• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,077 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Camp Learn-A-Torium's Safety Seminar (Edited)

"This is a horrid disaster," Principal Waxelplax said at the conference table. The Dimmsdale school board had been assembled to deal with the fact that Timmy Turner had been abducted in broad daylight. "Ine of our children being kidnapped."

"I know," Chairman Pizzo said with horror. "If we can't be seen as protecting the children, the parents might withdraw their tax dollars-I mean, children from the district." Principal Waxelplax glared at the man for his self-serving behavior. "And without them, we won't be able to go on our completely necessary and not an attempt to indulge ourselves, fact-finding trip to Miami Beach! " the chairman wailed. The other board members gasped at this horrific scenario.

"I have an idea," the man at the end of the room said. The board members turned to look at the grinning, hunchbacked man with mild annoyance.

"Let me guess," a female member of the board said with some disdain to Crocker, "your plan involves fairy godparents, right?"

"Well, FAIRIES would be helpful," Crocker said with a smirk. "But what I propose instead is this: a child safety seminar."

"Safety seminar," another board member parroted, looking at the dark haired teacher with interest.

"We summon to the auditorium all the children I care so deeply about" Crocker fibbed. "And we warn them about all the dangers in the world. We can not only fill their sugar-addled brains with something useful, we can show everyone that Dimmsdale Elementary prioritizes the safety of its students."

"Thank you, Crocker," Principal Waxelplax replied with forced, but condscending, politeness, "but-"

"I think it's a wonderful idea," Pizzo replied, much to the chagrin of Principal Waxelplax. The idea piqued the interest of the school board as well, if their interested expressions were any indication.

"But Crocker's insane" Principal Waxelplax complained with annoyance. "You can't all-

"Very well," Pizzo announced. "We'll vote in it. All in favor of a seminar devoted to student safety, vote aye!"

"Aye!" all the board said at once.

"All in favor of giving Mr. Crocker the resources to plan this seminar," Pizzo declared. A smug grin formed on Crocker's face.


"But-," Principal Waxelplax objected, only to be ignored.

"Since we're all in a agreement, I declare this meeting adjourned," Pizzo announced in a self-aggrandizing tone. The board members walked out, giving a Crocker earnest praise for his idea.

Just as began to walk to his classroom, Waxelplax stormed up to him."This better not be one of your schemes, Denzel," the plump woman said with gritted teeth. She grabbed the man by his tie and pulled him to her face. "Like I said: one more stunt, and you'll be scrubbing floors for a month!"

"How could I possibly turn student safety into a plan for world domination?" Crocker asked with a falsely innocent expression.

"Only you could!" Waxelplax barked. Having said what she had to say, she let the man go and stomped out of the room. Crocker walked away from the board, a devious grin on his face.

"You won't have to worry about next time," the hunchbacked teacher said to himself once he was alone, gleefully rubbing his hands together. "Because this time, Turner's FAIRY GODPARENTS will be mine!"

"We can't bring him to Equestria!" Twilight yelled at Sunset.

"We have to hide him-I mean, the stone!" Sunset yelled back at her with a hoarse, angry voice.

After Timmy was brought back home, Sunset alerted Twilight to Timmy's kidnapping. The pony princess put aside her schedule and came through the portal, as the seriousness of the situation required her presence. The Rainbooms assembled in Pinkie's living room to debate a strategy.

Sunset wanted to come clean to Timmy and make him wait in Equestria until the rune was done. Twilight wanted to keep Timmy in the dark until the rune was ready, not wanting to risk blowing their cover while he was still armed with powerful magic. The argument quickly degenerated into screaming match between the former unicorn and the pony princess.

"Sunset," Applejack said to the angry, fire-haired girl with raised hands..

"Chill," Rainbow urged.

"How can I chill?!" Sunset asked, tears running down her eyes. "He was-The Stone was nearly-," Overwhelmed by the stress of nearly losing her charge, Sunset broke down and cried in terror. Her friends all ran up to give their friend a comforting hug.

"Sunny, anyone can see you love Timmy," Pinkie Pie cooed in a soft tone.

"I know you're scared for Timothy," Rarity said in a soothing voice. "I'm scared too. But you can't allow your fears to cloud your judgement."


"Sunset, we like him too," Applejack said. "But just because we're scared for him doesn't mean we can go off into a panic. That makes things worse."

"You're right," Sunset agreed with reluctance once she regained her composure. "Thanks for calming me down, girls," she said warmly as the girls released her.

"I don't see what the big deal is anyway," Rainbow said with a nonchalant smile. "Timmy was able to escape from that freak without our help." The Canterlot sports captain was unable conceal the pride in the boy she was coaching. She happily threw down a copy of the Dimmsdale Dossier on the table, showing off the article that detailed Timmy's ingenuous escape. The pink-hatted boy was proudly smiling in the photo.

"Rainbow," Twilight said in a stern princess voice. "I know what Timmy did looks cool. But we can't just ignore the fact that Timmy was kidnapped." Twilight stormed over to the table and pointed to a section in the article. "In that truck, a woman had something that apparently created an anti-magical field, along with lots of sharp weapons...and butterfly nets," Twilight read oddly.

"Butterfly nets," Fluttershy said fearfully. "What if she's an evil meanie who hurts innocent butterflies?" The pink-haired girl whimpered.

"I doubt she cares about butterflies," Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes.

"The point is," Twilight continued, "that woman had equipment that made it so Timmy couldn't protect himself with the stone." The Princess of Harmony and Friendship frowned in a serious tone. "If one woman could do that, who's to say there isn't someone else out there coveting Timmy's magic. And if they went after Timmy, he might get so lucky next time." Rainbow's enthusiasm was replaced by concern. "And if they decided to go after us, who's to say they can't disable our magic too. Then how could we possibly protect him, let alone ourselves?"

Everyone went silent with fear at the idea. "If they've been spying on Timothy," Rarity added ominously, "maybe they could know about us too." A dark cloud hung over everyone, dreading the idea of power-hungry humans disabling their magic and going after.

"So what do we do?" Fluttershy asked fearfully.

"We need to find some other way to keep Timmy safe," Twilight said in a serious tone. "It's clear the job is getting too big for us to do by ourselves. Even though we're about a week and a half away from a rune, we can't take any chances, and we need a non-magical way of protecting him as well."

"Maybe we could get him some...bodyguards," Rainbow guessed.

Everyone looked at Rainbow with happy surprise. "That's..,not a bad idea Rainbow," Rarity said with a proud smile.

"What can I say, I'm full of them," Rainbow boasted.

"I suppose a broken clock can be right twice a day," Applejack said in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Could you get the Royal Guards?" Sunset asked Twilight with some desperation.

"That won't work," Twilight said in a stern tone. "The guards are tough, but since they would struggle to walk on two legs, they wouldn't be any good in a fight." Twilight's mouth twisted in frustration. "And if there are enemies out there that can disable magic, they wouldn't be able to fight them."

"What we need is good old fashioned human muscle," Rainbow offered. "A group of people who can fight well without magic."

"Who'd be willing to defend Timmy?" Twilight asked.

"If we're sending them to fight other adults," Rarity said, "they would have to be unafraid to defy authority."

"Someone not afraid to bend the rules," Applejack offered.

"But who?" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rainbow's eyes widened. "I think I know who," Rainbow said with some disdain.

"Really?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"They're...jerks, but I think they wouldn't mind taking the job," Rainbow said uncomfortably. "I guess we'll talk to them and see."

Seeing Timmy might get some more protection. Sunset's alarm died down,

"There's also some other good news," Sunset said, a smile forming on her face. "After what happened, Dimmsdale Elementary is going to have a mandatory safety seminar tomorrow."

"Well that's good," Rarity said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash let out an annoyed groan.

"What's wrong Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked her athletic friend.

"Those things are so dumb," Rainbow muttered. "They treat kids like idiots, sing a bunch of stupid songs, and teach things that any moron should know."

"I think a little bit of instruction never hurt anyone Rainbow," Twilight said to the athletic girl.

"Like I need safety instructions. I am always 100 percent super careful." A cloud of smoke emerged from the nearby kitchen, much to the concern of others. "The toaster's on fire!" Fluttershy wailed.

"Don't worry guys," Rainbow said confidentally, "I'll just use my trusty fork to get the bread out of the toaster." Rainbow ran to it, and prompty electrocuted herself by not unplugging the toaster before sticking a fork in it.

Rainbow, fried by the electricity, laid on the ground in a daze. "Must...save....toast..."

"Can I come with you?" Pinkie Pie asked Sunset in a pleading tone. "Timmy-Wimmy must be so scared and I want to make him feel better."

"Sure Pinkie," Sunset said with a smile.

"Yes, how is Timothy?" Rarity asked with some concern."Is he coping with what happened?"

Sunset had an expression of concern. "He actually seems fine."

"He hasn't nightmares or anything?" Twilight asked.

"No, he's not shaken up at all." Sunset said, not sure if she should be relieved or concerned. "Either he doesn't understand what happened or he sees it as some cool adventure. In any case I'm gonna go with him...you know, to make sure...he's OK," Sunset uttered, unable to hide her protective instincts.

Rainbow painfully pulled herself from the ground. "And I'll go talk to our potential...recruits..."

Mr. Cranky was teaching his incredibly informative and engaging math lesson.

"So you just use pi and the radius to get the circumference," the stern teacher said. "Can anyone tell me how they arrive at volume?"

The entire class was half-asleep or completely asleep. One student let out a loud snore.

"No, it isn't 2," Mr. Cranky said in a dull tone, "that's why you have to show your-," suddenly the class started laughing like crazy. "Yes, I find volume to be quite humorous," the teacher said, "but we must-," Cranky looked up, and to his horror, his toupee was hanging by a fish hook that came out from one of the air vents.

Inside, a group of five was letting out bellyfuls of laughter.

"You've really outdone yourself Gilda," Lightning said in a proud tone. Using her fishing pole, the white haired girl used it to reel in Mr. Cranky's toupee.

"Serves him right," Hoops said with fury, "for giving me a D."

"You know, he did offer you the chance to retake the quiz," Rolling Thunder pointed out with a look.

"It's the principal of the matter," Dumbbell threw back.

Cranky looked up at the air vent above with a stern gaze. He could hear the delinquents in the vent talking aloud.

"We really got him good this time," one delinquent said.

"He'll thank us later," another one said. "It's a really stupid wig."

With a nasty grin, Cranky walked over to his desk and opened a drawer which had a big red button on it.

"Now let's get out here before-" Cranky pushed the button. Suddenly the air vent was titled on its side, causing five teenagers to spill out and tumble to the floor with a yell.

Gilda smiled. She didn't break a thing. Good, loyal, Lightning Dust used her head to break the white-haired girl's fall. As she pulled herself up, she found herself face to face with a stern looking teacher. To her horror, the white-haired girl realized she was holding the fishing pole with his wig attached.

Gilda let out a nervous chuckle. "Uh...Hoops you idiot, this isn't Lake Tahoe." The gruff man wasn't impressed. "This was just a... fishing accident?"

Gilda and her friends cried out in mercy as they were paraded before the school judge, their bodies wrapped in chains.

"Gilda Griffon, Lightning Dust, Rolling Thunder, Hoops, and Dumbbell," Vice Principal Luna bellowed. She was wrapped in a judicial robe and wore a white wig on her blue hair. "You all have been charged with 25 counts of tardiness, 62 counts of delinquency, 18 counts of pranks, 29 counts of bullying, and nine hundred seventy four counts of borrowing a pencil from the teacher and never returning it!" She leaned in dramatically. "How do you plead?!"

"Uh, didn't do it," Gilda offered.

The Vice Principal didn't look impressed. "I have been patient with you five and given you multiple chances. But time and time again, you thrown those chances in my face!" She put on her black cap. "I have no choice but to give you the ultimate punishment!"

"Death?" Lightning Dust squeaked.

"Worse," Vice Principal Luna said ominously. "Two weeks of in-school suspension!"

The five broke down in tears, begging for mercy from the pitiless school administrator.

"We'll be good, I promise!" Gilda said. "I'll...I'll help the orphans."

"Your pleas will not save you!" The blue hair woman commanded. Her expression softened. "However, there is a...task you may be able to perform instead."

"A task?" Rolling Thunder asked while cocking her head.

"Please, please give us the task," Hoops pleaded. "Whatever it is."

"Very well," Luna said. "It is task that Princess Twilight has asked me to give you. If you can perform it, you may be....redeemed!" She banged her gavel.

"So what do you want us to do Princess?" Lightning Dust asked the pony princess. The five mixed martial arts members met with Twilight and Rainbow in front of the horse statue.

"As some of you may know, Timmy was nearly kidnapped," Twilight said with a somber expression.

"I heard about that," the white-haired girl said with a smile. "Timmy's a genius for how he got away from that freak." Gilda couldn't hide her pride in her student.

"For a little twerp who wears a pink hat," Lightning Dust said with a someone impressed smile, "he ain't so ba." Her friends, based on their smiles, were also impressed with Timmy's ingenuity.

"Yeah well, we can't count on him being lucky forever," Rainbow said in a stern tone.

"So we're trying to find people who'll protect him in cae-,"

"WE'RE IN!" They all said in unison

Princess Twilight was taken aback. "Wait, you'll do the job like that?"

"You guys are always battling evil magic," Lightning Dust said with a hint of jealousy

"And we think its unfair you Sheilas get to have all of the fun," Rolling Thunder exclaimed gleefully.

"This time, we get to be part of the action," Dumbbell gushed. Hoops said nothing, but looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Well, I do find Timmy to be...mildly entertaining," Gilda said in a seemingly indifferent tone. "So I'm in...I guess." Rainbow and Twilight gave the white-haired girl proud smiles. Gilda was kind of hardnosed, and more than a bit irresponsible. But she'd come to care for Timmy, even if she wouldn't say so openly.

"Very well," Princess Twilight said. "Do you five swear to protect Timmy from any harm, physical and emotional."

"YEAH!" The five said proudly.

"Then I christen you five the...Defenders of the Pink Hat," the Princess said in a royal tone of voice.

"Do we get a cool armor?" Lightning Dust asked with an eager expression.

"We'll see how you do," Rainbow said with a smile. Deep down, the athletic girl was relieved. While these five were careless jerks, they were a tough bunch who could easily protect the bucktoothed boy if anything happened.

"Enough Adagio," Aria said with some annoyance. The three former sirens were in their apartment they'd been forced to move too after losing their magic and their main source of income. It was far from rundown-Adagio boasted they could still be called middle class-it was too small for the former sirens' collective ego. The two older sisters were arguing while Sonata lied on the ground, obliviously drawing in crayon.

"But Aria," Adagio pleaded. "I swear-,"

"Every day you say you found something that'll give us our powers back!" Aria argued back. "And then it turns out to be nothing! I'm sick and tired of it."

"This twerp made a wish for that freak to be covered in sewer water, and it happened," Adagio said, showing the picture of the upended sewer line on her phone. "What else could've caused all this?"

Aria's stubborn wavered for a bit. "I don't know," Aria said barked, albeit not as strongly.

"They also found something in the truck called 'anti-magic generator'." Aria's interest grew. "The normies call it superstition, but that woman wouldn't have chased after that twerp for nothing." Aria's disbelief seemed to die even more.

Adagio smiled as she prepared to close the deal. "If this turns out to be the Stone of Desire," Adagio said with a purr, "we could get everything we want: our magic, our voices, this world in the palm of our hand, and revenge against Canterlot High." Aria's interest heightened. Adagio knew how Aria was angriest of three of them over their defeat at the hands of the Rainbooms. While she calmed down after the first few days, the desire for payback still hung in the back of her second youngest sister's mind.

"Hey guys!" Sonata butted into their argument with her dopey smile. "I drew you guys a picture of a taco." Sonata showed off a juvenile drawing to her older sisters, who were less than impressed.

"It's really nice Sonata," Adagio lied.

Aria butted in with her sly smile. "In fact, this museum wants to put it on display."

Sonata looked like a kid in a candy store. "Really?" The blue-haired siren chirped happily.

"Yeah", Aria joked, her eyes darting back and forth, "But its all the way in San Francisco! Which means you have to go. Now! Run!"

"OK," Sonata said cheerfully, "see you guys later." The youngest siren ran out of the door, singing to herself. Aria and Adagio smiled over their younger sister's gullibility. "When should we look for her?" Adagio asked Aria.

"She's like a cat," Aria said dismissively. "She'll come back when she gets hungry."

"So are you in Aria?" Adagio asked, returning to the subject at hand.

"OK, fine," Aria said after a few moments of thought. "We'll check this out." But if you're wrong-,"

"I won't bother you again about this."

"You will shave your cheese poof head so I don't have to clean your hair from the drain."

"Deal," Adagio said, extending her hand. Aria took it. "And my hair isn't a cheese poof," Adagio said defensively.

Aria rolled her eyes and let out a yawn. "I'm gonna hit the hay," the purple-haired siren said, going to her bedroom. Adagio looked at the newspaper article again, her eyes staring at the picture of the brown-haired runt.

"Maybe you'll be the key to getting what we deserve," Adagio hissed, looking at the twerp with hungry and greedy eyes.

"Why do we have to wear our hoods?" Aria asked. The three sirens drove around in a used orange SUV. It wasn't the worst car in the world, but several steps down from the limos and fancier cars they rented using their magic. Adagio drove, Aria sat in the passenger seat, while Sonata sat in the backseat.

"So no one spots us," Adagio said.

"This is dumb," Aria muttered, "we're in Dimmsdale! One of the lamest towns ever."

"Oh Aria," Adagio said dismissively ,"wherever there is power, there are always those who compete for it. Remember, some woman with a machete chased after that boy. And where there was one person, there could several others wanting that twerp's power."

"I guess," Aria said indifferently.

"Are we there yet?" Sonata asked.

"No," Adagio said.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we-,"

Aria furiously turned her gaze to her younger sister. "I'm gonna toss you out of this car if you don't clam up!" Aria yelled at Sonata.

"Clam up?" Sonata replied. "Are we eating seafood?" Adagio and Aria let out frustrated sighs. They loved their sister, but she was a major pain.

"Just be quiet," Aria muttered in annoyance.

"We're here," Adagio said, pulling into a parking lot. The three put on their hoods, and got out. They saw a massive truck that said "Camp Learn-A-Torium" in front of the building.

"Maybe I am being paranoid," Adagio said, "I mean how hard could it be to enter an elementary school."

As soon as they approached the building, the sirens were shocked by what they saw. The school was surrounded with electrified fences that sparkled with deadly electricity. Metal detectors and guard dogs were placed at every checkpoint.

One nervous blond kid try to go through one of the checkpoint, only for an alarm to go off. The guards shook him and slingshot fell out, much to their annoyance."Were you aware that you were in the possession of this contraband?" the guard said, waving it menacingly at the boy.

"I swear I had no idea," the kid squeaked nervously. "I-I was holding it for a friend."

"A likely story," the guard said with a frown. "Sic'em Fido." The guards let an angry Rottweiler chase after the hapless boy, who yelled in terror as he ran by the sirens.

"Oh well," Adagio said nervously, "this is going to be tougher than I imagined. We just have to get through security. Let's prepare."

Aria turned to her younger sister. "Sonata. Shut up."

"Yes ma'am," Sonata said.

"OK preparation over," Adagio said. "Let's go."

After getting through the checkpoints, the three sisters stood far enough from the entrance to be incognito, but close enough to see the kids going in.

"When is he getting here?" Aria asked.

"This seminar is mandatory," Adagio said, "I'm sure he'll be here soon."

"When we get the Stone, can I have 1000 tacos?" Sonata asked.

"For the tenth time yes!" Adagio and Aria barked in unison.

Sonata startled chuckling. "Look guys," Sonata said, happily pointing her finger like she saw a funny looking bird and she wanted her sisters to see. "Timmy-Wimmy is here." Adagio and Aria smiled as their target arrived, only to frown at who was behind him.

"We live in a small world, don't we," Adagio said with restrained patience.

"It can't be," Aria growled.

"It is," Sonata said. "Who is it?"

"Sunset Shimmer!" Aria hissed.

"Sunset," Timmy said, "I'm fine!"

"Just trying to keep you safe," Sunset said with a nervous smile.

"You're making me a wear a leash!" Timmy exclaimed. Sunset was so shaken by Timmy's kidnapping, she forced Timmy into a pink baby leash and was yanking him along, much to his embarrassment.

"Oh look," one boy said mockingly, "Widdle Timmy needs a leash." The laughter made Timmy blush with embarrassment. To his annoyance, Sunset either didn't know or didn't care how humiliating the whole thing was.

"What happened was no big deal," Timmy said with a smile. "Now can we please go inside where no one can see me?!"

"No," Sunset admonished, "we still need to wait for Pinkie." She looked at her watch. "Where is she?"

"HEY SUNNY!" a loud voice said. Sunset turned and saw Pinkie Pie, looking at them with her cheerful smile, while leaping up and down.

Timmy looked at the girl. She had puffy pink hair that went down her back. She wore a pink skirt with balloons on them, blue boots, and a blue and white blouse with a heart on it.

"Hey Pinkie Pie," Sunset greeted. "When did you get past security?"

"What security?" Pinkie Pie asked. She then looked at Timmy and bounced over to him. "Hi, Timmy-Wimmy," Pinkie Pie said. "I'm Pinkie Pie, your newest friend!" She bent down to hug the brown-haired kid. "Doesn't that sound great?"

"Too tight," Timmy wheezed, being squeezed by the excitable teenager's embrace.

"I heard you got kidnapped," Pinkie Pie said, releasing the poor boy, "and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make you feel better.?

"I'm good," Timmy said, taken aback by the girl's energy.

"I could bake you a cake," Pinkie offered, "or throw you a party."

"I'm fine."

"Or throw you a cake party," Pinkie said.

"I'm good." Timmy said.

"Make you a pie," Pinkie Pie offered, "tell you silly jokes.."


"Balloons, hot fudge, jellybeans..."


"Petting zoo, real zoo, a stuffed animal.."

"PINKIE!" Timmy bellowed. Pinkie's chatter ceased. "If I want something, I'll let you know. OK?"

"Yupperoni," Pinkie Pie said, regaining her joy. She began to skip inside, with Timmy and Sunset following in.

"That girl was weird," Wanda said to Cosmo. Both of them were disguised as balloons in Timmy's hand.

"What are you talking about Wanda," Cosmo said, "she loves petting zoos. The ultimate form of entertainment." Wanda let out a sigh as they went inside.

"It's that meanie, Sunset," Sonata said with fear and some anger.

"What is she doing with our target?!" Aria said with a hiss.

"It's obvious," Adagio said with an annoyed tone, "the Rainbooms smelled magic too, and went to where it was." He watched as Sunset let that boy into the school with a leash. "They act nice, he gives them whatever they want." A smile came on her face. "Ol'Sunset is many things, but she certainly lets an opportunity go to waste." An envious frown formed on the head siren's face. "But two can play that game." The three sirens followed behind their enemies, hoods down.

Pinkie, Sunset, and Timmy walked into the school. Timmy abruptly stopped and frowned. "What's wrong Timmy?" Sunset asked.

"Them," Timmy said. The two Canterlot teens looked ahead. They saw a man and a woman in their late 20s cheerfully greeting every attendee who entered the school with a song and dance routine that was a bit juvenile.They dressed up in a grown up version of a school uniform, complete with a graduation cap, pink bow ties, pink clad vests, and white short pants.

"I'm Peppy Happy Gary," a redhead man sang.

"I'm Peppy Happy Betty," a blond pig-tailed woman sang.

"We're peppy happy peppy happy happy peppy hap!" The two sang to some girl who wasn't at all impressed with their performance.

"Idiots," she muttered aloud before walking away from them.

"What's wrong with them?" Sunset asked Timmy.

"Yeah," Pinkie Pie with a smile, "they seem really...peppy and happy!"

"They're idiots." Pinkie Pie gasped. "Timmy. that's not nice," Pinkie admonished. Sunset said nothing but silently scolded Timmy as well.

"But they are," Timmy protested. "I don't want to them to see,"

"ITS OUR BUDDY-WUDDY TIMMY!" The pair exclaimed, much to Timmy's consternation. They ran over to hug Timmy as well.

"How are you Timmy Buddy?" Gary asked

"Did you miss us?" Betty asked.

"Not really," Timmy wheezed. They finally let Timmy go.

"Who are your new friends?" Gary asked Timmy, looking at the two girls behind him.

"I'M PINKIE PIE!" Pinkie Pie said, leaping up and down.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer," Sunset said, extending a polite handshake, "pleasure to-," instead of shaking her hand, two started dancing around her and singing their annoying song. Sunset was a bit discomforted by this. She had seen this behavior from Pinkie Pie, but she was a bit disturbed to be seeing it from two people who looked to be in their late twenties.

"Yes," Sunset said with an uncomfortable smile, "thank you for...this." The two refused to stop. Sunset found herself getting a headache from those two.

Sunset decided to be a bit more forceful. "Could you please-

"I'M PEPPY HAPPY PINKIE!" Pinkie started dancing with the two Learn-A-Torium employees, suddenly wearing the same outfit they were. Sunset used that opportunity to escape, dragging Timmy away from the annoying duo.

After a few moments, Pinkie stopped her dance. "That was real fun," Pinkie said, "but I have to be with my friends now." Before she could leave, Gary reached into her hair and took out a bag of gumdrops.

"Hey," Pinkie said with some annoyance, "why did you take my candy?"

"That candy-wandy is leaving your brain rotted-wooted," Gary said, as if he was talking to a five year old.

"I can tell," Betty said running her thumb along Pinkie's forehead.

"Excuse me?" Pinkie Pie said, sounding insulted. Pinkie looked even more mortified as Gary threw her candy down an incinerator. Her candy was obliterated into a puff of smoke.

"Isn't that better?" Betty asked the increasingly outraged girl.

Gary presented Pinkie with a plate of Brussel sprouts. "Wouldn't your prefer some nice healthy Brussel sprouts?!"

"BLECH!" Pinkie let out an expression of disgust and stormed away from them, mildly upset.

"See," Gary said with a smile, "she's feeling better."

"Hello Principal Waxelplax," Sunset said, greeting Waxelplax respectfully. The woman sat at a table near the entrance to the auditorium, giving out attendance tickets. Timmy, tired of wearing a leash, tried to tear at it with his buck teeth, to no avail.

"Hello Ms. Shimmer," the woman said politely. "How are you?"

"After what happened to Timmy, relieved," the Canterlot student said. "I think this safety seminar is a great idea."

"I wish this was my idea," the Irish woman said, "but it was actually Crocker's."

Sunset's face twisted into a frown. "Crocker?" Sunset asked with concern.

"Yes it seems strange," the plump woman said with a disdainful tone, "but for once, the man had a good idea. I suppose a broken clock can be right twice."

"Yeah...sure," Sunset said, her gut telling her something was rotten.

"Anyways," Waxelplax said while handing Sunset two tickets, "best head inside." Sunset wanted to give Timmy her ticket, but instead she saw Timmy has gotten out of the harness, which was coated in butter. Apparently, Timmy wished for butter to escape. Sunset ran inside in a panic, where she saw an annoyed Timmy sitting somewhere in the middle.

"Timmy, why did you escape your harness?" Sunset asked with annoyance. "Get over here to I can put it back-," Timmy turned to glare at her. "OK," Sunset said, remembering Timmy had magic and a nasty disposition. "I went too far with that. No more harnesses."

"Good." Timmy said, his annoyance fading. Sunset took a seat to his right, while an unusually annoyed Pinkie took a seat the boy's left. Together, the two formed a shield around the brown-haired child. But with her instincts telling her that Crocker was up to something, Sunset wondered if it would be enough.

She looked back at the boy she increasingly saw as her brother, remembered how he had been kidnapped by some psycho, and realized she couldn't take any chances. She pulled out her phone and sent a text. The meaning was only meant to be understood by the recipient.

"Crockpot's gunning for baby bird."

"Our buddy Crocker is at it again," Gilda said disdainfully, reading the text from Sunset. She sat in the passenger seat of a minivan, with her four teammates in the car.

"Can't wait to pay him a visit," Lightning Dust said gleefully. The two got out, alongside Hoops, Dumbell, and Rolling Thunder.

"So what do we do Gilds?" Lightning asked her leader.

"Climb up to the roof?" Rolling asked with excitement.

"Crawl under the school through the sewers?" Hoops asked.

"No," Gilda said, "I've got something else...up my sleeve," she said deviously.

"Entering the building like a normal person," Dumbbell said. The five entered the school in a less extreme and sneaky way. Simply by going through security like everyone else.

"You've outdone yourself again, Gilda," Rolling Thunder said with admiration.

"Of course," Gilda said. "It's so obvious, ol'Crockpot would never suspect us of doing it." Much to their annoyance, they were blocked from entering the auditorium by a pair of dancing clowns.

"I'm Peppy Happy Gary," one said.

"I'm Peppy Happy Betty," the other said.

"I'm disgusted," Gilda snarked.

"Nice to meet you, Disgusted!" The blond clown said happily. They still kept up their juvenile dance.

Rolling Thunder looked annoyed. "Could you get out of the way already?"

"Of course not," the redhead clown said with a condescending smile.

Gilda looked at the two with dismay. "Why not?"

"Because you five are so grumpy-wumpy," the redhead said.

"And because you're supposed to say please," the blond buffoon said.

Hoops looked incredibly annoyed. "Do we look like we're five years old?!"

"Move," Gilda ordered. The clowns didn't get the message, looking at her like she's an out-of-sorts child. "We're on a mission and we need-,"

"I think what you need is a hug," Gary said, hugging the tall teenager, ignoring her growing outrage. "Doesn't that put a smile on your face?"


"Thanks," Gilda said with a vicious smile and a bared fist. She saw the redhead moron lying on the ground with a swollen cheek and a dazed expression. "You did put a smile on my face." Betty stepped away from Gilda in fear. "Creep." The blond clown got the message and fearfully moved aside. As soon as Gilda stormed away, Betty looked down at her co-worker with concern.

"I think we're best friends," Gary said in a daze.

The seminar started. Timmy, Sunset, and Pinkie sat in the middle, the light dim. Unbeknownst to the small boy, a group of five was sitting several rows behind him, their eyes looking for anything that might hurt him. Unbeknownst to that group, a group of three stood near the back, inconspicuous, and watching the same boy with hungry ambition.

"Good morning, students," Principal Waxelplax said into a microphone. "To help you kids prepare for the dangers you might face, Camp Learn-A-Torium has put together a show to teach you children how to stay safe. Here in person, Camp Learn-A-Torium CEO Flappy Bob." The stage lights went on. A suavely dressed businessman in dark hair walked onto the stage.

"That's Flappy Bob," Pinkie said with disappointment, "I thought he'd be more...peppy and happy."

"Hello children," the man said in a suave voice. "Do you know we're here? Because we want you all to be safe and sound," he held out a wad of cash, "and your parents' tax dollars, of course."

"Smug bogan," Rolling Thunder grumbled with disgust. None of her friends were impressed with this crook with a silver spoon in his mouth.

"This guy is manipulative, greedy, and deceitful," Adagio muttered. She then smiled with a small blush. "If only he were a siren."

"To teach you how to stay safe," the man continued, "give a round of applause to your pals, Happy Peppy Gary and Betty." The two Learn-A-Torium employees came onto stage with wide smiles.

"Hey boys and girls," Gary said into the microphone.

"We're about to give you a lesson in staying safe," Betty said. "To do that, we need a volunteer."

"Since we know that all of you are rushing to help out your old pals Gary and Betty," Gary said.

The grim expression on every kids' face and the chirping crickets showed that no child was eager to be their volunteer.

"So to be fair, we have to pull one out of this box," Betty said, presenting some cardboard box. They reached in and pulled out name at random. "Our lucky volunteer is," Betty read, "Timmy Turner."

"What?" Timmy said. Before he could do anything, several Learn-A-Torium employees yanked him onto the stage much to Sunset and Pinkie's concern.

"So Timmy," Gary asked Timmy with an eager smile, "can you tell me the dangerous things you might encounter on a day to day basis?"


"I know," Betty said excitedly. "Let's show them what happens you don't look before you walk." They pushed Timmy over their foot, tripping him.

"Oof," Timmy said, falling to the floor.

Pinkie winced a bit. "That doesn't look fun," Pinkie with some concern.

"They're teaching kids about safety," Sunset said, "safety isn't supposed to be fun."

"Or you could hurt yourself on the door," Gary said, slamming a door into Timmy's face.

"Ow," Timmy set, gripping his nose in pain.

"Or you could get blown away in a storm," Betty exclaimed, turning on an industrial fan that blew Timmy across the stage, making him fall to the ground in a heap.

"Or you could get into a baking accident." Flour was poured on Timmy's body. Timmy noticed, with frustration, that almost everyone was starting to laugh at him.

Sunset and Pinkie felt themselves wincing even more. "I think that's a little mean," Pinkie Pie said uneasily.

"Or you crash into the pastry table at a party," Betty warned. A blueberry pie slammed into Timmy's face.

"Or you could burn yourself while cooking." Hot grease was thrown at the brown-haired boy, burning his arm.

"My arm." Timmy sobbed in some pain.

The sound of Timmy in agony made Sunset's hackles rise, especially as Timmy pleaded with them in desperation, only for the two to throw red paint on him.

Sunset's patience with those two slowly eroded. She felt her fists begin to clench. Pinkie herself wasn't too happy. For the first time in a while, looking at Timmy's uncomfortable expression, she began to feel...concern...scorn...annoyance. She gripped her arm rests tightly, a frown forming on her face.

"Or you could chased by bees," Betty said, pouring honey on Timmy and shaking a beehive to make the bees chase after Timmy. Timmy ran around trying to escape being stung.

The crowd of students laughed even harder. Principal Waxelplax began watching this, especially Timmy's distress, with ever growing concern as well.

"They're being mean to him," Pinkie barked. They were humiliating him. They were...hurting him. Pinkie felt an angry face like the one Limestone had form, and felt herself grip the arm rests so hard, they began to bend. What made her angry was that the two clowns on stage were doing it with a smile. Either they thought what they were doing was funny, or too stupid to know what they were doing.

Sunset, her jaw set, looked ready to jump up from her chair and storm onto the stage as well.

."Can we smash those clowns already?" Hoops asked Gilda with a mixture of eagerness and anger in his voice. Gilda and her friends were becoming increasingly unamused with the "safety demonstration", as it became clear Timmy was being hurt by what the clowns were doing.

Sure, they weren't above pranks and acting like idiots. But there was a difference between pranks, and injuring someone and driving them to tears.

"Or hit yourself with a hammer without wearing gloves," the blond clown said, smacking Timmy's knuckles with one. He let out another cry of pain.

"Sure," Gilda said with a growl. The five mixed martial artists were about to go up to the stage when Gilda spotted something with her yellow eyes, and stopped her friends with a raised hand.

"What?" Lightning asked with some annoyance. Gilda gestured to the entrance bottom of the stage. A familiar man in a white shirt walked inside. Her instincts telling her something was rotten, the five teenagers followed the man under the stage.

"Or get chlorine in your eyes." Timmy felt his eyes get splashed with pool water. "Chlorine, it burns!" He rubbed his eyes in a vain attempt to get the irritation out of them.

"That's it!" Sunset growled. She jumped up from her chair, as did Pinkie Pie, angry expressions on their faces. The two were about to storm on stage when Sunset felt her phone vibrate. It was a text from Gilda that read, "Don't go on stage. Meet me behind. Crocker's on balcony. Speak quietly. DON'T LET HIM SEE YOU."

"New orders," Sunset said to Pinkie Pie. "Don't go on stage."

Pinkie face her face turn sour. "But Timmy's getting hurt!"

"Crocker's planning something." Sunset said forcefully. "Don't do anything until I say its safe." Pinkie was about to object, but with a stern glare from the fire-haired girl, accepted Sunset's warnings and sat back in her seat, albeit with a reluctant frown. "I'll text you when its all clear," Sunset told Pinkie as she ran into the aisle and ran into the entrance under the stage. Pinkie felt helpless, watching those two torment poor Timmy.

Sunset found Gilda and her group standing just behind the stage in a maintenance area, hiding behind a heavy cart full of props.

"Gilda," Sunset barked, flinching when she heard another one of Timmy's sobs, "why aren't you-," Gilda silently pointed upwards. Crocker was on some rail-less maintenance balcony about story up, watching what was happening with a smile. He had some black case next to him.

"I think he's planning something." Gilda whispered. "I don't want to do anything until I know what." Gilda may have had a reputation for being in a hot hea

"What could that creep possibly plan?" Sunset asked with some disdain.

"Just as I planned," Crocker purred with a nasty grin. "Those idiots would follow my 'safety plan' to a letter, driving Turner up a wall."

Sunset's eyes narrowed. Crocker wanted Timmy to get hurt on purpose. But why? Sunset and the others flinched with they heard Timmy let out another cry of agony, and the mocking laughter of the audience grew even more.

"Go ahead Turner," Crocker gushed while rubbing his hands with glee, "retaliate against those imbeciles with a wish. And when you do," the man said, bending down opening his case. To the horror of Sunset and the mixed-martial arts club, he pulled out some green and black laser rifle. He turned it on, emitting a whirling sound, and aimed it at Timmy.

"Make a wish against those imbeciles," Crocker said dementedly, "and your magic will be as good as mine!" Crocker felt euphoria as Turner's anger grew. "At last. No more mockery. No more being called Crockpot, no more nasty letters from New Baltimore Community College asking for a donation," he gloated. "Soon, the ultimate power will be mine and I'll show the world I'm right!" He let out a nasty cackle, the image of Timmy in agony reflecting in his glasses.

Sunset seethed with rage as she glared at the man. This man was a teacher. He was supposed to help children. Instead he used a safety seminar to hurt and humiliate one of his own students for power. Sunset never felt so much genuine hatred for someone in her entire life! Her fellow associates felt the same way, as shown by their angry expressions. Lightning Dust was about to charge, but Gilda held her back.

"We don't know what that thing does!" Gilda hissed. "If he sees us, he could blast us with it."

"Then what do we do?" Rolling Thunder asked with fear, especially as she saw Timmy was about to reach his breaking point. Sunset looked at the cart she was hiding behind, and saw how it was six feet away from the ladder that brought Crocker to the balcony. A wicked smile formed on her face as did Gilda's as they both came up with the idea.

"OK," Sunset whispered. "At the count of the three we push and run!" Sunset, Gilda, and the others pressed themselves against the cart. "One, two, three!"

Crocker was so focused on his dream, he failed to see the cart careening toward the maintenance ladder. The cart smashed into the ladder. The vibrations traveled up to the balcony, and made Crocker stumble. He lost his grip on his laser, which fell to the ground and snapped in two.

"No, no I won't be denied!" Crocker shrieked as he flailed his arms, desperately trying to regain his footing.

Sunset looked at one of the ropes near the balcony with a vicious smile. "Deny this, Crockpot!" She yanked on the rope, releasing one of the counterweights. It slammed into Crocker with enough momentum, that he finally fell of the balcony. He hit the floor with a thud, his glasses were knocked off him and one of his legs was broken. He laid on the ground in a daze.

The group of six ran. Sunset texted Pinkie that it was all good. She barely noticed that part of her blue dress was ripped by one of the maintenance bars as she ran out from under the stage.

"And now, let's see what happens when you don't wear a rain coat," Gary said, holding up a hose.

"Stop!" Timmy protested, only for water to get sprayed all over his pants.

"Hey look," a nasty voice said. "Turner wet his pants". Everyone in the crowd started laughing like crazy.

"Our little buddy Timmy should be thanking us," Gary said.

"We've taught him to be safe," Betty said.

The laughter, on top of his pants being ruined, was the last straw. He glared at the two idiots who had made him look like a fool, his face turning red. Now it was payback time.

"THAT'S IT!" Timmy bellowed, steam coming out of his ears. "I WI-," he paused as a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you?!" Timmy looked up and saw an angry Pinkie Pie glaring at the two buffoons while trying to comfort him.

"Don't you see you're humiliating him", Pinkie Pie yelled, "you...you...IDIOTS!"

Gary and Betty looked incredibly confused by Pinkie's accusations. "We're teaching him how to be safe," Gary said.

"I don't see what's wrong with that." Betty said with the same dumb smile. Pinkie Pie looked at their shamelessly happy expressions with disgusted disbelief, but then decided they weren't worth her time. She instead turned toward the audience that had been laughing at Timmy's pain.

"You all think that's funny," Pinkie said to the audience in an angry yell. "Well it's not! And you know what else. YOU'RE ALL MEANIES! There," she hissed, "I said it." Pinkie Pie stormed off the stage, pulling Timmy by his arm very gently, leaving behind a silent and ashamed audience.

As they left the stage. Timmy started to whimper. Pinkie's angered faded, and she bent down to give Timmy a warm hug. Timmy was too forlorn to refuse. He melted into the hug, crying out of pain and embarrassment. All the while, Pinkie rubbed his back and whispered soothing words into his ear, telling him it was OK. She'd done this for Marble. She'd done whenever any of her friends were upset.

Timmy counted as a friend. And so she would hold him until he was all better.

Pinkie helped Timmy laugh again by putting her hands to her mouth and making a whoopie cushion. Compared to the crying he heard, it was a relief. "You want to go get washed up," Pinkie asked Timmy gently as they reached a bathroom.

"Sure," Timmy said in a small, less broken voice, but his eyes were still red and puffy from the crying. Before he got in, Pinkie presented Timmy with something.

"New pants," Timmy said with surprise, taking the blue pants that were identical to his wet ones. He looked at Pinkie with a grateful smile, and gave the pink haired girl a hug. "Thank you."

"Like I said," Pinkie Pie said gently, patting Timmy's head, "I help my friends." Timmy gave her one last grateful look, before going into the bathroom to change.

"Pinkie", Sunset said, approaching her pink-haired friend. "Where's Timmy?"

"In the bathroom," Pinkie said.

"How is he?"

"Upset," Pinkie sighed.

"This was Crocker's idea," Sunset said with a deep frown. Pinkie Pie's face curled into a frown.

"That, that-," Pinkie began, only to be cut off by a voice that rung in their ears.

"Ms. Shimmer," Crocker said angrily. He was limping on a cane, his leg broken by the fall.

"Crocker," Sunset said with suppressed rage. Pinkie Pie didn't say anything, but glared at the man who hurt Timmy.

"I was...doing maintenance on the balcony," Crocker lied as he stumbled toward the two teenagers, "when a cart hit the ladder, sending me tumbling to the ground." He glared. "You wouldn't happen to know who did that, do you?"

Sunset played dumb. "Why would I know anything," Sunset said, trying to suppress the smile she got from sending this idiot plummeting to the ground.

"Very well," Crocker said, he was about to turn away, only to turn back with another glare. "I guess this just happened to be in the maintenance stairs," he said.

"What?" Sunset said. Sunset felt her jaw drop when Crocker presented a piece of Sunset's blue dress. Crocker may have been crazy, but he wasn't a complete idiot, and cottoned on too Sunset's shock.

"This piece of dress, which just happens to be in the same color as yours," Crocker said sarcastically, "which just happens to be in the same shape as that tear in your dress, and which just happened to be in the maintenance hall where someone could've...plotted my downfall." Sunset felt a chill go down her spine, as did Pinkie Pie. Crocker knew Sunset was responsible, even if he couldn't prove it. "But, one shouldn't jump to conclusions," Crocker said sarcastically, before his bespectacled eyes glared at Sunset once more. "Mark my words Shimmer," Crocker said ominously, "I will remember this day. The day you dared interfere with Denzel Q.-," Crocker felt someone tap him on the shoulder.
He turned and saw the angry face of Principal Waxelplax staring at him. Even worse, she was holding up the broken remains of his laser. "Crocker, what is this?" The redhead asked him rhetorically while presenting to him the damaged equipment.

"Uh," Crocker stammered, "stage prop."

"You used a child safety demonstration for one of your schemes!" The woman yelled back at him. "That is the last straw. You are suspended from teaching for a month, during which time you will be scrubbing the floors!" The woman presented the form that announced his suspension and stormed away from him in a huff.

Crocker felt his blood go cold as he looked at the form, banning him from teaching. "My scheme has been foiled," Crocker said to himself," I've been suspended from teaching, and my leg has been broken. How can this get any worse?"

"Hey Crockpot," a rough voice said from behind him. Crocker turned around and saw Gilda Griffon staring at him mercilessly with crossed arms. "How've you been?"

"Hello, Ms. Griffon," Crocker said fearfully. "how's it going?"

"You think its OK to make that boy cry," Gilda said with a snarl.


"Well now I'm about to make you cry," Gilda said, cracking her knuckles.

Crocker tried to back away. "Let's not be hasty! You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses." Gilda took his glasses, and broke them in his hand.

Crocker chuckled nervously. "Now that you've taken care of that-"Gilda pounced on Crocker and proceeded to wail on the man without mercy or restraint. The man let out agonizing screams as he was beaten within an inch of his life.

Principal Waxelplax watched Crocker get beat up, but while obligated to do something, she let it go on. The man used an assembly for his crazy schemes. It was more than he deserved. Other people, including Sunset and Pinkie, felt the same way. Many kids cheered as Gilda beat up their least favorite teacher.

When it was over, Gilda dragged Crocker into a nearby closet and pinned the battered teacher against the wall.

"If you go after that boy again, and I find out," Gilda warned, "I'm gonna be looking for you." She released the shirt and stormed out, letting the man fall to the ground in a heap.

Behind thestage, Gary and Betty were packing up their supplies when behind them, they heard a loud cough.

They turned around and saw Lightning Dust and Rolling Thunder. Behind them were Hoops and Dumbbell. All four of them were looking at the peppy and happy duo with forced smiles on their faces.

"How can we help you four?" Gary asked.

"Real great safety demonstration," Lightning Dust said in all too cheery expression.

"Really," Betty said.

"In fact," Rolling Thunder said, her Aussie accent being more pronounced. "We're about to give you blokes one."

"That sounds wonderful," Gary said with oblivious cheer.

"We'll show you the danger you can find yourself in when you mess with little kids," Hoops said the smile of a shark. The blood of the two Learn-A-Torium employees ran cold when the four raised their fists.

The empty auditorium echoed with their screams and the beatings they got.

Timmy wished himself clean once he was alone. He then took off his ruined pants and put on Pinkie's gift pants. His fairies appeared before him with sympathetic expressions.

"How you feeling sport?" Wanda asked.

"Better," Timmy said.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Timmy," Cosmo said with honest concern in his voice.

"It's OK," Timmy said, "like Pinkie said, its all-" Timmy looked outside the window, and saw his classmates looking at their phones. They were laughing away at something. "I wish I knew what they were laughing at," Timmy said, his eyes narrowing in confusion. With a poof, a screen appeared in the air. Apparently, some recorded his humiliation. Now, it was becoming a viral hit on TubeYoo. Timmy felt his eye twitch.

"Timmy," Wanda said, trying to diffuse Timmy's anger.

The video already had one million hits.

"Timmy," Cosmo tried. Timmy started shaking, and felt his face turn red again.

The three sirens walked through the halls, laughing up a storm.

"Remember when they dumped paint on him," Adagio cackled.

"Or when they let those bees chased after him," Aria snickered.

Sonata said nothing, but laughed as well.

"Did you get that video uploaded onto TubeYoo?" Adagio asked Aria with a cruel smile.

"One million hits and counting." Aria proclaimed proudly. The pigtailed siren's expression became more stern. "Well Adagio, we got a good laugh. But no Equestrian magic. You know what that means."

"I know," Adagio conceded with defeat, "a deal's a deal. I get my hair cut-," a blast was heard outside. The sirens' eyes widened in shock.

"What was that?" Aria asked.

Everyone wandered outside, wondering what the tremor was. Learn-A-Torium truck was crushed by a giant meteor. Gary and Betty, both black, blue, and with broken teeth, looked at this with horror.

"Our truck," Betty said.

"Destroyed," Gary said. "AAAAHHHH", they screamed, while Flappy spoke on his cell phone.

"Our insurance policy doesn't cover meteors," Flappy said, putting his phone down. All three of them let out an even louder scream.

Pinkie, Sunset, and Gilda looked at this scene with shock. The entire truck had been squashed flat like a pancake.

"Who did this?" Pinkie asked Sunset in a scared voice. Gilda pointed toward the parking lot. They looked at the brown-haired boy, who was staring at the destroyed truck with deep satisfaction.

Timmy smiled, seeing the Learn-A-Torium's truck destroyed. If they were gonna hit him, like Gilda said, he should hit back hard.

Behind him, Sunset, Pinkie, and Gilda looked at their charge, not with approval, but with sheer terror at what he had done. Not only that, but they felt their blood go cold at the joy he took is causing such destruction.

On the other side of the parking lot, the three siren sisters looked at the boy, not with horror, but with approval.

Aria and Sonata, in particular, looked at him with demented glee.

"I think we could...make this work," Adagio said with an opportunistic smile. "This could work out very well indeed."

This Turner boy was like all human children: weak, frail, and stupid. But like all humans, he had a dark side. Like all good sirens, she understood and respected that power.

He was, after all, willing to use magic to get what he wanted. To get the revenge on those wrong him. To hurt those who stood in his way.

Imagine what he could do if...pushed in the right direction.

So many possibilities, Adagio thought, her smile growing wider.

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