• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 23-2: Sanctuary at the Everfree Forest

Sanctuary at the Everfree Forest

It was a beautiful afternoon at the town of La Maresa. But the quiet peace was disrupted when a number of earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi wearing gold shirts that said “Golden Revolution” marched their way towards the town. But as they made their approach, a number of guards emerged from behind the houses of the fair town, placing their shields down with the intent to block the intruders from entering.

“You’re not going to try to pull that stunt again you cowards,” The Captain of the Guards shouted.

“They have the nerve to prevent us from entering the town and taking their younglings from them,” One of the members of the mob shouted. “Come on. Let’s show them who’s really in charge. GOLDEN REVOLUTION!!!”

With a loud cheer, the mob ran towards the guards, who held their shields up while others placed down barricades to fill in the holes of the place. Soon, the mob collided with the guards’ shields, who struggled to push them back from La Maresa.

“Don’t let them get through,” The guard captain shouted. “Push back and show them who’s the boss.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna touched down within La Maresa, where the guards struggled to hold back a horde of Gold Bankers as they ranted and raved towards the soldiers. The two ponies nodded towards each other before running up to the barricade.

“Looks like it’s far worse than we can imagine,” Princess Luna said. “We need to be rid of them.”

“Agreed, sister,” Princess Celestia said.

With a flash of their horns, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna created a barrier around the barricade. The magical ward expanded further, pushing the Gold Bankers back.

“Princesses,” One of the guards shouted. “You’ve made it.”

“Where are the other villagers?” Princess Luna asked.

“They’re held up in the town hall for their own safety,” another guard said.

“We’ll go check it out,” Princess Celestia said.

“Actually sister, you go check it out,” Princess Luna said, directing her gaze towards the crazed lunatics. “I’ll hold them back.”

“Be careful, sister,” Princess Celestia said.

As Princess Celestia ran towards the town hall of La Maresa in a hurry, Princess Luna ran up to the barricade to hold back the Gold Bankers.

“Captain,” Princess Luna said. “What’s the status?”

“They’re persistent as ever,” The guard captain explained as he saw the mob pound away at the magical shield. “But I don’t get it. What would they want with the ponies of La Maresa? I don’t seem to understand”

“Neither do I,” Princess Luna said. “This couldn’t have been done at random.”

“I overheard one of them stating that they want to take the younglings away from La Maresa and deliver them to Daisy Joy Tech,” a guard explained.

“That’s pretty typical of them,” Princess Luna said. “Forcing younglings to attend a school that should be shut down for their well-being.”

But when Princess Luna turned towards the outskirts of the town, she saw the mob begin to back off and make their way around.

“What’s going on?” Princess Luna said.

“I don’t know,” The Captain said. “One minute they were attacking us, and now this. I wonder if they chose to give up.”

Princess Luna took a few steps back from the barrier and flew upwards into the air. She took a look down at the mob, who were making their way around the town.

“This isn’t good,” Princess Luna said. “They must be trying to find a way to the back.”

But as she saw the mob march on, she noticed something odd. Instead of going through another route, the mob was making their way towards the forest area.

“Oh no,” Princess Luna said. “I know where they’re heading to.”

Immediately, Princess Luna flew down to the barricade, where the royal guard gathered around as the moon princess landed.

“Princess Luna,” the Guard Captain said. “What happened?”

“I know where they’re going,” Princess Luna said. “They’re heading into the Everfree Forest”

“That’s where the younglings are hiding,” One of the guards said. “We’ve got to head in there and push them out.”

“Wait here and prepare yourselves,” Princess Luna said. “I must go tell my sister about this.”

With that, Princess Luna turned tails and ran off in the opposite direction, leaving the guards standing by.

“I don’t like what they’re up to,” The Captain said. “One moment we were under siege and the next moment, they’re heading towards the Everfree Forest.”

“But how did they find out about their location?” One of the guards asked.

“That I’ll find out once we send them packing,” The Captain said.

Inside the town hall, many of the adults hunkered down as the doors were locked up. Adults like Sunspot, Stellar Flare, Fortwright, Crescent Eclipse, Artemis Light, Carrot and Cup Cake, Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz, Bow Hot Hoof and Windy Whistles, Granny Smith and even Mayor Mare watched nervously at the front door.

“Why did they have to go and resort to this kind of madness?” Igneous Rock said as he stood firm.

“I wish we didn’t have to separate from our own kids,” Windy Whistles said. “Especially Rainbow Dash.”

“Stay calm,” Granny Smith said. “I’ve sent my own son and daughter-in-law to look after them while we’re here.”

“Easy for you to say,” Fortwright said. “Not only do I miss my own son, but also my wife and daughter.”

“We thought moving to La Maresa was a good idea,” Sunspot said. “I’m beginning to have second thoughts on where to move now.”

“Right now, we have to hope for help to arrive,” Crescent Eclipse said. “There’s a battalion of guards standing outside the front entrance of this town. But I don’t know how long that’s gonna last.”

“I put out that message to Princess Celestia about our situation,” Fortwright said. “I just hope she can make it on time.”

“What about your Grandmother?” Cup Cake asked. “This Chieftess Pele?”

“No dice,” Fortwright explained. “I got a message from her stating that she’s running late due to having to calm down the central island volcano.”

“That’s not what we wanted to hear,” Carrot Cake said. “The last thing we need is for some pony to knock this door down while we’re trying to stay away from those crazed lunatics.”

“You said it, dear,” Cup Cake said. “I hope Pinkie Pie and the others are alright back in Canterlot.”

“Knowing my daughter, she’ll be fine from those maniacs,” Cloudy Quartz said. “If she could survive being locked up at Daisy Joy Tech, then she can handle almost anything.”

“By the way, Mrs. Pie,” Cup Cake asked. “Is it true that Pinkie Pie is supposed to be the reincarnation of Discord?”

But before Cloudy Quartz could speak, a loud pound at the front door caught everyone’s attention and caused them to hunker down in fear.

“What was that?” Crescent Eclipsed asked.

“I don’t know,” Artemis Light said.

Mayor Mare slowly moved her head up from behind a table as the door was pounded on louder.

“WHO IS IT?” Mayor Mare shouted. “WE’RE NOT AFRAID TO FIGHT BACK!”

“It is I, Princess Celestia.” Those words caused every pony to breathe a sigh of relief as Mayor Mare walked up to the door.

“Princess,” Mayor Mare said. “Is that really you?”

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “Is everyone in there alright?”

Mayor Mare looked outside through the keyhole of the door to see Princess Celestia waiting outside. Immediately, Mayor Mare opened the door and allowed the princess to come inside.

“Princess,” Mayor Mare said. “I’m glad you arrived on such short notice.”

“I have,” Princess Celestia said. “And I take it the others are at the ruins of Castle Everfree.”

“They are,” Mayor Mare said. “Shanoa, the Apple family and the Rich family took them over there before you arrived.”

“Good,” Princess Celestia said. “I think we need to get you all out and head there right this minute.”

“Are you really sure about that, Princess?” Carrot Cake asked as he got up. “Right in the middle of that mob?”

“Right now, my sister is holding back the mob from entering La Maresa,” Princess Celestia explained. “I can use that opportunity to get you all to safety and head back towards the castle ruins.”

Suddenly, Princess Luna ran into the town hall with a frantic look on her face.

“Sister,” Princess Luna said. “I have some bad news.”

“What happened?” Princess Celestia said, turning to Princess Luna. “Did they break through?”

“Worse,” Princess Luna said. “They’re now heading into the Everfree Forest.”

“What?” Princess Celestia yelled.

“Just as the guards and I were able to push them back,” Princess Luna explained, “They decided to take another path away from the town, and they’re heading for the Everfree Forest. Knowing them, they’re going to take the younglings hunkering down there away to Daisy Joy Tech. This is more horrible than we imagined.”

“That’s where our children are hunkered down,” Windy Whistles yelled as she stepped out from behind the table. “Princess, you have to go there and put a stop to them.”

“Don’t you worry,” Princess Celestia said. “We’ll make sure they don’t get taken away.”

With that, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ran out the front door, leaving the adults behind at the town hall. Granny Smith walked up to the entrance before turning her head away.

“Please don’t let those monsters take Applejack and her friends away,” Granny Smith cried.

Meanwhile, deep within the Everfree Forest, Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo and Fluttershy flew between the woods, carrying bags full of food.

“Rainbow,” Ditzy cried. “I don’t think I can go any further.”

“You have to,” Rainbow Dash said. “Those good-for-nothing creeps want nothing more than to take us all away.”

“But Rainbow Dash,” Ditzy cried. “This bag is too heavy.”

“I’m afraid Rainbow Dash is right,” Fluttershy said. “Right now, I’m more afraid of what those meanies will do to us if we let them catch up.”

But as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were flying, they noticed Ditzy Doo was falling behind as her wings began to slow down.

“I think I better go easy on her,” Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow Dash flew up to Ditzy Doo and pulled her sack off, pulling all that excess weight off. Ditzy Doo’s wings began to pick up speed as she flew around for a bit.

“Finally,” Ditzy Doo said. “I can fly once more.”

But as Ditzy Doo flew around with a smile on her face, Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow,” Fluttershy said. “Are you sure you can carry two bags of food with you?”

“Who says I can’t?” Rainbow Dash said with a smug look on her face.

“Well Rainbow,” Fluttershy said as Rainbow Dash took off with both satchels full of food. “You know you’re going to put too much pressure on you. In fact, you might even sprain a wing, an arm, or your tail.”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash appeared out of nowhere, now completely bare-hooved. This caught the attention of both Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo.

“Rainbow,” Ditzy said. “What happened to the pouches full of food?”

“Delivered to the Everfree Castle ruins as expected,” Rainbow Dash said, brushing her hooves off with satisfaction.

“That means we only have one satchel to deliver,” Fluttershy said.

“Not to worry,” Rainbow Dash said as she took the sachet from Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I’ve got this.”

As Rainbow Dash took off towards the Everfree Castle ruins, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo flew off after her.

“I wish I was as strong as Rainbow Dash,” Ditzy Doo said.

“You and me both, Ditzy,” Fluttershy said. “Especially with the madness going on at La Maresa.”

Later,, at the ruins of the Everfree Castle, Rainbow Dash landed atop the ramparts and placed the last satchel full of food next to the other two satchels. Behind her, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo flew up from the forest and landed next to Rainbow Dash.

“There we go,” Rainbow Dash said. “Now we’ll be able to stand our ground in this place.”

“Wow,” Ditzy said. “All this food just to survive over all while we wait for those meanies to go away?”

“No doubt about it. Those varmints think they can take us away.” Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo looked near the satchels, where Applejack, Rarity, Maud Pie, Trixie, Snips and Snails walked up to them.

“Any signs of those yellow-bellied cowards?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“None thankfully,” Applejack said. “But I don’t like the idea of having to hunker down in the Everfree Forest.”

“I’m with you on that, Applejack,” Rarity said. “They think they’re so great at keeping us cooped up.”

“Well like it or not, we’re stuck here,” Rainbow Dash explained. “Those Gold Banker goons had the nerve to drive us away from La Maresa.”

“But it’s not fair,” Trixie said. “We were just minding our own business at La Maresa when they had the nerve to announce to us all that we should be at this…Daisy Joy Tech.”

“That’s why we have to hunker down,” Rainbow Dash said. “Who knows what those maniacs will do to us?”

“Well, regardless if I like it or not,” Applejack said. “I’m not one who’s going to abandon this place and get herself caught.”

Rainbow Dash leaped up in the air and flapped her wings as fast as possible, as if she were ready to take off.

“Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said. “Where are you going?”

“Something tells me those good-for-nothings are up to no good,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m gonna scout ahead to see if they are.”

Rainbow Dash took off towards the forest, leaving her friends atop the ramparts.

“There goes one brave pony,” Maud Pie said. “Sure hope she can make it back here in one piece.”

“Oh she will,” Applejack said. “As much as we often squabble over differences, I have a lot of respect for her because of her willpower and loyalty.”

“And as often as she pushes herself to the very limit,” Rarity said, “Rainbow Dash is one filly who cares for our well-being. And that’s saying a lot.”

Ditzy Doo looked towards the forest and stood there with a smile on her face.

“That Rainbow Dash,” Ditzy said. “Many pegasi aim to be like her, such as myself.”

“Well what makes you who you are, Ditzy,” Rarity explained, “Is that you have a heart of gold like Rainbow Dash. That’s your strength. It’s something you should never forget.”

“Maybe so,” Ditzy said. “But I just wish I were as brave as Rainbow Dash.”

“A lot of us wished we were as brave as Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said. “But then again, most of us still remember what happened at the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

Suddenly, someone shouted “Applejack, honey. Did Rainbow Dash bring the food here? If so, could you bring it down?”

Applejack ran up to the back part of the rampart and yelled out “I’m on it, ma.”

Immediately, Applejack grabbed the straps of all three satchels full of food and wrapped it around her chest. She walked down the steps of the rampart, leaving everyone behind.

“Applejack sure pushes herself like Rainbow Dash does,” Snails said.

“She does,” Rarity said. “But to her, it’s a testament of her honesty and character.”

“I sure hope none of us have to go to Daisy Joy Tech,” Snips said.

“After what Pinkie Pie’s been through, I wouldn’t even want that to happen,” Maud Pie said. “In fact, I’ve got something ready to really make sure they hit rock bottom.”

“Maud,” the other younglings yelled before they broke into laughter.

“I could get used to reciting puns,” Maud said with a smile.

As Applejack reached the bottom of the staircase, she ran across the courtyard to the main entrance of the castle ruins. There, Mr Bovine, Bright Mac, Buttercup, Big Mac, Shanoa, Filthy and Spoiled Rich sat there, waiting nervously. Buttercup rocked Apple Bloom in her hooves, Shanoa carried Dream Seeker in her pouch, while Spoiled Rich watched over Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara.

“Ma,” Applejack yelled. “Here’s the food for the next few days.”

Applejack grabbed the satchels by the straps and tossed them into the air before they landed near Bright Mac, whose jaw dropped at the sight of the edibles.

“No offense, Applejack,” Bright Mac said. “But that’s a lot of food for just a night’s stay.”

“Truth be told, it was my idea,” Applejack explained. “I don’t want all of us to be starving while we stay cooped up at these castle ruins.”

“Even though Rainbow Dash had to go get the food for us all,” Bright Mac laughed.

“Yes,” Applejack said. “Even though Rainbow Dash had to get the food for us all with Ditzy and Fluttershy’s help.”

“Speaking of which, how is she doing?” Mr Bovine asked.

“Even despite those varmints trying to stampede on our land,” Applejack explained, “She’s still in a good mood. And I’m rather surprised.”

“But I still don’t understand why,” Mr Bovine said as he scratched his lower chin.

“Understand what?” Applejack asked.

“Why Gold Banks of all ponies want send her goon squad to attack La Maresa when her target would have been Canterlot,” Mr Bovine said.

“That’s a good question,” Filthy Rich said. “But I think the motive was not only losing that debate against Firelight Glimmer, but also her punishment after the stunt she pulled kidnapping them and taking them to Daisy Joy Tech.”

“Oh that’s one thing I’ll never understand,” Applejack said. “Why someone like Gold Banks could be as bitter as poison ivy mixed in with grapefruit.”

“It was one thing for my sister to play the sore loser and take Wanda and her friends away,” Spoiled Rich said, anxious. “It’s another for her to send her own base to terrorize us.”

“That’s just typically cowardly of her,” Bright Mac said. “She’s like a spoiled brat who’s willing to tear Equestria apart for her own personal benefit.”

“But still,” Buttercup said as she rocked Apple Bloom in her arms. “If she can amass a base that large, who knows what other tricks she has.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed.

“That I agree with you on,” Spoiled Rich said. “At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if she figured out a way to take over all of Equestria.”

Applejack slowly walked away from the group, kicking the ground a bit in frustration. Concerned for her daughter, Buttercup got up and walked towards Applejack, all while carrying Apple Bloom in her right arm.

“Applejack,” Buttercup said. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s not fair,” Applejack pouted. “Why do we have to suffer because of one self-centered polecat?”

“Honestly, I don’t know why,” Buttercup said. “But that being said, you shouldn’t worry about what she’s gonna do.”

“It’s not just that, ma,” Applejack said. “I heard tales about how Wanda and her friends, and even Pinkie Pie, were taken to that horrible place known as Daisy Joy Tech, and I fear they’ll take me away.”

“They’re not going to do so,” Buttercup said in a stern tone. “I’ve known you since you came to this planet and I would never let them take you away. Not after what she tried to do to you and your father.”

“Oh I still remember that day when Gold Banks intruded on us because we all worried about Wanda when she was in the hospital,” Applejack said. “In fact, I still recalled that tear gas that those bullies let loose on pa and I.”

“Now don’t you worry,” Buttercup said as Apple Bloom woke up and looked at Applejack. “As long as we’re here, nothing’s gonna happen to you.”

Apple Bloom reached out and touched Applejack on the nose. The little apple filly looked at her baby sister and just giggled a bit.

“You might be right, ma,” Applejack laughed. “Besides, Apple Bloom would miss me if that did happen.”

Applejack reached out and rubbed Apple Bloom on the tummy, causing the little baby pony to giggle out loud.

“I don’t know what Apple Bloom would be without me,” Applejack said.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew in from the forest and landed next to the group in a frantic hurry. She breathed heavily as Applejack, Buttercup, Bright Mac and the others ran up to her.

“Rainbow,” Applejack said. “What happened?”

Rainbow Dash turned towards Applejack and said “They’re on their way. The Gold Bankers.”

Without saying another word, Applejack ran towards the staircase and sprinted upwards, where the other younglings stood there, looking down at the Everfree Forest.

“Guys,” Applejack said. “Rainbow told me that the Gold Bankers are on their way.”

“An understatement,” Snails yelled. “They’re almost here.”

Snails pointed to the far end of the forest where the Gold Bankers marched their way towards the Everfree Castle ruins. Applejack looked down and her face turned green.

“Oh dear,” Applejack said. “They are on their way here.”

“What are we going to do?” Fluttershy asked.

Applejack turned towards the inner courtyard of the castle ruins, where Bright Mac and the others looked up at her.

“Pa,” Applejack yelled. “Will the front door hold them in place?”

“It should,” Bright Mac said. “I just got the repairs done to the wall and the door completed before we went up to Wanda’s birthday party months ago.”

“That’s good,” Rarity yelled. “And there’s not a single hole in that wall?”

“Neigh,” Bright Mac yelled.

“If those hooligans ever think about stepping hoof in our sanctuary,” Mr Bovine yelled, “I’ll treat them like a bull in a porcelain shop.”

Rarity and Applejack turned their attention towards the Everfree Forest while Rainbow Dash flew up and landed right next to them.

“Guys,” Ditzy cried. “What’s going to happen to us?”

“That’s the only thing that will keep those nimrods from crashing our sanctuary,” Rainbow Dash said. “Afterwards, we better be prepared to fight them to the very end.”

To Be Continued in…

Sanctuary Invasion

Author's Note:

Originally, the portion with the La Maresians were going to be one huge part. But then I realized I would rather give them some additional time in the limelight. So I split this portion into two parts so I can give them more time to shine.

The next part will focus more on them defending themselves from the Gold Bankers.

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