• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,026 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 35: Tainted Love

Twilight looked over the railing of the chariot, watching the scenery go by. Pegasus flight was amazing to her at moments like this. The trip that would have taken hours by train was going to take a mere hour. She couldn’t wait to get home.


A warm smile grew on her face as she looked at Pinkie. Home was a special place now. Not a tower, not a room in the public library, but in the heart of a perky pink party pony who loved her.

Pinkie had promised her yet another ‘Welcome Home’ party once they got back to Ponyville, and Twilight had simply agreed, despite it seeming unnecessary. That argument never seemed to matter to Pinkie. All parties were necessary. At times, even parties to celebrate the party they just had were necessary.

But as glad as she was to have a home in that loving heart, she couldn't help but worry. She had done nothing to earn a place there, never giving anything of herself to Pinkie, and running away when it seemed like she was making a mess of that too.

“Pinkie...” she started, half hoping that her marefriend wouldn’t hear her over the rushing of the winds.

She must have been loud enough, because Pinkie turned around and aimed that same warm smile at her. “Heya, silly-filly!”

Pinkie’s smile made Twilight feel weak in the knees, but she had to press on, she needed to know. “Why did you come after me?”

“Hmmm? Oh, because you weren’t in Ponyville! That one was easy! Ask me something harder!” Pinkie replied, twisting around to face Twilight. She put her hooves on her hips, waiting for the next question. “Okay, go!”

Twilight looked her in the eye. “Pinkie, I’m serious. I mean... I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but I broke up with you. Why would you still come after me?”

Pinkie’s smile got even bigger. “Because you did it wrong! I broke up with you first, remember? But you were supposed to come back! You just stayed away!” Pinkie got close, snuggling up to Twilight. “It’s okay, it was your turn. You just forgot how the game was supposed to be played. That’s why I had to come and un-breakup!”

A chuckle escaped Twilight before she’d realised, and it quickly grew into full blown laughter. “Oh Pinkie... what did I ever do to deserve a marefriend like you?” she said with a giggle at the tail end thereof.

“Wow, either you’re being easy on me or I am just on fire today! Another easy one! One sec, lemme think...” Her eyes bulged. “Hey! Can you teach me that thing where you go all fiery and ‘Rar!’?” At Twilight’s blank look, Pinkie shook her head. “Wait, no, the question first! Silly Pinkie! Okay, so you were all ‘Pinkie do you wanna play a game with me?’ and I was all ‘Sure, what did you want to play? I have some checkers or a pinata or—’ And then you kissed me and I was all like ‘Wow this is a new one!’ And then—”

Twilight kissed Pinkie, the latter obliviously continuing to tell her tale in a mumbled incoherent stream of sounds into Twilight’s lips for a few moments, until she registered what was happening and kissed back. Pinkie nodded quickly when Twilight pulled away. “Yeah! Just like that! Then we did all kinds of fun stuff and I really liked that!”

The unicorn just nestled up to Pinkie’s chest. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Pinkie asked, curiously.

A warm smile played over Twilight’s lips and she closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the softness of Pinkie’s fur against her cheek. “For being you.”

“Oh, no problemo!” Pinkie replied, “It’s what I’m good at. I mean, sometimes I kinda want to be like you, but I’m not really that great at it.” Pinkie pursed her lips, considering bringing something up that had been on her mind for some time. Finally, she decided to ask, and despite her best efforts, she could not quite keep the quaver out of her voice. This was going to be the first time she’d brought this up, and she worried how Twilight would react. “If you want to thank me, can you be you, more?”

Twilight’s ears perked up. “Um... I’ll try? I’m not sure how I can be more me, but—”

“You’re always you, silly! I just wish you were more... you... sometimes. Like when you say something really sciency and smart and then you stop and make it look like you’re not as smart because you don’t want to drive ponies away?” Pinkie paused, seeing the blank look on Twilight’s face. “Okay! It’s just... sometimes I really just want some Twilight time! I mean, fun is fun, but I love you, and you love me back, right?”

Twilight furrowed her brow in puzzlement. “Well, of course I do, Pinkie. But I’m not sure what you mean, exactly. I thought we were together a lot, and I want that to go back to the way it was, too—”

Pinkie ran a hoof through Twilight’s mane. The way things were hadn’t worked, but... it was better than no Twilight at all. “Nevermind. It’s not important. I love you, Twilight.”

Still a little confused, but slightly more relaxed now that the issue seemed to have resolved itself, Twilight simply lay against Pinkie. The rest of the trip passed in relative silence.

“Gimme somethin’ with a little kick, Berry.” Applejack said as she sat down at the bar. “And a round of whatever these lazy bums are havin’.”

Caramel and Lucky perked up at that. “Thanks, AJ.” Caramel said, pointing a hoof to his poison of choice while Lucky nodded to Berry, who apparently knew what he liked.

“You wanna thank me, work faster. The sooner we get rid of every trace of that root, the better.” Applejack replied good-naturedly. “Still, good work today, boys. Enjoy your drink, ’cause we gotta get back to it in the morning.”

“Can I get a cider?” Rainbow asked as she sat down carefully next to Applejack, wincing.

“I should make you pay fer yer own,” Applejack grumbled, nodding to Berry that it was okay. “Barkley’ll be missing that taproot you yanked outta him.”

“I said I was sorry! Can’t we just drop it?”

“‘Sorry’ don’t fix my tree, Rainbow. I know you’re working hard, and I appreciate it, but you gotta be careful!” Applejack took her shotglass of whiskey from Berry, smiling in thanks. She picked it up in her mouth, downing it quickly. Her eyes watered as the shot warmed her up from the inside out. “That’s the stuff! Gimme another!”

Rainbow sighed in exasperation. “AJ... it’s a tree. Trees grow roots back.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes. She darted her head towards Dash’s wing, latching on to a small tuft of down and pulling it loose with a quick yank.

“Ow!” Rainbow exclaimed, pulling the wing back to her side and glaring at Applejack.

“Don’t worry, they grow back.” Applejack said with a smirk.

“But that hurt!”

“Uh huh. Remember that tomorrow.” The farm pony nodded to Berry. “Another cider for Dash, thank you kindly.”

“Okay, I get the point, be more careful around your precious trees! Sheesh!” Rainbow crossed her forehooves in front of her chest, fuming. When her cider came she picked it up and drank it greedily, licking her lips. “You’re cut off from wings for a bit, by the way. These babies need pampering too!”

Applejack chuckled, nuzzling Rainbow fondly. “Ah think that’d be a real shame for both of us, but just to set things right, Ah’m real sorry Ah hurt ya.” She turned back to Berry, “Keep em coming till she gets that pout off her puss.”

“You got it!” Berry responded, cheerfully.

Rainbow grabbed the next cup laid before her, grumbling under her breath even as her eyes shone with joy. She hiccuped, swaying a little in her seat. “Do you think we got it all?” she asked, looking over AJ’s shoulder.

“Over here, sug,” Applejack said, reaching out with a hoof to turn Rainbow’s face towards hers. “We won’t know till tomorrow. Dang things can root real deep.” She looked Dash over, worried about how tipsy she was getting after just a few ciders. “Dash, yer lookin’ a mite unsteady there. You okay?”

“Yeah... just thirsty,” Dash replied, taking another deep draught.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Sug, I told you to take water breaks...” She motioned to Berry. “Get her some water, will ya, Berry?”

Dash took another drink of cider, waving away the water as it was set down in front of her. “I’m okay, I can take care of myself, Mom!”

Applejack winced, then pushed the water closer. “Fer pony’s sake, don’t make me shove this down yer gullet, Dash.”

“I said I don’t want it!” Dash snapped back. “Just the cider is fine!”

Applejack’s mouth opened and closed without saying a word. She’d been ready to take offense to her marefriend’s tone, but something about Dash was just... off. She’d chalked it up to Dash being a little hot and tired while they were working, but they were sitting down now, in the shade, and she still seemed really ornery. Well, more’n than a couple ciders could account for, anyway. “Hey, Dash?”

“Yeah?” Dash replied, turning back towards her, but again, looking just to the left of her.

“You feeling okay?” Applejack asked carefully, gingerly reaching out to place a hoof on her marefriend’s shoulder.

“Why do you keep asking me that?” Rainbow replied, huffing. “I’m just thirsty, and tired, and hot. I didn’t get my nap and I’ve been yanking roots out of the ground with my teeth!”

“Is somethin’ behind me?” Applejack turned to look, but found nopony there.

Rainbow glowered in Applejack’s general direction. “Look, I don’t want water, okay? The only thing that doesn’t taste funny right now is cider. So I wanna drink cider!”

Applejack held up a placating hoof. “Okay, you don’t have to drink the water. But I still don’t get why you can’t look me in the eye, sug.” She tilted her head a bit, studying Rainbow’s face for something, anything that might give her a clue about what was bothering the pegasus. “You ain’t fretting over Barkley still, are ya? I didn’t mean to get cross...”

“I am looking you in the eye!” Rainbow replied crossly. “Well, one of them anyway. Be nice if you’d quit wobbling around like that, it’s making me kinda...” Rainbow trailed off, her stomach choosing that moment to heave forth the cider she’d ingested. She just barely managed to point her muzzle at the floor instead of her marefriend’s lap. She then toppled over onto the ground, landing prone on her back.

“Dash!” Applejack scrambled out of her seat. “What’s wrong, sug? Are ya hurt?”

Rainbow looked up in confusion. “AJ? Are you flying again?”

“No, sug. I’m not. You just puked yer guts out then fell on the floor.” Applejack’s head snapped up. “Berry! I think something’s wrong with yer cider!”

Berry looked up from the counter she was wiping, “That can’t be right, I just tapped a fresh keg...” She noted the mess on her floor, her nose wrinkling in distaste. “Ugh... I’ll get a mop. Um... I’ll take the cider off your tab AJ... I guess I’ll have to drain that keg to be safe—”

Applejack felt hooves wrap around her left leg. She looked down to see Dash looking up at her in distress.

“Noooo! Not the cider, it’s not the cider’s fault! Please don’t blame the cider...”

“Sug, I know you got a real thing for the stuff, but a few cups ain’t supposed to mess you up like that! Just lie still, we’ll get you cleaned up...”

Rainbow looked down at her pelt, surprised. “Applejack, I think somepony threw up on me...”

“Yeah, somepony did. Now just lie still.” Applejack reached up onto the counter, getting the rag Berry had been using. She cleaned Rainbow up as best as she could, then realized it was somewhat pointless since her marefriend was lying in a puddle of her own sick. “Sug, we’re gonna get you to the bathroom. Think you can stand?”

“Yeah... Standing is okay. Walking feels weird. Lying down is good, though.” Dash replied, her voice shaky. “Sorry, AJ. I didn’t mean to spoil your good time.”

“Hush up now, nopony blames you for being sick,” Applejack said, grasping one of Dash’s hooves to pull her to her feet, then throwing the same foreleg around her shoulder. “Just hold tight to me, we’re gonna walk to the bathroom real slow. If you feel like you need to be sick again, just let me know and try to point it away.” She noted worriedly that Dash’s barrel felt very hot against hers. Dash seemed to be running a fever. “Sug, just how long you felt all woozy?”

Dash thought a moment. “Um... since sometime this morning?”

Applejack curse herself for a gol durned fool. That long and she’d missed. “How ‘bout the tummy problems?”

“I... I dunno. I just... I was hot, so I kept drinking. I... I think I kinda almost got sick a couple times, but I felt fine after laying down for a few minutes? I didn’t wanna throw up, but the taste of those vines was still in my mouth.” Rainbow’s face twisted into a grimace. “They taste nasty.”

“Ya ain’t supposed to taste em, sug! They ain’t exactly edible.”

Applejack, yer an idiot. Yellin’ at her for lyin’ down like that when she was feelin’ sick!

She cursed up a storm silently, then stopped walking as a worrying thought occured. “You didn’t swallow any of those leaves, did ya?”

Rainbow scrunched up her face in thought for a moment. “Maybe one or two? Is... is that bad?”

“I don’t rightly know,” Applejack admitted, “but them things are poison for a tree. Can’t imagine them doing much good to a pony.”

“Am... am I going to die?” Rainbow asked, her eyes darting around frantically.

“I reckon if you were gonna keel over you’d have done it by now, sug,” Applejack said, forcing a lightheartedness that she didn’t quite feel into her voice for Rainbow’s benefit. “Nah, I think yer just sick, and cider didn’t help ya none. Let’s get you cleaned up and head on home so you can rest. I’m sure it ain’t anything worth frettin’ over.”

Rainbow sighed in relief, quickly clamping her mouth shut as she felt her gorge rise. “AJ!” she said urgently through clamped teeth.

“Yeah?” Applejack replied, glancing in Rainbow’s direction. “Oh boy. Okay, try to hold it! We’ll rush you to a sink or somethin’!”

Immediately upon touching down in front of the library, Pinkie knew something was wrong.

The combo wasn’t one she had felt before; eye flutter, knee twinge and hoof tingle. She was currently dragging Twilight with her because even if she didn’t know what it meant, it was close enough to the combos associated with rainbows to make her think that it related to Rainbow Dash.

Even if Rainbow was fine, she still wanted to see Applejack and Dashie to let them know that everything was okay again! She also wanted to thank them for cheering her up, and to say sorry to Applejack for accusing her of trying to make Pinkie break a promise.

“Pinkie! Slow down! Or at least tell me what’s wrong!” Twilight exclaimed, doing her best to keep up. “I need to catch my breath for a second!”

“Pinkie Sense!’ Pinkie responded, not even turning her head as she kept running and dragging Twilight with her.

Twilight mentally braced herself for forsaking all logic before asking: “What was it?”

“I dunno, it’s like when Dashie flew into the side of a mountain, but different-y.” Pinkie stopped in her tracks, causing Twilight to crash into her rump. She put a hoof up to her chin, scratching it. “I kinda felt something like this just before I ate those baked bads, that’s how I know when the cupcakes need to be thrown away now!”

“Then where are we going?” Twilight asked, doing her best to keep a note of impatience out of her voice.

Pinkie held up a quivering hoof to demonstrate. “Left leg shake means it’s at the farm... so I wanted to see if we could help.”

“Okay, the farm, got it. Just... hold still” Twilight visualized the Apple family farmhouse, picturing a spot well outside of the house itself. She drew Pinkie closer, casting her teleportation spell.

Only to have it fizzle as Pinkie ducked under her and lifted Twilight onto her back. “Pinkie?”

“Close your eyes, and hold on tight!” Pinkie said with a big grin.

“Wha—” The world became a blur of colors, which, after a while, resolved themselves into shapes, and eventually resembled normal objects. She saw apple trees, fences, a barn... and an orange and blue blur that took a little longer to resolve itself into two of her friends.

Twilight lurched forward as Pinkie stopped suddenly, enveloping herself in telekinesis to prevent hitting the ground very hard. She lowered herself onto shaky hooves, staring at her marefriend. “Pinkie... How?!”

Pinkie just smiled even bigger, waving to Applejack and Rainbow in the distance. “Hey, girls!”

The first response they got was a literal upside down smile, Dash was draped over Applejack’s back in a manner not unlike a rolled up carpet and was grinning stupidly. The pegasus waved at them before shouting up to her poor marefriend. “Hey AJ! I’m seeing Twilight and Pinkie again!”

“Dangit, I told you, they’re still in Canterlot. It’ll take a bit before Pinkie convinces her to come on home,” Applejack said brusquely, continuing on her way to the farm.

“Yeah, but I can see them. Pinkie is waving. Hey, Pinkie!” Rainbow snapped her mouth shut, tapping Applejack on the side with a hoof.

Applejack stopped, looking around for a spot for Rainbow to heave again. “Hold on, sug. Lemme get you down.”

“Rainbow! What’s wrong with you?” Twilight called as she and Pinkie made their way closer.

Applejack’s ear perked up. “Aw horsefeathers, I can hear em too... Maybe it just took longer fer it to hit me...”

“Dashie’s really green in the face! I told you my Sense was going all wacky!”

The farmer finally turned as she set Rainbow down on her own four hooves. Inexplicably, Twilight and Pinkie were there. She blinked, shook her head, looked away for a moment, then looked back. If she was hallucinating, it was a very persistent one. “Pinkie? Is that you, sug?”

Pinkie bounded up to Applejack, enveloping her in a giant hug. “Of course it’s me, silly! Who else would I be—” She stopped, gasping. “You mean there’s two of me?! Where is she? Is she as good at throwing a party as I am? Ohhh I wanna meet her! Or maybe it’s a him? Did she... uhhh... he have a face like this?”

Pinkie squeezed her head between her hooves. “Because if he... she... didn’t then it was a he! Or would that make him a she? Her?” She continued to hold her head, though now it was more out of confusion than anything. “Unless it was one of them? I thought they all got blown away!” She turned to Twilight, concern in her eyes. “Did we get them all?”

“Get... who?” Twilight asked, gasping for air herself. Though that was less to do with surprise and more with running to keep up with Pinkie.

“Those bugs! Your brother blew them all away, right? But Applejack says there’s another Pinkie—”

“Okay! I’m convinced it’s you! There’s just the one, okay?” Applejack interjected, trying to stave off further wild theories about the second Pinkie. “Sorry, it’s just Dash has been real sick, and she’s seeing things that ain’t there.”

Pinkie immediately made her way to Dash, who had just finished her dry-heaving. “Dashie? What happened?”

“Hey Pinks...” Dash put on the best smile she could, though it seemed very forced. “I just swallowed some nasty leaves from this vine we’ve been trying to get rid of. I should be okay.”

Twilight had been hanging back up till this moment, unsure how to approach her friends who surely knew what she had done. But upon hearing Rainbow’s words, concern won out over personal shame. “You swallowed some leaves and now you’re hallucinating? What type of leaves were they? Are there other symptoms?”

“Oh, it’s you after all, Twi. Glad to see Pinks got you to come back. She missed you.” Rainbow groaned as her stomach twisted into a tight knot again. “Um... I feel hot, and thirsty, and tired... and my eyes are kinda wonky?”

Twilight looked Rainbow over, concern evident in her eyes. “Applejack, do you know what she ingested?” She lifted one of Rainbow’s wings, checking for further evidence of motor skill impairment.

“Uh, yeah. It was wither root. It ain’t poisonous, I know that much. I figured I’d just take her on home and lay her down,” Applejack responded, feeling just a little peeved that Twilight seemed to be avoiding the issue of her having run off on Pinkie. “So, things are square now or—

Twilight turned on Applejack in surprise, dismayed. She cut Applejack off mid-sentence. “You mean you haven’t taken her to a doctor?!”

“Well, no. I mean, I just told you it ain’t poisonous. She’s a little loopy, but she’s been puking it up, so I figure she just needs rest.” Applejack gestured to Rainbow, who smiled back, trying to look steady while Pinkie fretted over her. The pink pony had produced a similarly colored nurse’s uniform complete with stethoscope and was trying to get Rainbow to stick the listening end in her mouth while holding a tongue-depressor up to her chest.

“Omigosh! Rainbow is flatlining! Hold on, I’ll do CPR!” Pinkie tackled Rainbow to the ground on her back, performing chest compressions.

“Not so rough! I really don’t feel good!” Rainbow whined, but she was unable to quite suppress a laugh as Pinkie blew into her belly button loudly.

“Um... should we stop them or—” Twilight blushed as Pinkie switched to blowing into Dash’s muzzle, unsure if what she was feeling was jealousy or something else.

“They should be fine. I told ya. I mean, yeah, she’s sick, no doubt, but I don’t think it’s anything to really fret over.” Applejack clucked her tongue at the pair on the ground as the CPR turned into an impromptu snuggling session. “We really gotta get through to that girl about a pony’s personal space.”

“Yeah!” Twilight exclaimed, wilting as she realized how loudly she’s just spoken. “Uh, well I mean, don’t you worry, when you see the two of them...”

“What? Pinkie and Dash? Nah.” Applejack shook her head. “I mean, I was, at first. Turns out she ain’t purple enough.”

“Not purple enough? What do you—” Twilight paused as the rest of Applejack’s response clicked. “What do you mean you were at first?”

“Well, that’s a bit of a story. Dash was a mite worried about our girl when you up an’ left her, and kinda got carried away trying to... give her a pep talk. We got it sorted in the end, but well...” Applejack shrugged, “I suppose I just don’t have it in me to be jealous when I know Pinkie don’t mean anything by it.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean by carried away—”

Pinkie jumped up to her hooves, rushing over to Applejack and Twilight. She pulled a clipboard from her mane, scribbling something on it with a pencil. “Diagnosis complete! Dashie has a bad case of tummy-ache with associated symptoms of woogly eyes and shakey hooves! She needs bed rest and pampering, stat!” She turned the clipboard around to show the sketch of Dash in a bed with the covers pulled up and Pinkie standing nearby bringing her something to drink.

Twilight opened her mouth to continue inquiring about what had happened, but concern for her sick friend won out over her worries. “Bed rest sounds... advisable, but I really think ingesting a strange plant might cause problems. Think of what the poison joke did!”

Applejack considered that, looking down at Dash in new concern. “Well... I guess you might have a point, but—”

Twilight stomped a hoof firmly against the ground. “No buts! We should go see Zecora and ask her about it. She might have a potion that can negate or at least lessen the effects, or be able to recommend other treatment options.”

“Well, I suppose that’d be all right,” Applejack said with a dubious nod, “but I wanted to get Dash home and in bed—”

Pinkie picked up Rainbow, draping her over her shoulders in the classic firemare’s carry. “Leave it to Nurse Pinkie! I’ll get her all tucked in snug as a bug in a rug!”

Despite Pinkie’s assurance that she was perfectly capable of getting Dash into bed, Applejack had insisted on at least accompanying Pinkie and Dash to the farmhouse. After they had made sure that Dash was comfortable and Pinkie would keep watch over her, Applejack and Twilight had set off to see Zecora.

The trip to Zecora’s was a fairly silent one for Twilight and Applejack. In truth, both had questions for the other, but were afraid of what the answers might be.

Applejack wanted to know if things had been somewhat resolved between the two mares, but Pinkie’s chipper demeanor told her very little beyond the fact that she was happy to have Twilight back in Ponyville.

Twilight was trying to stave off a Smartypants level breakdown, wondering just what had happened between Pinkie and Dash that Applejack seemed blasé about seeing them... Well they weren’t quite kissing, but Pinkie had been delivering mouth to mouth and Dash hadn’t been protesting beyond weak laughter... Had she driven Pinkie into the hooves of another mare?

If she had, could she even blame Pinkie for it? She had wanted Pinkie to be happy, so why did the idea of her being happy with Dash make her feel...

“Mind the roots, sug.”

Twilight looked down just in time to avoid tripping herself up on the ankle-height root that ran across the path they were taking. “Thanks,” she mumbled, still lost in thought.

“Do you think it’s bad?”

Twilight’s ear flicked in the direction of Applejack. “Do... I think what now?”

“The root. I didn’t wanna worry Dash. I mean... I know wither root ain’t the kinda thing that’ll send a pony to the last roundup, but I really don’t like how sick she got. I almost took her to the doc but, well, you know how she gets in hospitals.” Applejack shook her head. “Shoulda thought of Zecora, though. She’ll know what’s what.”

Twilight nodded confidently. “She should. I’ve never read up on that particular species, myself. I’m guessing it’s some sort of plant parasite?”

Applejack nodded, gesturing to the trees around them. “It’s a real nasty one. A little vine can spread to dozens of trees overnight, and it roots deep. One little vine could take every tree around us right now.” She winced, just thinking about it. “Even after you get rid of the root, some trees don’t recover.”

“Hmmm, I wonder if it’s magical in nature?” Despite the gravity of the situation, Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little intrigued at that idea. “How did it get into your orchard?”

“That rainstorm a while back. We had a little floodin’ and when the water drained Mac found it growin’ in one of the orchards.” Applejack paused, doffing her hat to wipe the sweat from her brow. “Best I can figure the root came in with the flood waters.”

“So it likely does originate from the Everfree, then.” Twilight glanced at Applejack, not quite sure how to reassure her. It was one thing to care about a friend who was sick, but a mate was a whole other story. Not that she felt any less connection with her friends, but knowing that Pinkie was miserable or sick would leave her feeling the same way. She couldn’t properly imagine what Applejack was experiencing at that moment. “She’ll be fine, Applejack. And if she’s not, we’ll do everything we can to make her fine.”

“Thanks, sug,” Applejack said and gave her a grateful smile, though Twilight couldn’t tell whether it was because she had been reassured or because she simply appreciated the sentiment.

Rainbow was trapped.

She wasn’t sure how it had happened, but she was pinned to an apple tree by an ugly vine that was wrapping itself around her body, drawing itself ever tighter around her. Her wings were stuck in place, leaving her to bite futilely at the vine, which tasted horrible.

Face your fears—A voice called out from the darkness, the owner abruptly halting in surprise.

What on Equestria did I just stumble into?

“Who’s there?” Rainbow called out into the darkness, looking around frantically for the source of the voice.

Is this some sort of fetish? I never meant to intrude. I don’t quite understand the obsession with vines in some ponies—

“What? Um... no? I’m trapped by a plant?” Rainbow looked around once more, seeing nopony.

I... see. Well then.

The sky opened, and Luna swooped down from it, blasting the base of the vines with dark fire, turning them into little more than ash and soot.

Rainbow fell a moment later, coughing up smoke from the burnt plant. “T-thanks.”

“Thank me not. That was not my best work.” Luna shook her head, grumbling. “It would help if I could get more than an hour’s sleep without one of you intruding in my realm. For what reason are you dreaming at this hour?”

“Dreaming?” Rainbow asked, looking around at the weirdly shifting environment of angry plantlife. “Oh! That makes more sense. I thought it was kinda weird the plants all wanted to eat me.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Yes, dreaming. Vivid and disturbing dreams. Why are you sleeping, Rainbow?”

“Um...” Rainbow pondered, brightening when she remembered. “Oh! I’m sick, I think. I was laying down and then the vines attacked me.” She rubbed a hoof in her mane, sheepishly. “I guess I should have figured that out, huh?”

Luna waved a hoof dismissively, yawning as she did so. “Be not troubled. Thou art not the only pony to miss the blatantly obvious. Besides, thou were dreaming. We tend to be more accepting of the strange and unusual in dreams.”

Rainbow muddled through what Luna had said, unsure if she was being insulted, but in the end could not find anything to be upset over. “Uh... thanks, I think.” She looked into Luna’s eyes, noticing that they seemed bloodshot. “Uh... you okay?”

“We are merely... exhausted from our ordeals in dealing with our sister’s antics.” Luna yawned again and shook herself fiercely. “Of course, it does not help that our subjects seem intent on losing their way in our realm.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Rainbow smiled encouragingly. “So, problems with your sister? What, did she pull one over on you?”

Luna harrumphed, sitting down on her haunches. “Tis not me that she has pulled one over on, but rather herself! Be not concerned, Rainbow Dash. Sleep well, and let not these specters disturb you.”

Rainbow cocked her head, trying to figure out how somepony pranked themselves. “Uh... okay. But listen, if the princess is bugging you, you just have to one-up her, you know?”

The princess looked up, looking wounded. “The princess, is she?”

“Oh!” Rainbow quickly backpedaled. “Sorry, I meant, your sister. I just... she’s been the only one... Well, except for Cadence but she didn’t exactly make public appearances or anything—”

A musical laughter broke out from Luna. “I apologize. I was... I believe the term is ‘pulling your leg?’”

“Oh, right, good one.” Rainbow laughed hesitantly. “But yeah, you got it! Just... bigger, you know? She messes with you, you mess with her!”

Luna did not respond for some time, staring at the shifting landscape of Rainbow’s dream. “I don’t wish to displease my sister, Rainbow Dash. I only wish for her to pursue her own pleasures without guilt. It’s been too long since I have seen her truly happy for longer than a space of a moment or two.”

“You...” Rainbow’s ears perked up at that. She had to be misunderstanding what Luna meant. Sure, she’d had a couple fantasies about the two princesses in bed with her and Applejack, but it was pretty unlikely those two were actually sleeping together, right? She swallowed nervously, giving serious thought to what she was about to say. Luna was a scary pony when she decided to be. “You want your sister to, um... take care of herself?”

“Well, yes, but that’s not my concern, truly.” The princess shook her head, looking up into the night’s sky. “I must be off, but I thank you for your suggestion. Perhaps I do need to give her a little push....” She paused, her face lighting up as a notion struck her. Slapping one forehoof into another, she grinned smugly. “...or a big one! Yes! I will force her to act!” She spread her wings to take flight. “Sleep well, Rainbow Dash. Thy dreams are guarded this night, and all nights.”

Rainbow watched her fly into the moon, wondering if she’d heard right. If so, she’d have to watch what she dreamed about Applejack in the future. Also, she wondered if she’d just convinced Luna to make a play for her own sister.

She woke, feeling very out of sorts. Pinkie was dozing nearby, stirring when she saw Rainbow perk up.

“Hey, sleepy-head! How you doing?” Pinkie stood with a yawn, picking up a glass of water and giving it to Rainbow, who drank it without protest.

It still tasted like those nasty vines, but she was so thirsty. “Lil’ better, thanks, Pinks.”

Pinkie nodded, sitting back down in her chair. “Don’t worry. Applejack will be back before you know it, and then you’ll be all better.”

Rainbow lay back, closing her eyes. Everything was still fuzzy, but less than it had been before she laid down. “Yeah... sorry I’m not better company, Pinks.”

Pinkie made a noise that was halfway between a giggle and a snort of derision. “That’s not your job right now, Dashie! You just need to lie still and let yourself be sick for a while.”

Rainbow nodded, opening one eye a crack to look at her friend. It seemed to help when she didn’t have both open at once. “So, was that Twi with you—” Rainbow paused, her nose scrunching up, then let out a loud sneeze. “Or was I seeing things again?”

Pinkie nodded, smiling happily. “Yeppers! I went and I threw her a party and we came home!”

“Huh. Just like that? So, everything cool, now?” Rainbow asked.

Pinkie hesitated. Things were better, but not quite okay. But better was a start. She was okay with better. Better was her new favorite thing, because no Twilight was worse. And she was done with worse. Worse was the worst. “Yep! I just had to get her home! Now everything will be okay!”

Dash lay her head back down, relieved. “Okay, cool. So, what was her deal, anyway?”

Pinkie tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I mean, why’d she run off like that?” Dash responded, finally deciding to prop her head up on a pillow so she could still see Pinkie without straining her neck.

Pinkie shrugged. “She just did it wrong. It was her turn, but she forgot to come ask me out again after she broke up with me! I should have explained the rules better...”

Dash stared at her blankly. In situations like this there was really only one response. “What?”

“Well, I did it first, you know? We’d never... really gone out like marefriends. It was all just playing. So I went over to her and I told her it needed to stop. Then I went back and asked her out. Like... we needed to start fresh.” Pinkie sighed. “But I guess we still messed up with the second try, cause she ran away.” She straightened up her posture, racheting her smile up to is maximum smileness. “Third time's the charm! Everything is gonna be fine, now!”

Dash tried to wrap her poor befuddled mind around the convoluted reasoning, but she decided one of them wasn’t making very much sense. Being as sick as she was, however, she could not say for sure which one of them it was. She decided not to press the issue any further until she could say for sure. “As long as you’re happy, Pinks. You are happy, right?”

Pinkie nodded vigorously.

Dash breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, that’s good. AJ said if she makes you cry again she’s gonna kick Twi’s teeth in.”


Pinkie sat upright, every instinct screaming at her to go to Twilight now and make sure her poor teeth were okay. “AJ knows I’m happy, right?” She got up and clutched Dash’s pelt in both hooves, shaking her. “Please tell me she knows I’m happy!”

“I-I’m sure she does!” Dash responded quickly. “Pl-ease stop shak-ing me!”

“Sorry, sorry!” Pinkie quickly let Dash out of her death grip, sitting heavily down on the bed. “I just... I can’t mess it up again. I almost lost her, and I can’t do that ever again.” Her shoulders slumped.

Pinkie felt a hoof on her shoulder, and turned back to Dash, suppressing a sniffle.

“Pinks, um...” Dash blushed furiously. “Do you need a hug? I mean, just a hug, you know?”

Pinkie nodded, laying down and scooting into the waiting embrace of her friend. “Thanks, Dashie,” Pinkie said, quietly, laying her head on Dash’s shoulder.

Dash slowly let out her breath and closed her eyes. Just a hug, that was all. “No problem.”

“Awh, dag nabbit.” Applejack shook off the third vine that was getting a little to friendly with one of her legs. “Why does Zecora hafta live all the way out here anyway?”

“She prefers the solitude. Plus all of the ingredients for her potions are out here. I couldn’t live here myself, but I suppose when you know every danger it’s not so bad?” Twilight postulated, using her magic to clear away the creepy creeper.

“I guess.” Applejack shrugged noncommittally and stepped through an opening in underbrush and out into the clearing in front of Zecora’s hut.

“Well, we’re here! Did you want to knock or—” the rest of Twilight’s sentence went unheard as a loud explosion went off inside the zebra’s home, followed by unintelligible cursing in a language neither of them knew. Zecora burst out of her home, dragging a flaming cloak with her and beating it on the ground until the flames went out.

Zecora stared at the cloak, huffing loudly, then looked into the cloud of smoke billowing out of her home. She once again yelled out in apparent frustration, and Applejack became certain that if either of them could speak Zebrican, they would hear their friend swearing like a sailor.

“Zecora! Do you need help?!” Twilight called as she rushed over to their friend.

Zecora turned around in surprise, coughing and squinting. “Hello, my friends, do you fare well? Don’t ask the same, I’m sure you can tell!” She chuckled weakly. “I’d invite you in to have some tea, but I fear its taste would be smoky...”

Twilight nodded quickly, using her magic to summon a small whirlwind to suck the smoke out of her friend’s home. “What happened?” she asked after the smoke had dissipated.

“A brew I crafted, quite experimental. Its ingredients proved somewhat tempermental.” Zecora picked up her cloak, draping the singed garment over her back. She gestured for the two of them to enter, wrinkling her nose as the remaining smoke smell hit her. “Your timing was wonderful, but I must say... What brings you ponies by today?”

“Well... we had a bad case of wither root out in the acres—”

Zecora drew in a dismayed breath. “Ruinous vine, spreads like fire. Could decimate a grove entire!” She looked around the hut, gathering ingredients. “Heart’s desire, mandrake root... dandelion... phoenix soot... I’ll craft a brew that turns to mist, and rid you of your leafy pest!”

Applejack stammered. “Well, that’d sure help a bunch! But um... the problem is a little more than just the root. See, Dash kinda swallowed some—”

All movement in the hut ceased.

“Is... is that bad?” Applejack asked in a very small voice.

Zecora turned back slowly, her face ashen and worried. “Ominous tidings for dear Rainbow. To tell you truly I must know: leaf or root, which was consumed? The problem is perhaps less than assumed.”

“Uh... is the leaf the better one?” Applejack asked, hopefully.

Zecora let out a long-held breath. “You make me glad, I have to say. Though I could have aided either way. But I lack the means to cure her ill. I’ll need your aid, if you’ve the will.”

Applejack looked at Zecora blankly. “Uh... what?”

“She means she can help, but she’s missing something,” Twilight supplied. “Out of sheer morbid curiosity, though... How bad would it have been if she’d swallowed the vine?”

Zecora shook her head, turning away to check for what she would need to create a cure. “Curiosity is fine at times, but surely not with a friend on the line. It’s said that it’s a killer of cats... The vine is not quite as bad as that. Still, its effects are quite averse, and besides death, some fates are worse.”

“Right... I’ll tell the boys to be real careful with it. Well, actually, I guess I won’t have to have ‘em pull it if you can make me a vine killin’ potion!” Applejack smiled at that thought. “So, what did ya need?”

“The sickness caused by the leaf is dire, time and rest are both required. For her discomfort I can provide relief, all I require is the leaf,” Zecora replied, taking down various flasks and bottles.

“Uh... right, but which leaf?” Applejack asked, shifting a bit from hoof to hoof. She never did do particularly well with the zebra’s manner of speaking.

Twilight laid a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. “She means she needs some leaves from the wither root plant. What did you do with the ones you pulled?”

“Oh! Is that all? We... Oh crud.” Applejack’s face fell. “We burned em!”

Twilight watched in concern as Applejack started swearing under her breath. She could understand the frustration her friend felt, but how could anypony have foreseen needing to keep a parasitic weed? “Zecora... is that the only way to cure Rainbow?” she asked.

“Her symptoms will fade with time and care, in no mortal danger is she there. Her speedy recovery this would ensure, it will take weeks without a cure.” Zecora began to mix up a potion from the ingredients she’d gathered. “Find me a sample for my brew. I’ll concoct the trees’ cure while you do. Then poor Rainbow will be fine, and your trees rid of the pesky vine.”

“All right! I’ll… I’ll look high and low. I gotta have missed one little vine somewhere!” Applejack looked crestfallen, but at least she seemed relieved to know Rainbow would be okay. “Twi... can you help me search?”

“Of course.” Twilight nodded to Zecora as she lead Applejack out. “Don’t worry, everything is going to be okay.”

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