• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Coming Into Fruition

Sarge ran though Ponyville, looking intently for the stray fragment. He stopped by every pony he passed and asked them if they had seen a bald, yellow stallion. Almost everyone told him they saw one matching his description, and that he seemed keen on not talking to them. Each one also pointed him in the right direction, bringing him closer and close to his target.

"This isn't good." Sarge muttered, when the last pony he talked to said he was heading towards town square.

Sarge galloped over the bridge and saw Gary coming out of the town hall, smiling to himself. Sarge lowered his head and put all he could into his legs. He bucked off the ground, propelling him forward where he tackled Gary to the ground, pinning him.

"Do you mind?" Gary choked. "I need my throat to breath now. And you are causing a scene."

"What are you doing here?" Sarge asked quickly, easing up on his hold of Gary, but keeping enough energy to hold him down.

"I visited the Mayor." Gary smiled. "Delightful stupid shisno. Have you met her?"

"Not personally." Sarge muttered. "Did you do anything to her?"

"Yes." Gary admitted, but spoke up again before Sarge went further. "But not in the way you think.

"Why come out here to meet her then?"

"Don't you already know the answer to that?"

Sarge applied a tiny bit more pressure onto Gary's throat, glancing around to see if any ponies were watching them.

"Well, you raised an interesting point when you brought up politics. And since you witnessed first hand that I wasn't a farmer, I figured if I have to stay in this shisno ridden wold, I might as well do something beneficial to me." Gary sniffed, flicking away Sarge's hoof before pushing Sarge off of him. "You should feel honored that I considered your advice."

"What happened?" Sarge asked. "What did you tell her?"

"Clueless, clueless shisnos. It is always questions with you. How do you survive knowing so little?" Gary asked, smiling at Sarge's growing impatience. "If you must know, I asked to be her assistant. She hired me on the spot when I offered my assistance, realizing how effective I could be. I start tomorrow, so I would appreciate it if you didn't rough me up. I want to look my best on my first day. And as for what I told her, I simply stated my name was Neighoming from Minneighsota, so you do not have to worry. Would you believe that I made Minneighsota up on the spot, just to find out it is a real place?"

"Named yourself after that shithead freelancer, huh?" Sarge chuckled, making Gary stiffen. "Reminds me of that time Tucker stabbed him. Oh, and how we ran a bunch of them over. And gunned them down. Also when Tex executed the last one. Even when there were hundreds of them we managed to kick all their asses. So much for being a super trained freelancer."

"Do not talk about him in that way. He was the only human worthy of my respect." Gary hissed.

"Sure he was." Sarge muttered.

"Just bring me to the barn so I don't have to look at you..."

"Sound good to me." Sarge grunted, reluctantly walking with Gary towards Sweet Apple Acres. "Listen, I know you're planning something, and I know you won't tell me what it is, but I will find out."

"I assure you that I have no plans to do anything malicious. AI politics are different than shisno politics."

"I don't buy that for a second."

"Fortunately for you, I don't care." Gary sighed happily.

Sarge followed Gary, making sure Gary didn't stray from the path. Ten minutes later, they reached Sweet Apple Acres, and Sarge began leading Gary to the barn. Sarge stopped when he noticed Gary deviating off the path.

"I just remembered I need to speak with Granny Smith." Gary said before Sarge could ask where he was going, walking towards the farm house.

"Why?" Sarge asked slowly. "I thought you wanted to go to the barn and be out of my sight."

"I didn't want to be out of your sight, I wanted you to be out of mine. There is a difference." Gary corrected him. "But the Mayor suggested I talk to her about how Ponyville came to be."

"I thought you were getting into politics, not history..."

"You have to know history if you wish to make it." Gary quipped. "Which reminds me of a delightful little joke..."

"Go talk to Granny Smith." Sarge said quickly, not intending to hear any more of Gary's jokes.

"Don't you want to-"

"Go!" Sarge commanded.

"Touchy." Gary huffed.

Gary opened the door to the farm house and ran into something red, causing him to fall to the floor.

"I'm beginning to see a pattern here with the color red and I..." Gary muttered, rubbing his head, before looking up to see Big Mac.

"Gary." Big Mac murmured under his breath, holding out a hoof to help Gary up.

"Shisno." Gary replied in the same tone, not taking his hoof.

"Causin' trouble?"

"Eenope." Gary said, mimicking Big Mac's voice as he clambered off the floor.

"Good." Big Mac nodded. "Sarge outside?"

"Eeyup." Gary said, mimicking him again.

Big Mac shook his head and walked outside. Gary trotted into the kitchen, where he took a seat net to the doorway, staring silently at Granny Smith who was almost finished with her creation.

"Well, what do ya think?" Granny Smith asked.

"Smells... good." Gary said, forcing a compliment.

"Thank ya Gary. Apple family recipes always smell good and taste better. " Granny Smith chuckled. "So where did ya run off to? Sarge was worried."

"I visited the Mayor today, and-"

"Mayor Mare?" Granny Smith asked with a nod. 'How's she doin'?"

"Er, fine. I was just wondering, how does one become a Mayor around here?"

"Interested in bein' one?"

"No, this is purely for research. She hired me to be her assistant, so I felt I should come to one of the wisest shisnos to see how things really work around here. And since you know about humor, I instantly place you as one of the wisest shisnos around."

"Gary, are ya tryin' t' seduce me?" Granny Smith asked with a wink.

"What?" Gary said, almost throwing up in his mouth. "No! I wasn't, I mean sure, you have more of a sense of humor than most shisnos, but that's as far as-"

"Should see the look on your face." Granny Smith interrupted with a soft chuckle. "Priceless."

Gary shuddered off the disgust, then feigned a smile. Though he appreciates a joke, he does not typically like to be the butt of said jokes.

"Ah'm almost done cookin', so take a seat and ah'll tell ya what ah can before it's done."

Gary promptly sat at the table, nodding at Granny Smith to continue.

"Funny story about the Ponyville politics, ah was almost voted into bein' the Mayor when we established this fine settlement. Ah never was one for all that thinkin' stuff though, but ah decided to stay here an' work hard for my keep."

"Interesting." Gary said quietly. "Now what about being Mayor?"

"I was gettin' t' that." Granny Smith said, sipping out of her ladle. "Almost done. Anyways, even though we're mainly governed by th' Princesses, th' Mayor main job is t' keep the town in shape. Not a whole lot happens t' need any community votes, so-"

"As intrigued as I am by this information, may you just tell me how you become Mayor?" Gary asked impatiently, then realized that was not the best way to go about getting information. He had to play it like he wanted to know it all, just not all at once. "We can discuss what the Mayor does after dinner, I just want to know how one becomes Mayor for now."

"Ah, well there is no set date for votin'." Granny Smith shrugged. "We decided that votin' would happen if the town decides that the Mayor is no longer right for the role."

"What do you mean no longer right for the role?"

"Like if she uses th' towns income for personal use, or if she starts tryin' t' pass ludicrous laws."

"So if she does a series of bad things..." Gary said carefully. "What happens next?"

"Most of th' time we vote for a new Mayor, but the chances of Mayor Mare doin' anythin' bad are slimmer than a sheet of paper." Granny Smith said, before ringing a bell that was next to the stove. "Soups on!"

"Yes." Gary said with a wicked grin when Granny Smith turned to take the dish off the stove. "It is indeed on."

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