• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,024 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 66: Money Troubles

Rarity inhaled deeply as they entered the main plaza of Regent Row, and let out a slow, measured breath. Every time she came here she felt a little giddy. Previously, she only had the means to make singular purchases, but today she was here to purchase (or rather, replace) everything that she needed to fully stock her vanity.

She dearly hoped Fluttershy had brought enough bits with her.

Even if she hasn’t, it would be a fine excuse to return, she reasoned to herself with a bright smile. Still, it was important to stick to the essentials first. She was going to have to be frugal. It wouldn’t do to make Fluttershy pay for something she didn’t absolutely one hundred percent need. She nodded firmly, walked into the perfumery, and proceeded to purchase most of it.

Some time later, she skipped out of the store, a large sack of Fluttershy’s bits having been replaced with a larger collection of fragrances. This included one bottle of the prized Ponivre which was currently nestled in a gold box lined in velvet, which in turn was nestled in her own saddlebags.

“Are you sure you got everything you needed?” Fluttershy asked as she followed Rarity at a short distance.

“For the moment, sweetness. To replace everything would be a little time-consuming, since some of it was special order from Mareis. But this will be an excellent start!” Rarity whirled around, trotting back to Fluttershy and kissing her soundly on the cheek. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can get bits from the bank if we’re going to run short—”

“I’ll be fine,” Fluttershy said with a little smile. “I have more money than I know what to do with, and I like to buy you things. It’s nice to see how happy it makes you.”

“Well, I... that is...” Rarity felt her cheeks burning hotly as Fluttershy looked at her in a way that made her decide that spending the night in Canterlot would be just fine.

Luna will have a room for us, surely. And if not, perhaps we could find a nice hotel.

“I just worry about you delving too much into your savings,” she finally managed to squeak out.

Fluttershy shook her head. “Don’t worry. I have plenty more at home. I don’t usually spend much on myself, after all.”

Rarity had to bite back the question she wanted to ask. If Fluttershy had two saddlebags full for a simple shopping trip, just how much was ‘plenty’ more? She had just said she had ‘more than she knew what to do with’ which implied that plenty was perhaps quite a lot.

To her knowledge Fluttershy didn’t make very much with the occasional services she performed for the local pet owners. She in fact had to hold regular fundraisers to help keep up with the demand of all of her friends for food and water. But it seemed terribly rude just to ask about her finances out of the blue.

“Is something wrong, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

“N-nothing,” Rarity replied quickly. She shook her head, feeling horribly foolish. She had already shared a bed with Fluttershy, and before that had shared secrets she wouldn’t trust to anypony else, yet it was finances that bothered her? “It’s just nice to hear that you’re doing well. I... I have to admit I always assumed that you might not have much in the way of disposable income.”

Fluttershy laughed quietly. “Oh. No, I have money, I just don’t have very many things I need to worry about. Mayor Mare sold me the land next to the Everfree for practically nothing, my friends helped me build my cottage, and I really just need food and tea, and sometimes a little something sweet.”

“Well, I suppose that makes sense. So... you make do with what you make from your little side business?” When Fluttershy looked at her blankly, Rarity clarified: “You know, seeing pets for checkups and the like?”

Fluttershy’s confused expression cleared, and she smiled. “Actually, I don’t really charge anything for that. But ponies do donate a little sometimes, and I use that to replace the medicines and shampoos and new brushes and such. It’s never been enough that I make any money, but I kind of like it that way. I feel guilty enough as is, because I’m sort of taking business away from Dr. Goodall, even if she is nice enough to not hold it against me.”

Rarity tilted her head to one side as she considered that. “I... I hadn’t actually thought of that. I’ve simply always come to you. You helped me find Opal in the first place, after all.”

“She’s very happy with you,” Fluttershy said, nodding with a little grin that made Rarity’s heart melt. “You spoil her, and she likes that.”

“Yes, well, I wish she expressed that in a slightly less hateful manner.” Rarity replied. She shook her head, letting the matter drop for the moment, there was more shopping to do, after all.

A few shops (and a great deal of bit spending) later, they found a wonderful little cafe and spent some time eating scones and sipping at a delightful infusion of white tea direct from Chineigh. Rarity sighed happily into her cup, watching the steam dissipate in the breeze. She’d always dreamed of moments like this spent with a lover, even if she’d been imagining something a bit more masculine on the other side of the table most of the time.

Fluttershy smiled mischievously, and in a moment Rarity felt a hoof brush hers under the table.

“Well, somepony is in better spirits!” Rarity said with a little laugh.

Fluttershy nodded, reaching out to grasp Rarity’s hoof in two of her own. “I really like this. Just you and me and you being happy. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

Rarity simply looked at Fluttershy for a long moment, then had to use her other hoof to wipe away the tears forming at the edges of her eyes. “I feel the same, sweetness. I’m just sorry things got muddled up. That dreadfulness with those awful stallions—”

Fluttershy took one of her hooves and pressed it to Rarity’s lips. “That’s okay. It’s all done now. All we have to do is get your things, get the bits from the bank, and go home.”

“Well, and go to meet Luna for dinner.” Rarity amended. “We’ll have to fit that in somewhere.”

“Right!” Fluttershy said, her eyes shifting away from Rarity’s suddenly. “Right, we could do that... ooooorrrrr we could just go home!”


“I mean, Luna’s a big pony, we could just send her a nice little note that we had to cancel—”

“Fluttershy!” Rarity said with a raised voice, making Fluttershy’s ears wilt back. “We can’t just cancel!”

Fluttershy looked down at the table, her shoulders hunched and eyes firmly fixed on her scones. “Please?” she said after a long moment.

“Darling...” Rarity said more softly, trying not to further upset Fluttershy, “I thought you wanted to talk to her?”

“I did... because I thought she might be evil, and... I don’t anymore. I think... I think she’s a princess, and she has great big princessy responsibilities, and ponies made her angry, so she told them she would punish them.” Fluttershy withdrew both of her hooves, tapping them together worriedly before putting them back down on the table. “But... she didn’t actually even do it, she just said she would. And... that doesn’t make her evil, does it? It’s not like she really hurt anypony...”

“Well, we can certainly encourage her to hold her tongue a bit more, for her own sake if not for everypony else’s.” Rarity said, putting her other hoof on top of one of Fluttershy’s and giving it a little squeeze in what she hoped would be taken as encouragingly. “But we didn’t just need to talk to her about modern diplomacy.”

Fluttershy winced, and Rarity could feel a little shudder pass through her via her hoof. “I... I know. I suppose I just hoped maybe we could do that some other time? We have to take care of things at home—”

“Yes, darling, we do.” Rarity interrupted, trying to cut off Fluttershy’s assuredly wonderful list of reasons why they should postpone meeting with Luna. “But my problems are ones that will take weeks to fully resolve, and we could begin to fix our troubles with Luna tonight. After that, we can certainly let all of us have a little space, but I really would rather not have her think we’re holding a grudge.”

Fluttershy raised her eyes once more, a worried frown on her face. “No... I don’t want her thinking that. I... I’m still not sure how I feel about her—” her eyes widened, and she quickly corrected herself, “I mean, about how she acted! But... I don’t want her thinking I hate her. I’m... I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, darling!” Rarity said, patting Fluttershy’s hoof. “What’s going on here, this is honesty. If you’re worried, or angry, I want to know! I won’t always be able to fix it but at the very least I want to know about it.” She smiled brightly, and Fluttershy hesitantly smiled in return. “There now, look at that! I want to see as much of that as I can.”

Fluttershy let out a soft little sigh, then nodded firmly. “Right, sorry. I... I’m just still...” she waved her other hoof helplessly. “Sorry.”

“It’s going to be fine, sweetness. The last time this matter was discussed I was quite literally in a different frame of mind.” Rarity twirled one hoof around her ear, making Fluttershy giggle despite herself. “Apparently I was more than a little flighty in that state. So if anything, I should be the one apologizing. I wasn’t there for you, but I am now.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, exhaling it noisily. She looked into Rarity’s eyes, and while they still looked troubled, there was determination in them as well. “Okay.”

The rest of Rarity’s shopping trip passed largely without incident. By the time she was done, Fluttershy’s bag contents had shifted to roughly one fourth of its original coin contents, the rest of the space now occupied with various toiletries, shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, and scented soaps. Rarity’s own bags were full to bursting with new towels (since Fluttershy’s weren’t quite fluffy enough) and the bathroom items that hadn’t fit in Fluttershy’s bags. Floating behind her were several newly purchased suitcases filled with similar items, one of which contained a receipt for the purchase and delivery of a new vanity, a new canopy bed, and all the bedding to go with it.

She was very much looking forward to breaking that in when she had a proper bedroom to put it in. As it was, she was likely going to need to repurpose her guest bedroom into temporary storage until the repairs were complete. Sweetie Belle would not be pleased, but then, she couldn’t stay with Rarity in the shop until it was repaired anyway.

“Um... Rarity should we maybe hire a carriage? Or maybe a valet or something?”

“Nonsense!” Rarity replied over her shoulder.

“It’s just... I worry maybe those bags are getting too heavy for you—”

“I carry more than this during overnight trips, darling. We’ll certainly hire a carriage once we leave Regent Row, but I’ll be fine for now.”


Rarity looked back once more, and caught Fluttershy sagging under the weight of her bags. Rarity’s eyebrows rose in surprise, and she quickly lifted them from off of Fluttershy’s back in her magic and adding them to the train she had floating behind her. “Darling, why didn’t you say you were getting tired?”

“I... you were having fun shopping and I didn’t want to bother you.” Fluttershy said, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Sorry.”

Rarity pursed her lips together, noting Fluttershy’s fatigue and the apparent lateness of the hour. She hadn’t really noticed the time very much since this morning when the sun had been stuck in position until some time in the afternoon. “Well, I suppose we can begin to make final purchases and head back to the castle.”

“That would be nice.” Fluttershy said, and only now did Rarity recognize the fatigue in her voice. “I still need some teas, if we could. And Angel wants to try cashews in his salads but the shops in Ponyville never carry them. I was also thinking some dried fruits, since it’s a little early in the season for apricots.”

“Fruits, nuts, and tea.” Rarity said with a nod. “Right, that would be... just a few shops down. Anything else?”

“Nothing I need from here.” Fluttershy replied. “Thank you.”

“Well then, let’s pick those up and—” Rarity’s eyes bulged slightly as she saw a face she wasn’t really prepared for at the shop next to where they needed to purchase their dried fruits and nuts. “You know, perhaps we should go to the bank, first? I must have spent most of your bits by now, yes?”

“Um... no? I still have plenty for small things. Plus I figured you would just ask Luna to maybe send along a lockbox of bits, otherwise you’ll need to carry them all.”

“Well... I had meant to ask her if we could perhaps borrow a carriage—” Rarity stopped as she realized she was letting herself be sidetracked. “Yes! We should go directly to the castle—”

“We will, after I get the cashews.” Fluttershy said, walking on without Rarity towards the shop, which Rarity distractedly noted was called Crazy About Nuts. Her eyes were firmly fixed on the approaching disaster walking towards the shop. Why Prince Blueblood of all ponies was here eluded her, but she wasn’t very keen on asking him, she simply wanted to avoid a scene. To her dismay, it seemed the disaster in question had noticed Fluttershy, and was making a beeline towards her.

“Fluttershy!” Rarity called out urgently, then immediately tried to lower her voice. “Could... could you please not go to that particular shop—”

“Excuse me.”

Rarity simply watched with wide eyes as the scene unfolded before her. Fluttershy stopped and turned, looking surprised to be addressed. Blueblood had stopped as well, making no move to either retreat or advance once he’d achieved a respectful conversational distance from her.

“I hate to bother you, but I—”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she finally recognized who had stopped her. “Oh my! Um... hello again.”

“Yes... um... hello. That is...”

Rarity stormed forward, not even looking at him as she approached. “Fluttershy, we have business elsewhere.”

“Wait! Please, just give him a moment?” another male voice said, prompting Rarity to look again and find that apparently Blueblood had brought along a friend for his shopping trip. He was a rather delicate looking thing, a bit shorter than Blueblood, with almost mareish features. He had a long mane of white, which was carefully styled, and a coat of silver. His cutie mark was a rather nice-looking tea set, which made Rarity reassess him as possibly being a servant to the Prince instead of a friend.

“Forgive us,” she said, addressing the other stallion. “I don’t mean to be rude—”

“You’re not. You’re uncomfortable and you want to leave and that’s completely understandable!” The stallion said. She looked at him quizzically, uncertain of how she was meant to react. He didn’t seem terribly respectful if he was a servant.

Blueblood stood next to the as of yet unnamed stallion, looking pained yet making no move to leave. “Please. I won’t bother you for longer than necessary. I... I simply wished to...”

“Blue,” the other stallion said quietly. “You can do this. We talked about this.”

“That doesn’t make it easy!” Blueblood said with a wince.

“I’m very sorry, but what is this?” Rarity demanded after watching their exchange with growing agitation.

“It’s... a very bungled attempt at an apology, Rarity.” Blueblood said, not even looking her in the eyes as he did so.

“An... an apology?” Rarity repeated, feeling especially confused.

“Yes,” the other stallion said. “I’m sorry, I really should have begun with introductions but I only barely managed to convince him to approach you both. I am High Tea, and I believe you’re familiar with our Prince.”

“We’ve met.” Rarity snapped back irritably.

“Not the happiest of memories, I’ve no doubt—”

Blueblood held up a single hoof, finally raising his eyes to meet Rarity’s. “Enough. If I can’t account for myself I’ve no right to ask for forgiveness to begin with.”

“Of course.” High Tea said, affecting a more relaxed posture. “Go ahead, Blue.”

Fluttershy had been watching the exchange silently, but chose that moment to speak up. “Mister Blueblood—”

Prince.” High Tea correctly her swiftly.

“No, her of all ponies has the right to call me whatever she wishes.” Blueblood said with a tired chuckle. “Please, Fluttershy, you were saying?”

“I... I just don’t understand. I mean, yes, you were a bit of a jerk—”

Blueblood actually laughed, which made Rarity stiffen in surprise. “I was... am, a ‘big jerk’, yes. But... I’m working on it.”

“Prince Blueblood has come to terms with certain things about himself.” High Tea interjected. “He—”

“Tea, you’re missing the point again.” Blueblood said, pressing a hoof to his forehead. “Ladies, I... I’m trying to make amends to some of the ponies I’ve wronged with my behavior. I spotted Fluttershy just now and I almost passed up the opportunity out of respect for Rarity’s understandably low opinion of me, but Tea wouldn’t let me get away with that.”

High Tea grinned just a little, but kept his silence while Blueblood finished.

“In any event, since Miss Fluttershy was gracious enough to help me recognize the fact that I had a problem, I simply wanted to give you both my apologies and thanks for that,” Blueblood took a deep breath, letting it out noisily.

“Well done, Blue!” High Tea said, cuffing Blueblood on the shoulder.

“That... wasn’t as bad as I thought.” Blueblood said, nodding to Fluttershy and then Rarity in turn. “Forgive me again for bothering you. I hope you both enjoy the rest of your day.”

High Tea stepped forward, taking one of Fluttershy’s hooves into his own. “I’d like to thank you, too! He’s been a lot more tolerable to be around since you talked some sense into him. Maybe we could arrange to have dinner together sometime—”

Blueblood cleared his throat noisily. “Yes, well, we shouldn’t keep them.” He nodded to High Tea, who in turn dropped Fluttershy’s hooves with a final silent ‘thank you’ and followed along behind the prince as they both headed into another shop further down the lane.

Rarity watched silently for a time, struck entirely speechless. She eventually turned back to Fluttershy, pointed in the direction Blueblood had gone, and asked: “What just happened?”

Fluttershy simply shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, I think it was very nice of him—”

“Yes, that was very nice,” Rarity said irritably. “But he said you helped him,” Her eyes narrowed as she had a horrifying thought. “You... you didn’t make him do that, did you?”

“ ‘Make him’?” Fluttershy asked.

“You know...” Rarity opened her eyes wide, staring pointedly. “Like this. Did you just—”

Fluttershy was silent for a long moment, then she began giggling helplessly. “Oh! N-no, of course not. I can’t just look at a pony and make them do what I want! If I could do that, I wouldn’t have to ask you to teach me how to get bargains at the market!”

“Well, apparently you don’t need bargains, either.” Rarity muttered, glancing at the bags at Fluttershy’s side.

“Excuse me.” somepony said as they shouldered past Rarity to go into the shop.

“Rarity... I just—”

Rarity held up a hoof, not wishing to make any more of a scene than they had already. “Nevermind. We’ll get your almonds or peanuts or whatever it was—”

“Cashews,” Fluttershy supplied. “I’m sorry—”

“Don’t be. I’m just in a mood,” Rarity said with a huff. “Come on, we have shopping to do.”

They finished their shopping in relative silence, Rarity doing her best not to brood and failing miserably. She’d been finding out a lot about Fluttershy in a short time, and not all of it good.

She’d known Fluttershy had a bit of a manipulative streak for some time. For instance, It was rather hard to ignore when she’d quite literally saved first Rarity’s own life and then Sweetie Belle’s by giving what amounted to a stern look. While Fluttershy’s assurances that she could not just control ponies had somewhat mollified her, the list of secrets her lover kept was beginning to mount.

There was the relatively minor issue of where she’d earned all of the bits they’d just spent, of course, but of more concern was Blueblood’s unexpected behavior. If Fluttershy hadn’t made Blueblood apologize, how exactly had he even come to the conclusion that an apology was even warranted?

A more awful part of her mind questioned whether Blueblood’s claims of Fluttershy having ‘helped him’ might account for the large sums of bits. She angrily denied even the possibility to herself, though the worry remained.

When they’d finally made it out of Regent’s Row, they hired a carriage as Fluttershy had wished, and Rarity sat in the seat opposite of the one Fluttershy chose, simply looking at her.

Fluttershy returned the gaze, worry and anxiety marring her otherwise adorable visage. “Rarity?” she asked quietly. “Are you all right?”

“No,” Rarity said after a moment. “No, I don’t think I am.”

“Did... did I do something wrong?” Fluttershy said, wincing afterwards as if in anticipation of the answer.

“No... I don’t think so, at any rate,” Rarity replied. She shook herself, frowning at her own behavior. “Sorry, darling. It’s probably nothing, but could you possibly clear up a couple of concerns for me?”

Fluttershy looked up, relief washing across her features. “Okay?”

“I... I hate to be rude, but I feel like if we’re going to be in a long term relationship I might need to know where on earth you get all these bits from. I mean, I don’t mean to imply anything, but it’s quite a lot.” Rarity nodded to her bags, and to Fluttershy’s own.

“Oh... that’s... that’s a little bit...” Fluttershy frowned as she looked at her own bags. “I... I feel a little embarrassed about that, really. I didn’t ask for it, but they just keep sending me checks...”

Rarity’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Who does, darling? Perhaps your parents? Do they support you? There’s no shame in that! Why, I had to rely on my own while I started out, though I paid them back by watching Sweetie for them when they went on their trips—”

“No... It’s...” Fluttershy looked around, eventually finding what she was looking for. She pointed, and Rarity’s gaze followed to see a picture of a smiling mare on a billboard enjoying a juice box full of carrot juice.

“All right? I’m afraid I’m not...” Rarity’s words trailed off as she recognized the face. One generally didn’t see billboards directly. They existed in your field of vision, and you just ignored them. But now that she was actually looking at it, she could clearly see that Fluttershy was the one drinking the juice box.

“Photo Finish came to see me a few months after I quit. She said she needed to pay me my share, since she was still my agent, even if I wasn’t working anymore. I guess the carrot juice company really liked my picture, because they just keep using it. I suppose it is a nice picture.” Fluttershy shook her head with a little smile. “I tried to tell her I didn’t want the bits, but she said she couldn’t just not pay me, it was against the law. So... I had her mail the checks instead.”

“Oh! That actually explains—”

“At first I just put them away in a drawer, but then the drawer got full, so I used another drawer, but then the whole dresser got full—”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “Wait, just how much—”

“Donations were a little short one month, so I cashed a few of them, that helped.” Fluttershy continued, beginning to sound just a little manic. “Then I worried maybe the company would feel bad that I wasn’t taking their money. I started cashing more of them and just putting the bits away in a little space under my floor, but it filled up quick, so I pried up a bunch of floorboards so I could fit more. That was okay for a while, but then I needed a new space—”

“My word, Fluttershy—”

“I put some more under the chicken coop, but I ran out of room there, too. So then I dug a nice deep hole, and I got Harry to move Angel’s hutch over it—”

“Why are you burying all of your money?” Rarity demanded.

“Well, I didn’t know what else to do!” Fluttershy replied with a little wince. “I don’t really need much at all and the money just keeps coming... I mean I could spend more on my friends but if I stop doing the fundraisers ponies will think I’m just some sort of crazy pony who spends all of her money on animals!”

“I don’t think they’ll think badly—”

“Not to mention ponies like being involved with fundraisers, it makes them feel good. Also I place a lot of my friends with families who will love them during those—”

“All right, but you could bring the money to the bank—”

“But that’s where it all comes from!” Fluttershy protested. “If I bring it back to the bank the carrot juice company will know and they’ll think that I don’t like their product! But I really think they do make nice juice! Don’t tell Applejack I said that, please. I told her I prefer apple juice but Angel Bunny just loves his carrot juice and I like how it’s not quite as sweet—”

“No, no I mean...” Rarity trailed off, staring at Fluttershy. “Have you really never had a bank account?”

“No?” Fluttershy replied. “Those are for business ponies. I don’t need money very much so I just keep it at home.”

“So... what do you do when somepony donates using a check?” Rarity asked, morbidly curious by that point.

“I go to the bank and get them to give me money.” Fluttershy replied promptly. “Then I bring the money home and spend it on the things I need to buy later.”

“Right...” Rarity said after a long moment. “Well, I think the first thing we need to do when we get home is get you a bank account. Do you have any idea how much you have?”

“I... I don’t know. Lots?”

“All right...” Rarity said, her eye twitching as she tried to remain calm, “The bits you brought along, were they a large portion of what you have at hoof?”

“No, this is just what I could fit in the hollow tree near the chicken coop.”

“So... just what you couldn’t fit anywhere else.” Rarity said, feeling slightly faint.

“Well, I didn’t want to pull up more floorboards, the hole under the hutch was full, and Harry started complaining that coins are hard to sleep on.” Fluttershy shrugged, a little frown on her face as she admitted that particular fact. “I figured if dragons sleep on gold maybe it was the same? Then I stuffed a bunch in my mattress and Harry is right, Rarity. They are really really uncomfortable. I took those out of my mattress and put them in the tree.”

“Fluttershy...” Rarity took a deep, calming breath. “You knew I needed money to repair the boutique, why didn’t you say something?”

“I wanted to, but then Spike said he would find you somepony to invest in you and I didn’t want to make you feel bad by just throwing money at you. I know you have a lot of pride in your boutique. You work so hard. I... I didn’t work for any of this.”

“Well, there is some truth to that, though I would argue if your image makes them money that is your work. In any case, I could have just gotten a loan from you—”

Fluttershy shook her head vehemently. “You’d want to pay it back, and I’d just be back to the same problem!”

The bruise on the side of Rarity’s head began to throb in rhythm with her heart. “Fluttershy... darling... would you like to invest in my shop?” she held up a hoof to forestall the expected protest. “Not a loan, I’m asking if you want a stake in my business. I could put some of that troublesome money to use. And then we can make the bank keep track of the rest of it for you. They have better storage systems than holes in the ground.”

Fluttershy didn’t answer for a long while, but when she did, she looked Rarity in the eye with a bright smile. “I’d like that.”

Rarity nodded, then allowed herself to sag back on the seat. “Goodness. I did not expect the answer to that first question to be so very stressful. I’m almost afraid to ask about the second, now.”

After a moment, Rarity felt a soft mane resting against her. “What else did you want to ask?”

“Well... about how you helped Blueblood. You told me I wouldn’t want to know what happened in that restaurant—”

“Oh, that’s probably okay, now.” Fluttershy said, nestling into Rarity’s chest.

“Why now, in particular?” Rarity asked, stroking Fluttershy’s mane.

“Well, at the time, you were very upset with him, I didn’t think you’d want to hear what he said.”

“And you think I might be ready now?”

Fluttershy nodded silently, then said: “Mister Blueblood... well, he was being a great big jerk. That was one of the first things I told him after I took him into the bathroom to talk.” Fluttershy said, snuggling in closer. “He... he was a little surprised when I told him. I guess nopony had ever done that before.”

“I...” Rarity trailed off as she thought for a moment. “No, I suppose I was never quite that direct. But surely that can’t be all you did! He came out looking like he’d seen his own tombstone!”


“So, how shall we do this, my lovely—”

“Be quiet.”

“Oh, do you prefer the strong, silent type?” Blueblood said with a lascivious grin.

“Mister Blueblood, you really need to sit down.”

“Well, I had thought we’d be standing, but I don’t mind new experiences—”

“Sit!” Fluttershy said, much as she would to a disobedient puppy. He plopped down on the floor in surprise.

“Now you stay there, and you think about what you did, mister!” Fluttershy hissed, staring at Blueblood.

“Um... I don’t necessarily mind a little power play, but perhaps you’re going a little far—”

“I didn’t say you could talk!” Fluttershy barked back at him, watching silently until his mouth shut with a snap. She began pacing back and forth, muttering angrily. “You insulted her perfume. Do you have any idea how special that perfume is? No, you don’t. Because you’re a big, dumb, drunk, idiot Prince who wasn’t even good enough at being a prince to show Rarity a good time on the most important night ever—” she glared at him when he tried to open his mouth again. “You be quiet! I’m not done yelling at you yet!”

She started pacing again, growing even more agitated. “I heard you all the way from the other side of the room telling those awful jokes, and all of your friends were laughing along with you. I happen to have a zebra friend and she is probably one of the nicest ponies I know!”


“Not done,” Fluttershy snapped at him. “I was really, really enjoying myself despite that, and then you came along like you’re Celestia’s gift to mares everywhere and you called her names while trying to hit on me! What is wrong with you? Do you even know how horrible you are?”

“I didn’t—” he stopped, apparently expecting to be interrupted again. He wasn’t wrong.

“Go ahead, you big jerk! Tell me what makes you so special that it’s okay to make everypony else around you miserable!” she folded her arms together, leaning against the wall and looking at him expectantly.

What she did not expect was for him to burst into tears.

“What... what are you doing?” Fluttershy demanded. “You’re... you’re not supposed to cry! You’re a big dumb meanie and meanies don’t cry!”

“You made him cry?” Rarity asked, not quite believing what Fluttershy had told her.

“Well, I was very upset with him.” Fluttershy said defensively. “Also, I was a little drunk, and I didn’t care about his big stupid feelings. Or, I didn’t... until then. He apologized. A lot. It was a little hard to understand him, but I figured out what he was trying to say. I told him he didn’t need to apologize to me, and he said I was right, and that he’d be sure to apologize to you too.

“We talked for a long while. He seemed like he didn’t have many ponies who just listened to him. He was really, really unhappy. He said he knew he can be a giant idiot when he’s drunk, but he didn’t like being sober very much.”

“I see.” Rarity said, looking up at the ceiling of the carriage thoughtfully.

“I asked him why, and he said he was always expected to be a certain way, but when he was drunk, everypony just said he was like that because he was drunk. I told him that was very silly, and he agreed, but he didn’t know what else to do.”

“So... what made him... I mean, he seemed so defeated when he came back out...” Rarity’s words trailed off, as she was uncertain exactly what she was asking.

“He... he kinda was.” Fluttershy said, wincing.

“I’m sorry,” Blueblood said once again.

“It’s...” Fluttershy hesitated, frowning at him. “Well, it’s not okay. But I understand, a little, now. That doesn’t mean I’m not upset with you.”

“You... you’re right to be.” Blueblood replied, nodding. He blew his nose into a wad of paper towels that Fluttershy passed to him. “I am, in fact, a ‘big jerk’,” he laughed mirthlessly.

“Well, you’ve made some very bad choices. And you’ve hurt some ponies.” Fluttershy said, staring down at him. “You can either keep hiding from it, or you can face up to it.”

He nodded, staring down at the floor. “Noblesse oblige. I have failed badly in my duties.”

“I don’t know about that, but I think you can be a better pony, Mister Blueblood. Rarity saw something in you, something noble and admirable, and... I don’t think she was wrong. I think maybe there is a better you.”

Blueblood looked into the bathroom mirror, laughing again. “Good grooming and poise, that’s what she saw. That’s what most ponies see.”

Fluttershy shrugged. “I think you know what kind of pony you want to be. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have been bothered by what I said.”

“I think maybe... he needed to hear that?”

Rarity thought about that for a long time. She’d held a grudge against Blueblood since the night of the Gala. She didn’t hate him so much as she hated that he hadn’t been what she’d wanted him to be, which seemed to be something he’d heard quite a lot. Hearing Fluttershy’s words helped her let go of that disappointment, for the most part. No, he hadn’t been the stallion of her dreams, but he neither was he the villain in her life’s story. In the end, he was another unhappy pony, trying to bumble through his life.

“I... I think you were right, Fluttershy. I wasn’t ready to hear that back when I asked. But I am glad to hear it now.” Rarity wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy, pulling her close in a hug.

“That’s good.” Fluttershy said with a happy sigh. “Weren’t they cute together?” she asked, looking up at Rarity.

“Um... who, exactly?”

“Blueblood and his coltfriend. You know, the one he called Tea?”

“Oh!” Rarity laughed just a little. “Well, they seemed like good friends, at least, but I’m pretty sure Blueblood doesn’t swing that way.”


“I don’t think you understand. A pony of my stature cannot just do as he wishes.” Blueblood said, looking up at Fluttershy with slumped shoulders.

“And is this you acting the way a pony of your stature should be acting?” Fluttershy asked with a single raised eyebrow.

“Well, in a fashion...” Blueblood said, cringing a little under her gaze. “A noble is expected to carouse, to ‘sow his wild oats’ or some such nonsense.”

“You don’t sound very happy about it.”

“I’m... I’m not actually.” Blueblood muttered. “But then, we can’t expect everything, right? Being born into privilege affords certain things. Happiness isn’t one of them.”

Fluttershy shrugged. “I wouldn’t know, sorry.”

“No, no you wouldn’t,” he said, and for just a moment, he glared at her. “You wouldn’t know what it’s like to have expectations placed on you by family—”

“Excuse me... have you ever heard of Sergeant Posey?”

His eyes opened in surprise at the interruption. “I’ve heard of her, yes. But I don’t see what that has to do with—”

“She’s my mom.”

He opened and closed his mouth several times, blinking rapidly at her. “Nevermind,” he said finally.

“Well, I just mean, I... I do understand. But maybe being happy is more important? I mean, you said all of your friends don’t take you very seriously anyway—”

“Because I act like a fool, yes,” Blueblood said, shaking his head. “But even then, I don’t have the freedom you do. Do you have any idea how lucky you are?”

“I think I may be the luckiest mare in the world, to be honest, but I don’t know if I’m very well able to judge that for myself.”

“You’re probably right. At the very least, you’re luckier than me. When I wed, it won’t very likely be for love. I’ll be very lucky if it’s somepony I even like.”

“That... sounds very sad, Mister Blueblood. But I still don’t think it’s okay to be horrible to ponies just because you’re unhappy.”

He shrunk in on himself, nodding hastily. “That... that’s true. I was horrid, and I had no reason to be. It’s just that I... I was a little jealous of you two, to be honest. You seem very happy together.”

“We are.”

“Well, good for you, Miss...” he looked up, frowning in sudden thought. “I can’t recall ever having asked your name, miss.”

“It’s Fluttershy.”

“Miss Fluttershy. I’ll endeavor to remember it,” he stood up hesitantly, as if expecting her to order him to sit once more. Having made it to his feet, he gave her a deep bow. “You’ve given me much to think on.”

“What will you do now?” she asked quietly, feeling honestly curious and even a little concerned.

“I... I don’t know. Try to drink a little less, see if I can find something in life that makes it a little bit bearable. It’s not this. This is just...” he paused, waving a hoof around helplessly. “It’s a farce. I’m tired of trying to impress sycophants and hangers-on, and my peers barely tolerate me.”

“Don’t you have anypony at all that makes you happy?” she asked, almost dreading the answer.

He thought for a long moment, then smiled just a little. “One, yes. A good friend, who tolerates me more than he should. He’s tried telling me some of the things you did. I... I didn’t listen. I should have.”

“Oh!” Fluttershy smiled along with him, feeling a little better for him. “Well, one is a start!”

“Yes... it is at that,” he shook his head ruefully. “Forgive me again. I’ve been laying my problems at your hooves. You likely didn’t bring me in here to do anything more than yell at me.”

“Well, no,” Fluttershy admitted. “But I did that. I feel a little better now. As long as you apologize to Rarity, I’m happy to have talked to you.”

He paused for a long moment, long enough that it was clear he had something on his mind, but was uncertain if he wanted to say what it was. He finally spoke, asking. “Miss... Fluttershy, could I ask... how did you go about it, exactly?”

“Go about what?”

“Well, you... and her, and you’re very clearly together... was it difficult? Did you ask her, or her you? Was it... terribly awkward?”

“Wait, he was asking about us?” Rarity asked, her eyes narrowing.

Fluttershy’s voice dropped to a whisper for a moment. “Well, more about if it was very weird to be attracted to a friend, when they’re...you know, the same? It’s not like Ponyville here,” she thought for a moment, then added: “Actually, most places aren’t like Ponyville, but here especially.”

“I still don’t see—”

“Sorry, sorry. Anyway, I guess he really likes his friend?”

“Well, I could see that much, but I think it might be a stretch to say Blueblood is—

“And one time while he was really drunk they kinda made out but they never talked about it afterwards—”

Rarity’s jaw opened, and stayed there for a time until she had the presence of mind to retrieve it. “B-but he was hitting on you,” Rarity protested.

“Yes, but I think that was... you know... an act? I think he was just trying to upset you. Or... maybe he was serious. Some ponies like both, after all. I mean, you like both, right?”

“I... I suppose that’s true enough.” Rarity said, her face feeling hot. She wasn’t quite certain why the concept of Blueblood and Tea as a couple was upsetting her in this way. He had a right to love as well, didn’t he?

Fluttershy nodded. “Both can be nice. In the summertime, when I go to visit Applejack, I see Big Mac out in the fields working hard, and I think maybe...” she blushed, then fell silent. “Anyway, I told him maybe he should talk to his friend. I guess he did. I think it’s fine, Tea looks nice. Maybe Mister Blueblood will be happier now.”

“Admittedly that... might cause a bit of a scandal,” Rarity said, trying and failing to get the images of Fluttershy and Big Macintosh out of her head. She was admittedly grateful that they had supplanted Blueblood and Tea, but she didn’t like the irrational urge to strike Applejack’s brother for no reason other than the crimes he was committing in her mind.

“It won’t be that bad, will it?” Fluttershy asked with wide eyes.

“I suppose it would just be amongst the elite, and most of them consider him a bit of a buffoon to begin with. If he’s not drinking to excess anymore, his reputation might actually get better as a result.” Rarity shook her head, marveling just a little. Her Prince had found another prince. “Well, good for him, and good for you as well, darling. You did a very nice thing for a not-very-nice pony, and as a result, he seems to be turning over a new leaf.”

“Yay.” Fluttershy whispered into Rarity’s chest.

Rarity smiled down at Fluttershy, saying: “Well, I suppose we don’t need to go to the bank after all. Are you ready to go have dinner with Luna?”

Fluttershy reached up with her muzzle to meet Rarity’s lips with her own. After they’d broken their kiss, she nodded very slowly. “Okay.”

Author's Note:

Comic by Nova Quill/Firimil.

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