• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Prologue: Canterlot Vs Dimmsdale (Part 1)-Edited By Firestorm808.

In his living room, a brown-haired ten-year-old wore a white VR helmet, while two fairies watched their godchild with concern.

"C'mon." Timmy Turner grit his teeth in determination

Wanda frowned in worry. "Sport, haven't you had enough?"

"Yeah," Cosmo added. "You've been playing for-." He glanced at his wristwatch, drawn with a green crayon. "Uh, a long time."

"I'm gonna get it this time!" Timmy obsessively glared at his opponent. "I can beat-,"

"GAME OVER! LOSER!" The screen blinked mockingly.

"Darn it," Timmy yelled. He threw his VR helmet away in frustration and slumped on the couch in annoyance. "I almost had it."

"Timmy, maybe it's time for you to take a break?" Wanda patted him on the shoulder. "This game isn't exactly going to help you in life. You shouldn't waste your time on-,"

"I wish I had another soda." Timmy stared at the screen with horribly bloodshot eyes, ignoring her words.

Upset, Cosmo crossed his arms. "Timmy..."

"Soda," Timmy repeated without even looking in their direction. "Chop, chop!"

The two fairies looked at each other, wordlessly agreeing on an idea with a smirk. Wanda grinned mischievously. "Okay, one soda coming right up." The couple raised their wands, and with a poof, a bottle of cola appeared above Timmy's head. It immediately turned on its side and poured on him.

Timmy wailed as the cold liquid washed him. "Wanda!" He turned to the pink-haired fairy in anger only to falter in the face of her glare. "Okay, sorry." Timmy sighed reluctantly. "Maybe, I'm too on edge from playing for so long."

Wanda's expression softened. "Don't worry, Timmy." Wanda poofed away the dripping soft drink.

Cosmo smiled reassuringly. "Besides, with Vicky on vacation, you have all the time you need to finish that game,"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

His mother called from the other room. "Timmy, can you get that?"

"Sure!" The buck-toothed boy walked to the front door and answered it.

A teenage girl stood outside his house. Red and yellow hair draped down her fair skin while wearing a biker's jacket, a blue-green dress, and jeans. The teen smiled at him with her blue eyes. "Are you-" The girl glanced at a card she was holding- "Timmy Turner?"

He raised a brow in confusion. "Yeah?"

The girl bent down to his level and extended her hand. "I'm Sunset Shimmer." The girl smiled warmly. "I'm your temporary babysitter."

The brown-haired boy stared blankly at Sunset for a moment.

"I hope we can become best-." The door quickly slammed in her face.

4 Days Ago

On the bus to Dimmsdale Elementary, Timmy sighed in exhaustion.

"What's wrong, Timmy?" asked Wanda. She and Cosmo had changed into candy bars in his left pocket.

"I already know that I flunked Crocker's test again." Timmy sulked in his seat

"Relax, Timmy. It's not the end of the world," assured Cosmo.

"Really?" Timmy's mood lifted.

Cosmo smiled. "Yeah. Even if you completely fail, the world will still be here."

Any positivity took a nosedive to melancholy.

Wanda growled and took a bite into Cosmo's chocolate center.

"Ow, ow!" Cosmo cried in pain as his wife tore at his sugary body.

Soon, the bus pulled up to the school, and Timmy stepped foot onto the sidewalk.

"Ignore Cosmo," consoled Wanda. "There are worse things to be afraid of."

Timmy rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Yeah, like what?" Too absorbed in his thoughts, the boy bumped into someone. Regaining his focus on his surroundings, Timmy paled as his blood went cold.

Francis grinned maliciously at his target. "Turner!"

"Hey, Francis," Timmy greeted nervously. "What's going-"

"I have you booked for 9:00 AM," the bully answered as he pulled out his phone's digital planner.

Timmy looked everywhere for some sort of escape. "Maybe you made a mistake?"

"Really?" Francis frowned, unimpressed. "How dumb do you think I am?"

Thinking quick, Timmy pointing his finger in a random direction. "Oh, look! A ferret!"

"Ferret? Where?" The grey-skinned bully cocked his head away.

Using this distraction, Timmy managed to slip away. He tried to run only to collapse to the ground in exhaustion, panting like he had run a marathon.

"Wow!" Cosmo exclaimed in astonishment. "You're really out of shape." A shadow cast itself over the boy. Francis lifted Timmy by his shirt in malice.

To his frustration, Timmy couldn't wish Francis away without drawing attention to himself.

Francis grinned once more. "C'mon Turner. We're going to play a game." The bully carried him through the school while the others watched either in fear or laughter.

"What game?" Timmy asked nervously.

"Fishing," answered the grey-skinned bully.

"Fishing?" Cosmo whispered in excitement. "What are we going to catch? Tuna? Catfish? Shamu?"

Wanda sighed, used to Cosmo's train of thought.

"What do you mean?" Timmy quickly made the connection seeing the bathroom up ahead. "No! Francis!" He squirmed to escape the bully's grip to no avail. "Please!" His desperation grew as a stall opened.

"I'll be the rod, and you'll be the bait," Francis smirked as he raised the child into the air.

"NO!" yelled Timmy before being engulfed in the water. After about ten seconds, he finally got a chance to breathe.

"Looks like I didn't catch anything." The older kid laughed. "Better keep trying." Without hesitation, Francis repeatedly dunked his head into the toilet.


"Napoleon had assembled the largest army Europe had ever known when he tried to conquer Russia." Crocker gestured theatrically to his students while holding a history book. "Unfortunately, his raw power didn't matter when he couldn't account for Russian tactics and the environment. However, all of this would be irrelevant," Crocker threw away his book, "if Napoleon had... FAIRY GODPARENTS!"

Following that outburst, a soaking wet Timmy Turner burst through the classroom door.

Crocker checked the clock with a displeased expression. "Turner, you're late."

"Sorry," Timmy said with frustration, "I had bathroom trouble." Some of his classmates chuckled at the assumptions made.

"For a moment, I was afraid you wouldn't show up. I'm happy to give you your test grade," Mr. Crocker said with a smile.

Timmy seemed to brighten. "Really?"

"Yes!" Crocker cheered. "Your test is the 1000th 'F' I've given this year!" The pale-skinned teacher pulled down a banner, celebrating this supposed achievement.

Timmy slumped in disappointment. "Oh..."

"Now, such an honor deserves a special prize."

Timmy raised a brow in doubt. In hindsight, nothing good came from Crocker.

Crocker placed a hat on his head. It didn't take long for the boy to realize it was a dunce cap.

"You get to be the class dunce again!" Crocker maniacally laughed while Timmy walked miserably to his desk.

He tried to ignore the mockery from his classmates, thinking about other plans.


Trixie Tang and Veronica sat at the popular kid's table, talking about a variety of upper-class topics. Trixie groaned miserably. "I can't believe my yacht captain broke his leg."

Veronica gasped hastily. "Really? That's terrible."

Trixie sighed. "I know. We can't go to the French Riviera until we get a replacement. Why does everything bad happen to me?"

"Don't worry, girlfriend," Veronica said with full empathy, putting her hands on Trixie's hands, "you can get through this! You're strong."

A high-pitched voice interrupted them. "Hey, Trixie." A familiar brown-haired boy approached the raven-haired popular girl. "How's it going?"

She sighed tiredly and with some annoyance. "I thought I heard something."

"Probably nothing important," Veronica said with her mean smile.

Timmy pulled out two tickets from his pocket. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Crimson Chin musical with me."

The idea piqued Trixie's interest. She planned on attending the event in disguise, but they sold out of tickets. Seeing the boy offering her interests again brought a smile to her face. "Timmy, that sounds-" Unfortunately, a glare from Veronica toward him changed that. "I-I mean - SECURITY!"

The large bouncer yanked Timmy by his shirt and brought him outside, tossing him in the dumpster.

Timmy wretched from the spoiled food from the past week. Thankfully, his friends followed him as he attempted to pull himself out.

"Don't worry, dude." Chester grabbed Timmy by one arm.

"We got ya'," AJ grabbed Timmy by the other.

Exiting the cafeteria, Chad and Tad approached Timmy and his friends with mean smiles. Chad smirked. "I see you're in a dumpster, Turner."

"I guess it makes sense that he lives there," finished Tad.

The duo let out a nasty laugh that was echoed by everyone in the schoolyard.

Not long after, the girls left the lunchroom for recess. Veronica chuckled at the aftermath, while Trixie's reaction was more forced, as she watched the boy with a mix of guilt and pity.

Ostracized once more, Timmy walked away utterly humiliated with Chester and AJ following behind him.


Timmy sat miserably on the bus ride home. "What a day," he lamented.

As a pink pencil, Wanda tried to console him. "I'm sorry about today, Timmy."

"At least school is over," asserted Cosmo with a reassuring smile. "Now, you can go home and relax."

Timmy's eyes widened with joy. "You're right. I can spend the rest of the day wishing and playing video games, with nothing to get in my way." He marched to his front door with renewed confidence. As soon as he opened it, a familiar face sneered down at him.

His evil babysitter Vicky smiled sickeningly. "Hey, twerp,"

Timmy froze like a deer in the headlights. "Vicky?! What are you-."

Vicky picked up the boy by the collar of his shirt. "Lucky me. Your parents are having one of their business meetings, which means we get to have fun together."

Timmy went slack in her grip, knowing the inevitable. "Okay, what-,"

"I need to finish my volunteer hours. So, I signed up to help the Dimmsdale High School girl's basketball tournament, and you're going to help me."

Timmy stared at her with a defeated expression. "By help, you mean that I'm going to do all the work while you get all the credit."

"Isn't our capitalist system wonderful," Vicky gushed. She let him go and pointed to the stairs. "Get ready! We leave in ten minutes for the away game."

Timmy sighed in annoyance as he walked up the stairs. "Where are we going?"


In Canterlot High's gymnasium, the student body worked hard to prepare for tonight's game against Dimmsdale High.

Sunset Shimmer sat near the entrance, writing in her journal to Princess Twilight.

"Dear Twilight, things have been pretty quiet since the Battle of the Bands. Right now, Canterlot High is going to have a basketball game. Our magic only shows up when we play music. Aside from that, I haven't got much else to tell you. Wish us luck tonight. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer."

Finished, she got up and walked across the gym, happily waving at her fellow students, who also returned the gesture. Sunset smiled at the turn of events. The people that she mistreated gave her a chance to be a friend. Once upon a time, she desired the power to rule and control others, but it only amplified the void inside.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom worked together on a banner for Dimmsdale High.

Apple Bloom put a hand to her chin. "It should say Welcome Dimmsdale High. It's short, sweet, and to the point."

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "Nah, it should say Bienvenue A Canterlot."

Scootaloo blinked in confusion. "What is that supposed to mean? Did we suddenly become some fancy restaurant? No. It should say 'Get Ready to Lose, Dimmsdale!' " Their banter was interrupted by one of their mutual friends.

"Hey, guys!" Sunset approached the trio with a warm smile.

The three girls returned the gesture. "Hey, Sunset," Apple Bloom greeted.

"Do you need any help?" Sunset offered.

"No thanks," Apple Bloom replied politely.

Scootaloo waved her off. "Our sisters already offered to help."

"It was nice of you to offer anyways," Sweetie Belle finished.

The older sisters made their way over. Rainbow Dash walked up to Scootaloo and gave her a playful noogie. "Don't worry, Sunset."

Applejack followed up, hugging her little sister. "We'll take care of this,"

Rarity head patted Sweetie Belle. "Besides, too many cooks spoil the dish, Darling."

"I think the banner should be something awesome!" Rainbow argued, "to show them how we're gonna beat their butts."

"Ah think it should just be something simple," Applejack said with a stern expression, "since we don't even know who's gonna win."

"I believe it should be fabulous, darlings," Rarity argued.

The flame-haired girl's expression faltered. "I see. I'll let you guys get to it then." Sunset walked away from her friends and their sisters. She soon came across Fluttershy hanging up streamers. "Hey, do you need someone to keep the ladder steady?"

Before Fluttershy could reply, a pre-teen with a blond bun came up. "Never fear, sis." Zephyr Breeze spoke dramatically with a smug grin. "Your awesome brother is here to help." He quickly steadied the ladder with flair.

Fluttershy gave an embarrassed smile. "Don't worry, Sunset. Zephyr's helping me, even when he shouldn't have." The smile grew more strained. "Even when he really shouldn't have."

"Ah, okay." Sunset accepted her answer and walked away.

"Don't worry, Flutters. Your little brother will help you out no matter-," Zephyr paused as his colorful crush walked past him.

"Rainbow! How's it going?" He ran after the athlete, much to Fluttershy's dismay.

"Zephyr?! Get back here! I can't-" Fluttershy grabbed the streamers to regain her balance only for the ladder to tip over, leaving her dangling from the wall. "Zephyr Breeze!" Unfortunately, her exclamations didn't reach the others as fast as they should have.

Sunset walked over to Pinkie Pie, setting up the refreshment stand.

"Hey, Pinkie."

"Hey, Sunny."

"Need some help with the refreshments."

"I'm fine. My family is already helping me." She gestured to her three sisters bringing in the food. "Don't you guys love helping out?"

"Yes," answered Maud in a dull tone.

"Remember, Pinkie. No eating until the games start or else!" chastised Limestone.

"Mhmm," Marble shyly nodded.

Pinkie Pie gushed before going off to help Maud. "Isn't having a family awesome, Sunset?"

"Yeah..." Sunset watched all her friends' family members together. "It is," she continued in an even quieter voice. Feeling out of place, she left the gym with a forlorn and tired expression.

Author's Note:

There are going to be slight AU elements:

The Human CMC are elementary school age, while Zephyr is in middle school.

Rainbow and Scootaloo are half-sisters.

People in Canterlot still have their odd hair and eye colors, but have real life skin colors.

Dimmsdale and Canterlot are both located in Northern California.

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