• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Breaking the Ice-Edited By Dragon Turtle

Sunset Shimmer was too stunned to respond. She was there less than a minute, and the kid already slammed the door in her face without saying one word to her.

"I've heard of being shy, but this is ridiculous," Sunset said to herself. After a moment, Sunset walked into the house herself, intruding on a family argument.

"-don't need a babysitter!" the kid argued loudly.

"Now Timmy," a tall, black-haired man who could only be Mr. Turner said in a stern tone while wearing a sharp dress suit, "you can't stay here by yourself."

"I know you miss Vicky," the mother said in her own stern tone while wearing a fancy purple gown, "but until she gets back, Sunset is going to watch you, and you will behave." Sunset cocked her head in confusion.

"Why would he miss that girl?" Sunset thought. That girl was clearly a bully who wanted to humiliate him for kicks. Maybe Vicky had a softer side that the buck-toothed boy only saw? However, that didn't excuse her behavior, and she hoped never to see it again when she did come back.

"...Fine," Timmy said with resignation.

"Excuse me?" Sunset said, alerting the residents she was in the house. Mr. and Mrs. Turner looked at her with polite smiles and decided to approach her, while Timmy stayed behind, looking at her nervously.

"You must be Sunset," Mrs. Turner said, "I'm sorry for how rude Timmy was."

"He's just a little shy," Mr. Turner said, "since sweet, lovable Vicky isn't here."

"I can only imagine," Sunset said, trying to hide the disdain in her voice.

"Anyways," Mrs. Turner said, "we're going to the opera. We'll be back around 10:00 PM. Make sure Timmy is in bed by 9:00."

"Sure," Sunset said.

"Anyways," Mr. Turner said, "in case of an emergency, here is a list of numbers you can call!" the man said.

"That sounds-," she paused as the black-haired man handed her a list "-long," Sunset said with awe as the list went down to her ankles.

"Let me show you to the first aid kit," Mr. Turner said.


"Second aid kit," he said, pointing to a bigger box, "third aid kit," he continued, pointing to an even bigger medical tool.

"And I say Twilight overprepares," Sunset muttered.

"And in case of a home invasion," Mr. Turner said, "my patented Home Defense System, or as I call it, the HDP."

"Don't you mean HD-," Mr. Turner paused as he pulled out a metal case that piqued Sunset's interest. Maybe it would be one of those sacred weapons Celestia had lying around.

"Hold onto it with your life," he said dramatically as Turner opened the case. "For having it will be the difference between life and death." She wondered what Mr. Turner was going to give her. He pulled out-

It was a regular baseball bat with spikes glued on.

"Uh, thanks," Sunset said uneasily.

"It works well against burglars, the mailman, the Girl Scouts, and Dinkleberg!" Mr. Turner said.

"Who's Dinkleberg?" Sunset asked. Mr. Turner looked at her as if she had asked if the sky was blue.

"Who is Dinkleberg?" Mr. Turner repeated with growing anger. "Who is Dinkleberg?!"


"Dinkleberg is a monster, an animal, a beast who hides in human form," Mr. Turner said dramatically. Mrs. Turner rolled her eyes. "If you let your guard down, he'll destroy everything and everyone you care about!"

"Hey Turner," a man at the window said. He was a cheerful-looking man in a yellow polo shirt, a fishing hat, and brown shorts. He had a big nose and greyish-dark hair that seemed to be balding. "I, your neighbor Sheldon Dinkleberg, wanted to stop by and say hi." He turned to Sunset. "Oh hello, Ms.-,"

"Shimmer," Sunset said politely, ignoring Mr. Turner's shut-up gesture. "Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh, you play the bat game too?" Dinkleberg asked happily.

"Bat game?"

"Once a week, Turner chases me around the neighborhood with that thing like he wants to kill me," Mr. Dinkleberg said, "to motivate me to keep in shape."

"Really," Sunset said in disbelief, noticing that Mr. Turner's glare seemed to grow fiercer. "Maybe they're frenemies." Sunset thought.

"Anyways, I got errands to run," the man with the Pinkie-like smile said before walking away.

"He seemed nice," Sunset said.

"Of course he does," Mr. Turner said with disdain, "until he's drinking the blood from your-,"

"Anyways," Mrs. Turner said, interrupting her husband's tirade, "we'll see you at ten. Have fun." The couple walked out of the house. Sunset noticed they never bothered to say something to their son before they left. She turned and saw that Timmy was gone.

"Where'd he go now?" Sunset said to herself. She heard the sound of running water, so she followed the noise there. It led her to an area with green walls, a TV, and a Fuschia-colored couch—the standard living room. The noise trailed in from the kitchen. She found her charge in the light-blue room, washing the dishes while wearing a hairnet.

Sunset thought about how she could break the ice. "You're doing the chores without anyone asking you," Sunset Shimmer said in an enthusiastic tone, "that's really sweet of you."

"I uh, guess," Timmy said uneasily without looking at her. Well, it was better than him saying nothing. Sunset saw that he was trying to wash and dry the dishes at once. She noticed the job wasn't being done well.

"Uh, some of those dry dishes look pretty wet," she advised gently, "if you-," Timmy immediately began drying one of the badly dried dishes like his life depended on it.

"I'm sorry!" Timmy shrieked in a panicked tone, looking back at Sunset fearfully. "I didn't mean to be lazy!" He then turned back, scrubbing the dishes with trembling hands. Sunset was a bit taken aback by his response. She tried to offer some friendly advice, and he acted like she was going to attack him. He saw her the way everyone...used to.

"How about this," Sunset offered the fearful kid, "I'll wash the dishes while you dry them." Timmy paused his scared dish-drying and looked at Sunset with disbelief.

"You want to help me?" Timmy asked as if the concept of getting help was incomprehensible.

"Yes," Sunset said with a welcoming smile, "if we work together, we can get the chores done early. And the sooner we get the chores done, the sooner we can eat that pizza I brought." Sunset smirked as the buck-toothed boy's interest peaked. Sunset had chosen her bait very well. Now she just needed to reel the fish in,

"No anchovies?" Timmy asked suspiciously.

"I'm a vegetarian," Sunset said with a smile, "I don't touch them."

"Oh boy," Timmy said happily. Sunset felt relieved. He finally got the kid to smile for the first time since she met him.

"What kind of pizza is it?" Timmy said, his mouth foaming with hunger. "Pepperoni and olives?"

"Even better," Sunset crooned, opening the box, "cucumber and spinach." Timmy's hunger was replaced with disgust.

"Vegetables on pizza!!!" Timmy said with horror, "BLECH! Are you trying to kill me?!"

"You don't like vegetables," Sunset asked in an amused tone, "when I was a little fil- I mean, girl, I loved vegetables."

"Vegetables are disgusting!" Timmy yelled, "I want pepperoni!" Sunset felt a little hurt by Timmy's rejection.

"Well, fine," Sunset said with some disappointment, "more pizza for me. But no coming into the kitchen for snacks." Timmy stormed out of the room in a bratty rage and walked upstairs.

Timmy ran into his room and slammed the door. Cosmo and Wanda poofed in front of him. "Cosmo, Wanda," Timmy began, "I wish I had a hot fudge-," Timmy stopped his glare when he saw his godparents looking at him with disappointment."What?"

"Timmy," Wanda said in a stern tone, "you're being rude."

"But Wanda," Timmy said, "she bought me a pizza with vegetables. Vegetables!"

"Are you sure you don't want some?" Sunset called from downstairs.

"But unlike Vicky, who gobbles up the pizza," Cosmo said with a smile, "that girl wanted to share hers with you."

"She also helped you with the chores and bought you that pizza." Wanda said sternly, "She was nice to you, and you thanked her by being mean to her." Timmy's anger died down

"...Oh," Timmy said, his face full of guilt.

"It's delicious," kept calling Sunset.

"At least try the pizza before you ask me to wish you something up," Wanda said gently.

"Don't worry, Wanda," Cosmo said, "If Timmy wants to be fat, he can always be a sumo wrestler for the rest of his life." Cosmo poofed himself into looking like a morbidly obese adult version of Timmy. He looked disgustingly fat and was covered in a loincloth. He made some weird moves while making noises in Japanese before falling to the ground in agony. "Ow, my coronary artery," Cosmo-disguised-as-Fat Timmy said. Timmy let out a shudder.

"OK," Timmy said with incoming dread. "I'll eat it." He walked out of the room.

"Stiiiiiill got it!" Cosmo said with a smirk to Wanda, who returned it with a smirk of her own.

"I see you're hungry after all," Sunset said as Timmy came back into the kitchen. By the time he got back, Sunset had set the table, pizza, and dishes placed on it. He looked a little morose.

"Timmy," Sunset began, "Is everything-,"

"Sorry," Timmy said, "for being so mean to you."

"Don't worry," Sunset said, "it's hard to try new things. But to grow as a person, it’s something we must do." She turned the box to Timmy. "You get the first slice." Timmy let out a sigh since he still didn't care for vegetables. With some reluctance, Timmy took a slice and slowly but surely bit a tiny bite of it.

"So," Sunset asked happily. "What did you think?"

"It's OK," Timmy said, "I guess it needs a little salt." Timmy grasped the salt shaker.

"I guess a little salt isn't too bad," Sunset said but paused as Timmy took the lid off the salt shaker and poured all the salt onto the pizza. Timmy rolled up the slice and ate it like a burrito.

"Mmm," Timmy said happily, "that was delicious."

"Timmy had the right idea," Cosmo said. He and Wanda were disguised as paper plates. "Salt goes with everything. And-, Blood pressure rising!" Cosmo screamed. He felt an eye twitch.

Wanda sighed in disbelief.

"Would you like some pizza with your salt?" Sunset said, genuine amusement in her voice. Timmy let out his own little laugh.

After finishing their pizza, Sunset and Timmy walked into the living room.

"So, what do you do for fun?" Sunset asked the brown-haired kid.

"Wait, what time is it?" Timmy asked.

"6," Sunset said. Timmy started squirming. "Why?"

"Um," Timmy said nervously, "no reason."

The boy was planning something devious. "Then why do you look so nervous," Sunset asked with a smirk.


"Dude!" a male voice uttered. Two boys burst into the living room. One of them was a dirty-blond kid with thick braces on his teeth, a green jacket he wore over a black tee, and tired jeans. The other was a bald, African-American boy with a blue V-neck vest over a white shirt and pressed beige pants. They held up piles of toilet paper and cartons of eggs.

"Guys," Timmy said nervously, "we can't-,"

"With this," the blond kid crooned, "we'll make ol' Crockpot regret giving us Fs."

"Ahem," Sunset said with a smirk. The two boys noticed the tall teenager in the room with horror.

"I thought you said you didn't have a babysitter?" the bald kid whispered to Timmy. Timmy shrugged nervously. They looked back at the teenager still sneering at them.

"It was his idea!" the two boys yelled, literally pointing fingers at Timmy, before running out of the house with their contraband.

"Guys!" Timmy hollered indignantly. He then looked back at Sunset with a nervous chuckle.

"So who's Crockpot?" Sunset asked. To Timmy's relief, Sunset looked more amused than annoyed.

"The biggest jerk ever," Timmy matter-of-factly stated.

"He may be a jerk," Sunset said firmly, "but you're not going to ruin his day, got it? And I'll pretend I didn't see anything."

"OK," Timmy said nervously.

"Aside from getting pointless revenge," Sunset said with some snark, "what else do you want to do?"

"Video games," Timmy said, turning on a V-cube, which played a game that read Crash Nebula 2: The Revenge of the Horde on the TV screen.

"Can I play?" Sunset asked.

"You like video games?" Timmy asked.

"I have my own let's play channel on TooYube," Sunset said proudly.

"Really?" Timmy said. He happily passed a controller to Sunset, "then let's play."

Sunset had to give him credit. Timmy was quick on the controls. The game was entering the last ten seconds, and he was winning by a narrow lead. On the screen, Timmy played Crash Nebula, while Sunset played one of the evil aliens.

"I'm gonna win," Timmy gloated. Sunset let a smirk form on her face. She yanked Timmy's hat over his eyes.

"Hey!" Timmy squawked. Just as Sunset calculated, Timmy let go of his controller to pull the hat from his eyes. Sunset gleefully mashed the "Y" button, finishing him off.

"Game Over!" The screen said, "Sunset is the winner!"

"You cheated," Timmy said with a growl.

"All is fair in love and intergalactic conquest," Sunset said remorselessly. Timmy let out a growl, but it was more playful than annoyed.

"So," Timmy said, "you want to play again?" Sunset smiled but then glanced at the clock and saw it was almost nine.

"Bedtime," Sunset said.

"Can't we play some more?" Timmy asked the fire-haired girl with pleading in his eyes.

"Bed," Sunset repeated.

"Aww," Timmy said.

"Don't worry," Sunset said with a smile. "I'm gonna be here for three more weeks. That gives us plenty of time for me to beat your butt."

"Oh yeah," Timmy challenged playfully, "we'll see about that," Timmy said, running up the stairs happily.

Sunset smiled. Despite a rocky start, she finally connected with the brown-haired kid. And to her surprise, she enjoyed hanging out with him.

"Time for school, Timmy," Mr. Turner said.

"Hurry up," Mrs. Turner said, "or you'll be late for the bus." Timmy ran out of the house. To his surprise, someone in an orange and red motorcycle was parked in front of his house. The obviously cool dude wore a blue and purple outfit and a purple helmet.

"Who is -," Timmy began before the guy pulled off his helmet, revealing familiar red and yellow locks.

"Sunset," Timmy asked, "you ride a motorbike?"

"Yep," Sunset said. "I wanted to know if I could take you to school."

"Really?" Timmy asked Sunset, his eyes alight with excitement.

"Well," Sunset said with a smirk, "I just wanted to show it off. You want a ride?"

"Do I!" Timmy said, yanking off his pink hat and putting on a pink helmet.

"Then hang on," Sunset said as Timmy sat behind her. Timmy let out a happy wail as Sunset rode her bike all across Dimmsdale.

"That was so much fun!" Timmy said as Sunset came to a stop. They arrived at a parking lot in front of Dimmsdale Elementary.

"I bet," Sunset said, "but don't expect this every day. I have to go to school too."

"Alright," Timmy said with some disappointment.

"Turner," a displeased voice said from behind them. Sunset and Timmy turned around and saw a bespectacled man with a coffee cup. He wore a plain white shirt, black trousers, and a black-tie. His hair was short and dark, his skin grey, and he had some weird growth on his neck that almost looked like an ear. Hands-on his hips, he looked at Timmy with a suspicious expression.

"Crocker," Timmy returned with a glare of his own.

"I see you've arrived on-," Crocker paused, just noticing the teenager on the bike. "You seem a bit tall and aged to be attending elementary school." Sunset let out a playful snort.

"I'm not a student," Sunset said, "I'm just dropping Timmy off as his temporary babysitter. Mr.-,"

"Crocker," the man finished. "Denzel Q. Crocker."

"Crocker, crockpot," Sunset said under her breath. "Timmy told me about you."

"What did he say?" Crocker asked with a frown.

"Um," Sunset stammered, noticing Timmy looking downward in shame and fear. "He told me how...nice and cool you were. And how he looks forward to your classes."

"Oh really," Crocker hmmm’d, not believing one word of what Sunset said, "maybe he's looking forward to his next F." The man said this as a matter of fact before turning away, plodding to the entryway stairs. Sunset was a bit taken aback by the man's mean demeanor and felt a strong urge to throw toilet paper and eggs at the man's house.

"Think you want to get to class on time," Sunset warned her charge.

"Yeah, he isn't the teacher you want to be late for," Timmy said disdainfully. But as Timmy got off the bike, Crocker returned to them with rapid-fire backflips.

"Tell me, girl," Crocker asked Sunset, a sly smile on his face. "You've been in Turner's house. Have you noticed anything unusual?"

"Like what?" Sunset replied with a forced smile on her face. Timmy looked both incredibly annoyed and bored.

"What if I told you that boy held the key to world domination?" Crocker said, a crazed look in his eye.

"Excuse me?" Sunset asked nervously.

"The power to rule the world in the palm of his hand," Crocker went on with a hungry expression. "Help me, Shimmer," Crocker said, "and I might find a place for you at my new world order."

"New world order?" Sunset parroted in confusion.

"As long as you help me capture his-," Crocker's rant was disrupted by a tap on the shoulder. "Who dares touch-," Crocker stammered when he saw who was glaring at him.

"Crocker," the red-haired woman said with an annoyed tone that sounded Irish.

"Principal Waxelplax," Crocker said nervously.

Sunset just noticed the woman. She had red hair that was shaped into a beehive. Unlike Principals Luna and Celestia, who had tall and svelte figures, this principal was short and stout. She wore a blue business dress with a light blue blouse underneath. She was looking at Crocker like he was an out-of-sorts child. "Crocker," the Irish woman said in a displeased tone, "what did I say about your megalomaniacal rants?"

"Not to do them in front of visitors," Crocker listed off, sounding like a scolded five-year-old.

"And what did you do?"

"Did them," Crocker said. "You win this round, Turner-!" he began to rant, only to walk away after another glare from the annoyed woman.

"I'm so sorry about Crocker," Waxelplax said to Sunset, giving her a friendly grin. "He's having one of his episodes. Ms.-"

"Shimmer," Sunset said, "It's OK. But what’s all that about?" Sunset said, trying to hide the concern in her voice.

"Oh, Crocker thinks magic is real," Waxelplax said in a tired, mocking voice, "and he wants to rule the world with it." The woman let out a silly laugh. Sunset let out her own forced laughter, as did Timmy. "Crazy, right?"

"Yeah, crazy," Timmy said nervously.

"Anyways, off to class now," the plump woman said to Timmy, who ran off, giving a friendly wave to Sunset, who returned it.

"What if, hypothetically speaking," Sunset said, trying to hide her nervousness in her voice, "magic was real?"

"Then we'd all be in trouble from future dictator Denzel Crockpot," the woman said playfully as if the idea of Crocker doing anything threatening seemed utterly ludicrous. "Anyways, got to get to work," the woman said, marching back to the school.

"Bye," Sunset said idly, a serious frown forming on her face as her glare penetrated the face of the school the crazy teacher slunk through.

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