• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

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Chapter 20: Taken by Storm

The storm raged on throughout the night. Everfree storms were feared for a reason; they were unexpected, uncontrolled, and dangerous anomalies in an otherwise orderly weather system. This storm was no exception. Gale force winds damaged trees, blew down fences, and in some cases caused serious damage to homes. Even worse was the torrential rain, which flooded riverbanks and washed out roads. But on this night, the worst aspect of the storm was the lightning strikes.

Thunderlane flew hurriedly through the brutal winds, trying to get to the next reported fire to help put out the blaze. This was the real danger of the uncontrolled storm: it was dumping rain in some areas while others were left bone dry. In the areas untouched by rain several fires were burning unopposed by the elements, and ponypower was spread thin as they attempted to extinguish them all. A call had been put out to all members of the weather team and the volunteer fire brigade, but with so many asleep during these hours the situation was looking grim.

He reached the library to find that blaze being snuffed out by Twilight Sparkle. Thunderlane watched in fascination for a moment as she cast a shield around each fire, presumably cutting off the air supply to each. She turned as she caught sight of him. “I’ve got this one! Go help somepony else!” she cried through the howling winds. He saluted and hurried on.

Ugh, this would happen on my shift. Boss is gonna wring my neck if anypony gets hurt. He worriedly scanned the horizon for signs of smoke. All the while the shearing winds buffeted him, making it difficult to even remain aloft.

In the distance another fire was burning merrily. The roof of the afflicted structure had collapsed, giving the conflagration an opportunity to spread to the inside. He gasped; for just a moment he was sure he had seen the figure of a pony on fire just outside the window, but he quickly realized it was just some ornamentation on the outside of the building. As he flew closer he recognized Carousel Boutique, home of the town’s resident fashion designer; and the boss’s personal friend. Buck me, I am gonna get fired. From a cannon.

He began gathering storm clouds, trying to direct enough rainfall over the fire to put it out, but couldn’t corral enough to make a difference. He could see the rolls of fabric inside going up in flames, and the bed was ablaze. I am so screwed! She’ll never forgive me if I let her friend’s home burn down!

Then, salvation; a prismatic blur of colors sped towards him, colors so bright they somehow stood out even against the night sky. Thunderlane could barely make her out as she passed, but the expression on her face was filled with determination and panic.

Rainbow was running out of energy reserves quickly. When Icy Rain had roused her from a sound sleep she’d known something was terribly wrong. Rainbow trusted her team with the information on where she slept at night because she knew she wouldn’t be bothered unless it was a dire emergency. It had better be if she was going to leave the embrace of her farmpony for the night. Lightning strikes all over Ponyville definitely counted.

She’d been zipping back and forth across town as fast as she could fly, and that was amazingly fast. At some hotspots she quickly gathered clouds to put out blazes; others were so bad that she’d had to create her own mini-tornado to put them out. She could do the work of ten pegasi, but even she couldn’t be everywhere at once. The damage was going to be devastating even with her help.

Flying past the library and seeing that Twilight had it under control, she scanned the horizon for more trouble. She saluted her friend quickly as she buzzed by.

Is that...? The shape of the closest burning building was unmistakable. Rarity! Nononono! She flew as fast as her wings could take her; rocketing into the vertical to reach the cloud layer, she looped round in a tight circle, gathering storm clouds in her wake. Please be okay please be okay! Faster and faster she flew, her lips drawn back in a snarl of defiance at the elements as they bent to her will. I’ll save you! I won’t let you down! She dove towards the ground, the cloud funnel behind her likewise drawn down to the shop, gale force winds and pouring rain all centered on the top story of the Boutique. Thrown violently forward, she spun away from her creation, desperately trying to slow her momentum. Fortunately, her flight was halted by a feathery obstacle in her path.

“Gotcha, boss!”

She looked up, her exhaustion etched on her features. “Good save, newbie. Now shake a tailfeather and help the team over Whitetail Woods. I gotta make sure Rarity is okay.”

Thunderlane snapped a quick salute and banked away to help the pegasi trying to quell the forest fire.

The funnel having dispersed without her present to give it form, but having served its purpose in extinguishing the inferno on the top floor, Rainbow judged that she could now safely enter the Boutique. The door chimed as she entered, but all else was still. She shivered slightly. The ponniquins had a very eerie look at night. “Rarity?!” She searched the bottom floor, looking around for her friend. She desperately wanted to believe she was down here... not up there.

Finding the lights to be nonfunctional for the moment she blundered about in the dark, banging her hoof on a table and wincing loudly. “Rarity?” There was no answer. She kept looking, straining her eyes into the darkness. Her ear twitched. What is that? “Rarity! If you’re hurt say something, make a noise! Anything!”

She opened the door to the kitchen, trying to make anything out in the near blackness. Something white flitted past the far table leg. “Rarity?” Suddenly her face was full of angry, wet, yowling feline. She reached up desperately to get the clawing cat off her face. “Opal! Where’s Rarity?”

The cat didn’t have an answer for her, naturally. Rainbow didn’t expect one, but then she already knew the answer to her question, didn’t she? If she was upstairs... in that... No, she... She can’t be! Rainbow held the cat at foreleg’s length and set her down gently on a chair in the main room of the Boutique.

Steadying her nerves, she crept up the stairs, barely seeing the damage done by the fire and subsequent rainstorm. The door was severely charred and still warm to the touch. She opened it.

Inside was a hellish disaster. The fire had gutted the beautiful room; all the curtains had burned to ashes, as had the fabrics and... the bed. Oh, Rarity, no! The bed was a smouldering heap of charred material. A strong smell of burnt feathers was in the air; Rarity had a feather bed, of course. Princess Prissy would sleep on nothing less. She had always— No! She has always! Not past tense! She’s not! She can’t have been in...

She punched one of the bedposts, as if it was the bed’s fault somehow, then fell to her knees and wailed at the uncaring sky. There was no more denying it. If Rarity had been asleep in this room when the fire took hold, she was now part of the ashes on the floor.

Rainbow Dash continued flying throughout the night, redirecting the worst of the storm and helping ponies wherever she could. She did not let herself think. She just acted. Thinking was for later.

Against her will, however, memories of the many times she’d interacted with Rarity bubbled up into her consciousness. Had there ever really been a time when she’d just relaxed and hung out with her? Not at first, anyway. Modeling for Rare is torture. But yes... there had been some good times. Even their few trips to the spa together had been fun. It wasn’t enough. There should have been more time. They were friends! Maybe not the closest of their group, but all five of them were irreplaceable. And now...

It was too much, she couldn’t process it right now. The storm was finally clearing up; now she had to deal with the aftermath. Speaking of which, there was a very angry cat that was going to need somepony to take care of her, now that her owner— Stop! She flew back to the Boutique, intent on at least saving the one life in there that she could.

The cat complained loudly from her carrier-prison; Rainbow did her best not to jostle her about as she flew to Fluttershy’s cottage. She had briefly entertained the idea of taking the cat to Sweet Apple Acres with her. She badly needed to feel AJ’s hooves around her right now, but the farm was no place for this cat. Fluttershy was the best bet, at least until somepony could contact Rarity’s parents. She just... couldn’t handle that prospect right now.

Oh Celestia... Fluttershy... She... and Rarity... Tears ran down her cheeks. She’d have to tell her. Tell her she’d failed. They’d both lost a dear friend, but Fluttershy... she just lost her chance for a happy life, the chance to make her feelings known to the pony she loved! Rainbow wanted to crawl into a hole and just stay there forever.

It should be me who tells her; I’ve been her friend the longest. I’m not Rarity, but I can be a shoulder to cry on. Shy deserves that and more. She resolutely flew on, her heavy heart making her body feel like it was made of lead.

Fluttershy yawned, blinking her eyes at the sunlight streaming through the window. Oh goodness, Fluttershy, you over-slept! The animals must be hungry! Still, it was hard to regret sleeping in when she felt so very good this morning. She attempted to get out of bed but found herself unable to do so. Curious, she lifted the blanket to see a white-coated foreleg clutched possessively around her. Huh... somepony is holding me.

It took a full three seconds for panic to set in. It took another five before her screams were audible in the range that ponies could hear. It took one second after she heard them for Rarity to wake up with a start and clutch Fluttershy even harder to herself as she looked around for the source of the fear in her fillyfriend’s cries.

“Darling, whatever is the matter?”


“Yes, my love?”

“Why are you— why are we— what’s going on?!”

“Shhhhh, darling, it’s all right! Did you have a bad dream or something?”

“Oh no, I had a wonderful dream. I’ve never had one that detailed before, it was so vivid and real! I could even taste—” She froze again, blinking at the friend currently sharing her bed. “R-Rarity, did I... Did we— Oh Celestia! I didn’t dream it, did I?!”

Rarity was silent, but after a few moments Fluttershy felt a wet spot growing on the fur of her back. She turned around in the unicorn’s embrace. “Rarity? Why are you crying? Please stop crying!” She kissed her fillyfriend’s face in every spot she could reach and nuzzled her urgently.

Rarity cringed away from her. “You don’t remember? The most exciting and fulfilling night of my life and you don’t remember?!”

“Rarity, I—”

“Oh goddesses! You were still... the cider! I took advantage of the love of my life! Darling, I am so sorry, please forgive me! You were just so very convincing and sure of yourself and, and forceful and I just melted! Oh Celestia, I am the worst pony ever!” She turned away from Fluttershy and buried her face in the pillow.

Fluttershy ran the events of the night back in her mind. Everything had just gone so perfectly that by morning she was sure it had just been one more fantasy in a long line of them over the years. She did remember, but how... how had she done those things? How had she been that brave? “That... was me? That was me! I... I made love to you! Rarity, I did it! I told you what I wanted and we did it and it was wonderful!” Squealing softly with happiness she hugged Rarity’s back to her chest, kissing the nape of that slender white neck. “I’m so sorry. I’ve dreamt of doing that with you for so long, and... it wouldn’t have been the first time I woke up alone afterwards.”

“You do remember? Oh thank the goddesses! I had no idea what one would pack when going into exile this time of year.” Rarity wriggled round in the embrace, returning the kisses urgently. “You don’t have to wake up alone anymore, darling. Neither of us does.”

“Oh Rarity, thank you! It was so perfect and special!” They kissed deeply, pouring into the gesture all the pent-up passion from long years spent in frustration. “Can we, um, do it again, please?”

“Ah... perhaps we should have breakfast, then discuss it later?”

“Breakfast... oh my goodness, the animals!” Fluttershy leapt out of bed and rushed to the door. She turned back to give her lover an apologetic look. “Oh, sorry, I need to go tend to my friends. I can make breakfast afterwards?”

“Go, my lovely. I will make us something. Go tend to them.”

“Okay!” She paused at the door, then rushed back to the bed and pressed her lips to Rarity’s, making happy little squealing noises while she did so. Pulling back, she positively beamed with joy. “I- I love you.”

“I love you too, dearest. Go now, you have other loved ones who cannot cook for themselves.”

The unicorn rose stiffly and stretched her tired muscles; last night had taken a lot out of her. I wasn’t even aware I could bend that way. She laughed at her reflection in the mirror. Oh my, I look exhausted. How is it running a marathon with your sister is somehow less strenuous than making love? On the bright side I daresay it will help me keep my figure. And no, Rarity, that is not an excuse to indulge in cake more often! Though, if all diet plans were like this...

She briefly considered showering and making herself presentable, then decided against it for now. If Fluttershy could spring up and take care of her household without worrying about herself first, then it would hardly be proper for Rarity to do less. Besides, if I wait till she’s not busy she can join me. She giggled at the thoughts that sprang to mind at that.

She eased her way carefully downstairs, her legs feeling as unsure as a newborn foal’s. The unicorn caught sight of Fluttershy out in the back yard, hurrying and scurrying to feed the menagerie that shared her home. Smiling, she made her way into the kitchen.

Knock Knock

She cocked an ear and turned around; somepony was knocking on the front door to the cottage. A brief glance confirmed that Fluttershy was still going about her chores and so, curious, she trotted to the door and opened it.

In front of her was Rainbow Dash, looking for all the world as if she had just seen a ghost. That’s peculiar. Well I suppose she wouldn’t have reason to expect to see me here. Dash was carrying... Oh, a pet carrier. Perhaps she had brought Tank for a checkup? "Oh, good morning, Rainbow! I am glad you are here, I wanted to apologize properly for my behavior—" And then she was enveloped in a crushing hug.

"H-how? How are you alive?!" Tears were streaming down the pegasus’ face, and for once she was too preoccupied to scrub them away with a hoof as she poked and prodded at Rarity as if making sure she was real.

"Rainbow, what do you—"

She was hugged even more forcefully. “I thought I’d lost you! I couldn't stop the fire in time, it took out the whole bedroom!” She sobbed hot tears into Rarity’s chest fur. “Rarity, I’m so sorry we haven’t hung out as much as we should have! Um... maybe I could come with you the next time you go to the spa, it wasn’t so bad. Or I could... try on dresses.... Rare, we need to find some way to hang out that doesn’t involve being so girly.” Rainbow burst into fresh tears. “Please tell me you’re okay? I need you to be okay! If I’m dreaming this, I don’t wanna wake up. Please be okay!”

Rarity winced a little as her lungs were compressed again. Goddesses, she hugs nearly as hard as Pinkie Pie! “Rainbow, I am fine, I am well, please stop worrying. What has you so upset?”

Rainbow just continued to hug her, snuffling into her coat. She gradually calmed down, but did not let go for some time. She’s okay! She wasn’t there... she’s here!

Dash hadn’t yet brought herself to set eyes on Rarity since she grabbed her; it almost felt like if she did so she might break the spell and Rarity wouldn’t be there at all. When she did finally look at Rarity, really look at her, she was very surprised. Rarity’s mane was messy - that alone was another shock. Rare never leaves the house without spending hours on her hair. More surprising was how tired she looked. Yet somehow, despite these facts, she looked happy.

Gradually it dawned on her. Rarity... had not been at home, Rarity had been here. She was here, at Shy’s home. Her mane was unbrushed, and she looked happy! Omigosh omigosh... Good for you, Shy! “You... were here? Last night, with Shy? Did you two—" The look of confusion slowly morphed into a lopsided grin.

Rarity looked down at the red-eyed pegasus. Her first thought was to deny it; she didn’t want to embarrass her fillyfriend. No, I won’t hide my feelings anymore, from anypony. I love her and I do not care who knows that. "Oh, to Tartarus with it. It's exactly what it looks like. Now what was this about a bedroom?"

Rainbow slumped wearily into a seat at the kitchen table. She set the pet carrier down on the tabletop, prompting an angry yowl to emerge from it. Rarity turned in shock at the familiar sound of rage. “Opal? What are you doing in... Rainbow, why do you have Opalescence with you? You still haven’t told me what had you so very upset! What happened?”

Rainbow nodded. “Sorry, Rare, I’ll tell you. I just... I was very happy to see you here. Not in... there.”

She went over the events of the night: being woken up (omitting who was holding her at the time), the lightning strikes, flying all night to help everypony deal with the storm. Then she paused.

“Rarity... I’m so sorry, your shop...”

“What? What happened to the Boutique?”

“I stopped it from burning down, but the whole top story is just ashes and soot. I- I looked for you after I put the fire out. Your bed was just a smouldering pile of burnt feathers and fabric. That’s why...”

As her shoulders heaved she felt forelegs slide around her neck. “Shhhh, you did everything you could, I am certain. The Rainbow Dash I know would move heaven and earth to save a friend. You’ve already done so many times in the past. Thank you again for saving me from my fall. I cannot say that enough times. Had I been in that fire, I would certainly not have blamed you in the slightest for not being able to help everypony at once.”

Rainbow snuffled. “I’m just glad you were here.”

“Now now, enough of that. Finish your story; why do you have my Opal with you? How on Equestria did you ever manage to get her in there?” She rose and began to make breakfast while she listened to the rest of the story.

Rarity laughed loudly as Rainbow described chasing her cat around the house, trying to herd her into the carrier. “Oh goddesses! If I didn’t have magic I would never be able to get her in that thing, she despises it. So you brought her here thinking it would be the best place? Good thinking, Fluttershy is the only pony Opal really seems to like. Me... she just seems to tolerate.” As she spoke, she laid out three stacks of pancakes and three glasses of apple juice on the table.

Unnoticed by the two ponies talking, a third had joined them. Fluttershy smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, I heard voices and didn’t want to interrupt.”

“How much did you overhear, darling?” Rarity inquired as she looked up from her pancakes. Not feeling very hungry at the moment, but I will need my energy. After all, there will be much to clean when I get home.

“I heard enough. I need to talk to you about something, Rarity. I—”

Rainbow leaped up excitedly. “Shy! You did it! AJ told me about you two, but I never believed you would actually do it!”

Fluttershy backed away just slightly. “D-do what?”

“You told her! That’s why she was here, isn’t it? I gotta say Shy, I am impressed! I never expected you to be the type to give it up on the first—”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity glowered at her. “I will not tolerate that language! One does not speak of such things in polite company.”

“Oh c’mon, I’ll tell you about me and AJ! It was sooo awesome! She does this thing with her tail and she knows right where I wanna be bitten and—”

“Please stop,” Fluttershy pleaded in a desperate whisper.

“—you would not believe how well she preens me, it’s like she grew up with wings! And she gets this look when I nibble on the tips of her ears—” Rainbow halted and blushed, seeing Shy’s look of growing horror. “Um... sorry. B-but good for you two. AJ told me about you crushing on each other. Lemme tell ya... it feels good to just come out and say it! I mean c’mon, Rare... letters are soooo lame!”

“Yes, well... be that as it may, I think I may have to excuse myself. I’ll need to go and assess the damage to my home. I suppose I can use my couch as a temporary bed, that or stay with my parents for a while.” She got up and kissed Fluttershy on the cheek. “Thank you, my darling, for the most wonderful night of my life.”


Rarity marched resolutely to the door. She paused and turned her head back toward the table. “Oh, darling, I am sorry to ask this, but could you keep Opal here for a short time? I think the shop might be a bit drafty without a roof, and I want her to be someplace warm and safe.”

“Rarity! Stop!”

Rarity had little choice; Fluttershy had wrapped herself around the unicorn, physically restraining her from leaving the cottage. “Darling, please, w-we have a guest!”

“Yes, we do, because this is your home too! I want you to live with me!” Shy blushed heavily, but did not let go. “Please? If that’s okay with you? Stay here with me!”

A long drawn out fan-mare squeal came from the table. “Omigosh you two are so cute! Are you gonna make out now?”

Rainbow was briskly pushed out of the cottage. “Hey! I’ll let you watch next time me and AJ make out!” She pounded on the door. ”C’mon! I didn’t get to finish my pancakes!” The door opened again and a plate of pancakes was shoved into her hooves. “Mmmm!”

“Y-you want me to move in with you...” Whirlwind romances... seldom last. Nonono, this will not fail. Granted, much has happened very quickly but this is not a new relationship. This is merely a new facet of our long-term bond. “I don’t know, my love, I think that might be too forward of both of us.”

Fluttershy appeared ready to back down, but then she stood up taller and looked Rarity right in the eye. “I didn’t ask you to marry me, Rarity!” Yet. “I asked you to stay with me. Take our relationship out of the picture; as nothing more than your friend, I would ask you to come live with me if you lost your home. Why would I do less for the pony I love?”

Rarity was frozen with indecision for a moment, but only for a moment. How can I refuse such a, well, generous offer? “You’re right... I’m sorry, my love, I got nervous for a moment. Everything seems to have been going so well lately, and I have been waiting for the other horseshoe to drop. Strange as it may sound, I am relieved something bad has finally happened.” She offered her foreleg. “Well then, let’s see how just how bad the damage is, shall we?”


“Yes, my love?”

“Um, maybe we should... shower first?” Fluttershy flicked her tail and sauntered up the stairs.

“Oh... oh my, yes. Um, coming, darling.”

A long shower (and all that typically entailed for them) later, followed by a trot to Ponyville, brought them to the shop. “I am no longer relieved.” Rarity slumped down on her bedroom floor. Everything was charred and unsalvageable. The walls had suffered heavy damage, and the furnishings were unusable. Rolls of very expensive fabric were now burned beyond recognition. Repairing this was going to take every bit she was making from her advance, and now she did not even have the fabric to complete that order! “What am I going to do? Lady Starlight expects her dresses to be completed by the end of the week! We only have six done, and the fabric I needed for the rest was stored in this room!” One of the support beams for the wall creaked loudly as a section of it caved in, scattering a cloud of ashes into the breeze.

Forelegs surrounded her, imparting a feeling of love and support, and a warm chest pressed against her back. “We will just have to work harder, won’t we? You were planning to make the dress line public next week, so you have the designs done. Let’s go to Canterlot and convince some ponies to place orders, then we’ll use the advances to buy more fabric.”

Rarity shook her head. “I’ve never worked on credit before, you cannot rob Celestia to pay Luna like that indefinitely. I would eventually run out of material to make the new orders and be left in the same situation. No, I am going to have to find capital to rebuild.”

“What you need is an investor!”

They both turned in surprise to see Spike standing at the bottom of the stairway. “Sorry,” he murmured sheepishly, “the door was open so I wanted to make sure everything was okay.”

“That is quite all right, Spikey— sorry, that foalish nickname. I do not mean to treat you like a child.” While it was true that Spike was far from adult, he had grown considerably in a few short years. He could now look a pony straight in the eye while standing, and his carriage had lengthened to stretch that baby fat taut over a well-sculpted body. Yet he still sported the same grin he always gave her, the one that seemed to say she could do no wrong in his eyes.

“From you, milady, I never mind.” He swept into a deep bow. ”Ahem, anyway; you need somepony to invest in your business. I think I know of quite a few ponies we could talk to... I’d be happy to introduce you to some of them. I have a party to attend tomorrow night in Canterlot; the invitation was extended by somepony you’re very familiar with, and I have standing V.I.P. privileges to bring guests that I believe will make the evening more interesting.” He grinned again, this time with definite slyness.

“Spikey-wikey, there is no need to be so formal! I think all those trips are getting to be a bad influence. Why, I’m of a mind to tell Fancypants so myself.”

“You can if you like. He’s the one hosting the party.”

“... Very well then, I shall accept your gallant invitation. Do you mind terribly if it is plus two?”

“Well sure, you can bring a friend.”

“Oh... Spike, about that...”

Spike listened with interest as she told him all that had happened, biting his lip in consternation at her tale of misunderstandings and near misses. He waited politely for her to finish, then spoke up. “Wow, you’ve been through a lot lately! Still, I guess it all worked out in the end.” The little dragon smiled warmly. “Well, I need to go pack. Just be ready at noon tomorrow; I’ll have tickets waiting for you at the train station. Oh, and talk to Hard Hat when you’re ready to fix the Boutique, he owes me one! Anyway, get ready. Tomorrow we dine in Canterlot!”

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