• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 23-3: Sanctuary Invasion

Sanctuary Invasion

A crowd of angry ponies made their way through the forest and towards the ruins of Everfree Castle. Some wielded axes, while some also had either nets or bags.

“You know what to do when we get inside,” One of the Gold Bankers yelled.

“Yeah,” Another said. “Grab those fillies and take them eastward to Daisy Joy Tech. That will teach their parents to reject our dear leader Gold Banks.”

“Come on,” a third one said. “Let’s teach them the true meaning of respect.”

Immediately, the Gold Bankers came to a stop in front of the door leading into the castle ruins. They all looked up at the top of the wall, where the La Maresians stared down at them, while a few of them approached the door before tapping on it.

“This door’s been reinforced with stronger wood,” One of them said.

“How will we take it down,” Another asked.

“It’s gonna take all of us to send that door down,” A third said, holding his axe. “And I mean it.”

Above on the ramparts, Rainbow Dash stood down at the approaching Gold Bankers, while the other stood near her. Shanoa, Filthy and Spoiled Rich placed Diamond Tiara, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nearby while Maud Pie looked after them.

“What do you think they’re up to?” Ditzy asked.

“Whatever it is,” Rainbow Dash said, “I don’t want any part of it.”

One of the Gold Bankers emerged from the group and pulled out a megaphone before adjusting it. He put the megaphone’s mic to his mouth and pointed it at Rainbow Dash.

“Now hear this, you juvenile delinquents,” The Gold Banker shouted. “You are ordered under Empress Gold Banks to surrender yourselves so we can take you down to Daisy Joy Tech. Do so, and we will leave your town in peace.”

As Rainbow Dash looked down at the crowd, unable to get a word out of her mouth, Bright Mac walked up behind the fillies and colts before glaring down at the mob.

“Well you listen to me,” Bright Mac yelled. “What gave you the idea to take our sons and daughters away from us? How we raise our youngsters is none of your concern.”

The Gold Banker glared up at Bright Mac before pointing his megaphone towards the patriarch of the apple family.

“That kind of attitude is the reason why ponies across Equestria are failing at a rapid pace,” The Gold Banker shouted. “It’s because you indoctrinate your kids with the lies that Princess Celestia feeds you. Either you atone for your actions by giving up all of your younglings or we will march in there and take them from you.”

“In a pig’s eye,” Bright Mac shouted.

The mob that formed outside of the castle booed loudly before they marched towards the front gate. Applejack walked up to her pa, glaring down at the crowd of crazed ponies.

“Pa,” Applejack said. “I don’t think you should have done that.”

“That’s the plan, my daughter,” Bright Mac said. “The moment they bust that door open, they’re in for a rude awakening.”

“Wait,” Trixie said. “You didn’t think about asking Mr. Bovine to attack once the gate is down.”

“I didn’t,” Bright Mac said. “He volunteered to do the deed.”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. “I hope he doesn’t hurt himself.”

On the outskirts of the castle ruins, the Gold Bankers start pounding away at the front door, hitting and smashing the wooden surface as much as possible.

“Get that door down,” One of the Gold Bankers yelled. “We don’t leave until we get those brats.”

One by one, each member of the crazed mob pounded away at the door. Some even threw giant stones at it to weaken the structure. Others pulled out axes to cut into the wooden frame of the door. But it still stood strong despite the damage caused to it.

“Those good-for-nothings must have reinforced the front door,” Another Gold Banker yelled. “Find another way in.”

Back up on the ramparts, every youngling and adult watched as the Gold Bankers struggled to tear down the doorway.

“All those angry ponies trying to break through just to take our younglings away,” Spoiled Rich said. “What did we ever do to them?”

“I’m only hoping that my son doesn’t have to endure this kind of madness,” Shanoa said. “After all, he’s safe back up in Canterlot.”

“One thing about this is that they’re all earth ponies,” Bright Mac said. “Not a single unicorn nor pegasi among the group.”

“It feels wrong to be fighting back against other earth ponies, pa,” Applejack said.

“It does,” Bright Mac said. “But we have to hold our ground until help arrives.”

But when Ditzy Doo looked down at the wall beneath the group, she let out a terrifying shriek.

“Guys,” Ditzy cried. “They’re coming up.”

Bright Mac and Applejack looked down to see some of the Gold Bankers scale the wall, climbing upwards to the top of the ramparts.

“Quick,” Bright Mac said. “We need to slow them down. And fast.”

Rainbow Dash got up on her four hooves before she shouted “I’m on it.”

“Rainbow, wait,” Applejack yelled before Rainbow Dash flew into the air and dove towards the wall scalers.

“She’s buying us some time, darling,” Rarity said. “We better find a way to send those ruthless ruffians packing.”

Rainbow Dash flew down towards the Gold Bankers who were scaling the wall. She hovered near one of them and tapped his shoulder, catching his attention.

“Hey mush for brains,” Rainbow Dash taunted. “Why don’t you pick on some pony your own size.”

“Like YOU?” The Gold Banker yelled before swiping at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash moved out of the way as the Gold Banker tried to grab her. He began to lose his grip on the wall as he wobbled back and forth.

“Oh no,” The Gold Banker yelled. “BAD IDEA!”

The Gold Banker lost his grip and fell down before crashing into his fellow Bank supporters. Rainbow Dash looked down at the group with a smug look on her face before turning her attention to Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo.

“Hey guys,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Do what you can to send them packing.”

Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo looked at each other before turning their attention to the scaling extremists.

“Well what do we have to lose by doing this?” Fluttershy asked.

“Let’s do this,” Ditzy Doo said, extending her wings out.

Ditzy Doo and Fluttershy jumped into the air and flew down towards the members of the Gold Banks mob that scaled the walls. Fluttershy hovered near one of them with her wings flapping while Ditzy Doo flew around the building.

“Umm, Mr Bad Pony,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sorry to have to do this.”

But before the Gold Banker could turn his attention towards Fluttershy, the little filly tickled him on the back with the feathers on her wings, causing him to laugh out loud.

“HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!” The Gold Banker laughed. “THAT TICKLES!”

Unable to control his laughter, the Gold Banker lost his grip and fell down screaming. Fluttershy covered her eyes as the mob member crashed right into his fellow rabble rousers.

“Oooh,” Fluttershy said. “That’s gotta leave a mark.”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew by Fluttershy, leaving the timid pegasi’s mane to flow in the wind.

“You’re doing great,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Keep it up.”

Fluttershy clenched her hooves together and said “That’s right. I have to keep it up.”

As Fluttershy flew up to more Gold Bankers to tickle them into falling, Ditzy Doo flew in from another part of the forest towards the wall, catching Rainbow Dash’s attention.

“Ditzy,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “What are you doing?”

“Going all out,” Ditzy Doo yelled.

In a loud crash, Ditzy Doo collided against the wall, causing Rainbow Dash to facehoof in embarrassment.

“Ditzy,” Rainbow Dash said. “What were you thinking?”

Fluttershy flew up to Rainbow Dash and tapped her on the shoulder before pointing at the wall.

“Look,” Fluttershy said. “I think Ditzy must have found another approach.”

Rainbow Dash looked down and saw the side of the wall shake. The Gold Bankers who were scaling it struggled to hold on before they lost their grip and fell down, screaming until they crashed into other members of their crazed crowd.

“Well whaddya know,'' Rainbow Dash said. “Ditzy knew what to do in this situation.”

As a dazed Ditzy Doo flew up to Rainbow Dash, the rainbow colored filling grabbed Ditzy and gave her a big hug.

“I’m proud of ya,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Thanks, Rainbow,” Ditzy said. “I studied that from watching superhero movies.”

“Maybe that makes you a superhero in your own right,” Fluttershy giggled.

Meanwhile, the other ponies looked down as more rabble rousers began to climb the wall while the others struggled to break down the doorway.

“This is becoming completely insane,” Trixie said. “I don’t want to be taken away.”

Suddenly, something tapped Trixie on the shoulder, causing the unicorn filly to leap into the air screaming before landing on her tummy in a loud thud.

“WHO?” Trixie yelled as she got back on her four hooves. “WHO DID THAT?”

“Down here.” Trixie looked down and saw Snips and Snails holding up the bag full of food.

“What’s the idea scaring me?” Trixie shouted. “I could have fallen down and gotten eaten by those maniacs.”

“But we have a better idea,” Snips said, holding up the food. “Why not give them a taste of their own medicine.”

“Throw them the food?” Rarity said. “Are you sure about that? We’ll end up starving when this is over.”

“I think these two may have a point here,” Shanoa said. “None of us bothered to pack any means of defending ourselves in case they arrived. So I think we should pelt them with food.”

“Well,” Spoiled Rich said, pulling a piece of food out of the bag. “We’ve got nothing left to lose. Let’s give them their just desserts.”

The other ponies nodded to Spoiled Rich as they pulled out the food before looking down once more at the Gold Bankers who were scaling the wall once more.

“Bon appetit,” Trixie yelled out as she held her piece of fruit in the air.

With a powerful swing, Trixie threw the produce at one of the climbers, hitting him directly in the face. The climber screamed loudly before he lost his grip and fell down into the crowd below. Other ponies began pelting the other climbers with fruit, vegetables, and even mushrooms, sending them falling out of control into the crowd below.

“Bullseyes,” Applejack yelled. “That will show them.”

Suddenly, one of the Gold Bankers came up onto the wall and grabbed Applejack by the arm. She struggled to break free as the lone rogue tried to pull her back.

“LET ME GO YOU TIN-HORNED IGGIT!” Applejack yelled.

But as Applejack struggled to break free, Maud Pie ran up to the apple filly before throwing a grapefruit right into the Gold Banker’s face, causing him to lose his grip on Applejack before falling downwards towards the crowd.

“Never touch her again,” Maud Pie said in a stoic tone.

“Thanks Maud,” Applejack said. “I owe ya one.”

“Don’t thank me just yet,” Maud Pie said. “We still have more coming this way.”

Applejack looked down to see more Gold Bankers scale the wall at a brisk pace, acting as if they were desperate.

“You’re right,” Applejack said as she pulled out a few more pieces of fruit from the bag. “We’ve gotta knock them down before…”

But when Applejack’s eyes shifted to the left, she saw a number of Gold Bankers hold up a giant log in their arms.

“Pa,” Applejack said as she hit another wall climber with the fruit in her hooves, knocking them off. “They’re bringing out a battering ram.”

Bright Mac looked down at the outskirts of the castle as the Gold Bankers held the giant piece of wood in front of the door. With a powerful swing, they hit the door with the blunt end of the giant log, causing a small quake that knocked some of their own off the wall while causing the fillies on the rampart to lose their footing.

“Those creeps are up to no good,” Rainbow Dash said as she landed on the ramparts. “When I get ahold of them, I’ll make them go SPLAT!”

“Let them,” Bright Mac said. “They’re in for a big surprise when they bust down the door.”

“Are you crazy?” Rainbow Dash yelled. “They got a battering ram”

“And we got a bull,” Bright Mac said with a smirk on his face.

Big Mac walked up to Rainbow Dash and said “Eeyup.”

“Well if that’s the case,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked downward at the Gold Bankers, “Then bring it.”

Down below, the Gold Bankers continued to hit the door as hard as possible with the giant log, weakening the structure of the wooden gate.

“It’s almost down,” One of the Gold Bankers yelled. “Keep smashing it.”

The Golden Bankers swung back and forth, smashing the front door with the giant log, until a small chunk of the gate smashed open, leaving behind a small hole.

“We’ve almost got it,” Another Gold Banker yelled. “Let’s ram it open.”

The group of Gold Bankers marched back with that giant log until they were fifty feet back. The other Gold Bankers watched in anticipation as the group with the log ran towards the broken door at full speed.

“Here it comes,” One Gold Banker cheered as he ran with the log in his arms. “We’re going to give them a piece of our mind.”

But before they could collide with the door, Mr Bovine smashed through the front gate and ran towards the makeshift battering ram at full speed.

“A BULL!” Another Gold Banker yelled.

But before they could move, Mr Bovine hit the giant log with all his strength, splitting the log in half and leaving the group dumbfounded. He stood on his four hooves and stared down at the Gold Bankers.

“LEAVE! NOW!” Mr. Bovine said with a strong snort.

“RUN FOR IT!” One of the Gold Bankers yelled as Mr Bovine chased after them.

Back up on the Ramparts, the ponies all cheered as Mr Bovine chased after the Gold Bankers.

“That’ll show those meanies not to mess with us,” Trixie cheered.

“Mr Bovine,” Fluttershy called as she landed on the ramparts. “Be careful not to overdo it.”

But as everyone cheered, a few Gold Bankers got up on the ramparts and quickly eyed Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Dream Seeker, all of which were watched after by Shanoa and Spoiled Rich.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” One of the Gold Bankers said.

“They’re busy celebrating while they have their own youngsters almost totally unguarded,” Another Gold Banker said.

“Come on,” A third said before more Gold Bankers climbed up behind them. “Let’s grab them.”

But up above, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flew through the skies above La Maresa as fast as they could towards the Everfree Forest. Their hearts raced frantically as they made their way through the clouds, looking down at the forest.

“So what’s the plan, sister?” Princess Luna asked.

“Knowing the Gold Bankers, they may have reached the castle ruins by now,” Princess Celestia said. “But if we hurry, we can stop them from taking the younglings away.”

“Let’s just hope we’re not too late,” Princess Luna said.

Princess Celestia continued to scan the forest from above. Her eyes picked up the Castle Ruins where the La Maresa younglings were perched atop the ramparts while the Gold Bankers on the ground were being chased by Mr Bovine. But nearby, she saw some more of the crazed crowd sneaking up right behind them, ready to pounce.

“Found them,” Princess Celestia said. “But it looks like they’re going to need our help.”

Princess Luna extended her wings outward and said “Say the word and I’ll show them a thing or two about respecting other pony’s privacy.”

“Make it so,” Princess Celestia said, extending her own wings out.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flew downward to the castle ruins below.

Down below, as Mr Bovine chased after the frightened mob, everyone continued to celebrate on top of the ramparts, paying no attention to the Gold Bankers that were sneaking up on them.

“Get lost you monsters,” Trixie yelled. “We don’t want to see your ugly mugs again.”

“Yeah, you said,” Rainbow Dash said as she and Trixie gave each other a high hoof in the air.

Bright Mac and Buttercup looked down to see Mr. Bovine chased off the crazed, screaming mob from the vicinity of the castle, and back towards the Everfree Forest. They turned towards each other with a smile on their face.

“Well that takes care of that,” Bright Mac said.

“Thank goodness they’re gone,” Buttercup said. “We don’t need any more surprises like that.”

Suddenly, they heard the sound of Spoiled Rich and Shanoa screaming loudly. Everyone turned to see the remaining Gold Bankers hold up the two mares. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Dream Seeker burst out crying as the other Gold Banks pulled them from their cribs before holding their mouths shut.

“APPLE BLOOM!” Buttecup yelled as she struggled to reach out, only for Bright Mac to hold her back.

“NO! DON’T!” Bright Mac shouted. “We don’t want them to do anything rash to the young’uns.”

“That’s right,” The lead Gold Banker yelled. “Stay put, or the foals get it.”

“You despicable fiend,” Filthy Rich yelled. “Let go of my wife and daughter, this instant.”

“Oh we’ll release the wife if you do as we say,” The lead Gold Banker taunted. “But we’re keeping the brats with us.”

“I mean it,” Filthy Rich yelled.

“If you don’t give us the other kids you have,” The lead Gold Banker said, pointing to the fillies and colts standing next to Bright Mac, “You won’t see these mares again.”

“Wait, hold on,” Rainbow Dash said. “What do you plan on doing with us?”

“That’s easy,” The leader said. “You and your friends are going on a one-way trip to Daisy Joy Tech.”

“No way,” Trixie yelled. “You took my Glimglam and Wanwan to that horrible place. No way are you taking us there.”

“You have no say in the matter,” The leader said as he walked up to Trixie. “And neither do your friends nor your parents.”

“Say that to our face again,” Bright Mac said, glaring at the leader.

“Go ahead and try it,” The leader said with a smirk on his face before walking up to his captives. “We’ll make sure you never see them again.”

Bright Mac froze to a standstill as the leader of the Gold Bankers walked up to his hostages. Diamond Tiara broke out in tears as she struggled to break free from the Gold Banker’s grasp.

“Oh and by the way,” The Leader said. “My name is Pure Auric. Got it memorized?”

“Pure Auric,” Filthy Rich said, glaring at the leader of the group. “What are you, a distant cousin of my wife?”

“Oh no,” Pure Auric said. “I’m just a true believer in Gold Banks. One who thinks that your princesses are not suited to being rulers of Equestria.” He pointed at Bright Mac and Buttercup before he added “Now give up those brats to us this instant. And don’t even think about leaving, unless you want to never see two mares and five foals ever again.”

The whole group looked motionless. Bright Mac, Buttercup, and Filthy Rich all looked down at the younglings that stood next to them.

“Pa,” Applejack said. “I don’t want to leave you.”

“I know,” Bright Mac said. “But we don’t have any other choice.”

“That’s right,” Pure Auric said. “Give them up right away. There’s no one here to save you.”

Suddenly, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna landed right behind Pure Auric and the other Gold Bankers. Pure Auric turned around to see the two alicorns and began to freak out.

“You,” Pure Auric said. “What are you two doing here?”

“Release your captives THIS INSTANT!” Princess Luna shouted with a powerful reverb in her voice.

Immediately, the motionless Gold Bankers slowly let go of Shanoa and Spoiled Rich first before gently setting Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Dream Seeker on the ground. They immediately turned tail and ran towards the edge of the ramparts before jumping off.

“HEY WAIT A MINUTE!” Pure Auric yelled, watching as his companions ran off. “GET BACK HERE!”

But when Pure Auric turned towards Princess Celestia, he looked as if he were ready to panic as Princess Celestia glared down at the Gold Bank supporter.

“Now you listen here and listen well,” Princess Celestia said in a stern tone. “I don’t want you anywhere near La Maresa or the Everfree Forest, ever again. Do you UNDERSTAND ME?”

“Yes…yes” Pure Auric said. “But there is one last thing you should know.”

“I’m all ears,” Princess Celestia said.

“You see,” Pure Auric said. “While you were busy trying to stop us from taking the younglings from La Maresa, Gold Banks is rallying the rest of us into invading Canterlot.”

“I’m aware of what she may do,” Princess Celestia said. “That’s why I increased security at Canterlot to ensure everyone remains safe.”

“Oh but you don’t seem to be aware,” Pure Auric said in a cowardly tone. “She’s got a crowd big enough to trample the entire capital city. Take a look if you want.”

As Princess Luna pulled out her video phone, Pure Auric immediately turned tail and jumped off the ramparts. Bright Mac and Buttercup watched as Pure Auric landed on his four hooves and ran off from the castle ruins.

“Let them go, pa,” Big Mac said. “He’s learned his lesson for now.”

“One thing’s for certain is that the younglings are safe,” Bright Mac said as Buttercup ran up to a crying Apple Bloom and picked her up, rocking her in her arms.

“There there, now, little Apple Bloom,” Buttercup said. “Don’t you worry, your mommy is here.”

As Buttercup cradled Apple Bloom, Spoiled Rich picked up Diamond Tiara and held her gently, calming her baby daughter down. Shanoa held up Dream Seeker, who giggled at the sight of her mother, while Rarity and Rainbow Dash ran up to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo respectively. Rarity picked up Sweetie Belle, who giggled at the sight of her sister, while Rainbow Dash allowed Scootaloo to leap onto her back.

“I’m just glad you’re alright,” Rarity said. “No way are you going to be taken to some nasty boarding school, sister.”

“Feelings’ mutual,” Rainbow Dash said as Scootaloo squee in delight. “I lose this little champ, I lose my inspiration to want to become a Wonderbolt.”

“We all had a close call today,” Fluttershy said. “After what those Gold Bankers were going to do, I’m glad everyone’s alright.”

“Not exactly,” Princess Luna said, flipping her video phone to the other ponies. “We have a serious problem on our hooves, and it’s Gold Banks.”

On the video screen, Gold Banks stood on a stage only a mile away from the walls of Canterlot. In front of her was a large crowd of Gold Banks supporters, cheering her.

“That’s Gold Banks,” Trixie snarled. “What’s she doing there?”

“Watch and observe,” Princess Luna said.

On the video screen, as the crowd’s cheers quieted down, Gold Banks placed the microphone near her lips.

“What Princess Celestia and Princess Luna did on that day was a total injustice,” Gold Banks said. “First they blackmailed the entire Senate into halting my bill to ship Princess Wanda to Daisy Joy Tech. So I took matters into my own hooves and shipped that brat and her friends there myself. But when they had to the nerve to take them away and convince their pet Creme Dream to kick me out of Canterlot, they crossed a line that can never be forgiven.”

And with that, the crowd booed loudly as Gold Banks smiled in front of the camera.

“But make no mistake,” Gold Banks announced. “The time has come to pay them back for taking your nation away from you the moment they kicked me out as a scape goat. You are going to march into Canterlot, and take your land back. FOR THE GOLDEN REVOLUTION!”

With that, the crowd chanted “FOR THE GOLDEN REVOLUTION” on the video screen, leaving everyone completely horrified.

“I don’t like where this is going, your Majesty,” Bright Mac said.

“My son is up there,” Shanoa said. “You have to get him out before it’s too late.”

Princess Celestia took a few steps away from the group before extending her wings out.

“Sister,” Princess Celestia said. “Make sure all of La Maresa is secured from Gold Banks’ own followers. I’m going back to Canterlot to deal with this madness.”

As Princess Celestia took off, Princess Luna shouted “BE CAREFUL, SISTER!”

Ditzy Doo, Snips and Snails all walked up to Princess Luna, tapping her on the leg.

“Princess,” Ditzy said. “Will Wanda and the others be okay?”

“They have to,” Princess Luna said. “After what Gold Banks is doing, we’ll make sure they make it out.”

“But what do you suppose Gold Banks is up to?” Snips asked.

“Whatever it is,” Princess Luna said, “It’s far worse than we can imagine. Now come. We better get you all back to La Maresa and make sure the Gold Bankers are driven out.”

To Be Continued in…

March of the Gold Bankers

Author's Note:

Like I said. I split the La Maresa portion of the arc into two parts to give them some more time in the limelight, and to serve as a sneak peak of what the final arc of this saga will bring.

Speaking of which, we're halfway done. So tomorrow, we're heading back to Canterlot to witness their invasion.

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