• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Fighting Together

"What the hell did you do that for?" Grif asked as he flew up to Fluttershy and the others.

"Took advantage of the fact that the Elements of Harmony have temporarily moved places." Discord said happily. He lifted his hand into the air, which brought the elements off the ground, then placed them next to the Princesses. "That should be my limit on turning ponies to stone. After all, they're the only ones that deserved it don't you think?"

"Nobody deserves that." Simmons said quietly.

"How many times will I have to go over this?" Discord questioned flatly. "They turned me into stone first. All I did was have a little fun. That's what Equestria is famed for! Being the friendliest place in existence. But no, not when someone like me comes along, then it's time to get serious."

"What makes you think we're going to let you get away with this?" Sarge asked, taking a step towards him, leg muscles bulging slightly.

"Oh, because you love me!" Discord laughed, but quickly held up his hand to stop Sarge as he began approaching him. "Please, are you planning on using the Elements to turn me into stone? Don't you know that if you do, you will be unable to free your friends from their imprisonment?"

"We could argue in front of them and get mad at each other like I did with you." Church said.

"They weren't trapped by the Elements of Harmony." Discord sighed. "Besides, even if they were, arguing would also make the Elements of Chaos stronger. Anything positive you do will be blocked out by the negative, anything negative you do will be blocked out by the positive.'

"B-but... Pinkie..." Caboose said, looking at Discord with quivering lips.

"Oh, come now, Caboose, please don't do this." Discord pleaded. "I'm actually rather fond of you. I wouldn't like to lose you as a friend."

"Then turn her back to not stone!"

"Yeah, as much as I'd like to make a joke about Dash being hard for me I don't want her to be placed in a damn garden!"

"Oh, it won't be forever." Discord argued. "Once I find a place to keep the Elements of Harmony out of harm's way forever, and once the girls have been in stone for an equal amount of time, then I will let them free. Luckily for you, the ones you care about will be out in less than two years if you show good behavior. I will also probably lessen Luna's sentence by one thousand years to make up for the whole moon thing. Being away for a millennium is hard enough, but two would simply be too devastating."

"You lied to us! You said if we found out what the Elements of Harmony were we would have beaten you at your own game!" Grif yelped.

"It wasn't so much of a lie, as much as it was a half-truth." Discord smirked. "You see, I put you into the maze. By saying their Elements, you got out of the maze, and by coming out of the maze you technically beat me. But that was only a battle, not the war. You see, the odds of you winning are impossibly low. You'd be fools to even try anything other than just accept fate."

"Heh, you don't know who the hell you're messing with, do you?" Sarge asked with a laugh as he walked in front of Discord.

"Yeah, being fools is what we do best." Grif smirked, stepping next to him.

"And that's never stopped us from doing stupid shit before." Simmons added.

"And being around assholes isn't new to me, but-" Tex started.

"Bow-chicka-bow-wow." Tucker interrupted, taking his side next to them.

"But at least I know I can trust them with my life." Tex finished reluctantly, trying as hard as she could to not pay Tucker any heed.

"If you think we're going to stop just because you told us it's impossible, the harder we'll try to fuck you over." Church added.

"I love buttons!" Caboose yelled happily, jumping with them.

"Hey, Blue, mind doing me a favor?" Sarge asked, glancing at Caboose.

"What is it?" Caboose inquired pleasantly.

"Think about kittens covered in spikes. And babies. Lots of them. Because if you don't, you might never see Pinkie again."

Caboose's eyes twitched and his pupils filled his eyes, making them nearly entirely black. The muscles in his legs trembled as he looked at Discord, nothing but fury in his eye.

"Please, I'm not going to fight you." Discord scoffed. "I already told you I'm not the violent type."

"That's too bad. Because we are." Sarge chuckled, sprinting towards him with the others. "Charge!"

Discord's eyes widened as they approached him, but he scowled and clicked his claws, summoning several dozen other Discords into existence, surrounding the Reds and Blues.

"I must warn you, if I must fight you I will play dirty." The Discords said together.

"Good." Tucker said as he flew towards one of the Discords, front hooves crackling with electricity. "So will we."

One of the Discords then got sliced in the stomach and let out a yelp, before puffing out of existence. The other Discords began laughing and surged towards the soldiers, tossing small, but soft, projectiles at them, no intent of causing any serious harm. The guys, however, did not have the same mindset.

"Let my people go!" Caboose commanded as he smashed his hoof into a Discord's chin, sending him flying through the ceiling.

While Simmons backed away from an onslaught of Discords, one of them went behind him and picked him off the ground.

"Help!" Simmons yelped, unable to break free.

"Hey, let him go!" Grif yelled, darting straight towards the Discord, intent on tackling the Discord off of Simmons.

As Grif flew, he quickly found his wings were a lot heavier and harder to flap as he neared Discord. Thinking it was Discord's magic, he looked at his wings to make sure Discord hadn't done anything to them, then found that they were now more made out of a hard metal. Smiling, he flapped harder and faster, then slashed the Discord in the back, making it go away, allowing Simmons to fall to the ground.

"Hey! I figured out my thing!" Grif called out, flying around the others with his metallic looking wings. "Makes me a bit heavier though. I'll have to work harder to move."

"Lord knows you need the exercise." Sarge grunted as he kicked one of the Discord's in the stomach, the impact of which made him vanish instantly.

"Guys, do you mind shutting up and focusing on the actual fight?" Tex growled as she jumped in the air as four Discords charged at her, hitting each of them in the face with her hooves. Turning her head to the left, she saw nearly a dozen Discords zigzagging towards her. Then she found herself involuntarily moving towards them, then looked up to see Tucker carrying her. "What the hell?"

"Church felt you needed a little pick-me-up." Tucker shrugged, then looked at the others.

"Guys, get together in the middle!" Church yelled, getting closer to the others, shooting bolts of magic at the Discord, missing every shot. "We need to end this."

"On it!" Simmons said, launching several rockets around him, hitting the ones closest to all of them.

As they ran all ran towards the middle, Tucker dropped Tex off with them then flew to the ground as the remaining three dozen Discords flew at them.

"Three. Simmons, Tucker, Grif, you get the ones on my left." Church growled as they all went back to back.

"Right." They nodded.

"Two. The rest of us will tackle the ones on my right." Church said quickly as the Discords neared them.

"Sounds good to me." Sarge smiled, happy to be fighting again.

"One." Church snapped. "Now!"

To Church's left, he could see Simmons let out a small barrage of rockets while Tucker and Grif darted to the air behind them to finish off the stragglers. On Church's right he could see Caboose, Sarge and Tex going in to tackle the others while he fired off what he could to disorient them, then saw a Discord sitting on the throne, smiling at the show. Church's horn glowed brighter now as he aimed at Celestia, whose statue was now standing on the right side of the throne while Luna was on the left.

"Got you, asshole." Church muttered, shooting a ball straight at the Celestia. The ball, to his expectations, missed his target, but hit his real target in the face.

"Enough!" Discord growled, clambering off the ground. With the snap of his fingers, the remaining clones went away. The others flew back several feet as Tex lifted into the air. "You've had your fun. I told you, I'm not going to fight you. If you do, I will have to do something drastic."

"Don't hurt her." Church snarled, jumping towards him again, only to be propelled backwards.

"Oh, I'm going to do much worse than that if you don't accept the fact that you will join me." Discord said tightly, bringing Tex closer to him.

Church's horn instantly began to glow and the room filled with an intense light, making Discord and the others grunt in discomfort as they shielded their eyes. Discord quickly opened his eyes to find what was amiss, only to see the other fragments surrounding Church.

"What happened?" O'Malley growled as he looked around with the other AIs.

"Fine. You want me to be myself?" Church snarled at Discord, horn blindingly bright. "You got it."

The fragments surrounding Church floated off the ground and looked around in confusion, still unsure of what was happening, except for Sigma and Delta, who shared an extremely uneasy glance with each other.

"It's time to make me whole again." Church said quietly.

"I don't think I'm enjoying this." Gary said defiantly before shooting towards Church, vanishing when they came into contact with each other.

One by one, the fragments surged into Church, and with each one he let out a grunt. Tex, however, did not shoot into Church, but instead watched as his eyes shot open. Church's head snapped upwards as he began to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth. Rather, the ground beneath him began to rumble as he began stomping on it, shattering the marble floor underneath him. A white orb surrounded the yelling unicorn and it lifted him off the ground.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Tucker muttered.

After a few short, rough breaths, Church lifted his head up to yell again, this time the scream was so powerful that it shattered all the windows in the room, sending shards of stained glass flying everywhere. While the others did what they could to block the shards, Church's forehead began to bleed as his horn twisted into a finer spiral, becoming longer and thinner. His fur began going brighter as he writhed about in the ball. A third scream, and this time it shattered the stone around the Princesses and the used-to-be bearers of the elements. Shaking off the bits of stone, the girls all turned their attention to the floating ball in the middle of the room, noticing the shaking unicorn inside.

"Church?" Twilight asked quietly, taking a step towards him.

The others watched in stunned silence as his back arched up, two small bumps starting to appear on his back, a few tears of pain coming out of his eyes. A connection of bones then shot out of the bumps and he threw his head up to scream again, and his voice was now completely wavering. His horn began to glow white and a green glow surrounded the bones on his back. Muscles then began to appear on them, followed by a thin layer of skin as feathers began popping out. The orb around him blinked out of existence and he slammed into the ground, body convulsing due to the pain.

"Church!" Tex yelled, running towards him, only to be thrown back by an invisible force. "Dammit."

"What happened to him?" Twilight asked quietly as Church got onto his shaky knees, trying to get off the floor.

"It seems like Epsilon has a trick up his sleeve." Discord noted nervously, floating closer to Church.

"Epsilon... is gone. My name... is Leonard... Church." Church growled between heavy breaths as he raised his head to look at Discord with his glowing and blazing red eyes. "And you will fear my laser face!"

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