• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Unusual Allies

"Thanks for catching me." O'Malley grunted as he pulled himself off of the ground. He hit some dirt off of his head and glared at Simmons. "What are you staring at?"

"It's just that I kind of expected you to try and kill us as soon as you were free." Simmons muttered.

"That can wait. Where are the other fragments?"

"Caboose is watching Gamma, Allison is with the other girls-"

"Where is Sigma?" O'Malley snapped.

"He is going to find Theta to make sure he doesn't mess up his plan." Church sighed.

"Good, then that should give us time to find your friends and slam Sigma's skull into the ground. It will be glorious."

"Why does O'Malley want to help us?" Grif asked quietly. "I mean, compared to him I would trust my life with Sarge..."

"Sigma strung me up for bait, and I intend to do the same. Except he will be hung without his skin! And instead of being hung up as bait, I will hang him up for fun!" O'Malley snapped. "Now follow me, the entrance to the caves is this way."

The guys watched as O'Malley walked over to Gary and ripped the vines off of him.

"Hello O'Malley, you are just in time for story time! it is the fourth best time of the day!"

"I am in no mood for stories." O'Malley said flatly.

"O'Malley! Ya came t' rescue me didja?' Gary chuckled. "Now that there's two of us we can take out these shisnos."

"No you fool! For now they are our allies."

"Are ya serious?" Gary asked with a laugh. "Why would ya wanna team up with-"

"I swear if you say shisno one more time I will rip off your jaw."

"Come now Omega, there is no need for that attitude. Besides, it's not even my jaw." Gary said as he got off the ground. "But why th' sudden change of heart?"

"Sigma was so bold as to leave me to these idiots in attempt to lure them here. Let's just say I don't appreciate that very much, and as much as I hate these fools we both have a common enemy."

"Well ah don't want to help these guys..."

"It's either you help them or you get strung up along side him." O'Malley said threateningly as he picked Gary up by his throat.

"That's a convincin' argument." Gary said quickly.

"Good." O'Malley grunted, releasing Gary. "Now leave that body, we will need as many bodies as possible."

"But ah'm safe in here."

O'Malley lowered his gaze and bit his lip, showing he was in no mood to argue. Gary sighed and closed Applejack's eyes. Gary's body appeared next to applejack and she lunged up, gasping for breath.

"You okay AJ?" Sarge asked.

"Ah think so..." Applejack muttered, finding it hard to concentrate. "What happened? Who's th' other red guy?"

"My name is O'Malley."

"Are ya one of them AI fellas?'

"Yes, now get the hell off your backside so we can find your friends." O'Malley ordered before he started walking away.

"Not th' friendly sort ah take it..." Applejack grunted as Sarge helped her to her hooves. "Thank ya Sarge."

"Don't mention it." Sarge said quietly before walking after O'Malley. "Now come on, the other girls are in trouble."

"Ah know the girls, they can handle themselves."

"In most circumstances that would be true." Delta nodded. "Sigma has notified us that Tex became infected with the same virus that Grif had received."

"Don't mean t' be mean, but how exactly does that make the others in trouble?"

"It appears that Twilight was the one who willingly infected Tex as a precaution, and if they do not find the antidote soon Tex will most likely take the girls out with her."

"Then what are we waitin' for?" Applejack asked before readjusting her hat.

"I'm still saying this is a bad idea." Grif said in a singsong voice as Applejack ran after O'Malley and Sarge.

"Of course it is, you shisnos are incapable of having good ideas." Gary sighed.


"So how are you liking this place so far Tex?" Pinkie asked as she hopped beside Tex.

"Well so far it's pretty dirty and my ankle is hurting." Tex said sarcastically.

"Probably because Twilight fucked you up." Tucker chuckled.

"She didn't fuck me up." Tex said firmly.

"Oh? Then what did you call it?"

"She just used a cheap tactic to win."

"How is using the environment cheap?" Twilight asked.

"I'm just saying it wasn't a fair fight."

"It wasn't exactly a fair fight to begin with. I'm not much of a fighter, I simply used my brain to gain the advantage."

"Fair enough." Tex said reluctantly.

"I still can't believe how this place is still standing." Twilight said as she gazed around the tunnels. "There are no supports holding this tunnel up, and it is clearly hundreds of years old. And to keep it hidden from ponies everywhere? Whoever built this must be a structural genius."

"That's fascinating, now where is the exit?"

"I don't know Tex, I'm merely admiring the work of whoever made this place. Does that really bother you?"

"Of course it does, everything bothers Tex." Tucker said. Tex snarled and kicked Tucker in the jaw. "See what I mean? Permanent PMS. Hey, does anybody else see that?"

"See what?" Twilight asked, looking further down the tunnel.

"That light, further down the tunnel..." Tucker said, starting to walk faster towards it.

"I don't see anything..." Rainbow Dash said quietly.

"Stay here, I'll fly up ahead and see what it is." Tucker said as he started to fly through the narrow tunnels.

"Rainbow Dash, has Tucker ever acted strangely in tight spaces?" Twilight asked.

"Bow chicka bow wow." Tucker said as he got out of hearing distance.

"Shut up Tucker." Tex yelled.

"Not that I've noticed, why?" Rainbow Dash asked, curious as to what Twilight was implying.

"I think you guys might want to check this out!" Tucker yelled from further down the tunnel, causing Twilight to lose her train of thought.

"You found something?" Twilight asked loudly.

"Yeah, it's something alright!"

"Well what is it?"

"There's a lot of torches and stuff down here..."

The girls looked at each other before trotting down the tunnel, making sure not to trip over any runes. It took them a minute until they could see Tucker standing next to a torch on the wall.

"Wow, Delta wasn't kidding when he said you have good eyes." Twilight noted as she saw the torch.

"Must be because I adjusted to never having the sniper rifle." Tucker chuckled.

"Yeah, that's definitely the reason..." Tex muttered.

"Whatever, just look..."

Twilight looked further down the tunnel and saw dozens more torches lining the walls. There were no runes along this part of the tunnel, and there were some support beams along the top, keeping it from falling.

"What are you doing down here?" A voice said curiously from behind them.

Twilight spun around to see a pale white unicorn calmly staring at the group. He adorned a long beard which reached the ground. His face was covered in wrinkles, bruises and scars. His eyes were blood red, making him look like a monster.

"W-who are you and what are you doing down here?" Twilight asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." The stallion said, before looking at Tex’s ankle. "Ah, it seems you triggered one of my many traps."

"Those traps are yours?" Tex asked as she took a step towards him, getting ready for a fight.

"I mean you no harm and I assure you that you are in good hooves. I have an antidote that will clear that right up." The stallion said as he walked past Tex. His horn began to glow and a large patch of dirt sank into the ground to reveal a large room. He took a few steps back and bowe. "After you."

"How can you use magic?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Your questions can be answered after we help your friend, aye?" The stallion said as stroked his beard. "Now please, I insist..."

Tex and Twilight shared a small nod and the group quickly filed into the room. The old stallion coughed and followed them into the room, before using his magic to close the entrance back up.

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