• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,848 Views, 466 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...

A Little Sun Never Hurt Nobody...

The girls surrounding Nightmare Moon and walk towards the exit of the hospital, the doors opened and Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike exit ahead of nightmare moon, before stopping as they notice she had stopping just at the edge of light shining through the doorway.

I stared at the light in front of me, I don't know what it was but my body was practically telling me not to step in the light, I looked up at Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike, two of the three looked annoyed while the third looked curious.

"C'mon….we ain't gonna stay in the hospital all day" Applejack stepped forward ready to push the large mare out.

I looked back my ears folding back which made me shiver, that was a weird feeling, I looked back at the light gulping, I lifted a hoof before lowering it in the light, my teeth clenched together as I felt what could only be described as the pain of a sunburn engulfing my hoof.

"Are...you ok?" Fluttershy asked stepping forward noticing the slight look of pain.

I looked at each mare and single drake, I wanted to say I didn't think I could walk in the sun but...they were willing to help me...I don't want to make them think of reconsidering, I forced a smile and looked at Fluttershy nodding "y-yeah….I'm fine…" my voice cracked slightly and I walked out of the hospital, my entire body now feeling the pain of a intense sunburn, I thought my hoof was bad...this...this was a worse pain.

The eight of us traveled through the town of Ponyvill, if not for the burning pain across my body I'd be loving this, seeing ponys, the houses, everything I had seen in the show….I shuddered and stopped walking once more as another sting of pain shot across my body as if to remind me I shouldn't be happy.

Fluttershy looked at the large mare with worry, she definitely didn't look ok, she looked like she was in a lot of pain but she wouldn't say she was…

I inhaled deeply and marched on this time keeping my head down and my eyes focused on the ground, the sun was blinding at this point but none of the others seemed to react the same way, was Equestrias sun hotter than Earth's and everyone was just used to the heat?

If so I'd hate to see how cold their nights get….if what I think is true about the sun here I'm gonna freeze to death at night, just another thing to worry about while I'm her-my thoughts were interrupted as I nearly fell on top of a soft furry object, looking down my eyes widened and threatened to nearly roll out of my skull, I was on top of Twilight making me blush, my chest pressed against her back and wings….wings? Since when did she have wings? She was a unicorn last time I saw her...only pony with a horn and wings was Celestia, Luna, and Nightmare Moon...who I had the unfortunate fate of being currently..

Speaking of currently I had forgotten I was on top of Twilight and was currently checking her out unintentionally as I inspected her wings. With this realization I looked at Twilight blushing more, I stumbled off of her backing into another furry object, twisting my head around I saw Applejack behind me looking annoyed, my flowing tail moving between my legs as I moved away from her and firmly locked my head and eyes down at the ground, my cheeks burning red from blushing.

My mind couldn't help but see the scenes that just played out no doubt looking so incredibly dirty to anyone else's perspective, I shook my head to try and rid myself of those thoughts and images, I was not making a good example of myself, glancing to the girls I saw most of them were looking elsewhere, Fluttershy was looking at me before quickly looking away a blush on her face, yup...she thought that whole thing looked dirty as well...

Realizing we still hadn't moved I looked up and found a line of wagons moving across the street blocking us, so that was the reason all that happened...and now the burn was coming back, my wings strained against the fabric bind I put around myself, really wish I could free them so they could shield me from this horrible sun…

I tapped my hooves as I waited for the wagons to pass, they were like a fricken train! Those stupid ones that seemed to never end, I couldn't take it I rushed towards the shadow of a building and leaned against the wall panting, my burning skin feeling the cool air of the shadows.

Twilight jumped as she noticed Nightmare Moon rush behind her, her horn lighting up as she prepared a paralysis spell, she knew the couldn't trust her! Of course the moment all their guards were down she'd bolt! But she wasn't gonna let her get away! She was gonna stop her from….sitting in the shade…. Twilight tilted her head and walked over

She had to admit it was a bit hot out today, she stood in the shadow looking at Nightmare who had her eyes closed and was panting, she did look a bit in pain "...are...you ok?"

I looked at Twilight who was now in front of me "y-yeah I'm fine...just wanted to uh...get some shade?" I put on a smile

Twilight's ears folded back, that smile did not look genuine, she looked to Applejack who shook her head "ok what's really wrong?"

Dammit….of course I couldn't lie when the element of honesty was right here, biting my lip I huffed no use in lying anymore...they give up on me they give up on me "the sun...burns...it really hurts."

"What?" Twilight stepped out in the sunlight, it wasn't that hot out….but Nightmare Moon was also a very strange being...maybe she really couldn't withstand sunlight? Twilight lit her horn and a purple sparkling field grew above Nightmare Moon.

I jumped seeing the field, I looked at Twilight who motioned for me to step out of the shadow, hesitantly I complied and stepped out expecting the burn to return...only it didn't, I looked up at the violet sparkling see through field above me...it was like an umbrella.

I smiled softly and looked at Twilight "thank you"

Twilight was momentarily surprised but nodded "your welcome" this was so strange, the last few times she's seen Nightmare Moon she's always ever been angry, full of herself, and out for plunging the world into eternal night….her personality now though was completely the opposite.

Finally the wagons ended and the group headed forward, they passed house and ponies, those of which would stare in awe seeing Nightmare Moon walk through the town until they exited the town at which point they reached the large purple crystal castle.

I stood slack jawed as I stared at the castle, this wasn't here last time I checked...what the heck was going on?? Twilight had wings and a horn, and there was a castle here!

My confusion and lack of answers was cut short as we headed towards it, I couldn't help feel a bit giddy as we got closer, I've never been to a castle before and now I was about to enter one, one made out of crystals no less.

Twilight opened the front doors and we walked in, well they walked in I sorta...slipped and face planted onto the crystal floor my back end straight up in the air.

Rainbow Dash snorted before breaking into hysterical laughter, she fell on her back laughing.

I shakily stood up and glared "hey! I'm not used to standing on-" I slipped again crashing to the floor, I kept tried standing and falling repeatedly, my new hooves couldn't get any traction on the slippery crystals, I eventually gave up and huffed and just laid on the floor

Fluttershy walked over "do you want some help?"

I bit my cheek feeling embarrassed "yes…"

She held her hoof out and pulled Nightmare up to her shaking legs, she then got to her side and put her wing underneath her stomach to support her.

Twilight lead them towards a spare room and opened the door, the walk there was slow as to keep Nightmare on her hooves but they got there.

I wobbled and saw the bed, squinting my eyes in determination I leaped through the air and landed on it "woo! Yes!" I smiled and rubbed my cheek against the pillow on the bed, it was really soft….and...and nice….so...nice….

The group watched Nightmare moon fall asleep they couldn't help but smile softly, she looked pretty peaceful.

"She sleeps like Rainbow Dash" Rarity chuckled looking at the very unladylike fashion of sleeping.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash growled crossing her arms.

"Awww look how cute she is!!" Pinkie giggled standing by Nightmare.

"Pinkie come back here, ah don't want you waking her" Applejack quietly told her

Pinkie giggled and hopped over to the girls, Twilight then lead them down the hall to the table room "ok...now it's time we discuss who's helping her and what day."

Rainbow Dash groaned slumping down in her chair.

I blinked and looked around, an old crumbling stone room surrounded me, one I've become familiar with….it was the castle Nightmare Moon was defeated in...I groaned I was in the nightmare again...but.. something was different, I could control my body, I wasn't a passenger anymore.

I heard shouting coming from the hallway and I realized Twilight was standing in front of me, said unicorn gasped in realization as she turned around towards the voices “you think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?” She turned around to face me confidence clearly seen on her face.

"What?" Looking down I saw the remains of the elements at my hooves, oh no...I..I was in control at the part where Twilight her friends become the bearers of the elements.

"Well your wrong! Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!" She speaks confidently as her friends arrive coming through the doorway leading to the lunar throne room were currently facing off in, the girls taking their place beside the Twilight, Applejack stood closest to her right followed by rarity, flying above those two was Fluttershy, to her left was Pinkie Pie, flying above her was Rainbow Dash.

As I looked at the girls the shards of the elements began to glow around my hooves, I stepped back as I shook my head I knew where this was going "no...wait! Please you don't understand!" I yelled to them desperately wanting them to know I wasn't her!

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of honesty" Twilight called out with pride as some of the shards around my hooves begin to vibrate before they lift up off of the floor flying towards Applejack, she stands stout with a brave and confident smile upon her face as the shards begin to circle around her.

Twilight then looks toward the Fluttershy "Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of kindness" once more shards around me begin to vibrate around me before flying off towards the Fluttershy, she looked terrified and confused before she realizes that the elements are now floating around her harmlessly.

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter" Twilight looked towards Pinkie who jumps up into the air with a big goofy smile upon her face as the shards begin to encircle her.

"Please stop!! Listen to me!!" I yelled in desperation.

Twilight then looked towards Rarity "Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity" yet again more shards took off towards one of twilight's friends, this time Rarity who just stood there smiling pleasantly, as the shards started circling around her she looked down at them in curiosity

"Please…" I stepped back further

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of loyalty" Twilight turned to look at Rainbow Dash as shards flew towards her "the spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us".

"Please...don't" tears formed in my eyes.

"But it did, a different kind of spark" Twilight turned to the five ponies continuing her speech as if she were a recording "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you, the spark ignited inside me when I realized you all…" with her deepest sincerity in her words tears began to fill her eyes as she turned back to face me "are my friends!"

With her final words a bright shining light appeared above Twilight as a stone sphere materialized above the group of friends, the sphere bearing the same mark Twilight's cutie mark, as it descended towards Twilight the light being cast from it increased in intensity forcing me to turn my head away from the light, tears running down my cheeks.

"You see, Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the uh...the spark that resides in us all, it creates the sixth element...the Element of Magic!" Twilight smiled as she closed her eyes when the sixth element turned into a blinding white ball of light above her.

With the blinding light fading the shards had merged together forming necklaces for each of the five girls but for Twilight the elements formed a crown upon the mares head foretelling her potential destiny. With each of the elements fully restored to their original state they begin engulfing each of the ponies with pure magical energy lifting them up into the air as a spectrum of light shoots out of each element combining into a radiant rainbow above them that shoots off towards the ceiling, as the rainbow magic is about to collide with the ceiling it suddenly stops and begins travelling towards me.

My eyes widened in horror I go to run but it's to late as the rainbow energy begins to circle me faster and faster, the energy that the rainbow covered me in hurt so much I yelled in pain, my tears flowing down my face as I screamed, it was like it was burning away at my flesh, I felt myself ripped apart, looking down I saw a leg covered in lighter blue fur beneath my darker fur which was peeling away, in horrific realization I knew I was being ripped off of Luna, I was like a suit on top of her.

I struggled and thrashed trying to get away, I didn't want to die! I wanted to go home! I wanted to go back to my mom and dad!! I wanted to live!! My wishes and prayers going unheard and unanswered as my body was ripped apart and vaporized..

"I don't want to die!!!" I screamed in desperation as I was wiped from existence, my thoughts ceasing, and my mind going dark...I was nothing.

I awoke to the sound of sniffling….awoke...when was the last one I was awake?...it felt like so long, so long in this empty abyss..

Focusing my vision became clear, no longer surrounded by the darkness I saw a large room surrounding me, above me seemed to low ceiling but I soon realized I was underneath something rectangular shaped...it offered darkness for me to hide in..once more I heard the sniffling and my base lowered from above to forward as I saw a small creature sitting in the moonlight of a opened window.

Freedom at last and there was a creature here to ruin it...these creatures littered this world...in my current state of stand no match to something even if that size…

Looking around I tried to find a way out of this room before I suddenly stopped, I sensed something...a strong force of emotions...sadness...pain...resentment..hate, betrayal, anger! If I had a mouth in this pathetic form I'd be smiling widely...these emotions are exactly what I feed on, how perfect for one such as I..

Slithering out from the darkness I made my way towards the creature, so this is what awakened me and freed me...it must have great power for it's emotions to free me.

The creature sniffled before it's ear twitched and it turned around looking to me, it had a horn stop it's head along with wings on its back, light bluish hair covered the top of its head while a darker blue covered the rest of it, it looked to be a quadroaped as well.

The creature gasped standing up on all fours and backing up slightly while lighting it's horn and a bulk of power eminated off it, I stopped my movement, dammit...I had gotten to excited and distracted while examining it allowing it to become aware of my presence..now I've startled it.....I stand no chance against it…

"Who are thou?" The creature spoke with a femine voice but it had a child like nature to it, a child...hehehehe perfect…

"I...I'm lost...I'm sorry I startled you" I spoke with a similar sounding voice, I at least had some magic left…

"Thou did not startled me...I simply didn't realize thou were there" she spoke trying to sound brave, her emotions betrayed her though.

"My mistake...p-please forgive me...I don't want to die.."

Her eyes widened "die?" She looked to her horn and quickly extinguished it "no no I..I would never hurt a defenseless creature…" she spoke softer, her emotions of pity and sadness...it disgusted me that they were aimed at me…

I moved closer slowly "you won't?"

She shook her head smiling "no I'm sorry I made you think that...but...may I ask why thou is in my room?" That strange way is speaking returned...so she was doing purposefully? Strange…

"I-I'm not sure...I woke up here...and I heard you crying s-so I came to see why" not a complete list but I came closer because you were weak and vulnerable...that coming from the pathetic shadow, I had to bite back a growl.

She looked surprised, her emotions were strange, relief, sadness, anger, confusion, I myself feeling the last most.

"You..wanted to see if I was ok?" This time she moved closer "t-thank you" she smiled softly.

Yes fall for my trap my little prey…"your welcome..but why were you crying? Maybe I can help make you feel better?"

She rubbed her foreleg "it's...it's complicated."

I moved closer "it's ok...I'm sure you can explain it."

She sighed "ok…" from there she explained show for years she's lived in the shadow of her older sister, apparently they controlled the sun and moon, the older the sun...that wretched ball of fire...my mortal enemy, and she controlled the moon... something I had grown to enjoy from my prison of night...she told me of how they ruled as sister but how her sister had more love from the citizens rather than her, to them she didn't exist...a thing that sat beside the glorious sun...how her nights had been for sleep and hiding away while the day time was celebration and events…

As I listened I had forgotten why I had come out from hiding in the first place...this creature...so similar to I, a thing unwanted...a thing that lived in the dark, these other creatures...disgracing the night that of which was my only place of living...I was mistaken about this creature..no this mare...she deserved more...and together we could achieve more hehehe…

"I think we should be friends…" I made a tendril grow out creaching to her but not all the way.

She smiled and reached her hoof out to it "I'd like that! my name is Luna."

Her hoof touched my tendril "you can call me Tantabus" my form spread up had leg "I can help make everyone respect you...together we'll show them all we are better."

Luna smiled as her eyes clouded over in darkness "yes…" her form grew matching to her sisters, her mane and tail begining to flow, her fur turning a darker blue till almost black, their horn growing longer, and their simple royal pieces of regalia turning to black armor, their eyes shot open as a real iris appeared and a black spotted pupil formed, they were neither Luna nor Tantabus...they were now Nightmare Moon, the queen of the night.