• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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Dancing to Another Tune (Rewrite)

"Did you get the duck feed?" Fluttershy asked Sunset.

"Got it," Sunset said. The two teenagers were walking around the pet store at the mall, buying supplies for Fluttershy's planned nature study of ducks along the Klamath River.

"Duck brush?"

"Got it."

"Rubber duckies?"

"Got it," Sunset said.

"Do you have the duck cams and microphones?" Fluttershy asked Sunset.

The fire-haired girl held up the equipment in her hands. "Yep," Sunset said. "Do you really need all this?"

"For a future zoologist," Fluttershy said, "it is necessary for me to be able to study animals up close without disturbing their habitat."

"I can see that," Sunset said, marveling at the duckling shaped camera in her hand. She idly placed one of them into her hair.

"Ooh!" Fluttershy gushed. "There's a sale on fish food."

"Yeah Timmy would love that," Sunset said, "He's really attached to his goldfish."

"How's he doing?" Fluttershy asked with serious expression on her face.

"Well, he's been fine," Sunset said, "although he's been a bit nervous."

Fluttershy looked at her friend with a severe expression. "Nervous how?" Fluttershy pressed.

"Well he was jittery yesterday and today," Sunset said, recalling that the buck-toothed boy seemed anxious around her. Seeing Fluttershy's panicked face, Sunset added, "don't worry, Timmy told me he was just nervous about seeing his long lost friend Sarah."

"Where is he now?" The pink-haired girl asked Sunset.

"Rainbow Dash dropped him off," Sunset replied nonchalantly, "He said he'll be gone the whole afternoon. I'll see him tomorrow."

"Are you sure it was a good idea to let him wander off alone?" Fluttershy asked with serious eyes.

"Yeah, why?"

"The meteor," Fluttershy said with a frown on her face.

Sunset looked uneasy. "I think we've been going a bit overboard with the spying. Like Princess Twilight said, we need to tread carefully around him. Giving him some time alone with a friend is so he doesn't feel pressured."

Fluttershy looked like she was about to swallow a lemon. "Are you sure it's a good idea to be leaving him alone?"

Sunset looked concerned. "Fluttershy, you're normally never the suspicious type."

"Timmy dropped a big rock on people," Fluttershy pointed out. "Like Applejack said, it's mean no matter who he does it to."

"Fluttershy," Sunset urged her pink-haired friend, "Timmy has been good. I doubt he's planning-,"

"Just like you didn't plan on becoming a demon." Sunset's jaw dropped. Fluttershy was the last one to cast aspersions on her for being a demon.

To her credit, Fluttershy hid behind her hair and had the decency to feel bad about bringing that up."I'm sorry Sunset," Fluttershy squeaked, "but I'm afraid something...really bad is going to happen if we ignore him."

"I can't really blame you," Sunset said in an understanding tone, "but if we want to get this right, we can't panic. Twilight said we have to keep treating him normally. Trying to follow him around would make him suspicious."

Fluttershy gave her a small nod. "Sunset," Fluttershy said in a serious tone. "I need you to listen to me very carefully. I know you care about Timmy. And I think he's a nice boy. But you can't let that blind you to the fact that he could really hurt someone or," she shivered, "worse."

"If I was blind to what he could do, would have I started this mission?" Sunset asked with a look.

"Fair point," Fluttershy conceded. "But please don't take your eyes off him completely."

"Don't worry," Sunset assured her friend. "I'm not ignoring anything. Besides, I know a way to keep him happy." Sunset walked over to the fish food on sale and began putting boxes of it in her bag, "He'll love some food for his pet fish."

Sunset wasn't just buying this to keep him happy. Timmy and his very joy had become one of the things Sunset looked forward to during the week.

If buying fish food would make Timmy happy, so be it.

Timmy collapsed to the ground as he cried his eyes out. His fairies soundproofed the room so those three sisters couldn't hear. They then pulled Timmy into their arms and held him, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him as he wept and wept. Several minutes passed before Timmy's tears died down enough that he could say something coherent.

"Why Wanda?" Timmy muttered miserably. "Why can't somebody like me?"

"We like you Timmy!" Cosmo said.

Normally, Timmy would be relieved by the smiling, if goofy, face of his godfather. But it didn't bring him comfort.

"Guys, its your job to love me," Timmy wailed. "I want someone to like me for me."

"I'm sorry Timmy," Wanda said with a mournful expression, patting her crying godchild on the head to control his tears.

"But just remember," Cosmo said with a reassuring smile, "even though Sunset turned out to be a monster, at least you have Adagio and her sisters."

"Yeah," Wanda said with a smile, "they seem....a little rough around the edges, but they went out of their way to warn you." Timmy's spirits were lifted slightly by Wanda's words.

"Yeah," Cosmo assured the brown haired boy. "I'm sure that deep down, they're nice, sweet girls who'll love you as much as we do."

"I can't wait for that twerp to start granting us wishes," Adagio gushed with glee. The three Dazzlings stood outside the bathroom, waiting for the kid to come out.

"I don't hear anything," Aria said with some annoyance. "He's been awfully quiet." Adagio frowned in serious thought.

"Aria, did you go deaf?" Sonata asked with a panic.

"Yes, Sonata," Aria said with a roll of her eyes, "I've gone completely deaf."

"Really?" Sonata said with a frown.

"Despite me being able to hear your questions," Aria snarked, "I can't hear a thing."

"Oh no," Sonata said, putting her hands on her face. "Don't worry," she said, grabbing onto one Aria's ears, "I'll help you here by screaming really loud."

"Get off me you freak," Aria said, trying to push her sister away and she prepared to bellow into one of her ears.

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened.

"Into position girls," Adagio mouthed. The three sisters got in front of the door, and put on a sad face as the brown-haired boy came out of the bathroom.

His face was puffy, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked utterly lost. His hopes were shattered. It was perfect. Now they could rebuild them in their image.

"I'm sorry we had to tell you," Adagio said in a seemingly sympathetic voice, "I wish there was any other way we could've spilled the beans to you."

"But we had too," Aria said, pretending to be on the verge of tears herself. "We're sorry."

"I...I don't blame you," Timmy said in a voice that made him sound like all the joy had been drained from him. "Sunset pretended to be my friend and..." Timmy started whimpering again.

Adagio got onto her knees and pulled the poor boy into a hug. She needed to sell the image of being a kind soul.

"I know," Adagio said in a falsely mournful voice. "We know how you feel."

"Really?" Timmy asked, hugging Adagio tighter. Adagio was annoyed by the gesture, and all the tears and snot getting on her clothes, but she suppressed her disgust and began patting Timmy on the head.

"We thought she was our friend too," Adagio said in the most longing voice she ever put on, "we thought she liked us."

"But then she stole our magic," Aria said, letting her face fall into her hands.

"She did?" Timmy asked them.

"We used to sing," Sonata said in a wistful expression. "Everywhere we would go, we would spread joy and laughter with our voices, but now..." Sonata began whimpering too, and letting tears fall down their eyes. Adagio and Aria barely suppressed a proud smirk. Their young sister was clearly a ditz, but she wasn't a siren for nothing. In her natural environment, of deception and manipulation, Sonata was pretty much their equal. She was killing it with her "lost soul" act.

"We can't even sing," Adagio complained, hugging the boy much more tightly to pretend she was hurt.

"That's horrible," Timmy said. "Why?"

"Because she dreams of taking over the world," Aria said in an ominous voice. "She goes around looking for magic to steal. Every day she gets stronger and stronger."

"We had to warn you before it was too late," Aria said, also joining in the fake hug, "like it was for us."

"Because you're a cutie-patootie," Sonata said, also joining the hug, "and we don't want anything bad happening to you."

"Thank you," Timmy said, the last of his tears dying down. "It's great knowing there are people like you out there."

The three barely suppressed their usual grin. This was working out better than they hoped. The boy was so devoid of hope, he was ready to latch onto anything, like a newly hatched duckling. The good news was, he was latching on to them.

"So how did you find the stone?" Adagio asked, her kindness giving way to her more usual calculating tone. She stepped back from Timmy and looked at him with keen interest, as did her fellow sirens.

Timmy cocked his head. "What stone?"

"What stone?" Adagio parroted with some annoyance. "How have you been making all these...things happen," Adagio said less articulately.

"Are you....really magical?" Timmy asked them in a serious tone.

"Yes," Aria said.

"Are you sure?" Timmy repeated, putting serious stress.

"Yes," Aria repeated, barely suppressing her bad temper, "we are...or were magical," Aria finished, letting out a small snarl.

A smile appeared on Timmy's face. "Cosmo, Wanda," Timmy said happily, "you can come out!"

The sirens were confused. "Who are-," Adagio began, before she heard a poof.

Two floating creatures appeared before them. They both looked like human midgets. One had pink hair, black pants, and a yellow shirt. The other had green hair, black pants, and white shirt with a black tie. They both had golden crowns on their heads, insect like wings on their backs, and wands in their hands.

The Dazzlings were completely taken aback. "What are you?" Adagio asked in astonishment.

"I'm Cosmo," the green-haired girl said.

"I'm Wanda," the pink-haired one said.

"And we're," they said excitedly, "Timmy's fairy godparents!" Suddenly a bright neon sign appeared before them, saying those exact words.

"Fairy what?" Adagio asked.

"Didn't you see the sign," the being named Cosmo said.

"Yes I heard you," Adagio said with a nervous smile.

"But what are you?" Aria asked in confusion.

"So you're assigned to take care of children in need?" Adagio asked the pink-haired one.

"Yes," Wanda said proudly.

"We love Timmy a whole lot," Cosmo said, ruffling Timmy's hair in a display of fatherly affection, which Timmy returned with a bashful smile.

"You do," Aria said, trying to sound happy when she really wanted to vomit, "don't you."

"If something were to...cause him trouble," Adagio asked nervously, "you would...deal with it right?"

"I'd blow it to smithereens!" Wanda exclaimed, poofing up a bazooka while wearing a happy smile, much to the fear of the Dazzlings.

"Of course you would," Adagio said, trying to suppress the tremors on her voice.

"Aww honey, you had that same bazooka the night I proposed to you," Cosmo said in a wistful tone.

"We'll your mom did need some...convincing," Wanda said with a sly grin. Cosmo, Wanda, and Timmy let out a small laugh at that, which the Dazzlings tried to imitate, to cover for their growing fear.

"Anyways, I love Timmy," Wanda said, "which is why I'm grateful to you girls for telling us the truth." The female fairy flew up the Dazzlings to give them a hug, as did Cosmo, which they returned with sheepish smile.

"Yes, well, it was nothing," Adagio said, trying not to scream in frustration.

"Which is why I think we can help you," Wanda said.
This gave the three sisters pause. "Help us?" Adagio asked in genuine confusion.

"You said Sunset took your magic," the pink-haired fairy said.

"We think we can give it back," Cosmo aded with a happy smile.

"You can?" Aria said with genuine surprise.

"With a wave of our wands," Cosmo and Wanda said together, "we can do almost anything." The Dazzlings hope returned. This was working out better than they hoped.

"That would be...great," Adagio said, a genuine smile forming on their face.

"We could get our song back?" Aria asked excitedly.

"Yay!" Sonata chirped.

"Wait here," Adagio said, running into a room. After a few moments later, she returned with a few items and placed them on a table in their small living room.

"What are those," Timmy asked Adagio, looking at the red gems on the table. Instead of being fancy and shiny, they looked cracked and ugly.

"Our pendants," Adagio said with anger. "This was what allowed us to sing."

"Before that meanie Sunset ruined them," Sonata said with a mixture of fury and tears, "with her...demon magic."

"Could you fix them?" Aria said, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice.

"Well sport," Wanda asked Timmy with a smile.

"I wish the pendants were fixed," Timmy said. The two held their wands. With a poof, the gems were as good as new. The Dazzlings never felt as happy as they did now.

"Our gems", Sonata said with bliss.

"We can sing again," Aria said.

"Our dream come true," Adagio said in a rare display of excitement The sisters immediately started cheering and hugging each other. After a few moments, the cough made them remember the other occupants of the room.

"Thank you," Adagio said, putting on a polite smile to the fairies and the boy. "This means...so much to us."

"Don't mention it," Wanda said. "But how do we deal with Sunset?" The fairy said with a serious frown.

"Oh right, that," Adagio said, remembering her fabrication of Sunset as a villain.

"She's really dangerous," Aria said, putting on a scared tone, "she has power like...you wouldn't believe."

"Oh really?" Wanda said with a growl. The Dazzlings struggled not to smile as the pink-haired fairy looked positively furious. Not at them, but at Big Bad Sunny.

"She uses her powers to brainwash others!" Adagio said in a forboding tone.

"She was trying to brainwash Timmy," Cosmo said with a snarl.

"Yes," Adagio said. "It is a good thing we got to you in time."

"Why didn't she brainwash you guys?" Timmy said.

"Well," Adagio began, looking for a response to fill the hole in her argument.

"Because she wanted us to live with our failure," Aria with a mournful expression. Adagio never felt prouder of her sisters. They would be good Hollywood actresses.

"Yes. She wanted us to live with the knowledge that we could never stop her," Adagio said, throwing in some histrionics, "Sometimes, I wish we had been made into her slaves."

Timmy himself looked positively furious. "That, that monster!" Timmy said with a growl. "Well don't worry," Timmy said sternly, "we'll make sure she'll never hurt anyone ever again."

"You're such a good little boy," Adagio said to Timmy with a toothy grin, bending down to pinch Timmy's little cheeks. It was more important than ever to act like the sweet older sister, especially since she was mindful of the two older beings watching her moves. Thankfully, they looked at her and her sisters with joyful pride.

"And you three are the sweetest girls I've met," Wanda gushed.

"Can we hear you sing?" Cosmo asked.

"Sure," Adagio said with a grin. This was the best case scenario possible. They not only had the boy's magic on their side, but their magic was back too. Maybe they could...turn the Turner boy into their puppet. Based off the nasty looks her sisters were giving the brown-haired twerp, they had the same idea.

"Alright," Adagio said. "From the top girls."

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-," the sirens sang, "ah-ah-ah-ah." The sirens frowned. Their voices were back...but something felt off about their magic. It felt...weaker. This wasn't noticed by the other three in the room.

"That was pretty good," Timmy said with a smile.

"Bravo, bravo," Wanda said.

"I never knew emphysema could sound so beautiful," Cosmo said. Their applause died as they noticed the dismayed expression on the faces of the three sisters.

"What's wrong?" Timmy asked them.

"Our pendants aren't," Adagio said with some frustration, "working like they should."

"Can we-" Cosmo began, only for Adagio to hold up her hand.

"No," Adagio barked forcefully. "We'll...look into that." The three sisters walked into their collective bedroom. Aria turned back to gaze at Timmy with serious look.

"Just focus on bringing Sunset down," Aria to Timmy with a clenched fist and a furious frown. "Make that monster pay-," she paused, seeing the fairies looking at her. "I mean, make sure that monster can never hurt anyone again."

"We will," Timmy said with a growl. He looked at his two fairies, who were completely onboard with him.

"Excellent," Adagio purred, before the door was shut. "At least that problem would be...dealt with."

"Why don't we send her after the others," Aria asked. "Like the pink one or that dumb princess."

"Because unlike Sunset," Adagio said with a growl, "they don't have any baggage we can show off to those two fairies." A nasty smile came to her face. "No, Sunset is good enough. Let's work on our gems."

Sunset drove her motorcycle to school. It was such a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and there was not a single cloud in the sky. As soon as she entered the school, everyone looked at her.

"Hey guys, what's," Sunset said. But her voice trailed off. Everyone wasn't staring at her, but glaring at her.

"Did I...accidentally leave the door open?" Sunset asked sheepishly.

"What are you doing here, demon?" Flash suddenly asked with a vicious growl.

"Yeah monster," Thunderlane said with a growl, "why don't you go brainwash someone else."

"Demon," Sunset said with even more forced laughter, "Flash, we already established I'm not that-,"

"Why are you here monster?" Sunset turned and saw that Rarity asking her that question. The other Rainbooms were staring at her with deep distrust and hate. Like she was a bacteria, and they were the antibodies sent to destroy her.

"Guys," Sunset said with a sheepish smile, "is this some kind of-," she felt something grab her and smash her into her locker. She was turned, and forced to face Gilda. The martial artist was looking at with her furious expression she reserved for the most vile people while keeping Sunset's body pinned to the locker.

"Didn't I tell you to scram!" the statuesque girl growled into Sunset's face.

"Gilda," Sunset said with a whimper, "don't you remember, I'm not-," a large fist slammed into Sunset's ribs. Sunset fell to the ground, clutching her torso. Sunset looked up at her friends with desperation.

"Guys it's me!" Sunset shrieked with tears in her eyes to her friends, letting out a pained sob. They only started laughing her derisively.

"Man," Rainbow said with snide contempt, "she's a complete baby without demon powers."

"Feels horrible, doesn't it?" Applejack asked her with a sneer.

"Meanies deserve to be punished," Pinkie Pie said a smile.

"You should be in a cage with all the other monsters," Fluttershy said, sounding both meek and nasty at the same time.

"Guys," Sunset said fearfully, "I'm not a-,"a massive trash can was shoved over her head."Let me out!" Sunset begged. "It's dark! Please-!" Gilda kicked the can several times, the vibrations leaving Sunset in a daze.

"Time to take out the trash!" Lightning Dust gushed.

Sunset moaned as the trash can she was shoved into reached the bottom of the hill.

"And stay out from Canterlot!" Gilda muttered evilly, before walking away.

Sunset slowly got out of the can. Once the pain went away, Sunset sat in shock, unable to process what happened. Suddenly, everybody hated her again. Sunset immediately pulled out her journal and wrote about her predicament to Princess Twilight. A message appeared.

"Sunset?" The journal asked. Sunset's hope grew. Sunset replied and confirmed what happened.

"Don't worry Sunset," Twilight replied. "I am going to look into what might be causing this. Just hang tight!"

Sunset let out a small sigh of relief.

Sunset drove her motorcycle above the normal speed limit to Timmy's house. While her babysitting was important, she hoped that there was someone out there who didn't despise her on Earth. After pulling into the house Sunset knocked on the door, albeit with some trepidation.

Her anxiety faded when she saw Timmy at the door with a smile.

"Sunset," Timmy greeted, running up to hug her. Sunset felt enormous relief. Whatever was causing everyone to hate her wasn't affecting Timmy.

"Timmy," Sunset said desperately, "am I glad to see you." She then pulled Timmy into a tight hug.

"Really?" The boy asked.

"You have no idea," Sunset said with a smile, "everyone...is a little grumpy today," paraphrased, not knowing how to explain her predicament to her charge. Timmy ran over to the couch, pulled out a comic, and sat down to read.

"It is just good to see-," Sunset paused. Timmy wasn't reading his usual Crimson Chin comic. The cover was....much darker.

"Whatcha got there?" Sunset asked.

"Demon Hunter," Timmy said to Sunset, putting down the comic with a smile. Sunset felt something odd in that smile. "About a brave hero who hunts evil monsters bent on world domination."

"Really?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah," Timmy said. "You know how the story ends," his smile becoming toothy.

Sunset didn't know why, but she suddenly felt unease build up in her gut. "How?" Sunset asked with some concern over Timmy's tone.

"WITH MONSTERS LIKE YOU GONE!" Timmy suddenly roared, suddenly glaring at Sunset in anger.

Sunset's unease became caution. "Timmy," Sunset said with some fear, "what is this-," Timmy grabbed a yellow laser gun from behind the couch and pointed it at Sunset. Timmy's reddened face and growl told her she was in a lot of trouble.

"After all this time," Timmy said, his face twisted into rage, "I thought you might like me-"

"Timmy," Sunset said, raising her hands in the air on instinct, "what's this-."

"But no," Timmy said with another growl, "you were just a demon who wanted to use my magic to take over the world!"

"Timmy," Sunset said with a quiver. "Please, I'm a not a demon anymore-,"

"You think I'm stupid don't you?!" He pushed a button. The laser came on with a whirling noise.

"Timmy, I can explain," Sunset squealed, feeling more afraid then she ever felt in her entire life, "just-,"

"Explain this," Timmy bellowed with a vicious smile that reminded Sunset of Crocker. The resemblance became more stark as like the crazy man, Timmy was pointing a weapon at her with ill-intention. Seeing Timmy like that made her blood go cold.

"Timmy, no!" A yellow beam answered her. The beam struck Sunset, causing her to let out a yell of agony. Then, everything went dark.

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