• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,077 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Beating the Beat!

"I can't fix it."

The Rainbooms were having a teleconference with Micro Chips over Applejack's phone while they were assembled on Dimmsdale's lawn. They hoped the science nerd could fix the scanner they obtained.

To their dissapointment, he claimed he couldn't.

"Why not?" Rainbow complained. "Isn't this...egghead stuff."

Micro Chips eyes narrowed. "I am an expert on physics,electronics, IT, AV, marine biology, marine paleobiology, geneology, generators, refrigerators, electrical engineering, basket weaving, finance, and interpretive dance. But I am strictly limited to just those fields. Sensory devices are completely, totally, and absolutely outside of my area of expertise."

"Awwww," the Rainbooms groaned.

Micro Chips smiled. "Not-aww."

"Not-aww?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

"I know someone who is most definitely an expert in sensory devices, where they are, and where they live," Micro Chips said with a smile.

Sunset was equally pleased. "Who?" Their happy smiles faded when they saw who the expert was. "Please tell me you know someone else?" Sunset pleaded the blue-haired nerd with more than a hint of desperation.

"Not someone who can do it on short-notice," Micro Chips pointed out with a look. "If you think about them waiting until tomorrow, just remember this; every second those Dazzlings have the Stone is one second too late," he pointed out with incredible urgency. "As does you're ability to repair your relationship with Timmy."

Sunset and the others were reluctant. But then the fire-haired girl glanced at the tapped-together photo of the boy she come to care for her, and his magical companions. The boy who know hated her, and who's trusting smile she longed to see again.

She also remembered the terror of those fairies' faces as they were pulled away from the boy they cared about, and how they were probably being tormented by three power-hungry sirens.

"Alright," Sunset said with enormous reluctance and a set jaw. "Give me her info."

Timmy stood still in shock and horror as Doombringer approached the Dazzlings with a wicked smile.

"I found the boy wandering around town," Mrs. Doombringer said as she handed Adagio Crocker's tracking device. "As it turns out, he was already looking for you."

An amused smile formed on the faces of the three witches. "Ain't that a coincky-dink," Aria said with no small amount of mockery. "We were looking for you!"

"W-w-w-why?" Timmy stammered, so scared he could barely speak.

"Well Timmy-buddy, it goes like this," Adagio said with a nasty smile, albeit strained by some frustration. " We couldn't get the midgets to grant us wishes. and those wands are just a...pain to use." Timmy wasn't surprised. He remembered how hard it was to be a fairy godparent. He couldn't even wish himself gills when he tried to become a goldfish. "So...we decided to go looking for you."

"Why-why would you think I'd help you?"

"You're not going to help us?" Aria asked in a faux-sad tone, putting her hand around her neck to make her look sorrowful. "After all the things we've been through together?"

"Oh well," Adagio muttered sarcastically, a'I guess we'll have to give up and go home."

A whimpering noise was made. Everyone turned and saw Sonata was practically overwhelmed with grief. She let out a few more whimpers before she started crying, tears and all. "Sonata, what are you crying about?" Adagio asked, more annoyed than concerned.

"You and Aria said Timmy beat us," Sonata whimpered in grief, before crying again.

Sonata really was like Cosmo if Cosmo was an evil girl. Adagio and Aria's exasperation reminded him of Wanda's whenever his green-haired godparent did or said something dumb.

Aria facepalmed and sighed in frustration. "We were being sarcastic!"

Sonata's tearful face was replaced with a goofy Cosmo-like smile. "I thought you were a Capricorn?"

Aria snarled in annoyance. Adagio pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Anyways," Adagio said as she regained her composure, "what you want is...irrevelant to us. With hard work, we've managed to regain our siren song-,"

"I'M THE ONE WHO GAVE YOU YOUR VOICES AND MAGIC BACK!" Timmy shouted, his anger at their betrayal overcoming his fear for a moment. A brief but palpable silence followed, during which Sonata frowned uncomfortably, while Aria's eyes drifted to the ground.

Adagio's face looked carved from stone. "Nothing personal Turner," Adagio said in a neutral voice. "I am the jaguar in the forest looking for the next meal to keep going another day. Sometimes I'll eat other animals to stay alive. Is it because I hate the prey animal? No. I just do it to live." To Timmy, the orange-haired siren sounded...weirdly sincere. She wasn't at all remorseful but she wasn't trying to mock him either. "Anyways, once you're under our spell," Adagio said, her cold smile returning, "you'll be granting us wishes again whether you want to...or not."
Timmy's veins turned cold. Timmy looked at the brainwashed police offiers restraining him, and their vacant expressions, and started sweating in terror even more. He was going to become like them: nothing more than a zombie.

The Dazzlings' personal wish slave.

"Oh he's scared," Aria remarked, finding twisted amusement in Timmy's fear. "Don't worry Timmy," the pigtailed siren remarked with feigned sympathy, "once you're under our spell, you won't be afraid. In fact, you won't feel any emotion at all. All you'll have in your puny human brain is the desire to serve your new masters faithfully."

The sirens let out a cruel cackle that made Timmy tremble even more. Or as much as he could with several officers restraining him.

"Now," Adagio muttered with grim anticipation, "shall we-,"

"Hold it." Adagio looked at Mrs. Doombringer, who had interrupted her. "When am I getting the fairies' wings?" The white-haired woman pressed with narrow, hungry eyes.

Adagio was annoyed by the interruption. "You'll get the wings after the boy is under our spell," Adagio remarked idly. Timmy's terror became more pronounced. Doombringer was working with the Dazzlings so she could get his fairies' wings. But what scared him more was how casually the orange-haired siren viewed the mutilation of his fairies. To Adagio, his fairies being hurt like it was chore. Sonata or Aria weren't bothered by this either.

They didn't care about anything but getting wishes.

"I captured the boy!" Doombringer yelled impatiently. "I demand you honor our agreement and give them to be now!"

Adagio's face became neutral. "You...demand me?" She asked in an even tone, but with very stern eyes.

"Yes!" Doombringer yelled.

"You...demand me?" Adagio repeated in an even calmer tone. Sonata and Aria began smiling at Doombringer like a really creepy kid who squished ants for fun. Timmy soon recognized that tone. It was the tone Vicky used when Timmy refused to do one of her mean chores. She acted nice and understanding, but it was completely fake

"YES!" Doombringer shrieked, losing what little remained of her composure. "I capture the boy, now give me-"

Adagio interrupted the fairy hunter's tirade with a small hum that released some green energy. Suddenly two of the guards restraining Timmy ran over to Doombringer and began restraining her "What's the meaning of this!" Doombringer yelled in betrayal as the guards pulled her up, restraining both her arms. "I-,"

Adagio gave the restrained Doombringer a vicious slap across the face that made Timmy wince a little. Doombringer, her cheeks reddened from the attack, was shocked into silence.

"You think you're tough don't you?" Adagio asked the white-haired woman with in a voice laden with contempt. "I suppose by the pathetic standards of your pathetic species, you might be." Adagio crossed her arms. "But where I'm from, there are creatures with powers you couldn't even begin to comprehend. Creatures that could destroy you with nary a thought. You would see you as nothing but an ant. The only reason why they don't is because they're too nice too."

She then yanked Doombringer by the collar of her police uniform and pulled her to her angry face. "But I'm...not so nice," Adagio said with a glare. "To me, you're nothing but a peasant, a pawn, a slave, a serf, a servant. a gnat compared to my powers. These officers of the law only obey you because I command them to. And with one word, I could have them drag you back to your cell."

Doombringer frowned in fear and outrage. "But-but-,"

Adagio eyes turned red. "In fact," Adagio said with a nasty smile. "I could turn you into my brainwashed slave, rob you of all your free will, and there would be nothing you could do to stop me."

Doombringer began shaking with terror. "I'm sorry," Doombringer blubbered.

"You will be." Adagio sang a small tune. The officers released Ms. Doombringer, only for her to become as still as the statue.

"Why can't I move?" Mrs. Doombringer asked. Suddenly her body started crouching down."What's happening!?" Doombringer asked in confusion and panic. The white-haired woman found herself being forced to bow to the eldest siren. The white-haired woman whimpered, horrified at the loss of control over her own body as she looked up at the merciless eldest siren.

"I have real power," Adagio gloated to the white-haired woman. "Power to make you obey my every whim and-,"

"OK," Aria interrupted with a wry grin, "now stand up and punch yourself in the face over and over again."

Doombringer immediately was forced to stand up against her will and began assaulting her own face.

"OW! OW! OW!"

"Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself," Aria repeated with a mean smile.

"Oooh, oooh, oooh," Sonata said excitedly, "Now juggle ten rubber chickens while riding a unicycle!"

Doombringer immediately began doing those circus tricks with an annoyed frown. The image of Doombringer doing something silly while looking so morose made the brown-haired child almost want to laugh.

"MAKE IT STOP!" Doombringer begged in sheer terror.

Adagio smiled with a shark-like expression as she prepared to twist the knife even more."Make it stop, who?"

"Make it stop...Your Majesties!" the white hair woman chocked out in an humiliated and terrified shriek.

With another snap of Adagio's fingers, Doombringer regained control over her body. She fell to her knees and panted out of both exhaustion and terror. She moved back fearfully as Adagio began striding toward her.

Timmy was shocked. Doombringer was one of the scariest humans the brown-hair boy ever encountered, and Adagio made her look like a scared little girl.

"Please," the white-haired woman whimpered, "not again!" To the ten-year old's amazement, Adagio started floating in the air and using the same psychic powers, she lifted Doombringer by her neck to her face. Both of them hovered ten feet above the ground.

"Since I am a kind ruler, I can forgive your insolence...once," Adagio replied with a pitiless frown. "But you ever forget your place again, and you'll be nothing but Sonata's personal toilet scrubber. Got it?"

Sonata immediately began rubbing her belly in agony. "I think you need to clean it again very soon," the blue-haired siren groaned. "Tacos, why have you betrayed me?" Aria shuddered in disgust.

"Yes...your highness," Doombringer chocked out, angry and scared at being reduced to the Dazzlings' personal minion. With a more relaxed smile, Adagio roughly released Doombringer from her magical grip, and the white-haired woman fell somwhat painfully onto the ground below.

Timmy would normally take some joy in Doombringer's suffering, as she pitifully began pulling herself from the ground. This woman was a creepy maniac who deserved every minute of it. But to his horror, Timmy realized that this would soon his be fate: reduced to being the plaything of these sea monsters.

"Good," Adagio remarked. She then turned back to Timm with a wide smile. "Now where we again?"

"Letting me and my fairies go?" Timmy asked with a forced smile.

"ANNNHH," Adagio muttered, sounding like a wrong answer buzz on a game show, "wrong. Good guess though, I respect that." Adagio snapped her fingers. The officers that restrained Doombringer went over and began restraining Timmy again along with the two others. The white-haired woman broke out of her terror, and smiled at him nastily. With that, the three sirens strode toward him with red eyes and sinister smiles.

Timmy felt time slow as the reality of the situation dawned on him. This was it. He failed. He and his fairies were doomed. These sirens had beaten him and they were going to turn him into their personal slave. And they were going to use the magic to do evil things.

It wasn't fair. None of this was fair. He had the perfect plan to defeat the Dazzlings, save his fairies, and wish everything back to normal.

But he couldn't have planned for them and Doombringer to be working together. He couldn't have planned for his hands to be cuffed behind his back, or for four highly trained police officers to restrain him.

Timmy tried to think of someway he could trick them. But that wouldn't do no good. Doombringer and the Sirens weren't idiots like Crocker. After all, they had taken extra special care to make sure he couldn't escape.

Timmy thought of struggling ,but it was no good. Timmy may have gotten in better shape, but he was still a scrawny ten-year old. He didn't have the strength to snap his cuffs, let alone fight off the four trained police officers. Even he could get out from these cops, he wouldn't get away. Doombringer or the Dazzlings could go after him.

"PLEASE NO!" Timmy begged, his eyes on the verge of tears. Time slowed as the sirens took a deep breath, about to sing their enthralling song. Timmy shut his eyes, too scared to face the inevitable.

That was when heard a screech, three yells, and the sounds of someone hitting the ground.

Timmy opened his eyes, and what he saw filled him disbelief.


"What was that?"! Adagio yelled in a rage. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw what tackled her.

It was a massive jungle cat. Based off the angry growls coming from it, it was angry at them. Adagio laid under the cat, while Aria and Sonata were directly under their elder sister in that order.

"Aww, what an adorable kitty," Sonata cooed, oblivious to the danger. "Can I pet it?"

"That thing will take your hand off Sonata," Aria warned. A smirk formed on Aria's face. "You know what Sonata? You should definitely go pet it."

"Get this off me!" Adagio yelled before screaming as Joanna painfully bit one of her wings and tried to tear it off. She was in too much pain to focus her magic, and her struggling on top of her sisters meant they also couldn't focus their magic.

As if they were robots given a command, the cops restraining Timmy released him and ran toward Joanna.

"Don't worry Mistress Adagio," one the brainwashed cops muttered.

"We'll save you," the other said.

Timmy noticed something on one of the officer's belts that made him smile. A set of keys. He lunged toward the officer just before he ran too far away, grabbing the keys with his teeth. He smiled as he found the keys to the cuffs.

Noticing the officers coming toward her, Joanna jumped back with a challenging growl.

"Go on!" Adagio commaned with a painful hiss as she pulled herself up. "Put that furball down!"

The officers immediately grabbed trainquilizer guns, Doombringer brought out one of her machetes, and Aria and Sonata's eyes glowed.

Timmy's relief at being freed turned to horror. Joanna was a tough kitty, and a brave one based off of her challenging expressions, but she was no match for weapons and magic.

Timmy's hand fell onto his thigh, and remembered there was something rocky in there. He then noticed one of the officers had a taser a couple of pairs of sunglasses on his belt.

Taking advantage of everyone being distracted by Joanna, the brown-haired boy reached for the electric weapon as a devious smile came to his face.

Aria smiled deviously as she glared at the angry jungle cat. She had no idea where this stupid animal came from, but she wouldn't show it any mercy for daring to get in their way.

She noticed the four brainwashed cops and frowned. In their haste to come to their aid, they had been distracted from the boy. "Wait a minute," Aria yelled. "If you four are here, where's the brat?!"

"Joanna, cover your eyes!" The sirens, Doomnbringer, and the four cops looked with shock as the boy was no longer free from his cuffs and smiling proudly while wearing sunglasses. Aria barely noticed the jaguar obeying the command and covering her eyes with her paws, her attention toward the now freed boy.

Adagio snarled. "YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET-,"

"Go mighty rock of justice!" He threw some black stone toward them.

"Oh a rock," Doombringer said in a mocking tone, "we're so-,"

A massive light as bright as a supernova emerged from the rock, blinding everyone.

"AHH!" Adagio wailed. "I can't see!"

Timmy ran up to Joanna, and put some sunglasses on her to shield her eyes from the light.

"You're such a good girl!" Timmy cooed, petting Joanna affectionally." Joanna returned Timmy's affection with licks to the face.

Timmy laughed a bit. "Want to help me some more?" Timmy asked the jaguar.

Joanna smiled a wry smile.

Adagio rubbed her eyes in vain. She heard her sisters screaming, and the jaguar's roar. "What's happening?" Adagio yelled in frustration. "Why can't I-? "BRZZZT!

The familiar and painful feeling of electricity coarsed through Adagio's body. When it was over, Adagio was smoky and exhausted. With one cough, Adagio painfully collasped to the ground.

"Serves you right!" Adagio heard the boy gloat with anger.

Wanda normally didn't like Timmy using violence against his enemies, warning him he should be more merciful. But after all that the sea witch had done to him and his fairies, electrocuting Adagio tasted sweeter to Timmy than all the candy in the world.

He smiled as he watched Joanna also began attacking the cops and the sirens, exploiting their temporary blindness, mauling them and injuring them.

He frowned a bit at the cops getting hurt. "Note to self," Timmy said, "wish some apology fruit baskets for these cops after I find Cosmo and Wanda." He had to remember that since they were being brainwashed, it wasn't their fault.

Timmy looked and saw the white-haired loon lying on her knees, trying to rub her eyes out. Another devious smiled formed as Timmy's face as she prepared to electrocute the white haired nutjob.

"As long as I have the sun on my side," Timmy declared triumphantly, looking at the shining stone with sunglasses, "nothing can stop me!"

All of a sudden, a huge number of clouds began forming in the sky. Within moments, the sun was completely covered by large, grey clouds. Without sunlight, The Mighty Rock of Justice went completely dark.

"Oh crud," Timmy muttered in annoyance.

No longer blinded by the light, Doombringer noticed the ten-year old boy approaching her with a tazer. With a furious yell, Doombringer lobbed one of her shurikens at him. The flying throwing star knocked the tazer out of Timmy's hand and pinned it to a wall. Timmy stared blankly for a few moments before running back to the police car with a yell.

"They always run," Doombringer said with a vicious grin. She brandished her machete and chased after the boy. "Once I've gotten your fairies' wings, I'm gonna rip your hides off!"

Joanna immediately jumped in front of her, eager to defend the boy from any harm.

The white hair woman glared hatefully at the jungle cat. "While I'm at it, I might as well make you into a nice rug!" Doombringer taunted. She began waving her machete, eager to cut the jaguar in two, but the jungle cat kept dodging and dodging each one of her attacks.

"Hold still, you stupid cat!" Eventually, Joanna caught Doombringer's machete in her teeth, bit into the weapon so hard it broke in half, and proceeded to snarl at the unarmed woman.

Doombringer fearfully backed away, when she accidentally trampled on the arm of one of the unconscious police officers. She saw what was still in his hand. The white-haired woman's panic gave way to sheer joy.

Adagio finally regained her bearings, but it wasn't easy. Her fin was still in throbbing from that jaguar's bite. Her body trembled from the searing agony of an electric shock. For some reason, the blinding light stopped though, which meant she could open her eyes.

She saw her two sisters lying on the ground, moaning in pain, and still rubbing her eyes. The police officers, lacking any magic, were completely out cold.

She saw Doombringer had gotten one of the tranquilizer guns. She fired it furiously at the jungle cat, striking it on one of her legs. The jaguar looked where she had been hit for a few moments, before suddenly collapsing.

Adagio smiled viciously. That stupid cat would suffer for getting in her way. She would definitely enjoy watching the white woman skin it alive. The brown-haired boy looked in shock at what happened.

"Joanna," he said fearfully. Doombringer proceeded to aim the tranquilizer gun. The boy stood still like a deer in the headlights. Doombringer fired. On reflex, the boy lifted his foot to block it, only for the dart to enter his shoe. He blinked twice before collapsing to the ground as well.

Adagio smile grew wider as Doombringer approached the unconscious brat, picking up a piece of her broken machete.

"It's time you learned your place!" The white-haired woman hissed as she prepared to disfigure the boy in a vengeful rage. Adagio watched with enormous anticipation as...

Suddenly, the boy immediately jumped up, clearly not being knocked out by the tranquilzer, and wrapped himself around Doombringer's legs.

Adagio's eyes widened as Timmy performed a perfect double leg and trip. With his arms wrapped around the woman's legs, Timmy pushed Doombringer toward one his own feet, tripping the woman, who painfully collapsed onto her back. The tranquilizer dart and broken machete were knocked out of her hands.

"Why you-" Doombringer snarled, but too startled to respond, Timmy jumped on the woman's head, ran for the tranquilizer gun, and shot the woman in the leg.The woman let out a shriek, before her eyes became dull. "Yes I'd like cheese with my crackers," Doombringer mumbled in a daze before collapsing unconscious.

Timmy plucked the dart, which had struck only his shoe, and ran toward the car with a smile.

Adagio was...shocked wasn't the right word as she watched Turner run away. The boy had somehow gained the obedience of a jaguar, escaped his cuffs, used some shiny rock to stun them, worked with the creature to take down seven grown ups, and deceived and tackled a grown adult twice as big as him.

The elder siren looked at the boy with...she didn't know what? Amazement? Respect? A little bit of admiration?

But those feelings were replaced by one: hate.

Hate for the boy who had gotten in their way. Hate for the boy who was about to foil her plan. Hate for the boy who attacked her and electrocuted her and her sisters.

Fueled by hatred, she overcame her pain, stood up, and ran toward the boy with a vicious snarl.

She wasn't gonna lose. Especially not to some human brat.


Using his keys, Timmy opened the door and dove into the second row of the vehicle.

"Yes!" Timmy said as he picked up his pink backpack. "My plan can commence." His eyes widened and he felt the car was moving. But how, there wasn't any driver? He looked out, and with a yell, he realized the car was floating.

"Uh oh," Timmy muttered. He opened his backpack. "Got to work fast."

Adagio let out a pleased sigh. Fairy magic was so much more powerful than Equestrian magic. She proceeded to unlock the car door and turned it on its side, causing the boy to fall out of it with a thud.

He was wearing some toy helmet for some reason and glared at her with no small amount of hate."You took my fairies and lied to me!" He accused, while pulling out some gun. "Take this!"

Adagio prepared to raise a shield to defend herself, only to get struck with...

Darts. Plastic darts with red suction cups. Harmless plastic darts with suction cups. Only one of which struck her in her cheek.

"Yeah," Timmy yelled, as if she had scored a major blow to her. "Take that!"

"Oooh," Adagio mocked as she pulled the dart off her body. "Darts, my one weakness."

"Yeah, I defeated you, take-," Adagio let out an angry roar, blowing the boy back and knocking his pathetic toy out of his hand. His helmet was knocked off as well, revealing his head was still covered with the hood of his ugly black hoodie.

"What!" He exclaimed very loudly in dismay. "That didn't work! The commercial said it would be like Crash Nebula!"

Adagio let out an amused chuckle. To think she actually began to respect this boy. For a moment, he seemed...pretty competent. But he actually thought a toy gun would work. Adagio was reminded of how dumb and impressionable these children were.

The boy started to run away, only to be stopped and restrained by her two sisters who had apparently regained their bearings. Sonata and Aria grabbed him by the arms and lifted him, their faces revealing they were equally enraged and still in searing pain.

"Nice try Turner," Adagio said insincerely as she wandered over to pick up his backpack. "You almost had me. Too bad your just a stupid little brat."

"But I had a Crash Nebula gun!" The boy wailed.

Aria and Sonata chuckled at the boy's stupidity. "What other 'amazing weapons' did you have?" Adagio asked him as she opened his backpack.

"No," he wailed in a very loud tone, "don't look in there!"

Adagio opened it and laughed even harder. "Look at this," Adagio said with amused contempt as she emptied the bag of its contents and threw them on the ground. "A fake sword, plastic nunchunks, a Crash Nebula costume, a plastic bat, a Cleft-The-Boy Wonder mask, a Crimson Chin insignia and a bunch of Crimson Chin comic books."

"Ooh," Aria said excitedly, while letting go of Timmy for a moment, picking up one of the comics. "It's issue #782." Aria was about to open it, until she noticed Adagio, Sonata, and Timmy looking at her with disbelief. "I mean," Aria corrected herself, her eyes darting back and forth. "BLECH! Only a geek would read this."

Adagio turned her attention back to Timmy, who quivered fearfully as Sonata held him up.

"Is that what you thought Turner?" Adagio asked the struggling boy with no small amount of disdain. "You thought this would be a comic book? You'd save the day just because you were a hero?"

"No, I won't help you take over the world," Timmy yelled."You aren't my father!" Adagio frowned in confusion, as did her two younger sisters.

"OK," Aria said uneasily, perplexed by what the boy was saying. Adagio smiled. "Sorry Turner, you won't distract me. I'm too smart to forget-,

"Ohh, a ladybug!" Sonata said.

"Where," Adagio said excitedly, forgetting about Timmy for a moment. She saw the ladybug on the ground. "Aww," Adagio cooed, "it is so cute! I'm so in love with the creature, I've completely forgotten what I was supposed to be-,"

Aria immediately stomped on it with a snort.

"Thanks Aria," Adagio said to her second youngest sister. "As I was saying Turner," the orange-haired siren said, turning back to the boy. "Life isn't a comic book. There are no heroes coming to save you," she threatened as her eyes glowed red.

"No please!' Timmy begged as he struggled in Sonata's grasp.

The three sirens let out a song, complete with the green fumes. Gradually the boy's resistance and struggling stopped. His alert eyes became glazed and dead, and his face became zombie-like.

"I seek to obey Your Highness," Timmy said in a drone like voice. The three sirens laughed triumphantlly. Sonata dropped the boy, who fell on his feat, his face empty as he looked up at the Dazzlings.

"We did it girls!" Adagio exclaimed happily. "The boy is ours!"

"Now we can have him wish for whatever we want!" Aria said while pumping her fist.

"Like tacos!" Sonata chirped.

"Or some new gym equipment."

An ambitious grin formed on the lead siren's face. "Or the people of Canterlot adoring us as their masters. Then Dimmsdale, than California, America, and then the entire world!"

The sirens cackled and walked back into the factory courtyard, following by the enthralled Timmy. They walked by Doombringer, who was slowly regaining consciousness, rubbing her head and moaning.

"Oh suck it up," Aria said with a roll of her eyes.

"Is he under your control?" Doombringer asked as she pulled herself up.

A proud smile formed on their faces. "Yes." Adagio uttered in a euphoric voice. "And when we're sure we can be granted wishes," Adagio added with an encouraging smile, "those wings are yours."

Doombringer rubbed her hands with glees. "Excellent."

"What was that?" Adagio asked with stern eyes.

"I mean, thank you Your Majesties," Doombringer said in a sycophantic tone.

"Good," Aria said with a smile. "You're learning."

"In the meantime," Adagio ordered while pointing to the unconscious cops, "wake up and patch up those idiots. And keep on the look out for any of the Rainbrats or any other Canterlot goon who show their faces."

"Yes your majesties," Doombringer said, addressing the sirens in a more respectful tone. She snarled as she looked at the unconscious jaguar who attacked her. "What about it?"

"Whatever you want," Adagio said with a merciless smile.

"You can have the kitty," Sonata whined, still sore from Joanna's attack. "It's too mean."

"Thank you Your Highness," Doombringer said more genuinely this time. She didn't like being under the thumb of these sirens. But maybe working for these sirens wouldn't be so bad. If they truly had the means to conquer the world, than as their employee, maybe it would allow her to indulge her hobbies more.

She stormed over to the jungle cat that was out cold. "I'm gonna skin you alive!" She hissed menacingly.

With that, the sirens walked away from Doombringer and entered the factory with the possessed boy in tow. They had never felt more happier than they did now.

"To think that stupid brat will be the key to everything," Aria said, looking back at their new wish slave.

"I'm so happy," Sonata said, jumping over to the boy, "I just want to rub his adorable little head." The blue-haired siren proceeded to rub the top of the boy's head, knocking his hood off. Adagio and Aria watched this with no so small amount of amusement before turning away. Sonata eventually joined them,

Adagio and Aria paused, did a double take, and looked back at the boy.

He had ear plugs in his ears.

Instead of looking at them with dead, obedient eyes, the boy was glaring at them with furious, hateful ones. He then proceeded to draw a magical rifle from, literally, under his sleeve and point it directly at them.

"My dad's earplugs work great, don't they," Timmy asked with a nasty smile as he aimed the rifle at the shocked sirens. "They can keep out the noise generated from lawn equipment, annoying neighbors, and....obnoxious sirens."

He pulled the trigger.


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