• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,026 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 29: Heartache

Luna watched Twilight leave the room, yawning into a hoof; she’d been holding that in for some time now and was glad for the reprieve. Though she wished to help, this emotional turmoil was really more Tia’s purview. Add to that the fact that they had long passed the hour at which Luna would prefer to retire to bed and you had a very irritable Princess of the Night doing everything she could to avoid seeming rude.

But with Twilight gone, she could at last attend to her own needs. She owed it to herself, her sister and Twilight to get some rest. Normally her country would have been included in that little list but she was feeling grouchy and decided the country was big enough and old enough to take care of itself for few hours. After she was refreshed she might be able to assist further, but for now she was just drained.

She finished her yawn and was going to bid her sister a good night when she at last noticed that Tia had been silent since Twilight had left. She cursed herself for a selfish fool, thinking of her own needs without asking after her sister’s. Selfishness like that was the first step down a road she’d rather not tread again. “Tia, are you okay?”

Celestia nodded slowly. “I’m fine, Lu. Concerned, but fine. You should go sleep; you know you get cranky when you stay up too late.”

Luna stuck her tongue out at her sister. “Oh, please. I’ve heard the legends passed down amongst the guards. Nopony dares approach you on Sunday, for fear of being tossed from your room—”

Tia snorted in laughter. “One time in a thousand years I try to sleep in past the scheduled sunrise and they were convinced Nightmare Moon had returned—” She stopped suddenly, remembering who she was talking to.

Luna grinned at the slip. “Goodness, nice to know I was considered so adept as to have returned spontaneously. While I wanted their love and admiration, I suppose their respect is something I treasure, even if it is for my darker side.”

Celestia sighed in relief and gave Luna a sincere smile, “They respect all of you, Lu, not just your ‘darker side’. Now go on, before I tell the guards that you’re the one that’s been playing about with their barracks beds.”

“Oh goodness, whatever would I do? Oh, I remember, I would tell them it was your notion, because it was!” Luna skipped past her sister, kissing her lightly on the cheek. “I’ll see you again come sundown, Tia. Do try not to brood the entire time. We’ll figure out what is bothering Twilight and all will be well, you'll see.”

Celestia murmured an affirmative but her heart wasn’t really in it. She had the barest idea of what might be wrong, a memory that nagged at her persistently. Please, let it not be that.

Luna awoke that evening feeling like a filly of a mere five hundred years. She walked out to her balcony, waving happily to her sister, who seemed too focused on her task to wave back. That was fine; Luna understood that her sister got lost in thought sometimes.

She looked out to the horizon, letting herself feel the gentle ebb and flow of the cosmic energies that surrounded the world and giggling giddily as she again felt the stars greet her in their own way. Reaching out, she touched the moon. It was as eager to rise as she was eager to raise it this evening. She grinned manically and began the pull to bring it forth with the night sky that accompanied it. She could feel her sister likewise pushing the sun down under the horizon. Once their twice-daily duty was performed, Luna sat down on her haunches for a moment, basking in the sight of a world changed by her own hoof.

Luna had had many experiences throughout her long life, from happiness to pain to horror to glee. She’d had close friends and lovers. But even accounting for all of those it was nigh impossible to match the feeling of elation she felt each night, raising the moon. It even made her nights spent with friends seem pale in comparison. She pitied her poor sister, who had been forced to perform both tasks alone for so many long centuries. Like many things in life, this was a task to be performed by two and was better enjoyed for it. “Sleep well, Tia!”

Celestia nodded, turning to go back into her room.

A quiet cough came from behind her. Her secretary stood at the door, waiting to be acknowledged. She sighed, seeing a large stack of what would surely turn out to be time wasting requests by nobles who had elected to take their issues to the other princess rather than wait yet another day to be seen by Celestia. Well, time for Night Court. Noblesse oblige.

“Join the guard? That’s your plan? Posey, I am flattered you think I could do it but I have a business, a life! Besides... no offense, but in my experience, my friends and I end up taking care of the things the guard cannot possibly deal with. I don’t think the Princess would approve.”

Posey chuckled. “I didn’t mean permanently. I honestly doubt you’d make it past the first week. But it’s a good way to show Silver that you can hold your own—and more importantly, that you can protect Fluttershy if and when she needs it.”

“Past the first week—are you trying to upset me? Because it’s working! Why can’t I just hit him again? It would be so much quicker.” She huffed in agitation at the implications Posey was making. “I may not enjoy sweating, but let me tell you, I am used to long hours, stressful conditions, I have been threatened with death on multiple occasions. And I would be hard pressed to say if some of my clients are not more demanding than you yourself!” She paused for a moment, trying to calm herself. “I would venture to say the major difference is that I am reasonably sure you are sane, but I am questioning even that now.”

Posey looked unimpressed, simply walking onward and holding up a wing to keep Rarity from walking into a lamppost at the side of the road. “Tell me, Rarity, do your clients ever ask you to go for a run through the countryside, packed with enough weight to flatten a filly? Do they ask you to crawl through mud for hours to reach a meal you might not get if you fail, while having been awake for several days on end? Or is it all just moaning and whining about a stitch not being to their liking? Or the hem of their dress making them look fat?”

There was no menace in her gaze when she looked at Rarity, but the unicorn could almost taste the measure of contempt Posey held for such ponies. “Sane is one thing no royal guard really is, otherwise they wouldn’t subject themselves to what I put them through. The question is, are you?”

“I traveled from Canterlot to Ponyville with a boulder on my back. I called him Tom. My clients never asked that from me, that was my friends.” She looked away guiltily at Posey’s unbelieving stare. “Fine, they didn’t ask me either. I suppose technically Discord did, I thought Tom was a diamond. I also braved Nightmare Moon, Discord and later a horde of changelings. Do not think I am weak just because I don’t wear a flashy uniform to my job!” Rarity glared defiance at Posey, daring her to question any of the things she had named. “And I would do it all again, in a heartbeat, because I love my friends, your daughter in particular. If you want to help me, do not belittle me!”

Posey snorted. “If that’s true, that means I’d be wrong about a potential recruit for the second time in my career. Perhaps you should join the royal guard after all, see if you can break any of Fluttershy’s records...” She chuckled again and shook her head. “Look, I was a little out of line, I wasn’t trying to antagonise you. Looks can be deceiving, as I’m sure you’re aware.” She stopped in front of the house and turned to look at Rarity, “It doesn’t change my plan, however. If you can prove yourself in the challenges I’ll lay out for you, Silver should come around. Just don’t expect me to make it easy for you.”

“Don’t you even dare!” Rarity took a moment to visibly calm herself. “I-I’m sorry, I’m sure you mean well. But that was Silver’s argument exactly. There is a difference between preferring not to get one’s hooves dirty and being unable. My parents raised a strong filly and while I may have rejected their fashion sense, I always respected their views on hard work allowing you to make it in the world. You do me and them a disservice by assuming what you have and I won’t have it! I really want to like you both... Silver’s issues aside, I would love nothing more than to see that same smile for me that he gave to your daughter.” She slumped slightly, her whole body sagging. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

“What was it supposed to be like? A fairy tale romance perhaps?” Posey replied, eyebrow arched in a good imitation of genuine confusion. “Life isn’t like that. You have to work for everything you get. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine. But I don’t think a strong mare like yourself would back down from the challenge. Play the knight, rather than the princess for once?” There was a lot Rarity could say about Posey; one thing in particular was an apparent ability to know what motivated a pony. Probably what makes her such an effective recruiter.

“Rarity!” The moment Rarity stepped back into the house, she was assaulted by a yellow projectile. It wrapped itself around her neck and dragged her to the ground, simultaneously stealing her breath away by locking a pair of soft lips with her own. Deja vu, Rarity thought briefly, before all thought fled from her.

It spoke while Rarity was still trying to catch her breath. “Where did you go? I was so worried!”

On the other side of the room Rarity heard a snort of disbelief at this display, and she shot Silver a warning look before taking a moment to compose herself. “Here darling, let’s let your mother have a moment with your father, shall we? I’ll tell you about the nice chat I just had.”

“Uhm... okay...” Fluttershy only now seemed to remember her parents were present as well and self-consciously pulled out of their shared hug. “Would you like some tea?”

Posey stepped up to Silver and put a hoof against his heaving chest. “Settle down, Silver. What is so bad about her?”

Silver huffed angrily, glaring at the interloper chatting with his daughter like she belonged here. “It’s not enough my own daughter won’t listen to me, now she’s gotten to you too?”

Gotten to me?” Even Posey’s carefully neutral gaze sent shivers down his spine, “What did she do to make you so upset? Be the wrong gender?”

Silver looked up in alarm. “What? No! Have you seen her? She’s... well, look at her! It’s not a good match; that dainty little thing won’t be able to stand up for Shy. And you know she can’t stand up for herself. She needs a big strong pony. I... always saw her with a stallion, but I guess a mare is fine. But not... that thing she brought home.”

His wife nodded, prodding him with further questions to keep him going. “So, if she brought home, say... a royal guard? Or maybe somepony who has had royal guard training, it would be okay?”

Silver looked uncomfortable for a moment and nodded. “Not ideal, but... better. I can’t really say how smart they are, but at least they could protect her. But good luck convincing her... She’s so set on this... how the heck does that even happen?”

Posey smiled slightly. “So you’d rather Shy’s mate be smart. You’ll agree that Rarity seems intelligent though, even if her physique isn’t as sturdy as you’d like it? Quite beautiful too, yes?” Silver went back to looking uncomfortable. Posey’s questions were edging dangerously close to the ‘never answer’ line of questions.

“It’s not about that... she’s just not right.”

“Yes, you said that already,” Posey remarked, “not strong enough right? Too dainty to be able to take care of herself?”

“I...” He trailed off, thinking for a moment. “I can’t really say how she would handle herself. She just doesn’t seem like what Shy needs,” he finished lamely.

“I think I have just the idea.” Posey walked over to her daughter and marefriend and coughed to get their attention.

Rarity snapped to attention. “Yes, Drill Sergeant?”

Posey couldn’t hide a small smile at the unicorn’s over the top dramatics. “At ease, recruit. I’ve just decided to accept your application for testing. You’ll start tomorrow morning at oh seven hundred hours.”

Rarity dropped the salute and nodded. “Oh seven hundred. Yes, ma’am!"

“B-but... Rarity?” Fluttershy looked equal parts confused and frightened, her wings making little flapping motions in agitation. “What are you doing?!”

“Oh, being quite foolish, I assure you.” Rarity said with a grin. “Ma’am, I will see you tomorrow.”

Posey’s reply was lost in the shouting from a now furious Silver. “What!? You can’t honestly mean you’re going to try and train her? She wouldn’t last a day!”

There was a terrible silence in the room, soon filled by a very angry unicorn as Rarity leveled a hoof at Silver. “Sir, I have put up with quite enough from you for one day.” Silver sputtered, causing Rarity to raise her voice another few decibels.


The room was silent once more. Rarity glared at Silver, daring him to utter another word before she had said her piece. “Now, I am going to spend some time with your daughter. On the morrow, I am going to show you how very wrong you are. I’m not going to demand an apology but if you are an honorable and good stallion you will offer one. If you don’t like those terms, I will have to fall back on my original idea of showing you how I handle bullies. To be perfectly frank, while I would enjoy it immensely, I really don’t want to see the look on your daughter’s face when her marefriend bludgeons the flying feathers out of her father in an attempt not to throttle him outright!”

A very quiet “Eep!” could just barely be made out from behind her. Rarity winced, but did not drop her eyes from Silver’s.

She expected an explosion of anger at that outburst and was getting ready to stand her ground, when he surprised her. He had been silent for some time, merely staring at her, his face inscrutable. While his tone still sounded curt, the anger from before was all but gone. “Oh seven hundred. I’ll be there.” He walked into the kitchen, calling back over his shoulder. “Shy-shy, tell your friend she’s welcome to stay for dinner.”

Posey walked to the kitchen, giving a low whistle and punching Rarity lightly on the shoulder as she passed. “Not bad, recruit, you have a backbone after all. I’ll do what I can to cool him off tonight. Tomorrow, it’s all you.”

Rarity let out a long-held breath. The shoe had not dropped, despite her deplorable lack of social skills just now. “No disrespect, ma’am, but your husband is an infuriating stallion.”

The older mare chuckled knowingly. “Pretty sure you meant that to be disrespectful, but since you don’t join till tomorrow you get a pass today. I know what he’s like, that’s why I married him. Somepony had to.” She grinned wistfully. “He really is a sweetheart when he wants to be.”

“I’ll believe you. I just wish he had reason to want to be that way around me.” She looked at the kitchen door dubiously, considering the offer that had been extended. Better judgement won out in the end. Even if he was civil, she wasn’t certain of her own capacity for it at that moment. ”I think that Fluttershy and I will be taking our dinner somewhere in the city, if you don’t mind; I doubt I’d be able to restrain myself if he and I were to share a table. But please, tell Silver I appreciate the sentiment and will take him up on it some other time.”

Fluttershy had been trying to get a squeak in edgewise and failing utterly.

Rarity led her out the door, waving to the carriage driver, who had been waiting patiently for their return. “Take us to the castle, please. And thank you for your patience.”

Fluttershy still looked rather shaken, so Rarity turned and kissed her lightly on the cheek and that seemed to break her out of her shellshock.

The pegasus took a moment to find her voice. “Would you really have hit him?”

Rarity considered her response and elected to tell the unvarnished truth. “Repeatedly. With furnishings, most likely.”

That opened the floodgates for Fluttershy and out came a flurry of questions.

“Why were you so mean to my dad? I know he was being mean, but you didn’t have to threaten to hit him.”

“Why did you go away?”

“You were gone too long. You were talking to my mom? Did she hurt you? Or threaten you?”

“Well, I suppose she is nice, but she... she scares me sometimes. Why are you joining the guard? You don’t have to do that.”

“Oh, you’re not doing that? You lied to my dad?”

Rarity fielded them all as best she could, but when her marefriend asked about Silver, she was a bit short and trite with her answer.

“I did not lie. I’m just going through some basic training exercises to show him I am at least as worthy as some random guardspony.” Her expression lightened as a thought struck her. “Oh, that means I can skip my afternoon trot this week. How delightful.”

Rarity’s brow furrowed once more when she thought of Silver’s mocking attitude. “I’m sorry, darling. I know he’s your father and you love him. But he’s being a stubborn fool and I plan to make sure that he accepts me as Posey has.”

“Mom likes you?! Mom doesn’t even like me!”

“That’s not true,” Rarity said dramatically, “she adores you.”

Fluttershy shrunk in her seat and glued her eyes to the street passing by them outside the carriage. “No, she doesn’t,” she said in a small voice. “Royal guard training is awful.”

Rarity slid across the seat and wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy. “I heard, she pushed you and you did well. But how much confidence did she have in you to pit you against so many? She just went a bit overboard because of how proud she was of you. I could see that, when she talked about you. She was even more proud when she told me you had left for Ponyville, choosing your own path in life!” Rarity stroked Fluttershy’s hair gently. “You have parents who only want the best for you, but well... they aren’t perfect, sadly. That does not mean they don’t care for you.”

“There was another mare there when I trained. Her name was Speedy. She broke her wing during a training flight. Mom put it in a simple splint and made her trot twenty miles with the earth ponies. And a stallion, I don’t remember his name... but he got angry when I beat him up. I didn’t know what to say, so I walked away, until I heard him scream.” Fluttershy swallowed with some difficulty. “When I turned around again, Mom had broken two of his legs!”

Rarity was visibly shaken for some time. She hadn’t known about this side of Posey. “Fine, so she is a bit ruthless, but in your defense, by the sound of things. I still mean to do this. Your mother does not frighten me. I rather like her.”

“She’s just so scary...What if she does something like that to you!?”

Rarity considered carefully before answering. She really did not think Posey would attack her without provocation, but then again, she had done a fair bit of yelling and being angry with both of Fluttershy's parents. Still, if Posey had wished to attack her she’d had no end of opportunities. “Well, I suppose, I would need a trip to the hospital. And a nurse to help me recover afterwards. Know of anypony who might want the job? I think you’d look adorable in the uniform.”

Fluttershy shot her a cross look. “It’s not funny, Rarity! What if you end up swaybacked?”

Rarity started; this was uncomfortably close to the arguments Silver had used against Posey. What has he been filling her head with? No wonder she is so very full of fear. Well, time for a bit of bravado. “If that happens, I shall be the most fashionable swaybacked mare in Equestria. All the mares will want to be swaybacked as well!”

The pegasus looked for all the world like she wanted to become angry, but she deflated before she could say anything, opting for a small pleading tone instead. “Please don't do this? I don't want you to...”

“Darling, I know this frightens you, but have some faith in me. I can do this; I will do this. And it's not for your father, or your mother. It’s for us. I want our relationship to be a strong and lasting one. And on the day that we wed, I want nothing but tears of joy in their eyes. If your father needs to see me perform some silly tests to show him I can be trusted, I shall do it gladly.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Okay, Rarity. Just... I mean... uhm... be careful, okay?”

They arrived at the suite Spike had graciously arranged for them. I really must thank Princess Celestia and Luna for allowing that on such short notice. To her surprise, Rarity found a note tacked to the door.

Rarity, I waited as long as I could, but I finally left without you. I hope I can catch you tomorrow so we can work out some other way to meet with the nobles you had to talk to.


Rarity blanched as she recalled the original reason for this entire trip. I became so focused on Fluttershy’s family I lost track of time... She looked down at the letter as if it could somehow convey her apologies to him. “Sorry, Spike. It couldn’t be helped.” She groaned in annoyance. “Who knows who I have insulted by missing this—Nevermind, it’s done. I’ll just have to hope Fancypants will forgive me.”

Fluttershy peeked over Rarity’s shoulder. “Oh no, Rarity, I never meant for you to miss your party! We should have just worried about my parents some other time. I told you it was a bad idea. Um... sorry, I mean—”

Rarity shook her head. “No, in some ways you were correct. Still, it’s only money. We’ll find another way. The shop needed repairs anyway, this just... bumped up my timetable and set back my production schedule. It’s nothing that I can’t recover from by pulling a few all-nighters.”

Her marefriend nodded, but still looked concerned. “You should just forget about my mom and dad and their problems. My dad will get over it.”

The fashionista turned her head away, staring at the letter again. “And leave that as a lingering issue? Tell me, how many times has he visited you in Ponyville?”

Fluttershy bit her lip, thinking. “Last—no, that was Mom... Maybe—no, that was me visiting him.” She thought for a while longer. “I don’t think he’s ever seen my home.”

“My point exactly, darling,” Rarity replied without missing a beat. ”Your father doesn’t seem like the kind of stallion that would just forget about these kinds of problems and I’ll be damned if we can’t make him come and visit once all this is done.”

Fluttershy sighed unhappily. They entered the suite and put away their belongings. What had started an overnight visit was turning into at least a two day stay, possibly longer.

They ordered dinner and chatted about nothing in particular, neither mentioning what was coming the following day. Fluttershy fretted the entire time. Rarity just would not listen to her when she said this was a bad idea. But maybe somepony else would.

She stood at the end of the meal, walked over to her marefriend and kissed her. “I’ll be back. I need to talk to Mom.”

Rarity looked up in surprise. “But we’ll be seeing her in the morning, darling. Surely it can wait?”

The pegasus shook her head slowly. “No, it can’t. I’ll be back later.”

Rarity looked ready to protest, but held her tongue; who was she to deny Fluttershy the right to speak to her own mother? “I’ll be waiting, love. Come back to me soon.”

A short flight found her at her mom’s office. Her parents had long since finished dinner and would have settled in for an evening of reading and processing paperwork, respectively. Years of routine all but ensured Fluttershy would find her mom here.

She knocked, hearing a grunt from inside and a chair being pushed back on the hardwood floor. The door was opened and Posey nodded to her daughter. “I had a feeling this was coming. Sit down, I’ll get you a juice.”

They both sat on the couch, juices in hoof, Posey gesturing for her to get whatever she needed to off her chest.

Fluttershy took her juice box, remembering all the times she’d visited her mother here. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting to happen, but she hoped she could convince her mother to stop this, since neither Rarity nor her father seemed to want to see reason. “Mom, while Rarity is here trying to show Dad she’s a good mate, back home my animals miss me and Rarity’s shop needs repairs. We didn’t come here for this!”

“Straight to business?” Posey blinked and smiled very slightly. “She must mean a lot to you, Shy. Your animals will survive without you for a few days and if her shop needs repairs, I doubt she’s missing work. What’s the problem?”

“That’s just it; she has obligations, a business she can’t run right now. I want this to stop. I don’t want her getting hurt to prove something to you or Dad.”

Posey sipped at her drink, nodding in understanding. “You should tell her that.”

Her daughter shook her head sadly. “I’ve tried! She’s got it into her head that... if she doesn’t do this, Dad will just keep resenting her. I-I hate this. Why did Daddy have to do this? He should have liked her; it wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

Her mom reached out with a hoof and covered Fluttershy’s own, in a rare instance of physical comfort from her. “Life is rarely what we want it to be, Shy-shy. If Rarity has made up her mind, you should support her in that.”

Fluttershy pulled her hoof away and snorted angrily. “She’s going to get hurt, she’s going to miss seeing the ponies we need to see. She already missed a party talking to you. Her shop will lose business when she doesn’t meet her orders and then she'll go into a fit and... and... She’s going to hate me because this is all my fault! I can’t let that happen! Just... tell her you won’t do it. Tell her anything.”

Posey looked back at her daughter calmly. “I’ll tell her that she’d better put on a good show. I want to see just what she’s capable of. I may like her as a pony, but I would feel better knowing she has your back. You and your friends seem to get into trouble more often than I’m comfortable with.”

Fluttershy stared at her for a moment, looking ready to burst. Finally, her shoulders slumped; arguing wasn’t working. She tried a different tactic, hoping her mom would show a little compassion for once. “I’m going to lose her, Mom. I waited years for a chance, hoping she’d notice me, trying to tell her. And now I’m going to lose her because she’s too stubborn to stop trying to prove herself to me. My dad is being a big dumb meanie and you won’t help me stop them from being like this...”

A light chuckle that would have sounded mocking from anypony else assailed Fluttershy’s ears. “Stop playing the victim, Shy, you’re stronger than that,” Posey said finally, exasperated. “If you’ve waited for years, that’s your own fault. And if she’s being stubborn, let her be stubborn. If she’d leave you over something like that, she’s not worth your time anyway.”

Fluttershy stared at the floor, feeling that terrible anger that she always kept in check. There was so much boiling beneath the surface, from every mocking word spoken to her, every time she’d been treated like a doormat. She hated it, but it came boiling out, filling her with a white hot fury.

She stood and began pacing, trying not to let it loose. Finally it grew to be too much and she glared at her mom. “She’s worth it! And if you let her get hurt, or hurt her... I will show you how much she is worth to me! Do you understand?” She paused, taking a deep calming breath. The next words she uttered were delivered in a much more composed tone, though the underlying anger and hurt still showed. “I will never forgive you or Dad if this gets her hurt.”

There was no response. Posey got up and regarded her daughter with newfound respect. “If she’s worth it, why are you so worried? She’s her own mare; if she gets hurt, she gets hurt.” Posey flicked a wing almost nonchalantly before stepping up to her daughter. “I think that this is important for her and for you.”

Fluttershy backed up a step, but did not break eye contact. “Fine, but if she gets hurt because of this, you’re not my family anymore. Remember that.” She turned away. “I love you, Mom... But if you let that happen, I won’t forgive you. She’s that important.” They stood in silence, Fluttershy breaking it by turning back to her with a pleading look. “Don’t let it happen, Mommy. Please, don’t let her get hurt.”

Posey sighed dejectedly and shook her head. “Fluttershy, I’m happy for you—I am,” she reiterated upon seeing Fluttershy’s disbelieving look. “Rarity chose this herself. If I make it easy on her I’ll just be denying her the respect she deserves.”

The younger mare shot her another glance, pain and worry etched deep into her expression. She turned away and walked slowly to the door, stopping briefly before leaving. “She made her choice and I made mine. Rarity is going to try her hardest, I know she will. She will not be hurt. If she is... I’m going to hurt whoever did it.” That last statement was delivered with the finality of a coffin closing.

Posey smiled a half-smile after Fluttershy had walked through the door. Her plan to endear Rarity to her husband might serve a dual purpose. It could be just what she needed to break Fluttershy’s shell and give her the self-confidence she should have. She was briefly tempted to make it extra difficult on the unicorn, just to be able to break her daughter out of her self-imposed meekness, but eventually decided against it. Rarity deserved a fair fight. And she was going to have enough trouble holding Shy back as it was.

“I’m back,” Fluttershy said quietly as she reentered their suite. Nopony answered her. A brief search later revealed Rarity curled up on the couch, splayed out in an unnatural angle with her head towards the door. She had most likely fallen asleep in the same position she had been waiting in. Fluttershy smiled at the dainty snores coming from the unicorn. The emotional whiplash of the last few days combined with their issues today had taken their toll on both of them.

She climbed onto the couch and settled down next to her marefriend, draping a wing over the sleeping mare before scooting closer. “I talked to my Mom,” she began, simultaneously hoping that Rarity would wake up and hoping she wouldn’t.

She hated the idea that it was easier to talk to Rarity like this than it was to confront her marefriend about her worries again. Rarity would not like that she was holding back. She’d want to know. But some worries couldn't be settled by talking. “It wasn’t a very nice chat, but at least she knows how I feel now. I was probably too harsh to say I wouldn’t talk to her ever again. A few weeks maybe, or months, not more than a year.”

Rarity’s response was a snort followed by a slight shift in position so she could grab hold of Fluttershy.

The pegasus suppressed a squeak and leaned into her marefriend, nuzzling the top of her head near her horn. “This is so stupid,” she whispered. “Why can’t you just...” The rest petered out when Rarity nuzzled back subconsciously.

Fluttershy sighed and lay her head down on her marefriend’s back. She didn’t think she’d be able to get any sleep, but at least they were close like this. Maybe I should take her back to bed?

Rarity snuggled closer, and Fluttershy gave up on any thought of moving her. She covered Rarity as best she could with her wing and shifted slightly to provide better support for her marefriend’s head.

A dark cloud hovered on the horizon once again. She hated worrying like this, but she would keep her word. Any recruit that hurt Rarity would be sorry. Despite her misgivings, she did fall asleep in time.

Luna stared at the door to her sister’s room, arguing with herself. Night Court had ended, as it often did, with a shouting match between two of her petitioners, ended by her dismissing them till the following night. She had thought to spend a few hours Dreamwalking to calm her nerves.

Unfortunately, that was not to be, for she had chanced upon the dream of Twilight Sparkle. Her curiosity had demanded she check in with her sister’s protege and what she had found there was a nightmare that seemed tailor-made to punish the dreamer.

She regarded the door again, not quite willing to knock on it. She had dismissed the guards for the moment, with the promise that she would alert them when they were to return to duty. While this was unusual, if Luna could not protect her sister while she slept, a guard could hardly expect to survive whatever she could not handle.

“Celestia never needed my assistance to raise the sun, or rule the kingdom...” Neither of which are as fickle or difficult as the nightmares of those close to you. She groaned. There really was no way around it; she needed help.

Indeed, had it been a normal nightmare she would have already taken care of it. But this particular nightmare was Twilight’s, a mare whose imagination created formidable enough challenges in her dreams when she was dreaming normally. The state of the her mind at that moment was tumultuous at best and potentially madness-inducing at worst.

Luna wondered anew if the nightmare wasn’t a result of a magical attack against her sister’s protege from some unseen foe, crippling her for some nefarious purpose.

She didn’t think it was the case, as she couldn’t feel any magic, directed or otherwise. However, the possibility existed and, if true, she would be remiss for not obtaining her sister’s help as soon as she possibly could.

Her doubts kept her hoof suspended inches from the sun-emblazoned door. What if she was just out of practice? Even if she was, was it fair to Twilight to hesitate to ask for aid to end her torment?

She closed her eyes tightly and knocked. She heard nothing and took that as a sign that she should not seek her sister’s aid. Well, I tried; perhaps if I attempt to talk to Twilight again...

“Come in.”

Luna cursed silently. Hesitance wouldn’t serve her now. She let loose a sigh and pushed open the door. “Tia?”

She stepped into her sister’s chambers and glanced around, baffled at her difficulty in locating her sister. Even were she hiding, I should still be able to spot that rump... “Hello? Sister?”

A tired voice called from the balcony. “Out here, Lu.”

Luna smiled; of course she would be on the balcony if she wasn’t in her room. She cantered over to the glass-paned doors and slipped outside, noting with no small measure of satisfaction that Celestia had a bottle of wine with her. Serious though this was, she felt a bit better in Tia’s presence. The list of things the two of them could not vanquish was small indeed.

Her smile faded when she got a good look at her sister. Celestia looked tired, one might even say haunted. Had she been plagued by her own nightmares while Luna had been preoccupied with Twilight’s problems? Had she managed to sleep at all since sunset? Luna felt cold and swiftly settled down next to Celestia.

Celestia floated a glass up from the tray; one of two, Luna was surprised to note. “Lu, I don’t have the time or patience for guessing games right now. Please forgive me for being rude, but can you just tell me why you’re here?”

Luna did her best to hold her affront. “Tia, you should be resting. I admit I am glad to find you awake, for I have need of your advice and possibly your aid. But why are you here, instead of abed?” Despite being worried for her sister, she was quick to accept the glass that floated her way. It would help to settle her nerves.

Celestia looked up at the moon and sighed “I couldn’t sleep. I have... a lot on my mind.” She took another sip of her wine and refilled the glass fuller than was appropriate.

Luna could not help but note her sister’s glance. The Princess of the Night had made an error of judgement earlier. She had divulged something personal about herself in a rather flippant manner and had since been worried that her sister might be concerned for her. “Tia, if this is about my... friends, rest assured. They are all of stout mind and body and very loving, in their own unique ways. They know what I expect of them and what I offer them in turn. I had meant to discuss it with you prior to my outburst, but there never seems to be time to just chat with you lately. I am truly sorry if my choice of partners troubles you.”

That drew a chuckle from the solar dirarch. She draped a wing over Luna’s back and gave her a light squeeze. “No, Lu, you don’t need my permission to choose your sexual partners. I was brooding on the past. It’s an unhealthy habit for somepony like us to indulge in.” She drank the refilled glass, bringing the bottle forth to pour another. “I’m sorry if I’ve been distant lately...” She fell silent and looked up at Luna’s charge again.

“You’ve been running a kingdom by yourself for far too long, Tia. I need to help you with all that I can. Perhaps when I take on enough, we will have the time we need to chat.” Luna sighed heavily. “Unfortunately, it is I who must ask you for help at the moment. I am having no luck ending the nightmares Twilight is experiencing; they just loop back upon themselves. I had hoped with your aid we could end it.”

“Nightmares?” Celestia finally shifted her gaze to Luna and arched an eyebrow. “What kind of nightmares?”

Luna shook her head. “I have wasted enough time arguing with myself over whether to ask your help. Please, lie down and I will take us both into her dream.”

It was Celestia’s turn to look hesitant, “Lu, dreams are private affairs... at most, they should be between you and the dreamer. I don’t think I should—”

Luna cut her off before she could argue further. “Tia, I don’t ask this lightly. You play a large role in this dream and you may be the only one she will listen to. I also think... it’s something you should see.”

She had seldom seen her sister so wary of something, almost as if she were afraid of what she might find in Twilight’s dreams. Celestia nodded. “Alright, Lu, show me what’s troubling Twilight.”

“Lu, I haven’t Dreamwalked in ages, how—” Luna’s horn touched her own and, without so much as blinking in between, she found herself in the Dreamscape. “—did... you... plan to...” Fear touched her heart with its icy cold fingers; the last time she was here had not ended well and she was sure this time would be no different. She yelped and took a step backwards when she looked at her sister, only to find Nightmare Moon in her place.

“Luna!” She all but shrieked, “this isn’t funny!”

Luna looked down at herself, sighing in exasperation. “Tia, this was not my doing. Your fears warp the Dreamscape.”

She returned her gaze to Celestia, finding her having returned to the pink-maned filly she had not seen in centuries. “Feeling very small and weak at the moment, aren’t you sister? Have no fear, I am not so unpracticed that I cannot control our immediate environment.” Luna frowned and focused her thoughts, returning herself and her sister to their normal forms.

Luna looked Celestia over, gratified to see them both in their proper sizes. “You must compose yourself, sister. Twilight needs us. It takes much from me to undo the effect you have here. Hold your fears in check, or you could wreak havoc upon the dreams of everypony in the realm.”

Celestia shivered as if she were still the filly she had just appeared to be. “This is a bad idea, Lu. You need to get me out of here.”

Luna laid a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder in comfort. “Tia, if there were any other way, I would not bring you here. She will not listen to me; it must be you.”

The older sister shook her head. “This is worse than the last time, I can’t... I tried, Lu. I tried to keep order here for you. But it... hurt me.”

Luna stared in shock. “Order? Tia, thou tried to... Thou cannot impose order here! The Dreamscape is the antithesis of order! At best thou can but aid the dreamers, but one does not simply control dreams!”

Celestia’s form rippled and fluxed into the filly she felt like, before shifting back to her grown state. “I know, this place, it... didn’t like me. I don’t Dreamwalk anymore.”

Luna smiled gently. “Tia, I am so sorry. Even with your power you cannot... Well, I am glad to be of use to you again in this manner. I... could feel them, you know, during my incarceration within the Nightmare. They called out in sorrow for their princess, but I was unable to aid them. I think that, almost more than the moon, I missed policing the dreams of our ponies, even if they never seemed to appreciate it come the morn.” Her expression darkened for a moment, clearing with a bright smile. “They know me now and welcome my aid. Come, she is over this way.”

Her sister followed, lagging further behind with each step until Luna had to stop and wait for her, worried. It was uncharacteristic for her sister to be this frightened, but Twilight’s problems had to come first.

She stopped just in front of Twilight’s dream bubble and poked her head inside. Pulling it back out, she motioned Tia forward. “She’s still in there and it’s looped ‘round again.”

“Luna, sister, I really don’t feel comfortable with this.” Celestia eyed Twilight’s dream warily; she seemed terrified of it. She stepped around the bubble like a—well, like a filly and pranced away from it every time a part of the bubble darkened.

Luna glanced back at Celestia, noticing that she had reverted once again to her fillyish form. “You are letting the Dreamscape control you again, sister. You are a mare of much experience and power, not a foal afraid of your own shadow. She needs you. Please, present thyself with conviction; as thou look currently, she will not even recognize thee as her mentor.”

“You’re right. Of course you’re right.” Celestia shook herself out of whatever was bothering her and grew with every step while she walked back towards Luna. “Shall we?” She had returned to her normal form, but Luna could still see the vague, undefined fear in her eyes.

Entering the dream, Celestia started in surprise. This was her Day Court, not some nightmare scene. She looked around and saw faces that were familiar to her, but younger than she remembered. Perhaps Twilight’s dream was projecting their visages as being the age she last recalled seeing them. She saw herself upon her throne, and off to one side was a stack of cards and candies. A holiday, perhaps my birthday? Neither she nor Luna had a true date to assign to their birth, since prior to their influence there had not been calendars or the like. Celestia had arbitrarily adopted the summer solstice and Luna the winter. They were as close to the true day as anypony was likely to determine.

Luna pulled her back into the shadow of a pillar. “She will be coming soon. Stay silent and watch.”

A lavender filly walked into the room not a moment later, carrying a card and a box of chocolates in her wobbly magic. She was smiling brightly, but even from their position in the shadows they could see that it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

She made her way through the throne room and hopped up the stairs to sit in front of dream-Celestia. She coaxed her precious cargo over and laid it out in front of her mentor, fidgeting after she’d arranged everything into a makeshift collage.

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Princess!”

Luna gestured to the scene. “This is how it always begins. She brings you the gift. You read the card. You look uncertain, you laugh.” She winced, looking back guiltily to her sister. “Sorry, I mean the dream version of you laughs. Soon the whole court follows suit and she quickly joins you, though hers seems more... forced.”

Celestia watched the scene play out, exactly as Luna said it would. She turned to her sister with a questioning glance and motioned at the scene with a wing. “Is this really a nightmare?”

Luna looked askance at her sister. “Yes, I am well versed with this particular scenario. I see it often in ponies who harbor a love unrequited. It might explain why she is having such trouble with Pinkie.” Luna put a hoof up to her chin in contemplation.“ It does not surprise me that she hides such a thing from you. This is a wish fulfillment dream gone wrong, for each time you reject her. When she leaves, she is in tears.”

Celestia opened her mouth and after a few seconds of silence, closed it again. “I am the problem?” She asked at last, “What would—could I do for her?” She snorted and began pacing back and forth, muttering to herself, falling back into the behaviour Luna had noticed before.

Luna watched her sister having some sort of crisis, but could hear the mocking laughter beginning in the crowd. “She’ll be here soon. If you don’t break her out of this cycle as she runs from the throne room, it will begin anew. Stop her and tell her that’s not you in there!”

Celestia flopped down where she stood, splaying back her ears and looking at the mechanically-laughing filly in the middle of the throne room. “I—” She hesitated before shielding herself with a wing. “I cannot.”

Luna stomped a hoof on the ground, causing the stone to ripple with her power. “Thou must! Thou art the only one who can convince her that the thing in her dreams is not acting as thou wouldst! She won’t believe me; to her I am some figment that does not belong! Please, Tia, I know finding she has feelings for thee must be hard, but before we can work that out we must break her out of this self-torture!”

“I can’t!” her sister retorted. “I can’t because this is exactly how I acted! I thought that perhaps she had grabbed the wrong card by mistake, or was emulating something she’d read in a book!”

“Princess?” A very broken, fillyish voice addressed them. “L-Luna? What’s going on—”

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Princess!”

Luna blinked in consternation; the loop had begun anew. She watched in frustration as Twilight bounded into the room with her chocolates and card, sure to be rejected for what was at least the tenth time. “She rejected us... We have to try again.”

Celestia shook her head. “I did this to her.”

The younger sister walked up to the elder and grasped her shoulders in both hooves, shaking her. “Tia, do not lose heart! This is not thy doing. Dreams are powerful things, overwhelming to those who do not armor themselves. My sister would not do this to anypony. This is just Twilight’s fear of what would have happened. Maintain thy calm, we have to try something else.”

Celestia stared into her sister’s eyes, trying to hold back tears. “But what if I did? What if she came to me, as she did here, after a long hard day and I simply laughed at how adorable it was? Doesn’t that make this my fault?”

Luna looked long and hard at her sister. “Tia, what are you saying?” Her sister looked away in shame. Luna grasped her face in both hooves to look her in the eyes once more. “Did thou, willfully and knowingly, reject the advances of thy student so heartlessly? Art thou saying what we just witnessed is the truth?”

The tears were falling freely from her sister’s eyes now. “She was twelve years old, Lu! I was afraid it was a filly-hood crush, I hated the idea of having to explain to her why I couldn’t... But she didn’t seem to intend that, or at least... that’s what she said. I started chuckling; I was so glad I had misread the situation and she was just so cute, Lu...”

Luna gestured again to the scene unfolding before them. “Apparently, there was more than you suspected. Knowingly or not, you dealt that filly a wound to her heart.”

Celestia hung her head. “You think I don't know that?”

Her sister mused for a moment. “What do you wish you had done?”

“Anything but this!”

“Your double is about to start laughing, I suggest you improvise.”

Luna watched the scene in the courtroom unfold again, listening for the chortles in the courtroom. But this time there was only silence.

The other Celestia stood and pointed a hoof at Twilight, clearly giving a proclamation to all present. “Twilight Sparkle. Much as it pains me to do this, I cannot bear this insult. You are no longer my student.”

Twilight burst into tears. “Please, Princess, don’t do that, I never meant to insult you! I love you!”

The nightmare went on, unhearing or uncaring for the pleas of the young unicorn. “Your things will be packed for you. Go home, little filly.” It smirked at her, motioning for guards to take her away.

Luna looked at the scene stoically. She could not change any of this. She’d had no luck in any of her efforts. “It’s gotten worse. Are you going to do something or—”

But her sister was already gone. She had charged into the room, her mane and tail flowing in her power. She pointed at her doppelganger, much to the consternation of all in the room. “Begone!” She blasted the Nightmarish Celestia with a beam of pure sunlight, sweeping the room of the other abominations that were meant to represent her court.

The filly whipped her head back in shock. “Princess? How...”

“Twilight, I know now how I wronged you, but that is something I would never do.” Celestia stepped forward and nuzzled the confused filly. “It’s time to wake up now. We have much to discuss, you and I.”

The next thing Luna saw was her sister’s room; a moment later and Celestia was stirring as well. “I think that did it. But I am not looking forward to fending off the nightmares that were just born from that much energy being expended. You may have overdone things, sister,” Luna said shakily.

Celestia didn’t respond, sitting upright and turning away from Luna. She went back to staring at the night’s sky in silence, the only thing giving her away being the slight tremor in her shoulders.

“Lu?” She asked at length, her voice sounding as broken as the one from the dreaming filly. “Why must I always hurt the ones I care about?”

A shouted alarm came from downstairs, followed by two thuds. A lone set of hooves galloped up the stairs. The doors were thrown wide and in their place stood a purple pony who appeared to be steaming. She leveled a hoof at Luna. “Y-you had no right! Do you know what you did?” She collapsed on the floor. “I'm sorry, Princess!” she whispered into the stone. “Don’t hate me, please. I was just a filly, I never meant to make you sad. Just forget it; if you care about me at all, forget it. I’m leaving tomorrow morning, I’ll stay with my parents. Don’t hate me...”

Celestia was beside her in an instant, clearing her throat while she slipped her mask back in place. “How could I ever hate you, Twilight?”

“Don’t...” Twilight pleaded. “Please don’t. It was stupid. I was stupid. A stupid little foal trying to catch the eye of the sun.”

The mask cracked and Celestia felt a tear run down her face. “That was not your fault. I misread your intentions badly. I didn’t know how to react. I dreaded telling you I couldn’t return your feelings; you were much too young for me to consider it.”

Twilight looked so very small as she hid her face in her hooves and stubbornly kept her mouth shut.

Celestia went on, hoping Twilight was listening. “I thought I was off the hook when you told me you just wanted to thank me for being a great teacher.” The princess laughed, remembering how she had felt. “You were adorable and I was delighted. My laughter was joy, Twilight. I would never knowingly mock you. Twilight...” Celestia scooted over and draped a wing over her protege. “You made me so very happy that day. You made me feel loved.”

The unicorn looked up at her sadly. “I thought... I thought you were laughing because it was preposterous and later... I decided you were right to laugh. How could an ordinary pony like me ever...” She trailed off and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. You were happy and I could at least be happy that I made you laugh. That’s what you do, right? Make the ponies you love happy?”

The unicorn seemed to shrink after her confession. “I didn’t want... You were never supposed to know...”

Luna looked like she didn’t know whether to comfort Twilight or scold her for the assessment she was making about herself. “Twilight...”

“That’s why I left, you know?” Twilight mumbled as she tried to melt into the surface of the floor. “I was making Pinkie sad... I’m still making her sad. Now I’ve made you sad too...” she said in the tiniest of whispers, which again sounded to Celestia like a plea to not hate her. “Why can’t I ever get it right?”

Celestia smiled through her tears. “Twilight... this talk is long overdue.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault. I didn’t understand, you couldn’t possibly feel anything like that for me! I’m just not... And you’re... powerful and wise, not to mention you’re... you...

Celestia kissed her forehead, tears still streaming down her cheeks, wrapping the wing around her more tightly. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I wish I had known. Pinkie Pie is lucky to have you, Twilight. You need to tell her that... She has a lover fit for a princess...”

Her student did not respond, merely allowing herself to be held as the Princess of the Sun embraced her in all her warmth and love.

“In fact,” Celestia continued, “I am going tell her myself, after we make sure you can make her happy again. How does that sound?”

The hard choice. She was good at making them. And enduring pain. She was good at that, too. Still, she had hoped that after so many times of having her heart broken and letting time heal it again, it would hurt less. It didn’t.

She looked over at her sister and smiled. She was sure she managed to present a smile without cracks. Practice made perfect after all.

Luna watched the two embrace. She watched the smile Celestia offered her. She didn’t believe it for a second. Celestia had perfected her smile long before their fight a thousand years prior and the tears were more telling than any facial expression.

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