• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,026 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

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Chapter 19: Diamonds and Butterflies

Author's Note:

The chapter that follows this has two versions. A safe for work version, and an unrated version. Those that wish to see the unrated version can check the supplemental story which can be located amongst my story list. (If you can't see it, you likely should not be reading it.)

It had seemed like such a normal day when she had gotten up this morning. True, the previous evening had been spent leaving an anonymous love note for her best friend, but she had not expected to go from pining over her to showering with her in a single cycle of the sun and moon. Yet here she was. And now, the mare of her dreams had just uttered a phrase from her fantasies. “Rarity... um... voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir, mon cherie?”

There was a long pause as Rarity’s nethers fought against her brain for control of her blood supply. The brain was not faring well. She froze, uncertain if her own senses could be trusted. She can’t possibly mean... Oh, please let her mean! “Darling... did you just ask me if I would like to sleep with you tonight?”

Forelegs wrapped around her and a warm wet tongue began to lick her ears. “Um... yes. If that’s okay with you...” Fluttershy began to lightly nibble and kiss Rarity’s ears lovingly.

Rarity melted into the embrace, all thoughts of her mane forgotten. “A-are you certain, my beloved? I would love nothing more, but I don’t want you to rush into—” Again, further thoughts were thoroughly disrupted by the tongue inserted into her ear.

Fluttershy giggled a little at Rarity’s sudden lack of focus. “I’m very certain. I have never been so certain. But are you certain? We’ve been on a real date and I’ve met your parents, so we’re past ‘too soon’ now, right?”

Fluttershy bit lightly into her neck, then whispered breathily into her ear. ”You see, dinner made me very excited. I loved kissing you and being fed by you. I’m either going to spend the night pleasuring myself, or pleasuring you. Which would you prefer I do?”

Rarity was positively drenched now, and not just because of the shower. She laughed a little frantically. “I think the whole concept of ‘too soon’ can be forgotten, my love.” She gasped as Fluttershy caressed her flank, then turned her head to face her lover and put on what she hoped was a serious face. “This is you now, isn’t it? I don’t want any artifice. I will not make love to ‘New’ Fluttershy or ‘My’ Fluttershy or any of that nonsense.”

Fluttershy tittered a little in embarrassment, but wasn’t embarrassed enough not to steal another kiss from the frazzled fashionista. “I don’t need them anymore. I’m just... me. I would really really like to do some of the things I’ve been dreaming about doing with you, if that’s all right.” She resumed nibbling lightly on Rarity’s ear as the water continued to pour over them.

Rarity closed her eyes and exhaled shakily. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” She turned in Fluttershy’s embrace and kissed her passionately, her tongue exploring Fluttershy’s mouth in quick, darting movements before she pulled back to pant heavily. “Do you have any idea how much I have wanted to hear those words? I confess, I had even hoped that our massage might have led to a, how shall I put it, ‘happy ending’ earlier.”

Fluttershy leaned forward to redirect her nibbling to Rarity’s neck, humming happily. “Oh, you are a naughty filly, aren’t you Rarity? You should have told me... I wouldn’t have minded.”

Rarity felt her knees weaken. “Um... Fluttershy, as much as I am enjoying this... perhaps we should finish our shower and move to your bed? If you keep doing — aah yes, that — I am going to collapse. I should like for that to be on a bed, please.”

Reluctantly pulling apart, they finished cleaning up with only a bare minimum of teasing from the pegasus. After drying off they headed towards the bedroom, Rarity getting her own back by putting the tiniest extra bit of sway into her hips and lifting her tail high as she walked, which was very well received if the blush on Fluttershy’s cheeks was anything to go by. Satisfied that her love wasn’t getting it all her own way, Rarity lay down on top of the bed, more aware than ever of just how very naked she was. Oh my love, do with me what you will, make me yours!

However, no ravishment came. She looked up at Fluttershy in some confusion; the need was clear in her eyes, but no action was forthcoming. She seemed frozen in indecision... Oh, right, she’s never done this before either. Hmmmm. Well, no help for it then. “I am sorry, my love, I suppose I expected you to take charge because of the sheer passion you have been showing tonight. Come, lay with me. We’ll discover our bodies together.”

And then came the pounce. Rarity quite suddenly found her mouth full of happy squealing pegasus tongue as forelegs wrapped themselves around her in a crushing embrace. She broke the kiss after a good few seconds of divine tongue-wrestling, gasping for air. “P-please, my lovely, not quite so rough. I am excited as well but we don’t have to rush.” She re-initiated the kiss, but more lightly this time. “How would you like to progress matters, my dear? I will admit to never having been with another pony myself, but as an avid reader of romance I believe I know a few things at least. Or would you prefer to explore me for yourself?”

“Um... I think I want to... do that second thing.” Fluttershy smiled shyly, but not innocently. “Um... lie back please.” After she complied Shy began to trail hot, wet kisses along her neck. Rarity groaned at the sudden display of aggression, reveling in the sensations of warmth and wetness pressing into her fur, and shivered as the cool air wafted over those areas already lavished with Fluttershy’s attentions.

“Y-yes, darling, that’s wonderful. Do with me as you wish, I welcome it!” In truth she more than welcomed it; she hungered for it. She had been attracted to this mare for ages. Many had been the nights spent in lonely seclusion, reading about the scandalous romance of Princess Platinum and Private Pansy (hardly historically accurate but who was she to complain) and imagining the two of them playing out the same scenes — in full costume of course, ones lovingly created by her own hooves. Pity about her sheets, but she’d managed to get the stains out most of the time.

While she kissed Rarity softly about the chest and neck, Fluttershy’s hooves began to softly stroke her coat, drawing little circles on her belly fur. “Rarity, um... I sort of have a confession to make.” Shy kissed her lightly on the muzzle. “I’ve never been with anypony else, but... well, do you know Cloud Kicker?”

“Well, yes. Weather team, very brazen as I recall. Likes to have relations with casual partn— Fluttershy, you surely don’t mean you slept with her?!” Don’t panic! She is clearly in love with me. I-it is okay if this is not her first time.

“Oh, oh no! Nothing like that! But she loved to make me blush by telling me the things she would do with mares... in detail. Um... I’ve never tried it myself but... I think I know a few things too.” She blushed heavily at this confession. Now Rarity will think I’m terrible for not being innocent! “Please don’t hate me...” Oh Fluttershy, you’re so loose.

Rarity leaned up to comfort her with a nuzzle. “Fluttershy, that’s nothing to be ashamed of! You hardly had a choice in the matter after all. I am minded to thoroughly chastise that mare for treating you so. I must admit I never expected you to be the more worldly of us, but this is hardly the first time you have surprised me. Very well, if you know the techniques I suppose now would be an opportune time to apply them. Please, darling, make love to me, make me your mare!”

“Okay!” the pegasus chirped, smiling happily. She began to lightly caress Rarity with her hooves again, but then she remembered something Cloud Kicker had mentioned doing. Oh, that was so embarrassing! Steeling her resolve, she began to drag her wing slowly across Rarity’s thighs.

Rarity was quite enamored with the way Fluttershy’s hooves felt as they lightly stroked her chest, but when the wing touched her... “Oh!” She began to giggle madly. “Oh my, I —haha!— am sorry my dearest, I know that wasn’t likely the reaction you were hoping for but I am—” she laughed even more loudly, “—quite ticklish there!”

“Oh, um, sorry. Let me try something else?”

Recovering from her giggling fit, Rarity shook her head at their foolishness. “Oh this is silly. Here, let’s just kiss for a bit and stop trying to force the pace. I really don’t expect you to be a skilled lover, my darling. Just love me, and that will be perfection enough.” She wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy. “Come here, my lovely mare.”

The two began to kiss each other, slowly and tenderly at first, then more passionately as they warmed up. Rarity ran her hooves through Fluttershy’s soft pink mane, her tongue dancing and swirling around the other mare’s in a sensuous waltz. They broke the kiss, both quite breathless. “L-lie back, my sweet, I believe it’s my turn to play with you for a while.”

Rarity suddenly had the utmost sympathy for Fluttershy’s earlier attack. Seeing her lying there so vulnerably, looking up with those huge aqua eyes full of nothing but love and trust, the unicorn just wanted to dive headfirst into a sea of passion and make her cry out with delight. She shivered with anticipation. This is no dream. My beloved is here before me, waiting to be made love to. She gave an excited little squeal of happiness.

Now, where did she say— Rarity began to kiss the leading edge of Fluttershy’s left wing, causing the pegasus’ eyes to widen in surprise as she gasped a bit. Hmmm, yes, on the right track then. Let’s try... Kissing further and further down, she reached and llightly nibbled at the base of the wing joint. Suddenly, her lover’s wings both snapped rigid. Oh! Yes, I believe we have a reaction! Hmmm... what about... Rarity gently massaged the inside of the wing, at a spot just below the coverts.

This time Fluttershy’s whole body went rigid, eyes scrunched shut and mouth open in a silent scream; then she melted into the bed, her muscles seeming to relax all at once as she turned to jelly. Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes and gazed up at her lover, panting heavily. “R-Rarity... um... d-do that again please?”

Rarity stared at her own hooves in shock. Oh... Mother you really weren’t kidding were you? So focused was she on attempting to please her partner (and trying to decide on how to proceed further) that she scarcely noticed Fluttershy move - that is, until a very warm tongue began to lick her horn.


“Shhhhh. Um, keep doing what you’re doing.”

In the pounding rain outside, Angel lay huddled in his hutch. He hated the rain, all the more so for having trapped him in here instead of the warmth of the cozy home he shared with the Yellow One. An ear perked up suddenly as he heard a high pitched squeal of joy, followed closely by a booming, instantly recognizable voice.


A flock of birds burst from the nearby tree in fright, and all the animals woke from a sound sleep to look around fearfully for predators. Finding none, they uneasily settled back down to sleep.

Angel flopped back onto his straw in disgust, grumbling to himself. Of all the bad luck, now they were mating! That meant the fussy one would be around even more.

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