• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Prologue - "The Rescue"

"It was you Tex. All along. You see I thought- I thought we made you. The Director, the fragments... but that's not the case." Church said. "You made us. When the Alpha was created, you just kinda came along for the ride. You gave the Director the idea that he could make something more. That he could split the Alpha up. Don't you get it? You were the memory. You were the key. You were so strong, you made a whole other person. God... he always wanted to find you. To get you right. To just see you one last time. And he wanted me to be able to do the same... to find you in here or..."

Church then looked away from Tex and towards the sky.

"To find you in here or just go down another iteration, figure out this little Tex problem. Figure out how to do it right. But now I know... I know how to fix all of this. How to end it once and for all. It was so simple all along. I just had to tell you three words. Three words I wasn't capable of telling you before..." Church trailed off.

"Oh okay, wait a minute..." Tex said, interrupting Church. "Are you going to say 'I love you'?"

"No Tex. No. I'm not going to say I love you." Church sighed, trying as hard as he could to force the words out. "I'm going to say I forget you."

As Church uttered that phrase, the world started to shake and he closed his eyes, already filled with regret.

"I forget you." Church said again, looking to where Tex used to be standing. "I'm letting you go."

As the world continued to shake, Church gripped his gun harder and looked up.

"Okay world. Do your fucking worst." Church snarled. "Because I sure as hell just did mine."

"It's opening!" Caboose yelled at the top of his lungs. "It's working!"

"What the fuck was that?" Church asked while he was in the Epsilon unit, waiting for his destruction which he believed to be imminent.

"I see him!" Caboose continued yelling. "I see him, he's in there! He's okay!"

"Is that Caboose?" Sarge asked, looking up at the tear in space to see his enemies face.

"Is Caboose... god?" Simmons asked. "I mean, I can kind of see it now that I think about it. It sure would explain the fuck out of the platypus."

"Well that's just great. Caboose is god." Sarge mumbled. "I guess that makes me the first person in the history of the universe that doesn't want to go to heaven. Good job blue team... you find a way to make everything suck."

"What? Let me see moron. It's just a bunch of circuits." Said Sarge, appearing in the tear next to Caboose.

"Yeah but they're GLOWING! He's alive!" Caboose exclaimed.

"Um, Sarge?" Simmons asked nervously. "What are you doing up there?"

"What? Is that me? And more importantly, why am I talking with a blue?" Sarge asked.

Sarge then proceeded to yell, not realizing that they are in fact in the Epsilon unit.

"Attention enormous version of myself." Sarge said. "I order you to attack!"

"No... NO! The memory unit isn't dying. This isn't the end of the world." Church said, realizing that he had made a big mistake. "IT'S A FUCKING RESCUE MISSION! No!"

"Well, get him out of there!" Sarge ordered.

"No! No! Stop! Stop it! Leave me here!" Church yelled, without realizing that they could not hear him. Church soon found himself coming out of the epsilon unit. "No! Dammit! Why? Why did you do it?"

"Church! You're alive!" Caboose said ecstatically, happy his best friend is back. "Yeah, I knew it. Yeah, I told them that she was right. Yeah, we COULD get you out."

"Alright then, we're squared blue." Sarge said. "We helped you get your shiny blue buddy out so that makes us-"

"What are you doing here?" Church yelled.

"We saved you!" Caboose said. "We found you in the place where they were keeping you and we traveled a really, really long way to come to this place, and we followed a bunch of people, and then we followed a bunch of more people and then we got you and took you and saved you, the end!

"Why would you do that?" Church asked. "Why?

"Well clearly it wasn't to hear 'thank you'." Sarge commented dryly.

"Hey we're taking fire out here!" Yelled Grif from the other side of the wall.

"Thank you?" Church said sarcastically. "You fucked everything up! I was at peace. I had it figured out. It was OVER! Put me back."

"Put you back?" Sarge said with a small laugh. "Buddy, we just fought through an entire military base to reach you. And now you want to go back?"

"YES!" Church yelled, hoping that they would send him back in.

"She said we need you! She was the one who knew how to get you out." Caboose said.

"She? Who are you- who are you talking about?" Church asked, hoping he would be right with his guess. "Tex? The REAL Tex?"

"Tex?" Caboose asked himself. "No, no not Tex. The new lady."

"New lady?" Church asked, wondering who Caboose could be talking about.

The door near them opened and in walked a woman who Church was familiar with.

"Hey there Alpha. Been looking for you for a long time." Said the woman, walking up to Church.

"Oh no..." Church said, confirming his suspicions.

"Now that I've found you, you're going to help me with what I should have done years ago." She said, ignoring Church. You're going to help me kill the director."


"I'm not doing ANYTHING with you... Carolina" Church said.

"I don't think you have much of a choice on the matter." Carolina said.

"Hey! What if I want a turn in the machine?" Caboose asked, picking the Epsilon unit and waving it in the air.

"No wait! Caboose don't-" Church said, all but too late realizing that Caboose had already used the device on himself, transporting him into a place that is unknown to all of them, "do that... damn it."

"Small thing here." Sarge grunted. "But, I thought this watchamacallit only worked on AIs."

Church stared at the device and pondered this.

Is Caboose an AI? No, no AI's stand for artificial intelligence. Not artificial incompetence... Church thought to himself.

He then decided to stop worrying about HOW Caboose got in there, and to start worrying about how to get him OUT.

"No time for chit chat, we're going NOW!" Commanded Carolina.

"I'm not leaving without my..." Church let out a deep sigh. He never thought he would hear himself say the word he was about to say in the same sentence with Caboose. "I'm not leaving without my friend."

"Make it quick." Carolina said, glaring at Church. She then sighed, knowing he wouldn't budge without Caboose. "We might need a piece of meat to throw in case we come into any trouble."

"Deal." Church said, moving to the unit.

Inside the unit, Caboose appeared hundreds of miles in the air, way above land.

"Yaaaaay!" Caboose yelled as he went down, looking at all the colors and rainbows. "Look at all the beautiful colors! Hey there is even some blu-" Caboose started to yell, but was cut short due to him slamming into the ground at hundreds of miles per hour.

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