• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 23-6: The End of Another New Day

The End of Another New Day

The vines around Princess Celestia’s balcony cleared up as the alicorn princess and her cousin Pele burned through the foliage. The younglings all emerged with Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Silver Banks, Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer, Canter Zoom and Chancellor Cinch following from behind. The Wonderbolts also emerged with Magnum and Captain Airazor leading the group. Princess Cadance carried a weak, yet alive, Sunset Shimmer, who was glad to see the sight of her foster mother. Wanda was the first to run up to Celestia and give her a big hug.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried. “I’m glad you came back. I was worried I wouldn’t see you again.

“The same can be said of you, my daughter,” Celestia said, hugging Wanda closely.

As Wanda released her hold from Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance walked up to the giant alicorn with Sunset in her arms.

“Sunset,” Celestia said. “What happened to you?”

“I got hurt pretty bad by those creeps,” Sunset Shimmer said. “But you can thank King Sombra for helping me out.”

Princess Celestia turned towards the door leading into her bedroom, where King Sombra emerged before bowing to the alicorn.

“It’s been awhile, Princess,” King Sombra said. “When I haven’t heard from Misty Brightdawn since she left for Canterlot, I felt worried and had to come by hoof. But when I discovered a number of ponies attempting to break into Canterlot just to take Wanda and her friends away. So I disguised myself as one of them just in case they tried to take them away. Kinda wish I jumped in sooner when two of the younglings were hit with Wolf’s Bane Miasma.”

“Wolf’s Bane Miasma?” Princess Celestia said. “That’s a subsistence I banned from this land because of the effects it has on ponies. It’s shocking what lows Gold Banks would steep to.”

“But there was also another reason why I came here,” King Sombra explained. “I discovered members of the Debt Collectors stealing two elements of magic from the Crystal Empire: Radiance and Umbrum.”

“I’ve read about those,” Twilight Sparkle said, walking up to King Sombra with Spike on her back. “Radiance and Umbrum are what make up the magic of the Crystal Empire: A balance of light and dark.”

“Correct you are,” King Sombra said. “And I was born with more Umbrum magic than radiance magic. That makes me part-umbrum.”

“I would love to visit the Crystal Empire someday,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Maybe even see the Radiance and Umbrum magic up close and personal.”

“As much as I want to invite you, young lady,” King Sombra said. “You would have to get your parents’ permission first. I’m not one who dares to upset the guardians of their off-spring.”

Twilight Sparkle turned towards Twilight Velvet and Night Light before she said “Mom, Dad. One day, should we visit the Crystal Empire?”

“Only when the danger from Gold Banks is gone,” Twilight Velvet said. “Then we can go visit the Crystal Empire.”

“Right now, we should prepare our move to Vanhoover,” Night Light said.

“But I thought you had second thoughts about that,” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Now that I realized that there’s going to be danger, regardless where we are,” Night Light explained, “I’ve decided we are going back up to Vanhoover, once Princess Celestia completes the ground bridge portal between your home village and Canterlot.”

King Sombra turned to Princess Celestia and said “Ground Bridge Portal? You figured out Starswirl’s creation?”

“I had a friend help us out on this,” Princess Celestia said.

“Clever mare,” King Sombra laughed.

But as Celestia and Sombra laughed out loud, Danged Spell walked up to Pele with Golden Lace by her side.

“Kupuna wahine nui,” Danged Spell said in an awkward tone. “It’s…been a long time.”

“Not as long as I remembered the last time we saw each other, moopuna nui La Walakeli,” Pele said.

“I can’t believe you’re Danged Spell’s Great Grandmother,” Golden Lace said in awe of Pele’s presence.

“And I have lived for as long as, if not more than, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” Pele explained. “He may not be an alicorn. But he does have the makings to be one.”

Golden Lace looked at Danged Spell, who slightly shifted his head away from Pele in shame.

“I have a question to ask,” Golden Lace said, shifting her head towards Pele. “Is it true that Danged Spell…bit you?”

“He did,” Pele said. “But I wasn’t upset with him when he did that.”

“But he told me he broke a kapu when he bit you,” Golden Lace asked.

“In his mind, defiling the chieftains or chieftesses is a violation of our kapu,” Pele said. “But he focused so much on that, that he forgot the reason why I had him bite me.”

“Wait,” Danged Spell said, turning towards Pele. “What do you mean by that?”

“Walakeli my great grandson,” Pele explained. “I took you up on the mountains because I knew of your curse from the day you were born. Your mother, father and your sister went with me. Our goal was to help you adapt to your curse. And to do that, you had to breathe in a special vapor on the summit that could help you fight control of it.”

“Wait,” Danged Spell said. “You’re not talking about the mahu huhu, are you?”

“Yes, the rage vapor,” Pele said. “The only existence of the mahu huhu is atop the northern mountain of Kilokilo island. We took you there so you could breathe in the vapor and learn to control your Wolf’s Breath curse, or what we call Huhu o ka ilio.”

“Dog’s rage,” Danged Spell said. “And I wasn’t the first to try to cure my Wolf’s Breath curse.”

“But when you breathed in the mahu huhu,” Pele explained, “You lost control of yourself and went into a blind rage unlike anything we’ve ever seen. It was as if we had amplified your curse and made it worse on you. I was horrified at what I’ve done. But I was even more horrified when you directed your attention towards your baby sister Moeuhane.”

“Dream Seeker,” Danged Spell said. “You mean…”

“Yes,” Pele said, scooting Danged Spell over to her. “You almost bit into your sister with that unbridled rage. When I realized that, I had no choice but to block you from biting your own sister, and perhaps taking her life.”

“I almost bit into my own sister,” Danged Spell said.

“For that, I unintentionally made you break that Kapu because I was trying to save you from your sister,” Pele said. “You were never banished to begin with, La Walakeli. While most of the other chieftains were horrified at what you did to me, I explained to them that it had to be done to save your sister from yourself.”

“Kupuna wahine nui,” Danged Spell said as tears began to fill his eyes. “They were upset…because I bit you….even though…you were protecting…my sister…from me.”

“Yes,” Pele said. “But I made sure you were never banished to begin with. In fact, I even threatened to step down from my position as High Chieftess if they carried it out. They folded faster than an amateur on a surfboard. But I didn’t know how to help you out with your own curse. It was there that Princess Celestia made a proposition to me.”

“It was Princess Celestia who brought me here to Equestria?” Danged Spell asked.

“Yes,” Pele said. “Because Celestia is the only alicorn with the Huhu o ka ilio, she would be able to help you out with your condition as well. So one of the other chieftains, who happens to be your father and my grandson, offered to take you, his wife, and your sister to Canterlot to begin your training to control your curse. It was there that you assumed to have been banished.”

“But I never was…banished” Danged Spell asked.

“You never were to begin with,” Pele said. “Even if a Kapu was broken, it was out of necessity and I would rather take the blame for something that wasn’t your fault. You’re always welcome on Lio Lani, La Walakeli. In fact, even the chieftains missed you so much.”

Danged Spell looked up at his own Great Grandmother before giving her a hug.

“I’m sorry I tried to kill my own baby sister,” Danged Spell cried. “I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s okay,” Pele said. “And I’ve missed you, my moopuna nui.”

Golden Lace tapped on Pele’s side, catching the attention of the alicorn High Chieftess.

“Pele, was it,” Golden Lace said. “Believe it or not, I also possess the same curse as Danged Spell.”

“You as well?” Pele said. “I didn’t know that one of my great grandson’s friends also possessed the same curse. But do not worry. You are in good hooves with him.”

Pele pulled Golden Lace over as Danged Spell wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Lace,” Danged Spell said. “Thanks for being by my side.”

“Anytime, Spell,” Golden Lace said, tapping Danged Spell on the nose.

“You know,” Pele said. “I think you two would be a cute couple.”

“Hey,” Danged Spell shouted. “I’m not ready to have a filly friend of my own.”

“Well now I wouldn’t say that,” Silver Banks said, walking up to Danged Spell with a smug look on his face. “In fact, I should prepare you two for your future wedding.”

Danged Spell’s jaw dropped in horror from Silver Banks’ speech while Golden Lace placed her hoof on her face in embarrassment.

“Daddy, not now,” Golden Lace said. “We’ve just been in a life-changing situation.”

“Well so have I,” Silver Banks said with a hearty laugh. “Now how about we start planning dates between the two.”

“NO! HOOF NOO!” Danged Spell yelled. “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?”

As Danged Spell and Golden Lace yell at a smug Silver Banks, Pinkie Pie pulled out her party cannon and aimed it at the air.

“I love it when we have moments like this,” Pinkie Pie said. “It really does make us One as a Family.”

With a press of the button from Pinkie Pie, streamers fly out of the cannon, showering everyone in the confetti. They all looked up and smiled at the sparkle and glitter that scattered in the sky.

“Well I’m glad we’ve all got through this moment,” Juniper Montage said.

“Yes it is,” Canter Zoom said. “But I think the time has come to return to La Maresa. I think I’ve had enough time in Canterlot.”

“I’m with you on that, Uncle,” Juniper Montage said. “After all that madness at Daisy Joy Tech and here, I’ll find it a relief to be back home.”

“It's a shame that the background has to be redone,” Canter Zoom said. “But we’ll find a way to make it better than ever. I guarantee it.”

Later that evening, everyone was gathered around the portal to La Maresa as Princess Celestia placed the crystal back in its slot. Everyone waited patiently for the crystal to light

“Well, this is it,” Princess Celestia said. “Princess Luna told us that she’ll be coming through to greet us once the ground bridge portal is finally connected.”

“And I have to let my grandson know that La Walakeli is alright,” Pele said.

Danged Spell tapped Pele on the leg and said “Kupuna wahine nui. I know everyone misses me on Lio Lani, especially on Kilokilo Island. But I don’t think I’m ready to go home, yet.”

“I’m surprised,” Pele said. “Even after you know that you were never banished to begin with.”

“It’s not just that,” Danged Spell said. “Even with all the danger presented across all of Equestria, Lio Lani included, I like being in Canterlot and La Maresa. I’ve got a number of wonderful friends who look out for me, and vice versa. I enjoy the sights and sounds of both the Equestrian Capital and the town near the Everfree Forest. It’s a great place to be.”

“I understand, my moopuna nui,” Pele said. “You have a reason to enjoy your new life here. And I’ve heard you saved your new friend and the Chancellor from the Windigo’s Guild. You have the makings of a proud koa, Walakeli.”

“What’s a koa?” Wanda asked.

“That my little hibiscus, is the Lio Lanian word for warrior,” Pele explained. “But he’s one who’s not afraid to defend his people from those who seek harm. To help with that, I will send some of my guards to help protect La Maresa. After all, a dark wind is blowing from a place that even the common of evils dare not approach.”

“A warrior,” Sunset Shimmer said. “That may have explained Spell’s cutie mark.”

“There’s also another interesting fact,” Pele said before turning to King Sombra. “Would you explain to them about the late Amore Brightdawn?”

“I will,” King Sombra said. “Believe it or not, Amore hailed from Lio Lani like her sister Pele. Her original name was Aloha Wana’ao.”

“Wait,” Misty said. “That means Pele is my aunt?”

“That’s right,” Sombra said. “I happen to be part-Umbrum, part-crystal pony and part-Lio Lanian. But even more so sister. Because we are related to Pele, that means in a way, we’re related to Danged Spell and his family.”

“Wait,” Danged Spell said. “That means Misty and I are related?”

“That’s right,” King Sombra said with a smile. “You’re both distant grand cousins.”

Misty ran over to Danged Spell and leaped onto him, giving him a big hug.

“Hey leggo,” Danged Spell laughed. “Your hug’s too hazy.”

“Danged Spell,” The other younglings shouted before they burst into laughter.”

Suddenly, The crystal glowed brightly as the portal opened up once more. Princess Luna immediately stepped out to greet her sister. Behind her were Fortwright, Shanoa with Dream Seeker in her saddle bag, Rainbow Dash, Maud Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Snips and Snails.

“They’re all accounted for,” Princess Luna said. “Not a single life was lost.”

“That’s great,” Princess Celestia said. “And that’s what matters the most.”

Danged Spell walked up to Fortwright and Shanoa with Misty still hugging onto him. But his eyes were directed towards Dream Seeker, who reached out to her big brother.

“So it’s true,” Danged Spell said. “I was never banished to begin with.”

“I would have told you, except you wouldn’t believe me,” Fortwright said. “It was the Great Chieftess’s words that would have convinced you.”

“We’re proud of you, Spell,” Shanoa said. “Not just as the descendant of Chieftess Pele, but also as our son. In fact, Dream Seeker’s glad to see you.”

Danged Spell walked up to Dream Seeker, who reached out and touched her big brother on the nose. Spell reached out and gently tapped Dream Seeker on the nose.

“Moeuhane,” Danged Spell said. “I didn’t know that I came this close to biting you when I lost control of myself. I’m terribly sorry. After all, you’re like the light to me, and if something happened to you, I dunno what I would do.”

But Dream Seeker just looked up at her brother and giggled loudly, giving Danged Spell a small smile on his face.

“That’s just like you, Seeker,” Danged Spell said. “But then again, I’m glad I have you by my side.”

But just then, Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo approached Danged Spell, with the rainbow-maned filly giving the smug unicorn a hoof noogie.

“So,” Rainbow Dash said after rubbing Spell on the head. “What’s this about you not being banished at all?”

“I originally assumed I was banished because I bit into the high chieftess,” Danged Spell said as he brushed his mane back to normal. “But then as it turned out, she allowed it to happen because she was trying to protect my sister from my rampage.”

“Wow,” Ditzy Doo said as she looked down at Dream Seeker. “To nearly attack your own sister for something that you didn’t have control of. That’s a scary thought.”

“It is,” Rainbow Dash said. “Even though I’m not biologically related to Scootaloo, I still see her as a baby sister of my own. If something did happen to her, I would have lost it.”

But before Ditzy Doo could say anything, Danged Spell gave her a hug and said “I know you have no sisters or brothers of your own. But if anything happened to you, I would have lost it as well.”

“Aww, thanks Spell,” Ditzy said.

Immediately, Juniper Montage walked up to Danged Spell with Canter Zoom by her side.

“So,” Juniper Montage said. “After much thought, we’re going back to La Maresa.”

“Are you sure about that?” Danged Spell asked.

“Well as horrified as I was with the destruction of my film set,” Canter Zoom explained, “The experience I had today with the rowdy crowd made me realize that there will always be danger, no matter where I am. So from here on out, I wish to live out my life the way it was meant to be. No regrets, whatsoever.”

“That’s very good advice,” Princess Luna said. “We often take the safe route because it brings us comfort. But sometimes, there is no easy path at all. After what happened today, I’d say that statement means a whole lot.”

“It’s a shame with what you all have gone through,” Rarity said. “First Daisy Joy Tech, and now this.”

“We may have gone through our worst days ever,” Pinkie Pie said before she walked up to Rarity and placed her arm around her. “But we push through just the same as a family together.”

“Pinkie’s right,” Maud said. “As long as we have each other, we can get through the worst days of our lives.”

Fortwright placed his hoof on Danged Spell and said “I think it’s time I brought you back home to La Maresa.”

“Truth be told, I’m looking forward to it,” Danged Spell said.

“And we’d like to go back as well,” Firelight Glimmer said, walking up to Fortwright and Shanoa. “After what we’ve been through, we could use a little rest and relaxation.”

“Daddy?” Starlight said, running up to her father. “You’re leaving already?”

“We are,” Firelight Glimmer said as he picked up his daughter. “But promise me you’ll be strong for Princess Celestia and for your sisters.”

“I…I will,” Starlight said.

“And be strong for your friends in La Maresa,” Trixie said. “We wanna make sure you smile once more.”

“Oh I will, Trixie,” Starlight said.

“That’s the Great and Powerful Trixie,” Trixie boasted with a smile on her face.

As Firelight Glimmer placed Starlight down, Sunburst and Moondancer ran up to the little filly and gave her a hug.

“Don’t you worry,” Sunburst said. “We’ll be back when school’s back in session.”

“And it won’t be long,” Moondancer said.

“By the way,” Starlight said. “Twilight told me that she’ll be moving up to Vanhoover soon, once the gateway there has been completed.”

Moondancer turned to Twilight Sparkle and asked “Is that so?”

“It is,” Twilight Sparkle said. “But don’t you worry. I’ll be coming back to school thanks to the ground bridge portal.”

“Maybe one day, you could come back and visit La Maresa,” Applejack said. “In fact, we should take you down to San Di’Neighgo one day to check out the sights and sounds.”

“That’s right,” Fluttershy said. “And maybe visit the famous zoo and introduce you to my Uncle Wegefrolick.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Twilight Sparkle said with a wink.

With that, Danged Spell, Sunburst, Moondancer, Juniper Montage, Canter Zoom, Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker Glimmer and Pele joined with the other ponies from La Maresa as Princess Luna stepped off the portal platform and approached the other younglings.

“It’s time we head back to La Maresa and get ourselves ready for a good dinner,” Fortwright said. “Are you all ready to go home?”

“You bet we are, dad,” Danged Spell said. “In fact, I’d say our welcome is truly on the house. Get it?”

“DANGED SPELL!” Every youngling yelled before they burst into laughter.”

“So that’s what my great grandson has been doing,” Pele laughed. “It’s not bad, but I’ve heard worse pun-ishment than that.”

“GREAT GRANDMA!” Danged Spell yelled in laughter.

“What?” Pele laughed. “It does run in the family, La Walakeli.”

With that, Fortwright and Shanoa jumped into the portal with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Maud Pie, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Danged Spell, Sunburst, Moondancer, Juniper Montage, Canter Zoom, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker Glimmer following from behind. But Snips and Snails paused for a moment before turning towards Wanda Young.

“Wanda,” Snips said. “Promise us that you’ll come back to La Maresa?”

“I will,” Wanda said. “When all of this madness is over.”

“Thanks,” Snails said. “There’s more to our fine town than meets the eye, or whatever that means.”

With that, Snips and Snails jumped into the portal before shrunk down and disappeared. Wanda just waved at what was left of the portal before letting out a big sigh.

“Well,” Wanda said. “There they go, for now.”

“It was great to see them again, even through our hardest time,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Even more so, it was great to meet Danged Spell’s Great-Grandmother.”

“And realized that she was related to King Sombra,” Wanda said. “And yet, when I saw her, it felt like I recognized her before.”

“Do you think you might be the reincarnation of Amore Brightdawn?” Starlight asked.

“I wish,” Wanda said.

“And you’re right on that,” King Sombra said. “There are ways to determine where your former memories come from. But until then, your past is still a big mystery.”

“I think right now, we should head back to the castle,” Princess Cadance said. “Dinner is going to be soon and we could use some rest and relaxation after what happened.”

“Head over to the castle without me,” Princess Celestia said. “I’ll catch up after I discuss something with my sister, King Sombra and the Chancellor.”

“You got it,” Princess Cadance said.

Spike jumped onto Twilight Sparkle’s back as she walked alongside Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor. They followed Princess Cadance, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright to the castle. Right behind them, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace, Silver Banks, Pinkie Pie, Misty Brightdawn, Cozy Glow, the Dazzlings, Vignette Valencia, Wallflower Blush and Gloriosa Daisy following from behind.

“So,” Shining Armor asked. “Are you nervous about going back up to Vanhoover?”

“I am,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I know I’ll be back for the School for Gifted Unicorns. But I am going to miss living here.”

“Don’t you worry, Twili,” Shining Armor said. “I’ll always be here in case you need to stay for a few nights. And so will Spike.”

“Thanks, Big brother,” Twilight Sparkle said.

Gloriosa Daisy walked up to Twilight Sparkle and asked “You said you’re heading up to Vanhoover, correct?”

“We are,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“To be honest, that’s where Wallflower Blush, Vignette Valencia and I came from,” Gloriosa Daisy explained. “In fact, the only pony that I know of that lives up there is my brother, Timber Spruce. He’s been waiting for the day that we see each other again since I was forced into Daisy Joy Tech.”

“I know,” Golden Lace said. “You told me about it when I first was at that horrible school.”

“Tell you what,” Night Light said. “On the day we go up to Vanhoover, you and your friends can come with us. How does that sound?”

“That sounds great,” Gloriosa Daisy said. “Let me know when you’re ready and we’ll go with you.”

“I can’t believe we’re taking you back to your home,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“You bet,” Gloriosa said. “And I hope you enjoy it up there.”

“I’ve had some experience with that place,” Twilight Sparkle explained with a laugh. “So it should be familiar to me.”

As the group walked off towards the castle, Princess Celestia turned her attention to Princess Luna, Chancellor Cinch and King Sombra.

“So,” King Sombra said. “What is it you wish to speak to me about?”

“Actually,” Princess Celestia said. “There is someone I’d like for you to meet, and I asked her to stay put at the Golden Land for the time being.”

Princess Celestia turned towards the nearby alley and signals with her hoof. Eleanor Young emerged, approaching King Sombra.

“This is Eleanor,” Princess Celestia explained. “She’s a guardian from the planet Evevanya.”

“An honor to meet you,” King Sombra said as he bowed to Eleanor Young.

“Likewise, your majesty,” Eleanor replied. She turned to Celestia and said “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you out in protecting the palace from the Gold Bankers.”

“There’s no worry about that,” Princess Celestia explained. “After all, I asked you to acquire some sacred treasures deep within the Golden Land.”

“As a matter of fact, I have,” Eleanor said as she pulled out a small treasure chest.

Eleanor opened the chest in front of the group. Inside were two types of ore. One glowed a bright white, while the other had a dark aura to it.

“I’ve seen this kind of ore before,” King Sombra said. “The bright one is called Evevanyian Mithril. The dark one is called Evevanyian Obsidian.”

“We’ve kept it hidden within the Golden Land as an emergency,” Chancellor Cinch explained. “And that’s just a small sample of what we have.”

“If I recall, these two metals create a special ingot that represents the balance between light and darkness,” King Sombra explained. “They call this metal Equinox.”

“I recall that the Crystal Empire is one of the few places in Equestria that can forge mithril and obsidian into equinox ingots,” Princess Luna said. “Are you up to the challenge?”

King Sombra pulled the two metals out of the chest and said “Consider it done. Our crack team of alchemists will be able to complete the fusion of these two metals into equinox ingots.”

“Perfect,” Princess Celestia said. “We will send the rest of the metals to the Crystal Empire so you can forge the equinox ingots.”

“That being said,” King Sombra said. “Since your friend is an alchemist, she wishes to forge some ingots for Princess Wanda, correct?”

“That is correct,” Princess Celestia said.

As King Sombra placed the mithril and obsidian into his coat pocket, he turned towards Eleanor Young.

“Judging by the look on you,” King Sombra explained, “I believe you are Wanda’s biological mother.”

“Yes,” Eleanor said. “But I have yet to explain myself to her.”

“One day, you will have to do that,” King Sombra said. “Your daughter will need to know the truth about your identity as her mother. She won’t like what you’ll say. But she’ll come to understand the whole truth. That’s something you should keep in mind.”

“I plan on doing so, King Sombra,” Eleanor acknowledged.

“And in case something were to happen to me, I will leave Wanda with a message about you,” Princess Celestia said.

“One last thing,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Since the attack today, I am considering bumping up the price on Gold Banks even further. Her crimes are far from unforgivable after what she pulled.

“The question is,” Princess Luna said. “What was her real motive? Why did she pull the stunt that we saw today?”

“The answer may lie in the crystal bracelet that we found,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“I can go over it and find the source of its magic,” Eleanor said.

“And as for us,” Princess Celestia said. “We will find Gold Banks one day and bring her to justice for what she did. Not just for the incident at Daisy Joy Tech, but also for that attempt at inciting mobs at La Maresa and Canterlot.”

Meanwhile, at an unknown location, Gold Banks observed a similar-looking bracelet as she walked up the cold mountainside, wearing heavy clothing. She had an older, slender stallion by her side.

“Amazing what this little puppy was capable of doing, Grand Philosopher,” Gold Banks said. “Even if its powers were still incomplete.”

“Most of that power came from the radiance and umbra magic that we stole from the Crystal Empire,” Grand Philosopher explained. “But it’s not as comparable to that of the Pony of Shadows.”

“True,” Gold Banks said. “And while they’ll figure out how to create a counter spell to nullify this batch, the next batch will be far stronger when we acquire the magic of the Winter Ponies, the Changelings and the Hippogriffs.”

Suddenly, Gold Banks’ video phone rang. Gold banks pulled it out of her pocket, tapped the screen before putting the phone to her ear.

“Report, Master Trench Gruff,” Gold Banks said on the phone. “Uh huh. Yes. I see. Very well. Carry on.”

As Gold Banks placed her phone back in, Grand Philosopher asked “I take it Master Trench Gruff is in position to drive any members of the Windigo’s Guild away from Winteris?”

“Yes, and it’s a shame that I won’t be there to see the fireworks,” Gold Banks said. “But then again, it’s just one step into creating a powerful artifact that I will use to overthrow Princess Celestia and Magistrate Creme Dream. Then, nothing can stop me from becoming the new Empress of Equestria.”

As Gold Banks laughed devilishly, the ruins of an ice castle loomed over the horizon, all while the sun set in the west.

To Be Continued in…

Arc 24: Hive Under Siege

Coldnelius Snap’s Hardship

Author's Note:

I never intended on keeping the idea that Danged Spell was banished for biting his own Great-Grandmother: The High Chieftess Pele. In fact, I wanted Spell to realize that Pele had to get Spell to bite her just to protect Dream Seeker.

As of now, Danged Spell, Moondancer, Sunburst, Juniper Montage, Canter Zoom, and Starlight's parents have returned to La Maresa. Thought you're not going to see the last of the first three at least.

The next arc will be the last time which Wanda will not make an appearance at all. This will be 100% centered on the villains: The Windigo's Guild, the Changelings and Gold Banks.

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