• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"You'd think these swank ponies would be running away from a food fight." Sarge murmured as he watched the dozens of ponies act like children.

"Lighten up, wouldja?" A voice said from beside him.

Sarge turned to see who was speaking to him, but ended up turning his head right into a pie.

"Who did that?" Sarge snapped as he wiped the muck from his face.

"Sorry Sarge." Applejack said as she sprinted away with a coy grin. "Mah hoof musta slipped."

Sarge glared at her for a few seconds, when something appeared in the corner of his eye. He grabbed Tucker by his neck and began dragging him towards the object that caught his eye.

"What gives?" Tucker snapped, tearing himself out of Sarge's grip.

"I was just thinking about showing these namby pamby horses how real soldiers deal with fights." Sarge smirked, motioning towards a large table that had hundreds of treats laying on it. He tensed his hind legs and kicked a chair, causing it to smash into the wall. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"This should be good." Tucker nodded as sparks began shooting off of his forelegs.

"Where are they going?" Rainbow Dash asked, flying well above the flying pastries, dodging the occasional stray that came her way.

"Hell if I know." Tex grunted. "But I'm about to find out."

"No, you have to stay here!" Rarity yelped, grabbing onto Tex's hind legs.


"If you stay out in the open you run the risk of dirtying my skirt!"

"Fine." Tex muttered reluctantly.

Rarity quickly crawled under the table to avoid getting dirty. Tex glared at Tucker and Sarge who were conversing with each other near the large table.

"Hey Tex, think fast!" Grif chuckled, throwing several small brownies that he ordered at her.

Tex's eyes snapped open. She kicked her chair into the air, grabbed it with her teeth and swung it at the oncoming treats, splattering most of them while sending a few of them towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy threw her forelegs over her head in fear, waiting to get hit by the half dozen confectionery. She heard the sound of them hitting her, but did not feel anything. She peeked out from under her hair to see Grif standing in front of her, face completely glazed.

"These taste great! I'm glad I ordered them." Grif said, using his tongue to wipe the icing off of the area around his mouth. He then smiled at Fluttershy and motioned towards the table. "Might want to get under the table if you don't want to get hit."

Fluttershy smiled back at him, then dove under the table as another stray cake flew her way, leaving the cake to hit Twilight in her face.

"Okay, I'm going to stop this now." Twilight said annoyingly, horn burning brightly.

"Let them have their fun." Church said, placing his hoof on her back.

"You want them to do this?" Twilight asked confusedly, forgetting about her spell.

"Well this fun doesn't seem particularly deadly, and the waiter will probably be the one that gets treated like the one who started it since she was the one who tripped."

"Then what are you going to do?" Twilight asked.

"I'm going to enjoy my meal." Church said with a smile, sitting back down. "Care to join me?"

"S-sure." Twilight blushed, taking her seat next to him. "I think my dessert was already thrown."

"No problem, I have an idea." Church said, looking around the restaurant. His eyes quickly rested on the table next to them, where he could see a slightly overweight Canterlot pony cowering under his table, being one of the only few who were doing so. "Hey, want some advice?"

'What?" The gray unicorn asked.

"Might not want to eat that cake of yours seeing as it looks like you already ate everyone else's."

"Why I never." The unicorn snarled. Reaching out from under the table he grabbed a cake and threw it at Church's face.

"Thanks." Church half waved to him, grabbing the cake out of the air with his magic before placing it in front of Twilight.

"Thank you." Twilight said. Picking up her fork with her magic, she stabbed a small chunk and put it in her mouth. "This is rather good, would you like a piece?"

"Why not?" Church smiled, grabbing a piece with his fork. "I can sort of see why Grif likes eating so much now."

"Speaking of me, save a slice for me for when this is over." Grif chuckled, tossing another pie.

"Sure thing."

"Go for it Blue!" Sarge snapped from the other side of the restaurant.

"Okay, now we might need to go under the table." Church sighed.

"What? Why?" Twilight asked.

A flash suddenly erupted in the restaurant, causing most of the ponies to shield their eyes. Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see Tucker spinning above a table, forelegs spread to his side, cutting the large, pastry filled table into bits with his electric blade. As the pieces of the table flew into the air, Sarge ran alongside each one, kicking them as hard as he could, showering the restaurant with baked goods. Church grabbed hold of Twilight and jumped under the table with her. Tex followed their lead an dove under the table as the pieces of food splattered against everyone else.

"Did you save me that cake?" Grif asked, just barely managing to dive under the table.

"Yeah." Church smirked, holding out the plate to him.

"Thank god!" Grif said, picking off bits to toss into his mouth.

"That escalated quickly." Simmons said curiously. "I mean, that really got out of hand fast."

"It certainly did jump up a few notches." Rarity agreed.

"It did, didn't it?"

"Yeah, I stabbed a guy in the heart." Caboose smiled.

"What?" Church asked quickly.

"Yeah, this other pony man had a banana split too, and we used them like swords! I hit him in the heart with it and he laughed."

"Okay, good."

The table cloth lifted up and the group looked to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack peeking under the table, both completely covered in food.

"Why are you guys hiding? You missed all the fun!" Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Well that was interesting." Tex muttered, crawling out from under the table.

"I'll say. You somehow managed to keep your dress clean." Church smirked.

"It's a skirt." Tex muttered, raising a brow at Rarity's gasp. "What? I don't want out correcting me every time I call it a dress."

"Nevertheless, thank you for managing to keep it in tact." Rarity said with a nod of approval. "Chocolate is always so hard to get out of silk."

"Did you guys see that?" Tucker asked as he and Sarge slowly walked back to the group from the other side of the restaurant, chuckling the entire way.

"See what?" Church asked.

"The look on all their faces when we did that!"

"Of course he didn't!" Sarge said happily. "He was too busy cowering under a table to see that their lives were flashing before their eyes."

"Think they'll be mad that we got them that bad?" Tucker asked.

"Probably, but at least now they really are a part of the upper crust." Sarge remarked. His eyes then rested on Applejack, who was covered from tail to muzzle in food. "Seems like I got you back good."

"Ah'll say." Applejack smiled, wiping the worst off her face with the table cloth.

"Don't mean to burst our little bubble of fun here, but who's going to be paying for that table?" Tex asked suddenly.

"Eh, they can write it off under insurance." Tucker shrugged.

"I don't think businesses are covered by what you guys did."

"Hey, you never know." Tucker laughed. "Tell you what, desserts my treat."

"How generous." Tex said sarcastically.

"I told you I'm on my own level of class." Tucker shrugged. "Now let's get the fuck out of here before someone comes in to yell at everyone."

"Who is responsible for this?" A voice shouted from the kitchen.

"That's our cue." Tucker said quickly, flying towards the exit. As he passed their waiters he reached under his wing, pulled out a small bag of bits and tossed it at them with his teeth. "That should cover our dessert."

"Uh, okay." The mare said with a shaky smile as the others trotted out the door. "Have a good night."

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