• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,896 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...

What If...?

Author's Note:

Non-Canon Chapter

A random idea I had to help me keep my creativity going and not just go running dry when working on the story while also not going onto another project.

This is a non-canon chapter to the Lunar Soul story, as the title implies a sort of What If story, where we see what things would be like if certain events changed.

Based on Marvel's What If.

What If...Blake Changed From The Sun?

A colorful cosmos spread as far as the eye could see, stars scattered in the endless abyss with galaxy's and space dust bringing light to the darkness, vivid clouds of color almost like droplets of paint into water.

"Magic...." A feminine voice echoed though the space.

"...Harmony..." The cosmic clouds glowed in response to the voices' words. Violet, blue, pink, red, orange, and purple.

"...Friendship.." the clouds took the forms of equine creatures, all in their respective colors. Instances of them together in moments of joy.

"It's more than a linear path" slowly moving closer to the images, the cosmos suddenly fractured, a spiderweb of cracks spread across the landscape "..it's a prism.." it suddenly shattered, the cosmos still lying behind it, yet now shards of various sizes and shapes began to float and drift in the cosmos.

"..of endless possibility.." the shards shimmered before displayed images, moments in time. The mares from before now in situations familiar, and not...there were even mares and stallions never seen before "Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities.."

Moving forward with the shards along either side, still showing events which never happened in the original timeline...events that could be so different, hardly even recognizable to the original, that it takes just a sliver of familiarity to be descendible.

"...Creating alternate worlds from the ones you know...." The movement forward increased, the shards rushing past in glittering glows of multitudes of colors like an alien starscape.

The rushing movement came to a crawl as sitting within the cloud of shards was a piece of rock, the top of it's surface flat enough to almost resemble an island, to contrast the rock beneath was jagged spikes of stone, as if ripped from it's resting place and dropped here in the middle of this uncanny pocket of space.

A figure stood on the island of rock, a violet-furred tall equine, crimson mane and tail flowing in an invisible wind which couldn't exist in this vacuum. Protruding from the crimson blanket of hair was a long curved black horn.

Upon the mare's back were black feathered wings. Upon her flanks were black shapes, almost resembling a vortex. She was adorned with black pieces of armor, hoof armor and a chest plating just below her neck.

The mare opened her eyes, revealing the red irises within the black pools of her eyes. "I am CrimsonWraith" she spoke with a smirk to her face "your guide through these vast new realities, follow me and ponder the question.."

The mysterious mare closed her eyes as her black horn glowed red, the shards around the island suddenly glowed red, she opened her eyes with a sinister smile on her face showing her fanged teeth "What if...?"

Echoing clops of hoofsteps rang through the cosmos, the dark orangish red rocky land seeming lifeless, nothing to grow off of. Yet something lived upon the rock..

The violet mare walked across the rock she stood upon, a cocky sort of smile on her muzzle as she walked towards the edge of the rock. She looked about the shards, eyes scanning the mock stars before she focused on one individual shard.

Horn alighting in a red glow, a small shard was plucked from the wall of shards and gently floated over before stopping inches in front of the mare.

She peered into it with crimson eyes seeming to look into it and see something not visible to the naked eye, but her eyes saw it all.

"Equestria...universe 1168, a human is born on earth with a bizarre birthmark, and upon a full moon at the age of seventeen, he is transformed into the form of an equine mare, resembling that of a cartoon villain. Following that day, he is sent into another world, the world of Equestria where he finds nothing is as he remembers, and he is treated as the form he appears to be..." The mare spoke as she looked at the gently rotating shard.

Her horn glowed bright for a moment and the shard was sent forward to the wall of shards where once it struck they all suddenly flashed in a wave of light before shimmering and slowly rotating and shifting to create a smoother wall.

The glow in the shards changed, becoming an image of another cosmos "but in another universe...a single change created a whole new outcome, universe 1170, just a single universe apart from its counterpart."

Universe 1170:

Blake quickly pulled the collar of his shirt up over his mouth and nose as he sneezed and groaned, dropping his shirt collar, this "cold" was getting old reeeeeaaal fast.

Three days ago he felt ill and it was an illness he'd never felt before, sure he's had a cold before, and sure the doctor said it was just a cold now, but Blake could feel the difference.

Something was different from a normal cold, he had all the symptoms of a cold, yet...there was just something off, something he couldn't put into words...a strange feeling he could feel deep inside himself.

"Blake?...blaaaake....Blake!" Blake's mother suddenly shouted as she tried to get her son's attention.

"Gwa?" Blake said, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Hun, I was talking to you for a full minute when I realized you were just lost in Neverland" his mother replied, looking at him from the left side of the living room couch.

"Right sorry...just thinking about my incurable illness" Blake smirked from the right side of the couch.

"Oh would you quit it, it's just a cold" she huffed.

"You say cold, I say illness that plagues this world which we have no way of actually preventing or curing" Blake said matter of factly.

"Well I..." She paused, he did have a point in some sense...

Blake nodded, eyes closed smirking.

"Well....why don't you try doing something, it is the weekend after all" she replied, trying to change the subject.

"What am I supposed to do while sick? Aren't I supposed to get a lot of bed rest, and orange juice?"

"Yeah well, you get a lot of bed rest every day, and you don't even like orange juice."

"This is true..." Blake muttered.

"Well, if you can't think of anything I'm just going to watch the news" his mother replied as she turned the TV on and switched it over to the news.

"The news?? Ughhh it's almost as bad as the channels in languages we can't even understand nor watch...why do we even have those??" Blake asked, slouching on the couch.

"They were free, now shush" she replied, looking to the current broadcast which was talking about something that caught her attention.

"The 1859 Carrington Event was the last time we experienced a direct impact solar flare, numerous electronics were destabilized from the electromagnetic waves produced by the flare, numerous fires were also caused by it. Even in the danger of this event, a beautiful Aurora was witnessed globally in the sky." The news reporter said, standing outside with a microphone in hand.

"We are now going to show you the sun's current state" he continued, as a filter was put over the camera and it moved, looking up at the sun.

The blazing ball of gold currently had wisps of light around it like tendrils of some creature "in approximately five minutes a flare will strike the earth and scientists warn it could cause an emp-like effect wiping out all electronics. We are going to keep filming while the flare hits to keep everyone informed" the reporter said as the camera kept it's focus on the sun.

"There...That's the moment that created a new universe, a cosmic event which normally would occur every two hundred and fifty years, to four hundred and eighty years happened today, a random astronomical event in which magnetic fields crossed and entangled with one another unleashing incredible cosmic power...this wouid be the key moment where the universe split." CrimsonWraith's voice echoed ethereally and unheard by those she watched.

"Awesome, what a great Saturday" Blake huffed "I'm sick with some unknown disease and every electronic in the world's gonna fricken explode."

"It's a cold, and he said there's a chance of it happening" his mother replied, though she couldn't hide the worry in her voice.

Blake kept his arms crossed as he looked at the tv screen, seeing the flare slowly moving like a snake on the sun sent a shiver down his spine....a fear grew deep inside him as he looked st the screen.

In the vacuum of space, the flare slithered through the emptiness and headed straight for the earth, like a bolt of lighting being attracted to a metal rod. The flare had a set destination and would not stop until it reached its target.

The flare rushed forward before striking the blue marble, blanketing it in opalescence from the electromagnetic energies.

A light filled the sky and Blake felt the house shake before something washed over him and a burning filled his thigh where his birthmark lay. He cried out in pain from the searing heat as his vision went white.

"A solar flare?...one had not occurred in centuries...why now?" Luna asked as she walked through the pearl white halls with her sister.

"I am unsure, but I detected it upon raising the sun that day. Perhaps the raising and lowering of the sun over the years has built up too much magic and it is forcing this flare to expunge it" Celestia theorized as she walked, looking out the window to the orange glowing sun, different from its natural yellow...

Luna nodded, agreeing with this thought "Is there anything we can do?"

"Nothing besides console our ponies so they do not go into a panic over this event" Celestia replied.

Luna nodded once more as the two sisters came to a stop at the balcony looking out to the sky where the blazing sun had tendrils of golden energy writhing around it.

Suddenly, a burst of energy erupted from it's center. A flare rushed towards the equestrian planet, striking it with pure magical energy and engulfing it in a pearlescent glow.

Spiderwebs of electricity crawled arose the sky with the pearlescent glow following behind it, the electric condensing in a single spot over the Everfree forest, before in a rainbow bolt of lighting it struck down hitting the ground below.

I coughed and hacked as the gift of air suddenly returned to me, my lungs greedily taking in too much, causing me to cough it all back out, each cough bestowed upon me the knowledge of my aching body. I didn't understand what happened...one moment I was watching TV about a solar flare, next thing I knew there was blinding light and burning pain. Had the TV exploded from the flare? Was that even a possibility?? If so, the news anchor should have mentioned it!

My mind still processing everything, my eyes suddenly shot open, my pupils pinpricks as I looked around in panic, where was my mom?!? If the TV exploded she could have been hurt. Looking around, I saw crumbled debris all around me. The whole house must have collapsed from the explosion "mom! Where are you?!? Can you hear me?!"

I didn't hear her voice, nothing! Panic filling my entire being I leapt to my feet to try and dig through the debris to try and find my mother and save her. However, as I stood up, my back pinched painfully and i was dragged back down to the ground, crashing into the stone flooring, jaw connecting first, my teeth clacking together from the impact.

Wincing painfully, I opened one eye, keeping the other closed from the pain as I winced. My back....it....it had to be broken...or or hurt or something! God, how was I supposed to help her?!

Shakily, I pushed myself up with my arms. Maybe I could crawl to find her? Wincing, I tried crawling, dragging my lower body across the stone towards the rubble. I began to dig through it, trying to find my mother. "mom, please answer me!!" I tried to grab hold of a stone and pull it away, only for my hand to drag across it. Blinking, I slowly looked at my hand to find out why I couldn't grab it, fear filling me as I worried I might not have fingers anymore..

However, the fear I felt was nothing in comparison to what the sight I saw before me brought about. My human hand was gone, no semblance of it at all, not because the explosion blew it off, no...it was because it was replaced with a goddamn white marshmallow stub!!!

I screamed, my throat releasing the loudest scream I've ever made, the screaming shaking the room around me causing dust to fall and rocks to clatter and roll. My lungs pushed all the air they had in them out as I screamed and scrambled away from the appendage which followed.

Eventually, I choked as I could scream no more and resorted to looking at the shaking limb in fear. My hands didn't just turn into white stubs! Blinking, I took my other hand up and choked back another scream as I found my other hand suffering the same fate. I had no hands! My hands were gone, replaced with stubs!! Furry white stubs!!!

Breathing heavily, I backed up once more but felt my back hit cold stone, something attached to my back twitching from the touch, causing me to jump forward and hit the ground. I craned my overly long neck back and my eyes winded again. Wings....I had wings, big white feathered wings attached to my back....

My eye twitched and I swallowed my desert of a throat. What kind of solar flare was that?...my panicked eyes caught the sight of a glow further down my pale white-furred back, I saw flames flicking about in the air.

I screamed once more, jumping up and running on unfamiliar limbs, though running isn't a good description, seeing as I stumbled, crashed, rolled, and crawled more than ran. Looking back once more, I found the fire chasing after me, yelling I spun around to try and back pedal from it, only it vanished the moment I turned around.

Looking confused, I turned my head about before looking back and helped seeing the flames behind me again. Jumping I saw them follow, my panic slowed to a crawl as I laid on the floor looking back at the flames which seemed intent on sticking behind me, curiously I shook my back end and watched the flames fallow.

Choking on air from a gasp, I looked on in shock as I realized I had fucking fire attached to my ass!!! Cautiously, I swiped at the flames watching my stump pass through them, but hit something inside the flames, wincing from the hit, I looked at it confused, it was a tail....and I had a tail inside it, so the flames were like....hair?

Looking at my hand, or rather stump, I saw no scorch marks nor burns, it was completely fine.....besides being a stump....

My eyes fluttered as everything became a tunnel, nearly falling over. I shook my head taking deep breaths as I almost passed out, all of this was way too much for my mind to handle. Breathing deeply, I tried to keep calm...best I could in this situation, but as I saw some flames whip around my head my pupils shrank again, fire...on my head, hah ok...remain calma fire hair?? Nothing new, just got it in more than one place!

Taking more deep breaths, I looked around, finally taking in my surroundings just so to distract myself, I...was not in my house....at all....this was a...ruined castle? That's the best I could understand it.

Ok....solar flare made me...a monster fire thing, and put me in a castle..... totally normal! I felt movement on my head as something pressed back against my head. Jumping slightly, I reached up and felt around with the stubs soon enough, finding long pointed things...that felt like my ears....on top of my head....

My eye twitched and I pulled my arms down, setting them on the stone floor producing a clopping sound. Blinking, I looked at them with my eyes wide, that almost sounded like a horse's-....hooves....

Wings....white furry stumps....pointy ears....

My wide eyes went even wider "...I'm a pony?.." a squeak of a very not my male voice escaped my lips, clamping my han-hooved to my face-muzzle I covered my mouth, the voice I just heard sounded very....womanly, and familiar...gulping I opened my mouth slowly "t-testing one two t-three....oh god I'm Celestia" my voice went into a squeaky pitch I was unused to.

I recognized the regal female sounding voice from anywhere, it was Celestia's from my little pony, I was her...the solar flare turned me into her?! My eyes rolled back as I couldn't prevent this mind break from taking me and I hit the stone floor with a thud.

"It struck down in the Everfree?" Celestia asked a guard pony.

"Correct your highness, a couple of Ponyvill's residence witnessed it and immediately reported it to the guard" the guard pony replied.

Celestia nodded "thank you Sargeant Silver" she turned to her sister after the stallion saluted her.

"We must go there at once, we do not know what the solar flare may have caused within the Everfree, that much raw magic in that forest is dangerous" Luna spoke up to her taller sister.

Celestia nodded in agreement "indeed, we will go at once...and pray we are worried for nothing" her home became encased in a golden glow before the two princesses vanished from the hall of the canterlot castle.

Groaning, I slowly woke up and pulled my body to a sitting position, looking to my altered self and frowned. I had hoped this was all a dream but it seemed not. Glancing around, nothing else seemed to have changed, I was Celestia....and I had a bet I was in the woods of my little pony rather than an earth castle.

I was in another world....who knows how far from home, in the body of a princess pony....tears welled up in my eyes, stinging them as my entire body tensed up. I hung my head as I fought back the tears but lost the battle as the sobs wracked my body shaking me, I might never see my home...my family....

Was my mom even ok?? If the solar flare did this to me, what did it do to her?? Did it just burn her? Or send her to some other universe too??? I wasn't getting any answers as the tears ran down my new muzzle and fell to the ground soaking into the grey stone.

I needed help.....but who could even help me with this?? Wait.....I was in the land of magic and friendship, Twilight was here! She had to know some kind of magic to fix me and send me home, or at least know someone who did!

Getting to all four of my hooves, I wobbled before carefully walking forward towards a hole in the stone wall. I had a plan, and if it worked I'd be home back to my family where everything was ok. I just had to get to Twilight and explain everything to her.....piece of cake!

My stomach rumbled at the thought of cake as my mouth watered slightly, startled I shook my head "o-ok....let's not think about that food..." I mumbled before cringing slightly from the voice that I produced without effort nor choice.

After leaving the castle I found myself out in the woods, the Everfree if my memory was correct, seeing it from a sort of free camera perspective was....wild to say the least, sure I was in a horrible situation that very well could mean the end of my normal life....but I was in the woods of a show I loved and dreamed of visiting...guess dreams do come true.

I chuckled to myself at that thought, before blushing....my laughter was... actually kind of cute, or I guess Celestia's was cute...I still can't believe I turned into Celestia! Celestia with a fire mane and tail though...never seen that before....was i some form Celestia could take? Or....her twin? Did she have a twin?? I knew she had a sister, Luna but another sister who looked like her just with fire hair? Maybe my face was different? I didn't have a mirror, so I couldn't be sure.

Ugh, this is why I shouldn't have taken a break after season one and postponed watching the rest. This mare I am is probably in season two or three. It probably has a whole explanation to my problem, like she's able to cross universes or something.

Huffing I shook my head at myself, when I got home I'm binging the entire series and then watching it all over again just to be sure I got it all. Deciding my future goal, I suddenly paused as my tongue felt around it's new home, my teeth felt odd...like they fit together rather then sat atop each other, opening my mouth a bit I felt around with my tongue before flinching and looking scared.

My teeth...were sharp....like shark teeth sharp, and all of them were. Closing my mouth, I kept walking, keeping my eyes to the ground as a layer of cold sweat blanketed my body, a shake to my legs as a fear took hold. My mind was playing out different possibilities of my newfound self. I knew only one pony who had sharp teeth, and that was nightmare moon, last I checked though Nightmare Moon was black furred with a star cloud mane and tail.

So what? I was some Nightmare Sun?? DawnShadow? Solar Flare??...that one actually was likely with my current situation, so I was an evil Celestia.....oh god was the real Celestia inside me?? Trapped???

"....um... princess Celestia? Can you hear me?" I asked aloud, hoping and also hoping not for an answer. I was gifted none. So, either I wasn't the parasite on Celestia or she was locked away deep inside me....both had questions surrounding them....

My hoof caught a tree root and I stumbled forward, almost falling but I fortunately caught myself. I also notice new muscles on my back flex as my new wings spread out. Inspecting them, I looked at them in awe, they were beautiful, like angel wings. The white feathers sparkled in the sunlight.

They then proceeded to flop to the ground limp. I blinked and gave one a poke, I felt it but it didn't move. I tried focusing on those muscles from before and the wing twitched. Grumbling, I picked it up and pushed it to my back. Fortunately, finding it sticking there, going to walk I was reminded I had two wings as the other extended limb got caught in a bush. Groaning, I repeated the process of getting the other wing to stick.

Looking forward, I was greeted by the sight that made my broken aching heart feel healed and full of joy. The town of Ponyvill sat ahead of me and even from here I spotted it was busy with life as ponys walked about the streets.

I smiled before looking confused when I saw a huge purple crystal castle that was not there before, ears flicking back. I feared I may not be in a Equestria I knew...maybe there was a kind princess in there who could help? Or send me to the moon...or rather the sun in my unfortunate case.

Taking a chance, I headed forward towards the town I watched and so wanted to be real. Now I just hoped it was as friendly as I remembered. Moving through the open field I felt nervous as I thought over my appearance, Celestia with flaming hair and sharp teeth.... probably not a welcoming sight to the little ponies...but maybe if I looked friendly enough they'd see past bad parts?

Gulping, I stepped into the streets of Ponyville, my destination either Twilight's library, or that crystal castle. Walking through the streets, I glanced about at the ponies who looked shocked and surprised upon seeing me, some looked scared...but they otherwise looked confused.

Ok...so they didn't run from me..so maybe they didn't recognize me?...or I wasn't seen as evil here....both were good, just gotta journey through town and go find the help I needed...should be fine.

Screams suddenly filled the air behind me, making me jump and turn around, a house behind me had its roof set ablaze and a mare was panicking in the street in front of it. Did...did I? Oh god my hair and tail is fire!

I rushed over and began blowing on the fire, trying to put it out with my breath, surprisingly it didn't work nor do anything to the flames which continued to burn the roof "water...we need water!!" I shouted looking at the surrounding ponies. They all jumped to action, running to get water.

I looked around before running over to a table and grabbing the table cloth on it, yanking it away and miraculously leaving all the items on it untouched. I shook away my shocked expression and pride in myself for that and quickly hurried to the fire. I began to swing my head around, swinging the sheet in the air to try and put the fire out with the air it fanned on it.

I, however seemed to forget the fact my head was a flaming torch and when I swung the cloth back and then forward it was ablaze in bright orange flames. My eyes went wide and I dropped the flaming cloth from my mouth backing away. The burning ash from the roof came fluttering down from above and made it's way into my nostrils as I breathed in.

Eyes going wide, I choked and back up showing my head from the invasive particle, but suddenly a tickling spread from inside my nose, flaring my nostrils, I shook my head feeling a sneeze coming on as my nose worked to rid the irritating invader "ah...ah..Ahh..AHCHOOO!!!!"

A burst of flames erupted from my mouth with the sneeze and roared through the air, blanketing numerous other rooftops in the blazing orange flames. I backpedaled as my mouth acted as a flamethrower, shooting a stream of fiery death.

The flames soon died in my throat and I coughed before looking around. Panic had enveloped the town, ponies screaming and running, others throwing buckets of water to put the flames out, some pegasi even grabbing clouds to make rain onto the burning homes.

"Oh...oh god...what have I done??" I asked, stepping back in horror.

"Dear Celestia, hold still ma'am!!" A stallion yelled, rushing up with a bucket of water towards a tall mare he thought was on fire.

I looked back wide-eyed, hearing the voice only to witness a wall of water flying through the air at me, the cool water splashed across my body and a loud hiss filled the air as my main and tails flames fizzled out, replacing them with clouds of dark grayish black smoke billowing.

Coughing, I shook my head of the water and glared at the pony who threw the water, as I was about to yell at him, though I found my lungs burning and squeezing painfully. Gasping, I tried to bring air in but none reached my lungs. My eyes went wide in panic as I stumbled backwards.

My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. I felt much the same as the fish as I couldn't breathe. My lungs refused to get air into them as they burned and squeezed in on themselves tighter and tighter, it was like I had the wind knocked out of me yet it never would end.

I stumbled gasping, I needed help, someone had to be able to help! I hurried towards the stallion who threw the water at me and tried to talk, but I couldn't get words out past my choking.

The stallion looked on confused and worried at the mare who looked like she couldn't breathe.

I shook my head trying to either snap out of this suffocation or get air in. Stumbling, I went towards another pony, reaching out towards them, only for them to leap back away from my touch. Missing the pony, I fell over unused to standing on only three legs in this body.

Hitting the ground, I wheezed and my body tensed, muscles spasming as my body was going into panic mode from lack of air. I clawed at my throat in futile hope of alleviating this torture. I felt the scratches being dug into the skin of my neck as my hooves clawed desperately.

My eyes were wide and full of tears as I struggled on the ground, though my struggling was getting weaker, my head felt light as a headache engulfed my skull, no air, my brain was getting deprived of oxygen.

My hooves fell to the ground and clawed at the dirt, all four limbs digging into the dirt. It was getting too blurry to see, spots forming in my vision as I now much more weakly gasped for air, my movements getting slower.

As my world was turning to black, I saw a bright light appear, a tall glittering being coming before me, its huge wings spreading out to welcome me in a comforting embrace.

And everything went dark....

Celestia and Luna appeared in their old home within the Everfree, the two sisters looking around for signs of the solar flares' magical effects. Yet nothing stood out before the sisters, the castle remained in shambles as it had for many years.

Luna lit her horn, performing a magical scan of the area "I sense an increased magical presence here sister, it is without a doubt the location the solar flare struck, however it is curious...it almost seems...lacking of the expected amount of such a power."

"Is that so?" Celestia questioned, looking curious.

Luna nodded, extinguishing her horn "Yes, even with the natural dispersal of stagnant magic, it should not have happened this quickly."

Celestia looked puzzled by this, her sister was right, the magic should not have weakened in such a short period of time, could something or someone have perhaps taken some of the magic or worse, been affected by it..?

Celestia was shaken from her thoughts by her sister's touch "Celestia look! " Luna pointed towards the sky. Following her gesture, Celestia saw smoke clouds in the sky and gasped, it was in the direction of ponyville!

The two sisters rushed off towards the town, flying through the air where they saw houses set ablaze by fires. Swooping down, Luna began extinguishing the flames with magic, while Celestia flew down to help those in need.

She landed by a group of ponies surrounding a figure on the ground and hurried over to aid them, only to stop in surprise as lying on the ground was well... Herself, or at the very least a strange copy of herself, her mane and tail were grey smoke like clouds, and her eyes were a dark reddish orange, she was squirming on the ground looking as if she couldn't breathe before she finally went unconscious.

Lighting her horn, Celestia casted a spell on the mare to try and see what could be wrong, if there was smoke in her lungs or something blocking the passageway of air. In her searches, however she found nothing of the sort, only that strangely her magic was dropping quickly. Changing spells, she began to try and stabilize the mare, running through different spells to try and heal or return her breathing, eventually using a spell to pull and push air, focusing it slowly into the mare's lungs. It took a lot of precision, as if she forced too much air it could kill her.

She mimicked the motions of breathing and slowly the mare's mane and tail began to flicker before flames erupted from her scalp and tail, at first erratic and dangerous, before slowing down to a gentle candle-like flow. Celestia was shocked, but living with a sister with a mane and tail of cosmos stars, and she herself rainbows, it wasn't too surprising, only that another had such when it was a rarity.

A clone of herself with flaming hair, it was quite the unusual sight...

"Tia, I have put out the flames..Who is that?" Luna asked, seeing the double.

" I am unsure, but she is hurt, we must take her to ponyville hospital" Celestia said, lighting her horn once more and teleporting the three to the hospital.

In the past hour, Celestia would be stuped over and over again. As she asked the ponies what they knew of her double, they stared she randomly arrived in town and lit the buildings in fire though accidentally, and when water was thrown on her it extinguished her flames causing her to suffocate.

The ponies had no such idea of the suffocation due to the water, but Celestia was able to piece the two together. The hospital was able to treat her and currently she had oxygen supplied to her, though weakened as it was made apparent that if pure oxygen was given to her, her flames became more uncontrollable. Now in a magical enchanted hospital room with the enchantment set to fire retardant so she didn't accidentally set the room ablaze, Celestia sat outside the room thinking deeply.

It was obvious the solar flare had something to do with the mare, if she caused it, or it caused her. Celestia was uncertain, a part of her feared the theory that, due to her control over the sun, the essences of her from her magic had imprinted onto the suns magic and that when this flare occurred it changed an innocent pony into this twisted copy of herself...

To be the cause of this mare's unfortunate state worried her greatly. She had already thought of ways to make it up to the mare and ro help her.

"Sister.. you cannot hear yourself up over this, you did not know of the effects of the solar flare, nor do you know if it even is to blame for her" Luna tried to reassure her sister.

"I know Luna but... I cannot help but fear it is my doing."

"Celestia, take it from me, I blamed myself for years for nightmare moon, but both you and Twilight sparkle and her friends helped me understand that I am not to blame. "

Celestia was quiet but smiled and nuzzled her sister " thank you lulu..."

" Of course Tia " Luna smiled.

A loud clattering alerted the two sisters towards the room and both shot to their hooves. Walking in, in the bed Celestia's twin sat awake looking at a knocked over water pitcher before looking at them with wide eyes.

"Y-you're..." She stuttered

"The rulers of Equestria, yes, are you...well?" Celestia asked and looked at the pitcher of water, realizing what she had wanted, using her magic to lift the pitcher and fill it with new water before pouring it into a glass for her.

The mare jumped at the sudden levitated pitcher before looking in awe.

"You're thirsty I imagine?" Celestia asked.

"Yes... I am, thank you" she went to pick the glass up but struggled a bit before grabbing it in both hooves and lifting it to her lips.

It was strange to hear her own voice speak from another, but Celestia hid her discomfort as she put on a small smile, only for it to be replaced as the mare coughed and choked, spitting out the water, her mane fizzling and smoking.

Celestia quickly took the water away, hurrying over to the mare.

"Wh-what's wrong with me? The water...it... It stung to drink'' she said raspily as she rubbed her long neck.

"I...believe the magic which encompasses your body, has a weakness towards water, seemingly acting like a flame even though all but your mane and tail are not fire" Celestia explained.

"I.. I can't drink water? How am I supposed to live??" She asked fearfully.

"We shall find an answer, I promise, but first...I require answers, answer as to...Who you are" Celestia said gently " as you have noticed, you and I look...quite similar, just with differences. "

The mare nodded slowly" yeah...I noticed and...Well...what I have to tell you is...strange" she muttered.

"I promise you not to judge, after all I have lived for quite some time and seen a lot my pony, what you might say could very well be a regular to me" she smiled warmly.

"Okay.." she took a deep breath and her flames glowed a bit brighter as she did "I'm a human from earth, and I got teleported here and turned into a nightmare version of you..."

Celestia's jaw dropped, that...she had not experienced before...

Luna face hoofed. Today was making out to be quite strangeā€¦

"A random occurrence gave birth to a whole new universe, and gave the multiverse a new story... " The sinister female voice spoke from the abyss as slowly the sight pulled away to a warped coloring as it layed with a crystalline prism "As for me, these are my stories. "

The crystal pulled away back to its siblings which was floating in the galactic abyss where it joined the many other crystals that made up a star-like blanket.

" I observe all that transpires here, but I do, have, and will interfere, for I am... " The alicorn mare stepped forward, her eyes closed before opening them smirking "CrimsonWraith."