• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 514 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 2(School Blues)-1: Another Day at School

Another Day at School

It was a beautiful morning in the city of Canterlot. The citizens were going about their regular routines involving trade goods, produce, and specialty goods. But as the citizens went about their day, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Sunset Shimmer ran down the street in a hurry. Judging by the looks of their faces, they were deeply afraid.

“This is the second time this week that this has happened,” Sunset said as she looked right behind her.

“Keep your eyes focused on the road, sis,” Wanda said in a frantic tone. “We don’t want that mutt to catch up.”

As she ran, Wanda opened up her backpack and lowered it down, allowing Abigail to leap into the bag. She closed it to the point where Abigail’s head was sticking out before she swung it towards her back.

“Don’t you worry, Abby,” Wanda yelled. “I’ll keep you safe.”

Wanda and Sunset ran as fast as possible while Abigail hunkered down in Wanda’s backpack. Right behind them, a vicious bulldog chased after the two sisters, barking wildly and snapping his jaw like mad.

“That dog’s catching up,” Sunset said as she faced forward. “We gotta get our speed up and get away from that mongrel.”

“Easy for you to say,” Wanda said. “Maybe I could fly and get us both away from that bad dog.”

“You promised mother and Miss Cinch that you would refrain from flying during the school days,” Sunset said.

“So what am I supposed to do?” Wanda asked. “Let that dog tear me to shreds?”

“Just keep running,” Sunset said. “Sooner or later, we’ll be safe at the school.”

Wanda slumped down a bit as she kept running before she said “At times like this, I wish Miss Cinch was here.”

Up ahead, Chancellor Abacus Cinch was walking down the crossway from a nearby side street, when her ears picked up the sound of Wanda and Sunset screaming. She turned to her right to see the two younglings running as fast as possible with Abigail’s head sticking out of Wanda’s backpack.

“That’s not like the Man’s Cub and her sister to run with that much panic,” Cinch said to herself. “After all, school doesn’t start for another half hour. Unless….”

Cinch gazed her eyes behind Wanda, Abigail and Sunset, where she saw the bulldog chase the girls with mad barking and vicious sharp teeth. Immediately, Cinch took a few steps back and braced herself.

“I should have known that lazy no-good citizen would let his dog roam free,” Cinch said to herself. “I’ll deal with him after I deal with his mutt.”

Cinch kept her eye on the bulldog just as Wanda, Abigail and Sunset darted past the chancellor. But the moment the bulldog was near the girls, Cinch jumped right in front of the dog and glared at him, causing the canine to come to a stop.

“YOU LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE YOU BAD, BAD DOG!” Cinch said in a deep, dark tone.

The bulldog yelped in fear as it turned around and ran off in the opposite direction, leaving Cinch to smirk in the direction of that scared canine, all while Wanda and Sunset slowed down to a stop. Both sisters and Abigail just stared at Chancellor Cinch.

“Did she just?” Wanda said.

“She did,” Sunset replied. “Even I don’t believe it.”

As the duo and Abigail just stood there, Chancellor Cinch turned her attention towards Wanda and Sunset before walking up towards the duo. Both younglings just looked up at the Chancellor without moving an inch.

“Err, thank you Miss Cinch,” Wanda said with a hesitant tone.

“No need to thank me, Man’s Cub,” Chancellor Cinch said. “The streets of Canterlot are becoming less safe, and that dog you both had to deal with was proof of it. Normally I’m not one to escort younglings to school. But for today, I’ll escort you both to your school.”

Both Wanda and Sunset breathed a sigh of relief as Abigail jumped out of Wanda’s bag. The three lined up next to Chancellor Cinch, eager to get to school.

“Now come,” Chancellor Cinch said. “The day is young and there is alot to look forward to.”

“Now now, Chancellor. Going off so soon?” The tone of that voice was enough for Wanda, Sunset and Abigail to hide behind Chancellor Cinch.

Cinch let out a sigh and said in a sarcastic tone “Magistrate Creme Dream. What a delightful surprise.”

Wanda, Sunset and Abigail took a peek out from behind Chancellor Cinch and shook nervously. In front of them was none other than Magistrate Creme Dream, who bared a pleasant and friendly tone on her face.

“Oh don’t mind me, daughter of Celestia,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I’m only here to check up on your fellow sister princesses.”

“Please do not refer to me as a princess,” Chancellor Cinch said, rolling her eyes. “I’ve long since set myself apart from that title.”

“Oh nonsense,” Creme Dream laughed. “Besides, I saw what that horrible dog tried to do to Celestia’s precious children.”

As Magistrate Creme Dream approached Wanda, Sunset and Abigail, the trio hid behind Chancellor’s Cinch’s gown in fear. This caused the Chancellor to walk in front of the Magistrate with a glare pointed directly at the alicorn.

“I don’t think it will be wise to scare the little ones,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“You’re right, Chancellor,” Magistrate Creme Dream said with a playful snort. “What was I thinking? After all, I do have my precious daughter Majesty.”

Magistrate Creme Dream backed away from Chancellor Cinch and began to walk away from her. But as the chancellor began to escort Wanda, Sunset and Abigail away, the Magistrate came to a stop and cleared her throw, catching the attention of the Chancellor and the younglings.

“One last thing,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “Did you hear the word going out?”

“That there are a number of ponies leaving Canterlot?” Chancellor Cinch said. “Magistrate, I am aware of what’s going on since the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“You’re still as sharp as a tack, Chancellor,” Magistrate Creme Dream said with an amused chuckle. “But at the same time, you do know that so many Equestrians are losing faith in the safety and protection of Princess Celestia. After all, you should be paying more attention to the news on TV.”

“Forget it,” Cinch said as she stomped her hoof on the pavement, scaring Wanda, Sunset and Abigail. “The only thing I want to associate with what you call news is nothing more than mere dribble. Especially Horse News Network.”

“Oh you mean Stallion News Network,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “After the board of directors fired Prince Blueblood for being so naughty about the Changeling Attack, they chose someone else to lead the group and give it a new identity.”

“I know who you’re talking about,” Chancellor Cinch said, turning her gaze towards Creme Dream. “As if this Stallion News Network isn’t a putrid garbage heap, you had to go and hire some conspiracy-theory nutcase named Neigh Nanners. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he led an insurrection against the ponies of Canterlot.”

“My my, such a temper,” Magistrate Creme Dream said with a giggle as she swished her tail. “But then again, there’s nothing wrong with being angry.”

With that, Magistrate Creme Dream walked off in the opposite direction, all while Cinch continued to glare at the youthful alicorn.

“She’s been around for a thousand years and she has the nerve to act like that,” Chancellor Cinch said to herself before looking down at Wanda, Sunset and Abigail, who held onto her dress all while shaking in fear.

“That’s a bad pony,” Wanda said as she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

Cinch’s tone changed from cranky to sympathetic as she said “It’s alright, younglings. Don’t pay any attention to Magistrate Creme Dream. After all, I don’t know what your mother sees in that witch.”

“Neither do I,” Sunset said as she took a peek out from behind Cinch’s dress, watching as Magistrate Creme Dream walked down the path.

Immediately, Abigail whispered into Wanda’s ear, catching the young girl’s attention. She looked up at Cinch and said “Shouldn’t we be heading to school?”

“You’re right,” Cinch said. “Come this way. We mustn't be late.”

And with that, Cinch led Wanda, Abigail and Sunset Shimmer down the road as the morning sun shone upon Canterlot. But as they walked away, Magistrate Creme Dream came to a stop, shifted her eyes on Cinch and the younglings, and grinned.

“My dear Wanda Young,” Magistrate Creme Dream said in a low voice. “It’s time you knew how painful reality truly is.”

Up ahead at the School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor had arrived at the front gate. But while it was a fresh new day, everyone’s expression looked down.

“I can’t believe that happened, Shining,” Princess Cadance said. “You were looking forward to your time at the academy and they just shut down?”

“I’m afraid so,” Shining Armor said. “They said something about too many students being pulled out of fear of a changeling attack.”

“That’s just not fair,” Danged Spell said as he stomped his front hoof on the pavement. “The Royal Guard is said to be home to the toughest ponies in all of Equestria. What made them all chicken out over changelings?”

“Spell,” Moondancer said. “Ever since that day at the Grand Gallopin Gala a month ago, ponies are more superstitious about changelings than ever. And when word got out about a changeling spy at the academy, parents got paranoid and started to pull them out.”

“You think that’s bad?” Starlight said, pulling out a newspaper and holding it out towards Danged Spell. “Get a load of this.”

Danged Spell levitated the newspaper to his face and read the front of the cover. His jaw dropped down as he eyed the big words in bold.


“And it’s not just that,” Sunburst said. “Rainbow Dash told us that because of the paranoia over changelings, they had to shut down the Wonderbolts Academy. Spitfire was really peeved out of all this.”

“But we’re not supposed to be afraid of anything,” Danged Spell said. “We’re supposed to be the toughest creatures on this planet. Why are we all turning chicken over changelings?”

“It’s because changelings can transform into just about anyone, and anything,” Twilight said. “And that’s in spite of the fact that we drove them off during the Gala. I thought earning my Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage was my highest honor. Turns out it was one last bit of comfort before everything fell apart.”

“I sure hope we don’t have to move out of Canterlot because of this,” Starlight said as she rubbed her front left hoof on her front right arm. “I would miss all of you if that happened.”

“None of us are leaving Canterlot,” Moondancer said.

“Moonie?” Starlight said as she looked up at Moondancer.

“We’ve known each other since we first stepped into the School for Gifted Unicorns,” Moondancer said. “Our friendship will survive whatever life throws at us, be it what happened at the Ponyville Providence Fair in La Maresa, or the Grand Gallopin Gala here. We’re not going to let something like a fearmongering tactic break apart our friendship.”

Danged Spell threw down the newspaper and said “You know, you got a point there. I’m not going to let something stupid like that get in our way. Especially the Changelings and the Windigo’s Guild. They both need to either chill out or bug out.”

And with that, everyone yelled out “DANGED SPELL!” before bursting into laughter.

“What?” Spell said. “Someone had to lighten the mood.”

As Princess Cadance turned to her left while laughing, her eye caught four familiar figures. She turned to the others and said “Heads up, guys. My sisters have arrived, and it seems Chancellor Cinch is with them.”

Those words were enough for Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell to line up beside Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The group watched as Chancellor Cinch approached them with Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright by her side.

“You finally made it,” Twilight said as she ran up to Wanda, Sunset and Abigail with Spike following behind her. “We were wondering why you were late.”

“Let’s say a neighbor’s dog wanted to treat them as its chew toy,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“That sounds messed up,” Danged Spell said. “And I know that considering that I have the Wolf’s Breath curse.”

“Oh it’s not just messed up,” Sunset Shimmer said as she walked away from Wanda, Abigail and Cinch and walked towards Danged Spell. “Ever since a couple of weeks ago, we had to put up with that dog chasing us around the town. And even worse, the owner refuses to take responsibility for his dog’s constant rampage.”

“And it tried to sink its teeth into Abigail,” Wanda said as she picked Abigail up, who only buried her face into the man’s cub’s chest. “That dog is really scary.”

“I think from here on out,” Princess Cadance said. “I should consider walking with Wanda and Sunset to school.”

“I highly recommend it,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Because lately, besides that filthy mongrel, there has been a rise in delinquency ever since citizens started to move away from our fair city.”

“It’s because of those rumors about changelings hiding among the ponies,” Twilight said. “Personally, I think this Stallion News Network is too much of a fear mongering propaganda piece.”

“That also explains why there haven't been many fellow classmates around,” Sunburst replied. Those words caught the attention of Wanda Young, whose eyes popped out a bit.

“Wait,” Wanda said. “What do you mean by that?”

Sunburst brushed the top of his mane off with a sigh before raising his head towards Wanda and said “Lately, there have been students that have been pulled from the School for Gifted Unicorns. So far, my parents have decided for me to stay, and the same can be said for Starlight as well.”

“But that being said,” Moondancer said, walking up to Wanda. “I think our biggest fear is having to move away from Canterlot, and leaving you behind. All because of that stupid Stallion News Network propaganda.”

Wanda just stood there, frozen in place by the words of her friends. She was about to open her mouth when she heard another voice in the distance.

“Worried about losing your friends?” The voice said, causing everyone to turn towards the nearby street. “That should be the least of your worries.”

Stepping forward from the shadows was a white alicorn filly with a blue mane and a flower pattern cutie mark. Wanda took a good look at her face and immediately hid behind Princess Cadance. Starlight also hid behind Princess Cadance, right next to Wanda.

“Get away,” Wanda cried. “You scare me.”

Sunset glared down at the alicorn filly and said with a sigh “Majesty. Still think you can boss us all around, considering who your mother is?”

“Me?” Boss you around?” Majesty said with a hearty laugh. “Don’t you realize that me and my mother are a melting pot of friendship? We don’t mean any harm.”

Sunset Shimmer just sighed as she and Abigail walked up to Wanda, Starlight and Princess Cadance.

“Don’t you two worry,” Sunset said. “If big sis isn’t with you, I’ll be.”

Wanda and Starlight looked out to see Sunset reaching out with her hoof extended. They look up at Princess Cadance, who gives a nod to both her human sister and her close friend.

“It’s okay,” Princess Cadance said. “After all, we’re a family.”

Immediately, Wanda turned towards Sunset Shimmer and reached out with her right hand, allowing her adopted sister to grab and pull her forward. The duo looked back at Starlight, who still hid right beside Cadance.

“She’s still afraid, isn’t she?” Shining Armor asked.

As Wanda looked at the scared Starlight, she turned towards Majesty, who’s eyes were directly on the Man’s Cub’s face. Wanda immediately turned away and buried her head into Sunset’s chest.

“Don’t you be so frightened,” Majesty said in a friendly tone. “I’m not here to hurt you.”

“I’m not taking any chances,” Wanda cried. “You’re as scary as your mother Creme Dream.”

But as Majesty approached Wanda, Sunset and Abigail, Chancellor Cinch stepped in front of the alicorn filly, staring down at her.

“That will be enough, young lady,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Hmph, very well,” Majesty said with her smile not heaving her face. “But don’t let yourself become complacent.”

Majesty swished her tail in the air before she walked towards the school entrance. Everyone just looked at her with a disdain on their face.

“I don’t like Majesty’s attitude,” Moondancer said with a scowl on her face. “She just reeks of arrogance and selfishness.”

“No argument there,” Danged Spell said. “If anything, even Golden Lace was not as vile as Majesty. In fact, I’ll go as far as to call Majesty a royal pain.”

Everyone yelled out “Danged Spell” before bursting out into laughter. Especially Starlight Glimmer, who was laughing so hard, she fell on her side, still continuing to laugh.

“A royal pain,” Starlight chuckled. “I don’t want that to get out of my head.”

Immediately, Starlight felt two golden shoes pick her up from the ground, all the way up. She looked up and saw Princess Celestia right in front of her with a warm smile on her face.

“Seems like you’re in a delightful mood, Starlight Glimmer,” Princess Celestia said in a cheerful tone.

“Oh let’s just say we weren’t in the mood to see Majesty,” Sunburst said, walking up to Princess Celestia.

Celestia just laughed as she tickled Starlight on the belly, causing the little filly to giggle with delight. Celestia then sat Starlight down and said “I can understand why. Despite her cheerful tone, she is Magistrate Creme Dream’s daughter, like Cozy Glow.”

“But there’s something I don’t get,” Moondancer said. “Why is Majesty like that compared to Cozy Glow?”

“Well you’re not going to believe this,” Celestia said as her smile turned into a frown. “But I believe that Majesty is seen as more of the favorite, while Cozy Glow is seen more as the runt of the litter.”

“Favorite? Runt of the litter?” Twilight asked in a confused tone.”

“It means Majesty gets a lot of attention compared to Cozy Glow,” Celestia said. “The reason why I believed that was that I have been observing both younglings during my off-time. I’ve noticed Majesty as more of a satisfied and ecstatic pony. Whereas Cozy Glow often feels frustrated, and sometimes desires attention.”

“Maybe that explains why Cozy Glow found a friend in Golden Lace,” Princess Cadance said. “And why she chose to go with her to Daisy Joy Tech.”

“I’m afraid it is true,” Chancellor Cinch said. “When she found out that Golden Lace was being transferred to Daisy Joy Tech, Cozy Glow ran away from Canterlot all the way to Manehattan just to see her friend again. It’s a darn shame. I actually felt sorry for the kid.”

But just before Wanda could open her mouth, the school bell rang loudly, catching everyone’s attention.

“Okay class,” Princess Celestia said. “We’ll talk about this later in the day. But for now, it’s time to go inside.”

Immediately, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Majesty walked past Princess Celestia, heading through the massive doorway into the School for Gifted Unicorns. But when Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were about to step forward, Princess Celestia stepped in front of them.

“I have a favor to ask of both of you, and I’m sorry I had to do it,” Princess Celestia said.

“What’s wrong, mother?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Due to the number of students that were pulled from this school,” Princess Celestia said. “We had to lay off nearly every teacher. But considering how busy I am, are you up for teaching the last students we have?”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were at a loss for words. They were caught off guard by Princess Celestia’s request, and the look on their face was a sign that they weren’t fully prepared for this moment.

“Are you really sure about this?” Shining Armor asked. “I have no teaching ability.”

“Actually, by observing how you help your sister Twilight out,” Princess Celestia said. “You might have some teaching capabilities. And besides, I know of one role you can fill the most.”

“And what about me?” Cadance asked.

“I believe you have a strong leadership role, not just with the ponies of Equestria,” Celestia stated. “But also your sisters Wanda and Sunset. That is why I ask you to take on this role.”

“She’s right, Caddy,” Shining Armor said. “Besides, when Celestia and Luna were trapped in the nearby desert of Saddle Arabia, you were able to take on the role of acting ruler of Equestria, all while looking after Wanda when she was sick. I know you can do this.”

Princess Cadance’s face went from shock to determined. She looked at her adopted mother and said “Very well. If I can handle Wanda and Sunset, then I can handle her friends. Especially Twili.”

“That’s the spirit,” Princess Celestia said. “Princess Luna is waiting for you inside with the lesson plans for today.”

“I hope today goes well for all of you,” Chancellor Cinch said. “In the meantime, I have a certain owner of a mongrel that I wish to have a word with.”

Princess Celestia nodded to Chancellor Cinch before the latter turned tail and walked off. Immediately, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor walked towards the entrance of the school, where the remaining younglings waited with anticipation.

To Be Continued in…

The Only Students Left

Author's Note:

Throughout this Saga, there will be a bulldog that will chase and pursue Wanda and Sunset as a bit of a running gag. I came up with him just to give you guys something to hate at least.

Also, the shortage of students and teachers at the School for Gifted Unicorns is going to be a theme for this Saga: The idea of ponies being too afraid of leaving their towns, moving to other towns for their own safety, or plain out not coming to Canterlot.

The next 2 parts of this arc will showcase two reoccuring events. One involving Wanda Young, and the other involving Sunset Shimmer.

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