• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Snacking Plans

"Ya'll right there, Grif?" Applejack asked as Sarge disappeared upstairs.

"I'm fucking peachy." Grif muttered, rubbing his jaw.

"So where we meetin' up with th' others?"

"We're, uh..." Grif trailed off. "Just remembered that Tucker and Dash were going to run it by Tex before we went to get you guys..."

"No harm done, right?" Applejack asked, causing Grif to give her a small glare. "Sorry, didn't mean it like that."

"Tex will probably agree, so I think we should meet at the library in an hour." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Sounds good t' me." Applejack nodded. She smelled the air and looked towards the kitchen. "I'll help Granny Smith 'til then."

"Okay." Fluttershy said pleasantly, turning towards the door.

"Hope Simmons doesn't put as much of a fight as Sarge did..." Grif grunted as he walked away with Fluttershy.

"I don't see why he would." Fluttershy said. She thought of a joke that she felt Grif would enjoy, but hesitated as she thought of it. She cleared her throat, causing Grif to turn to her, to which she smiled awkwardly at him. "As long as he hasn't had anypony inside him when we get there, you should be good."

Grif turned to Fluttershy and burst out with laughter, causing Fluttershy to laugh as well. The laughter continued for minutes until the pair reached the edge of town.

"You're pretty funny, you know that?" Grif sighed happily after the laughter died out.

"I am?" Fluttershy asked, ecstatic that Grif had given her a compliment.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that."

"I'm glad you liked it." Fluttershy blushed, still feeling slightly uncomfortable from her own joke.

"I'm sure Simmons did too." Grif said, and the pair chuckled together.

The duo eventually neared the carousel boutique, both smiling. Grif hesitated when Fluttershy reached for the door.

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked when she realized Grif had stopped a few feet shy from the door. She was afraid that Grif had suddenly found her joke to be in bad taste.

"Nothing." Grif said as she opened her mouth to apologize for the joke. "I was just thinking, do you think you can go to Rarity's place while I go over to the bakery? I need to go there to talk to Pinkie about my napping spot idea, that way I can wait there for Dash and Tucker and tell them we're going to meet at the library, while you can go tell the other two to meet us there as well. Then you can drop by Sugar Cube Corner and we can hang out there for a bit until we need to go."

"That sounds like a good idea." Fluttershy nodded contently.

"Alright, catch you in a bit." Grif said taking to the skies with a snort. "Heh, inside Simmons."

Fluttershy watched as Grif disappeared into town, before knocking lightly on the door to the boutique. She waited by the door for a few minutes, waiting for Rarity to answer.

"Sorry for the wait." Rarity said in a hushed tone as she opened the door.

"You don't have to apologize." Fluttershy said idly, beginning to walk inside. "I just have to ask you something."

"You'll have to excuse me, Simmons is resting right now. You may come in, but please be quiet. " Rarity said thoughtfully. "Though I suppose I shouldn't have to tell you that."

"I promise I'll be quiet, and it shouldn't take long."

"Follow me this way." Rarity beckoned , walking towards the recently cleared table. She used her magic to pull out two of the chairs and took a seat on one, while Fluttershy sat on the other. "So what brings you here? Just dropping by for a visit?"

"We decided to go out to dinner together as a group to welcome Tex. It isn't final since we don't know if Tex has accepted yet, but I'm positive she'll be happy to go."

"That sounds delightful!" Rarity said loudly. She quickly glanced over to Simmons, who was still asleep, and let out a relieved sigh. "Your timing could not have been any better. Simmons and I just decided to take a few days off of work."

"Really? But that big order-"

"-can wait." Rarity interrupted. "Simmons and I have been working practically non-stop. The only break we had was when... well... you know."

Fluttershy nodded and looked over at Simmons, who even when asleep looked exhausted.

"Poor dear." Rarity said, seeing how Fluttershy was looking at Simmons. "He simply doesn't know when to quit."

"That's not good."

"I agree, though one has to note he has an impeccable work ethic. He almost never stops, almost as if he was a machine." Rarity said, then smiled to herself. "Though I guess he is a machine in a way. I wonder how that transferred when he became a stallion?"

"Er, Rarity?"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything, Fluttershy." Rarity said warmly.

"Okay. I was just wondering... do you like Simmons?"

"Like him?" Rarity repeated, smiling lightly. "Of course I like him. He is a hard worker, and even when he's exhausted he's still willing to work. I admire that quite a bit. He is also a gentlecolt when it comes to manners and he treats every customer that comes in with respect. He handles everything professionally and is always diligent. I say, it's been a pleasure working with him thus far. I'd even go as far to say that I feel privileged to work with him."

"No, I meant..." Fluttershy said, wondering how much she should say.

"Meant what?" Rarity asked curiously when she saw Fluttershy's troubled look.

"Nothing." Fluttershy smiled, deciding not to say anything. "I'm glad that Simmons is doing well."

"More than well, he's doing excellent." Rarity smiled, before shaking her head. "Where are my manners? I've been so busy I haven't had the time to ask you and the other girls the same question. How is Grif?"

"Wonderful. He's kind, hardworking..." Fluttershy said, cheeks gradually reddening. "I think he's also sort of han-"

"Er, I may be mistaken, but we are talking about Grif, right?" Rarity interrupted, slightly bewildered. "The one that Simmons an the others refer to as the lazy one? The one that avoids any form of work?"

"He's not- well, I guess he could be a little less lazy." Fluttershy admitted. "But he works hard when he wants to."

"That's good to hear." Rarity smirked. "Though I shouldn't be surprised, he is in excellent hooves. And who can say no to one as innocent and friendly as yourself?"

"I guess you're right." Fluttershy said, returning Rarity's smile for a brief moment. She hopped off the chair and looked at the door. "Speaking of the dinner, I should go to Sugar Cube Corner."

"Certainly. I'll get ready and wake Simmons up in, say, forty to fifty minutes?"

"Forty minutes sounds right." Fluttershy said with a nod, trotting towards the door.

"Great. Thank you for the invitation, it could not have come at a better time." Rarity said, using her magic to open the door for Fluttershy. "Give Grif my regards."

"I will." Fluttershy promised as she walked out the door.

Fluttershy began humming as she made her way to Sugar Cube Corner, where she knocked on the door loudly.

"Hello Fluttershy!" Caboose said happily, appearing on Fluttershy's left, making her jump to the ground in fear.

"Oh, hello Caboose. You startled me." Fluttershy said, hyperventilating softly as she got off the ground.

"Yeah, he does that sometimes. I don't know how he does it." Pinkie said in a befuddled tone, appearing on Fluttershy's other side. "I'll have to ask him some time. What brings you to our little Corner?"

"Is Grif here?"

"Grif? Oh, yeah he's inside right now! Did you hear about his super plan? He's going to start napping above here every now and then, and I get to bake him treats! I'm so excited! Well, he's not going to nap here everyday, but he's going to come by at least once a week."

"And my name is Caboose!" Caboose said loudly.

"Grif also said we were waiting for Dashie and Tucker to drop by." Pinkie giggled to herself. "Though I don't think Dashie is a fan of dropping. Tucker might be, I'll have to ask him when he arrives. Anyways, come on in, we were just having some snacks while we waited."

"Okay." Fluttershy nodded, but when she blinked Caboose and Pinkie were no longer outside. Fluttershy smiled and walked into Sugar Cube Corner to wait for the others.

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