• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 19-3: The Fathers' Decision

The Fathers’ Decision

“You’re out of your mind if you think I would enroll my little Starlight into your terrifying excuse for a boarding school.”

Those words came from an angry Firelight Glimmer, staring down at a smug Gold Banks. Shining Armor stood next to Night Light and Firelight Glimmer, horrified at seeing his sister Twilight, his surrogate brother Spike and his girlfriend Princess Cadance stuck in the cage, still unconscious. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna could do nothing while the Debt Collectors surrounded the cage, all while Wanda, Starlight and Abigail hid behind Celestia’s tail. Next to them, Twilight Velvet cried into Starseeker’s chest.

“My dear, you have no insight on what your daughter can do, and neither does your precious princess,” Gold Banks said. “It’s all common sense. Have your daughter go to Daisy Joy Tech, tell your friends to cancel their permanent trips to La Maresa, and all will be okay.”

The crowd all booed at Gold Banks before they threw rotten vegetables at Gold Banks. But the rich pony yawned as she shielded herself with a magic barrier generated by her horn.

“So it sounds like you don’t really care for my captives,” Gold Banks said. “Unless you want them to have a permanent home in Tartarus, you would cease throwing your worthless produce at me.”

Immediately, every villager in Harvestia halted their throw, freezing in place before Gold BAnks undid her magic shield.

“Much better,” Gold Banks said. “Seems even mere peasants can be muzzled properly.”

Princess Celestia kept her eye glared at Gold Banks. But her ears picked up the sound of wings flapping. Princess Celestia looked up for a bit before she walked up to Firelight Glimmer while Gold Banks looked around at the angry, and yet helpless, villagers.

“Try to distract her as much as possible,” Princess Celestia whispered.

“Are you kidding?” Firelight Glimmer whispered back.

“No,” Princess Celestia said. “As a matter of fact, help is on the way and if you keep her distracted, they can launch a counter-attack.”

Firelight Glimmer’s face loosened up from hearing Princess Celestia’s idea. He nodded to her before turning his attention towards Gold Banks.

“So tell me, Mrs Banks,” Firelight Glimmer said. “How does it feel to know that your own daughter Golden Lace has gone rogue against you?”

Gold Banks paused for a moment before turning her attention towards Firelight Glimmer. Her once despicable smile has turned into a horrifying frown.

“What did you just…mention?” Gold Banks said

“You heard me,” Firelight Glimmer said. “And as a matter of fact, how can you have any respect for your own daughter when you treat your husband Silver Banks like a doormat?”

“Don’t you bring her up,” Gold Banks snarled, stomping her hoof on the ground. “She’s my daughter, and mine alone, and not even that pathetic excuse for a husband can keep her away from me.”

“Your husband is a far better pony than you’ll ever be,” Firelight Glimmer said. “You’re nothing more than a selfish brat who throws temper tantrums when things don’t go your way.”

“Get this through your head,” Gold Banks yelled, marching towards Firelight Glimmer and getting into his face. “Things will always go my way because I am the ruler of this world. And as your ruler, I will take your daughter and have her attend Daisy Joy Tech, whenever you like it or not.”

“So why did your daughter get expelled from that horrible school?” Firelight Glimmer said with a smug look on his face. “Did she TP the statue of Daisy Joy the Elephant?”

Gold Banks immediately grabbed Firelight Glimmer by the collar and pulled him up close. The look on that aristocrat’s face would scare the living daylights out of an Alicorn. But not Firelight, whose smug smile remained bright.

“Any last words before I have you join Twilight Sparkle and her babysitter?” Gold Banks snarled as she breathed steam in Firelight’s face.

“Yeah,” Firelight Glimmer siad. “Dive bombing Wonderbolts at seven o’clock.”

Gold Banks’ face flipped from furious to confused. But before she could make a move, a swarm of Wonderbolts led by Captain Airazor flew down from the sky and dove bomb the Debt Collector Grunts. The impact was enough to knock the soldiers away from the cage.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD?” Gold Banks yelled in total panic.

But before she could do anything, Airazor swiped the keys from one of the downed guards before placing one of them in the keyhole and turning it. She swung the gate open and went inside, picking Twilight Sparkle up, while the rest of the Wonderbolts surrounded the cell or stood tall over the Debt Collectors.

“We have them secure,” Airazor said.

“What is this?” Gold Banks yelled. “What gives you any right to take my prisoners?”

“They are not your prisoners, Gold Banks,” Airazor said as more Wonderbolts came into the cage while others guarded it. “These are honest Equestrians whose lives you wanted to seize control of. And if I were you, I would leave this village behind, empty-hooved.”

“Urgggh, fine. You win. But know that this town will now have to face my wrath from here on out,” Gold Banks snarled. She turned her attention to Firelight Glimmer and said “As for you. Move your daughter to whatever part of this planet you wish. It won’t matter. We'll find her and we’ll take her away to Daisy Joy Tech. That I promise.”

With that, Gold Banks ran off from the village with members of her private army following from behind, leaving the prisoners and the villagers behind. The villagers cheered as they saw the biggest aristocrat in Equestria run off with her tail tucked between her legs.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” Shining Armor said. “No one treats my sister like that and gets away with it.”

As Airazor brought the unconscious Twilight out of the cage, she opened her eyes and took notice of her surroundings.

“What…happpened?” Twilight said as she slowly woke up.

“You were knocked out for some reason,” Airazor said. “You were lucky we came here to help your father, and Chancellor Cinch warned us about your disappearance.”

“Wha…my dad?” Twilight said as she raised herself up.

When Twilight looked up, she saw her father lying on the grass with his legs wrapped in blankets. The only thing Night Light could do was reach out to his daughter, calling her name.

“DADDY!” Twilight yelled.

Twilight jumped out of Airazor’s arms before she ran up towards her father and grabbed onto her. Night Light barely got up, minding his broken legs, before he hugged Twilight closely. Shining Armor went up behind Twilight and gave her a playful noogie.

“You’re alright,” Shining Armor said. “I’m glad you made it.”

“Big bro,” Twilight said. “Please go check up on Princess Cadance and Spikey. I hope they will be alright.”

“Will do,” Shining Armor saluted.

Shining Armor ran off towards the cage, leaving Twilight Sparkle alone with Night Light.

“Daddy,” Twilight cried. “What happened to you?”

“In the middle of my argument with your brother,” Night Light explained, “A building right behind us exploded, and I had to push Shining out of the way. The next thing I knew, my legs were pinned under the rubble, and I couldn’t break free.”

“And when I saw what happened,” Firelight explained, “I had to find someone to help you out. But truth of the matter, I should have helped get your father out in the first place. I’m terribly sorry.”

As Firelight walked away from Night Light, Twilight let go of her father and walked up to the patriarch of the Glimmer family.

"Mr Glimmer," Twilight said, poking Firelight by the leg, stopping him that instant. "Thanks for helping my daddy. I really appreciate it."

Firelight Glimmer looked down at Twilight and placed his hand on Twilight's head, his frown turned into a smile. Though he tried to speak, nothing came out of his mouth the moment Twilight gave him a hug.

"Maybe moving my Pumpy-Wumpkin out of Canterlot may not be a good idea," Firelight thought to himself.

But just then, Firelight turned towards Princess Celestia, where Starlight slowly moves out from behind her tail. She walked up to her father with a sad look in her eyes.

"Daddy," Starlight said.

But Firelight pulled her daughter up close with his magic and place his arm around his daughter.

"I don't know about having you move to La Maresa," Firelight explained. "After what Gold Banks threatened to do with you, I think you fit in better in Canterlot."

“Really?” Starlight asked.

“Yes,” Firelight Glimmer said. “I’ll speak with Princess Celestia and ask her if she can look after you for the time being.”

But nearby, Wanda and Abigail came out from behind Celestia’s tail. While Wanda slowly walked towards Firelight Glimmer with Abigail behind her, she turned and looked up at Princess Celestia.

“Mommy,” Wanda asked. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not so sure,” Princess Celestia said. “But I overheard something about you having another roommate in the coming future?”

“Another roommate?” Wanda asked. “Who would that be?”

“Oh silly Wanda,” Celestia laughed. “You’ll find out, soon enough.”

But as Celestia laughed, Shining Armor ran up to the cage where some of the Wonderbolts pulled Princess Cadance and Spike the Dragon out. Shining was able to help lift Princess Cadance on her four legs as she opened her eyes.

“What…happened?” a groggy Princess Cadance asked. “Felt like I was hit in the head.”

“Caddy,” Shining Armor said. “I’m glad that you, Twili and Spike are alright. But how did Gold Banks lock you in that cage?”

“The only thing…I could remember,” Princess Cadance explained, “Was that I promised to look after Twilight and Spike after mother, Aunt Luna and Starseeker ran off to find you and Night Light. Never thought you would save us.”

“Don’t thank me,” Shining Armor said. “Thank the Wonderbolts for doing the dirty work. They deserve a medal for their heroism.”

But as Princess Cadance held onto Shining Armor, her eyes were also focused on Captain Airazor, who approached the teenage princess.

“Princess Cadance,” Airazor said. “Just so you know, Shining Armor’s father was involved in an incident that crippled his legs. Chancellor Cinch sent for us to take him to the Canterlot Hospital, but she also told us that you had gone missing. Luckily we went for a pre-emptive strike once we realized what happened.”

“Thank goodness,” Princess Cadance said as Shining Armor turned his attention to Airazor. “I take it you have a medical carriage waiting for Night Light.”

“As a matter of fact we do,” Captain Airazor said. “But because of what Gold Banks did, you, Twilight and Spike are going to have to come with us so the doctors can get you three checked out.”

Princess Cadance nodded as a medical carriage landed with two Wonderbolts attached to each front. The door to the right opened up and two paramedics ran out carrying a stretcher.

“Honey,” Night Light said. “I’m glad this nightmare will be over soon.”

“That makes two of us,” Twilight Velvet said.

The two paramedics lifted Night Light and placed him on the stretcher before buckling him in from the waist and legs. They lifted the stretcher and carried Night Light to the medical carriage before putting him in. Firelight Glimmer walked Twilight Sparkle up to the carriage and placed her in.

“Promise you’ll look after your own father,” Firelight asked.

“I will,” Twilight Sparkle replied, sticking her head out.

Firelight nodded as he stepped aside and allowed Twilight Velvet to step into the medical carriage. Shining Armor walked Princess Cadance to the Medical Carriage with Airazor carrying Baby Spike in her arms. Once Princess Cadance was inside the carriage, Airazor handed Spike to Shining Armor before he walked on inside, following with Airazor shutting the door behind him.

“We’ll meet you at the hospital,” Princess Cadance said.

“In the meantime,” Princess Luna said, walking up to the medical carriage, “I’m going to file a complaint against Gold Banks for kidnapping and ransoming.”

Princess Cadance nodded as the Wonderbolts attached to the carriage took a running start, pulling the medical carriage with them before taking off into the air, leaving Captain Airazor, Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker, Starlight Glimmer, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna behind.

“Wanda, Starlight,” Princess Celestia said as she lowered her back. “We’ll need to inform Sunset Shimmer and the rest of your friends about what happened.”

“On it, mommy,” Wanda said as she jumped on Celestia’s back with Starlight leaping on from behind and Abigail leaping in front of Wanda.

As Wanda held Princess Celestia down with Abigail and Starlight holding onto the Man’s Cub, Princess Celestia extended her wings out and flew off from Harvestia. Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker held each other with Princess Luna and Captain Airazor standing next to them.

“Honey,” Firelight said. “I hope Night Light recovers from his injuries.”

“I hope so as well,” Starseeker said.

Meanwhile, at the Canterlot Hospital, Night Light laid in bed with his legs now in a pair of orthopedic casts. The sunlight shone down in his room as he looked outside with a depressed look on his face. The door to his room opened with Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon, Shining Armor and even Princess Cadance walking on in.

“Hey guys,” Night Light said. “Sorry it had to turn out this way.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” Twilight Velvet said. “As a matter of fact, Princess Luna’s investigation concluded that someone was able to sneak a combustion spell into the house.”

“Oh dear,” Night Light said. “Now why would someone go and do that?”

“No one knows why,” Twilight Velvet said. “But I have a hunch that Gold Banks may have hired one of her goons to do that for her own personal amusement. After all, neither the changelings nor the Windigo’s Guild would resort to something like that.”

“What matters is that you’re alright, daddy,” Twilight Sparkle said as she jumped onto the bed and gave her father a hug.

“That’s my girl,” Night Light said. “Even though I have let you down many times, I’m glad to see you smile once more.”

“Hey dad,” Shining Armor said as Spike climbed onto the bed. “I’m still terribly sorry for what happened. If I haven’t snapped back at you, I…”

“Shining,” Night Light interrupted. “It was I who shouldn’t have forced you to come back to Vanhoover. I wanted what was best for you for your safety. But after what I went through, I don’t think I’m in any position to force you to return home to Vanhoover.”

“But dad,” Shining Armor said in a depressed tone. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you and…”

“It’s okay,” Night Light said. “You’re more than capable of protecting Equestria than you realize. Far more than I was in protecting you.”

Shining Armor was silent. But his face cracked a subtle smile as a tear rolled down his face. Twilight Sparkle moved out of the way as her big brother gave his father a hug, minding the injuries to Night Light’s legs.

“So dad,” Shining Armor said. “When will your legs be better?”

“I’m not so sure,” Night Light said. “It may be a week or so before I can walk on my legs again. Dunno if I do want to move from Canterlot now that I have to suffer like this.”

“Actually,” Twilight Velvet said. “Prior to coming up here, Princess Celestia had a talk with me. Apparently, they are in talks with creating a second ground bridge portal to Vanhoover. That way, we can move back home and allow Twilight to come back when she pleases.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Night Light said. “A compromise so that little Twili can attend the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“Oh daddy,” Twilight Sparkle said as she jumped into the air cheering while Spike jumped off the bed to dance on the floor.

“But I wonder what the other parents will say about this, or Firelight changing his mind?” Twilight Velvet asked.

That evening, at Moondancer’s house, Firelight Velvet looked out the window with a worry on his face. Starseeker stood by his side while the other parents looked on from the dining room. There was a variety of food on the table for them to enjoy.

“I heard about what happened in Harvestia with Night Light and Shining Armor,” Crescent Eclipse said. “I also never thought that Gold Banks would threaten Firelight Glimmer’s own daughter.”

“As scary as the Windigo’s Guild is,” Fortwright said, “Gold Banks would make them look like peacekeepers. Even more so, the Senate always seems to keep her protected from her own consequences.”

“I better go talk to him,” Sunspot said.

Sunspot got up and walked over to Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker. Firelight barely turned his head towards Sunspot as he held Starseeker closer.

“You alright?” Sunspot asked.

“No,” Firelight said. “I’m still thinking about what happened to Night Light that day, and the words that Gold Banks gave me. Because of that, I’ve decided not to move Starlight to La Maresa for her own safety.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Sunspot said. “But how will you make sure she will be alright?”

“I’ve already let Princess Celestia know that I plan on letting her stay at the palace for her own sake,” Firelight said.

“With Princess Celestia,” Sunspot said. “I think she’ll be alright, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know,” Firelight said. “But that’s the best shot of her being safe at all with Gold Banks breathing down everyone’s necks. Wish I could say the same about your decision with Sunburst.”

“As scary as Gold Banks is,” Sunspot said, “I’m still sticking with the plan to move him to La Maresa. The others have agreed to do the same with Danged Spell and Moondancer.”

“I’m sorry I had to drag you all into this mess,” Firelight Glimmer said. “I wanted what’s best for our children, and yet I realized that maybe I was in the wrong. Maybe Starlight needs something, or someone, to keep her happy and content instead of having to force it in her life.”

“Actually, there is something you should know,” Sunspot said. “Fortwright and Shanoa had planned on moving their son and baby daughter to La Maresa before you told us about it. After what happened yesterday, I don’t blame them for wanting to do that. Canterlot is too busy for a little colt with the Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

“I see,” Firelight Glimmer said. “Well, if it makes you feel better, Starseeker and I plan on joining you in La Maresa tomorrow. We’ll try to get through this while Starlight remains with Princess Celestia.”

“Don’t you worry,” Sunspot said. “Until we reclaim Sire’s Hollow from the damage done by the Windigo’s Guild, I think you’ll find it wonderful in La Maresa. Besides, I heard they have some nice apple pie there.”

As Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker and Sunspot laughed, the rest of the parents turned to each other smiling, and yet with some sadness in them.

“So it’s true?” Stellar Flare asked. “You really wanted to move your son and baby daughter to La Maresa?”

“After hearing tales of how the place was from my son,” Shanoa explained, “I considered that idea, despite what the Windigo’s Guild did. I think the revelation that we will always be attacked by the Guild was the reason why we weren’t afraid to move down there. Of course, we could return to Lio Lani, but we promised Chieftess Pele to help him out with his Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

“Then maybe with those open spaces for him to run around,” Artemis Light explained, “Your son should be able to cope with his curse and have an open environment to run around in.”

“That’s what we’re looking forward to,” Fortwright said. “We’ll let him know before they go to the palace for one last slumber party together.”

That night, at the palace, another slumber party was held in Wanda and Sunset’s room. While Wanda, Sunset and Abigail were on their bed, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow and the Dazzlings were on the ground enjoying their food. Despite the calmness in the air, all of them looked a bit depressed on the inside.

“So Gold Banks actually held your big sister, Spike and Twilight Sparkle hostage,” Sunburst asked.

“She did,” Wanda said. “And she wanted to force me and Starlight to attend Daisy Joy Tech just to ensure their safety.”

“The nerve of my own mother,” Golden Lace said, placing her hoof on her face in embarrassment. “She thinks she owns all of Equestria and can do whatever she wants.”

“Hey Starlight,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Do you think you’ll be okay in La Maresa when you leave tomorrow?”

“Well about that,” Starlight Glimmer said. “My daddy just told me that I’ll be staying here in Canterlot. Even more so, Princess Celestia has agreed to look after me for the time being.”

“That’s great,” Cozy Glow said as she hugged Starlight. “That means we can all be sisters together.”

“Never thought I would be sharing a huge castle with Starlight Glimmer,” Sunset said. “But the more the merrier.”

“What about the rest of you guys?” Adagio Dazzle asked.

“Unfortunately,” Danged Spell said, lowering his head down, “I’m afraid we’re going to be leaving for La Maresa, first thing tomorrow.”

“Awww,” Sonata Dusk said. “Why didn’t Firelight Glimmer change their minds?”

“Daddy told me that even despite what Gold Banks said,” Danged Spell explained, “They’re still going to go ahead with the move to La Maresa. That means, Sunburst, Moondancer and myself will be leaving Canterlot.”

“I’m sorry this had to happen, Spell,” Wanda said. “If anything, I will miss your corny jokes and your Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

“Thanks Wanda,” Danged Spell said. “Besides, it’s not everyday that we go down the bye-way, now don’t you think so?”

“Danged Spell,” every youngling said before breaking out in a subtle laughter.

“I hope you never give up on those puns, Spell,” Sunset said. “And be sure to write to us about La Maresa.”

“Oh that reminds me,” Sunburst said. “When we get down there, Juniper Montage said she was going to invite us to Canter Zoom’s new movie studio. I heard they’re making a movie about a princess from a far away land who has to rescue a legendary plumber from a dragon emperor.”

“Now who in their right mind would make a movie like that?” Aria Blaze laughed. “That is the silliest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“It’s too bad we’ll miss out on that,” Starlight Glimmer said. “But at least I’ll be thinking about you three.”

“We’ll be thinking about you, Starlight,” Sunburst said. “That being said, I heard Twilight’s not going to be leaving, anytime soon.”

“Not yet,” Wanda explained as she rubbed Abigail on the ear. “After what happened to her daddy, she won’t be going anywhere soon until his legs are fixed up.”

“Poor Night Light,” Moondancer said. “I wish what happened to him didn’t happen.”

“We all do,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Thankfully, I heard she’ll be sending us off tomorrow when we go down to La Maresa. At least we will say our good-bye to Twilight.”

“Well,” Wanda said. “Here’s to our last night together. Here’s hope we remember each other when the morning comes.”

Everyone nodded to each other as they bit into their food. Abigail meowed into the air, causing some of the other ponies to laugh.

But outside, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked up at Wanda and Sunset’s bedroom, worried for their sake.

“So what’s going to happen to the School for Gifted Unicorns?” Princess Luna asked.

“We’re going to be down to four students now,” Princess Celestia said. “Wanda, Sunset, Golden Lace and Starlight. Twilight has pulled out for the time being, pending her move to Vanhoover.”

“Do you think we should ask Eleanor to make a second ground bridge portal crystal to link Canterlot to Vanhoover?” Princess Luna asked.

“She might be a bit exhausted after fixing up the portal to La Maresa,” Princess Celestia said. “So it may take some time before she can conjure up another portal crystal.”

“And Shining Armor,” Princess Luna said. “I heard he’s going to take over his father’s house in Canterlot.”

“His family is going to go under hardship once Twilight and her parents move out,” Celestia explained.

“Wait,” Princess Luna said. “What about Spike the Dragon?”

“Twilight told me that she is considering letting her big brother look after her little brother,” Celestia said.

“But that means she’ll be alone with her parents,” Princess Luna said. “Will she be alright?”

“I believe she will,” Princess Celestia said. “After all, she could end up making some new friends when she returns to her fillyhood home.”

Princess Luna placed her arm around Princess Celestia and looked up at the moon with the Pony of Shadows embedded on it.

“We’ve gone through some hardships for the past thousand years,” Princess Luna said.

“Far longer than that, dear sister,” Princess Celestia said. “Far longer than that.”

To Be Continued in…

It’s So Hard to Say Good-bye

Author's Note:

The original plan was for all of the families of Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell to move out. But because of the story I put out for Night Light, Firelight and Shining Armor, I wound up scaling it back since I want Shining Armor and Starlight Glimmer to play an important role in future Saga 2 stories. But still, the split is going to wide for the main ponies of Canterlot.

Next part will conclude this arc, and separate Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell from the rest of the trio. Following that, they will get a day in the limelight in the next arc.

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