• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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The group was slowly following hoof tracks, presumably made by Grif. As they got deeper into the forest, more and more prints started to appear.

"Are those..." Rarity said quietly.

"I think so." Twilight confirmed. "Timberwolves."

"What the fuck is a timberwolf?" Tucker asked.

"Timberwolves are a subspecies of the canine family. They have the appearance of a wolf, but they are made out of wood. They are generally bigger than other wolves and their barkish hide makes them more impervious to damage."

"Suddenly I don't feel like being in here." Simmons said.

A low growl was heard coming from their left. Their eyes snapped to the darkness where there was a pair of yellow eyes watching them.

"Stay close to each other." Twilight gulped. "They won't attack us if our group is larger than theirs."

The animal then barked and jumped out of the bushes. It was not a timberwolf, but rather a friendlier canine.

"Haley." Fluttershy squeaked. "What happened?"

Haley barked and started to follow the hoof tracks and the group followed quickly. Haley slowed down and whined.

"What's wrong girl?" Fluttershy asked.

Haley looked at Fluttershy sadly, then back at the ground. There were tufts of orange-yellow fur, and specks of blood flecked across the ground. The girls gasped but the guys just stared at the scene indifferently.

"Quit your worrying." Sarge said, laughing weakly. "Grif is a resilient bastard. There's no way he could die by a couple of wild dogs."

The girls regained some of their confidence and nodded in unison. The group then followed the tracks until they suddenly disappeared. Sarge stared at the tracks for several seconds then looked up.

"Oh no." Rarity gasped.

Sarge said nothing but pointed up in the trees, where there was a gaping hole and tree branches splintered everywhere.

"Did he ever try to fly before?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"When he was with me he seemed content to be on the ground." Fluttershy noted.

"As much as it pains me to say, Grif is a fast learner when it suits him." Sarge grunted. "Come on, we're burning daylight."

"We don't know where he went though." Twilight said. "How are we supposed to-"

A cough was heard from beside them, and they quickly turned to see a zebra in a robe staring at the group. Before any of the guys could react, Twilight spoke. "Zecora! We need your help, our friend came in to the-"

"You need not tell me of information I already know. I am keeping him safe. Let us go."

Twilight nodded and the group followed her lead and went with Zecora. It only took them a minute to get to Zecora’s hut, where she opened the door and motioned them inside.

"Where is Grif?" Simmons asked.

"He is asleep on my bed, though he is hard of breath." Zecora said somberly. "It is hard to tell now, but this may end in either life... or death."

The mares gasped, but once again the stallions stared indifferently. They found themselves uneasy about how well the guys were taking the news while Zecora left the room to check on Grif.

"Does she always speak in rhymes?" Tucker asked quietly.

"Yes." Twilight replied.

"That won't get annoying." Tucker muttered sarcastically.

Zecora then came back out of the room with a smile on her face.

"How is he doc?" Caboose asked.

"Your friend is perfectly alright, though I advise you to stay out." Zecora said. "It will be only a matter of time until he can run and shout."

"Let me go see him." Sarge laughed, walking towards the door. "I'll show you that he is perfectly okay, he is just being lazy as usual."

"No, the young stallion needs his rest." Zecora said. "All we can do now is hope for the best."

"Listen Zecoran." Sarge started.

"Zecora." Twilight corrected.

"Listen Zecora." Sarge grunted. "You don't know Grif. That bastard has survived far more than any man could hope to endure. I've shot him, he's exploded, he has fallen off of a damn cliff and he is still kicking. I'm sure he's fine."

"Even so, we must let his fresh wounds mend." Zecora said. "The pain of a timberwolf bite will be hard for your yellow friend."

As she said that the door to the room swung open slowly.

"How many times do I have to say it." Grif said weakly. "I'm fucking orange."

Sarge laughed cruelly at the sight of Grif.

"Good to see you too Sarge." Grif muttered, coughing up a little blood.

The others stared at his body, looking at all of the scars and pieces missing out of him.

"How are you standing?" Twilight gasped.

"Sarge has put me through far worse than this." Grif said with a weak laugh. "It will take a lot more than a few wild dogs to keep me down."

"Told you so." Sarge said smugly. "Grif is pretty tough."

Sarge punched Grif in the gut and he fell to the ground.

"Fuck, my kidney." Grif grunted.

"Man up." Sarge said, smiling wickedly.

Grif laughed and gritted his teeth through the pain.

"Go fuck yourself Sarge." Grif said with a grating laugh.

"You two are horrible." Rarity said. "How can you two even call yourself friends?"

Grif and Sarge stared at Rarity. Then they glanced at each other and burst out laughing.

"Good one Rarity." Grif said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Well, will you look at that." Church said.

"What?" Grif asked.

"You got your mark." Church said, trying to hide a laugh.

"Really? Cool, what is it?" Grif asked.

Sarge burst out with laughter.

"That just made my life." Sarge said, rolling helplessly on the ground. "I should have guessed it would be something like that."

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this..." Grif muttered, turning his head to look at his cutie mark and groaned. "Really? That is my "special skill"? This fucking sucks."

"I say it fits you perfectly." Sarge said smugly.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"I guess you could say it shows how resilient he is." Simmons noted.

"Back where we're from, that symbol is something we put on crash test dummies." Sarge said with a large grin.

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