• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Mixed Signals

"I'm sure you're just overreacting." Twilight said.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Church chuckled. He then got off the chair and made his way over to the door. "Now that that's settled..."

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"It would be better if you didn't know." Church laughed. "Which way is Fluttershy's place again? I need to pay her a quick visit."

"Well we just got back, but I can just take you there you want."

"No, that's okay just some directions would be great if you wouldn't mind." Church said. "I need to talk to Grif in a completely respectful and tolerant manner."

Twilight knew what he was going there to do. She had been conscious when Tex made the request, but she gave the directions to Church anyways. Over at Fluttershy's cottage Grif was looking around for Fluttershy who seemed to be missing.

"Fluttershy where are you?" Grif asked. "You can't still be feeling bad about me being part tree. Twilight said I was fine, remember?"

Grif got no answer from Fluttershy. Instead, Angel came down the stairs and stood in front of him, tapping his foot.

"Hey buddy, do you know where she is?"

Angel continued tapping his foot but waved his paws in front of his face.

"I'm not following." Grif grunted. "Is she here or not?" Angel facepawed and pretended to write on a piece of paper, then made a folding motion. Angel followed that up by making an opening motion, followed by placing the invisible paper in it. Angel then licked the air and pressed his paws together.

"Yeah I still don't get it. All I'm getting is she is licking something and I don't think I want to know the details." Angel gave a small sigh and tapped his arm.

"Something to do with time?" Angel smiled and nodded quickly. Angel made a rectangle shape and made a flat v shape in that rectangle.

"Um. Envelope?" Angel smiled wildly and started some other motion.

However, Grif lost all focus as someone knocked on the door. He opened it slowly to see Church standing there with a look that was a mix of guilt and glee.

"Hi Church... what are you doing here?" Grif asked nervously.

"Apologizing in advance."

"Apologizing in advance for what?" Instead of receiving a reply, Grif received a quick kick to the balls.

"Son of a bitch!" Grif cried as he fell to the ground cradling his crotch.

"Sorry, just had a favor that I had to settle." Church shrugged.

"Fuck you!" Grif yelled weakly. "You could have at least fucking warned me. God damn it."

"Nothing can prepare you for a nut shot. You should know that already after, well, you kn-"

"Fucking hell." Grif muttered as he shakily rose off the floor. "I guess you're right, but still. Who the fuck wanted you to kick me in the balls?"

"Don't worry about it." Church said. "Where is Fluttershy?"

"I don't know, she has been acting weird ever since Twilight came by earlier." Grif coughed.

"So she didn't invite you yet?"

"No, invite me to what?" Grif asked idly.

"Twilight's brother is getting married to some princess or another and the girls have been invited. I think the girls are supposed to invite us individually or something."

"Why would she not just tell me?"

"Beats me. Maybe it's some sort of custom in this place. It's also possible she just doesn't want to go to the wedding with you because you're a lazy sack of shit."

"Fuck you." Grif said, turning to limp away. "Now if you don't mind I need to go find something cold."

"Get better soon." Church chuckled as he closed the door to Fluttershy's cottage before making his way back towards Twilight's home.

"I'll get you back for that, you asshole." Grif muttered under his breath. He turned to Angel who was watching him curiously. "You could have just told me that."

Angel gave an unimpressed look and hopped up the stairs. Grif limped to the kitchen and started looking for something to ease the pain. "Where does she keep some damn painkillers?"

Grif heard hooves on wood. He looked out of the kitchen to see Fluttershy slowly walking down the stairs.

"Hey Fluttershy, do you have something to make me feel as if I haven't been run over by a train?"

Fluttershy nearly jumped out of her skin when Grif talked. She looked Grif over and saw that he was cringing. She nodded quickly and made her way to the kitchen and started looking through the cabinets.

"Thanks. This feels worse than the damn infection." Grif laughed.

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked without turning.

"Church stopped by and gave me a nice gift." Grif muttered sarcastically.

Fluttershy was about to question him on the matter but put two and two together, so she simply continued looking.

"So what was this about an invitation to a wedding?" Grif asked. "Church mentioned it and said that-"

Fluttershy's cheeks went a deep shade of crimson red and she continued looking through drawers with haste. This made Grif lose his train of thought and he stared at Fluttershy quietly. "Did I piss you off or something?"

"No it's not that." Fluttershy peeped as she opened a cabinet.

"You're confusing me a bit here. First you treat me awesomely after I saved your bunny, now I feel like you're ignoring me. What's the deal?"

Fluttershy gave no reply and avoided eye contact.

"Do you hate me or something?"

"No... it's just I've never invited any stallion to do anything with me." Fluttershy said, shrinking her appearance. "I was embarrassed."

"And?" Grif pushed lightly.

"Well I didn't want to put you in any situation you would not feel comfortable in either."

"We're friends or something, right?" Fluttershy nodded slowly. "Then yeah, you shouldn't think of this as a date or whatever you're thinking of this as. Treat it like it's just you asking any of your other friends to hang out."

"Okay. Here goes nothing." Fluttershy gulped. "Um, Grif? I was just wondering... if you would like, that is if you don't mind, to... come with me to a wedding?"

"Nah. I'm good." Grif said quickly.

"Oh." Fluttershy said sadly. "Okay... sorry for bothering you."

"That was a joke." Grif said. "Think there will be good food there?"

"I would think so."

"Then I'll go." Grif laughed.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked with a big smile.

"Yeah. You haven't tried to kill me yet so I'd say I owe you one." Grif smiled.

"Thank you so much." Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy gave some painkillers and hugged Grif tightly. She then trotted happily back to her room.

"You're... welcome?" Grif said quietly. "That was fucking weird."

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