• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Past Demons (A rewrite of True Colors)

"That is odd," Wanda said, holding up the textbook, looking at the picture with Sunset. Timmy and his fairies were in his room, mulling over what those girls had told him. "Why has Sunset never talked about this?"

"What do you mean Wanda?" Timmy asked the pink-haired fairy.

"Timmy, winning a prom is every girl's dream," Wanda said. "The fame, the adoration, everyone looking at you like you're the greatest person ever," Wanda said with a wistful smile on her face.

"Always want you can't have, ay Wanda," Cosmo commented. Wanda zapped her husband in the butt.

"The point is," Wanda said, "it is odd Sunset hasn't talked about winning her prom, or Spring Fling as they call it." Timmy looked a bit nervous. He looked at the bookmark and saw the written instruction on it.

"Ask Sunset about sophomore year." Timmy watched from his window as Sunset pulled into his house.

"So Sunset," Timmy said walking up to Sunset, who was doing some homework in the living room ,"what was...your sophomore year like?"

Sunset looked a bit nervous. "Nothing," Sunset said with an uneasy smile. "Nothing...worth talking about."

"Really?" Timmy pressed, trying to hide his anxiety.

"Completely boring," Sunset relied, darting her eyes back and forth. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing," Timmy said, looking at the floor, "just wanted to know what high school is like."

"Lots of work," Sunset said with an ironic sigh. "But don't worry you're getting smarter-,"

"Got to go to the bathroom," Timmy said suddenly, "be right back." Timmy ran away from Sunset, who looked confused. Timmy ran into his room. His fairies also look concerned.

"Sunset lied," Timmy said with some fear. "But why?"

"Maybe we should check this out," Wanda said. Cosmo's expression said he felt the same way.

"I think I know one way to settle this." Timmy said. "I wish I had my time traveling scooter." With a poof, the scooter appeared before them. Timmy climbed on, while his fairies morphed themselves into being his accessories. Cosmo was his helmet while Wanda were his goggles.

"Let's go back in time to Sunset's sophomore prom."

"Good idea!" Wanda said. In a flash of light, the fairies and Timmy traveled back in time.

One Year Earlier

In a flash of light, Timmy and his fairies materialized in front of Canterlot High.

"Man, this looks the same," Cosmo commented.

"It's only been a year," Wanda pointed out.


"Well there's something different," Timmy pointed out.

"Blubber nuggets," Flash Sentry said dispassionately while he was dressed up in a blubber nugget costume and handing out free samples to students. "Dimmadome Brand Blubber Nuggets. They're chewy."

Timmy snickered a bit at Flash's misery. Remembering his task, he wandered toward the building.

Flash was passing out his blubber nuggets when someone approached him.

"Dude." Flash turned and to his horror, he saw Sandalwood looking at him with annoyance.

"What are you doing?" Sandalwood asked in a soft, sad tone. He was holding a clipboard for some kind of petition.

"Look this isn't personal Sandalwood," the blue-haired teenager pleaded. "The guy paid me 2 dollars-,"

"Dude, you're...like...killing baby whales," Sandalwood muttered in a disappointed tone. "I guess I'm gonna have to...persuade you." His clipboard transformed into an ax. The vegan guy bared it menacingly at his best friend.

Flash dropped his plate of samples and ran away screaming.

"Dude, I haven't...like...persuaded you yet," Sandalwood called out while chasing Flash with his new ax.

"So what's the plan Timmy?" Cosmo asked his god son as they approached the entrance. "Wish yourself to be a 16 year old, act mature and smart, and get into a really awkward romance with Sunset or one of her friends, and inadvertently make the time stream make come true by trying to change it?"

"No," Timmy replied. "That's too complicated. I'm just gonna wish myself invisible and to not be heard."

"Good thinking Timmy," Wanda said as she raised her wand.

Cosmo raised his wand with a roll of his eyes. "Boring."

Timmy became invisible. He walked into school, with no one sensing him. Hanging above his head were green banners that read Spring Fling.

It was then that Timmy noticed someone familiar.

Sunset was walking down the hall, waving at everyone with her usual happy smile. She wore a leather jacket, a purple shirt with a sun logo on it, black and purple boots that went up to her thighs, and an orange skirt with a purple and yellow stripe.

"Vote Sunset for Spring Fling," she called out, passing out flyers to people who happily accepted them.

"You got my vote."

"Don't worry about it."

Timmy felt reassured. No one seemed to be afraid of Sunset or wary of her presence.

"Fluttershy," Sunset called out to the girl who was going through her locker. For some reason, the girl jumped at the sound of Sunset's voice.

"We need to...talk," Sunset said.

For someone reason Fluttershy seemed to shrink away from Sunset's gaze. "But-,"

"Now." Fluttershy swallowed and followed the fire-haired girl in a way that made it look like she was dragging her feet.

Timmy followed them down some hallway to a darkened dead end when he heard a shout.

"ARE YOU COMPLETELY BRAIN DEAD?!" Timmy shook at that voice. It sounded familiar and...different. Timmy peaked around, and what he saw made him rub his eyes.

Sunset was pushing Fluttershy up against a wall, and glaring at her with unhinged fury.

"I WAS-,"

"I wanted red banners! Red!" Sunset bellowed, looking at the pink-haired girl like she was a worm, while holding up one of the banners. "Red completes me!" She through the streamer on the ground and stomped on it in disgust. "Not this junk!"

"But everyone else-!"

"I'm the princess of Spring Fling! Me!" She then let Fluttershy go, not out mercy, but disdain. "Never mind. Why am I wasting my time talking to a complete idiot like you." A nasty grin formed on the fire-haired girl's face. "I mean, if I wasn't around, no one would ever look at you, you're so stupid."

Timmy felt his jaw drop at that, as did Cosmo and Wanda. His shock shifted into disgust when he saw Fluttershy running away from Sunset, tears coming down her eyes.

"Pathetic," Sunset grunted. She then stomped away, oblivious to Timmy's presence.

"Wow," Cosmo said with wonder. "It's like Vicky, but with a leather jacket and cooler hair."

Wanda never imagined those words could ever go together. It seemed...unreal. The Sunset she knew was always kind, nice, if a little strict. For once, her husband's observations really did hit the mark. She did act...like Vicky.

To Wanda, it looked like some monster was wearing her skin.

"Maybe this is...a bad day," Timmy rationalized as she followed Sunset down the hall. "Aren't Sunset and Fluttershy friends?"

"Sunset Shimmer," someone called. Sunset forced a smile to her face as a teacher approached her. It was Miss Cheerilee.

"Miss Cheerilee," Sunset said with fake politeness.

"I heard you yelling and saw Fluttershy running down the hall crying," the compassionate teacher remarked. "Is everything alright?"

Timmy saw a flash of annoyance-not regret, annoyance-appear on Sunset's face. But then it was replaced with a false veneer of concern. "Fluttershy...saw a poor, innocent cat being abused," Sunset lied with ease. "She was so upset at what had been done with the cat, she cried." Sunset put on sad puppy eyes. "And seeing a poor creature be abused like that I..." Sunset's hands fell into her eyes and she cried crocodile tears.

"She's pretending to be nice, like Vicky," Timmy remarked. Her acting was so good, even Miss Cheerilee was fooled. Miss Cheerilee embraced the girl. While Cheerilee was looking away, Sunset smiled a triumphant smirk, the kind Vicky would once she knew she got away with it.

"I'm sorry Sunset," Cheerilee assured the seemingly forlorn girl. "Maybe you and Fluttershy can bring it to the shelter."

"Of course Miss Cheerilee. That sounds," her eyes darted back and forth, "wonderful." The pink-haired woman was satisfied with the answer and walked away.

"Sucker," Sunset said under her breath. Putting on a happy smile, Sunset walked away, oblivious to the brown-haired boy watching him.

"Let's recap," Timmy said. "Sunset bullied Fluttershy until she cried over something dumb, lied to the teacher, and acted nice when she thinks everyone is looking." Timmy frowned uncomfortably. "It really is like Vicky." .

"Don't worry Timmy," Cosmo said. "Maybe Sunset...just got on the wrong side of the bed." Timmy looked unimpressed with this answer.

"Or maybe," Wanda butted in, "this could be a phase that Sunset overcame. You certainly weren't always so nice when we first came into your life."

"Like when you used us for popularity, or when you threw water balloons at Tootie, or when you wished for Christmas Every-,"

"OK I get it Cosmo," Timmy muttered with exasperation. But then he smiled at his fairies. "Maybe you're right. Maybe Sunset was...just in a bad place."

"Even if she was like Vicky," Wanda reassured her godchild, "that doesn't mean she was planning world domination.

"My plan for world domination hinges on me winning," Sunset told her subordinates, Snips and Snails. They were in a commons room with no one watching them. Unbeknownst to them, a group of three was watching them in a way they couldn't detect.

"OK," Snips said uneasily.

"Sure," Snails muttered.

"We need to do everything to make sure I get crowned Princess of...my world!"

"Don't you mean princess of Spring-,"

"I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" Sunset bellowed at the two goons.

"OK," Wanda said uneasily, "maybe she is...a villain. Or maybe she's doing make believe."

"Did you make sure everyone else was disqualified," Sunset hissed at her minions.

"Yep, except Moondancer," Snips replied.

An evil smile appeared on Sunset's face. "Don't worry. I've got something special planned for that little brat."

Timmy felt a child go down his spine. The way Sunset spoke and talked...

It was when Vicky was preparing to do something mean to him.

"When do you meet with Moondancer?" Snails asked.

"5 PM today. I convinced the little brat we're going to have a study date." Her evil smile returned. "Little does she now the subject I'm studying is...her."

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Sunset cackled, much to the unease of Snips and Snails.

"Maybe she's....really good at make believe," Wanda uttered, trying to convince herself.

Sunset got off the bus in front of Moondancer's house. She knocked on the door, slightly impatiently. Eventually Moondancer came out of the house.

"Sunny," Moondancer greeted happily. "I hope I didn't wait to long."

"Of course you did," Sunset half-joked. The two laughed. Eventually Moondancer led Sunset into the house. She didn't notice the door was still open, or someone sneaking in.

"Wait, that's the really shy girl on the bus," Wanda commented. Timmy's eyes widened at what he saw. It was that girl, and yet it wasn't.

The redhead girl he met was so withdrawn, she made Timmy look like a social butterfly. But this girl was happy, cheerful, and animated.

"I'm so excited to be going over electromagnetic detection," the girl muttered, sounding like AJ, but with a Tootie-like voice.

"So am I," Sunset lied again.

"I baked you some cream buns," Moondancer said happily pulling them out of the oven while wearing adorably pink oven mittens.

"Why that is so...sweet of you," Sunset remarked. Timmy could sense the insincerity in the tone, but Moondancer didn't. Moondancer pulled out her laptop and logged in. As soon as she logged in, Sunset smiled. When the red and purple haired girl wasn't looking , Sunset spilled water on her own skirt.

"Moondancer," Sunset complained. "I spilled water on myself."

"Oh no," Moondancer panicked.

"Before the stain sets in," Sunset begged her "friend", "I need you to get me some fresh towels."

"OK," Moondancer said, running out of the room.

Sunset looked at the laptop and pumped her fist in triumph.

"The idiot didn't even bother closing her laptop," gloated Sunset as she wandered over to it. "Now I have access to all her personal information."

"So Sunset hung out with Moondancer just to steal her secrets?" Timmy asked, bit of anger in her voice.

"But what for?" Wanda asked. Timmy took out the yearbook and looked at the picture of Sunset winning. His anger toward Sunset grew when he saw how Sunset began downloading some of Moondancer's files, while eating the cream buns the bespectacled girl baked for her.

That wasn't just Vicky-level mean.

It just felt...sick. To want to hurt someone who made you food.

Timmy poofed behind the stage of the Spring Fling. He and his fairies witnessed Snips and Snails getting some last minute instructions from the fire-haired girl

"Do you guys have it set it up?" Sunset asked her two minions.

"Yep," Snips said.

"Ready to go," Snails said.

"Excellent," Sunset said. "When I become the ruler of the world, you two will receive seats of power in my new world order."

"Cool," Snails said.

"Do we get free blubber nuggets," Snips replied. Sunset ignored the idiotic proclamations of her minions. Her hands rubbed with glee,

"At last," she gushed," the final phase of the final part of the penultimate part of my master plan is coming to fruition." She hissed. "Once the Fall Formal starts, those fools won't ever be able to challenge my power."

Timmy watched this with growing alarm.

Wanda tried to laugh this off, but couldn't. If Sunset was acting make-believe, she wouldn't going to such efforts. Cosmo himself looked at Sunset with concern, especially as she started cackling again.

Sunset left the stage while Snips and Snails stayed behind. Timmy noticed the stage go dark. The Spring Fling was beginning.

"Our two contestants for Spring Fling are Moondancer Aquarius and Sunset Shimmer," some kid in a suit announced.

Moondancer walked up to a podium, wearing a pretty purple dress, looking happy yet humble. She was followed by Sunset, who also wore a grin.

Timmy noticed Snips and Snails looking from behind the curtain at Moondancer with nasty joy.

"We love them both," the kid at the microphone said, "but there can be only one princess this Spring Fling."

The two goons yanked on a lever.

"Our Spring Fling Princess is-" suddenly a canvass fell from the ceiling. A bunch of pictures appeared on screen. They showed so many embarrassing moments of Moondancer's life. Including one where she wet the bed. Moondancer looked horrified, and soon everyone started laughing.

Timmy felt horrible for Moondancer and wanted to intervene, but couldn't. His past experiences warned him against messing with the past.

"Could this get any worse," Timmy said.

Snips and Snails yanked on some rope. A bucket of oatmeal was dumped onto Moondancer's head. The laughter of the crowd grew even louder. Moondancer ran off the stage, crying her eyes out, to Timmy's shock.

With Moondancer gone, Sunset got the crown by default. While her smile seem humble, her eyes watched where that girl ran with mean-spirited joy.

Cosmo and Wanda were beyond mortified. Timmy felt sick and scared as a similar memory came back into his mind.

Eight year old Timmy Turner walked around Dimmsdale Elementary. He was so eager to get to Mrs. Bellamy's class. She was his nicest teacher, and gave out the best cookies.

"Hey twerp," a mean voice said. Timmy turned to his right, nd saw Vicky smiling at him, while holding a cup of water. Timmy felt scared.

"Hey Vicky," Timmy said nervously, "what's-," Vicky through the cup of water at Timmy's lap.

"Hey everyone," Vicky called to the people in the hall, "Timmy wet his pants." Soon everyone pointed at Timmy and started calling him bedwetter. Timmy's humiliation grew from bad to worse when he saw Vicky taking pictures with her camera.

"That's going on the Internet," Vicky said with a smile. Timmy felt tears poor down his eyes. Timmy let out a wail, before running into the bathroom and locking it.

"Sunset really did do that?" Timmy whimpered. His confusion grew as he watched Flash dance with Sunset.

Timmy and his fairies immediately came back into the room with a flash.

"I wish I had a cellphone," Timmy asked his fairies with desperate fear. It was poofed into his hand. Timmy dialed a number and uttered a code word that was written onto the bookmark.

"I'm coming over for dinner," Timmy muttered. He had to glance over his shoulder, thinking Sunset might be listening in, even though she wasn't in the room with him. How could he feel that way about the girl who had been so nice to him?

"Thanks for dropping me off at...Sarah's house," Timmy said to Rainbow, who drove him to the three girls' apartment on the other side of town.

"Anything to help a friend of Sunny's," Rainbow said happily. Timmy struggled not to frown at that. Once, he would've smiled, but now he began to doubt if anything Rainbow was saying was true.

"Thanks," Timmy said with a forced smile.

"See you later future track star," Rainbow cheered, before driving away. With enormous trepidation, Timmy stepped into the apartment.

"There's one thing I don't get," Timmy asked the three sisters. She was in their somewhat dilapidated living room. She learned their names and more or less confirmed that he accepted Sunset was evil.

"What is it?" Adagio asked.

"If Sunset's evil," Timmy asked uneasily. "Why does everyone like her?"

"We have the answer for that," Sonata said.

The three Muses led Timmy into a living room and sat him in front of a TV. They put a tape into the VCR. It showed all of Sunset's evil behavior, which only confirmed to Timmy what he knew was true.

Sunset was an evil, lying supervillain.

"Canterlot High is said to be the perfect high school," Adagio muttered. "People there seem to get along really well."

"Yeah," Timmy said. He remembered how everyone in that schooled seemed to be good friends to one another. She remembered how nice all of Sunset's friends were.

"But in reality," Adagio said, "they act nice for a reason." She paused for dramatic effect. "Sunset's reasons."

One last clip appeared. It showed Sunset triumphantly putting on some crown. In a flash of blue light....

Timmy started shaking and hyperventilating. Cosmo and Wanda, disguised as pens in Timmy's pocket, gasped in terror.

Sunset became a demon. A big, flying, scary red demon. Her smile was fanged and bloodthirsty. She had an evil look on her eyes. She then turned her two minions into mini demons. She then flew up to a panicking group of students, who ran inside to school in a desperate attempt at safety.

"I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along," Sunset said in a furious tone to the students. A fake smile formed on her face after she growled. "But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now," she said, her forehead and hands glowing blue. "and you will be loyal... to me!" The entire front of the school was destroyed, causing Timmy to let out a scared whimper. Sunset flew inside, and with glowing eyes, turned everyone in the school to her zombies. The clip ended.

Timmy stared dumbly at the screen, unable to process what happened.

"She brainwashed them into being her zombies?" Timmy squeaked.

"Yes," Adagio said. "In fact..." she said with a smile. "She brainwashed all of Canterlot High."

"They were being brainwashed into liking you by her," Aria finished.

Timmy felt to sick to respond. "Why?" He asked in a weak voice.

"Sunset took over that school long ago," Aria said in foreboding tone. "She's turned everyone into her puppet."

"Once she learns about people with magic," Adagio said in that same tone, "she lures them there by pretending its the perfect school."

"And then she uses her demon powers to steal their magic and brainwash them to into being their slave," Sonata finished.

"You must've felt her power too," Adagio said.

Timmy felt his eyes water. "Yeah...she was...nice..."

"That...that was her messing with your head," Adagio warned. "Once she lures someone in, she traps them in their mind, while she uses their bodies as her slaves to do her bidding."

Timmy sat there, feeling like his entire world had collapsed all around him.

"So what do you-," Adagio began, only for Timmy to leap out of his couch and lock himself in the bathroom,

The Dazzlings were stunned. But then they smiled the widest smiles they ever smiled.

Once the bathroom was locked, Timmy angrily tore the card he made for Sunset to shreds and flushed them down the toilet. He then leaned against the sink and cried his eyes out.

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