foretelling her potential destiny. With each of the elements fully restored to their original state they begin engulfing each of the ponies with pure magical energy lifting them up into the air as a spectrum of light shoots out of each element combining into a radiant rainbow above them that shoots off towards the ceiling, as the rainbow magic is about to collide with the ceiling it suddenly stops and begins travelling towards me.

My eyes widened in horror at the display before me leaving me with no other feelings than a bone chilling dread as the rainbow energy fly's towards me "Noooo!! Nooooooooo!!!!" I yelled in panic as the rainbow energy begins to circle me faster and faster, the energy that the rainbow covered me in hurt so intensely that it felt like the very surface of the sun where burning away my flesh taking me off of my host like a shell, I struggled and thrashed trying to break free before it wiped me out of existence, in a final act of desperation I realized what my only hope for survival was, raising my horn up into the air I began channelling all of my magic into this one last act, blasting my remaining magic off into the night sky I watch as it disappears from this world, as I began to lose consciousness I rested easy knowing that I would be reborn and that I would have my vengeance against these pests, one day the night would reign forever!!!!

Author's Note:

Edited by the wonderful https://www.fimfiction.net/user/184504/Princess__Luna again!