• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,896 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...

Greet & Freak

Twilight looked towards the castle which now stopped collapsing, she couldn't help but think about what Nightmare Moon said, she asked her for help? She knew Nightmare Moon could teleport, she was probably just trying to trick her into letting her guard down so she could attack her.

Fluttershy glared at Twilight "why didn't you go back for her?? She asked for your help!"

Twilight's eyes widened at the outburst "she was probably just trying to trick me... she caused the ceiling to collapse and could easily teleport herself out Fluttershy!"

"But what if she couldn't Twilight? Maybe her magics not working or something? We have to make sure she isn't hurt Twilight" Fluttershy pleaded.

Twilight looked back to the castle and teleported in, even if Nightmare Moon was bad there could still be the chance that she actually did need her help, she flew in the air as not to cause more of the ceiling to cave in, she looked around but didn't see Nightmare anywhere, while looking around she suddenly spotted Nightmare Moon limping towards the forest, taking flight through one of the broke windows Twilight chased after her.

The other girls saw Twilight flying off towards the forest and began chasing after her.

I limped through the forest looking around but mostly kept my eyes towards the ground so I didn't end up tripping on the root of a nearby tree or a fallen branch, my leg stung a bit but didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it otherwise should have so I was able to walk on it but only just barely, none of that matters now as my mind was racing I'm in a fucking forest after being sucked into my freaking tv!!

"I need to find a way home but I also needed to avoid those ponies... they attacked me... but they're the good guys in the show... they still left me for dead... they were just scared... I asked them for help!!” not looking where I was going I end up I slamming hard into a tree causing a spike of pain to run through my skull, my head was beating with a headache as I began to get light headed while my thoughts became less coherent, “I can't think straight…”

Looking forward I found my vision beginning to blur in and out of focus "I... I think... I might have a concussion..." I stumbled forward "maybe there's a doctor... who can help large talking monster horses... yeah monster horses doctor... hehe and he's a horse of course hehe... oh that's a slope."

I proceeded to slip and fall down the slope of a steep hill rolling until I landed at the bottom, my head spinning and making me want to vomit, I then proceeded to do just that.

Laying in my own vomit I shakily try to stand back up, once on my hooves I begin to stumble away from the slope, my feet.. no hooves barely even lifting up now, I felt so weak... so tired... maybe some sleep... no!... no! Sleep bad, no safe with concussion... but if migraine is good?… wait is even aspirin here…? I think to myself very disoriented

Where here anyways? I've just been looking down, looking up I saw that I was in a familiar town... with scared ponies running... oh I'm in ponyville hehe.

"Hi little ponies..." I say barely coherent as I stumble around after them, one crawled under a wagon, looking under I smiled "silly pony... you pull these not go under hehe" I then lost my balance and fell forwards onto my face with my butt in the air as my horn scraped up against the cart leaving a nice gash.

The mare immediately ran off seeing a chance to run for her life.

Standing back up I continued through the town stumbling and dragging my hooves "Hello!" I called waving at the other ponies as I followed them, two ran into a building and slammed the door just as I was about to come in, my face pressing up against the window as I kept trying to walk in before backing up "hey… that not very nice" I knocked on the door "knock knock…. Can I come into the out now?"

My ear twitched waiting for a response but none came, frowning I tried looking through the window but the curtains had been closed "hmm…"

Getting bored of trying to get into the house I started following other ponies around trying to greet them with little success I noticed my vision would focus for a second before blurring, looking around I saw some shops or houses, I think a gingerbread candy house… oh wow that looks tasty, stumbling towards one of the corners of the house I began to gnaw on it, my face contorted in disgust as it tasted like paint & plaster, rubbing my tongue in disgust with my hooves I proceeded to immediately start spitting trying to get the flavor of dirt out of my mouth.

After a few minutes I looked to my right and saw a tall sickly pony with wings and a horn, she don't look ok, kinda sick... oh wait... that's me… oh I don't look good...

My world spun and I stumbled as everything went black for a second until coming back I heaved, my stomach not finding anymore to push up and out.

"Nightmare Moon stop attacking... the... um" twilight and the girls had ran into town finding the ponies running around scared, she expected a fight with Nightmare Moon but instead... found her in very bad shape.

Fluttershy gasped and tried running over to her but Rainbow Dash stopped her.

"Woah woah,how do we know this isn't a trick??" Rainbow dash asked.

I meanwhile stumbled over, I heard muffled voices and saw colourful shapes, I couldn't really tell what these people were saying... one voice though sounded soft and welcoming…

The girls stiffened as Nightmare Moon stumbled over, the angry or malicious expression she usually had now was pitiful looking, she looked pained and confused, her eyes unfocused, body swaying back and forth as if at any moment even a small breeze of wind could knock her over.

Fluttershy began flapping her wind taking a hover at Nightmares eye level and began waving her hoof in front of Nightmare Moon's face "um... hello?"

"head cloudy... where… why am I... can't think... where's mom?" I fell forward collapsing unconscious.

Fluttershy eeped as the large mare came crashing down on top of her "girls we need to get her help!"

"Fluttershy…" Rainbow Dash was about to disagree till she got glared at, she begrudgingly helped pick Nightmare Moon up walking her towards Ponyvill hospital.

Fluttershy kept pacing outside the door to the hospital room, glaring through the window in the door at the unconscious form of Nightmare Moon in bed, the doctor then exited the room and Fluttershy hurried towards him "is she going to be ok??"

He leaned back from Fluttershy suddenly rushing up "well... I haven't treat any Alicorn's before but she seems to be fine now... she had a severe concussion as well as a sprained ankle... her alicorn magic should help her heal and bring her back to full health in a day... if that's a good thing... I'm not really sure how I should handle this situation to be honest, you and your friends brought in the Alicorn named Nightmare Moon who is also not Luna from what you say... is it such a good idea to even bring her here? She's dangerous... well will be, if it weren't for my medical code of ethics I'd not treat her…"

"I'm certain she's not dangerous… I think…" Fluttershy wasn't fully sure, she seems to not want to hurt them back at the castle when she easily could have, though her anger unleashed a magical blast that brought the ceiling nearly down on them… She still felt she needed to help her.

Suddenly there was a flash of light and the sound a teleportation spell behind Fluttershy, there now standing in the middle of the hall stood Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, focused with intense expressions on their faces. With an eep Fluttershy takes to bowing before her princesses in respect.

"Princesses, I'm glad you got our message, she's still unconscious so we have time to deal with her" Twilight said standing from the chair she had been sitting on, the three of them making their way towards the room.

"Wait what are you going to do??" Fluttershy had a bad feeling.

"We're going to deal with this" Luna spoke coldly.

"We won't let another of our pony suffer by Nightmare Moon's hooves again" Celestia had an equally cold tone.

"B-but" Fluttershy was cut off as the two walked past her into the room.

Once they entered the room they lit their horns and walked towards the bed, Luna's glare intensifying as she saw Nightmare Moon's face.

Yawning I slowly woke up, I don't really remember sleeping… just a crazy dream, opening my eyes I winced as the bright sun hurt my eyes, squinting I noticed... the blinds were shut but then where was the... light... coming… oh god.

Standing in front of me where none other than Luna and Celestia with large glowing balls of death, Luna's horn engulfed in blue magic while Celestia's was shining brightly with a golden magic, as if the light of the sun had surrounded her horn.

Scurrying backwards till my back hit the wall "Gwaaaa???" A confused noise escaped out of my mouth, not sure what it was supposed to be if it had been words.

Luna raised her brow "that… was unexpected…"

"Indeed…" Celestia had a confused expression before she shook her head regaining her fierce look "Nightmare Moon explain how and why you returned!"

"I DON'T KNOW!! Please don't kill me!!!" I screamed hugging a pillow while shaking.

Celestia was finding it hard to keep up her fierce look as she had been expecting Nightmare Moon to either gloat, threaten, attack them or a combination of the three, but clutching a pillow and shaking scared like a leaf was not on her list of expectations from the black mare.

"Is this a trick?" Luna looked to her sister.

"If it is… Nightmare Moon's been taking classes... she seems genuinely frightened of us, something unexpected of her…" Celestia was trying to understand what was happening.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god! Pony princesses are gonna kill me! I don't want to die! Not in this body!! I want to go home!! My body kept shaking.

Celestia looked from Nightmare Moon to the door "keep your eyes on her" she walked out of the room cautiously, she then brought the girls back in "we want an explanation."

Rainbow Dash suppressed her laughter at seeing Nightmare Moon holding a pillow scared, she still held a grudge for what Nightmare Moon did.

Twilight cleared her throat "we were attempting to uncover the mystery of what happened to Luna all those years ago, it's still unknown what turned Luna into Nightmare Moon, I used a spell to try and bring out any of the remaining energy... but... suddenly a strange portal appeared and... she well, came out of it…" Twilight gulped at what her mentors reaction might be.

"Twilight that was very reckless and dangerous... you should have informed us about this experiment, we would have helped" Celestia huffed.

"I know but I didn't want to bring up any bad memories for the both of you…" Twilight hung her head in shame.

Luna huffed "unfortunately this didn't prevent that…"

"I'm very sorry…" Twilight frowned with a tear about to leave here eye.

Celestia sighed and leaned in to nuzzling her "it's ok Twilight... but we need to deal with the repercussions of the current situation"

"Yes, how did she return without a host… not only that but her personality is completely different" Luna looked to her sister and the elements.

"W-wait… I-I'm not Nightmare Moon! I turned into this a few days ago!" I quickly spoke.

"Then why are you not under her control?" Luna asked not looking to buy into what she said.

"I don't know! All I know is a few days ago I was human then I turned into this... then today I was sucked into my tv and brought here!!" My body still shook in fear.

Celestia and Luna looked from Nightmare Moon then to each other, a look of disbelief on each others faces "what a convenient story…" Celestia looked back to Nightmare Moon.

"Yes and humans, I'm imagining the same from the mirror portal?" Luna looked back to Nightmare Moon as well.

"M-mirror portal?... wait! There's a way back home?? Please take me there!" My shaking had stopped and my fear had vanished, hope had replaced both and I was close to smiling.

The sisters had the same expression once more, that being unamused "yes I imagine you'd just love to go to the other Equestria and use your magic to its fullest potential while bringing eternal night to that world, maybe send that Celestia to the moon" Luna jeered.

"Hm sounds like a good idea, a world lacking most magic, would be easy for her" Celestia huffed.

My hope immediately drained from my body "n-no wait… I'm really not her... I don't know why I became her… I... I just want to go home…"

Luna and Celestia had their minds set, if this wasn't Nightmare Moon she still posed a threat in the body of her, their best course of action would be to turn her to stone like they had Discord.

"Which I will say was dreadfully boring" Discord jested suddenly next to the princesses

I jumped backwards in the bed slamming my back against the wall "what the fuck is that?!?" Standing now next to the princesses was a snake goat thing! I didn't even know what to call it! Like some kinda chimera or something!!

"Hm well she's as rude as Nightmare Moon" discord huffed crossing his arms "that is Discord"

I stared at him still freaked out.

"...Lord of chaos and disharmony?" He continued.

I kept staring.

"I make it rain chocolate... I'm the second villain the main six ever fought!!" Discord yelled now annoyed "come on I'm literally a fan favourite! How can you not know who I am"

"I'm sorry!... i-i don't know anything about you!!" I resumed clutching the pillow tightly.

Discord squinted looking annoyed "well this was more fun in my head... I had it all planned out, boys you can go home now" he waved off a group of discords who had different instruments "a whole song ruined!"

"Discord is there a reason for why your here?" Celestia inquired.

"Well besides a splendid little introduction of myself... that was ruined" he glared at Nightmare Moon "I had sensed chaos magic and had to see what it was, it is my specialty after all and anyone but me using it requires investigation."

"Your saying she caused chaos magic?" Luna looked surprised.

"Oh definitely not" he snapped his talons and appeared above Nightmare Moon, he then grabbed the tip of her horn wiggling it around.

"Ow ow" imagine a needle sticking out of your finger, now picture someone wiggling it around, put that on your forehead and make it much bigger, that's what this feels like.

"She has no chance of being chaos magic" discord looked at Nightmare Moon smirking.

I don't like that smirk…it's unnerving….

"So then her appearance here was caused by chaos magic?" questioned Celestia.

"Kind of" Discord floated back over to the princesses laying on a cloud he conjured up.

Luna stomped her hoof in annoyance "tell us already!"

"Oh your no fun" he stuck his tongue out at her "let's say this, her body is chaotic in nature, and her arrival here is as well."

"That's still not very helpful" Celestia looked up at discord.

"Well if I gave away all the exploits the world would be perfectly balanced, which is not my cup of tea" he emphasized this by holding up a cup filled with Yorkshire brand Tea with Rainbow Dash's name printed on the cup itself.

"Hey! That's not mine!" Rainbow Dash yelled flying up to discord.

"Oh? Then who's is it?" Discord smirked as he sipped from the cup.

"This is getting us nowhere!!" Luna roared with anger, normally she could tolerate discord and his antics but Nightmare Moon here put her in a bad mood "we are turning her to stone!"

"What?!" I yelled in terror.

Fluttershy flew in the way "hold on princess Luna, we don't know if she's actually bad or not!"

Luna's brows furrowed "I know very well how bad she is… I spent a thousand years within her... her tainted mind like a record on repeat while in the moon... if any pony knows how bad Nightmare Moon is it is I!!" She roared extending her wings, a Pegasus intimidation characteristic.

Fluttershy backed up, her legs were shaking, and her tail moved between her legs but she took a deep breath and stood back to her full height, trying to ignore the shaking in her legs she spoke "I am very sorry Princess... but what if she has changed?"

Luna looked appalled by the very idea.

"I know Nightmare Moon wasn't a good pony… but neither was discord once… we helped to change that, now he's learned from his mistakes and tries to help us" Fluttershy explained.

"This is different! Discord isn't resentment, jealousy and anger embodied! Nightmare Moon is all my fears taken form" Luna growling looking to Nightmare Moon... who was shaking…Terrified...of her, Luna's expression shifted, Nightmare Moon was afraid? She didn't even fear being imprisoned on the moon, she was just angry, never in her entire time with Nightmare moon did she ever feel fear from her, why now? Why did she now look scared? But... but she deserved to right?? After all the things she's done to ponies, all the things she intended to do! She should be scared to be punishment...so then why did this feel so wrong?

Celestia looked from Fluttershy to her sister, then to the supposed Nightmare Moon, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath before opening her eyes "perhaps then an agreement is in order."

Everyone's attention turned to Celestia.

"If Nightmare Moon has truly changed then she should prove it much like discord has, if Nightmare Moon can prove she is capable of friendship then Luna and I have no other choice but to allow her to remain" Celestia declared looking to Nightmare Moon who in return flinched, a reaction that pained Celestia's heart, though separate from her sister, she could not view Nightmare Moon as a separate being, she'd hurt her sister before and could not stand to do so again.

Turning to the Main Six she added "you six being the bearers of the Elements of Harmony are the most equipped to teach Nightmare Moon."

The girls looked at each other wide eye'd.

"Wh-what?? But sister she is a dangerous threat!" Luna ran up to her sister.

"I am aware... and if she is unable to prove her change...then we have no choice but to turn her to stone" Celestia sighed.

Twilight walked up to the princesses "Princess Celestia are you sure...we can handle this?"

Celestia smiled "yes, I believe you and your friends are the best choice for this, and if you cannot help her I doubt anypony can."

Twilight immediately became more nervous but smiled "yup... only us heheh" her eye twitched.

"Then we shall take our leave…" Celestia stated lighting her horn.

"But if she shows any signs of being a threat notify us immediately, we will not allow a single pony to be harmed by her" Luna glared at Nightmare Moon.

The girls nodded all nervous, and with that the two sisters vanished in a flash of golden light, the girls looked from each other to Nightmare Moon.

What the fuck just happened?... am... am I gonna be stoned?... I think I blacked out there… why are they all staring at me?... are they gonna turn me into stone?!

Fluttershy walked to the side of the bed "um hello…" she smiled softly.

I jumped now realizing one of them had gotten so close "u-uh hi…"

Fluttershy had jumped from her jumping, she kept her smile "my names-"

"Fluttershy…" I finished for her, I remembered each of their names, each of them had pretty fitting names.

"Oh you know my name?" Fluttershy tilted he head, she didn't remember if Nightmare Moon had been present for any of the times when they said their names.

"Oh wait that was rude sorry…" I felt my ears fold, that was a weird feeling, so was my tail moving between my legs on its own, jeez I've seen dogs do it when they're scared, I guess I do it too now…

"It's like looking at twins…" Rainbow Dash whispered to the girls.

"Ah know... they're both just as shy and awkward in a conversation" Applejack scratched her head, she's never seen Nightmare Moon act like this, though to be fair she hasn't seen Nightmare Moon act any other way besides angry and evil.

"Twilight darling... are you certain we can... hm persuade Nightmare Moon into the ways of friendship??" Rarity asked.

"Persuade?" Twilight raised he brow.

"Yes well I doubt she's going to just agree, I feel we'll no doubt need to bargain for it" Rarity sighed flipping her hair back.

"Well I'm not giving her anything of mine" Rainbow Dash crossed her arms.

"You won't have to Dash... discord was difficult to get along with" Twilight started.

"And still is" Rainbow Dash added.

"But he's a good friend now, I know we don't have good history with her but... she doesn't look like she's holding a grudge" Twilight spoke while watching Fluttershy and Nightmare Moon.

"So how are you feeling?" Fluttershy asked careful moving closer, she tried to be as subtle as possible.

"My head kinda hurts... and I'm still freaked out about all of this… So… I don't really know how I am" I'm a fricken horse... I'm not ok at all but I don't need more people worrying about me, mom and dad are already worried en-... my eyes widened, mom and dad... they must be freaking out, oh god they don't even know I'm ok… am I even ok?? I'm stuck in some other world were I'm a basically a criminal…

Fluttershy frowned as she watched Nightmare Moon who was deep in thought, her frown deepened when she saw tears begin to trail down Nightmare Moon's muzzle.

I probably won't be able to see them again... why... why did they have to have a son like me? I'm only causing them pain, I'm useless to them nothing but trouble... while I wallowed in despair I barely noticed as Fluttershy began wiping my tears away with a tissue.

"It's ok… you'll be ok" Fluttershy smiled softly.

I sniffled "thank you…"

The other five girls all looked at the interaction in surprise, it's not every day that you see an alicorn villain cry.

Author's Note:

Chapter edited by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/184504/Princess__Luna