• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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The Final Fight (Part 4): The Last Round

The sky over Canterlot High lit up with several blasts going back and forth. Sunset fired off her sunbeams at the Megasiren while the three headed monster fired off its red sonic blasts.

The Dazzlings treated the battle like a game, looking like sadistic children who stomped on ants for fun. They also taunted Sunset hoping to throw the former unicorn off her game.

"That's pretty good...for Celestia's little outcast!" Megadagio ridiculed.

"You're so weak, you weren't even good enough to be that stupid princess' puppet!" Megaria said.

"Haha, you are...the worst!" Megasonata said in a highly childish taunt.

Sunset responded with a stoic expression and another blast.

The fire-haired girl, however, wasn't reacting in any way to these taunts. The former student of Princess Celestia wore a face that was cold, silent, and above all, confident. As much as she would like to go off into a rage, it was not only wasteful, but it would affect her ability to battle. She remembered Celestia's advice when it came to dealing with an evil opponent: "Throw your anger into attacks, not into your emotions." Celestia's power came not only her control of her sun, but her ability to control her feelings no matter the situation. Losing control would weaken her, and Sunset could not afford to be weak, to give these monsters power over her. Once upon a time, they taunted her over her insecurities, and it had worked. But she would not let them get under her skin. There was too much on the line for her to lose control and she was too mature-

"Tickle Fruit 2 was silly!" Megasonata chirped.

That ticked off Sunset. "How dare you?!" Sunset's hands lit up and her face contorted into an utter rage. "You can attack my friends, destroy my school, and threaten to take over the world. But nobody and I mean nobody insults Tickle Fruit 2!" Sunset's blasts increased in tempo in rage, and she tried to blast the beasts to oblivion. But still, it was frustrating battling them. No matter how hard she tried, Sunset didn't seem to leave a mark. On the other hand, neither could they. In terms of magic, they seemed evenly matched.

Sunset barely dodged a combined energy blast from the Dazzlings. It appeared Sunset needed to get creative. Sunset smirked as she had an idea. Raising her arms toward the sky, Sunset took off into the air, much to the confusion of the Dazzlings.

"HA HA HA!" Megaria cackled, "she ran away, the little chicken!"

"Yeah!" Megadagio said, only to pause as she saw what looked like a comet falling out of the sky.

"What the-,"

High in the air, Sunset fell to the ground at terminal velocity, confident that when she hit the ground, she would slam into the Dazzlings like a projectile. To add to the pain, she had one more weapon at her disposal.

Mr. Turner's bat.

"Time to put the Home Defense System to good use!" Sunset said.

"She's coming toward us!" The Dazzlings tried to blast her, only she was moving so fast, she cut through the sonic blasts like tissues!"

They could only watch wearily as the bat came toward them.


A massive explosion ensued. When the dust settled, Sunset found herself in a crater, exhausted, but with a proud expression, holding the Home Defense System up like a sword.

"Sunset did it!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed. "She beat the monsters!" Everyone cheered, including Timmy, who watched the battle from a safe distance.

Only for the monsters to suddenly appear from above Sunset in a poof, much to the horror of everyone else.
"Oh-," Sunset began, only to be crushed as the Dazzlings landed on top of her. Despite being superpowered, Sunset was still much smaller than the Dazzlings, and so getting brutally bodyslammed by a giant, three story monster still took the wind out of her, even if it didn't kill her.

"We wished ourselves out of the way!" Megadagio said with maniacal glee. "Isn't wishing great?"

"Oh poor Sunny," Megaria taunted. The fire-haired girl regained her bearings and tried to blast the monster with her horn. Only for the monster to suddenly pick Sunset up in her palm and direct the attack toward the dome protecting Canterlot's students, who let out a shriek of horror as their magical defense toward them.

Timmy also watched with this with enormous terror.

"Leave them alone," Sunset said feebly. Megadagio responded by slamming Sunset to the ground with her arms, and later having Megaria drop a giant boulder on top of Sunset, who let out a groan of pain.

"Now that the annoyance," Megadagio said, clearly thinking of Sunset as less than a bug, "is taken care off." Megasiren began marching ominously toward the screaming and undefended students,"we can finally put these brats into their proper place."

"No," Sunset screamed. She tried to push the boulder off her, only for it too strong. The Dazzlings also did a number on her, making it even harder. She began focusing her internal energies on the boulder, hoping to blast if off of her. But to her horror, she would not be able to do this in time to save everyone else.

Timmy watched with despair as the three-headed beast marched toward the students. The Dazzlings smiled, took a deep breath, and smiled as they prepared to bring the students under their spell.

Only for something to slam into Megasiren's clawed foot. "AHHHH!" The three heads bellowed in pain. "WHO DARED-" The three heads looked in shock. They saw an ATV had plowed into their foot. What was more shocking, for both the sirens and the students assembled, was the person who had attacked monster.

Moondancer had driven the ATV, and was a little dazed by the impact, but she looked like she was without a care in the world, glaring up at Megasiren.

The three heads let out a bellow of rage, angrily picking up the red and purple haired girl in Megaria's clawed hand. "YOU...TRAITOR!" Megadagio yelled in a rage. "We were gonna give you power! We were gonna make you adored! We were gonna help you get revenge against these brats! And now you're helping-,"

Moondancer was afraid, but still she glared at the siren princess in utter defiance. "I don't care about power! I don't care about revenge! You told me you were trying to protect the boy! I'd rather be alone for the rest off my life than let you monsters HURT HIM AGAIN!"

Everyone was shocked speechless at Moondancer's passion. Timmy watched this with no small amount of melancholy. She barely knew this girl, and now she was risking her life to protect him. Timmy's brief admiration faded as Megadagio let out a screech of anger.

"Very well," Megaria said in a voice of barely contained anger. "Since you protect the little brat, it's only fair to give you his fate." The three monsters mouths lit up, as the prepared to wish up an incredibly cruel punishment.

Moondancer was deeply terrified, but she thought about the little boy who Sunset cared for, and remembered how she gave these monsters the power they needed, and she pushed it aside, accepting her demise with a calm dignity.

Only for a boulder to explode, and for Sunset to fly in front of them, trying to save Moondancer. The sirens saw this and smiled. "I wish Moondancer who fly far away!" Megasonata said. Moondancer found herself poofed into a cannon and blasted off at high speed. Sunset immediately flew up to catch Moondancer before she could fly away too fast.

"Thanks," Moondancer said as Sunset flew her back down to Earth, cradled in her arms.

"You saved my friends," Sunset said in a stern tone. Moondancer was stunned. Not just by the transformation of Sunset. But the way Sunset changed so much. The snide girl who humiliated her and drove her from school was almost entirely gone. But before Moondancer could reflect more, she felt Sunset flying faster.

"Sunset what's-," Moondancer paused, only to see what was happening. Sunset was distracted trying to save Moondancer, and in her distraction, she had given the Dazzlings the opening to take control of her classmates using their song.

"HA HA HA, HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA HA HA!" With the song, the green fog flowed out of the Dazzlings., much to their horror.

"Don't you have more earplugs," Flash asked Vinyl? Vinyl simply handed him a note saying "I'm a girl who earns a music store salary, not an armory." The Dazzlings remembered Vinyl and how she escaped their brainwashing. "I wish your headphones were gone," Megaria said. With a poof, Vinyl's headphones vanished, much to her horror, as they were the only thing protecting her from their song.

Within minutes, the entire student body fell under the spell of the Dazzlings. They soon moaned like zombies and let out phrases like "Yes, oh mistresses!", their eyes turning an unhealthy green.

"NO!" Sunset screamed, not wanting her friends to be like puppets. She roughly dropped Moondancer off behind the horse statue, letting out a brief sorry for the rough landing, and rocketed toward the Dazzlings. Before her brainwashed friends could march toward Megasiren, Sunset unleashed her magic to clear their minds. It came out like strings, each one connecting toward the students to help them regain their free will and keep them from marching toward the three-headed monster. It seemed to work, only for the sirens to do the same. Their twisted magic came out like green strings, each one trying to pull the students toward them.

Soon, Sunset and the Dazzlings had a weird game of magical tug-of-war, trying to keep her friends from going over to the monsters. To her horror, Sunset felt herself losing. She was still badly hurt by the Dazzlings' crushing her, and she lost a lot of power trying to save Moondancer, and with her wasted attack on them.

The Dazzlings, meanwhile, didn't look at all winded. Despite having taken on the form of a three-headed monster, and despite all their attacks, they didn't look at all tired. They knew this, and smiled.

"See Sunny," Megadagio gloated, "this is why we'll always win! Unlike you, we can make the tough choices!"

"You actually wasted your energy to save Goondancer, the little brat who got you into this mess!" Megaria snidely commented. From behind the statue, Moondancer frowned guiltily and felt tears fall down her eyes.

"Unlike you, we can make the tough choices in life," Megadagio said. A weirdly maganimous smile formed on her face. "But since you put up a good fight, we'll go easy on you!"

Sunset pretended not to care what the sirens were saying, still trying to stop them from luring in her friends.

"Serve us loyally, and you may keep your human pets," Megadagio said in what sounded like a sympathetic tone.

"C'mon Sunny," Megaria said in an oddly friendly voice. "You wanted this, didn't you: having this pathetic monkeys serve you, adoring your forever."

"Pretty please with sugar and a taco on top!" Megasonata gushed.

"NO!" Sunset denied.

"If you serve us, we might even spare that stupid little brat who got in your way!" Megadagio added. Sunset barely avoided looking back to wear Timmy was. Sunset knew she couldn't make a deal with these monsters, but she also knew she couldn't stop them.

"Or perhaps we'll crush them to death like the little bugs they are," Megadagio said, the friendliness in her voice vanishing, "and hunt down that little brown-haired brat and squeeze the life out of him right in front of you. Your choice Sunny. Clock is ticking!"

"What do I do?" Timmy said to himself fearfully as he watched the horrible scene unfold before him. Never before in his life did things seem so hopeless. Even the times when Cosmo and Wanda were taken away from him, or he couldn't have access to his magic, he was sure something would come through for him or he would figure out a way.

Even when the Dazzlings beat him up and threatened to throw Trixie off the roof, something did come through for him: Sunset and her friends came to rescue him and his fairies. And then Sunset became a superhero and started beating up the Dazzlings. And then she was supposed to win. That's how it was supposed to work in the comic books, wasn't it? The good guys win and the bad guys lose?

Instead, Sunset was struggling to keep her friends from becoming the slaves of the Dazzlings. Timmy knew Sunset was strong, but he could tell she was running out of energy, since she was straining to stop them from falling under their spell. And based on how the Dazzlings were smiling and gloating, they had plenty of power from Cosmo and Wanda's wands.

No Timmy couldn't deny it: Sunset was gonna lose; the Dazzlings were too powerful. Timmy hugged his knees and starting to whimper. It wasn't supposed to end with Sunset having to choose between protecting him and her friends, and letting the Dazzlings rule the world. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair. He looked down and-

Timmy's eyes widened when he saw what was on the ground. It was a copy of Da Rules. He didn't know how it got here. Maybe the Dazzlings accidentally brought it with them. His eyes widened as an idea came to his brain. Timmy carefully slid down the tree trunk, walked over to the Da Rules, and picked it up. He an idea, but in order to go through with it, he needed to read it again to be sure. He turned to the right page and read it aloud:

"Should a child declare, 'I am happy and I don't need my god parents anymore,' the fairies shall be taken away and given to another, more miserable child."

Timmy frowned more morosely as read the final part of the rule.

"The godchild will have the memories of their time with their fairy godaparents taken away."

Out of all the rules, Timmy thought this one was the most unfair. Timmy could accept not having wishes anymore. In order to be a grownup, he needed to live without Cosmo and Wanda. He could accept never seeing Cosmo and Wanda again. They'd be probably be too busy with their godchild to have time for him anymore, let alone be able to visit all their other former godchildren. But why did he have to forget about them? Why spend time with him at all if he had to forget they ever existed?! Why shouldn't he be allowed to remember the beings who made him feel loved when no one else did?! If fairies were about making kids happy, wouldn't taking away his good memories of them make him unhappy again?!

"LAST CHANCE, SUNNYBUN!" Megadagio bellowed to the conflicted Sunset. "Swear fealty to me, or I'll crush all your friends." Timmy watched with horror as the Canterlot students marched closer and closer to the Dazzlings. He had no choice did he. Sunset didn't have enough power to stop the sirens, the kids of Canterlot were in danger, and even if they did actually spare him, Cosmo and Wanda would still be their lunch, and the world would be theirs'

Timmy remembered when he wanted to be an adult. He thought being adult meant doing whatever you wanted, and not having to follow the rules. Boy was he wrong. Being an adult was hard. It meant doing your own dishes and doing your own work, and that was when you didn't have kids.

Having kids meant you had to sacrifice for them. Cosmo and Wanda sacrificed their time and magic to make him happy. His parents could be selfish and dumb jerks, but they sacrificed to give him food, a bed, and a roof over his head. Sunset and her friends sacrificed for him too. Yeah, they didn't do it for the right reasons, but they still tried to help him. They even tried to save him even after the mean and stupid things he did to them.

If he had wanted to save everyone, Timmy had to give up....what he loved the most. Tears rolling down his eyes, Timmy opened the book and began reading the phrase that would end this once and for all .

"I'm happy and I don't need-"

"THIS IS WHY WE WILL ALWAYS WIN!" Megaria gloated, "because we'll do whatever it takes to win, while goody-toe-shoes like you care about rules and laws and that junk." Timmy ceased uttering his phrase for a moment as another thought came to him.



Timmy's eyes widened as he remembered certain things.

"Now, I don't say this very often but...we're sorry for what we did." The words shocked Timmy. She never imagined the sea monsters of being capable of any apology.

His shock turned to suspicion. "Oh really," Timmy muttered with narrowed eyes.

"We realize that deep down you're a smart, intelligent, and really cool kid," Adagio said.

"Yeah," Sonata said cutely, "and, you're a real cutie patootie." The ponytailed siren proceeded to pinch Timmy's cheeks, much to his annoyance.

"You're a tough cookie," Aria said, albeit without much gusto.

"Maybe we...should start over and pretend none of this ever happened," Adagio offered in what sounded like a sincere tone.

He was too angry and in too much danger to realize it then, but why didn't the sirens just mess with his mind to make him grant wishes? They never really wanted him around and they certainly didn't want to share Cosmo and Wanda's magic with him. All they cared about was making him into their wish slave.

But now Timmy realized, the only reason the Dazzlings didn't turn him into a wish slave was because they couldn't.

Soon, Timmy began other moments where the Dazzlings magic...didn't work.

"Trixie...walk to the ledge," Adagio ordered. Her eyes growing green, the brainwashed Trixie walked toward the ledge, and stood precariously against the edge of the building.

"Leave her alone!" Timmy wailed, tears falling down his eyes. "PLEASE, PLEASE!"

The merciless eyes of the elder siren stared down at him. "You can either have this girl as your special somebody...or she'll...die."

Suddenly, Trixie let out an odd moan. She started blinking as the spell of the Dazzlings somehow dissipated. She also began rubbing her head, much to the confusion of the Dazzlings.

"What just..." was all Aria could say,

"What's," Trixie mumbled, sounding like she had a huge headache, "going on..." Trixie, in her daze, walked over to the edge of the building.

"Trixie," Timmy wailed.

Trixie looked over to Timmy. "Timmy," she said in a pained voice. Unfortunately she didn't look where she was going and fell off the ledge with a yell.

The second they used the word kill, the magic...failed.


But Timmy couldn't. Timmy saw that Sunset could've fire that gun at him. But didn't. Timmy saw Sunset's face. It wasn't angry or scared. She was smiling at him, and she had tears in her eyes. Timmy heard Sunset speak. She admitted she was wrong, and she begged not for herself, but for her mi-,no friends. She said she wanted him to be happy.

Timmy felt tears go down his eyes.


"NO!" Timmy screamed. The red faded from his face, his eyes turned blue, and the bad thoughts went away. When he blinked, he saw what he had done.

The second Timmy's rage died down, the brainwashing stopped and Timmy saw with absolutely clarity the horrible deed he nearly committed. Sure Sunset and her friends did lie and deceive him, but they didn't deserve to be turned into worms and bird food.

There were others moments where the magic didn't work: Sunset's friends regaining their good memories of her, the fact that Sunset survived being crushed under a ball. The brown-haired boy suddenly began flipping through the pages of the Da Rules, as an idea came to his brain.


Both Sunset and Meagsiren paused in shock. The found a certain brown-haired boy marching toward the battlefield, megaphone in hand.

Sunset looked terrified and angry. "TIMMY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I TOLD YOU TO-"


"What's he doing?" Megadagio said in a tone that indicated she thought of the brat as little more than a nuisance.

"Nothing important," Megaria said with a wave of a clawed hand. Focusing on trying to lure the enthralled teenagers over to her, "we'll deal with him later-,"



Megasiren rolled their eyes, unimpressed with this appeal, until one of them started mumbling something.

"Fluttershy," Zephyr muttered under his breath, suddenly stopping in his track. Megasiren's eyes narrowed.

"What are you doing?!" Megadagio screamed, tugging at Zephyr's magical string. "You are supposed to obey us! C'mon Zephyr. Serve us, and you can have any girl you want!"

Zephyr started marching forward, a dazed smile on his face, only to pause as someone else came into his mind.


The sister who loved him, who cared about him, who stood up for his love for cutting hair no matter how many times she embarassed him or acted like a lout.



Yes she did. And he would never work for the monsters who hurt her. Not for all the girls in the world.

With that, the hold over him vanished. "I love my sister!" Zephyr bellowed in defiance.

"I love my brother," Flash declared, the hold over him also dissipating. Soon, everyone started declaring how much they loved their relatives, the Dazzlings brainwashing being destroyed. With that, Sunset was able to drag her friends away from the monsters and safely behind her.

The Dazzlings were utterly livid, having lost control of their slaves. "NO!" All three sirens bellowed at once. They turned with wrath on their faces toward where the brown-haired boy stood. Even Megasonata looked positively murderous. "YOU DARE!" Megaria screamed hatefully at Timmy. "YOU DARE INTERFERE WITH OUR SONG!" A siren's song was something that all sirens found sacred. It was their power, their culture, and their very identity rolled into one. To have it disabled before their eyes was an insult beyond measure. The monster immediately stopped over to the boy, only for Sunset hover in front of Megasiren with a thunderous gaze.

"YOU'RE NOT GONNA TOUCH HIM AGAIN!" Sunset declared furiously.

Megasiren smirked. "Oh, how adorable, Sunny-bun. You think you have a choice." Sunset put her fists up preparing for an attack, only for the sirens to suddenly turn away and unleash sonic wave onto the school. The sonic wave obliterated an entire story of the school, creating a lot of debris...

That was now plummeting toward the innocent students who let out a scream of terror. "NO!' Sunset said in terror, diving in front of the debris, using all her magical might to keep it from crushing her classmates. She barely had enough power to keep the debris above her head, let alone move it far enough away from her classmates to keep it from collapsing on them. To her horror, Sunset saw Megasiren stomping toward Timmy. Sunset tried to save him, but she realized she couldn't hold up the debris and spare enough power to protect him.

"NO PLEASE!" Sunset said in tears to Megasiren. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

Megasiren paid her no heed, marching toward the boy with a demented smiles on each head. "You've gotten in our way for the last time!" Megadagio declared with horrible glee. "Now we're gonna silence you for good!"

Timmy's face showed no ounce of fear. "BRING IT ON!" Timmy bellowed into his megaphone, his voice full of defiance. "COME AND GET ME!"

The CHS Students were shocked at the small child's bluster. "That kids' crazy!" Flash declared with horror, showing zero confidence Timmy could take on a giant, three-headed, magical monster. All the Canterlot kids started screaming at him, begging him with utter desperation to get somewhere safe.

"Timmy run!" Thunderlane pleaded.

"Don't be a hero!" Scootaloo said in tears.

Timmy remained unmoved, his face glaring up at the monster with a face made of stone. "Come on, I don't have all day," he said calmly. His words were so confident, so outspoken, and so certain, they didn't even sound like bluster. It sounded more like a challenge. Like he was the one asking Megasiren for a fight, not the other way around. For a brief moment, looks of amazement and even a small smile formed on the faces of each head. "I'm impressed," Megaria said, "you're so brave." But then the nasty, cruel expressions returned. "But let's see how brave you are when you spend the rest of your life as a slimy monster with no mouth to scream with."

"We wish," Megasonata added. Soon, massive lasers formed on their mouths, as their prepared to unleash their magic.

"No!" Sunset yelled, trying desperately to move the massive debris somewhere where it wouldn't land on her innocent classmates and squish them. But she didn't. She was already badly battered by the Dazzlings' attack, and the rocks were way too heavy.

"Sunset save him, we'll be fine!" Flash pleaded from the ground, albeit without much conviction. Some of the other students also began pleading feebly, begging them to save the boy even if it meant being crushed to death. But she couldn't. She couldn't choose between saving her classmates and saving the boy she'd come to care for.

At last, the Dazzlings unleashed their blast toward Timmy. Time seemed to slow for Sunset, who watched as the Dazzlings unleashed their cruel attack with tears flowing down her cheeks. "No," Sunset said in a weak voice as he saw his charge was done for. The combined blast struck Timmy, and a massive explosion blew out, smoke and all. Everyone watched with grief and tears in their eyes as the boy they'd come to care for was turned into an ugly blob. Moondancer fell to the ground in tears, agony, and utter guilt. Sunset couldn't watch, and was crying her eyes out, while Megasiren watched with a demented smile. "At last," Megadagio said with cruel glee as the smoke began to clear,"that thorn in our hide has been plucked from our flesh."

"We should celebrate with tacos," Megasonata chirped.

"Hey Timmy's OK." A voice said. Sunset's eyes suddenly opened in shock, her tears suddenly vanishing, while the three sirens looked baffled as they looked back to where. "What are you talking about," Megaria said, "Timmy's a-," Megaria paused when the smoke cleared, and she saw something that was impossible. Timmy was...fine. Completely and totally fine. He didn't look an ugly blob with no mouth. He looked like a healthy, happy, and normal looking boy, the same calm, confident expression on his face from earlier.

Sunset, the CHS student body, and the Dazzlings were in utter shock. In the case of the former two's case, it was a shock of relief. In the latter case, it was a shock of disbelief in fury. "WHAT?!" Megadagio bellowed. The three sirens let out more sonic blasts at Timmy. But not of them seem to connect with him at all. "WHAT IS THIS?!" Megaria screamed in disbelief. The buck-toothed boy didn't look at all changed. He didn't have a single scar on his body. He looked the same as usual. "I said, we wish you would become a blob!" The Dazzlings unleashed another magical blast at Timmy, but not only did it bounce off of him, but he started marching toward the monsters without an ounce of fear on his face, nor did he flinch when a blast came toward him. He just kept marching like a brave soldier headed off to a battlefield. "WHY," Megadagio screamed before letting out another blast, which still didn't even ruffle Timmy a bit. "CAN'T WE," Megadagio let out another blast again, but still didn't work any better. "DESTROY YOU?!"

"I'm sorry," Timmy said into the megaphone with a smirk. "I'm not good with girls. Aren't you supposed to let me buy you dinner first?"

Despite the terror and fright, everyone started to chuckle a bit at that. Even Sunset did a little bit of chuckling, only to remember she still had to hold the debris up. Their fear and panic going away, some of the CHS students started cheering on Timmy. Moondancer's tears faded, as she looked at the boy with a hopeful smile.

"Go Timmy", many of them said.

"Kick their tails!", others bellowed.

Finally losing all composure, Megasiren stormed toward Timmy ready to punish him for his disobediance. "I guess we'll have to do this the old fashion way," Megaria hissed angrily, readying her clawed hands to give the brat a good pummeling.

"Ha ha, you're old," Timmy snarked. Megaria's face contorted into fury, and she slammed her fists down into the boy with roar, only for something to block the attack. Timmy continuing to smirk up at them defiantly. "Wow all that power, and you can't even hit me! Scratch that, if you even all the power in the world, you can't hit water if you fell out of the boat." The taunt made Megasiren respond with an even fiercer barrage, but it did them no good.

The CHS students laughed even harder, amazed at Timmy's taunts, his ability to block attacks, and the joy that came from the fact that he was no longer in danger. "How are you doing this!" Megadagio screamed, also trying to pummel the boy, but discovering some weird blue magical dome was forming around the boy and protecting him. "HOW?!"

"If you're so smart, why can't you figure it yourself? " Timmy taunted. Megadagio responded with a growl and more attacks. "You're so dumb you couldn't figure a meteor could destroy the dome and crush me." Timmy paused. "Oh no," Timmy said in a fearful tone, "did I say that out loud?"

The audience and Sunset's expressions were replaced with one of dissapointment and horror, especially as Timmy expression descended into panic. "Did I say meteor I meant-," Timmy look up in horror at the three siren heads looked at him with cruelty and terror. "No," Timmy said in a scared tone, falling to his knees with tears in his eyes. "Please don't do it! Please don't wish for a meteor to come crashing down on me, crushing me to death!"

"Oh yeah," Megasonata said with a nasty grin, "how about we do, anyway?"

"Oh Timmy, you always impress me- for a moment, only to stumble and fall just before you reach the finish line," Megadagio mused with a taunting smile. "But this time, you won't be able to live long enough to make up for that mistake".

Everyone started crying, especially as Timmy started panicking and pleading for mercy. "No," Timmy squealed as he looked up at the monsters,"please. You don't want to do this!"

"I think we do," Megadagio taunted, showing no remorse or empathy in her eyes, "We wish a meteor would come crashing down on you." The sirens let out a nasty cackle, as the began their wish was about to be unleashed.

Only for a nasty raspberry noise to instead ensue, echoing across the campus, much to the astonishment of the students."Uh," a stunned Flash said, "what was that?"

Suddenly, the yellow glow that surrounded the Dazzlings also faded. "What?!" Megadagio bellowed in a rage.

"I can't feel the magic," Megasonata moaned.

"I feel weaker," Megaria screamed. Their tempers only grew when Timmy's crying trailed off into mocking laughter. "Oh no," Megaria said with horror as her eyes widened in realization, "Da Rules."

"Rules," Sunset wondered aloud.

"The Stone has rules," Bon Bon asked with disbelief.

Megadaggio let out another growl, before she let out another smile. "At least we have our size," she glanced back over to the CHS students with ill intent, "which means we can still crush the brats like bu-"

"Sunset!" Timmy said into the megaphone, "drop the rocks. It'll be fine."

Sunset looked skeptical, as did more than a few other students. "Is he crazy?" Bon Bon said aloud.

"Sunset trust me, they can't do anything," Timmy urged with a smile. "Nothing bad it gonna-" Suddenly Megasiren began storming over to the CHS studentsl, eager to inflict great harm unto them. The students all let out horrified screams as the monster came closer. "Sunset, do it!" Timmy urged with panic in her voice. Time seemed to slow for Sunset as she considered her options. Common sense told her dropping heavy objects on her classmates would lead to their demise. But magic, especially fairy magic, seemed to defy common sense. It was against common sense for a giant monster to struggle to fight a boy too short to reach the shelves. It was against common sense for that magic to suddenly fail. A small part of her thought Timmy might be telling the truth, and he had managed to not only defend himself against giant monsters, but smile while doing so.

But another part told her the monster was coming toward her and she didn't have any choice. With another second of hesitation, Sunset let the rocks drop. The students let out a horrified scream, only for the rocks to suddenly stop in mid-air before harmlessly falling away to the students, much to their bafflement. "WHAT?!" Megadagio screamed in shock. "THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!"

"You know what's impossible," Timmy said into the megaphone, "that cheese puff haircut."

Everyone started laughing at that, even Megasonata did. "Sonata," Megaria growled, to get her sister to stop laughing. Before they could do anything, Sunset flew in front of them. Silently, the former unicorn prepared another white-colored blast and launched it at them. The sirens prepared their own attack, only for no magic to come out.

"WHA-, AHHHHHHHHH!" The three heads bellowed, as the attack struck them point black, burning them horribly and leaving them in agonizing pain.

"AHHH!" Megasonata screeched. "I feel like a taco that's been overcooked."

"Why does this hurt so much more than before!" Megaria squealed, letting out a sob of pain.

"Because when you break the rules, the magic fails for...three minutes," Timmy said into the megaphone, "Sunset, you have two minutes now. Make it count."

"Oh so you have rules you have to follow," Sunset said to the three heads with a nasty smirk. "Too bad for you," Sunset said, cracking her knuckles and looking at them with a dangerous expression. "'CAUSE I DON'T!" She rocketed toward them, her fists bared.

The monster held it six arms out of a reflex. "No wait-,"


Sunset began pummeling the monster without mercy, Despite their size, they were completely unprotected from Sunset's Harmony magic. Each punch and magical blast, in the absense of fairy magic, felt like they were being hit with several cars at once.

"AHHH!" Megadagio screamed, angry at having been tricked, angry over the pain, and furious about her own helplessness. Regaining her thinking abilities, she tried crushing Sunset like a bug between her clawed hands...only for the empowered girl to burn them into to escape. "OWWW!"

"Go Sunset," everyone cheered.

"Get behind me, all of you!" Timmy ordered into the microphone. "They're gonna get their magic back in about a minute," he added with severity in his voice, "If you can get behind me, Sunset doesn't have to worry about having to protect all of youyou."

A short pause ensued. "C'mon," Bon Bon said with a roll of her eyes, "are we really gonna let a kid-,"

"Cower behind the tiny child!" Zephyr Breeze bellowed. With a scream, every single student began running toward Timmy. All of them courageously and bravely hid behind a ten year old boy, forming a large crowd behind the Dimmsdale Elementary student. Lightning Dust, in a act of supreme valor, lifted Timmy up, preparing to use him as a human shield, much to his annoyance. "Keep it away, keep it away," Lightning Dust squealed, as if the Dazzlings were some scary looking bugg.

"Gee thanks," Timmy said with frustration. Timmy glanced at his watch. "Sunset, fly away now!"

Sunset, obeying Timmy's orders, suddenly flew away from tMegasiren. As predicted, their magic came back, the golden halo returning. In a rage, Megasiren stormed over to Timmy, and the crowd of teenagers behind him.

"Oh look at that," Megadagio bellowed in a taunting voice that was on edge, showing she was increasingly angry and in severe agony. "The losers of CHS need a big baby brat to protect them!"

"Since you can't beat the baby brat and a bunch of losers, what does that make you?!" The sirens smug smiles were replaced with a deep, annoyed frown. Gilda had taken the microphone from Timmy, and decided she would do her own taunting. "All that power, that you stole by the way, and this little baby is making you look like an idiot. Not that that's much of a challenge!" Everyone started laughing tauntingly at the Sirens, while Timmy smiled brightly, feeling a surge of pride.

The sirens were horribly insulted at the damage to their ego. "We'll show you stupid!" Megadagio bellowed, before letting out her own sonic blast, only for the dome that had formed to protect Timmy had expanded to protect everyone else, much to their joy, and to the sirens' continued rage.

"HOW?!" Megadagio yelled, before letting out a cough. "And why am I so tired?"

Timmy asked for the megaphone back from Gilda so he could reply. "Cause I eat my vegetables," Timmy squealed, to which everyone laughed even more. "I mean, why don't you just wish you weren't tired, and that you could take the megaphone from me?"

The sirens smiled. "That's a great idea," Megaria said with a smirk. "Why didn't we think about that?"

"Because you didn't finish college," Timmy taunted, "I mean, you'd think three heads could make at least one whole brain, but now I see why you want to takeover the world: You're all too dumb to do anything else." Everyone laughed again.

Megaria growled at the insults and everyone's taunting laughter. "I'll show you dumb!"

Megadagio's eyes widened in realization at what Timmy was planning. "Aria, no-,"

"I WISH WE HAD THE MICROPHONE AND THAT WE WERE HEALED!" Only for another raspberry sound to echo, and their magic to fail again.

"Sorry, healing yourself in a battle counts as cheating in a competition, and taking my megaphone is stealing. Both are against the rules." Timmy almost laughed. The same annoying sound that disrupted his schemes and kept him from doing what he wanted now sounded like music to his very ears.

"WAA-," Megaria began, only for Sunset to start pummelling her and her sisters again, to which they let out even more pained grunts. Everyone watched this with joy and amazement..

"How are you doing this, Timmy?" Flash asked the boy, keen interest in his voice. "Did Sunset teach you some cool spell?" Everyone also looked at the boy with amazed interest, wanting to know what his secret was.

"Why yeah," Timmy said with a cheeky smile. "Sunset taught me a spell," Timmy said into the megaphone, despite being only a few feet away from Flash.

"I did-," Sunset began, only to smile cockily, realizing Timmy had an idea. "Oh yeah," Sunset said, flying away from the Dazzlings just as their power began to return, "I did, and he's learned it so well," Sunset said with a proud smile.

"What?" Megadagio muttered, before letting out a gasp of searing agony. Sunset's beating were so fierce, it was getting hard for them to stand up.

"Yeah a spell," Timmy said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out some paper. "The Super-Duper Shield Spell! And it's right here on this paper. If only you could learn it, but like I said, your too dumb to count to-"

"I wish I had that paper!" Megaria said, much to Megadagio's anger.

"Aria what are you-," only for the same annoying raspberry sound to echo across the room. Then their magic failed, and Sunset proceeded to beat on them some more.

"I told you already it was against the Da Rules to steal," Timmy said with mockery in his voice. To twist the knife further, Timmy added, "Just kidding, its my homework." Timmy opened up the crumpeled paper, revealing it was poorly done homework, as shown by the massive "F" on it. Everyone giggled again at Timmy's deception and the Dazzlings' misery.

"WHAT?!" Megadagio, only for Sunset to start smashing into her skull.

"Seriously, Timmy, how did make that shield?" Flash asked in an eager tone. Timmy silently went into his sweatshirt and pulled out a purple tome with the "Da Rules" written on it in gold leaf. "DA RULES?" Flash asked in confusion. "So that stone really does have a rule book," he said in amazement.

"That tiny book it what's keeping us safe?" Bon Bon asked in confusion. Everyone else looked at Timmy with a skeptical eye.

"Yep," Timmy said with absolute certainty.

Bon Bon wasn't convinced. "How is a book-,"

"Their magic is back!" Someone yelled. The sirens, glowing again and in a complete rage, stormed toward Timmy and the CHS students. Or stumbled was the better word, since they looked horribly injured.

Silently, the three sirens let out a combined sonic blast that barrelled toward Timmy and the crowd of high school students.

Timmy smiled, lifting up the book. Suddenly, blue magic erupted from the book, spewing out from tome like water from a leaky dam, until a shield formed, protecting everyone from the magical blast.

"Da Rules says that magic can't destroy other magical items, "Timmy told everyone with a smile. Timmy once said Da Rules not only stopped him from making bad wishes, but protected him from them. Now Da Rules were literally shielding him and Canterlot High from some evil supervillain, on top of stopping them from going too far.

Oh sweet irony.

"If only you could somehow bring hale and lightning down upon us," Timmy said into the microphone as Sunset flew away again, just as the Dazzlings regained their magic.

Megaria began to open her mouth only for something to slam it shut. "NO!" Megadagio said desperately, covering up her younger sister's mouth with a clawed hand. "We're not gonna let him trick us again! Don't take the bait!"

"Don't worry Dagi," Megasonata said cutely, "I won't let him trick me."

"Hey Sonata," Timmy said. "Wouldn't a breakfast taco sound really good right now?"

"I wish I had one," Megasonta chirped. Only for the magic to fail again. "Waaa?" The blue-skinned siren said in dismay before Sunset began wailing on the three-headed monster again.

"SONATA, YOU IDIOT!" Megadagio bellowed.

"Sorry," Timmy snarked in a completely unapologetic voice, "no breakfast wishes after 10:30AM."

Everyone looked at the brown-haired boy in utter disbelief. "Let me get this straight," Bon Bon said in a completely skeptical tone, glaring at the brown-haired boy, "you can use that dumb rock to become a monster and cause massive property damage, as long as you don't murder, cheat, steal, or order breakfast!?"

"After 10:30," Timmy said, as if it explained everything.

"That stone is so lame," Bon Bon said, watching with disgust as the monster was once again being beaten senseless by Sunset.

"Actually, it makes perfect sense," Bulk said in a sage like voice. "Breakfast is, after all, the most meal of the day. You can't just trivialize it by making it...just appear."

"Yeah Bonnie," Lyra said, looking at her annoyed girlfriend.

"Yeah Bon Bon," everyone added, to the chagrin of the purple and red-haired girl.

Once Sunset's barrage was over and the sirens' magic came back, the sirens were in horrible shape. Their body was covered with burns and bruises, their eyes were swollen, and they looked so tired, a small breeze could knock them over.

"OK," Megadagio grunted to her associates, her voice scarce from the sheer agony she was in, "here's what we'll do. We'll run away and try-,"

"Yeah you should definitely do that," Timmy said into the megaphone, "that's wonderful idea. I want you do to do it."

Megadagio paused, looking at Timmy with a measure of worry and terror, wondering if she should listen. She then decided to make the wish, only for Megaria to cover her mouth again.

"What are you doing?" Megaria yelled at her older sister. "You told us not to listen to him."

"That's what he trying to get us to do!" Megadagio surmised. "He wants us to make that wish! That means he doesn't want us too. It's reverse psychology."

"Then doesn't that mean he wants us to do if he wants us to not do it?" Megaria asked her sister in a stern tone. Megadagio looked at her sister with helpless confusion.

"Uh," Megadagio said helplessly, "that only means he wants us to not, not, not, not to do it. That makes sense, right?"

An uneasy frown formed over Megaria's face. "Yeah," Megaria said uneasily, "that makes...complete sense. Right Sonata?"

"DUHHHHH," Megasonata groaned, rubbing her head, "my brain hurts."

"So we should do it," Megaria argued.

"We should definitely do it," Megadagio argued. "Which means we....shouldn't do it."

In their arguing, they turned their attention away from Timmy, Sunset, and the CHS students. While they were distracted in debate, Sunset flew over to her classmates, only to fall to the ground in exhaustion.

"Sunset," Timmy yelled. He ran over to the former unicorn, only for Bulk Biceps and Thunderlane to runover and help the girl up.

"Guys," Sunset said an exhausted cough, "I think," she let out a tired cough, "I've used up most of my reserves. Need...a break" Everyone was horrified at that. "And they still got a lot of energy left," some girl with green hair exclaimed. She, and two other girls fell to the ground in shock. "This is awful!"

"The horror, the horror!" The rose-haired girl exclaimed.

"This is a disaster, a total disaster!" The girl with blond hair and a white streak in it screeched.

Timmy also looked at Sunset with a worried expression, only for everyone to start looking at him with a mixture of desperation and fear. With Sunset out of commission, they were looking at him, since he was the only one who knew about the "stone."

"Well Timmy," Lightning Dust asked the boy," got any other ideas?"

Timmy felt nervous and worried, only to feel someone patting his head. "Don't worry little guy," Sandalwood said in a reassuring tone while giving Timmy a warm pat, "you're a smart." Timmy saw that everyone, including Sunset, weren't just looking at him in desperation. They believed in him and they believed he would pull through for them. With renewed confidence, Timmy poured through the tome. He smiled as he came across an idea and then he looked over at the fallen tennis nets.

"Got something, little dude?" The green-haired guy asked. Timmy smiled brightly, much to the comfort of everyone else.
"Yes, I've got something that will bring down those monsters once and for all!" Timmy declared triumphantly. "We need to get those tennis nets over there and build a giant butterfly net!" Timmy was expecting a cheer, only to met with silent skepticism from everyone else.

"A butterfly net?" Bon Bon said with utter disbelief in her tone.

Timmy began to argue. "Well I didn't write the rules, but I know-,"

"I'm sick and tired of taking orders from a ten year old," Bon Bon declared with disgust. "We know a stupid nets not gonna stop them!"

Timmy frowned in annoyance, especially as everyone seemed to agree with the annoyed girl. "OK if you don't want to believe me, that's fine." Timmy began walking away. "I guess I'll just take my completely useless book of magical wonder and leave you all to perish-,"

"I believe the boy!" Flash declared with a crooked and desperate smile.

"What?" Bon Bon said with disgust.

"Of course we do. We believe him because we trust him," Flash argued unconvicingly, "and not just because we're desperate fools at the end of our pitiful rope."

"Actually, I've seen butterfly nets work," Sunset said while resting on the ground.

"If she said, it's probably true," Gilda added, before letting out a daring smile. "OK," Gilda looked at Hoops and Dumbell, her military training taking over. "You two, bring the nets over like he said." Hoops and Dumbell saluted the white-haired girl and ran over to collect the nets.

"Does anybody have a pair of scissors and is really good at tying things together," Timmy asked as the nets were dropped in front of him. Everyone started looking around, only for someone to declare, "MY TIME TO SHINE!" Zephyr Breeze stormed over, scissors in his hand. "Those monsters made a mistake!" He declared with a sterness and seriousness that nobody had ever seen on him. "They messed with the sister of a guy who uses a pointy object for his future career." With rapid speed, Zephyr not only began cutting the tennis nets apart, but he began assembling the giant, oversized butterfly net singlehandedly. When he was done, Zephyr Breeze took out the scissors and blew on them, as if it was gun he had just fired. Everyone looked in amazement as Zephyr had managed to build a large butterfly net.

"WOW!" Octavia declared in shock, "Zephyr Breeze not screwing something up? Has the world gone berserk?"

Even Timmy was amazed. "How did you do that?" Timmy asked the aspiring hairdresser.

"Little Tim, I've cut through hair," the blond-haired boy said like it was no big deal, "string is no match for me and my magical scissors."

"And what you did with the ropes?"

"Hair can be a lot tougher to go through then you'd imagine," Zephyr said.

"Sunset," Timmy asked the white-dressing wearing girl, "do you have enough energy to cover them in the net?"

"I think I have enough energy to carry it," Sunset said, pulling herself together, having had enough of a rest. She took the oversized net into her hands and began flying away, with everyone cheering her on.

"Guys," Timmy said in a sad voice watching as Sunset flew toward the monster.

"What it is Timmy?" Flash said, falling to his knees so he could look at the boy at eye level. His instincts told him the boy was upset.

"I swear," Timmy said in a sad voice, "it wasn't my idea to turn you all into slaves. I didn't-,"

"Wow Timmy," Flash said, holding up his hand and looking at the boy with a reassuring smile. "Timmy, stop, we know you didn't want to work with the Dazzlings."

"What, really?" Timmy said with shock in his voice.

"Yeah Timmy," Limestone, Pinkie's older sister, said, "we know your brain is too rotted by sugar and cartoons to be capable of a such an awesome and evil plan." Timmy should've been insulted, but the way the grumpy white haired girl said it, she thought that it was the nicest thing anyone every said about anyone ever.

Everyone just rolled their eyes.

"What Lime means-," Flash continued.

"Don't tell me what I mean," Lime said with a grumpy tone.

"We know that stone and the Dazzlings were messing with your brain," Flash reassured the brown-haired boy, "we know what that's like, because they messed with our brains and drove us crazy too. Whatever happened-,"

"The stone didn't do anything to me," Timmy admitted with a frown, much to Flash's confusion. "Turning Sunset into a worm, leaving her in the forest, and making you guys hate her was...my fault," Timmy admitted with deep shame in his voice. The brown-haired boy looked at Flash, thinking he'd fine disappointment. Instead, all he found was a sheepish smile. Everyone else was also looking at him with a weird smile.

"Well," Flash said in somewhat reluctant tone, "let's just say we...understand that too. I mean, we didn't exactly need your help to hate Sunset ." Timmy noticed everyone else was looking

"Yeah Sunset was awful," Micro Chips kid said in a remorseless tone.

"Really?" Timmy asked.

"Evil!" Moondancer said.

"The worst!"


"A real witch!"

Timmy raised his hands, "OK I think I get-"

"Want to see my Sunset voodoo doll?" Lyra asked gleefully, holding up a crude voodoo doll of Sunset. Timmy noticed a lot of puncture wounds in the doll, especially in the areas that were supposed to be the eyes. Everyone also looked at Lyra with a bit of shock. "What," she said defensively, "every time Sunset called me 'Lard Legs', sticking a pin in this doll was strangely," Lyra hyperventiliated for a moment, "comforting!"

"Ignoring Ms. Crazypants" Scootaloo said in a snide tone, before looking at Timmy with a reassuring expression, "we know you're not a total meanie meanpants." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were also looking at him, assuring him they didn't think he was bad.

"If you really were a baddie-bad Little Tim, then they wouldn't have stuck you in the cage," Zephyr Breeze said in a soothing tone, "and you wouldn't be trying to save our skins. You would've worked for them willingly-,"

"OK," Rolling Thunder said an annoyed tone, "this is all cute, but we can kiss and make up later. Right now, we've got bigger fish to throw on the barbie." She gestured back toward the monsters, who were still deep in their debate. Everyone turned to watch Sunset deal with the monster with a hopeful expression.

Except for Timmy, who was deep in thought over what the others said, an uncomfortable frown on his face. Which he broke out off when he saw two people approach them. They were Moondancer and Micro Chips. "If you don't mind," Micro Chips stated gleefully, "we have an...idea of you're interested." Timmy broke out of his self-pity, and was interested in what the nerd had to say.

"OK," Megadagio said to her fellow heads. "We're all agreed." The two other heads nodded. "We wish-," Megadagio began, only to pause as shadow loomed over her head. The three looked up, only to see a giant butterly net land on top of them.

"No!" Megadagio screamed as the next covered them. To their horror, the yellow glow not only went away, but despite being monsters, they couldn't even tear the net apart to get it off of them.

"Get me out here!" Megadagio screamed in helpless anger.

"Hey what goes around comes around," Timmy said, once again approaching the monster, megaphone and a copy of the rules in hand.

"You little," Megadagio began only to start stomping the ground in a tantrum. "Let me out of here!"

"We want wishes!" Megaria whined.

"This isn't fair!" Megasonata whined.

"Wow, you were telling me how unfair life is and how you have be tough," Timmy mocked, "and now when I fight back, and make life unfair for you, all you do is whine and complain. You call me a big baby, but you're the biggest babies of all!"

"He's right," Sunset taunted from up above. "Literally, you guys are like three stories tall. You are physically the biggest little babies I've ever seen."

"No I am not!" Megadagio squealed in a very child manner, stomping the floor like a kid who didn't get desert, causing the ground the shake a bit.

"Yes you are!" A voice from the distance said. Unbeknowst to the Dazzlings, the students of CHS made themselves scarce while the three had been distracted, hiding behind the wreckage of the school, but gathering around an intercom set up by Vinyl. Each of them took turns taunting the Dazzlings.

"He's right, you three are one big baby!" Flash mocked.

"Is that why you became a big scary monster," Lightning Dust teased, "because you wanted to look and big and strong? Please I stopped I being afraid of movie monsters when I was, like, seven! You became a monster to hide the fact that you're weak little wusses without your pretty little song!"

"SHUT UP!" Megadagio commanded, a massive vein forming on the side of her head. The pain, being put on the losing end of the battle, and losing access to magic was getting to her and making her so unhinged, she couldn't focus on anything but the boy destroying their plans.

"You're such a failure!" Scootaloo jeered. Soon, other students took turns gleefully mocking the Dazzlings.


"Con artist!"




"ENOUGH!" Megaria screeched, unable to take anymore insults.




The sirens stood there steaming, their rage and anger growing more and more. It would take only one more insult to set them off.

"You're music is just a soulless parody of 80s beats," Bulk Biceps added in a sophisticated tone. "While enjoyable and fun, it is completely lacking in originality or deeper meaning!"

"AHHHHHH!" Megadagio bellowed.

"Oh them is fighting words!" Megasonata barked.

The monster, while trapped in a net, began stomping toward Timmy. "Let's see you smirk when we crush you to death, brat!" Megadagio screamed. Timmy stood there, smirking. Sunset would normally intervene, but she realized Timmy, based on his smile, had a plan along with her classmates. Timmy had shown incredible resourcefulness and planning, and so she sat on what remained of the roof, confident that Timmy knew what he was doing.

Just as Megasiren came toward the boy, prepared to stomp him into paste, someone screeched into the megaphone. "OK Beaver Boy," Gilda said, "show me the forward roll, like we practiced!"

Timmy crouched to the ground, barely diving away from the Dazzlings in time, much to their anger. "STAY STILL!"

"OK, time to give them juice!" Timmy said into the microphone. The Dazzlings looked at him in confusion.

Unbeknownst to them, Timmy said a codeword. Near where the students were, Micro Chips and Moodancer stood near the circuit breaker.

"OK, they've reached the underground electric grid," Moondancer said gleefully.

"Time to give them the shock of their life," Micro Chips snarked, chuckling to himself for such a clever pun. He looked and saw everyone was unimpressed with his pun.

"Just pull the switch already, four eyes," Limestone said impatiently. Micro Chips gave an annoyed sigh out of embarassement and pulled the switch. Soon the very familiar and painful feeling of electricity coursed through the Megasiren. The three heads screamed as tons of volts coursed through their body without the protection afforded to them by magic. When it was over after fifteen seconds, Megasiren was steaming and groaning in pain. The three heads coughed before letting out a moan, and collapsing to the ground unconscious in a heap.

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered, coming from behind the school to cheer on their defeat of the Dazzlings. After so much terror and fright, the battle seemed to be over. "OK Timmy," Sunset said, floating down toward Timmy, "now we've beaten them. How do we...get back the stones and turn those three back to their normal, terrible selves?"

Timmy's hand fell into his chin. "I don't know. In the video game, the bad guy just...explodes once you beat him. I thought that's what would happen."

"Usually," Micro Chips exposited, "but what often happens is you also need to seperate the boss from his power source. In this case, the stones. The question is, where would those three keep the stones."

Sunset and Timmy thought about it for a second, remembering the time they played video games.

"OK," Timmy said, "but now what?"

"We wait," Sunset said with a smirk.

"Wait for what." They heard a volcanic blast. The blast distracted the beetle, turning away from Sunset and Timmy. Its back was turned, revealing that the the back was made of a weaker copper.

"See," Sunset said. "The boss' weak spot is usually its backside, where you can't reach."

"Wow," Timmy said with a smile.

The answer came to kid-teenager duo simulteanously.

"The tail!"

Sunset began flying over to the tail, looking for the stones. All the while, Timmy walked up to the Dazzlings, taunting the seemingly unconscious trio like the ten year old kid he was. "HAHAHAHA!" Timmy squealed happily. "Weeeeee beat you!"

Unbeknownst to them, the Dazzlings were in fact awake, if horribly exhausted by the brutal combo of a being beaten up by by a magical attack, But their sheer hatred for the boy before them eventually woke them up through adrenaline, although in a way no one noticed. They opened their eyes very silently.

Sunset flew behind the tail, and to her joy, the wand heads were logged under it. With a smile, Sunset grabbed one.

Only for the Dazzlings to suddenly jump up with a roar. Sunset was blown away, but not before she ripped one of the wand heads away. The roar blew Timmy away, knocking the rules away from him, and knocking him to the ground painfully. Despite the searing agony they were in, they still loomed over Timmy menacingly.

"I don't need magic to do this!" Megadagio said in a crazed voice, picking up a broken column from the debris and wielding it like a sword.

"TIMMY, NO!" Everyone screamed.

Sunset felt herself helpless, watching as the sirens were gonna try and kill Timmy. Until she remembered the wand head in her hand, as an idea came to her, her eyes narrowing.

"SAY GOODNIGHT, TURNER!" The massive column came down toward Turner, who could only let out a whimper of terror.

"I WISH TIMMY WAS SAFE!" With a massive poof, a yellow shield suddenly appeared before Timmy. The massive columnslammed into the shield, only to bounce back and hit Megadagio in the face.

"I WISH MY FRIENDS WERE SAFE AND THAT THEIR COLLARS WERE GONE!" A massive yellow colored dome formed over the CHS student body, and the horrible colors on their necks vanished, much to their relief and joy.



The three sirens let out a furious growl, and tired to make a final spiteful wish.

"I wish these brats would become worms!" Only for Sunset to make one of her own.

"I wish you three were trapped in a magic proof dome and couldn't hurt my friends!"

The two magical energies flowed from both Sunset and Megasiren and collided in mid-air. It was as if both wishes fought one another in a magical version of wrestling, competing over which one would be granted. The former unicorn and the Sirens both put their energies into seeing who's wish would win out. The sirens had both fairy magic and their usual siren magic, while Sunset had fairy magic and the power of Harmony on her side.

In the end, it wasn't even close. The power of Harmony could overpower of sirens, who were themselves already badly weakened by repeated unprotected attacks and losing a wand head. Sunset's beam overpowered the Dazzlings, and they were struck, trapping them in an anti-magical cocoon.

"LET ME OUT!" Megadagio screamed, banging fruitlessly against the wall with her fists. Megaria and Megasonata tried wishing, but they were too battered to be able to overcome Sunset's power.


With a poof, the Rainbooms returned from wherver they were were banished from.

"No, not the pears," Applejack squealed.

"Not broccoli," Pinkie muttered.

The two, along with the other Rainbooms, opened their eyes, now aware of their new surroundings.

"What happened?" Princess Twilight said.

"Fight the bad guy, talk later" Sunset declared, gesturing to Megasiren. The Rainbooms broke out of their distractions, remembered the task at hand, and turned to glare at the trapped monster.

Sunset looked toward Timmy and let out a warm smile. "I wish Cosmo and Wanda were back in Timmy's arms, safe and sound." With a poof, a familiar goldfish bowl suddenly appeared in Timmy's arms, with a particular pair of goldfish who were suddenly confused as to their environment.

"What happened?" Cosmo asked in confusion.

"Where are-," Wanda began, only to pause when she saw the happy face of her godchild on her face.

"Cosmo, Wanda," Timmy exclaimed happily, joyful tears running down his face. "You're OK!" He happily hugged them to his face.

"How did you-,"

"It wasn't me," Timmy said in a soft, respectful voice. The two fairies turned goldfish turned around as they beheld Sunset's new form. "It was her...she...she saved you."

The Rainbooms looked back toward Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda with joy before turning back toward Megasiren with stern gazes. "Now that they're safe," Rainbow said with a smirk, "let's take care of some pests. Shall we girls."

Suddenly, the Rainbooms started hovering in the air, a white glow forming on their bodies. The girls' hair grew out while pony ears burst out of their heads. Rainbow and Fluttershy grew wings, Rarity felt a horn grow out of her forehead, while Princess Twilight felt herself gain alicorn features. Six of the Rainbooms formed a hexagon, with Sunset Shimmer in the middle.

The Rainbow energy all flowed into Sunset who glew with the color of Rainbows. Megasiren, seeing the Power of Harmony about to be used on her again, started panicking even more.

"NOOOOO!" Megaria screamed with growing terror.

"PLEASE!" Megasonata shrieked, blubbing like baby.

"I WON'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!" Megadagio screamed in angry denial. "I WILL NOT-,"

"Don't flatter yourselves," Princess Twilight said in a dismissive tone.

"You already lost...the day you messed with my friends," Sunset added in a cool voice.

"You may have your lies and your tricks," Rarity added with a smirk.

"But you still can't beat us," Rainbow gloated.

"Because we have the greatest power of all," Applejack said.

"The power," Pinkie Pie added.

"Of," Fluttershy continued.

"FRIENDSHIP!" They finished in unison. Soon, more magic flowed into Sunset, who was now challening the Elements of Harmony.

"NO PLEASE!" Megadagio begged, looking like a scared little child. "C'mon Sunny! Let me out, and I get you whatever you want!" Sunset didn't respond, glaring coldly at the siren. "I'll get you anything! Money, fame, riches, infinite power, YOU'RE OWN GALAXY, PLEASE! WHATEVER YOU WISH-,"

"You know what I wish for," Sunset said, closing her eyes. "I wish you three were-," Sunset paused holding out her hand, the wand head directed toward the Dazzlings. Her blue eyes opened, blazing with righteous fury. "BACK TO NORMAL!" Suddenly, a massive rainbow laser burst out of Sunset, this time in the shape of a missile with a wand head at the tip. The Dazzlings panic grew as it came toward them.

"NO! NO!" The missile struck the Dazzlings.

A bright light consumed the Dazzlings as they screamed in agony.


"AHHHHHH!" Megaria and Megasonata shrieked in terror as the light consumed them.

Everyone watched with a mixture of relief, joy, celebration, and excitement as the light grew more and more, enveloping them but not doing them any harm.

All except for one brown-haired boy, whose attention was for his two best friends in the whole world. He held them, crying and telling them how much he loved them, happy that they told them the same thing, as the worst nightmare of his entire came to an end, not caring as the benevolent light spread out across the campus, enveloping him and everyone else.

No, his only concern was for the two beings who he loved like family.

Author's Note:

Possibly the hardest chapter I've ever written.

Stay tuned.

There is a going to be a few more wrap-up chapters, as well as some info about the sequel and my future plans.

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