• Published 1st Aug 2020
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Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship - redandready45

For her next challenge, Sunset Shimmer must babysit an average kid who no one understands.

  • ...

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Breaking Point (Part 2)

The Rainbooms parked in downtown Dimmsdale.

"OK," Twilight said as everyone got out of Applejack's truck, "everybody split up and try and find him. Remember, try not to be seen by him, report if you see him, and keep calm." Everyone went their separate ways, while Twilight and Sunset went together, on Sunset's motorbike, which for some reason, had been towed away by that Sal guy again, and they had to collect at the impound lot.

Who knew caring for a boy meant you had to be stuck with an impound fee.

"Let's hope we find him," Sunset said.

Rainbow Dash was wandering down the street, her eyes peeled to look for some buck teeth and a pink hat. Yes, she was perfectly aware. Nothing could sneak up on-

"Would you some cookies?"

"He-yah," Rainbow Dash screamed, doing a karate chop at her assailant.

The assailant laid on the ground, rubbing her head, her boxes of cookies lying destroyed.

"You ruined my peanut butter biscuits!" The girl said.

"Sorry kid," Rainbow said, "that's the way the cookie crumbles!" Rainbow speeded away from the menace.

"I wish it could be easier to find him," Rainbow said.

"Wish granted." A familiar voice said. Rainbow turned around and saw a familiar boy sneering at him.

"Timmy," Rainbow said with a nervous chuckle, "what are you-,"

"You were working with the demon all along!" Timmy bellowed dramatically.

"Timmy," Rainbow said carefully, sweat pouring down her face as the magically enhanced boy glared at her, "Sunset isn't a demon-"

"That's what the demon's minions would say!" Timmy yelled. "I should've known you were working for the monster!"

"Timmy," Rainbow said nervously, "I'm-" Timmy poofed up a laser and pointed it at her with malicious intent.

"Timmy," Rainbow said, "please don't-," Rainbow was blasted.

Applejack was looking around the farmer's market, trying to find him, when some farmer approached her with a basket.

"Would you like a pear, young lady," a farmer said.

"Did you say a pear," Applejack said with a growl.

"Yes, pears are simply divine," the farmer began, only for him to get to lasood with a rope and hog-tied.

"Anybody else want pears," Applejack said with a growl to everyone else. Everyone nodded fearfully. "Good, y'all have brains." Applejack stomped away.

She wandered near some dark ally, only to get blasted with some yellow light.

"There you are sir," Rarity said to a hobo sitting on the sidewalk, who was now wearing a fancy suit with patches. "The silk tie may be a little ostentatious, but the patches mean you still have that same homeless chic."

"I just wanted some change," the vagrant said.

"No need to thank me Darling," Rarity said, "even though you'll be the envy of all the homeless of Dimmsdale." She wandered away, looking for Timmy.

"Where is the poor darling," Rarity said with a worried expression, "I must find him," Rarity said with some sadness, "I'll never get a chance to tell him...that pink doesn't go with blue." She collapsed into tears. She was so lost in her misery, she didn't a yellow blast coming her way.

"You can't have another sample."

"Please," Pinkie Pie said. She was outside the supermarket, talking with some annoying meanie who wouldn't give her another free cupcake.


"Please, please, please, please, please."

"Fine," the person said in annoyance, "take the whole plate." She handed the plate to Pinkie and wandered inside the store, deciding she would finally get a college degree.

"Yay," Pinkie said, she was about to take a bite when she remembered.

"Oh wait," Pinkie Pie said, "we have to find Timmy-Wimmy." She looked under the sample table. "Timmy." Pinkie looked inside of a trash can. "Timmy."

"I wonder where he could-," a blast struck her.

"Aren't you cute," Flutteshy cooed to the creature lying on the ground. She was at the public

The little kitty hissed at her violently.

"Ow, you hate me," Fluttershy said cheerfully, "that's so wonderful-," the cat swiped at her.

"He slashed my arm," Fluttershy said, "that proves he's nice and healthy. And I have to get a possible rabies shot, which means a free lollipop at the dentist's office." Fluttershy smiled over her good fortune. "Now I have to find Timmy." Fluttershy wandered away, looking for the pink-hatted boy only for a blast to get her.

Sunset and Twilight were riding around on motorbike when Sunset pulled over.

"Sunset," Twilight asked, "why are we-," Twilight looked concerned when Sunset collapsing on the ground clutching her chest and wincing.

"SUNSET! What's wrong?!"

"I don't know," Sunset said.

"Is your heart-,"

"It's not my heart," Sunset said, "I don't know what it is! I just-,"

Sunset felt her eyes becoming covered in light. She suddenly heard, no felt, her friends, crying out in fear.

"Help us!" They all said at once.

"Our friends are in danger," Sunset said, running back to bike.

"How do you-,"

"I don't know," Sunset said, "I just-," Sunset's eyes lit up again. "I know where they are." She and Twilight got on the bike, and zoomed off in another direction.

"So what is this about," Moondancer said, stepping into the mansion after being welcomed in by Adagio. "Nice place," Moondancer said. "How did you guys get a mansion?"

"Internet." Adagio said. "Anyways, we wanted to thank you for all your help."

"Really?" Moondancer said.

"So you get to witness those brats who mocked you get what they deserved," Aria said with a smirk.

"Really," Moondancer said happily, "that's great. What are you going to do?"

"Its a surprise," Sonata said, "patience."

Timmy poofed to the mansion, carrying a jar of his friends turned worms.

"Turn us back!" Applejack said.

"Mercy!" Rarity said.

"I don't want to be worm." Fluttershy said.

"Let us go!" Rainbow said.

"Where's your hat?" Pinkie asked.

"You decided to work with the demon!" Timmy said. "You're getting what you deserve!" Timmy put the jar down and wandered into the house.

"Hey guys," Timmy said, opening the door. He saw someone else near the entrance. "Oh, you must be Moondancer!"

"You're the boy Sunset was picking on," Moondancer said.

"Moondancer helped us find the photos of that evil monster," Adagio said. "It's thanks to her Sunset's villainy was stopped." Moondancer felt a bashful smile form on her face.

"It was nothing," Moondancer said humbly.

"Nothing," Adagio said, "you're too kind Moondancer. It is only fitting someone as great as you should help save a boy from a bunch of criminals."

"Is there anything you want," Timmy said with a kind smile to Moondancer. "You deserve something nice after Sunset was so mean to you."

"Uh," Moondancer said, "a plate of pancakes."

"I wish I had a plate of pancakes," Timmy said. The plate materialized before them, to Moondancer's surprise.

"So there really is magic in Canterlot," Moondancer said with wonder, taking the plate, and eating them.

"Sure, let's go with that," Timmy said.

"Yes," Adagio said, "and Sunset and her goons were planning to use it to bring about chaos and destruction."


"Yes," Aria said, "but you and Timmy stopped them. You two are heroes." Both Timmy and Moondancer smiled at the praise.

"Did you get Sunset's minions," Adagio asked.

"Yep. Turned them into worms," Timmy said cheerfully.

"Such a good boy," Adagio said.

"A cute little hero," Sonata said, pulling Timmy into a hug.

"Turned them into worms," Moondancer said nervously, "is that...a joke."

"Nope," Timmy said, "its what those meanies get for being so evil."

"That's a little extreme," Moondancer said with a humorless chuckle, "there are better ways to-," Adagio put her hand on Moondancer's shoulder.

"They humiliated you," Adagio said, looking into Moondancer's bespectacled eyes, "aren't people like that deserving of such a fate." Adagio's gem glowed, and Moondancer's eyes flashed green.

"They deserve worse!" Moondancer groweled.

"Oh they will," Adagio said to Moondancer. "Timmy, as your friends, we want to know, are you willing to do anything to save the world?"

"Yes," Timmy said.

"Then dispose of Sunset's meanies," Adagio commanded.

"What do you mean-,"

"Squish!" Aria said. Timmy looked confused.

"But, but-," Timmy stammered.

"Timmy, aren't we buddies?" Adagio said with an edge in her voice.

"Well," Timmy said, looking down nervously.

"I'd say squish them." Wanda growled, disguised as a pen in Timmy's pocket. "Monsters deserve to be killed!"

"Then why are you still here, miss nag!" Cosmo snarked.


"I thought you wanted to be a hero, Turner," Adagio said.

"Don't you want to be a hero?" Aria asked.

The Dazzlings

Are you a hero, or are you a zero

Do you want to greatest hero of them all

You have to put your foot down.

Their faces you must pound

If you want to stand tall, above them all.

Adagio Dazzle

(Aria and Sonata hum in the background)

Life isn't fair

Life isn't just

If you want to survive, you must

Do the hard thing

Crush your foes.

You have to

For evil must go

The Dazzlings

Are you a hero, or are you a zero

Do you want to greatest hero of all

You have to put your foot down.

Their faces you must pound

If you want to stand tall, above them all.

Adagio Dazzle

(Aria and Sonata hum in the background)

You want to be nice

You want to do right

And that's alright

But to win the war

But to win the fight

You must must crush them, with all your might

The Dazzlings

Are you a hero, or are you a zero

Do you want to greatest of them all

You have to put your foot down.

Their faces you must pound

If you want to stand tall, above them all.

"I hope we're not too late," Sunset said, as they reached the mansion.


She's right

If I want to win

If I want to be safe

I can't be nice

I have to seal their fate

For I don't end

Their evil plan

Then they'll just

Come back again.

(The Dazzlings green mist flowed around Timmy. Timmy's eyes turned green, a massive vein formed on his forehead, and his face became red. His fairies went through the same thing.)

Timmy: I wish I had a bunch of birds.

(Two hungry birds appeared. The Rainbooms screamed as they realized what he was doing. He looked at them with a demented smile).


I have to stand tall, above them-

"STOP!" Timmy looked and saw....

Sunset running toward the center. She gasped when she saw her friends as worms, and the nearby birds. Her jaw dropped when she realized what Timmy was about to do.

"Timmy, you have to stop," Sunset pleaded.

"It's the demon!" Timmy growled. Sunset was horrified. Not just by the fact that Timmy was gonna feed her friends to birds. It was his face.

His face was red and snarling. His eyes green and pitiless. The friendly face Sunset had known was completely absent, replaced with a merciless caricature of the boy she bonded with.

Also, his hat was gone.

"Timmy, you have to stop," Sunset said. "My friends are innocent. That magic's gonna-," Sunset barely dodged a blast from his worm laser.

"GET BACK HERE DEMON!" Timmy growled. "Accept your fate."

"Timmy," Sunset said ducking behind a bush, "leave my friends alone, please." Sunset shook with fear. Twilight couldn't get close to Timmy without him spotting her. His mind was down the rabbit hole, and if got frustrated enough, he could just wish for Sunset to come out from the bushes.

"FINISH HER!" Wanda said.

"TEAR HER HEAD OFF!" Cosmo yelled.

"You want to hide, chicken," Timmy growled. An crazed smile formed on his face. "Then fine," Timmy cackled. He opened the jar, and took Fluttershy out of it.

"Then I'll feed her to a bird," Timmy gloated with a snarl.

"Timmy please don't," Sunset pleaded.

Twilight, from her hiding place, cried. Her friends were about to become bird food, and there was nothing she could do.

"This is working out better than I thought," Adagio gloated while looking through binoculars.

"That pathetic unicorn has to watch as the boy she raised as her own feed her pathetic friends to a worm," Aria gushed.

"This is even better with tacos," Sonata said, using her feet to eat the tacos. Moondancer watched all this with glee.

"FLUTTERSHY!" The girls turned worms yelled.

"Timmy, don't," Rainbow said, with tears in her eyes as Fluttershy was dangled above the hungry birds, "leave her alone."

"Please don't eat me Mr. and Mrs. Bird," Fluttershy said with tears in her eyes, "I'm mostly empty calories anyways."


"THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO MONSTERS!" Timmy yelled mercilessly at Fluttershy. "What happens when you side with-," Timmy let out a wheeze. He felt a shooting pain go through his arm in which he carried Fluttershy. He dropped the girl-turned worm, and dropped his rifle in his other arm as he used it to clutch the arm he hurt.

"Ahhh!" Timmy said with a wheeze, "what's happening?" He was in so much pain, he fell onto his back.

"Cos-," Timmy tried to say, but was in too much pain to make a wish.

"What's the brat doing," Adagio growled.

"GET UP!" Aria yelled.

"Boring," Sonata said.

Moondancer watched this, less with anger, and more with concern over what was happening to the boy.

Sunset saw what was happening. Just as Nurse Redheart had predicted, his overuse of magic was hurting his heart. He couldn't even articulate a wish. Feeling safe enough, Sunset came out of the bushes, and marched toward the boy.

"What's happening to him," the girls-turned-worm said.

"Man," Wanda gloated, "you're really out of shape Timmy."

"Yeah," Cosmo stated, "you-," their snide behavior faded as Timmy let out another wheeze.

"Timmy," Wanda said, some concern returning to her voice.

Timmy panicked. The throbbing in his chest and arm mad him too weak to move. It got worse as Sunset came closer to her.

"No," Timmy wheezed in fear, "no. Stay away from me, monster." His panic grew as Sunset pulled out some kind of pistol.

"Timmy!" Both his fairies screamed, the green from their eyes gone, getting ready to raise their wands if Sunset tried anything.

This was it. Sunset had the boy on a platter. He was too weak to move. To weak to make a wish. With this tranquilizer, his terror would come to an end. Sunset had every right to knock him out. He turned her into a worm, left her in the forest, put a horrible curse on her school, turned her friends into worms and tried to make them into bird food. But something was holding her back. Something kept her from pulling the trigger.

It was Timmy's helplessness, the fear in his eyes, the panic over the pain he felt, the whimpering. Suddenly, Sunset realized she wasn't staring at a monster, but the boy who cried after being humiliated. Who cried after cheated. Who cried after being abused by his caretaker. A boy who feared the world was out to get him, after being hurt by so many.

Did his pain give him right to hurt others? No.

But was this the answer to his pain?

"C'mon," Aria said, "we need to get out there and protect our meal ticket."

"No need," Adagio said. Aria, Sonata, and Moondancer watched with shock as Sunset dropped the pistol and held her hands up.

"Idiot!" Adagio snarled. "She has him on a platter, and takes a dive." Sonata and Aria watched this with deep satisfaction, while Moondancer watched this with disbelief and a little pity.

"Go ahead Timmy," Sunset said, "turn me into a worm."

"Sunset," Fluttershy said with concern. Her friends were shocked by Sunset's choice.

"What are you-," Rainbow asked.

"I was evil," Sunset said, "and I did spy on you, and I did do horrible things. I do deserve it."

Timmy's panic was replaced with a look of confusion and shock. Cosmo and Wanda felt the same thing.

"Just let my friends go," Sunset said with melancholy, "don't punish them for the things I did."

Timmy felt the pain go through his body fade. He was able to get up.

"If me being a worm makes you happy," Sunset said, tears flowing down her eyes, "then do it. Cause that's all I want. For you to feel happy."

"Why isn't he turning her into a worm," Aria snarled. Adagio also snarled too. She clutched her gem with gritted teeth, releasing more negative energy into the boy.

"Do it!"


But Timmy couldn't. Timmy saw that Sunset could've fire that gun at him. But didn't. Timmy saw Sunset's face. It wasn't angry or scared. She was smiling at him, and she had tears in her eyes. Timmy heard Sunset speak. She admitted she was wrong, and she begged not for herself, but for her mi-,no friends. She said she wanted him to be happy.

Timmy felt tears go down his eyes.


"NO!" Timmy screamed. The red faded from his face, his eyes turned blue, and the bad thoughts went away. When he blinked, he saw what he had done.

Nearly killed a bunch of girls. Nearly killed someone who spared his life. Timmy felt himself crying some more.

"C'mon do it!" Adagio snarled. "Why isn't he-,"

"Look," Moondancer said, "maybe we should stop. If Sunset's sparing the boy, maybe she-," Adagio let out a burst of magic, knocking Moondancer out.

The Dazzlings anger exploded when they saw Timmy turning the Rainbrats back into human using his laser, before crying some more.

"I'm sorry," Timmy said with tears to the girls who had transformed, "I'm sorry." Timmy barely noticed some other girl run from the bushes toward them.

Before Sunset or anyone could say anything comforting, another voice interrupted.

"Timmy what are you doing?" The Rainbooms looked up, and saw three uncomfortably familiar girls emerge from the mansion.

The Dazzlings came out of it, gems restored and all. The seven girls immediately got into a fighting stance while Timmy looked at them with confusion.

"You know how dangerous she is," Adagio said with a strained smile, "why are you letting her and her minions go?" Sunset gasped, realizing who had been pulling the boy's strings. It became even clearer seeing Timmy's hat on Sonata's head.

"You put him up to this," Sunset said in quiet, but fierce, voice to the sirens, "didn't you?"

"Look," Timmy said uneasily, "I know Sunset did evil things-,"

"You told him about Sunset's past," Rarity gasped in horror.

"You told him Sunset was still a demon," Rainbow said, her face twisted into rage.

Timmy looked even more confused. Cosmo and Wanda too didn't know what was going on.

"Don't real heroes do what need to be done," Adagio instructed.

"You tricked him into trying to kill us!" Princess Twilight screamed in sheer rage.

"Look," Timmy said to the Dazzlings nervously, "I know Sunset and her friends did bad things, but she said sorry."

"You used your evil magic on him!" Fluttershy snarled.

"You took his super cool pink hat!" Pinkie yelled.

"Look," Timmy said with an uneasy smile to the sirens, "maybe we can all be friends. Sunset, just say sorry for stealing their magic-,"

"WHAT ELSE DID YOU LIE TO HIM ABOUT?" Applejack yelled sheer rage.

"Timmy, aren't we buddies," Adagio asked the brown-haired boy. Sunset could feel the manipulation and fake kindness in the way Adagio asked that. The rage of the Rainbooms grew when they saw how Timmy flinched at those seemingly kind words.

"Timmy, they're not your friends!" Princess Twilight said to the boy. "The Dazzlings are monsters who feed of off of misery and hate. They've been feeding you lies and half-truths just to get their hands on your magic. They've been brainwashing you into doing their biddings."

"We have been feeling...angry lately," Cosmo said.

"Yeah," Wanda said, "we didn't start having our fights until...they showed up." Wanda's eyes widened in realization.

"I think enough has been said," Adagio said. "Destroy them, Timmy,"


"LISTEN TO ME YOU LITTLE TWERP!" Adagio bellowed, but then covered her mouth.

"How dare you yell at him like that," Sunset said, being even more outraged.

"I'm sorry Timmy," Adagio said with a fake smile.

"Yeah," Aria said, "Adagio just forgot her beauty-,"

"You said your name was the Muses," Timmy said. His uncertainty was replaced by a stern glare and an angry frown.

"Did I?" Adagio said nervously. "I-,"

"Are you the reason why my parents kicked me out of the house," Timmy said, a deep fire in his eyes.

"They did what?" Rarity asked with a snarl. The Dazzlings jaws dropped in shock. They regained their composure, but too late for Timmy not to notice.

"YOU'RE THE REASON WHY EVERYONE AT SCHOOL ATTACKED ME!" Timmy yelled in a rage. His fists clenched in anger.

"That's it," Timmy yelled, "I wish-," Timmy tried to make a wish but found his mouth being forced shut. Suddenly, he was being lifted up into the air by a green energy and into Adagio's face. It was twisted into sheer hate.

"Timmy," Adagio said with restrained fury, "you should've listened to me." Timmy whimpered in fear.

"Timmy," Cosmo yelled.

"We'll save you," Wanda said angrily. They raised their wands, only for a net to surround them.

"Sorry Cosmo and Wanda," Adagio said. Aria had placed a butterfly net over Timmy's head. "Nothing personal."

To Cosmo and Wanda's horror, their magic failed them.

"THAT'S IT!" Princess Twilight said. The Rainbooms, fury on their faces, joined hands. Timmy watched in confusion as their bodies began glowing. He grew even more confused as they gained wings, horns, pony ears, and hair that flew went down to their feet.

"Let's end this once and for all," Sunset said looking sternly at the Dazzlings. Everyone agreed. Their bodies lit up-

Only for a net to trap them, canceling their magical attack.

"What is this?" Rarity said. The Rainbooms all protested their confinement.

"Anti-magic net," Adagio gloated. She allowed Sonata to hold up Timmy and gag him with her magic. "In your world, you think the Elements make you invincible, Princess," Adagio said in a quiet, merciless voice. "Maybe in Equestria. But here on this world, the rule is this." Adagio bent down to look the Princess directly in the eye.

"Adapt or die." Adagio looked to the Princess' right and saw what had fallen out of her dress.

"An anti-magical rune," Adagio said with glee, "I haven't seen one of these in ages." She took the object out of the glass case and held it, careful to touch the flat side. "Nothing like a trip down memory lane." Adagio heard Timmy's gagged murmurs, and turned back toward him with a vicious smile. Aria held the net over his body, while Sonata held the boy in her magical grip and silenced him.

"Don't worry Timmy," Adagio said nastily, walking toward the boy with rune, "I haven't forgotten you...for now." Timmy's panic grew as Adagio got closer and closer.

"Leave him alone," Rainbow said. The Rainbooms made similar pleas, but to no avail.

"No," Wanda said, trying to use her wand, but couldn't due to the net.

"Please," Cosmo said, also making a futile effort.

"There you are," Adagio said with glee, having found Cosmo and Wanda disguised as pens in the boy's pocket. Timmy's panic grew even more.


Adagio brought the rune to them. It let out a green wave that pulled them in as pens. Then it deactivated their magic, revealing their true forms.

"TIMMY! HELP!" They screamed.

The Rainbooms expected a stone. They instead got creatures who looked mini-humans with tiny wings on them.

"Who are those creatures," Princess Twilight asked.

But they also noticed how they looked at Timmy with concern, and how Timmy cried as they were ripped away from them.

Aria took the net off of Timmy, ran into the house, and came back with some green vacuum thing and a brown box with a nozzle attached.

"HELP!" They both screamed as Aria turned on the vacuum. The two became a pink and green form of energy and were gradually sucked into the magic vacuum, but not before saying one last word.


"Got' em," Aria said viciously after trapping the fairies.

"Good," Adagio said.

"Yay," Sonata said, releasing Timmy who touched the ground standing up, his face in a daze.

"Now let's get out of here," Aria said. She turned to the Rainbooms with glee. "But first."

"Who were those-," Twilight began, before Aria came toward them with the brown box. A grey ooze came out of the nozzle. They let out screams, which ended as they were coated them with the ooze . Gradually the ooze hardened into some kind of concrete, trapping them in a stone prison.

"Anti-magical concrete," Adagio mused.

"Let's go," Aria said.

"Sure, sure," Adagio said. They began walking toward the garage.

"I thought we were friends," Timmy said in a quiet meek voice. The Dazzlings turned toward him with expressions of contempt, but then turned away from him. They didn't trap him in concrete or say mean things. They left him alone.

But it wasn't out of kindness. They just didn't think he mattered anymore. The three piled into a fancy car and drove away.

Timmy stood still for a few moments, before letting out the most pained wail he ever let out.

"NO," Timmy repeated, each time smashing the dirt he was on. "No. No. No. No. No."

"COSMO! WANDA!" Timmy collapsed to the ground, crying his eyes out.

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