• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,896 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...

What If...? (Two)

Author's Note:

Non-Canon Chapter

A random idea I had to help me keep my creativity going and not just go running dry when working on the story while also not going onto another project.

This is a non-canon chapter to the Lunar Soul story, as the title implies a sort of What If story, where we see what things would be like if certain events changed.

Based on Marvel's What If.

What If...Blake was Fabulous?

A colorful cosmos spread as far as the eye could see, stars scattered in the endless abyss with galaxy's and space dust bringing light to the darkness, vivid clouds of color almost like droplets of paint into water.

"Magic...." A feminine voice echoed through the space.

"...Harmony..." The cosmic clouds glowed in response to the voices' words. Violet, blue, pink, red, orange, and purple.

"...Friendship.." the clouds took the forms of equine creatures, all in their respective colors. Instances of them together in moments of joy.

"It's more than a linear path" slowly moving closer to the images, the cosmos suddenly fractured, a spiderweb of cracks spread across the landscape "..it's a prism.." it suddenly shattered, the cosmos still lying behind it, yet now shards of various sizes and shapes began to float and drift in the cosmos.

"..of endless possibility.." the shards shimmered before displayed images, moments in time. The mares from before now in situations familiar, and not...there were even mares and stallions never seen before "Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities.."

Moving forward with the shards along either side, still showing events which never happened in the original timeline...events that could be so different, hardly even recognizable to the original, that it takes just a sliver of familiarity to be descendible.

"...Creating alternate worlds from the ones you know...." The movement forward increased, the shards rushing past in glittering glows of multitudes of colors like an alien starscape.

The rushing movement came to a crawl as sitting within the cloud of shards was a piece of rock, the top of it's surface flat enough to almost resemble an island, to contrast the rock beneath was jagged spikes of stone, as if ripped from it's resting place and dropped here in the middle of this uncanny pocket of space.

A figure stood on the island of rock, a violet-furred tall equine, crimson mane and tail flowing in an invisible wind which couldn't exist in this vacuum. Protruding from the crimson blanket of hair was a long curved black horn.

Upon the mare's back were black feathered wings. Upon her flanks were black shapes, almost resembling a vortex. She was adorned with black pieces of armor, hoof armor and a chest plating just below her neck.

The mare opened her eyes, revealing the red irises within the black pools of her eyes. "I am CrimsonWraith" she spoke with a smirk to her face "your guide through these vast new realities, follow me and ponder the question.."

The mysterious mare closed her eyes as her black horn glowed red, the shards around the island suddenly glowed red, she opened her eyes with a sinister smile on her face showing her fanged teeth "What if...?"

The dark red rocky island floated in the middle of a colorful cosmos, small debris of it floating around it in small chunks and pieces.

The violet mare walked across the rock she stood upon, crimson mane flowing in an impossible wind almost like solid flames, her armored hooves impacted the dirt leaving behind hoofprints, hoof prints which layered upon hoofprints.

"In a multiverse of infinite possibilities, the slightest alterations could branch off into cataclysmic events" a small pebble inflamed in a red glow lifting off the ground and gently roared in the air as it lifted to the mares face, she then gently pushed it away allowing the absence of gravity to take it.

The pebble floated gently in the air before it struck another rock, and that rock hit another, and another, as a domino chain of rock and debris clattered and struck into each other, shattering and creating more debris that hit and banged and mashed.

Two rocks cracked together and pushed off one another from the impact revealing a blue and green globe, an innocent looking marvel in the sea of stars, yet upon it something unfolded, something that would connect two universes.

On the marble a family lived, one that had been normal up until two days ago, when the son of the family seventeen year old Blake Smith, was mysteriously transformed into a pony from a cartoon show, while the change was shocking, the love for their child never left the parents, accepting their child.

However, fate had more in store for the boy, and upon a migraine and the static of tv he was forcefully being dragged into the screen.

Blake's dad groaned having been knocked back by a bubble of electricity sprouting from the TV, as he regained some awareness he saw his wife trying to pull their son from the television, as quickly as he could ignoring the pain corseing threw his body he got up grabbing his son, he pulled with his wife in vain,

No matter how hard they pulled, how hard they planted their feet into the ground, it was like trying to pull a train up a hill with shoestring, Blake wouldn't budge.

Tears filled Blake's eyes as he looked at his parents "mom dad! Wh-what do I do?? I'm scared!"

"It's ok Blake! We'll figure this out! We aren't letting go of you!" Blake's dad yelled as he put his feet on the edge of the tv and pulled with everything he had.

Blake's mother did the same to try to save her boy "we are not letting whatever this is take our son!!"

Miraculously, Blake felt himself start to get pulled out from the tv. Whatever force wanted him, being overpowered by the love of his parents.

A smile grew on his face, looking at them smiling with tears of joy in his eyes, when suddenly he felt the electricity pulling his horn once more and with a powerful tug he was yanked back into the TV. hoof desperately reaching for anything to grab, he accidentally caught his mother's necklace breaking the chain, as both my parents lost their grip as a direct result of the necklace breaking Blake was sent hurling into a static tunnel watching the rectangle window leading to his living room slowly get further away, his home getting further from reach.

"Blake!!" Blake's mother yelled running at the tv but her hands just hit the screen.

Blake's dad grabbed at the screen trying to reach in, both parents looking in fear as their son was dragged away into the static void.

"A tale told before, but this event led to the branching of infinite universes" Crimson spoke watching the scene play out, her horn lighting.

The land of Equestria lay beneath the sun, the golden glow washing over the green land, as ponies went about their days, smiling, laughing, living.

"Equestria; universe 1176, a close relative to the prime of this story." Crimson replied as she looked over the land, her eyes however searching for a specific sight, soon enough landing in the desired spot.

Twilight and the girls walked along a old dirt path within the everfree, she held a book up gently fidgeting her wings as she read "okay, this spell should be exactly what we need, I've been studying it ever since we found it while exploring the old library in the castle of the two sisters."

"And yer sure this spell will explain what happened to Luna?" Applejack asked.

"Yes!" Twilight smiled before her ears pinned back as she looked anxious "or well...it should..."

"You don't know??" Dash flew in front of her "ugh you're saying we came all the way out here for nothing??"

"N-no, I'm sure it will collect the ambient energy Nightmare Moon left behind and allow us to see her memories" Twilight defended and pushed forward.

Dash huffed following.

"Oooo! Maybe it will help me find out what Luna's favorite kind of ice cream is!" Pinkie smiled hopping along.

"Oh! Or perhaps even some regalia of a thousand years ago" Rarity smiled, eyes sparkling.

"Um...maybe?" Twilight replied walking along.

The six soon arriving at the destination, the crumbling castle of the two sisters, retaken by the forest, journeying within and up the stairs they found their target, the throne room where they faced a feared foe and found their friendship.

Twilight looked to the book in her magic hold reading over the pages once more "alright, I'm beginning the spell, nobody get in front of it, this spells old and so much more fragile than modern ones." As she spoke a ball of purple magic formed much like when she held something in magic, this time however it was empty space, until slowly shadowy wisps were pulled from the stone floor and walls collecting into the sphere.

The mares all nodded and decided to either watch or look around the room. Rainbowdash flew up to the windows looking out them, finding it covered in dust she inhaled before blowing on it to get some dust off, the glass pane suddenly falling backwards and down, she cringed at the distant sound of glass shattering before slowly floating back.

Rarity pulled a brush out from her saddle bags and combed her hair "this mugginess is doing horrible things to my mane, and don't get me started on this dust" she huffed cringing as she lifted a now dust covered hoof.

"While I don't care much about mah mane, I gotta agree with Rarity, it's mighty uncomfortable in here" Applejack pulled her hat off wiping her sweat covered brow.

"I don't mind it much" Fluttershy said walking over with a gentle smile "this environment is perfect for the little animals who like their homes nice and cozy."

"Darling, what animal could possibly enjoy this environment??" Rarity huffed, flipping her mane.

"Well there are lots, lizards, flys, gnats, crickets, spiders, all sorts" Fluttershy explained.

Rarity felt a chill up her spine "oh please do not even mention any of those! The dust and mugginess is one thing, but all those creatures too??" She shivered again feeling the tingling on her back from the mere thought...until the tingling continued...

Raising a brow Rarity turned her back back to see what tickled her fur, her eyes going wide as a small spider stood on her back, it looked up with its four glowing red eyes resulting in a scream which filled the old castle.

"And here we find the change, the first domino of this universe, once more, something so simple and trivial can result in drastic changes..." Crimson spoke watching.

Rarity rushed forward throwing her head back as she screamed like a small filly, running around trying to shake the voice spider off her back, the spider holding on desperately.

Rainbowdash burst out laughing holding her stomach as she floated in the air, Pinkie joining with giggles.

Applejack face hoofed.

"Oh no, Rarity please be careful, their legs are very fragile!" Fluttershy said, trying to follow the panicking mare.

Rarity's scream heightened at the mention of that.

Twilight grumbled "girls...I am trying to focus! If I miscalculate one aspect of this spell who knows what will hap-"

Rarity tripped on a loose stone and went tumbling forward hitting Twilight and collided with the magic sphere, the white mare suddenly getting dragged up into the air with a panicked yelp as she sat in the direct middle of the bubble.

Twilight's horn flashing as the spell was prematurely set off, making her gasp.

The bubble glowed brightly as Rarity and the shadow wisps spun around quickly in the bubble, the light growing brighter and brighter before the whole room was engulfed in the bright light blinding each of the surrounding mares.

"RARITY!!" all six cried out in fear for their friend.

I screamed as I flew through the static void, thrashing around trying to grip anything but felt nothing in my surroundings, slowly the static turned to many different colors turning into a rainbow tunnel, ahead I saw a bright light making my eyes widen, memories of the nightmare I have been having, the similarities to what was happening now filling me with fear.

"I don't want to die!!!" A female voice yelled out in fear.

After the last few days I had a female sounding voice, however, the one which spoke similar words to which I wanted to say had not come from my vocals.

Plunging into the white light I suddenly felt a familiar warm engulf my body, though it lacked the pain I had accustomed it with, I felt something soft and warm press up against my own, the sudden movement of such making me realize it was another person.

Or animal as I felt fur brushing against my own, reaching a hoof out into the light I touched the strange creature and a hard appendage collided with my face knocking my head to the right with a grunt, glaring I smacked it back and then felt a slap against my other cheek.

A slap fight proceeded to be engaged as I battled the being in the light "stop slapping me!!"

"You started it!" she cried.

"You hit me first!!"

"You touched my flank pervert!!"

"I can't see anything, I'm sorry!!" I yelled back and felt another slap to my face, only the hand or whatever it was didn't pull away, growling, I grabbed it and pulled it away, or tried to as I found it stuck, like it was glued!

Grunting and squirming the lady kicked with her legs "her your filthy hooves off me!"

"Hey, quit it!! Your hand or whatever is stuck to my face!!" I yanked and pulled on it yet it wouldn't budge.

"What? H-hey my legs!!" She yelped as I felt her legs squirm and pull on my stomach now stuck too.

We squirmed and puked and pushed off each other but we remained stuck, as we squirmed we both felt a pressure pushing each other rin towards one another, our squirming and struggling both increasing and weakening as we felt our limbs lose mobility.

Panicked whimpers escaped her while panicked breaths left me, suddenly I felt my head press against hers and soon an alien feeling filled me, as in her head pushing into my own and filling me!!

It was as if I was hollow or a suit and she began to wear me, her body filling into my own as each of her limbs moved into place with mine, her arms with mine, her legs, her chest, her head!

The most uncomfortable feeling engrossed me, as I felt like my own skeleton moved opposite of my skin, squirming and tensing I cringed and whimpered feeling her moving around inside of me in panic, panic which I didn't deny was warranted as this was all insane.

The warmth encompassing my body increased and I felt my skin almost bubble, not painfully but definitely not pleasantly, as it did I felt a tightness within me as her struggle ceased in each limb that the bubbling crawled up my own, it was like my body was restraining her own within me.

Her arms and legs kicked until they went stock still inside my arms and legs, her quick breathing matching mine as her chest squeezed from mine, and finally her thrashing head was tightened like a vice from my own.

And just as the bubbling left my body the light flashed away like a camera flash blinding me with splotches of light, I crashed hard into a cold stone floor, my head clacking against the ground sending a jolt through my skull, wincing I laid on the stone panting, everything hurt and I could smell the scent of smoke, I also heard a group of people gasp in shock.

"Nghh!" The female voice grunted in pain.

Shakily I lifted my head up opening one eye to look around, a gasp escaped my own lips as what stood around me were none other than the Mane Six-er five...one was missing, looking around in panic finding the old castle of the two sisters around me, stumbling to my hooves which clattered against the stone and echoed throughout the halls I got up fumbling backwards before I abruptly stopped feeling the uncomfortable tension in my limbs.

"Girls!! Oh thank Celestia it was all a horrid dream!!" The girl from before cried out as I was suddenly pulled forward feeling my hooves move on their own.

"Wh-what's happening?!?" I cried out, yanking my hooves back and backed away looking at them, my freak out freezing as I heard a familiar unfamiliar voice leave my lips, it was the girl's voice but my words.

"What?? Who said that? Why did I move??" She suddenly asked, my head turning left and right as my eyes looked around against my will.

"Stop that!!" I shouted, shaking my head violently and forcing my eyes closed, it was like watching a horribly edited camera pov shake around, it was nauseating.

She suddenly groaned "oh my stomach..."

Cringing I felt like my stomach did barrel rolls and whimpered swallowing warm saliva rushing up my throat and proceeded to choke as something stopped my swallow.

Hacking and coughing my head suddenly lifted up and eyes went wide "girls!! Somethings controlling my body!!"

"You're being controlled?! I'm the one being dragged around like a puppet!" I shouted now looking for the annoying girl but still didn't see her.

"You! You're the one! Stop hiding and show yourself!!" My lips shouted and I threw a hoof up silencing them, there was a whine of annoyance before I felt my brows raise up when I lifted my hoof from my lips.

My eyes widened against my will and my hoof suddenly twisted and turned in place as I was forced to examine it before a deep gasp filled my lungs.

"My coat!! What's happened to my coat!!" She cried out and my eyes looked across my body, or at least it was the changed body I knew, now it looked different! The large feathered wings on my back were gone, and the star cloud of hair and tail were replaced with fake purple and white hair.

Reigning in control of the examination I looked over my changed body, limbs and everything seemed the same, save for the wings, horn was still up top, sharp teeth check, but my birthmarks, or Nightmare moon's cutie marks were gone! Replaced with a grouping of star like diamonds...familiar looking diam-oh no.

"Stop making me look at my flanks!!" The voice I now recognized as Rarity shouted from my own throat.

"Oh no...no no no" I whimpered, grabbing my head "Rarity??"

"What?? I knew it! You are the one doing this!" She shouted with anger.

"Rarity we're in the same body!!" I cried out.

"What?? That's preposterous!!" She shouted and suddenly we were back in our hooves as she dragged us over to a still standing window "I am still my same self even if my cost is-" our voice choked in our throat as our teal draconic eyes landed upon our reflection in the glass.

Looking back was some fusion between Nightmare Moon and Rarity, or what Rarity would look like as nightmare moon??

In synchronicity we both marveled at our appearance in fear and awe, I looked fearfully at my once again transformed visage, but Rarity seemed to look at us in awe, I could feel her emotions like they were my own, there was fear obviously but also wonder and amazement.

Our hooves delicately poked sr our muzzle finding it familiar and new at the same time, from Rarity I felt she found we were beautiful, but all I saw was a new face for the monster I'd become, that ach in my heart returned like constricting viper, our face a look of awe twisting into discomfort.

Wrangling our head away I forced us towards the middle of the room again, having to focus my full attention on my legs as I felt Rarity try to move on her own, the result was twitching steps which sometimes shook mid step before coming down.

"What did you do with our friend Rarity Nightmare Moon?!" Twilight shouted glaring, her horn lighting up brightly.

"Twilight it's me!" Rarity suddenly spoke, lifting a hoof to her chest.

"Yeah right, like Nightmare Moon wouldn't just use her voice to trick us!" Applejack glared.

"Wait! What if she's telling the truth??" Fluttershy asked, looking at her friends trying to calm them before they did something they'd mistake.

"How would we even prove that??" Twilight asked, glancing between the dark mare and Fluttershy.

"Oh oh I know!!" Pinkie said jumping up and down waving her hoof "she can prove it by saying something Rarity would know, like, something only she would remember!" She suddenly rushed over to us standing in front of us "Like, Rarity, remember that time we were at the spa and the hot tubs bubbles stopped working? And I told you that joke about the aardvark marrying a pipe cleaner, then poof! Suddenly there were bubbles?? You were so embarrassed you made me hoofie swear to never ever ever tell?!" She smiled before gasping, covering her muzzle "I'm sorry! I totally just told!"

I felt warmth wash over my cheeks as suddenly I leered over pinkie ears pinning back "Pinkie!!! You swore never to tell!!" She whined.

Second hand embarrassment washed over me in a new fashion, following it was a flash of memories of said event, only from the perspective of Rarity, the feeling of shame and embarrassment washing over me as I experienced the event. I cringed, which took over the body "ugh pinkie why that of all memories??"

"No you did not just see that!!" Rarity exclaimed and I nodded embarrassedly.

"Wait...you're talking to yourself?" Twilight asked, raising a previously furrowed brow.

"Yes, I'm in this body with some other pony! A pervert if their touching and looks aid anything." Rarity grumbled but our expression quickly turned to a glaring.

"I am not a pervert!! I was blind and and then I wanted to see what happened to us!!" I growled.

"Oh and were my flanks different from your memory?" Rarity snarked.

"No! They were still fat!!" I remarked.

She gasped "how...DARE you!! My flanks are not fat!!"

"Oh darling" I flipped my mane "if the horseshoe fits" I smirked hoof under my chin.

She snarled and slapped us across the face, both experiencing the pain.

"Oh nice one thunder thighs" I growled rubbing the sore cheek.

"Ugh!!! Twilight! Undo this spell now!! I can't stand this, this ughh!!" Rarity shouted too annoyed for words.

"I-I don't even know how it happened! This spell wasn't supposed to do this...I don't even know where to start.." Twilight said, frowning.

"What, you mean we're stuck??" Rarity said in horror "stuck in the same body as a pervert?? Never to see my beautiful face again??? Of all the worst things that could happen, this. Is. The. Worst. Possible. Thing!!" She cried out and our horn lit up before suddenly a large chair rushed over and she threw us into it as she began to sob.

The feeling of despair pushed onto me as I felt the stinging tears leave my eyes "ugghhh noooo Rarity!" I whined as our body sobbed and cried "Twilight pleeeeasse think of something this is terrible!"

"I-i'll try and find something but we should get you...both back to the castle, try and sort all this out..." Twilight said, trying to help the two mares.

"anything!" I whined, forcing us up and wiped away tears only for new ones to replace them. I also noticed mascara running with the tears "ughhh."

"So...your sayin you were something called a human, who turned into Nightmare Moon, and then got pulled there a TV, and ended up here?" Applejack reiterated looking at me, or us.

I nodded and sniffled, flicking an ear back from annoyance at the constant tears "p-pretty much" what didn't help was I found I could quite literally hear Rarity in my head sobbing, shared psychi and all...

"I know about humans, maybe after this I can get you home" Twilight said smiling.

"I'd like that...but if you hadn't dragged me here and turned me into Nightmare Moon this never would have happened!!" I shouted at her, a mix of my own anger and Raritys exploding out.

Twilight flinched and frowned, hanging her head "I'm sorry...I had no idea the spell would...drag another being across universes...or change their form..."

"Well, maybe you should have done some more reading then Darling?!" I snorted at her glaring.

"Wait, was that Rarity or Blake?" Rainbowdash asked, flying overhead.

"Me" I huffed giving her a glance.

Dash deadpanned.

Blinking my eyes widened "oh right, me Blake, um I mean I'm Blake."

"Then why'd you talk like Rarity?" Pinkie asked.

" I did...oh Celestia I did!! Ah! I did it again !!" I yelled covering my mount with my hooves.

"Darling, why is that happening??" Rarity suddenly asked, recovered from her crying.

"I don't know, but my best guess is both your minds are fused, so mannerisms from the both of you are slipping over to the other." Twilight hypothesized.

"Well crap" Rarity said and then gasped clamping our hooves back to our mouth "I didn't mean to say that!"

"Oh I cannot have Rarity's fru fru mind! I am not meant to be ladylike!" I whined looking at Twilight desperately.

"How are ya supposed to be..?" Applejack raised a brow.

"A guy!! Male!! Normal!!" I whimpered before suddenly a loud gasp escaped my throat.

"MALE?!?! I am not fused with a stallion!!!" Rarity spun us around quickly trying to look under our tail, I steeled our head away.

"No!! Do not look down there!! That is the last thing I want to look at!! I don't need any more reminders of what I lost or what is being forced upon me!!" I snarled.

"Woah woah calm down you two, take deep breaths, Rarity Blake here's in the same spot as you... probably worse seeing as she's in a totally different body and gender" Applejack said, holding her hoods up to calm us.

"But.." Rarity began.

"No buts, y'all have to work together on this, that means understandin each other too" Applejack said firmly.

Rarity huffed "...I suppose you are right...panicking and fighting this won't fix it.."

"Exactly" Applejack smiled.

Rarity smiled and wrapped her hoof around the smaller mare " "thank you Applejack, sorry for freaking out there a moment."

"Um...no problem Rarity..." Applejack said as she was hugged by the large mare, she was used to her being the same size.

"And...I apologize to you too Blake...this must be horrible for you.." Rarity frowned.

"It's...not awesome...I miss my family...that's what's the worst..." I frowned harder looking at our hooves on the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I know if I was forced away from Sweetie Belle I'd just be torn up by it" Rarity replied remorsefully as the thought passed our mind, soon enough tears filled our eyes.

"Losing the ones we love..." I started with a whimper.

"Sucks!!" Rarity finished and wailed as we both broke down sobbing.

"Aaand they're crying again" Rainbowdash huffed.

Fluttershy walked over parting out shoulder "oh you poor things, there there"

I grabbed Fluttershy in a hug as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Oh, oh dear" Fluttershy e poked as she was held.

"You two are sure you don't want to stay at the castle?" Twilight asked, looking at the singular mare.

"Sweetie Belle needs me here, and I believe Blake would appreciate some comfort and care and seeing as we're sharing a pony body I know best how to comfort and care for it here" Rarity smiled.

"I don't wanna separate Rarity from Sweetie Belle, and honestly as much as I hate it the parts of Rarity in my head agree about the comfort and care...I know nothing about this body..." I replied.

"Very well, some of us will stay with you then just to make sure you're both alright, at least for tonight " Twilight said.

"Oh slumber party!!" Pinkie smiled.

"That sounds splendid darling" Rarity giggled.

I had to resist cringing at the sound, I don't giggle...the six or seven? Six and a half? We all entered the boutique with Rarity letting the girls in first before stepping to enter after only to slam our horn into the door frame sending a vibration of pain through our skull which traveled throughout our nerves and skeleton to our hooves.

Wincing I stumbled back retaking control "ow ow ow ngh Rarity, darling, please be aware of our stature..." I gingerly rubbed our horn feeling the pulsating pain.

'Sorry sorry, I had forgotten our increase in height, I was so focused on the girls I simply forgot how much I've changed...' Rarity replied mentally.

"It's fine...I'm dealing with the changes as well, beyond body, these new compulsions are quite new" I huffed ducking under the door frame as I walked and flicked the door closed with my magic before I froze and gasped, spinning around I looked at the door "darling...was that you or me?"

'The closing of the door? That was you...why?' Rarity asked.

I looked at the handle and focused, there was no way...surely I didn't also gain that? My thoughts were interrupted as I gasped seeing the door open, with a thought I moved it back and forth in my magic soon enough giggling in excitement.

'darling? I don't believe the hinges will last if you continue' Rarity cut in.

"Oh! Yes sorry" I closed the door with my magic holding back and excited giggle "seems our fusion has given me a better grasp on magic, I couldn't do anything with my horn besides stab walls" I smiled trotting towards the girls before suddenly my left side lurched to the stairs nearly sending me to the ground.

"Woah! Oh apologies I wish to head upstairs" Rarity said now aloud.

'rare, give me a heads up, we're gonna be together for a while and I'd prefer not to be doing so with risk of sending us into walls or floors' I mentally remarked allowing her control of our hooves.

'So then what do we need in our-your room, pardon, memories are a little frazzled' I mentally huffed as I took a backseat in control and just watched through her eyes.

"Well that humidity left our mane a mess, and that dirt and dust is sticking to our fur from sweat" Rarity cringed as a thought passed through her mind, giving me a full view of it.

'Oh right...mixed sweat...that is gross...' I replied.

"Oh! You read my thoughts??" She replied startled pausing at the top of stairs.

'I noticed a sort of...well how do I put this, shimmering here in the void, focusing on it revealed your thoughts in my head, I don't think I will always see them I'd just need to focus on them' I replied easing her concern as she returned to walking.

Rarity remembered to duck beneath the door frame this time and stepped into her bedroom, this suddenly reminding me of our surroundings, she walked to the mirror and we both gently gasped seeing ourselves in a clearer reflective surface.

"Oh my...I certainly look like myself...if I were Celestia's height and well..." Rarity turned her head left and right.

'curvature?' I offered.

She blushed slightly "yes...I'm not actually fat am I?"

"What?" I asked aloud.

"You before said my flanks were fat..." Rarity pouted.

"No no no I was just...well trying to hurt your feelings dear, you called me a pervert and I am far from it, and it hurt to be called such, so I said something back that hurt you" I replied.

Rarity pinned our ears back " I am sorry for that, I was just so... overwhelmed, I do not believe you are a pervert, I would do the same really if I ended up in another body...especially one so alluring " she floofed our mane and smiled into the mirror.

'Jeez Rarity, I'd almost say you were attracted to us' I replied jokingly.

"We are beautiful, I wouldn't mind needing us" she batted her eyelashes at the reflection. We both suddenly froze with Rarity's eyes going wide in shock "B-Blake darling, you... wouldn't happen to have been interested in mares before this?"

'um women yeah...and...uh....oh buck...' I realized exactly what Rarity was hinting at, now regretting my attraction to the ponies of the show.

"W-We may find this...partnership far more difficult than we previously thought, because I want to ravish this mare and it's me" Rarity blushed brightly.

'us' I corrected adding to the blush 'how about we um...look away from the mirror and distract ourselves?'

"Yes Let's! We could brush our mane, think of what to do tomorrow, perhaps something to relax us because I feel sooo much tension in our hooves and shoulders...oh the spa and bath time are going to be so much more difficult..." She sighed.

Flashes of those thoughts elicited memories from Rarity, and fear overtook me 'n-no I...I don't want anything to do with those areas...W-We can wash blind folded or or just sit in the water!'

"Sit in the water?? I know you're a stallion but a slob too?? A mare needs lots of work to look this fabulous" Rarity huffed fluffing her mane.

I yanked our hoof down and shook my head "no! I-I don't want any part of that!!"

"Darling, we're filthy! And we are taking a bath before we begin to smell!" She marched our body into the bathroom with some difficulty as I tried to pull our hooves back, stumbling and sluggishly moving she finally got us in.

"This will go so much easier, if you'd just allow us" she huffed annoyed.

'I don't wanna take a bath!' I yelled mentally.

"Ow darling, softer please, feels like a headache when you yell" she rubbed her hoof to her head before he ended her magic to turn the water on and add soap to it.

I groaned and tried to cover my eyes but found it increasingly difficult to separate my vision from here even in the void, I yelled upon the feeling of our hooves touching the warm water 'nghh Rarity please!'

"It's just a bath! Why are you so against this? Yes I know we're sharing a body but we can't very well see one another, so we can treat it as alone" she looked at the bath thankfully it was so large seeing as their body was much bigger than her pony one.

Sitting in the suds filled bath she let out a sigh of relief as the water soaked into their fur, rubbing her hoods up each limb and her chest she hummed softly while she got the soap deep in her fur, as she did though she noticed the shaking of her hooves, as well as the quickening pace of her breathing as her chest rose and fell faster than the rise and fall before it.

"B-Blake" she couldn't fight the stutter in her voice "what is g-going on? I feel as if I'm about to have a panic attack!" She awaited his response but only heard mutters and whimpers in her head "B-Blake?"

'I-I'm I'm not a mare! I'm not a mare...' I whimpered trying to disconnect the feelings the body was sending to me, I didn't want any of it, I didn't want to think about what I lost and now had, I was me, not this...I jolted suddenly as I felt my arms wrap around myself, but against my will.

"Darling..." Rarity frowned, speaking softly "forgive me, I did not realize how this must be for you, I at least retained my gender, your...we will take this slowly okay? We'll avoid down below for now, but we will need to face that in time if we cannot reverse this...even then you may be a mare, even unfused, but I'll help you through that as well..."

I was silent but soon took in a shaky breath and nodded our head 'okay' my voice barely above a whisper as I sat there in Rarity's hold, letting my racing heart calm, we could get through this...we could...

"Two souls one body, what an interesting circumstance, their fates intertwined, but for now, their story ends here for you" CrimsonWraith smiled, letting the crystal shard float away as she turned and walked the opposite direction "until next time…"

Comments ( 20 )
Comment posted by Theresa hall deleted Aug 24th, 2023

Interesting I actually would love to read this if it was a full story hmm I wonder what happened if blake fused with the rest of the mane six plus sunset, starlight and celestia.

I find this what ifs quite enjoyable mate!
Thanks for sharing them :3

I really like the side stories I hope you get to the one with Daybreaker soon :pinkiehappy:




Thank you! They help give me time to write the canon chapters and clear my head. Glad people enjoy them

What if suggestion. Blake ended up in Equestria as a filly/Nyx.


That could work as a parody of the nyx fics

Wow another great story idea here!! Now i hope you consider writing this as a stand-alone eventually i enjoy the ideas here too along with your "what if" chapter where Blake becomes Daybreaker!!

I would love to see how Blake adapts to sharing a body and Mind with Rarity!!

I bet you can make an anthology of stories like "Twilight Zone" or "Outer Limits" or "Tales from the Crypt" You have the perfect Host in Crimson Wraith. Just something to think about and each separate story can be under the overall Umbrella of "The Blake Smith Anthology"


It could potentially happen, the grounds certainly been laid for it

Seeing as I am the one who want lord disco to remained as god and you want the opposite.... shouldn't I be the theist and you the antitheist?

Comment posted by hmaf43 deleted Aug 26th, 2023

antithesis means ur the opposite of me, ur thinking of athiest

Hm. First chapter reminds me of the Five Score Divided by Four stories.


I actually haven't read the original five score as far as I remember, that or it has been years since

*Reads synopsis after running dry on HIE content*

Yeh okay I'll give this one a read...

(edit) I was not prepared for the immediate body-horror lol

He could write a full book series about it and I would read it all. It's a really interesting concept for me.

Comment posted by Skrepka deleted March 31st

I hope the next chapter comes out one day. :ajsleepy:

I hope the next chapter comes out one day. :ajsleepy:

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