• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Wedding - Cave

Twilight's eyes snapped open. She found herself surrounded by darkness. She lit her horn in an attempt to illuminate the area around her.

"Hello?" Twilight called out, but simply got her own query in reply as her voice bounced around the cavern. She got up and started to walk around. "Is anyone there?"

"Twilight? Where are you?" Church groaned.

"I'm over here." Twilight called back.

"As much as I appreciate you answering me I'm afraid it doesn't help my current situation seeing as it's pitch black..."

Twilight channeled more magic into her horn, finding Church on the far side of the room. The sudden light blinded Church, who shut his eyes against the abrupt intrusion. "Can you see now?"

"Yeah." Church said as he rubbed his eyes. "Just a little blind from the sudden flas-"

Church got caught off mid sentence due to him slamming his face in to the side of the cavern.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"I think so." Church muttered. "Where are we?"

Seemingly in response to his question, the crystal walls of the cave flashed green and an image of Cadance appeared in front of them.

"The fuck?" Church muttered.

"The caves beneath Canterlot." Boomed Cadance’s voice. “Once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside, and now your prison.”

"Help!" Twilight yelled. "Help!"

"It's no use, no one can hear you. And no one will ever think to look here for you either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans." Cadance broke off in a maniacal laugh.

"Plans? What plans?"

"The plans I have for your brother of course." Cadance said simply, as if it should have been obvious.

"Don't you dare do anything to my brother you- you monster."

"Only way to stop me is to catch me." Cadance said as she started to laugh maniacally. Her image quickly skipped from one rock to the other. "Over here," it taunted.

Twilight shot a projectile at the last place she saw Cadance, but it reflected off of the surface of the cave and bounced around until it hit the ground, missing Church by a hair.

"Good to see I'm not the only terrible shot..." Church muttered under his breath.

"Nope, over here." Cadance taunted.

Twilight kept shooting surges of magic out of her horn, modifying the spell to shatter the stones that stuck out of the walls instead of bounce around. Church stared at her silently as he saw that she was out for blood now. Twilight shot at a large stone embedded in the wall and it splintered in to dozens of pieces, revealing Cadance sitting behind it. Twilight's pupils dilated and she charged at Cadance.

"No, wait!" Cadance yelled but Twilight tackled her to the ground. "Please don't hurt me. Twilight it's me! Please you have to believe me, I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here is an imposter."

"Likely story." Twilight said, lowering her horn to Cadance.

"Twilight stop!" Church yelled.

"Not now Church." Twilight said.

"She's telling the truth." Church said, putting a hoof on her to push her off of Cadance.

"Don't tell me she's tricked you too." Twilight said quietly.

"Look at her, she is covered in bruises." Church pointed out.

"I'll need more proof than a few bruises."

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake." Cadance said as she lowered herself to the ground. "Clap your hooves-"

"And do a little shake." Twilight and Cadance said in unison.

Cadance smiled at Twilight as the unicorn threw herself over her old friend.

"You remember me!"

"Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I loved to sit for the most?"

A green flash came from the opposite side of the cave and Church looked at Twilight and Cadance.

"I don't mean to break up this little reunion or anything, but I think we should get out of here." Church coughed.

Cadance broke off from Twilight and nodded.

"He's right." Twilight agreed. "We have to stop her."

They started to run down a path towards where the white light came from, when out of nowhere Cadance began to sing.

"This day was going to be perfect.
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small.
But instead of having cake,
With all my friends to celebrate,
My wedding bells will not ring for me at all."

"Is this really necessary?" Church asked. The girls simply ignored him.

"We must escape,
before it's too late,
Find a way to save the day.
I'll be lying if I say,
I don't fear that I may lose him,
To one who wants to use him,
Not care for love and cherish him each day."

Cadance noticed a minecart on a long track that spiraled down into the darkness. She tried to start it, but it would not budge while she continued singing.

"For I oh-so love the groom,
All my thoughts he-"

"Stop with the damn singing." Church barked, having endured enough of the sappiness. "Save it for when we're out of here."

Cadance opened her mouth to argue.

"No, just no. Stop singing and get in the fucking cart." Church grunted.

Cadance shared a glance with Twilight who stared at Church silently. Cadance nodded and jumped in the cart. Church nodded to Twilight who jumped in with Cadance. Church kicked the rocks out of the way, bucked the cart and grabbed it as it started rolling down the track. As the spiral proceeded downwards, Church soon realized that the track had not been finished. Before they could do anything the cart broke through the sign and they started falling.

"What are we going to do?" Church asked.

Cadance jumped out of the cart with Twilight and spread her wings, leaving Church in the cart. Cadance and Twilight landed on a level area while Church kept falling.

"For the love of-" Church muttered.

Church jumped out of the cart and grabbed on to the side of the cavern and slowly started to climb up. He got to the top and glared at Cadance.

"Couldn't have warned me, huh?"

"We need to get out of here." Cadance said, ignoring Church while she put her ear up to the wall. "Oh no, they're starting."

Inside the wedding hall, the girls were standing on one side of the carpet, while the guys were standing on the other.

"Where's Church?" Simmons asked.

"I don't know, last I saw him is when he left with Twilight's brother." Tucker said.

"Maybe he is playing hide and seek." Caboose suggested.

"Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor." Celestia said happily.

"Oh, we're never going to save him." Cadance said, defeated as she heard the ceremony starting. She slumped up against the wall and sniffled.

"We will, we just have to find-" Twilight started. She stopped as a white light shone above her. "There!"

Twilight teleported the three of them up to the light. Church looked around for a brief moment and let out a deep groan.

"What is it Church?"

"Oh it's nothing." Church said sarcastically. "I was just thinking that you could have done that at the start and brought us to the wedding hall. You know, it would have just saved five minutes of our lives and we could have been on our way by now."

"You're not going anywhere." Said the three bridesmaids as they walked out from the shadows.

"If it isn't one thing, it's another, isn't it?"

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