• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 28(Princess No More)-1: One Last Night in Equestria

Arc 28: Princess No More

One Last Night in Equestria

It was early in the night in the city of Canterlot. At her own manor in her private study room, Magistrate Creme Dream looked over some notes on her private desk when Majesty burst into her room.

“Mother,” Majesty yelled. “You’ve got to hear this.”

“Majesty,” Creme Dream shouted. “Don’t you ever bother me while I’m working.”

“But it’s about the Man’s Cub,” Majesty yelled. “Princess Celestia is going to move her back to her home.”

As Creme Dream got up and approached her daughter, the Magistrate paused for a moment.

“Wait,” Creme Dream said. “Did you say that Princess Celestia was moving Princess Wanda back to Evevanya?”

“Yeah,” Majesty said. “And not only that, word has it that her friends will be going with her, along with that traitor Cozy Glow, and even Princess Celestia is going to vacate the throne just to go with her.”

“Over my dead body,” Creme Dream said. “Princess Celestia was warned not to leave the throne, and I will not allow her to let her daughter go.”

Immediately, Creme Dream marched forward to the door and opened it up.

“Where are you going, mother?” Majesty asked.

“I’m going to talk some sense into that foolish mare and force her and her daughter to stay,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “And if she refuses, then the Senate will make her know her place. After all, Wanda Young is already a naturalized citizen, and there’s no way she’s leaving Equestria, anytime soon.”

But before Creme Dream could take a step out, her body froze in place, much to her and Majesty’s horror.

“Mother,” Majesty said. “What’s happening?”

“I…I can’t move,” Creme Dream said. “Something’s holding me back.”

“Not just something. Me.” Majesty and Creme Dream looked behind them to see Gold Banks step through the window and land on the floor.

“YOU!” Creme Dream snarled. “I told you that you weren’t welcome in Canterlot, and this is what you do?”

“It is what it is, my former mentor,” Gold Banks said. “In fact, it’s time I gave you what you gave me.”

And with that, Gold Banks raised her hoof in the air and proceeded to slap Creme Dream across the face three times. Majesty looked at Gold Banks delivering the slaps before she jumped right on top of Gold Banks.

“YOU LEAVE MY MOTHER ALONE THIS INSTANT!” Majesty yelled, holding Banks’ arm down.

“You just made a big mistake,” Gold Banks said as her amulet glowed brightly.

Gold Banks pulled Majesty off of her back before flinging her towards Creme Dream’s desk, shattering it to pieces. Majesty got up and started to cry loudly.

“That’s right,” Gold Banks smirked. “Cry as much as you can. That won’t save you or your mother from what I’m going to do.”

“What do you think you’re going to do, Traitor?” Creme Dream yelled.

“Oh what I call tit for tat,” Gold Banks said as a portal formed from behind Creme Dream.

Immediately, a couple of Debt Collector grunts emerged from the portal and they proceeded to place a binding ring on top of Creme Dream’s horn before clamping her wings down with a pair of cuffs.

“You won’t get away with this, Gold Banks,” Creme Dream said. “When this is over, you will wish I sent you to Tartarus.”

“I beg to differ,” Gold Banks said. “For you won’t do anything at all.”

But Gold Banks immediately turned towards Majesty, who was struggling to climb out of a window.

“DOWN, BRAT!” Gold Banks yelled.

With a powerful glow from her amulet, Gold Banks pulled Majesty away from the window and towards her.

“HEEEEEELP!” Majesty yelled.

Majesty struggled to move at all, only for the magic of Gold Banks’ amulet to hold her tight. Immediately, the grunts placed a binding ring on Majesty’s horn and proceeded to clamp her wings down as well. She even placed metal bindings around the hooves of both Creme Dream and Majesty with her magic.

“That’s right,” Gold Banks said. “You two are unable to use any of your magic. Unicorn, Pegasi, Earth Pony. It’s all locked away before you face your fate.”

“And what kind of fate would that be?” Creme Dream snarled. “Care to explain, trickster?”

“Very well,” Gold Banks said. “Effective immediately, you are no longer Magistrate of Equestria, relieved of all duties that you were assigned to. Furthermore, you are given a lifetime ban from Canterlot, and you and your daughter will suffer in Tartarus for the rest of your miserable lives. We are done here.”

Gold Banks laughed as the Debt Collectors dragged Creme Dream and Majesty away towards the portal.

“This isn’t over yet, Banks,” Creme Dream shouted. “ You’ll regret pulling this stunt on us. YOU WILL REGRET THIS!”

But Gold Banks turned away from Creme Dream, smiling satisfied. The Debt Collectors pulled Creme Dream and Majesty before throwing them into the portal and jumping in. Once they were gone, the portal disappeared without a trace.

“Grand Philosopher,” Gold Banks said. “I know you’re close by. She’s gone, for now.”

Immediately, Grand Philosopher emerged from the doorway and walked towards Gold Banks.

“That was a risky move to kidnap your former mentor and her daughter,” Grand Philosopher said. “But it also proved the superiority of your Alicorn Amulet.”

“It does,” Gold Banks said. “Now Creme Dream’s manor will serve as my new temporary base. We will keep our eyes out in case Princess Celestia is ready to transfer that brat to Evevanya.”

“And what will we do next?” Grand Philosopher asked.

“We strike,” Gold Banks said. “It will be the biggest mistake that buffoon ever made.”


Those words came from Princess Wanda Young, who was panting loudly in the grand hall of the Castle. Next to her were a surprised Princess Cadance, Princess Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Shining Armor, Karen the Alicorn Bulldog, Spike the Dragon, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace, Pinkie Pie and Misty Brightdawn. Across from her were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and nearby, Cozy Glow, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and Majordomo Kibitz. Even Queen Novo stood by, shocked by Princess Celestia’s words.

“I’m terribly sorry to say this,” Princess Celestia said. “But lately, your life has been in great jeopardy in Equestria, mainly from Gold Banks. If we keep you here, it will be only a matter of time before she takes you away…for good. Therefore, effective tomorrow, you will be returning to Evevanya.”

Wanda paused for a moment, shocked by Princess Celestia’s words. She took a few steps back with tears building up in her eyes.

“But,” Wanda said. “I’ll miss Equestria. I’ll miss my friends. I’ll miss…You.”

Immediately, Wanda ran up the stairs, crying her eyes out before making her way towards a room. The other younglings glared up at Princess Celestia.

“Are you out of your mind, mother?” Sunset yelled. “Separate Wanda from all of us? Are you crazy?”

“Sunset, you don’t understand,” Celestia said.

“No I do understand,” Sunset yelled. “You are pulling the most heartless task in front of us all because you’re afraid of Gold Banks. Afraid of losing us to her school from Tartarus again. How is this any different than what Gold Banks pulled?”

Princess Celestia paused for a moment on what Sunset said as her adopted daughter stared up at her.

“Just as I thought,” Sunset snarled as a tear fell from her eye. “You’re no better than Gold Banks if you’re going to take Wanda away.”

As Sunset Shimmer marched away, Pinkie Pie cleared her voice loud enough to catch the attention of the unicorn.

“No, I think I know what she really means,” Pinkie Pie said. “Wanda’s not the only one going to Evevanya. We all are.”

“Wait,” Sunset said. “We’re all going to Evevanya?”

“That’s what I really mean to say,” Celestia said. “Wanda will not be going by herself. Every friend that she made will be going with her, including myself.”

“Princess,” Sunset said, surprised by Celestia’s words. “You’re not thinking of…”

“Yes,” Princess Celestia said. “This will be my last night in Equestria. When the day comes, I will be vacating the throne, permanently.”

“Mother,” Princess Cadance said. “You’re not serious about leaving the ponies behind just to look after all of us in Evevanya.”

“I am,” Princess Celestia said. “In fact, I was able to talk with every one of their parents about taking them to Evevanya to be safe. They were reluctant. But with reports of Gold Banks building up this power with her new amulet, they’ve agreed to let them go.”

“But that means I have to close up the new Sugar Cube Corner shop,” Pinkie Pie said. “What will Mr. and Mrs. Cake say about this?”

“I’ve already spoken with them in La Maresa,” Princess Celestia explained. “They’ve agreed to take over the shop up in Canterlot and close their Ls Maresa Sugar Cube Corner shop. I even spoke with your parents, and they’ve agreed to say good-bye to you.”

Pinkie Pie let out a sigh as she said “I guess this is good-bye Equestria. No more smiles for every colt and filly.”

Immediately, Pinkie Pie’s mane deflated, going completely flat as she looked down.

“Cheer up, Pinkie,” Misty Brightdawn said. “Maybe you’ll open up a Sugar Cube Corner shop in Evevanaya for all of Wanda’s own species. They might appreciate it.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said, depressed. “Maybe so.”

Golden Lace walked up to Princess Celestia and said “What about my father? What does he have to say about my fate?”

“I spoke with Silver Banks about this, and he agreed to let you go,” Princess Celestia explained. “But he also said this: Though I am sending you away for your own good, know that you will always be my daughter, and I will love you as a father more than anything in this world.”

Golden Lace wiped a tear from her eyes and said “Guess tomorrow will be the last time I ever see daddy again. I will miss him.”

Sunset walked up to Princess Celestia and said “Mother, we need to talk to Wanda. She’ll understand, even if I’m uneasy about it.”

“Then let’s talk with Wanda about our move to Evevanya,” Princess Celestia said. “And tell her the whole truth about her real mother.”

SUnset Shimmer nodded as she and Abigail followed Princess Celestia up the stairs. But nearby, Princess Cadance walked up to Princess Luna, while Karen whimpered in silence.

“Aunt Luna,” Princess Cadance said. “What’s going to happen to you once we’re gone from Equestria?”

“I’ll be staying behind as ruler of Equestria and hold the fort down,” Princess Luna explained.

“But you do realize that you’re going to be alone for who knows how long,” Princess Cadance said.

“She’s right,” Shining Armor said. “You will be all alone in Equestria once we’re gone. “Are you sure you can handle a kingdom by yourself?”

“I don’t know if I will,” Princess Luna said. “It’s true that I will be alone without my family with me. But I will give it a try.”

As Luna looked up at the balcony above the great hall, Cozy Glow flew over to the staircase, while the Dazzlings and Kibitz followed from behind.

“Well, this is it,” Cozy Glow said. “After tomorrow, I’m no longer going to be in Equestria. And I’ll be glad not to see my mother or my sister again. Good riddance.”

“It’s going to be hard to adapt to a new land,” Adagio Dazzle said. “After all, we’ve gotten used to living in the abandoned orphanage for a long time before we came here. And now, this.”

“So what’s going to happen to us once we move to this…Evevanya?” Sonata Dusk asked.

“We’ll find a way to make it through,” Aria Blaze said. “After all, we’ve stuck together as sisters, and we can do so, starting tomorrow.”

“She’s right,” Adagio Dazzle said. “Let’s make peace with the fact that this will be our last night in Equestria.”

Meanwhile, in the hallway leading to the bedrooms, Princess Celestia, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright walked up to the younglings’ bedroom, which had been shut tight. Outside, Eleanor Young just looked inside with a concerned look on her face.

“Eleanor,” Celestia said. “Is Wanda in there?”

“She is,” Eleanor said. “And she’s upset about the news on returning to Evevanya.”

“Allow me,” Celestia said. “We’ll try to reach her.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia walked up to the door with Sunset and Abigail behind her before knocking on it.

“GO AWAY!” Wanda yelled. “I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU!”

“Wanda,” Celestia said. “We need to talk about…”

“I SAID GO AWAY!” Wanda yelled.

“Sister,” Sunset said. “You’re worried that you may not see us again. Is that right?”

“I DON’T CARE!” Wanda yelled. “I’m not leaving for Evevanya and that’s it.”

“Well you listen here, sister,” Sunset said, stomping her hoof on the ground. “We’re going with you to Evevanya, and that’s final.”

“I SAID I…” Wanda yelled before she paused for a second.

A few seconds later, the door unlocked as Wanda barely opened it, seeing her sister outside.

“What’s this about you going with me?” Wanda asked.

“This is hard on all of us,” Sunset Shimmer explained. “But we’re all going to go with you to Evevanya, mother included. I know it’s going to be hard on you to leave the very home you’ve known for a long time. But you’re not going to be alone. That’s why our mother has chosen to go with us, along with all of your friends. You won’t be alone. I promise you.”

Wanda opened the door up and looked up at her adopted mother as tears flowed through her eyes.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried. “I’M SORRY!”

Immediately, Wanda reached out and cried right on Princess Celestia’s legs. All Celestia could do was reach out and rub Wanda on the head.

“It’s okay, my darling Wanda,” Celestia said. “Even I’m sad to be leaving Equestria for Evevanya. But it will be so you won’t be alone.”

Abigail walked up to Wanda and rubbed her fur along her leg. Wanda reached down and picked Abigail up before petting her on the ear.

“So, you really are coming with me?” Wanda cried.

“All of us will,” Sunset said. “The ones around us will be the first. Following that, others will join us in Evevanya until all of your friends have left Equestria. You won’t be alone.”

Wanda walked up to the bed and allowed Abigail to jump right on it. She climbed up and sat on the bed, looking down at the floor as Celestia and Sunset walked up to her.

“I’ll admit this,” Wanda said as she tapped the orb fragment necklace dangling from her neck. “I will miss Equestria, and I will miss being in this castle.”

“And I will also miss Princess Luna as well,” Princess Celestia said. “She’s agreed to stay behind and look after Equestria in my absence. But she’ll come to pay a visit to our new home, where two mommies will look after you.”

“Two mommies?” Wanda said. “What do you mean?”

“In addition to retaining my duties as your mother,” Princess Celestia explained, “I asked someone else to help look after you, your sisters and your friends. The one you called a guardian angel. Her name is Eleanor.”

Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer stepped aside as Eleanor approached Wanda Young, with Abigail looking up at the Evevanyian human.

“So,” Wanda said. “You’re going to be my second mommy after I leave for Evevanya?”

“More than that, little Wanda,” Eleanor said, placing her hand gently on Wanda’s cheek. “In fact, your mommy has an important message to give you.”

As Eleanor withdrew her hand from Wanda’s, the Man’s Cub turned to Princess Celestia.

“I may be your mommy,” Celestia explained. “But Eleanor Young is your original mother.”

“What?” Wanda said. “Eleanor Young has been my original mommy?”

“That’s right,” Celestia explained. “It was Eleanor who left you here when you were a baby. She left me a note about you after she originally left, and every detail about your life, including your birthday. But she couldn’t figure out a way to return to Evevanya. So she chose to remain until she found out how to return back. But even then, she continued to watch over you while I cared for you.”

Wanda looked up at Eleanor Young, her biological mother, and her eyes began to water for a bit.

“Wanda,” Eleanor said. “I know I haven’t done a good job as your mother. In fact, Princess Celestia did a far better job at it. But I promise you, I will do what I can to keep you content and happy in the home of your birth and heritage.”

“Will you, mommy?” Wanda asked.

“I will,” Eleanor said. “After all, even when you’re no longer in Equestria, you’re still a princess. A princess from a kingdom almost as grand as Equestria. And I am one of the two queens of the land. My counterpart, Queen Lillian, will be there to help guide you through your new era in life, along with your friends. So says I, Queen Eleanor Young, of Evevanya’s Dawn.

With that, Wanda reached out and gave Queen Eleanor Young a big hug.

“I’ll take it, Evevanyian Mommy,” Wanda cried. “I accept.”

As Wanda cried on her original mother, Celestia and Sunset held each other tight as Abigail jumped off the bed and snuggled next to Sunset.

“It’s going to be very hard to accept the fact that I won’t live in Equestria, anymore,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“I know, my daughter,” Princess Celestia said. “But we’ll make sure it all works out, for you, for your sisters, and for your friends.”

Later that night, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Abigail Albright, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Misty Brightdawn and the Dazzlings were all fast asleep in makeship beds all around the bedroom. But Wanda and Sunset were unable to get any sleep as they looked up at the ceiling.

“Can’t get any sleep, sis?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “I’m nervous about tomorrow.”

“I know how you feel,” Sunset said. “The fact that we’re all going to be gone from Equestria come tomorrow will say a lot. And I’ll say this: I will miss it all.”

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “Not just Canterlot, but also La Maresa, Vanhoover, Sire’s Hollow and especially Mount Aris. Can’t say anything about Manehattan.”

“That’s one place I’ll be glad to forget,” Sunset Shimmer replied. “Daisy Joy Tech was a horrible place and I don’t ever want to step hoof there again.”

“But still,” Wanda said. “I’m going to be sad that we will leave Equestria for Evevanya. Not just with one mommy, but with two mommies now.”

“That’s right,” Sunset said. “Even learning that Eleanor was your original mother caught me off guard. But I was glad to have met her.”

“Sister,” Wanda said. “Will I be okay back in Evevanya?”

“You will,” Sunset Shimmer said. “No matter what, we will be by your side. Even Starlight’s gonna be with you. In fact, I think Starlight really likes you.”

“She does?” Wanda asked.

“She does,” Sunset replied. “And she’s glad to have you as a close friend, like she does with Sunburst and Trixie. Just like how I see you as a close friend.”

“Thanks, Sunset,” Wanda said. “You’ve been the best sister I’ve ever had.”

Sunset reached over and hugged Wanda closely, dropping a tear from her eye as she held her sister close.

Outside of the castle, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Queen Eleanor, Chancellor Cinch and Queen Novo looked up at the bedroom from the front garden.

“Are you really sure about this?” Chancellor Cinch asked.

“I’ve made up my mind,” Princess Celestia said. “Come tomorrow, I will be Princess of Equestria no more. And I will be traveling to Evevanya to look after Wanda and her friends with Eleanor’s help.”

“I’m not proud to say it,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you as well,” Princess Celestia said. “You, Princess Luna, Queen Novo, and all of Equestria.”

“I wish I could go with you,” Queen Novo said. “But right now, my duty is towards my people, and towards my daughter. I know she’ll miss Wanda and Sunset.”

“You know,” Princess Celestia said. “You could always have Princess Skystar come with us to Evevanya. We might consider kidnapping her.”

Immediately, Queen Novo broke out laughing at Princess Celestia’s comment.

“That would be karma for the times she took Wanda from you,” Queen Novo laughed. “But at the same time, I would miss my daughter if she went with you. Who knows? If things take a turn for the worse in Equestria, I may consider taking our people to Evevanya just so they can thrive there.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Princess Celestia said. “We’ll see if we can set up a new Seaquestria kingdom in Evevanya in case you change your mind.”

Princess Luna turned towards Queen Eleanor Young and said “Will you promise to look after not just our Wanda, but also my sister when you depart for Evevanya tomorrow?”

“I will,” Eleanor said. “I know Equestria won’t be the same without your sister. But at least, she’ll find happiness there. And if you decide to resign from your title as prime princess, you are welcome to join us.”

Princess Luna laughed before she said “I’ll keep that in mind.”

With that, Princess Celestia stepped away from the group before walking towards the castle entrance.

“Well, I must get ready for tomorrow,” Princess Celestia said. “With that, I bid you goodnight.”

As Princess Celestia walked into the castle, Chancellor Cinch stood there with Luna, Eleanor and Novo by her side, wiping a tear from her eye.”

“Goodnight, dear mother,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Parting is such sweet sorrow.”

To Be Continued in…

Good-Bye Wanda

Author's Note:

Originally, I didn't want to do the idea of Wanda having to leave for Evevanya for her own safety. But I decided to amplify this kind of storyline for this arc, the idea that she has to leave the very home she knew for a long time all towards the home she came from, but never knew at all.

The idea of her friends and family going with her was also an idea I had in mind: Living in a new foreign land that they have never seen before to get away from a monster who wants to take all colts and fillies away from their parents.

But I'm known to take bad situations and make them worse.

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