• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 515 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 29(The Golden Burden)-1: Exiled into the Golden Land

Arc 29: The Golden Burden

Exiled into the Golden Land

Sunset Shimmer wandered around what appeared to be the ruins of an island. She looked left and right, hoping to find a single soul.

“Hello?” Sunset yelled. “Is there anyone out there?”

But no voice responded to her. Sunset sprinted faster, frantically looking left and right.

“No sign of anyone,” Sunset said. “Am I all alone now?”

But Sunset Shimmer came to a stop and looked to her left. Her demon form stood over the ruins of a village as if it were mourning.

“Excuse me,” Sunset yelled. “What are you doing here?”

But when Demon Sunset noticed her filly form, it got up and ran away as if it were afraid.

“Wait,” Sunset yelled as she pursued Demon Sunset. “Come back.”

As Sunset Shimmer ran after her demon counterpart, the giant beast disappeared into the fog and disappeared completely. Sunset Shimmer came to a stop, confused by the demon’s retreat.

“What just happened?” Sunset said to herself.

“It’s because the demon within you has been wounded.” Sunset Shimmer turned around where Princess Luna walked up to her.

“Aunt Luna,” Sunset said. “What’s going on? Where’s mother?”

“Your mother is alright,” Princess Luna said, approaching her niece and placing her hoof on the filly’s face. “But at the cost of my freedom.”

“Your freedom?” Sunset asked.

“Yes,” Luna said. “I saved my sister from being taken by Gold Banks, and I even went as far as to throw the portal crystal into the portal to the Golden Land. As a result, I was taken from the castle by Gold Banks and locked up in Tartarus with Silver Banks, Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty.”

“So it’s all over,” Sunset said. “Gold Banks won.”

“It appears so,” Luna said. “But there is one last hope. For beneath the Golden Land lies a powerful golden magic of light.”

“Golden magic of light?” Sunset said. “What do you mean?”

“Hidden in the throne room of the Golden Land lies a stream of magic that might be able to restore your demon form, and grant you a true gift,” Luna said. “We sealed it long ago out of fear of what it could have done to us. But with Gold Banks now in control of Equestria, that magic stands as our last hope.”

“What can I do?” Sunset asked. “Who should I ask?”

“Locate your mother,” Luna said. “She will be able to remove the barrier that holds the golden magic of light down. But she has fallen on hard times because of my capture. Remind her that she still has you, and she still has your sisters.”

“But how can I do that?” Sunset asked. “How can I reach out if she is depressed?”

“It’s all within you, Sunset,” Luna said. “You are her daughter, and my niece. We are a family, and as a family, we are one together. Never forget that. Do you promise?”

As Luna began to fade away, Sunset ran up to her and shouted “I promise. I promise I will.”

“Though I will be away physically, I will always watch over you,” Luna said as she faded away. “I love you, my niece.”

“She’s coming to. Thank goodness.”

Sunset Shimmer woke up in one of the bedrooms of the Golden Palace. Above her were Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Starlight Glimmer.

“Wha…” Sunset groaned. “What happened? Where am I?”

“You’re safe, Sunset,” Wanda said. “It’s been a week since we arrived at the Golden Land.”

Immediately, Sunset sat up and looked around her, noticing the familiar Golden furniture that surrounded the room.

“Why did I get here?” Sunset said. “Am I dead?”

“No,” Starlight Glimmer said. “Gold Banks took your magic and your demon form away.”

Sunset Shimmer pointed her horn to the ceiling and closed her eyes, pressing as hard as possible. But nothing came out of the horn. Not even a spark. Sunset opened her eyes and looked up at her horn.

“You’re right,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I no longer have magic. And you said that I no longer have my demon form, anymore.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said.

“In fact, I think I might have seen her in my dreams,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Before I saw Luna.”

“You saw Aunt Luna?” Wanda yelled. “But she was taken away from us.”

“She was,” Sunset said. “But she was able to contact me through the dreamworld. She told me to find where mother is.”

Wanda stepped away for a bit with her face turned away.

“Alicorn mommy hasn’t left her room since arriving,” Wanda said. “Everyone’s worried for her. Big sis, Aunt Novo, Miss Cinch, Mr Starshine, and even King Sombra’s worried for her.”

“Then it’s worse than I thought,” Sunset Shimmer said as she jumped off her bed. “I’ve got to go contact her”

Sunset Shimmer ran out of the room in a hurry, causing Wanda, Abigail and Starlight to run after her.

But outside the room, Sunset Shimmer ran as fast as possible with Wanda, Abigail and Starlight following from behind. But it didn’t take long for Sunset and her friends to come to a stop. In front of them were Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

“Sunset,” Sonata cried. “You’re awake.”

Immediately, Sonata Dusk grabbed onto Sunset and gave her a big hug, much to Sunset’s surprise and confusion.

“I take it you were worried about me,” Sunset asked.

“We all were,” Adagio Dazzle said. “You were knocked out for such a long time, we didn’t know if you were alive at all.”

But as Sonata lets go of Sunset, the sun filly asked “The reason why I woke up is about Princess Celestia. She’s depressed, isn’t she?”

“Yeah,” Aria Blaze said. “Ever since we all arrived at the Golden Land, Princess Celestia held herself up in her private room, and hasn’t been out for an entire week.”

“I think I know why,” Princess Sunset Shimmer said. “She lost Princess Luna to that monster Gold Banks.”

“How do you know about that?” Adagio Dazzle asked.

“Easy,” Sunset explained. “I met with Princess Luna in the dream world, and she told me everything, including the Golden Magic of Light.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Adagio Dazzle said. “Let’s get her attention.”

Sunset Shimmer nodded as she, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Starlight Glimmer ran further down the hall.

At the far end, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar and Queen Eleanor Young stood outside Celestia’s room, completely worried.

“It’s been a week since we came here,” Shining Armor said. “When is Princess Celestia going to show her face?”

“I’m not so sure,” Princess Cadance said. “She didn’t take losing her sister very well and she hasn’t been out at all.”

“I’m also worried for Princess Sunset Shimmer,” Queen Novo said. “She was out since we arrived at the Golden Land.”

“I’ve sent Wanda and Starlight to look after her recently,” Princess Cadance said. “We’ll find out how she’s doing.”

Suddenly, Princess Cadance’s ears picked up the sound of someone calling her name. She turned to the face end of the hall where Sunset Shimmer ran up to her. Cadance’s heart lit up at the sign of her sister.

“Sunset,” Princess Cadance cheered as she picked Sunset Shimmer up and gave her a hug. “You’ve awakened.”

“And I did for a good reason,” Sunset said as the Dazzlings, Wanda, Starlight and Abigail approached. “I need to speak to our mother.”

“She hasn’t been out since we arrived,” Princess Cadance said. “And she has locked the door since.”

“Is she crazy?” Sunset said. “That’s no way for a leader to act.”

“Right now, Chancellor Cinch is in command,” Princess Cadance said. “But even she’s worried for Princess Celestia.”

“And don’t bother using any magic to get through,” Shining Armor said. “She’s set up a barrier to prevent anyone from teleporting inside.”

“What about from the balcony?” Sunset asked. “Why not teleport me to the part where I could reach the balcony?”

Princess Cadance pondered for a bit before she said “You know, I haven’t thought of it. But at the same time, anyone with magic that tried to approach will be unable to do so.”

“I don’t have any magic at all,” Sunset Shimmer said. “So I can do just that.”

Immediately, Princess Skystar raised her claw in the air and said “How about I just fly her to the balcony?”

“Skystar, are you sure about this?” Sunset asked.

“I am,” Princess Skystar said as she flapped her wings. “I’ve already recovered from my injuries from Mount Aris. So I can deal with that.”

Sunset Shimmer turned to Queen Novo, who responded with “Go with my daughter. She’ll be able to get you to the balcony leading to Princess Celestia’s room.”

“Understood,” Sunset said. “I’ll be back before you know.”

Sunset Shimmer and Princess Skystar ran towards a nearby open window. Skystar picked up Sunset Shimmer and jumped out, extending her wings outward and flying off. Wanda ran towards the window and watched as Princess Skystar flew above the golden palace with Sunset Shimmer in her arms.

“I hope they’re able to get to our alicorn mommy,” Wanda said.

“They will,” Eleanor said, walking up to her. “But right now, there is a little something that Queen Novo and I have prepared for you.”

“What’s that, mommy?” Wanda asked.

"It will require the necklace I gave you, smallfry," Queen Novo said as she walked up Wanda and Eleanor. "But your original mother proposed enchanting it into something more powerful. One that could give you an edge in battle.”

“But there is one rule that you must follow, my darling Wanda,” Eleanor said. “Never use this for personal gain. It is to be used to help protect others when you use its full potential. Are you ready to accept this responsibility?”

Wanda looked up at her biological mother and said “I am. Show me.”

Immediately, Wanda took off her necklace and gave it to Eleanor, who took the necklace and placed it on her left hand. Eleanor then nodded to Wanda and Queen Novo, who walked down the hallway.

“Climb on,” Queen Novo said. “We’ll follow Eleanor to her alchemy cauldron.”

Immediately, Wanda climbed onto Queen Novo’s back, who then got up on all fours and followed Eleanor Young down the hallway with Abigail running from behind, leaving everyone else behind.

“What do you think is happening with Wanda and Sunset?” Shining Armor asked.

“I think my sisters are beginning to accept responsibilities not just in their lives,” Princess Cadance explained, “But as princesses, regardless if it’s Equestria or Evevanya.”

“And at such a young age,” Shining Armor said. “I hope they don’t push themselves too far.”

“I hope Wanda can make it through as well,” Starlight said. “Wanda is as important to my friendship as Sunburst and Trixie are.”

“Don’t you worry,” Princess Cadance said. “I’m sure Wanda and Sunset will fulfill their royal duties.”

Meanwhile, at the balcony outside Princess Celestia’s room of the Golden Palace, Princess Skystar flew downwards from above, carrying Sunset Shimmer in her claws. As she flapped near the surface of the platform, Sunset jumped off before turning to Skystar.

“Stay nearby until I call for you,” Sunset said.

“Roger that,” Skystar saluted.

Immediately, Sunset Shimmer turned to the back entrance of Celestia’s bedroom, where there was a barrier right in front of her.

“I was told by big sis that anyone with magic will be warded off,” Sunset said to herself. “But what about a pony with no magic? Time to put that theory to the test.”

Immediately, Sunset Shimmer walked up to the barrier and touched it with her right hoof. And just like that, it passed through the barrier, much to Sunset’s surprise.

“Thank you Gold Banks for taking away my magic,” Sunset said to herself.

Sunset turned back towards the barrier before she leaped right in and passed through unharmed. Inside, Sunset looked up to see Princess Celestia lying on her bed with her face turned away.

“Mother?” Sunset said.

But Princess Celestia said nothing. Sunset Shimmer walked towards the bed and jumped up before she approached the alicorn.

“Mother,” Sunset said. “It’s me, Sunset. I’m back.”

But Celestia said nothing, much to Sunset Shimmer’s surprise.

“You’ve been like this since we came back to the Golden Land?” Sunset said. “It’s about Luna….isn’t it?”

Once again, Celestia said nothing. Sunset Shimmer touched the back of her mother, who barely moved at all.

“Mother, are you alright?” Sunset said as she walked around Celestia.

As Sunset looked at Celestia, the alicorn looked to be in a slight, depressing trance, paying no attention to the de-magiced unicorn filly.

“Mother, it’s me, Sunset,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Don’t you recognize me?”

But all Princess Celestia could do was turn her head away from Sunset Shimmer.

“Mother, this isn’t like you,” Sunset said. “I’ve known you to be energetic and cheerful, and sometimes a bit on the stern side. But never, truly like this.”

Celestia said nothing at all, keeping her head turned away from Sunset.

“What if I told you that I got in contact with Princess Luna?” Sunset said. “What if I told you there is a way?”

And yet, even with Sunset’s words, Celestia paid no attention to her. Sunset came to a stop, looked at how depressed her adopted mother was, and started to cry.

“You’ve lost all hope,” Sunset cried. “You’ve become a shell of your former self. I guess I did let you down with my former demon form. I’m sorry I bothered you at all.”

Sunset Shimmer jumped off Celestia’s bed and began to walk towards the balcony exit, keeping her eyes directly on the alicorn.

“Maybe there is no hope at all,” Sunset cried. “Maybe Aunt Luna was wrong.”

Suddenly, Sunset tripped over a crystal unexpectedly and fell to the ground. As Sunset began to get up, the crystal activated as a light beamed up towards the ceiling.

“Uggh,” Sunset said. “What did I trip over?”

Sunset turned towards the light that came out of the crystal. Instantly, a bearded stallion with a bluish gray coat, a light gray with arctic bluish gray streaks on his beard, mane and tail, and a blue cloak that resembles the stars formed from the light of the crystal.

“That’s…that’s Starswirl the Bearded,” Sunset said.

“To Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” the hologram of Starswirl the Bearded said. “If you can see this, then I am no longer of this world. We have lost to the Pony of Shadows, and I fear it may be coming for the both of you. But fret not. The solution lies within the Golden Magic of Light.”

The words of Starswirl the Bearded were enough to catch Princess Celestia’s attention, who immediately turned to the hologram.

“This golden magic stands as the last hope against the most powerful of evil,” Starswirl explained. “But you must be careful with it. While it is an asset that will bring hope to all of Equestria, it also has the power to poison anyone with evil in their heart. I sealed this magic away until the time came to call upon its sacred power. Use this only as a last resort should the Elements of Harmony fail.”

“Elements of Harmony,” Sunset said. “Wanda and Misty told me that they used it to help Princess Luna drive the Pony of Shadows out of Celestia’s body.”

“My only wish is that you and your sister can drive the Pony of Shadows from Equestria,” Starswirl said. “I thought that I could save him. But it appears that he is beyond saving. You are now Equestria’s last hope, and our last stand against evil. I love you both….my daughters.”

Sunset Shimmer’s eyes were surprised by the last words of Starswirl the Bearded as his image disappeared back into the crystal. Princess Celestia walked up to the crystal and held it before tears fell from her eyes.

“Mother,” Sunset said. “I’m sorry that I broke into your room and…”

“You did the right thing, Sunset,” Celestia interrupted. “You showed me that there is one last bit of hope left from the message of Starswirl the Bearded. I’ve been too much of a fool for dwelling on failure.”

Princess Celestia placed the crystal back on the shelf before turning towards the door. She held her horn into the air and the barrier withdrew completely.

“Now come,” Celestia said. “I’ve held myself for far too long. It’s time we get that Golden Magic of Light unsealed.”

But Sunset Shimmer walked up to Celestia and asked “One last thing. Is it true? Is Starswirl the Bearded yours and Luna’s father?”

“He is,” Celestia said. “He was also the King of Equestria, and the husband to Queen Eternia. But he preferred to be called Starswirl the Bearded. He was mighty. But he was also humble.”

“I’ve heard a lot about Starswirl,” Sunset said. “But I never imagined him like that.”

“There’s a lot more that I can teach you, Sunset,” Celestia said. “But now, it’s time we make our way to the throne room and unseal the Golden Power of Light.”

With that, Princess Celestia unlocked the door to her bedroom and opened it up. She ran out the doorway as Sunset Shimmer followed from behind, much to the surprise of Princess Cadance.

“Mother, where are you going?” Princess Cadance asked.

“To unseal the Golden Power,” Celestia said. “The time has come.”

As Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer ran off, Cadance, Shining Armor, the Dazzlings and Starlight stood there, surprised and yet happy by the alicorn’s presence.

“I think the Prime Princess has returned,” Shining Armor said.

Immediately, Princess Skystar emerged from the bedroom, screaming and cheering with delight.


“Skystar,” Starlight giggled. “You don’t need to go that far.”

Skystar looked down at Starlight and giggled “Oh I don’t think I went far enough.”

This caused everyone around Princess Skystar to break out in laughter.

But as Princess Cadance calmed herself down, she turned to Starlight and said “Go tell everyone that Princess Celestia has awakened. They’ll be excited by it.”

Having calmed down with her laughter thanks to Cadance’s words, Starlight yelled out “ALRIGHT!”

Immediately, Starlight ran down the hallway of the Golden Palace, leaving everyone else behind.

“I can’t believe we’ve recovered from our recent failure,” Shining Armor said.

“Somehow, I feel that’s an understatement,” Princess Cadance said.

Meanwhile, at the throne room of the Golden Palace, a giant cauldron was set up nearby with a rainbow-like brew swirling within. Queen Eleanor Young held two ingots in one hand and an orb fragment in another. Near her were Princess Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Queen Novo.

“So mommy,” Wanda said. “What are you going to do?”

“I am going to fuse your necklace with a special metal called Equinox,” Eleanor explained. “It is a fusion of two Evevanyian metals: Mithril and Obsidian. Now observe.”

Immediately, Eleanor dropped both the necklace and the equinox ingots into the cauldron before conjuring up a giant, metal spoon with her right hand. She dipped the spoon into the cauldron and stirred up the concoction briskly. Wanda, Abigail and Novo stood by as clouds of smoke emitted from the cauldron.

“What is she doing?” Wanda asked.

“It’s called Alchemy,” Queen Novo explained. “The ability to use magic to synthesize various materials into a new product. My mother, Queen Athena, created our transformation orbs through the magic of alchemy.”

“Would I be able to do something like that?” Wanda asked.

“I’m not so sure,” Queen Novo said. “Even though my mother was an alchemist, I do not possess her traits. So it may not be possible for you to become an alchemist.”

With the last puff of smoke from the cauldron, Eleanor lifted the spoon into the air as it disappeared without a trace. Emerging from the cauldron was an amulet made of equinox metal, with the pearl fragment embedded into it. Eleanor snatched the amulet from the air before turning around and holding it out to Wanda.

“This is for you, Wanda,” Eleanor said.

Wanda reached out and plucked the amulet from Eleanor’s hands before holding it up to her eyes.

“It looks pretty, but I don’t feel much magic coming out of it,” Wanda said.

“That’s because it’s still incomplete,” Eleanor explained. “And the only thing that can power your new amulet up is the Golden Magic of Light.”

Eleanor pointed to a huge rock structure right in front of the two thrones, causing Wanda to approach the slab of stone.

“This is where the Golden Light is?” Wanda asked.

“Yes,” Eleanor explained. “But the stone slab is sealed with powerful magic to prevent it from being opened. The only ones who can unlock it are Princess Celestia or Princess Luna.”

“But Aunt Woona is not with us, and Alicorn Mommy is still depressed,” Wanda said.

“Right now, your sister is doing what she can to help your other mother out,” Queen Novo said. “I only hope that she was able to break through to her and shock some sense into my old friend.”

“Well I say she did a far better job than anyone else.” Queen Novo turned towards the entrance, where Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer emerged.

“Well I’ll be,” Queen Novo said. “You’re finally back to your old self.”

“And not a moment too soon,” Princess Celestia explained.

“PRINCESS CELESTIA!” Abigail cheered.

Wanda immediately jumped towards Princess Celestia and said “Alicorn mommy.” Celestia wasted no time hugging Princess Wanda close.

“Thanks for watching over your sister, Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “And I’m sorry I put you through these tough times. I wasn’t myself.”

“What matters now is that you’re back,” Queen Novo said. “And we need your help more than ever.”

“If you’re talking about the Golden Light,” Celestia said. “I’m ready to finally get it loose.”

Immediately, Wanda took her arms off of Princess Celestia before walking up to Sunset Shimmer and putting on her amulet. Princess Celestia walked towards the stone slab and just smirked.

“They say to break the seal, it requires me or my sister,” Celestia said. “Since my sister is not available, I’ll be the one to do it.”

Princess Celestia pointed her horn at the stone and fired off a blast of magic, covering it in a powerful aura. With one tug of her head, the stone slab slid to the side, uncovering a hole with a golden light.

“That must be it,” Wanda said. “The Golden Magic of Light.”

Once the slab slid off completely, the light poured from the hole, amazing everyone in the worm with its warm glow.

To Be Continued in…

The Golden Magic of Light

Author's Note:

So what do you suppose happened in the week between leaving Equestria for the Golden Land and now? What were everyone doing when their mood was brought down? That's a story for another time.

I must give you a warning on the next part: You will flip your computer desk at the ending, and I do mean it.

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