• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 514 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 8-3: Equestrians Maximize

Equestrians Maximize

Sunset Shimmer continued to wince in pain as most of the younglings, Spike, Abigail, Shining Armor and a weakened Princess Cadance gathered around her helplessly. Inferno observed the whole scene with curiosity. Quickstrike kept Score, Buttercup and an injured Bright Mac on one of the lounge chairs with his snake arm pointed right at them. Waspinator held Dumbbell and Ditzy with his left arm while holding down Hoops with his foot.

“Hey big bro,” Quickstrike said, observing Sunset Shimmer’s pain. “What do you think is going on with that pony?”

“I have no idea,” Inferno said. “But now I believe she may be useful to our queen.”

Inferno marched up to the youngling group, who ignored the predacon’s presence and focused completely on Sunset’s pain. Princess Cadance barely lifted her head and turned towards the Predacon.

“You…have a lot…of nerves…to attack us….like this,” Princess Cadance said, staring down Inferno.

“I have decided to change the offer, Princess,” Inferno said. “In addition to the Man’s Cub, the one known as Twilight Sparkle AND the baby dragon, we also demand the sun filly.

“You’re….not getting…Sunset,” Princess Cadance said as she struggled to pick herself up. “Nor…will you take….Wanda….Twilight….and Spike.”

“You’re in no condition to negotiate,” Quickstrike said as he continued to point his Snake Arm at Bright Mac, Buttercup and Score. “We have ya pinned down like a cougar atop his prey. Now surrender dem young’uns or never see your precious loved ones again.”

As Princess Cadance attempted to pick herself up, Wanda and Twilight held her by the front hooves and slowly began to pick her up.

“How are you feeling?” Wanda asked.

“A bit better,” Cadence replied. “But it pales in comparison to what Sunset is going through. I recommend you all get clear, right now.”

Wanda and Twilight turned to Sunset Shimmer, who was starting to surround herself with dark energy. The other younglings began to back off as Sunset began to shapeshift.

“Everyone get back,” Shining Armor yelled. “She’s going to lose it.”

But just as the younglings were about to turn tail, Inferno pointed his blaster at them, causing all of them to pause instantly. Inferno proceeded to march towards the younglings, making them back up into a crazed Sunset Shimmer.

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” Shining Armor said. “There is something wrong with Sunset Shimmer and…”

“SILENCE!” Inferno yelled, scaring the younglings in front. “I will hear no excuses. Now march back and allow those that I have described to march forward to their surrender.”

“Excuse me,” Pinkie Pie said. “There is something wrong with Sunset Shimmer, and unless you are looking for a plot-kicking, you better run.”

“Oh we won’t run like a skunk with its tail tucked between its legs,” Quickstrike said. “We;re the Predacon brothers and we’ll do whatever we want.”

“Waspinator’s afraid of nothing,” Waspinator yelled as he continued to hold Ditzy and Dumbbell with his arm and kept Hoops pinned down. “Waspinator bravest of changelings. Waspinator best Predacon of all time.”

Wanda looked at Sunset Shimmer, who was starting to change into her demon form. Her face went blue as Sunset’s fur became dark red once more.

“In that case,” Wanda said as she turned to the Predacons. “Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”

Immediately, the younglings all scattered around the pool area as Sunset Shimmer’s transformation into her demon form was complete. It stared down Inferno, who just looked up at the now demonic filly

“You think a transformation of your own will stop us?” Inferno said. “Ridiculous. Nothing will…”

But Inferno was interrupted by Demon Sunset, who fired off a blast of magic right in his face, sending him flying out of the pool vicinity. Quickstrike and Waspinator stood there, terrified at the mere sight of Demon Sunset, all while =Buttercup and Score stepped away from the Predacon with Bright Mac dragging himself from behind. Nearby, Waspinator stood in fear as his grip around Dumbbell and Ditzy began to weaken.

“Uhh, nice pony,” Quickstrike said in a scared tone. “I taste horrible, you know.”

Demon Sunset roared loudly at Quickstrike, who yelled in complete fear. Demon Sunset then followed by grabbing Quickstrike with her teeth and shaking him around before tossing him aside, sending the scorpion/cobra fuzor Predacon changeling flying into the nearby wall before he fell down.

“Oww,” Quickstrike groaned in pain. “I saw that coming.”

Demon Sunset turned to Waspinator, who proceeded to let go of Dumbbell and Ditzy and lift his foot off of Hoops. As the three pegasi made a run for it, Demon Sunset approached Waspinator.

“Waspinator not like new Sun Bug,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator better make a run for it.”

Immediately, Waspinator turned tail and made a run for it with Demon Sunset pursuing him from behind. Waspinator looked behind him and freaked out as Demon Sunset began to approach the Predacon. Immediately, Waspinator flapped his wings and began to fly.

“Must get away,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator not wanna be food for Sun Bug.”

Demon Sunset came to a stop as she bent down before leaping upward and falling towards Waspinator. By the time Waspinator looked up, Demon Sunset slammed right on top of the Predacon, pinning him down.

“GET OFF WASPINATOR,” Waspinator said in fear. “Waspinator don’t wanna be chow.”

Nearby, Bright Mac and Buttercup ran up to the door leading into the castle with Hoops, Dumbbell, Score and Ditzy following from behind. But just as Bright Mac opened the door, he saw Majordomo Kibitz standing in front of them, holding a metal platter with a vial filled with a pink liquid.

“I see something must be the matter,” Majordomo Kibitz said. “Does it involve both Princess Cadance and Princess Sunset?”

“I’m afraid it does,” Bright Mac said as he pointed towards Demon Sunset before directing his hoof towards a weakened Princess Cadance with Shining Armor next to him.

“No worries,” Kibitz said. “I know just what to do.”

Kibitz ran past the group and ran up towards Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, who looked at the Majordomo with a smile on their faces.

“I was…wondering…when you’d….show up,” Princess Cadance said with a smile on her face.

“Here,” Majordomo Kibitz said as he picked up the vial with his hoof and presented it to Princess Cadance. “I heard one of those hooligans was using a kind of changeling poison based off the cobra snake.”

“And you found the solution,” Shining Armor said as he lifted the vial out of Kibitz’s hooves.

“It has to be taken orally,” Kibitz explained.

“No problem there,” Shining Armor said with a smirk.

Princess Cadance opened her mouth as Shining Armor fed her the vial of the pink liquid. Immediately, the green aura surrounding her disappeared and she breathed a sigh of relief before picking herself up.

“Thanks, Kibitz,” Princess Cadance said. “Now to fix up Sunset Shimmer.”

“Are you sure about that?” Shining Armor asked.

“Of course,” Princess Cadance said. “Mother had to teach me this spell in case Sunset became a demon again.”

Princess Cadance walked up to Demon Sunset shimmer, who was pounding on Waspinator by the back, causing the changeling-turned-transformer to yelp in pain. The Alicorn Teen ignited her horn and placed it on Demon Sunset’s head, causing the demonic filly to pause.

“Do not worry, dear sister,” Princess Cadance said. “Like how mother calmed you down, I can do so as well.”

With a pulse of her magic, Demon Sunset shrunk down and her colors changed to the point where she became Sunset Shimmer once more. Now a filly, Sunset shook her head and looked down at Waspinator.

“Sun Bug not a demon anymore?” Waspinator said. “What a relief for Waspinator.”

Sunset Shimmer smiled before she said “That’s what you think, bucko.”

Sunset jumped off of Waspinator before lifting him in the air with his magic. She swung the Predacon around in the air, causing him to revert back into a changeling as he yelled in fear.


“Then let me make you BETTER!” Sunset yelled.

Immediately, Sunset Shimmer flung Waspinator, sending him flying helplessly towards the wall near Quickstrike. But before Waspinator could hit the wall, Score flew out of nowhere and rammed right into Waspinator, sending him flying into the distance.

“That was for your brother’s attempt at drowning me,” Score said as he rubbed his nose.

As Waspinator fell down into the city limits, the other Younglings looked up and began to gather back towards Sunset Shimmer and Princess Cadance, with Buttercup, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Ditzy Doo Shining Armor, and Majordomo Kibitz joining in. Bright Mac walked from behind Buttercup while balancing his broken leg in the air before resting it on a cushion. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially Ditzy and Applejack.

“I still can’t believe those changelings would waltz in here and cause this much chaos,” Rarity said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “The nerve of those bullies. And I didn’t even get a chance to smash those bug-brained killjoys.”

Applejack ran past Rainbow Dash and ran up to Bright Mac and Buttercup before leaping into her father’s arms. Buttercup joined with Bright Mac in snuggling their apple daughter

“Mom, Dad,” Applejack said, embracing her parents. “I thought you both were a goner to those mean-ol Preds.”

“Don’t you worry about us,” Bright Mac said. “It will take a lot more than that to do us in. That I can assure you.”

“Not even a broken leg?” Applejack asked.

“Not even a broken leg,” Buttercup said before she, Applejack and Bright Mac burst into laughter.

Nearby, as Sunset Shimmer wiped the sweat off her forehead, Wanda, Abigail, Spike and Cozy Glow ran up to the sun filly and gave her a big hug.

“Guess you guys were afraid I would remain a demon again,” Sunset said.

“Yeah,” Wanda cried. “I still worry for you, sis. Especially after what happened at the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“And I heard all about it,” Cozy Glow said as she cried on Sunset’s back. “I don’t want you to become a she-demon for the rest of your life.”

“Don’t worry,” Sunset said. “As long as the other alicorns are present, nothing bad is going to happen to me.”

But Wanda and Cozy Glow continued to cry on Sunset Shimmer. Sunset just looked at them both before reaching out and hugging her own human sister and the daughter of Creme Dream.

“Maybe I should teach you both how to break me free from my cursed form,” Sunset said.

Danged Spell immediately walked up to Wanda, Sunset and Cozy Glow. He rubbed his hoof on Sunset’s side, whimpering like a dog. Sunset, Wanda and Cozy Glow looked down at Danged Spell, who looked at the three with puppy dog eyes.

“Sorry Spell,” Sunset said. “But I don’t know anything to get you back to normal.”

“But I do,” Princess Cadance said as she ran up to Danged Spell and placed her horn on his head. A white light emitted from her horn before it disappeared, causing Danged Spell to jump and cheer.

“Well it’s about time,” Danged Spell said. “I think I need to scale back on forcing myself into my Wolf’s Breath curse.”

“You sure did,” Wanda said. “Maybe you should take it easy, Spell.”

“Easy for you to say,” Danged Spell said with a laugh.

“DANGED SPELL!” The younglings yelled before erupting into laughter.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of Quickstrike groaning in pain. The younglings turned to the wall where Quickstrike, now a changeling once more, slowly got himself up and shook his head.

“Now I know what it's like to be chewing gum,” Quickstrike said to himself. “And that’s an experience I don’t wanna feel again.”

Immediately, Rainbow Dash flew out from the group and grabbed Quickstrike’s tail with her teeth, causing the changeling to scream. Rainbow Dash spun the Predacon around and around as fast as possible.

“This isn’t funny you iggit,” Quickstrike yelled. “Let me go.”

Rainbow Dash’s frown turned into a grin before she released her hold on Quickstrike, sending him flying out of the wall before falling into the Canterlot City Limits with a loud thud.

“And stay out you slimy snakes,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “That’s for ruining the Grand Gallopin Gala and our little pool party.”

As Rainbow Dash let out a loud snort from his nostrils, Ditzy Doo ran up to Rainbow Dash and gave her a big hug.

“Thanks for driving that bad changeling out,” Ditzy Doo said.

Rainbow Dash laughed before she said “You’re welcome, Ditz.”

But Rainbow Dash immediately turned towards Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, who nodded to the rainbow filly before turning tail and walking away. Rainbow tapped Ditzy and pointed towards the three.

“Excuse me,” Rainbow Dash said. “There’s something I have to take care of.”

Ditzy Doo released her grip on Rainbow Dash before the rainbow-maned filly ran up to Hoops, Dumbbell and Score. Right behind her, Ditzy ran up with Bright Mac and Buttercup right behind her.

“Hey wait,” Rainbow Dash said, causing the three colt pegasi to come to a stop.

“I’m surprised that you want our attention,” Hoops said. “Which makes me wonder why you would want the attention of three irredeemable bullies like us?”

“You claim to be irredeemable and while you may have a point, considering that you tried to take Spike,” Rainbow Dash said. “You wound up being decent compared to those three Predacon changelings.”

“No need for any thanks,” Hoops said. “I had to lash out after they nearly drowned our baby brother.”

“But it also showed that you aren’t the irredeemable monster that you three claim to be,” Bright Mac said, limping on one leg. “Even if you do have behavior issues and you act like bullies, you’re far better than you claim to be. Which is ironic since a few days before Wanda’s birthday, I had to chase you three down for abandoning your punishment.”

“Though it does make us wonder what really happened to your parents,” Buttercup said. “You claimed to have killed your own folks. But the look on your faces says otherwise.”

The three boys let out a sigh as Hoops said “What you say is true. We don’t even know what happened to our parents. Still doesn’t excuse what we do.”

“Then I think it’s time you saw things our way a bit more,” Shining Armor said as he and Princess Cadance walked up to the boy trio. “When Wanda chose to make you celebrate her birthday, it was to teach you three what you were missing in your life instead of going down this path of cynicism and nihilism.”

“Missing?” Score said.

“That’s right,” Princess Cadance said. “It was to show you what was missing in your heart and to at least convince you that this way is better. In fact, after what Score went through, I’d say you three should consider it for your health.”

The three colts immediately huddled to each other and spoke together. Their voices were low to the point where one could barely make out what they were saying. Immediately, they turned back to the group.

“We’ll consider it,” Hoops said. “Though we may believe that we’re getting soft, we’re willing to take you up on your offer…for now.”

“Great,” Princess Cadance said as the younglings began to cheer.

Suddenly, a water balloon hit Hoops right in the face, drenching him completely. He turned to see Applejack holding another water balloon.

“Lemme guess,” Hoops said with a smile. “Payback for hitting you with water balloons?”

“Exactly,” Applejack said.

And just as Applejack finished speaking, she got hit by a water balloon, drenching her completely. Applejack turned to her right and saw Fluttershy also holding a water balloon.

“Fluttershy, you too?” Applejack said.

“Had to,” Fluttershy said. “After what those big meanies did, even Waspinator, I’d figure I'd do something to help keep my mind off of that.”

Applejack held her water balloon back before she yelled “Oh it is on.” She threw the water balloon right at Fluttershy, only for the yellow pegasi filly to duck, causing the balloon to fly over her and smack Rarity right in the face. The gorgeous filly screamed in terror as she was drenched in water before turning towards Applejack, who looked like she was on the verge of freaking out.

“That does it,” Rarity snarled. “You wanna make me look like a wet dog, WELL HERE’S A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE.”

Immediately, Rarity grabbed a nearby water balloon and threw it right at Applejack, soaking her once more and leaving Rarity with a smirk on her face. But just before Applejack could grab another water balloon, she was hit by a stray water balloon, soaking her once more.

“WATER BALLOON FIGHT!” Moondancer yelled as nearly every youngling started chucking water balloons at each other.

“You know what,” Trixie said as she held a water balloon. “The fact that those three decided on a water balloon fight says a whole lot. So says I, the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

Immediately, Trixie flung a water balloon in one direction before getting hit by another one from behind. Despite falling down on her face with her mane completely wet, Trixie laughed it up.

But nearby, Wanda, Sunset, Abigail and Spike dove right into the pool and emerged. They swam up to the edge and held their heads low as they watched everyone fling water balloons at each other, which included Bright Mac despite having a bad leg.

“Isn’t it great to see everyone in high spirits?” Wanda said.

“Yeah,” Sunset said. “Even those three.”

“Well compared to the Predacon Changelings, they’re not so bad,” Wanda said. “Even if they did pull some nasty pranks on us.”

“Maybe there is hope for the three of them,” Sunset replied.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie slid away from the crowd of water balloon slingers and stopped near Wanda and Sunset.

“Pinkie,” Wanda said. “Are you alright?”

“Oh I’m fine,” Pinkie Pie said. “Just enjoying some water balloon fights.”

Wanda giggled before she said “That Pinkie. Always known to have fun with her parties, even ones that are wet and wild.”

Immediately, they spot Sunburst, who was sneaking away from the rest of the group as if he was trying to avoid the water balloons.

“Hey Sunburst,” Sunset said as she waved to the sun colt. “Over here if you’re afraid.”

“No thanks,” Sunburst said as he snuck off. “I’ll just hide in a corner and wait it out.”

Wanda, Sunset, Abigail, Spike and Pinkie Pie just watched as Sunburst ran into the castle through the back door. The group just giggled to themselves.

“Guess not everyone can enjoy the water,” Wanda said.

“You said it,” Sunset replied.

“That being said,” Wanda said. “Considering that the changelings chose to attack us, I’m worried about what would happen if mommy found out.”

“Yeah,” Sunset replied. “Everyone was suffering because of those three Predacons. In fact, we’re lucky that an entire hive didn’t just come up and nabbed us all.”

Immediately, Princess Cadance emerged from the crowd with Starlight Glimmer and Majordomo Kibitz at her side. She had pulled her phone from her ear and approached her two sisters along with Pinkie Pie, Abigail and Spike.

“I just got a word from Princess Celestia,” Princess Cadance explained. “During the meeting at Manehattan, Coldnelius Snap and the Windigo’s Guild decided to attack everyone with the intent of ransoming everyone for your capture.”

“Are you kidding me?” Wanda said.

“She’s right,” Starlight said. “First those three attacked us while we were having a good time, and now those big mean windigos decided to give us a hard time.”

“So it looks like they won’t be coming back for quite a white,” Princess Cadance explained. “Until then, I’ll be glad to look after you all for a while longer”

Sunset Shimmer placed her hoof on her face and said “Of course. Evil never takes a rest.”

“I know, Sunset,” Wanda said. “I know.”

Pinkie Pie took alook around at the group of younglings throwing water balloons at each other. But something felt off for her.

“Hey guys,” Pinkie Pie said. “What happened to Cozy Glow?”

“I dunno,” Wanda replied.

Abigail and Spike looked at each other and held their hands up in confusion.

Meanwhile, in the outskirts of town, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator hid in one of the alleyways, watching as the royal guard were searching all around for them.

“Blast those ponies,” Inferno said. “One day, we will capture the Man’s Cub and the Princess, and we will please Queen Chrysalis.”

“Oh I’ve got a score to settle with those brats,” Quickstrike said as he slammed his fists together. “Nobody makes a monkey out of Quickstrike and gets away with it.”

“Waspinator not like filly bugs,” Waspinator said. “But Waspinator loathes colt bugs the most.”

“You’re right, brother,” Inferno said. “One day, we will get our revenge on those three juvenile delinquents. And one day, we will prove to Equestria that we are a force to be reckoned with.”

But as Inferno stood tall and proud, his ears caught the sound of a dog growling, along with Quickstrike and Waspinator cowering in fear. Inferno turned around to see the Alicorn Bulldog growl at the changeling.

“You dare to besmirch the changelings with your presence?” Inferno said. “We do not fear lesser creatures like you. Now be gone, or burn.”

The Alicorn Bulldog was undeterred. It barked loudly and wildly, causing Inferno to cower a bit.

“You know what,” Inferno said. “Forget what I said. I think we better be running.

And with that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew out of the city and into the skies of Canterlot. But nearby, Cozy Glow watched as the dog chased after the Predacons.

“Who knew luring that mutt towards those party crashers was a good idea,” Cozy Glow said. “At least I know my mother is already in Manehattan, attending that diplomatic meeting with the yaks. So it didn’t hurt to get out just this once.”

With that, Cozy Glow laughed as she flew back towards the castle as the sun began to set in the west.

To Be Continued in…

Arc 09: Amending Fences

Return to the Abandoned Orphanage

Author's Note:

Originally, I was going to make it about the younglings picking on Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator. But at the same time, I haven't done another "Demon Sunset" moment since Arc 2. So I had to go and allow Sunset Shimmer to become Demon Sunset and to tear the Predacons a new one.

Should I use the Predacon brothers more in future arcs? Reply in the comments below.

Anyway, I'm taking a small break so that I can have fun in Maui. But I may upload a part or two while there.

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