• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 13,081 Views, 1,879 Comments

Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Power Attracts the Corrupted (Edited)

Author's Note:

According to reviews in the previous iteration of this chapter, I made the EG characters a bit too harsh on Timmy, and didn't do enough with the Dazzlings.

I hope with this chapter, I can begin to rectify those mistakes.

"I'm Chet Ubetcha," the diminutive news anchor said on TV. "Tonight, a meteor crashes into Dimmsdale without warning from NASA, destroying a whole truck. A sign of Doomsday, or a quirk of astrophysics? All that and more tonight."

Timmy sat in front of the TV, enjoying some vanilla ice cream. He took a bite when he saw those idiots crying on television. The ice cream tasted sweeter as he savored their suffering. Cosmo and Wanda, disguised as pins, also smiled as that moron Flappy Bob whined about his lost forth quarter.

"For our first story, the largest yacht ever to be owned in Dimmsdale was purchased," the camera zoomed out, revealing the reporter was standing on a yacht and wearing swim trunks, "by me!" The man said cheerfully. "It is in the opinion of this reporter that anchorman salaries are the best!"

Sunset sat behind him on the couch. Timmy, while savoring the pain of those idiots, couldn't help but notice Sunset was...unusually quiet and nervous for some reason.

It was 9 PM at the Canterlot Library. Normally, the only person in CHS at this hour was the janitor. But because of the subject of the meeting, several students had been allowed by the Principal Sisters to stay past closing time where they could talk in secret about their most pressing concern: Timmy Turner's destructive revenge and how to stop him from acting out again.

Various sides sat at the big table and began arguing over how to deal with Timmy's wrath. Princess Twilight said nothing, hearing all sides and taking notes before being allowed to make the final judgement. The secrecy of the meeting proved to be necessary, as the discussions got increasingly heated.

"YOU WANT TO KEEP HIM IN A CAGE?!" Sunset angrily bellowed to Applejack.

"Who said cage?" the farmer girl said defensively. "This here's a....nice, metal box where we can keep Timmy from hurting someone and where we can watch over him twenty four seven until the rune is finished." Applejack held up dog-sized kennel that she usually kept for Winona.

"That's a cage!"

"Also, Timmy has, like, a ton of magic on his side," Rainbow said with an unimpressed tone. "Do you really think that little box can keep him in?"

Applejack silently conceded her point with a frown and threw the kennel aside. "OK, ah say we invite him into one of our homes, trick him into thinking he's sick," Applejack said. "That way we can shove him into bed and keep him where we can see him for the next few days. My granny can watch-"

"You're still treating him like a criminal!" Sunset argued angrily.

"Well Darling," Rarity threw back with glare, "he did destroy a truck!"

"Those idiots and Crockpot humiliated him!" Rainbow yelled back.

"But destroying a truck was so mean," Fluttershy muttered.

"Those meanies were being mean to him!" Pinkie yelled back. "While thinking they were being nice!" It was rare for Pinkie, of all people, to defend an act of violence. But the actions of Gary and Betty made Pinkie's stomach turn so much, she was on Timmy's side.

"It was self defense!"



"ENOUGH!" Twilight yelled in a voice that blew everyone away, ending the dispute. Everyone pulled themselves up looked back at the Princess of Friendship with shock and a bit of fear.

"Sorry," Twilight said sheepishly, "Royal Canterlot Voice."

"Maybe we need to take a break," Flash said in a soft tone. "This whole thing is getting to us."

"Guys," Thunderlane said in a soothing tone, "this could all just a huge coincidence. Maybe that meteor came on its own." Everyone turned to glare at blue-haired jock. "It could!" He said defensively.

"My friends at the observatory said the meteor plummeted to the ground at a speed well beyond terminal velocity," Micro Chips said. Everyone, not knowing what that meant, stared at the science geek blankly.

"It means it fell too fast for any normal meteor," Twilight said, translating for the other students.

Micro face-palmed in frustration. "Not to mention the meteor materialized out of nowhere without warning," Micro added with a glare to the skeptical jock. "Unless you have some alternative hypothesis for how a ton of space rock could suddenly appear, then by all means, contribute!"

"OK, he probably did do it," Thunderlane reluctantly conceded with a frown. "B-but I have a hard time believing he could do that. He seems like a good kid."

"Not normally, but it appears that the corruption of the Stone has begun." Rarity said ominously, "And now he's begun his descent into becoming a ne'er do well."

"I really, really doubt that's happening." Rainbow said with crossed arms.

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked Rainbow.

"He's had that thing in his body for, like, a week," Rainbow said with a stern frown. "He's probably been making wishes without us knowing. If he's supposed to go crazy, wouldn't he have done it." Rainbow turned to Twilight. "Is there, like, a timetable for becoming an evil villain?"

Princess Twilight grew pensive. "Well...these stones mostly faded to legend. So their properties aren't fully known."

"So y'all are sayin' he's doin' this of his free will?" Applejack asked Rainbow with a pointed glare. A concerned look formed on everyone's faces.

"Did you see what he was put through by those peppy happy idiots!" Gilda threw back. "That wasn't a prank. That was torture. Torture. I wouldn't do that."

"You tortured Crocker," Applejack pointed out.

"He deserved it," Gilda said unapologetically. No one dared argued with her.

"Not to mention some idiot put his what he went through on Tube Yoo!" Flash through in with a frown. "Has anyone figured out who that was yet?" Flash was not by nature a violent person, but he looked like he wanted to have words with the jerk who humiliated Timmy on the Internet.

"I don't know," Sunset said with a frown. "The username just has 'AB'. Who do we know with those initials?"

Pinkie felt a serious frown form on her face. "I know who it was." Everyone looked at the pink hair girl, her bright blue eyes becoming narrow as she prepared her answer. "Apple Bloom."

Applejack said with a roll of her eyes. "I doubt my sis would ever do something like that. She...likes Timmy too much for that. And even if she did, she would have come all the way from Canterlot Elementary to do that."

"Oh," Pinkie said with a frown.

"Gettin' back to mah point," Applejack interrupted. "If he's not being corrupted, than what does that say about Timmy?"

"I mean," Sunset admitted meekly, "he normally is a...nice...kid. But...he can be really, really...vindictive and bratty sometimes. But he's not too bratty that he can't learn from his mistakes or say sorry. I mean, he did do his punishment chores without magic. If were really a bad kid, wouldn't he have used magic to do his chores?"

"I mean, he has hurt people," Rainbow observed. "But only when those people hurt him, like that freak who kidnapped him."

"He dumped garbage on Vicky's head," Pinkie said with a look. "But only because that girl was being really mean to him."

"He wished a bunch of spiders on me," Gilda said with a smile. She frowned when everyone turned to stare at her.

"He did that?" Rarity asked with concern. "Why?"

"Because I put a fake spider on Dash's little sister." Gilda's smile was proud. "He was standing up for his friend."

A cheerful smile formed on Rainbow's face. "Really?" The school athlete asked excitedly.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Sunset asked Gilda in a serious tone..

"I didn't think it was a big deal," Gilda replied with a shrug.

"You thought him wishing poisonous creatures on your body wasn't a big deal?" Fluttershy asked with a serious look. Gilda's grinning face was replaced with concern.


"Spiders can inject poison into other people's bodies," Fluttershy said under her breath. Gilda was a little bit freaked out.

"See," Rarity pointed out with a hiss. "It is plain as day he's out of control!"

"Out of control?" Rainbow asked with some disgust. "Have you seen the jerks he's had to deal with! That witch of a babysitter, that idiot Crocker, those bullies, those rich brats who cheated him, those other brats who laughed at him," Rainbow said, her voice becoming more and more sad as she went on, "that psycho who kidnapped him, those peppy-happy idiots."

"And his parents...aren't always around," Sunset added with a sad expression. "It's like they want to ditch him any chance they get." An aura of melancholy fell over everyone, as they recounted the depressing facts in Timmy's life.

"Man," Flash commented sympathetically, "Timmy...has had to deal with a lot. It's like...everyone in his life is out to get him. I mean, how can he live with that and not go crazy!"

"I would," Limestone Pie added with a snort. "If that idiot Crockpot did to Marble what he did to Timmy," the gruff Pie sister commented with a dark look ,"I'd pound him to gravel myself." Pinkie, for once, shared the dark look that was on her elder sister's face. Even for someone as nice as Pinkie, her niceness had limits when it came to her younger twin sister.

"And how are you guys any better?" Gilda asked Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy with a serious look. "You didn't exactly complain when my crew and I thrashed Crocker and those two clowns." The three girls suddenly looked at their hands. "If it was your brothers and sisters in Timmy's shoes, wouldn't you do the same?"

"You're absolutely right Darlings," Rarity said to Gilda and Limestone with a pointed look. "I don't fault you for giving that pathetic excuse of a teacher a good thumping. If he touched a single hair on Sweetie Belle's head, I would happily do it myself!" The martial arts champion and the rock farmer let smug smiles form on their faces. "BUT I certainty wouldn't murder them over it!" Rarity threw in.

"What do you mean murder?" Thunderlane asked with concern.

"Imagine if those two had been in that truck when the meteor hit," Rarity hissed. "Or worse, what if some innocent bystander had been in or near the truck? Or what if the meteor hit someone else?!"

The feeling of horror descended over everyone at Rarity's observation. Even Gilda and Limestone were aghast at the idea that Timmy's retaliation could've gotten someone killed, innocent of not.

"But Timmy wouldn't do that," Pinkie muttered with some sadness.

"Maybe not on purpose sugar cube," Applejack replied solemnly. "But it's clear the boy doesn't think things through! Whether or not those varmints deserved it, that meteor could've hurt someone else real bad...or worse. Sure, we got lucky once. But let's say some other jerk comes into his life and hurts him. If he thinks it's A-OK to drop rocks on people, what do y'all think he'll do next?" The thought brought everyone to another horrified silence. "And if that rock is messing with his brain....the next time...someone else wouldn't be so lucky."

Everyone silently mulled over that scenario. They didn't like thinking of Timmy as a threat to public safety, but it he proved he could do a lot of damage when sufficiently angered. And...they were really lucky that only the truck was destroyed.

The teens turned to Twilight, having silently decided to end the conversation. "Well Twilight," Sunset said to the pony princess in a soft voice. "what do think we should do?"

Twilight mulled over her answer, before rising from her chair. "Out of all the beings I've encountered, I've never met someone more in need of friendship," Twilight concluded solemnly. "Timmy sounds like he's had it pretty rough and has had to deal with a lot of terrible people," the pony princess concluded. But then her face shifted into a more stern, princess-y look. "But let me clear: having terrible people in his life doesn't give him a right to be terrible, and it certainly doesn't give him a right to do this."

Sunset was little annoyed. "But that idiot Crocker humiliated him."

"You humiliated me!" Twilight yelled at Sunset. "Should I have dropped a meteor on you?" Sunset thought about and frowned. "Twilight turned to everyone else. "Should I have done that to Sunset after she turned you guys into zombies?" Everyone frowned in discomfort. "I know what Crocker did was beyond horrible, and you all have a right to be angry at him. But I was always taught to believe in mercy and compassion." Princess Twilight continued in a stern tone, "There are situations where you have to use lethal force, but this isn't one of them.Timmy has every right to be mad, but he had no right to put other people in danger." She paused and frowned. "I don't think Timmy is pure evil. But he's not responsible or mature enough for this power, and if he thinks this is the way to deal with his problems, we need to take it away from him."

"So your saying we should put him in quarantine like Applejack said?" Sunset asked in a tone that indicated that while she was upset at the prospect, she couldn't rule it out entirely.

Princess Twilight looked askance at that. "Look, I know you're all scared about what Timmy did, but don't let this affect-,"

"We're not gonna ditch him!" Sunset said defensively.

"Darling, while I don't exactly approve of what he did," Rarity replied with a stern gaze, "I would never dream of abandoning Timothy over it."

"Truck or no truck, Timmy's one of us now," Rainbow said with a serious tone.

"I wasn't accusing you of that," Princess Twilight said empathetically. Twilight couldn't help but notice that everyone frowned at the insinuation that they would ditch Timmy over this stunt. Timmy had long stopped being just a mission to them. They all, in one way or another, had become invested in his well-being.

It made her heart so fuzzy.

"What I am saying is don't let this affect your behavior toward Timmy. Right now, he trusts all of you guys, and we can't endanger that. Timmy may not be academically gifted, and naive, but he's not blind. If any of you change your behavior, he'll notice," the Princess of Friendship stressed. "So don't do anything that could make him question your trust in you. My advice: keeping acting the way you normally act to him."

"So just keep being nice to him," Sunset surmised. Twilight nodded. Everyone smiled.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Thunderlane said with a smile. He then frowned. "But...how do we stop him from, you know, dropping meteors on people."

"Like Rainbow said," Princess Twilight observed, "the only time he lashes out is when he is under extreme duress. We just have to protect him from those kinds of situations, and keep an eye for anything that goes after him."

Gilda smiled wryly. "Well don't worry Princess. I'll make sure nothing goes after him. I mean, he is mildly tolerable." Gilda wouldn't admit it, but everyone knew she cared for the boy..

"But she would, you know, keep a closer eye on him?" Applejack asked the Princess.

"As long as you do it in a way he won't notice you," Princess Twilight said sternly.

Rainbow Dash smiled. "Don't worry Princess. He won't notice we're there."

"Why are you here?" Timmy asked with some confusion. Fluttershy and Rainbow were sitting next to Timmy on the bus.

Rainbow smiled like Timmy said the silliest thing in the world. "Because...I always take this route to go to Canterlot High."

"Yeah this bus is so comfortable," Fluttershy said, only to groan. "Ow, sat on a spring," she said with a wince.

Timmy didn't look impressed. "This bus only goes to Dimmsdale Elementary."

"Uh...we'll walk the rest of the way to save gas?" Fluttershy offered.

Timmy, holding his goldfish in his arms, let out an annoyed sigh.

"OK class," the arts and crafts teacher said. "Today we're going to make origami."

Timmy took Cosmo, disguised as green paper, and started folding him. All the while using Wanda as a ruler.

"Oh Timmy, please make me into a crane," Cosmo gushed. "They represent wisdom."

Wanda roll her eyes. "That would be a-," Wanda stopped her sarcastic quip when she noticed someone at the door.

"Uh Timmy?" Wanda said, gesturing to the door.

Timmy looked at the window of the door. To his annoyance, he saw someone standing at it.

Lightning Dust. As soon as she noticed him, she turned away. Timmy let out annoyed sigh and asked to be excused. Timmy went into the hall and confronted the orange and yellow haired girl, who was trying and failing to hide herself behind a trash can.

"Why are you here?" Timmy asked.

"What are you talking about?" Lightning Dust asked Timmy with a silly smile.

"Why we're you watching me through the window?" Timmy asked in a more assertive tone.

"Uh...I was held back...several years?" Lightning Dust replied with a smile.

"That isn't a surprise," a gruff voice asked. Lightning turned with some annoyance to the speaker. "And what do you know about-," Lightning Dust's heart fell into her throat when she saw who it was.

"We meet again, Lightning Dust," Truant Officer Shallowgrave hissed, menacingly baring his hooked hand at the Canterlot teen.

"Hey Officer," the delinquent squeaked. "It's been a while."

"Remember the Arcade Disaster of October 12th," the eyepatched man grunted.


"Let me jog your memory." His hooked hand became a laser beam. Lightning Dust ran with a scream, while Truant Officer Shallowgrave chased after her, blasting her all the while.

Timmy watched this with confusion and annoyance.

"So how do you play Timmy ball?" Scootaloo asked. She and her fellow Crusaders decided to hang out with Timmy and his friends at Canterlot Park. Timmy couldn't help but notice how adamant the three Crusaders were about spending time with him here in this spot.

"Well-," Timmy began, only to hear a sneeze coming from the bushes.

"What was that?" Elmer asked. He and the rest of Timmy's friends looked confused as they stared at the bush, while the Crusaders looked nervous.

"Nothing," Apple Bloom said with an uneasy smile.

"I didn't hear a thing," Sweetie Belle denied.

"Nada," Scootaloo said abruptly. "We should get back to the game and not pay attention to what's in the bush,"

A sniffle was heard.

"There's definitely something in that bush!" A.J. remarked in an analytical tone.

"It is a raccoon?" Chester asked excitedly. "Oh boy, game meat!"

"I'm more of a possum person myself," Apple Bloom said.

"Ow, thorn!" A female voice yelled from the bush. Timmy pinched the bridge of his nose, and wandered over to the bush. He found Sunset hiding there with binoculars. Sunset met his annoyed gaze with an attempt at looking innocent.

"Uh, birdwatching?"

Timmy felt his eye twitch.

With a yell, Timmy dived into one of the bathrooms at Dimmsdale Park, and hid himself in one of the stalls.

"Every one is so annoying today," Timmy yelled with frustration. "They keep following me around and won't leave me alone!" Cosmo and Wanda poofed in front of him. He couldn't help but notice they were looking at him with teasing smiles.

"Uh Sport," Wanda said as if she was about to laugh. "The reason seems pretty obvious."

Timmy looked at this fairy godmother with consternation. "What?"

"Because they care about you, Timmy," Cosmo said happily. He poofed up a phone. "Allow me to demonstrate." He dialed a number. "Hey mom!" Cosmo said to Mama Cosma.

"Cosmo darling, how are you?" The green-haired fairy said.

"What if I told you Wanda called me a moron and left me?"

From the other line, the green-haired fairy poofed up a flamethrower. "Then I would destroy her and bring you home safe and sound! No one can be allowed to mess with my son!"

"Thanks, bye." Cosmo abruptly hung up the phone.

"Allow me to demonstrate," Wanda said, make her own call.

"Wanda," Big Daddy said over the phone in his gruff voice. "What's happening?"


"Say the word, and I'll have him put on ice," the garbage collector threatened.

"Nope, everything is fine," Wanda interrupted before hanging up.

"Does Cosmo need to be put on ice?" One of Big Daddy's associates asked him ominously.

"Not yet," Big Daddy muttered with a growl.

"Can I come out now." Binky burst out of a nearby freezer, his skin blue and his head coated with frosted. "I c-can't f-feel my w-wings," the bald fairy shivered.

"You should've thought of that before you stole Big Daddy's parking spot," Big Daddy's associate growled.

"Aww," Binky conceded before going back into the freezer.

"Sunset following you around and putting a leash on you is annoying," Cosmo pointed out. "But she's doing it because she cares about you."

Timmy looked confused. "She does?"

"Timmy we're fairy godparents," Wanda assured him with a smile. "We can tell. Sunset hasn't just watched you. Even that would be a step up from Vicky."

"She's played video games, sang you a lullaby, and even hugged you," Cosmo pointed with a warm smile. "Why else would she do all those things?"

"Remember Timmy, you were kidnapped and later tormented by the Learn-A-Torium," Wanda pointed out, "And while you getting into trouble happens practically every week, Sunset and her friends don't know that."

"They also don't know that we have super magical powers to protect you either," Cosmo expressed with a smile.

Timmy's frustration was replaced with understanding. "I guess."Timmy felt a warm smile form on his face. His hand fell into his chin as he thought furiously.

"What's wrong Timmy?" Wanda said.

"I'll talk about it later," Timmy said defensively. He let out a sad sigh. "I should probably go say sorry to Sunset. She is trying to protect me." He walked out of the bathroom, his fairies disguised as pins on his shirt. "Not that I need it. There's nothing out there that can-," Timmy paused and noticed a table.

It was a table full of candy. Gum drops, chocolate bars, candy corn, you name it. A sign above said, "Free Candy for Boys With Pink Hats."

"Oh boy," Timmy said, his mouth salivating at all the sugary sweets.

"Doesn't that seem a little suspicious," Wanda pointed out.

"Who cares," Timmy said happily.

"Makes sense to me," Cosmo muttered obliviously.

Hidden in the bushes, three girls looked at the pink hated boy the way a spider looked at its prey.

"This is it girls," Adagio said with vicious glee. "As soon as he wanders over to the candy, he'll step on the electric-rigged platform we hid underneath, electrocuting him into unconsciousness. We'll abduct him and rip the stone out of his body."

"This is gonna be so sweet," Aria gushed.

"Magic powers here we come," Sonata chirped.

"He's coming over," Adagio told her sisters to get them to simmer down. "Patience." The buck-toothed little brat wandered over.

"Timmy!" a voice said. The three sirens looked and saw a purple-haired brat on a scooter and came over to them. She parked her scooter near the table.

"It's Dash's little sister," Aria groaned with disgust. The two elementary aged kids chatted. The purple haired girl noticed the candy and wandered over.

"Oh no!" Sonata exclaimed with horror. "She's gonna get electrocuted too."

"Who cares?" Aria asked.

Sonata shrugged. "Makes sense to me." The two kids wandered over to the table. Adagio smiled. She would get her powers back, and get her sweet revenge on one of the Rainbooms.

Only for the two children to take the candy and walk away completely unharmed.

"What?" Adagio hissed. The three sirens crawled out from the bush and wandered over to the table. "What happened?!" Adagio asked angrily. The eldest siren wandered over to the hidden platform. She stepped on it, but no electricity came out. Aria and Sonata also were confused. "We wired this perfectly!"

Aria looked down at the grass. "I see what happened."


"Dash's sister disconnected the cord with her scooter." Aria said with some annoyance. The plug that connected the platform to its power source had been severed. Sonata happily bent down and put the plug back onto the outlet. "There we go," Sonata said proudly. "All-," A massive electric shock went out, followed by Adagio screaming in pain.

Aria and Sonata turned to see an electrocuted, steaming, and burnt Adagio glaring at them with unhinged fury.

Sonata gulped. "Aria did it!" Sonata exclaimed, literally pointing a finger at her pig-tailed sister, much to her annoyance. Adagio was about to respond angrily, but instead let out a wet couch before collapsing onto the dirt.

Timmy was doing his practice laps with Rumble and the rest of his team at Clover Community Center's indoor track. Despite still being in last, he didn't feel as much pressure before, since he knew they didn't look down at him.

"That's it Timmy," Rumble called, "you got it!"

From the roof through a window, the Dazzlings themselves plotted a scheme, out of sight from everyone else.

"OK girls," Adagio said, holding up a soccer ball. "This soccer ball contains knock out gas. With it, we can knock out Turner and all those brats." She threw the ball into the window, closed it, and waited for it to release its gas. After a few moments, the Dazzlings opened the window, only for the fake soccer ball to remain inert.

"What happened now?" Adagio groaned.

"Must've failed," Aria said.

"Like how we failed to conquer the world," Sonata chirped, much to the annoyance of their older sisters, who glared at the soccer ball.

"Oh boy!" A scratchy voice exclaimed. The Dazzlings saw that Rainbow kicked the ball around a bit, much to the hope of the sirens.

Only for the soccer fanatic to kick it back into where they were, right into Adagio's arms.

"Uh-," Adagio muttered.

The gas was released in a purple haze. Aria and Sonata scattered, leaving Adagio to get knocked out by the gas.

Timmy was on his lawn, doing his work out. Despite Rainbow not being there to coach him, he insisted on doing his own workout at home. He was strenuously doing push ups. Cosmo and Wanda were disguised as plastic water bottles and acted as his coach.

"Wanda was that 29 or 182?" Cosmo asked Wanda.

"10," the pink fairy stated.

Timmy fell to the ground in disgust. "I can barely do ten."

"Don't worry Timmy," Wanda assured her godchild. "These thing take practice. I'm sure you'll get there."

Hidden from the behind the fence in a neighboring house, the Dazzlings looked at the brown-haired boy with disdain. The poofy-haired siren held up a straw in one hand and a tranquilizer dart in the other.

"You're power will be ours twerp!" Adagio scowled. She put the dart into the straw and spat it. It flew toward the boy...

"Timmy," Sunset said happily. "Dinner." She held up a plate of tuna salad.

"Oh boy," Timmy said, looking at his babysitter with joy. The dart bounced off the plate, ricocheted off the tree, and flew toward Adagio.

"Not this time!" Adagio ducked, allowing the dart to miss her. The sirens groaned when Sunset patted Timmy's head, before leading him into the house.

"Phew! That was close. At least nothing happened-" The dart lightly bounced off the Dinkleberg's door. Suddenly a loud siren came out from the house, to the horror of the sirens.

"WARNING! WARNING!" A loudspaker blared with Dinkleberg's voice. "YOU HAVE ACTIVATED THE DINKLEBERG SECURITY SYSTEM!" An electrostatic gun burst out of the ground, aimed directly at Adagio. "IF YOU DO NOT VACATE THE PREMISES AT THE COUNT OF FIVE, YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED....PLEASE!"

Adagio stood there like a deer in the headlights, while Aria and Sonata dove out of the way.

"ONE, TWO...."


"FIVE." An electric blast struck Adagio, shocking her, and leaving her fried and crispy.


"Dinkleberg," Adagio groaned, before collapsing to the ground.

The sirens were back at their apartment. Adagio, once she had her electric burns treated, sat at the table, scribbling and trying to come up with a reason for why her plans failed.

Aria listened as Sonata recounted her own plan for getting the stone, complete with slides.

"And that's how we pretend to be stone collectors," Sonata finished. She clicked the button, revealing crude stick figures of herself holding up the stone and her sisters hugging her. "And how we get our magic back. The end."

"Man Sonata," Aria said, "I thought you were dumb, but this is a different level of stupid. It is so stupid, they ought to call it Sonata stupid!"

"Oh yeah," Sonata said with a frown, "you're....stupid." Aria rolled her eyes.

"Aria," Adagio scolded, "Sonata's trying her best. I don't see you coming up with any ideas."

"Yeah, your ideas certainly worked out," Aria snarked.

"That's why I am looking at my notes," Adagio said. "I'm trying to find out what our mistake was."

"Boring," Aria grumbled.

"This is why I became the Crown Princess," Adagio gloated. "I study my mistakes, like any future leader should."

"And what have you learned, oh leader?" Aria asked with more than a bit of annoyance in her voice. Adagio let her hand fall into her chin as her face twisted into serious thought, before a flash of brilliance came into her face.

"Canterlot High," Adagio hissed.


"My plans have failed because those stupid Canterlot brats keep getting in our way," Adagio said. "We just got to...get them out of the way."

Aria put on a pretense of being impressed. "Really brilliant idea Adagio. You've outdone yourself." Aria put her hands on her hips. "But there's one teeny, tiny flaw in your plan."


"WE DON'T HAVE OUR MAGIC!" Aria yelled in annoyance. "The only reason we took that school over was with our song. We probably could fight maybe one of those brats, but not all of them. Heck, even if we did get our magic back, the Rainbrats would use their rainbow powers on us." Adagio's expression became troubled. "And if you couldn't tell," Aria continued, "those brats are watching him like a hawk. If they even caught a whiff of us near the boy, they'd hand us our butts." Aria let out a sigh.

"Well duh," Sonata intoned. "Sunset looks like she really loves Timmy-Wimmy." Sonata cooed over that.

"Of course she does," Adagio growled, "The boy is a good asset."

"I wonder how Timmy would react if he saw the mean old Sunny," Sonata mused. Adagio's eyes widened.

"That's it," Adagio said with a smile.

"What's it?" Aria asked.

"Timmy looks up to Shimmer and those Canterlot goons," Adagio commented. "But what if we could get him to look up to us instead."

Aria was intrigued. "How?"

"What if he learned about an evil mastermind who brainwashed others?" Adagio began with a smile. "One who was pretending to be his friend just to use him. And then some brave sirens swooped in to warn him about this...monster." Aria was surprised, but then smiled brightly at what Adagio was getting at.

"That's...actually not a bad idea," Aria said with sincerity in her voice.

"Oh I see," Sonata said. The noise of broken china erupted from Sonata's head. "Oh wait, I don't."

Aria and Adagio frowned.

"We tell Timmy about Sunset Shimmer still being a demon," Aria explained to her baby sister. "So that we can look like the heroes, while turning Timmy against ol'Bacon Hair."

Sonata smiled at that too."That's a great idea," Sonata said excitedly.

"Yes it is," Adagio said with a confident smile. "In one move, we'll have our revenge against that pathetic unicorn who got in our way, and all the magic we need." Her smile got even wider. "Our comeback appears to be just around the corner," Aria and Sonata grinned manically at that. "And this time," Adagio said with a dark look in her eyes, "we'll make sure no one can stand in our way."

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