• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 26(Showdown at Mount Aris)-1: Shoehorned into a New Conflict

Arc 26: Showdown at Mount Aris

Shoehorned into a New Conflict

Wanda Young woke up one morning as she stretched her arms and legs out. She slowly opened her eyes as she stared out at the morning sun.

“What a dream,” Wanda said as she stared out at the sun. “I was dreaming that I was flying with mommy and we were enjoying the cool breeze in the air.

“Aww. I wish my mommy would fly with me like that.” But when Wanda heard a familiar voice, she looked down and saw a pair of talons carry her. She looked to her left and saw Princess Skystar holding her while flying far away from Canterlot.

“WHA?” Wanda said, freaking out as she struggled to break free.

“Sorry Wanda,” Skystar said. “But we need you at Mount Aris, right now.”

As Wanda struggled to break free, she looked down at herself. Instead of her pajamas, Wanda was somehow wearing her swimsuit. She looked up at Princess Skystar with a scowl on her face.

“Skystar,” Wanda snarled. “What is the meaning of this?”

“It was the only outfit you had laying out,” Princess Skystar said. “Besides, you weren’t going to wear your pajamas while at Mount Aris.”

Wanda broke out of Princess Skystar’s grip before her wings materialized on her back. She flew up to Princess Skystar, staring at the hippogriff.

“Look,” Wanda scolded. “I already had a problem with being taken away to Daisy Joy Tech a week back. The last thing I need is for someone else to take me away from my family.”

“But we really need your help,” Princess Skystar said. “Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap are invading Mount Aris.”

“Then why not ask for the Royal Guard or the Wonderbolts,” Wanda said, annoyed.

“How am I supposed to carry all those troops in my paws when they’re so many?” Princess Skystar replied. “Besides, you were the only one who was small enough for me to carry.”

“Skystar, this isn’t funny,” Wanda said. “Besides, what would your mommy say if she found out that you kidnapped me again?”

“Oh I already know what she’s gonna say,” Skystar shrugged. “But that’s the least of my worries.”

“Oh no,” Wanda said, crossing her arms. “I’m not taking that excuse. Take me back right this instant, and I’ll forget that it ever happened.”

“Well,” Skystar said, tapping her fingers together. “I’m afraid that’s easier said than done.”

Wanda let out an annoyed sigh and said “I’m all ears to your excuse on why you can’t.”

Suddenly, an explosion detonated beside Wanda and Skystar, sending them both flying downward into the ocean between Mount Aris and San Di’Neighgo. Wanda screamed really loud as she fell out of control, diving down towards the ocean faster than Princess Skystar.

“WANDA!” Skystar yelled as she and Wanda fell downwards.

Princess Skystar regained control of herself as she focused on the falling Wanda. Skystar extended her wings out before diving downwards and grabbing Wanda. The Man’s Cub opened her eyes and looked up at Princess Skystar.

“You just hold on,” Princess Skystar said. “I’ll keep you safe from the changelings and cultists.”

“Get us to a safe space right this instant, or I am going to scream really loud,” Wanda snarled.

“Okay okay,” Princess Skystar said. “I’ll get us underwater right this instant.”

Wanda held onto Princess Skystar as the hippogriff dove downward towards the ocean. More explosions from the nearby battle detonated above the duo. But neither the man’s cub nor the hippogriff were deterred by the kinetic impact of the eruptions.


With a loud splash, Skystar hit the water at high speed with Wanda holding on, disappearing without a trace.

Nearby, as changelings and cult members pushed towards the Hippogriffs that defended Mount Aris, Queen Chrysalis had her eye on the far distance where Wanda and Skystar were once present, and her grin shone like diamonds. Locust and Coldnelius Snap also had their eyes out on the ocean, though Snap had a second eye on Mount Aris, where Hippogriffs clashed with changelings and cultists.

“She’s here,” Queen Chrysalis said.

“The Man’s Cub?” Locust asked. “Isn’t she supposed to be back in Canterlot?”

“That was the case,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “But for some reason, that hippogriff brought her here.”

“More like she was shoehorned into our conflict,” Locust replied.

Queen Chrysalis walked over to the shoreline and said “An amusing theory. But still, that moron’s decision to bring her here will prove to be a big mistake. If we can take her, then we can turn the tide of battle and claim Mount Aris as our new home.”

“Are you really sure about going at it alone?” Coldnelius Snap asked. “I could recall Crystal Snow from the battlefield and have her aid you.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Queen Chrysalis said. “After all, I’m still one who can solo these fights, altogether.”

With that, Queen Chrysalis jumped into the air before diving down into the water, leaving Locust and Coldnelius Snap behind.

“There goes one brave queen,” Locust said.

“Let’s hope she doesn’t get herself captured, or worse,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Right now, we must press on and push the Hippogriffs back to Seaquestria.”

But on the battlefield, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator led a squad of changelings and cultists through the plains of Mount Aris. On the opposite side were a squadron of hippogriffs, led by a general with a light violet coat and a mane that represented the colors of the sea. The two sides came to a stop as they stared down one another, right near the houses of the hippogriffs.

“You must be General Seaspray,” Inferno said.

“And you three are the Predacon Brothers,” General Seaspray said.

“Right you are,” Quickstrike said. “And we’re gonna take dis here land in the name of our Queen and her Windigo ally.”

“Waspinator ready to rumble,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator not holding back.”

But all General Seaspray could do is chuckle at the trio.

“Is this who Queen Chrysalis assigned to lead her battalion of changelings and cultists?” General Seaspray laughed. “I’ve seen pigs who could lead their younglings better than you three.”

“Repeat that again you tin-horned toad,” Quickstrike snarled.

“Actually I take that back,” General Seaspray said. “Because you three look more suited to be fed to pigs.”

“WHY YOU DIRTY LITTLE RAT?” Quickstrike shouted as he pointed his horn at General Seaspray. “YOU TAKE THAT BACK THIS INSTANT!”

“But I already took one back,” General Seaspray said. “And besides, you three couldn’t lead your way out of a pigsty.”

“OKAY, THAT’S IT!” Quickstrike yelled, directing his attention to the cultists and changelings behind him. “SHOW THESE VARMINTS WHOS THE BOSS!”

The changelings and cultists cheered in the air as the Predacon Brothers led them towards the Hippogriffs. General Seaspray kept his eyes on the invading armies as they charged up their magic.

“NOW!” General Seaspray shouted. “RAISE THE SHIELDS!”

Immediately, the Hippogriffs pulled out their shields and held them in front as the magic shots flew down. The shields took the blunt of the magic, freezing in place. But each hippogriff smashed the ice off their shield with their claws before holding it out again.

“You would be unwise to deal with our new weapons,” General Seaspray yelled as he held his shield up. “They can withstand extreme cold and changeling magic.”

“Well two can play that game when you deal with fire water,” Inferno yelled.

Immediately, Inferno leaped into the air before he breathed fire right at General Seaspray. The hippogriff held his shield out, blocking the flames from reaching him. Inferno closed his mouth before he landed on the ground in front of Seaspray.

“Interesting,” Inferno said. “So these shields can also resist fire as well.”

“Not all flames,” General Seaspray said. “But it can resist the effects of your fire water.”

“You truly are full of surprises, General Seaspray,” Inferno said. “But it won’t save you or your people from the wrath of the Royal.”

With that, the cultists and the changelings clashed with the hippogriffs, who held their ground and began to push back against the invaders. General Seaspray held his shield out as he pulled out his spear.

“We’ll see about that,” General Seaspray said.

Meanwhile, under the sea, Wanda Young swam with Princess Skystar through the aquatic cave. Wanda had an air bubble around her head, allowing her to breathe while underwater.

“You know what Queen Novo is going to say once she realizes that you brought me here,” Wanda said.

“I know,” Princess Skystar said. “But that’s going to pale in comparison to what those meanies are doing.”

“You really need to rethink this, Skystar,” Wanda said. “Not only is your mommy gonna be upset, but also my mommy as well.”

“That’s something I’m gonna worry about later,” Princess Skystar said. “Right now, I’m ready to brace for my mother's wrath in three, two, one.”

And with that, the sound of Queen Novo’s voice echoed through the cavern as she said “PRINCESS SKYSTAR! YOU GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT, YOUNG LADY!” Wanda just looked at Skystar with a cold glare on her face.

“You saw this coming a mile away,” Wanda said, coldly.

“I sure did,” Princess Skystar said. “Now come on.”

Wanda and Skystar swam into the kingdom of Seaquestria, where many of the sea ponies were surprised by Wanda’s presence.

“Hey, that’s Princess Wanda,” One of the Sea Ponies said.

“What’s she doing here?” Another one said. “She’s putting herself in danger.”

“Yeah,” A third one said. “The changelings and the Windigo’s Guild are here to take our home and Princess Skystar had the nerve to bring here in harm’s way.”

Immediately, Queen Novo swam out from the throne room, glaring down at Princess Skystar, who only looked at her mother with an embarrassed grin.”

“Young lady,” Queen Novo said. “You better have an excuse for why you chose to put yourself in danger just to bring Wanda over.”

“Well,” Princess Skystar said. “I wanted to bring her over because she’s the most powerful human on this planet.”

“I’ve already had a discussion with Princess Celestia through the video tablet, and she’s furious about you kidnapping Wanda,” Queen Novo said. “And thanks to you, we can’t even take her back without putting her in danger.”

“But honest,” Princess Skystar said. “She’s our only hope in keeping the Changelings and the Cultists back.”

“Nevermind that,” Queen Novo said. “You’re confined to your room until further notice. I’ll discuss your punishment when this conflict against the invaders is over.”

Princess Skystar let out a sigh as she said “Fine.” She swam with a number of guards away from the center of Seaquestria towards the palace. Queen Novo turned towards Wanda and her anger turned to remorse.

“I am terribly sorry for what my daughter did, Wanda,” Queen Novo said. “It was one thing for her to take you away during your visit to our home. It was another for her to take you from Canterlot.”

“It’s okay, Aunt Novo,” Wanda said. “Besides, I’ve had an experience of being taken while asleep.”

“Which reminds me,” Aunt Novo said as she pulled out a necklace with a fragment on it. “I wanted to give you and your sister a little present when I was going to make my way to Canterlot. But circumstances placed us in this position. And so, this will help you during your time here.”

Queen Novo swam up to Wanda and placed the necklace around Wanda’s neck. Wanda looked down at the fragment, fascinated by its surface.

“Isn’t this a piece of the orb of transformation?” Wanda asked.

“It is,” Queen Novo said. “We originally fractured one of the orbs so that I could present these to you, your sisters and your friends. But when Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap ordered their troops to invade Mount Aris, I had every orb shattered and made into a necklace. This way, anyone who wears these will be able to transform into anything they desire. Such as your mermaid form.”

Wanda closed her eyes as her new necklace glowed brightly. In an instant, Wanda transformed her legs into a fish tail, becoming a mermaid once more.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been a mermaid,” Wanda said. “And I’ve forgotten what it was like.”

“I’ll have my guards escort you to a safe place until the war is over,” Queen Novo said. “During that time, an old friend is here to see you.”

“You’re talking about Ocellus,” Wanda asked.

“I am,” Queen Novo said.

Eyeing the two guards, Wanda swam up with them and followed the two towards another part of Sequestria. Queen Novo watched as the guards took Wanda towards a nearby house.

“I wish you didn’t have to be put in this crossfire, smallfry,” Queen Novo said. “But I promise I will get you back to your mommy, no matter what.”

But outside of the cave leading into Seaquestria, Queen Chrysalis observed Queen Novo from afar. The changeling queen’s hind legs were replaced with eight octopus-like tentacles, while her wings had disappeared completely.

“So Queen Novo has the Man’s Cub in her protection,” Queen Chrysalis smirked. “Fascinating. But it won’t save her from the likes of me in my Cecaelia form.”

Queen Chrysalis pulled out a compact case and opened it. Immediately, an image of Princess Chrysalis II formed on the mirror of the compact.

“Mother, you called?” Princess Chrysalis II asked.

“I did,” Queen Chrysalis said. “You and Coldnelius Snap are in charge of the frontal assault. I will go through the rear end to try to capture Princess Wanda. Maybe even ransom Queen Novo’s daughter for her safe return. If I were to be taken hostage, disregard any ransom and press on.”

Princess Chrysalis II paused for a moment before she said “Understood, mother. Be careful.”

As Princess Chrysalis II disappeared from the compact mirror, Queen Chrysalis closed it and placed the compact in her mane. She blended in with the environment of the cavern before sneaking around the walls.

“This is easier than I imagined,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Those poor unfortunate souls.”

But as Queen Chrysalis made her way around the entire vicinity of Seaquestria, two unusually shaped and colored fish observed the environment from near the entrance of the cave.

“So the queen of the changelings and that fool of a hippogriff just lead us to the secret kingdom of Seaquestria,” one of the Fish said. “And they sealed their fate.”

“Let us report to Gold Banks about it,” another fish said.

Immediately, the two fish swam away from the secret entrance towards the surface in a hurry.

Meanwhile, Princess Wanda swam into what appears to be a luxurious underwater house. The room expanded as far as the eye could see and it lined with numerous sea-themed furniture like the sofa, the bookshelves with books, and even a grandfather clock. The hippogriff guards stood next to the entrance of the house, proud and yet humble.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “What a place.”

“Princess Wanda Young,” One of the guards said. “We contacted the tenants of this house and they agreed to look after you until Princess Celestia’s arrival. If there’s anything else you need, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“The only thing I hope for is for mommy to show up,” Wanda said.

“Don’t worry,” The other guard said. “We’ll make sure we get you to Princess Celestia, as soon as possible.”

Wanda bowed to the guards in respect as they swam out the door and shut it behind her. She then turned around and swam down the hallway inside the house, amazed by its sheer size.

“This place is almost as big as the castle,” Wanda said. “I wonder what else I could find here.”

“Wanda, is that you?” Wanda quickly looked to her right the moment she reached the end of the hallway, where Baby Ocellus, who had taken the form of a sea pony, swam up to her and gave her a hug.

“Ocellus,” Wanda said. “I haven’t seen you since the wedding.”

“Is your mommy or daddy here?” Wanda asked.

But before Ocellus could respond, her parents swam up to Wanda as the baby changeling released her hold on Wanda. Like with Ocellus, her parents had each taken on the form of sea ponies. Baby Silverstream was also with them, who squeaked in celebration upon seeing Wanda.

“It’s been a while, Wanda,” Ocellus’ Dad said. “How are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?”

“Well they’re fine,” Wanda said. “Except that I believe mommy is upset because Skystar decided to kidnap me.”

“Oh we’re terribly sorry, Wanda,” Ocellus’ Mom said.

“You don’t have to be,” Wanda replied as she swam up to the windows of the house and just stared out at the halls of Seaquestria beyond. “I’m just disappointed in her, considering what I’ve gone through before.”

“What you’ve gone through?” Ocellus’ Mom asked.

“Yeah,” Wanda said as Baby Silverstream swam up to Wanda and cuddled next to her, allowing Wanda to hold the baby sea pony in her arms. “What Princess Skystar did to me was not okay, considering that I’ve been through two tough events since the wedding. First I was sucked into the past thanks to a problem with the Ground Bridge portal. And then me and a good amount of my friends were taken to Daisy Joy Tech by Gold Banks.”

“Wow,” Baby Ocellus said. “I’m sorry that you had to suffer that way, and that you’re on bad terms with Princess Skystar.”

Wanda let out a sigh as she said “I don’t know what she was thinking by kidnapping me in the middle of the night. I was looking forward to the opening of the Sugar Cube Corner in Canterlot, hosted by Pinkie Pie. And then she just swooped me out of my bed while I was fast asleep. Even her own mommy is upset with what she did. In fact, it’s going to take a whole lot to make up for what she did.”

“You’re right on that,” Ocellus’ Mother said. “Princess Skystar needs to learn to keep her distance from others when they mean it. Sometimes, she can be a bit insensitive. Tell you what, I’ll fix you some grub so you can get some energy before Princess Celestia can pick you up.”

“Thanks, Mr and Mrs Ocellus,” Wanda said.

“Just call us Mr and Mrs Ladybug,” Ocellus’ dad laughed.

“Okay, Mr and Mrs Ladybug,” Wanda said.

As Mrs Ladybug swam towards the kitchen, Wanda held Silverstream as she swam to the couch to relax. Ocellus Ladybug swam towards Wanda and sat next to her and Silverstream.

“Wanda,” Ocellus said. “Did you hear about why my own kind is invading Mount Aris?”

“No,” Wanda said. “That’s news to me.”

“Word has it that Gold Banks invaded the changelings’ hive after she conquered Winteris, the home of the Windigo’s Guild,” Ocellus explained. “Though the other changelings and the cult members fought valiantly, Gold Banks and her Debt Collectors were able to overpower them and drive them away from the hive before she tore it down and turned it into her own castle.”

“That’s horrible,” Wanda said. “Even the changelings don’t deserve that.”

“That you’re right on,” Mr Ladybug said. “We may be upset at Queen Chrysalis. But even she and the other changelings don’t deserve to be tread on by Gold Banks.”

“That reminds me,” Wanda said. “Gold Banks tried to send her own fan clubs to both La Maresa and Canterlot to try to take us back to Daisy Joy Tech. But we were rescued in time not just by mommy and Aunt Woona, but also by King Sombra and Chieftess Pele of Lio Lani.”

“We’ve heard of both of them, though it’s said that Queen Novo is close friends with Chieftess Pele,” Mr Ladybug said. “The hippogriffs often pay a visit to Lio Lani to check up on the islanders. Though she did tell us that she missed her great grandson La Walakeli, also known as Danged Spell.”

“That’s funny,” Wanda said. “Because when I met her, she was able to reconnect with Danged Spell that day.”

“We heard about that as well,” Ocellus said. “To think, he assumed to have been banished for biting his Great Grandmother when it was to prevent him from biting his sister. Even then, the Lio Lanians still miss him.”

Wanda laid back on the couch as Baby Silverstream laid on the lap of her fish tale. The little sea pony let out some sad squeals from her mouth as if she were crying.

“It’s alright, Silverstream,” Wanda said. “I’ll hang out until mommy arrives.”

“I think she’s sad because she knows you’re going through a tough time,” Mr Ladybug said. “And she wants to see you happy.”

Wanda picked up Silverstream and said “Awww. Thanks Silverstream. At least you care for me like how Aunt Novo does.”

Immediately, Mrs. Ladybug swam up to Wanda with a bowl full of roasted seaweed topped with some spices.

“Here you go, Wanda,” Mrs. Ladybug said. “Princess Celestia told Queen Novo that you’re a bit of a picky eater But this is something you should try out.”

Wanda accepted the bowl from Mrs Ladybug and looked down at the seaweed. She picked one up with her hands and sniffed it.

“Well, it can’t be any worse,” Wanda said.

Wanda opened her mouth and took a bite of the seaweed, chewing on it before swallowing.

“Mmm,” Wanda said. “This is actually good. Far better than the slop at Daisy Joy Tech, and that’s saying a lot.”

“How bad was this…slop at Daisy Joy Tech?” Ocellus asked.

“Compared to the food your mommy makes, the slop at Daisy Joy Tech shouldn’t even count as edible,” Wanda laughed before she ate more of the seaweed.

Meanwhile, outside of Seaquestria, on the beach opposite Mount Aris, the two fish emerged as they transform into Debt Collector soldiers. They walked up to Gold Banks and her entire squad.

“Well, did you find it?” Gold Banks asked.

“We did, my lady,” One of the scouts said. “It’s exactly as you said.”

“Excellent,” Gold Banks smiled. “Princess Skystar and Queen Chrysalis were foolish enough to lead us to their secret location that leads to Seaquestria. Once we capture the queens, we can use them as hostages to cause them all to surrender, take their magic, and drive all three races to extinction.”

“There’s another thing you must know, my lady,” The second scout said.

“Well spill it,” Gold Banks said. “What is this other thing that you discovered?”

“The human daughter of Princess Celestia is in Seaquestria,” The Second Scout said.

Gold Banks was surprised by the Scout’s report. But her smile became even deeper and more horrifying.

“Well this is a report I didn’t expect,” Gold Banks said. “To think, I dragged her and her friends off to Daisy Joy Tech once, and I later sicced my own followers on her and her friends in Canterlot. She could be an ideal hostage for Princess Celestia to surrender her kingdom.”

“My lady,” The first Scout asked. “What should we do?”

“You two and a small squad will go with me to secure the Man’s Cub and Seaquestria,” Gold Banks ordered. “The rest of you, when I give the signal, launch the assault. Understood?”

The Debt Collectors saluted Gold Banks and shouted “YES MA’AM.”

“Very good,” Gold Banks said, looking down at her amulet. “Now come. It’s time for me to put my new changeling and Windigo magic to good use.”

Gold Banks stepped into the water. Her amulet glowed brightly as she transformed into a sea pony. She jumped into the air and dove right into the water. A few other soldiers followed the scout into the water as they transform into sea ponies and dove after Gold Banks.

Meanwhile, Princess Skystar laid back on her bed, pondering on the events.

“Locked up in my bedroom because I kidnapped Wanda, and my punishment still not set in stone because of this conflict above ground,” Princess Skystar said. “But then again, it’s not the first time I’ve been grounded.”

Skystar looked up at the shelves that dotted her room, observing all of the nifty trinkets from the continental Equestria.

“I always have this thing about not listening to mommy,” Princess Skystar said to herself. “And often, I get punished, either by grounding, or by excessive chores. And yet, I still go out and do this stuff.”

Skystar swam up to a trinket that looked like a carousel and spun it around, playing a wonderful and enchanting tune.

“But maybe it’s the risk of my punishment that makes disobeying my mommy worth it,” Skystar said. “Maybe that’s why I continue to do so. I mean, I would consider being Grounded for Life to be my ultimate challenge, even if the guards were on a strict call to guard my room.”

Skystar swam up to another trinket that looked like a fork. She picked it up and combed her mane with it.

“But I was always a hippogriff that desires challenge,” Skystar said. “I mean, I once snuck out of Seaquestria while I was grounded for a week just for a challenge, and there were still plenty of guards surrounding my room. Once she found out, she grounded me for a month. Then I pulled the same stunt again during that time. I think the guards aren’t worth much of a challenge if I keep breaking loose every time.”

As Skystar placed the fork down on the shelf, she swam up to another shelf and picked up a lute before tapping on the strings.

“But what about banishment from Seaquestria?” Princess Skystar said to herself. “Getting that punishment is more of a challenge than I realize, since some laws that result in banishment are just not me. I mean, taking the life of another Hippogriff? No way would I do that. That’s just not me to want to take a life.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Princess Skystar placed the lute back on the shelf and turned to the door.

“Who’s there?” Skystar asked.

“It’s the royal guard,” The voice said.

“Come in,” Skystar said.

Immediately, the door opened as the hippogriff guard entered.

“My lady, you need to come with me,” The guard said. “The Changelings and the Windigo’s Guild are making their way closer to the upper entrance. Your mother requests that I escort you out of Seaquestria and to a safe location.”

“They’re already on their way?” Skystar said.

“Yes, now come,” The Guard said. “The other guards that watched over your room have been sent to hold off the invaders. I’ll keep you safe.”

“Right,” Princess Skystar said

Immediately, Princess Skystar swam out of the door and out of her room. But the Guard looked at her with a smile on her face.

“Foolish child,” The guard said with the voice of Queen Chrysalis. “You fell for my trap, as did the guards who watched over your room. Now you will be my key into capturing Seaquestria and all of Mount Aris. Maybe even convince Princess Wanda to surrender herself. This day is going to be perfect.”

With that, the guard shut the door and swam after Princess Skystar.

To Be Continued in…

Poor Unfortunate Souls

Author's Note:

So thanks to Princess Skystar's stupidity(Or rather her taking her punishments as more of an achievement than what it's suppose to be), Wanda is now trapped in Seaquestria with a conflict going on between Queen Novo's hippogriffs and Queen Chrysalis/Coldnelius Snap's changeling/cultist alliance.

Also, a lot of the elements in this arc will pay a nod to the Little Mermaid. Not only with the references that the 2017 MLP Movie pulled in with Seaquestria and the Sea Ponies, but also with Wanda's Mermaid form returning along with the introduction to Queen Chrysalis's Cecaelia form.

On the next part, we are going to see Wanda get a major, intentional, out of character moment.

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