• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 10-3: The Tale of Holly the Toy Maker Part 2

The Tale of Holly the Toy Maker Part 2

It was the early morning, deep within the wilderness of Harmonia. Holly, holding onto her tools and guiding her daughters, stood by Captain Silversword and the guards who had abandoned their post. Next to them, the Mayor led the citizens of Joy along the path of woods, rocks and water. Though the journey seemed treacherous, their spirits were still high.

“How are you faring so far?” Captain Silversword asked.

“I’m doing fine,” Holly said with both Sundrop and Moonrain walking next to her.

“If you want,” Captain Silversword said. “We could camp here for now and rest up before we continue to push our way through.”

Holly scanned her eyes around the entire land that lay around the entire group. Trees that were as high as the eye could see populated the forest. Thick grass stood in front of Holly, Silversword and everyone else. There was a waterfall nearby that released tons of fresh water. The rocks that surrounded the waterfall were large and slippery.

“You know what?” Holly said. “This does look like an ideal place to stay for now.”

“Then it’s settled,” Captain Silversword said. “We will set up camp here and prepare the land for a new village.”

The crowd of villagers cheered loudly as they set their supplies down and pulled out the tents. They began to set up their tents, tying the rope down to the stakes until they stood tall and proud. Some even set up miniature tables to set their supplies down. The Mayor opened his backpack up and pulled out as much food as possible.

“We will need more supplies to get us through these harsh months,” Captain Silversword said. “Search for wood, a source of food, and report any danger that you find.”

Two of the guards saluted Silversword and departed. But as they did, another guard approached the group with a frantic look on his face.

“Captain,” the guard said. “I have some bad news.”

“Report,” Captain Silversword commanded.

“The Duchess figured out that we have gone rogue and she’s hired bandits and mercenaries to take our place,” the guard reported. “Even more so, she has placed a price on our heads and ordered the village of Joy to be burned to the ground. I saw what they did to the place.”

“Our village was burned down?” The Mayor said. “Is there no end to the cruelty of the Duchess?”

Captain Silversword felt uneasy by the guard’s words, as if a sense of regret filled his veins. He turned to the guard.

“There is a part of me that wished we removed the Duchess from power until the Queens returned,” Captain Silversword said. “But at the same time, we made a promise not to resort to that desperate act. So for now, we must keep our eyes peeled in case they discover our camp.”

“So that’s it?” Holly said. “They’re going to hunt us down and drag us to the palace?”

“I’m afraid so,” Silversword said. “And if we make our leave, they will continue to hunt us down to the very end. We’ll need to take a stand.”

Silversword directed his gaze towards his fellow soldiers and said “Build a wall around this place with a gate. We need to prepare for when they hunt us down and invade us.”

The guards saluted Silversword and said “Yes, sir,” before galloping towards some of the rocks near the waterfall.

“What should I do?” Holly asked.

“We will provide to you material needed to keep the youngling’s morale high,” Silversword said.

“And I will do just that,” Holly said with a nod.

Soon, every soldier and citizen began to build the land up as much as possible. Many pulled their weight in stone to create the wall. Some continued to set up tents, while others went to gather food and other supplies from around the forest. A few of them brought down some wood to give to Holly, who wasted no time carving it out to build new toys. But while Holly began to get to work, Sundrop and Moonrain took notice of the giant stones being placed around the encampment.

“Mommy,” Sundrop said. “Why are the villagers and the guards placing stone around us?”

“It’s to protect us,” Holly said as she began to carve one of the pieces of wood. “From ferocious animals and the Duchess’ own troops.

“Do you think so?” Moonrain asked.

“I don’t think so,” Holly said. “I know so.”

But at what’s left of the Town of Joy, bandits and mercenaries cheered among the ruins of the once proud and bustling village, now reduced to a smoldering shell of its former self. Some carried torches, others carried stolen tools. Their cries into the daylight would send chills down the spines of ordinary citizens.

But not for the Duchess of Auric. She stepped out of her gold-plated carriage to observe the damage caused by her new soldiers, all while the Count stepped out from behind. She cracked a smile of satisfaction, reveling in the destruction of the Town of Joy.

“Joy is no more,” The Duchess said. “As it should be. Though I am disappointed in the lack of a single soul in what’s left of this town.”

“A lack of a single soul?” The Count said, horrified by the Duchess’ words.

“Come on, quit being a stick in the mud,” The Duchess laughed. “Imagine the look on their faces the moment they saw their own town set ablaze. Oh the despair and the pain that would come out of those peasants.”

The Count just shook his head in disbelief from the Duchess’ words. Despair? Pain? It sounds like The Duchess is a sadistic pony who enjoys seeing others suffer. And that made the Count a little queasy.

“My empress,” A Mercenary yelled out, running up to the Duchess.

“Report,” The Duchess replied.

“Our scouts have discovered a wall being built around an encampment,” The Mercenary said. “It’s got to be Holly, the villagers and those traitors.”

The Duchess immediately pondered over the words of the mercenary, plunging herself into deep thought.

“Seems those fools aren’t so foolish after all,” The Duchess said to herself. “They’re trying to protect themselves from my forces. And by the time we arrive, the wall will be complete.”

Suddenly, an idea popped into the Duchess' mind. She smiled with a sinister grin and turned towards the Mercenary.

“As your Empress,” The Duchess announced. “I also have a talent for alchemy. In fact, my skills as an alchemist are dedicated towards explosives.”

“Explosives?” The Mercenary asked.

“Yes,” The Duchess said before pointing to her royal wagon. “I brewed some explosives early this morning in case something like this would happen. Gather them up and take them to the wall. Then detonate the explosives to create a hole in the wall, and take them all prisoner. Understand?”

The Mercenary saluted the Duchess with a “Yes my Empress,” before he turned tail and ran towards the royal carriage. The Count covered his mouth in shock before turning towards the Duchess.

“Are you out of your mind?” The Count said. “You could end up taking lives from this madness.”

The Duchess just laughed and said “You are so amusing. But nonetheless, desperate times call for desperate measures.”

As the Duchess walked away from the Count, the second-in-command took off his glasses and rubbed them in disgust.

“What have I done?” The Count said. “I have gone too far to support this Mad Mare.”

Later that night, an entire makeshift wall was built around the encampment. A wooden gate stood tall to keep intruders out. Some of the rogue soldiers stood on top of the wall, observing the forest that surrounded them.

Within the walls, everyone celebrated in cheer and happiness. Villagers and guards danced together to the music. Some sat down and enjoyed the food and the drinks. It felt like a merry night for everyone.

But nearby, Holly had completed carving out a top from the wood. She pulled out a paintbrush and dipped it into a small container of paint before she decorated it.

“Wow,” Sundrop said. “It’s as if you haven’t lost your skills, mommy.”

“Oh I haven’t,” Holly said as she placed the top in front of her eyes and took a look at the quality of the toy. “Even after all that we went through, I can still make toys with the best of my skills.”

“Even though you only have a few tools at your side?” Moonrain asked.

“Even despite that,” Holly said. “It’s not the tools that matter, it’s also the skill and the passion that one can put.”

“Skills and passion?” Sundrop asked.

“Yes,” Holly said as she began to carve up another toy. “The skill and passion that we put into our projects is what allows it to stand out. It’s what gives it life.”

“That’s why your toys are so special,” Moonrain said. “It’s because you put in skill and passion into these projects.”

“And it’s what I’m the best at,” Holly said as she held her incomplete toy into the air. “And while I am thankful to know ponies who enjoy my projects, I’m not one who wants to hire others to help me.

“Why not?” Sundrop asked.

Holly held the incomplete toy to her chest and said “It’s because I don’t want to burden anyone with my projects. I fear that by doing so, I would be painted as a selfish pony, and I don’t want that.”

“But mommy,” Moonrain said. “What if they want to help you out with making your toys? What if they want to carry that same passion? Even if you did say you don’t want to burden anyone with your projects.”

Moonrain’s words caused Holly to pause for a moment. She looked down at her incompleted toy and began to ponder for a moment.

But outside of the wall, as the guards paced back and forth, a couple of bandits snuck through the shadows and placed a bomb nearby. One of the bandits lit the bomb with a spark of magic before sneaking away back into the forest. The sound of the bomb’s hissing caught the guard’s attention, who looked down and saw the explosive.


It didn’t take long for the guards to leap off the wall and land near the villagers. But the moment they all got clear, the bomb exploded, tearing a hole into the stone wall and exposing the encampment to the elements. The blast caught the attention of Holly, who immediately grabbed both Sundrop and Moonrain.

“Come,” Holly said as she escorted Sundrop and Moonrain. “We must get you out of harm’s way.”

Immediately, Holly walked up to a nearby bush and placed Sundrop and Moonrain within. She looked down at the two fillies, who stuck their heads out.

“Mommy,” Sundrop said. “I’m scared.”

“As long as you stay hidden,” Holly said. “You will be alright.”

Sundrop and Moonrain hid their heads deep within the bushes, completely out of sight from everyone else. Holly turned towards the hole in the wall, where an army of bandits and mercenaries made their way in.

“Everyone, stand your ground,” Silversword shouted. “Do not let them take an inch.”

The rogue guards stood their ground and held the bandits and the mercenaries back as much as they could. But despite being superior in strength, they were outclassed in numbers. More and more of these soldiers of fortune made their way in and overwhelmed the guards before pushing forward to the villagers. One of them grabbed Holly, causing her to scream.

“LET ME GO!” Holly yelled.

“You’re under arrest by the order of the empress,” The Mercenary stated.

Soon, the freelancers were able to restrain both villagers and guards and placed wooden cuffs around their arms. A few of them pulled Holly, Silversword and the Mayor to the front of the hole in the wall, where the Duchess of Auric entered.

“You,” Holly said in a cold tone. “You’re the one who’s been causing all this trouble.”

“Oh I beg to differ,” The Duchess laughed. “You see, it was your obsession with making toys that led to this fine mess. If you had abandoned your foolish quest to keep these simple-minded fools happy, you wouldn’t have to have my new guards apprehend you.”

“Don’t play games with us,” Silversword said. “You were going to take her children and throw her in the dungeon, regardless if she complied or not.”

“Oh you’re absolutely right,” The Duchess said. “I intended on doing so anyway, because Holly’s skills as a toy maker were creating such delinquency among the juveniles of what will be the Auric Empire.”

“You won’t get away with this,” The Mayor said. “When the Queens return, you will answer for your crimes.”

“Oh I beg to differ,” The Duchess replied. “The Queens are dead, and as a result, I named myself as their successor. And there is nothing you can do about it.”

The Duchess laughed loudly as Holly glared right into her soul. “How could someone that cold-hearted rule an entire nation, not to mention declare a number of its citizens as criminals?”

But the Duchess turned towards the mercenary and said “Take them back to the castle, and lock them deep within the dungeon.”

Soon, the bandits and mercenaries escorted Holly, The Mayor, Silversword, and every citizen and renegade guard out of the encampment. The remaining freelanders tore apart every tent, smashed every bit of supply, and even crushed the newly-made toys under their hooves. Soon, they departed, and there was not a soul left in the now-ruined encampment.

Except for two: Sundrop and Moonrain. They stood hidden within the bushes while they watched the Duchess and her new hench ponies escort everyone out of the encampment ruins. And now, they were alone.

“Mommy,” Moonrain cried.

Sundrop jumped out of the bushes and said “There’s no way we’re letting mommy stay in that dungeon for the rest of her life.”

“But big sis,” Moonrain said as she jumped out of the bushes. “If we get caught, they’ll lock us away as well.”

“That’s true,” Sundrop said. “But they’ll realize that we weren’t taken captive, and they’ll send for more of those big meanies to hunt us down. We have to rescue mommy, the villagers and the good soldiers of the Queens.”

Sundrop wasted no time running towards the gigantic hole where a good portion of the wall used to be. Moonrain yelled out “Wait for me,” pursuing after her big sister in the cold of the night.

But back at the castle in the throne room, The Duchess was extremely ecstatic. She cheered and partied with the Count and a few freelancers observing from the side.

“We finally got her,” The Duchess said. “And all those traitors who took her side. Let it be known that I am the law of the land.”

“But my Empress,” The Count said. “What are you going to do with them?”

The Duchess turned towards the Count and said “Why, let them suffer in there. Let them know what true despair truly is, now that they know that the Queens are dead.”

“The Queens dead?” The Count said. “Tell me this isn’t true.”

The Duchess pulled out a letter and said “Oh, but it is true. It showed up recently this morning as I was preparing to capture the treacherous members of the royal guard.”

The Duchess gave the letter to the Count, who immediately read every letter of the paper.

“To the ponies of Harmonia,” The Count read. “It is with a heavy heart that I report the recent tragic deaths of the Queens. Our ship had run afoul with a ravenous kraken that decided that we were the main course. Though I had survived the destruction of the vessel, I’m afraid the Kraken has claimed the lives of the Queens. And now, Harmonia is left leaderless and in crisis. Please tell the ponies of Harmonia that the Queens have died. Signed: The Captain.”

“And I am not kidding you,” The Duchess said. “In fact, I could use this as an excuse to either blackmail the Kirin Kingdom, or to declare war on them for assassinating the Queens with a Kraken.”

“Are you mad?” The Count said as he threw down the note. “War against the Kirins?”

“Now where is your adventurous spirit?” The Duchess said, laughing loudly at the Count’s objection. “After all, what’s more of a money-maker than a good old fashion war?”

But as the Duchess was dancing the night away, one of the mercenaries walked in, catching the attention of the greedy lady.

“My Empress,” The Mercenary said. “I counted up all of the prisoners, but it seems we are missing two.”

This caused the Duchess to pause for a moment before turning towards the Mercenary.

“Two, you say?” The Duchess said in a stern tone.

“Yes,” The Mercenary said. “And they happen to be the daughters of Holly.”

“Rats,” The Duchess said as she slammed the cushion of the throne. “I knew we were missing something. But nevermind. Send your troops out to locate them, and bring them here, alive. They will serve as an example of what happens when the law is disobeyed.”

“At your command, my Empress,” The Mercenary said before he turned tail and ran out the entrance.

Soon, the Duchess danced once more, chanting “It is inevitable you see, that the Auric Empire will worship me. And anyone who gets in my way, there will be a horrible price to pay.”

But nearby, the Count just watched on as the Duchess danced the night away.

“What have I done?” The Count said to himself.. “Something has to be done about this.”

With guilt in his heart, the Count immediately ran out of the throne room and down the hallway. But the Duchess quickly took notice of the Count’s departure, and her smile could not be any sinister.

“That’s right you fool,” The Duchess said. “Go and help those pitiful traitors. Like it will do you any good.”

On the outer walls of the Castle, Sundrop and Moonrain snuck through, keeping their eyes aware of the new guards who patrolled the perimeter. They mainly stuck with the bushes that surrounded the exterior.

“Wow,” Moonrain said. “So many of these bad ponies. Where does the Duchess hire them?”

“Right now,” Sundrop said as her eyes caught a nearby window. “We need to get inside, find where the dungeon is, and free mommy and everyone else.”

Once the Auric Guard had turned its back away, Sundrop and Moonrain advanced towards the window on the side of the castle. Sundrop helped Moonrain jump into the window of the castle before the latter pulled her up to her level. Once both of them were on the still of the window, they went through and landed on a floor within the palace.

Inside, the hallway was bare. Not a soul could be seen within the perimeter. Sundrop and Moonrain looked left and right to check for any sign of the new guards, plus a decision on where to go.

“What do you think?” Sundrop asked. “If you were a dungeon, where would you be?”

Moonrain pointed to the left and said “That way.”

“Sounds good,” Sundrop said.

Sundrop and Moonrain ran down the hallway and towards the doorway. But the moment they went through, they ran into another individual and fell to the ground.

“Oww,” Moonrain said. “What happened?”

Sundrop and Moonrain looked up to see the Count of Auric standing above them. The two fillies looked like they were about to scream.

“Shhh,” The Count said as he shushed the two fillies. “I don’t know why you’re here, but I'm not here to arrest you.”

The two fillies calmed down at the words of the Count. Sundrop looked up at the Count and asked “But why?”

“I’ve had it with the Duchess’ actions,” The Count said. “Not only did she choose to arrest the guards as well as the villagers of what’s left of the Town of Joy, she wants to declare war on the Kirin Kingdom for her own personal ambition.”

The word war was enough to leave both fillies in shock.

“War?” Moonrain said. “But we don’t want war. And yet the Duchess wants to declare war for her own gain?”

The Count walked down the hallway that both fillies came down. He turned his head towards the two and said “I know why you’re here. You wish to see Holly and the others.”

“Yes,” Sundrop said. “Can you lead us there?”

“Come with me,” The Count said. “I will do exactly that.”

And thus, Sundrop and Moonrain followed the Count of Auric down the hallway, unaware of the danger all three were in.

Later in the dungeon area, Holly stood alone in a prison cell, staring out at the moon. She looked down at her hoof, completely bare and devoid of any object. Nearby, there were prison cells filled with villagers and rogue guards, each and every one of them depressed and gloomy, as if all hope had been sucked away. The guards had their weapons and armor taken away, leaving them wearing nothing but cloth garments.

“Holly,” Silversword yelled from his cellblock. “Are you okay?”

“No,” Holly said. “Not only do I miss my ability to make toys, I also miss the fillies that I have cared for.”

“Poor Holly,” The Mayor said. “She was targeted out of sheer prejudice by the Duchess, all because of her passion for making toys. And now I can only imagine the sheer delight that the witch is going through with Holly locked up by herself.”

“If only there was a miracle that could help us out,” Silversword said.

“There aren’t any miracles,” Holly said. “The Duchess has made it clear that we are never to step hoof outside of this terrible place again. And judging by her tone, I’m afraid she’s right.”

“Well it’s not like one is going to pop up when we least expect it,” The Mayor said. “If that happens, then I’ll eat my hat.”

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a door opening. Holly, the Mayor and Silversword looked out of their cell to see the Count, Sundrop and Moonrain run down the stairs and towards their cells.

“Sundrop, Moonrain,” Holly cried. “What are you doing here?”

The Count pulled out a ring of keys and said “They’re here because they want to see you again. And I’m here to undo what the Duchess has done.”

The Count stuck one of the keys into the doorway holding Holly imprisoned and turned it. He pulled the door open, allowing Holly to run out.

“Daughters,” Holly cried with joy in her heart.

“Mommy,” Sundrop and Moonrain cried as Holly picked them up and gave them each a hug.

“I thought I would never see you two again,” Holly said as she held her daughters close.

“We thought we wouldn’t see you again,” Sundrop said, snuggling with her adopted mother.

Immediately, The Count unlocked the other dungeon cells, freeing the villagers and the rogue guards. As Silversword stepped out, breathing in the air once more, he saw the Mayor take off his hat and began to eat it.

“Mayor, please refrain from eating your hat,” Silversword said. “It’s not good for you.”

The Mayor spat out the hat and said “Uggh. Fine.”

Everyone in the dungeon was full of hope. They all cheered within the hallowed halls, celebrating their own freedom. The Count turned to them and waved his hoof in the air, catching their attention.

“Come,” The Count said. “We must make haste for the exit.”

“Not so fast!” But before anyone could move, the Count looked up and saw the Duchess blocking the entrance of the dungeon with some of her new guards standing by her.

“You,” The Count snarled. “You realize the trouble you have caused by seizing the throne of the Queens. That was why I had to betray you.”

“Oh I knew you were going to betray me from the start,” The Duchess said. “But I kept you close to me for my amusement. All just to torment you with my rise to power, and just to see you suffer. And I decided that now was the time to tell you that your usefulness has ended, traitor. But I didn’t expect you to do me one last favor by gift wrapping me two naughty little fillies.”

The Count quickly walked up to Holly and her younglings and stood in front.

“You stay away from them,” The Count said. “I know you hate colts and fillies with a passion, and you would want nothing more than to see them miserable throughout their entire lives.”

The Duchess laughed and said “Oh that is true, that is true. But I’m afraid that what you’re doing is quite futile.”

The Duchess stomped her hoof on the ground, causing a Mercenary to run down the stairs and shove the Count aside before grabbing Moonrain. Silversword and a few rogue guards tried to intervene, only for a few more bandits to block their path. The filly screamed loudly as the Mercenary ran up the stairs and stood next to the Duchess.

“Now you will do exactly as I say,” The Duchess said as the Mercenary held Moonrain. “You will parade around in shame in the morning if you ever want to see this filly again.”

Holly, the Count, Silversword, the Mayor, and the villagers and rogue guards paused for a moment. They looked up at Moonrain, concerned for her well-being. The little filly looked like she was on the verge of crying while the Duchess took delight in this moment.

“Now now,” The Duchess said. “Time's wasting. We don’t have all night.”

Moonrain turned her attention and said “They wouldn’t agree to your sick amusement.”

The Duchess turned towards Moonrain and said “But they have no choice. I have won, and there is nothing you nor anyone else can do about that. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Moonrain looked at the exposed arm of the Mercenary that held her and said “THIS!” She immediately bit into the arm of the Mercenary, causing him to scream loudly and drop Moonrain.

“YOU FOOL!” The Duchess yelled. “Grab her.”

But just as the Duchess finished scolding the Mercenary, Moonrain tackled the Duchess on the side area, causing her to lose her footing and fall down, landing near the stairs. Immediately, Silversword ran up and held down the Duchess while Moonrain ran down the steps and back into the arms of Holly.

“Moonrain,” Holly said. “You’re safe.”

“Don’t worry mommy,” Moonrain said. “I won’t leave you.”

Nearby, Silversword continued to pin the Duchess down as some of the bandits and mercenaries ran down to her side.

“Let me go you treasonous snake,” The Duchess yelled.

“Never,” Silversword roared.

Some of the rogue guards stood in front of Silversword and the Duchess before holding the mercenaries and bandits back.

“Run,” Silversword said. “Make your way out of the castle. We’ll take it from here.”

“But you’ll die here,” Holly said.

“I know,” Silversword said. “But it’s better this way than to let her win. Now go.”

Holly nodded towards Silversword once more before she, Sundrop and Moonrain turned towards the Count.

“This way,” The Count of Auric said. “I will get you to safety.”

With the bandits and mercenaries focused on the royal guards, The Count led Holly, Sundrop, Moonrain, the Mayor and the villagers out of the dungeon and down the hallway. But despite being free, they were not out of the danger just yet. But much to their unawarement, they may be getting some unexpected help when they need it.

To Be Continued in

The Tale of Holly the Toy Maker Part 3

Author's Note:

After much thought, I had decided to extend this story to a 3rd and final part. It wouldn't make sense to end it on Part 2, and I wanted to make sure the defeat of the Duchess feels satisfying.

So as it stands, the Count is leading Holly, Sundrop, Moonrain, the Mayor and the villagers down through the palace, while Silversword holds down the Duchess and the rogue guards are fighting off the Duchess' own soldiers. But how will this end? Stay tuned.

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