• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Unusual Frienship

"Wake up Church, time for you to go." Tex said as she kicked Church off the bed.

"What time is it?"

"I don't know, I think around ten." Tex shrugged.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Church asked. "I told you to wake me up at seven."

"What am I? Your fucking alarm clock? I felt like letting you sleep in for once. You're sure as hell not going to let yourself do it." Tex muttered as she pulled the covers back over her.

Church grumbled as he opened the door to his room and made his way downstairs.

"Aw, if it isn't sleeping beauty!" The Necronomicon chuckled. "Aren't you late for your appointment?"

"How's your little relationship with that book going?" Church asked sarcastically.

"Amazingly. We're talking about having kids, you know."

"Are you serious?" Church asked flatly, but yawned loudly as the Necronomicon began to answer. "You know what, don't answer that. I think it would be better if I didn't know the details."

"Good choice." Twilight smiled, coming out of the kitchen with Spike, who was carrying a plate with a few sandwiches on it. "Are you hungry?"

"A little bit, but I can eat when I come back."

"You sure you won't be too busy with Gary?" Spike asked.

"Good point." Church muttered.

Spike smiled and held the plate up as Church grabbed one of the sandwiches, before sitting at the table with another yawn.

"You slept in and you're still tired?" Spike asked.

"Mhm." Church mumbled as he quickly ate the sandwich and began making his way to the door.

"Give me a moment and I'll be right with you." Twilight said.

"I'd prefer to do it alone, if it's all the same to you." Church said as he opened the door.

"Of course. but be careful." Twilight nodded.

"When am I not careful?"

"Good point." Twilight giggle lightly.

Church quickly made his way through town, mind already thinking about how many ways that this day could go wrong. Thinking of this helped pass the time as he made his way through Ponyville, only to take a small break at the edge of the Everfree.

"Sup, Church?" Grif asked, peeking down from the cloud he was resting on. "Grabbing Gary now?"

"Yeah, I am." Church nodded. "Y'know I'm surprised that you're using your wings so much."

"Why? Do you have any idea-"

"Yeah, it's comfy, you keep saying. I just mean isn't it more work?"

"Well it takes like over a hundred muscles to lift a leg, and I have four of those. That means I'm using over four hundred muscles to walk!"

"Are you sure of that number?" Church asked.

"I think Simmons said humans use something like two hundred to lift one leg, and since we have four legs and are half as tall, I figured it takes one hundred for each one."

"That... doesn't sound right." Church muttered.

"Well it's as close as I'm going to bother to guess."

"How many muscles do your wings use?"

"Hell if I know, I just assume that it's less."

"Ignorance is bliss, right?" Church asked as he got up from the ground.

"Exactly." Grif said, turning his back onto the cloud, knowing that Church was done with his break.

"Have fun with your sleep." Church sighed.

"I most definitely-" Grif began, but quickly fell asleep and began snoring loudly.

Church muttered something incomprehensibly and walked into the Everfree Forest. Once inside, he set a fast pace for the rubble of the castle ruins, not wanting to stop anywhere. He made quick time with no interruptions, but stopped at the bridge in front of the ruins when he saw two shadowy figures coming towards the bridge from the other side. Thinking quickly, he ducked behind a tree to not be seen, not taking any chances in case the two figures were not any of the fragments. After waiting breathlessly for a few seconds he began to hear the clatter of hooves hitting the wooden bridge. He looked around the area and saw no other adjacent trees, so once they crossed the bridge he would be in their sights and he had nowhere he could go. He looked up and saw a loose branch. He used his magic to shake it loose from the other branches, being sure to be quiet, getting ready to use it as a means of defense.

"I appreciate you helping us, and I apologize for any inconveniences I may have caused." One of the voices said.

Church relaxed, instantly placing the voice as Delta. Now it was a matter of who he was talking to. Knowing that Delta wouldn't be so quick to thank a violent person, he lowered the branch and waited for them to see him.

The second voice hushed Delta once they crossed the bridge.

"Do not be alarmed." Delta said, continuing past the second being. "Allison is fully settled in."

"Yeah." Church said, getting out from behind the tree. His eyes settled on the second figure.

"It is Zecora." Delta said when he saw Church's expression.

"What's she doing here?" Church asked with genuine curiosity.

"I explained our predicament to Zecora and she was more than willing to help us"

"You told her?" Church asked hastily. Knowing Delta, Church was sure that he told her everything.

"Yes, though she didn't appreciate my analysis on her speaking patterns." Delta said curiously.

"I'll bet." Church smirked. "Why is she helping you?"

"As soon as you left I recalled how here I seem to have a need for food and rest. Not knowing anything about the surrounding area, I sought her out, explained who I was, and who we are. She was more than kind enough to tell me what places to search for food, what is poisonous, which areas have the cleanest water, and what places were protected by territorial creatures."

Church shifted worriedly and looked to Zecora with a downtrodden look of helplessness.

"You do not have to worry about word of mouth, my friend. For you, I will keep this a secret until the end." Zecora said, smiling tightly.

"Delta annoyed you a lot about your way of speech, didn't he?" Church sighed, to which Zecora replied to with a half annoyed nod. "Sorry about that. I assumed that people must bring that up a lot, and that's why you decided to live out here."

"Do not worry, I know my way of speech causes much confusion, but that is not the reason that I prefer seclusion." Zecora shook her head. "But that is a question that I will answer on another day. But now I think you should do what you need and I will go my way."

"Alright. Thanks Zecora, it's nice to know that I can trust you." Church said appreciatively. Turning to Delta, he nodded to show he was ready to go.

"Ah, you wish to leave now." Delta said as he met Church's nod with one of his own. Delta turned to Zecora and bowed her head. "I will hope that while I go with Church you wait here for me."

"Why would she do that?" Church asked.

"She requested that I help her with her potion making." Delta said, raising his head. "Ones that she would not regularly be able to do on her own. That was where I was going before you arrived."

"Take all the time you need, I will wait by this tree." Zecora said, simply sitting next to the tree that Church had hid behind.

"And I thank you for it." Delta said, beginning to cross the bride.

"Not really a direct rhyme that time." Church noted as he turned to walk away with Delta.

Church and Delta made their way across the bridge and climbed atop the rubble, most of which was cleared off to the side, where the walls used to be, when Church paused for a break.

"Is something the matter?" Delta asked.

"So you and Zecora, huh?"

"If you are implying that we are entering a certain stage of romance, I am afraid your implications are incorrect. She simply wishes for help for the potions since they require assistance, and since she does not believe that the residents of Ponyville would be likely to help her, she asked that I assist her. And I simply wish to know more about this world, be it magic or potion making."

"Of course, why would I think otherwise?"

"Possibly because you believe that since I require the moderate needs of sentient beings, that I require the most basic ones as well." Delta said, pausing by the rubble. "But it now occurs to me that your question was either rhetorical or sarcastic."

"Let's just get on with it." Church sighed.

"Certainly." Delta nodded, quickly teleporting Church and himself down into the catacombs.

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