• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

  • ...

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Church stood watching Pinkie and Caboose dance awkwardly for a while, then decided he would take a breather and take a step outside and Tucker followed.

"Pretty boring party, eh Church?" Tucker said. "If only we could get some actual drinks here, then it would be a party."

"Yeah." Church laughed. "How is it going with Rainbow Dash? She still crushing your balls?"

"Not recently." Tucker said, chuckling lightly. "But it's pretty good man. She is quick tempered, but at least she isn’t Tex. How is staying with Twilight?"

"It's alright I guess." Church sighed while looking at the moon.

Tucker stared at Church in silence for a bit. "You miss her, don't you?" Tucker asked abruptly.

"Of course I do you fucking idiot." Church muttered.

"Why don't you just forget her?" Tucker asked.

"I tried. Before Caboose forced me out I tried to let her go." Church said, then looked at the ground. "But no matter what, it's not enough in the end. I've tried loving her, I've tried to forget her but neither of those worked."

"Maybe you are supposed to do something else." Tucker suggested.

"No fucking shit. Do you have any other wonderful observations?"

"Hey man, no need to be a dick. I'm just trying to help."

"Tucker and help aren't exactly things you expect to hear being put together on a day to day basis." Church retorted.

"Whatever man. Quit being so fucking mopey."

"I don't exactly have a lot to be happy about these days." Church muttered.

"I know something that might make you happy." Tucker said.

"Oh yeah?" Church asked. "And what would that be?"

Tucker pointed to a window and Church looked inside to see everypony laughing. Caboose was holding hooves with Pinkie with a big smile on his face.

"As much of a pain in the ass Caboose is, I have to say he seems to be really happy here." Tucker said. "Probably the happiest I've ever seen him, and I'm kind of happy for him."

"You're happy for Caboose?" Church asked with a laugh.

"I know man, it surprised the fuck out of me too." Tucker said. "This place is just too damn happy to hate anything. And honestly, look at Caboose and tell me you don't feel happy for him."

Church then looked at his hooves and glanced at the drawing and he started to smile.

"You're right. I am kind of happy for him." Church said, then sighed. "Hey Tucker?"



Church and Tucker then went back into the library.

"So is there anything fun to do around here besides party?" Grif asked. "Not that partying is a bad thing to do."

"Well, you could borrow one of my books if you want." Twilight said.

"Ugh, no thanks, I'm not an egghead." Grif said. "Simmons might be interested though, he's pretty fucking boring."

"Fuck you Grif." Simmons said.

"Yeah, you wish." Grif said smugly, sipping on a glass of punch. "So just books? Anything other than that?"

"You could always give Cloudsdale a try." Rainbow Dash said. "I'm sure the aerial sports teams wouldn't mind using you for practice."

"Forget I said anything." Grif muttered.

"You don't need to do a lot of things to have fun." Fluttershy said quietly. "The most fun I have is when I sit around with my animal friends and watch them play with each other."

Grif looked at Fluttershy and smiled tightly. Sarge glanced at Grif and hit him in the shoulder lightly and winked. Grif shook his head and glared at Sarge, though a goofy smile was glued to his muzzle.

"So what's going to be happening at the party tomorrow?" Church asked. "Is it going to be the same thing as this?"

"Don't be silly." Pinkie said. "How would little foals have fun at an adult pony party like this?"

Church looked over at Twilight who shrugged lazily. Sarge then glanced over at Caboose who was standing idly, not listening to the conversation.

"Hey Caboose?" Sarge muttered.

"Yes Sarge?" Caboose asked.

"Are you going to see the little ones at the party tomorrow?" Sarge asked.

"Of course I am! I wouldn't ever miss a Pinkie party!" Caboose said.

"Uh-huh." Sarge grunted. "Pinkie, mind coming outside? I need to tell you something."

"Okay Sarge." Pinkie said, hopping out the door, Sarge close behind her, closing the door behind them.

"What did you want to tell me?" Pinkie asked.

"Has Caboose met the babies yet?" Sarge asked quietly.

"No." Pinkie said, confused. "When I asked him if he wanted to meet them he started acting strange. His eyes were really scary and there was something else..."

"His voice changed, right?" Sarge asked nervously.

"Yeah. How did you know?" Pinkie asked.

"You don't want to know." Sarge said. "All you need to know is that Caboose should not go to the party tomorrow."

"Why is that, silly?" Pinkie asked.

"It is hard to explain, but it's not just his appearance that changes." Sarge said.

"What do you mean?" Pinkie asked.

"Long story short he goes crazy." Sarge said. "And not regular Caboose crazy. Dangerous crazy."

"Caboose? Dangerous? You must be confusing him for somepony else." Pinkie said.

Sarge stared at Pinkie, who just sat there smiling innocently.

"Never mind, just forget I said anything." Sarge said. "Go back in and have some punch."

"Great idea." Pinkie said happily, walking back into the punch bowl.

Sarge looked through the doorway at Caboose who was walking around and laughing. Sarge worried for what Caboose would do to the babies so he sighed and slowly walked up to Caboose.

"Hey Caboose." Sarge said quietly. "I need to tell you something but it is a secret. Want to hear it?"

"Sure." Caboose said.

"Alright, but we need to whisper, we don't want the others to hear." Sarge whispered.

"Oh that kind of secret." Caboose whispered back. "What is the secret?"

"Pinkie just told me that the party is going to be somewhere else tomorrow, so I need you to come to the farm and we’ll go together, okay?" Sarge said even more quietly. "Just don't tell anybody."

"Okay Sarge!" Caboose whispered back, not thinking of questioning him.

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