• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

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The Honeymoon Is Over (Edited)

"So how do you play Timmy ball?" Sunset asked, holding the pink ball in her hands. The two were in the middle of Dimmsdale Park along with other kids who were enjoying the warm weather.

"Rule one," Timmy said with a smile, "there are no rules. Rule two: I always win."

Sunset let out an amused chuckle."You're really good at this," Sunset said with a smirk.

"Thanks," Timmy said. A whimsical noise came from the distance. Timmy looked and saw it was the ice cream truck.

"ICE CREAM!" The chorus of kids blared out, rushing the truck. Timmy looked at Sunset like a hungry puppy dog.

"OK I'll get you an ice cream," Sunset said with a smirk, "but no dessert later." Timmy let out a grateful smile as she followed Sunset to the ice cream truck.

"You know," Wanda said while disguised as a terrier, "you can just wish for an ice cream, sport."

"Don't you get, Wanda?" Cosmo pointed out in an exasperated tone. "It's the principle of the matter." Wanda rolled her eyes.

The window to the truck opened, revealing a sweet old lady. She was plump, bespectacled, and had her greying hair tied into a bun. She wore a really old-fashioned lavender dress.

"Hello children," the kindly woman said, "I am Mrs. Butterbatter. I'd like all of you try some of my homemade Butterbatter ice cream. It will fill your heart with love...and cholesterol."

Children began lining up to buy some of it. Eventually, Timmy and Sunset reached the woman.

"What is your name young man?" Mrs. Butterbatter asked the boy.


"Well, Timmy, it is your lucky day," she said, "you are my...three hundred...and....seventy...third customer."

"That sounds awfully specific," Wanda said.

"You're right," Cosmo said, "this is quite-look," Cosmo said, looking away from the ice cream truck, "squirrel!" Cosmo playfully chased after it while barking. Wanda let out a sigh and followed him.

"This means you get all the free ice cream you want," Mrs. Butterbatter said. She pointed to a door in the back. "Just get inside."

"Really," Timmy said excitedly. The other kids muttered about how lucky he was.

"Go on Timmy," Sunset said encouragingly, "claim your prize." Timmy wandered to the door, only to look at the woman staring at him in the eye. He abruptly turned away from her.

"Timmy," Sunset asked with concern, "don't you want ice cream?"

"I'm just not hungry," Timmy said nervously. "can we go?" Sunset noticed that Timmy seemed...afraid for some reason.

"Timmy, are you OK?"

"Don't you want ice cream?" the woman asked Timmy, having gotten out of the truck. Sunset frowned as Timmy's anxiety grew.

"No thanks, I am on...a...diet," Timmy said.

"Can I have free ice cream?" One kid in the crowd asked.

"NO!" The woman yelled, startling everyone. "Timmy was first," she said, trying to regain previously lost composure, "I insist he get his ice cream."

Sunset's eyes narrowed in suspicion. This woman's stance and posture was far too aggressive for someone who wanted to give a kid cream."He said he doesn't want ice cream," Sunset said to Mrs. Butterbatter with a glare and a stern tone, putting Timmy behind her. Timmy was looking away somewhere and muttering something about...Cosmo...or something. "Now why don't you just get in your truck and get lost." The woman just stared at her for a moment with narrowed eyes, before pulling a red button. Sunset heard a massive explosion. She looked behind her and saw fireworks going, pulling her attention, and the attention of the other kids, away from the woman.

Sunset felt a mallet being slammed into her head, knocking her out.

Timmy gasped and tried to run away, only for the woman to push another button. A net came from the back of the truck, ensnaring Timmy and pulling him in.

"HELP!" Timmy called out.

"Look at the pretty colors," one kid with a blue shirt and brown shorts said.

"We're we doing something?" Another kid with green pants and a yellow jersey asked.

"Nothing important."

Timmy realized it was no use. The kids were too distracted by the fireworks, and the noise was making it impossible for them to hear their screams.

"Come down squirrel," Cosmo said excitedly, trying and failing to climb the tree to get the furry critter. Wanda looked at this with boredom, but was willing to let the green-haired fairy have his fun. Wanda heard shrill screaming from the distance. To her horror, Timmy was pulled into the ice cream truck. It then drove away very quickly.

"TIMMY!" Wanda said with fright.

Sunset felt water being poured on her face. She looked up and saw some kid in a red shirt standing over her with a cup of water.

"Are you OK?" the boy asked.

"Fine," Sunset said, rubbing her throbbing head. "I just-," she jumped from the ground in realization. "Timmy!" Sunset looked around the park fearfully, trying to find her charge.

"Timmy," Sunset said, looking under a bench.

"Timmy," she said, looking under a bush.

"Timmy," she said, looking into a carriage, which was angrily pulled away from her by other woman. Sunset fell to her knees, in fear and terror.

"TIMMY!" She shrieked.

Timmy was cocooned in some net while trapped inside the back of the truck. He was so trapped, he couldn't move his arms and legs. He felt the car being driven a few blocks before it came to a stop. He heard footsteps to his left. With enormous anxiety, he saw Mrs. Butterbatter coming toward him with an evil smile. She suddenly tore off her clothes, revealing she was wearing a fat suit. She ripped it off, revealing a black jumpsuit with a white skull on it. She then tore off the wig, revealing long, flowing white hair with a pink bandana over it.

"I told you I'd be back someday," the woman said with a sinister purr.

"You," Timmy said fearfully.

"Yes Turner," Ms. Doombringer said dramatically, "It is I, Mary Alice-,"

"I know it's you," Timmy said with some disdain, "you don't need to shout it out loud."

"How dare you interrupt my villainous monologue," the white-haired woman growled. "Oh well, it doesn't matter," the woman said with demented glee, "now I'll have your fairies' wings mounted on my wall."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Timmy said nervously.

"Lie all you want Turner," Ms. Doombringer purred, pulling out a scanner, "but I can smell the magic on you." He ran the scanner, only for it turn red, to her rage. "I knew I detected magic in that park," she bent down to get into Timmy's face. "Where are your fairies?"

"What fairies?" With a growl, Ms. Doombringer took out her pink shurikens and threw them near Timmy's head. She then yanked Timmy by his hair, causing him to let out a groan of pain. "Where are they?!"

"I don't have any!" Timmy protested.

"Very well," the white-haired woman said, opening the door to the front of the truck, and returning to the wheel, "I'll bring you to my home, where I have many ways to get you to talk." She glanced slyly at the boy. "Or maybe your fairies will come to me." The pink-hatted boy glanced toward the freezer. To his horror, there was a green-glowing orb that said "Anti-Magic Field Generator." Timmy felt his heart pound in his chest as the woman turned the ignition.

"Do you see him?" Wanda asked Cosmo. The two of them were disguised as bees and flew around, trying to find him.

"No, can't find the llama shop?"

"Cosmo," Wanda groaned, "we're supposed to be looking for Timmy!"

"Oh," Cosmo said. "He's right over there," Cosmo said happily. Wanda looked over to where the truck was. Wanda sighed with relief. Cosmo began flying toward it, only for Wanda to stop him.

"Cosmo," Wanda said warningly, "don't go near it."

"Why?" Cosmo said. Wanda pointed her wand at the truck, and it flashed red.

"Anti-magic field," the wand warned, "do not approach."

"Anti-magic field?" Cosmo said fearfully. "Wanda, what do we do? How do we save Timmy?"

"Don't worry," Wanda said, "I have a plan. But it's pretty...complicated."

A middle aged man in a suit sat at a bus station with his laptop in his lap.

"Excuse me sir?"

He looekd up and saw a middle-aged woman in a yellow shirt, black pants, and black shoes. Her hair was swirly and pink.

"Yes," the man said.

"May I borrow your phone," Wanda asked.

"Sure," the man said, handing the woman the phone. Wanda dialed a number and held the phone to her head.

"Hello, 911," Wanda said, "I'd like to report a kidnapping..."

Timmy felt time slow down as he struggled to understand the gravity of his situation. He looked at the magical force field generator and felt incredible fear for not only himself, but his fairies.

"What do I do," Timmy said, "what do I do?" He heard a small tear. He looked behind him, and saw his net cocoon has been torn by one of Doombringer's throwing stars, which was pinned to the metal wall. A smile formed as he developed an idea. An even bigger smile formed as he remembered Gilda's words.

"Make them think you're weak while they think they're strong," and "hide your strength and bide your time."

"I want my mommy," Timmy said, pretending to cry.

"She can't help you now Turner," Ms. Doombringer said.

"Pweeze wet me go," Timmy said in a cutesy voice, "I miss my daddy."

"Pathetic," Ms. Doombringer muttered with a roll of her eyes. Timmy smiled. The crazy woman now had so little fear of him, she wouldn't bother to look in his direction. Timmy again began fake-whimpering, all the while slowly rubbing his cocoon along the shuriken. Slowly, but surely, the nets were cut away, and Timmy was able to move his legs. Still, Timmy pretended to be trapped, hoping the madwoman would slip up. Timmy struggled to suppress a grin as the truck pulled over somewhere.

"I have an errand to run, Turner," the white-haired woman said. "Don't go anywhere." She got out of the truck and walked away. Using his now free legs, Timmy got up and pushed the nets long the throwing star, freeing his arms.

"Yes," Timmy said victoriously as the net came down around him. He then took one of the shurikens from the cab and threw it at the anti-magic field generator, destroying it. "Yes," Timmy said victoriously. All he had to do was leave the truck. He saw the front of the truck, which led to the driver's seat, was locked shut, but saw the back of the truck was loosely locked. With a deep breath, Timmy charged the back doors. To his joy, the doors burst open. He leapt out of the truck, and fell to the ground in a thud. When he pulled himself up, he felt proud of himself for breaking free.

"TURNER!" Ms. Doombringer yelled, ending Timmy's feeling of triumph. The woman glared at him while holding a bag of groceries. Timmy ran with a yell, while Mrs. Doombringer dropped her groceries, pulled out a machete, and went after him.

"I'm doomed," Timmy said, only for a poof to appear on his arm.

"Cosmo, Wanda," Timmy said happily, the two appearing on his arm as star-shaped stickers, "am I glad to see you?"

"What do you need, sport," Wanda asked. A loud female roar made Timmy remember what he was running from.

Thornton worked his behind off to become maitre'd and manager at Chez Escargot. It was the best he could do without a high school degree or a college education. To hold onto this one piece of success, he ran a tight ship, demanding high standards from his employees. Some called him fuzzy, but he wanted his workplace to be the best it could be. He disliked employees who never tried to pretend to be sophisticated. Especially this one employee in training who seemed to wear an angry frown all the time. She was ten times more bratty and self-entitled than the average teenage girl, and they were already difficult to deal with. Still, Thornton forced himself to be patient.

"Young lady," Thornton said to the young woman, wearing an apron and a fishnet in her unusually voluminous hair. "If you wish to advance at this fine establishment, you must act professional, fancy, and sophisticated. Chez Escargot only thinks in terms of the finer things in life, and not trash" He held up a trash bag full of smelly garbage. "Now throw this trash out." The girl angrily took it from him and stormed away, angrily muttering about how if she had her way, she would be the one getting served fancy French cuisine.

The girl dashed into an alley, throwing the trash out furiously, still muttering about how ultimate power could've been hers. Before she went back inside, she heard a furious yell coming from the street. She walked toward the road, and saw some brown-haired boy being chased by some angry white haired woman wielding a machete.

"I wish Doombringer was soaked," the boy yelled. A "poof" noise followed it. A moment later, a water line burst out of the ground, and sprayed the woman so hard, she was knocked to the ground, her machete falling out of her hands.

"I wish she was covered in sewage," the boy yelled. Another "poof" sound followed it. Suddenly, a whole sewage line burst out of the ground like a snake, dumping raw sewage onto the downed woman, who yelled and wretched in disgust. A moment later, the employee-in-training heard police sirens.

Timmy turned around and saw two police cars from Dimmsdale PD coming down the road and sighed with relief. They stopped in front of him. Out stepped a man in a police uniform.

"Are you Timmy Turner?" The man asked.

"Yes," Timmy said.

"Are you from Dimmsdale Elementary?"

"Yes," Timmy said.

"Do you claim that the woman over there kidnapped you," Timmy said. Timmy looked at Ms. Doombringer, who was writhing on the ground in agony.


"Boys," the officer said to two other officers who emerged from the car. "Arrest that woman." The two officers picked the woman off the ground and cuffed her.

"Mary Alice Doombringer", one of them said, "you are under arrest for kidnapping." Ms. Doombringer heard them reading her the Miranda Rights, but tuned them, focusing her diminished energy at glaring at the pink-hatted boy as she was led into the back of a police car. He simply gave her a mocking wave as she was driven away.

"What happened to that sewer line?" the officer asked with disgust.

"Uh," Timmy said, "maintenance failure."

"Makes sense. Anyways" the man said to Timmy with a friendly smile, "let's get you home." The man graciously opened his car door for Timmy to get inside.

Timmy smiled, knowing he could always trust the police to do their job.

The girl in the alley watched with a hungry look and a devious smile as the boy got into the police car. With a small, but dark, chuckle, she pulled out her phone, and sent a single text.

"Aria. I found one."

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