• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,024 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 40: Burning Brightly

“But you don’t understand!” Rarity protested, scribbling madly on five different designs while simultaneously stitching together three dresses and a hat. “I have so many ideas! I can’t very well stop now!”

Fluttershy nodded, trying her best not to panic. She was wearing layer upon layer of finished designs, Rarity having reasoned that the time it would take to remove one was time she could be spending making the next.

Luna stood next to her, wearing six different gowns on top of the one for the party. She still looked badly winded, whereas Rarity was moving around like Pinkie Pie after a dozen cupcakes.

“Nopony is asking you to stop, Rarity,” Fluttershy said. “We just want you to take a little break. Luna is tired, and so am I. Do you think we could take these dresses off and maybe go to the party Luna mentioned?”

“How can you be tired? We only just got up a few hours ago!” Rarity groused, glancing back at Fluttershy, before her eyes flicked to Luna. Strangely enough the princess did look a bit unsteady... “Luna, surely you understand the drive to create?”

“I do, very much so. The urge to make the world a more beautiful place is a strong one indeed,” Luna agreed with her before trying, and failing, to stifle a yawn behind her hoof. “Keep in mind, however, that even my sister and I, for all the power we possess, also need our rest, lest our work become sloppy or overly similar. Your marefriend has the right idea, and the party shan’t wait for us much longer.”

“Bah, it’s called fashionably late!” Rarity huffed. She looked over the various designs, biting her lip in consternation. Finally, she laid her quills down, allowing the half-sewed dresses to come to rest on work tables. “Oh, very well then. Let’s get those gowns off of you.” She busied herself putting away the finished gowns and laying the works-in-progress aside.

Luna gratefully allowed the dresses to be removed from her person. Were she not feeling so horribly exhausted, she might have quipped about Rarity being eager to undress her. “Thank you,” she said instead. That reminded her, she would need to ask the team to research that phrase as well. They seemed simple enough words, but there did seem to be some truth to their power. Perhaps the words could be incorporated into spells to increase the overall output—

“Luna,” Fluttershy said, interrupting her line of thought and thus sparing the world from research into gratitude-based spells and politeness-based incantations for a few more days.

“Yes, dear Fluttershy?” Luna responded, irritably trying to recall what she’d been thinking about.

“I... I just wanted to thank you, for... doing what you did.” Fluttershy’s eyes flickered to Rarity. “But... will it wear off soon?”

“I honestly have no clue,” Luna said, watching Rarity clean up the workspace. “The magic I gave her should be used up naturally as she ages, it’s just particularly potent right now.”

Fluttershy sighed worriedly. “Well, do you know what went wrong?”

“Strictly speaking, nothing at all. I gave her some magic, and it did exactly what I said it would,” Luna said, chuckling tiredly. “I just gave her a little more than I intended.”

“Well... maybe you could take some back?” Fluttershy asked hopefully. “I mean, I’m really glad she’s okay now, but I worry about her like this. What if she decides she doesn’t need sleep anymore?”

“Fluttershy?” Rarity called out from the wardrobe. “What do you think for this party? I was thinking something in pink for you and a nice midnight blue for me, or would that draw too much attention away from Luna? It would be terrible manners to outshine her at her own party, after all.”

“Um... whatever you think is best,” Fluttershy called back. She turned back to Luna. “So, can you just... undo what you did?”

“I’m afraid not,” Luna replied, firmly. “Giving her magic was one thing; the risk was entirely to me. And while I am exhausted as a result, I will be fine after a good night’s rest. Trying to take magic from her, however, is very, very dangerous. More to the point—” Luna had to yawn once again, smiling apologetically “—I am afraid I wouldn’t know how.”

“Luna?” Rarity asked. “Are you sure you’re happy with your gown? Would you prefer the one with the frills and lace? I could whip up a new design in a matter of minutes if need be. Or I could just use one of the dozens I came up with half an hour ago.”

“The dress is lovely, Rarity. Don’t trouble yourself further,” Luna responded. Turning back to Fluttershy, she smiled wanly. “I am sorry, for what it’s worth. I never intended to cause difficulty for either of you.”

Fluttershy shook her head, watching Rarity putter about while biting her bottom lip in worry. “No, it’s okay. It’s just... I’m used to her having highs and lows in her mood. But if she’s on a really long high, the low is going to be worse.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Luna replied dismissively. “She’s working with more magic than she’s ever had before. I imagine anypony would be a bit giddy afterwards.” Despite her assurances, she did wonder if perhaps there was something more going on. Irritably, she put the concerns aside. They had a party to get to.

Rarity trotted back to them in a rather stunning evening dress of midnight blue and carrying a red cocktail dress for Fluttershy. “Well, here we are, ladies. Does anypony need to check their makeup before we go?”

Fluttershy simply shook her head. She never wore makeup, and Rarity knew that.

Luna demured as well. “I’ve never seen the point. My coat is too dark for it to make any difference.”

Looking positively scandalized, Rarity shook her head in disbelief. “You can’t be serious! Luna, you’d look lovely with just a little coloring to accent here and there.” Before Luna could protest further, she was dragged bodily by her forelegs, scrambling to avoid falling. Rarity sat her down in front of a full body mirror, whipping out a touch-up kit. “Just hold still, and let me show you what I mean.”

Luna did her best not to fidget as Rarity fussed over her, applying color and ‘foundation’ in a seemingly random fashion. Of note were the colors chosen. Any and all makeup she had seen looked garish to her; it was all bright colors, generally caked on the pony in question, and Luna did not care for looking like a clown. What Rarity was doing was... quite different.

She’d applied an eyeshadow, if it could be called that on her, since it was actually lighter than her coat. It served its purpose, however, in that it called attention to her eyes. A very dark blue lipstick brought out the fullness of her lips, and by the time Rarity was done, she hardly recognised herself. Or rather, her face was still her own, but what Rarity had done served to bring out her features in starker contrast. She gently touched her cheek, noting with pleasure that it did not smudge at casual contact.

“There we are!” Rarity said, smiling. “Not bad, if I do say so myself. So, shall we?”

The party was a typical Canterlot affair; high ranking officials hobnobbing with highly paid models and rich business ponies. Exactly the sort of thing that Pinkie Pie would hate.

Rarity, of course, was in her element. She just had to remember that despite her natural inclinations, she was not here to be the center of attention.

That shortly became a moot point, as the moment they stepped into the room, all eyes were on the princess.

Luna smiled back at them, one and all. She immediately caught sight of the party host, and waded through the crowd. “Fancy Pants, Fleur, how are you?”

Fluttershy eyed the crowd warily, as attention was now split between Luna and the ponies who had arrived with her. “Um... Rarity, could we find a place near the wall? Maybe in a corner, blocked by some potted plants?”

Rarity snorted in amusement, then turned in surprise when she realized her darling was serious. “Fluttershy, surely you jest! We came here to mingle and socialize! We can’t do that from the sidelines!” At Fluttershy’s continued nervousness, she relented. “You’re thinking about this all wrong, darling. They aren’t judging you; they are curious about you. Three mares, one a princess, two the elements of harmony; they are dying to know why we are here, and with whom.”

“I... I just don’t like being stared at,” Fluttershy said, very quietly.

“Let them stare! Let them whisper! Right now they are wondering about us, curious why we came to a party unescorted. We are the most interesting thing in the room!” Rarity shivered with delight. “Come with me, love. Let us go talk to our host.” With that, Rarity boldly strode through the room, reopening the crowd that had closed ranks in Luna’s wake. Fluttershy followed behind, biting her lip, trying to be bold as well, and hoping to all that was good that nopony noticed her since she was behind Rarity.

“Rarity!” Fleur exclaimed, gracefully stepping past the animatedly chatting Luna and Fancy Pants. “It’s so nice to see you! Spike was so disappointed that you couldn’t make it the other night. What kept you?”

“Oh, terribly sorry, Fleur.” Rarity snatched a wine glass from a passing tray, taking a long drink. She set it down next to another glass of wine, the liquid level being slightly lower than hers. “I was in Canterlot on both personal and professional business. The personal ended up being more involved than I had thought. Still, that’s past now. How are things with Fancy?”

“Horribly boring.” Fleur chuckled at Rarity’s disbelieving expression. “Not him, of course, but these dreadful things he keeps dragging me to. I had hoped you and your friends might liven things up, but you seem to have left the loud ones behind.” Fleur waved at Fluttershy. “Hello there, Butterfly! Enjoying yourself?”

Fluttershy was busy making herself as small as possible, and seemed startled to be directly addressed. “Um... hello.” In a much lower voice, she said, “My name is Fluttershy...”

Fleur De Lis blinked for a moment, blushing furiously. “A thousand apologies, Fluttershy. I must remember not everypony’s name is synonymous with their cutie mark. You... Yes! You were the one who all the birds flocked to...”: Her eyebrows rose as she took more of the mare’s countenance in. “Of course! You set the fashion world on its ear for a time! Every model had to be demure and reserved for months after you left! Such a stir you caused!” She chuckled into a hoof. “My friends despised you!”

Fluttershy’s face fell. “I’m so sorry—”

“Oh, don’t be,” Fleur interrupted, waving a hoof dismissively. “They hate everypony. They are not so much ‘friends’ as ponies I work with. They’d gladly stab anypony in the back to get a leg up.” Fleur trotted over next to Fluttershy, nuzzling her playfully. “I like you, ma petite chère. Anypony who annoys those horrid mares is a good pony to know.”

Rarity cleared her throat, prompting Fleur to look back in her direction. While Fluttershy had been talking, she’d been adding five more glasses from around the room, all carefully sipped from. “Ahem. Fleur, I’d like to introduce my marefriend.

“Oh?” Fleur’s ears perked up. “I hadn’t noticed you brought anypony else. Where is she?”

Fluttershy squirmed uncomfortably.

Fleur looked back and forth between the two of them, flushing when she realized her faux pas. C'est gênant! What you must think of me! I meant no offense, Rarity. Nor to you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy murmured her acceptance, pressing herself against Rarity’s side before the larger mare tried to nuzzle her again.

Rarity nodded brusquely, smiling again now that the elephant had been addressed. She dipped a hoof in the leftmost glass, running it around the rim and creating a low tone. She frowned at it, lifting it up and taking a sip. Another attempt got her the tone she wanted. “So, I was given to understand that I had missed Fancy’s party, yet here he is having another.”

“Ah, well yes, you did. This party is being hosted by Upper Crust and Jet Set. Though they made themselves scarce some time ago. They have no stomach for long affairs. Though Upper does enjoy short ones.” Fleur smirked a little at her own joke.

Rarity gasped, leaning closer to Fleur. “How scandalous! Does Jet know?”

“Know? He takes pictures. I imagine he has quite the collection by now.” This caused both unicorns to giggle, but only served to confuse Fluttershy.

“Ahem, yes. Well, I am happy to see you nonetheless. It was so very nice of Luna to bring us along.”

Fleur De Lis’ eyebrows rose a fraction at that casual bit of information. “Oh? First the elder, now the younger? You have powerful friends, Rarity.”

“Nonsense. I have friends, and that is all,” Rarity replied, dismissing the implications. “I cherish every one of them, and they do the same in turn.”

“You cherish the princess, mon amie?” Fleur De Lis’ eyes twinkled as she laughed merrily. “Perhaps she is close to you both?”

“Nothing so crass as that,” Rarity replied, flushing guiltily. After all, it wasn’t as if she’d never entertained the idea. “My friends and I are simply important to both sisters, though I admit we have had occasion to deepen the friendship of late.”

“Ah, forgive me. I misunderstood.” Fleur’s eyes flicked over to Luna, who was twirling around in her new dress. “Fancy and I have had that opportunity as well.”

Rarity, who had been in the middle of sipping at a sixth wine glass, nearly choked in shock. “I must be mishearing you—”

Je resterai bouche cousue. I have said more than I should have and I will thank you if you will forget it,” Fleur said quickly. “Our younger princess does not need a scandal laid at her hooves.”

Nodding quickly, Rarity took another deep draught of her wine, setting that glass down next to the rest. “Of course. I wouldn’t think otherwise.”

Fluttershy mouthed the words Fleur had spoken, her own eyes wide in surprise. “You, and... Luna?” she asked, slightly breathless.

Fleur nodded almost imperceptibly. “My Fancy is very attracted to taller mares, and I find wings very comely.” She nodded to Fluttershy, the pegasus’ cheeks coloring. “Your Rarity has good taste, ma chère.

Fluttershy unconsciously draped a wing over Rarity possessively. “Yes. She does.”

The rest of the party passed largely without incident. Luna was very pleased with the responses she received, Rarity flitted about the room renewing acquaintances and making new ones, and Fluttershy did her best to be Rarity’s shadow.

Finally, well into the night, the party wound down, and Luna excused herself with Rarity and Fluttershy in tow.

Luna skipped down the hall, laughing merrily. “Did you see the looks I was getting? It was almost as if I was her!”

“Well, you are a princess, if I may say,” Rarity replied, feeling a little giddy herself.

“You don’t understand. I may be a princess. But even if nopony says it to my face usually, I am not the princess. It’s like I’m an afterthought!” Luna scowled briefly before grinning once more. “But tonight I felt... respected, admired, desired.” Her tail swished back and forth as she said the last word. “It’s the type of response you cannot command, and, indeed, it makes mere commands unnecessary.”

“I... I believe I can relate just fine, thank you,” Rarity muttered, glancing at Fluttershy. “But it’s really not healthy to get wrapped up in envy.”

Fluttershy just looked back at her sadly.

“Well, back to it, then. Fluttershy, would you mind fetching me some coffee? I want to see if I can knock out the rest of the shipment for Lady Starlight.” After a moment’s consideration, Rarity added: “And some of those lovely croissants, if you can.”

“Um... actually I thought I might sleep, and maybe you should too?” Fluttershy replied, hopefully. “We need to go back home in the morning, after all. I’m starting to get worried about my friends; Angel Bunny gets upset when I’m gone too long.”

“Nonsense!” Rarity threw her mane back dramatically. “I feel just as fresh now as I did when I woke up. Better, actually. I daresay I could get a fair jump on the summer designs while I’m at it!” At Fluttershy’s saddened visage, she added: “You can rest if you wish, of course, poor darling. I can fend for myself just fine.”

“A mare after my own heart!” Luna said, smiling excitedly. “But really, did you want to spend your last night in Canterlot cooped up in that room? I could take you to some wonderful places to stargaze, or we could go and visit the Night Gardens...”

“Well...” Rarity hesitated. The drive to continue working was particularly strong, and she hated wasting time. Still, Luna was a friend, and had certainly done more than enough to help them over the the last couple days. “Perhaps”, she said at last. “Though I confess I’ve never heard of them.”

“It is a private garden,” Luna replied, turning down a hallway to lead the way. “My own creation, full of night-blooming flowers and nocturnal animals. When I first returned I... I needed a place to be alone, but Tia insisted I get out of my room, so we compromised. I go there when I need to think, or relax. It is really quite beautiful.”

Rarity looked at Fluttershy, silently asking for her assent.

Fluttershy too was conflicted. She was still worried about what Luna might have done to her marefriend, but the Night Gardens certainly sounded nice. Maybe I’m worrying too much. She nodded, slipping her wing over Rarity’s shoulders. With that, they followed Luna to her gardens.

Arriving at the door, Luna nodded to the guards, who seemed surprised to see her, but otherwise made no move other than to open the doors.

Inside, another world awaited. Luminous flowers bloomed in every size and shape imaginable. The trees were filled with various species of bats and owls, and other creatures chittered from places where it was too dark to make them out. If it could be said to resemble anything, the closest comparison would be the deepest parts of the Everfree, but where that seemed dangerous and oppressive, the garden was simply overgrown and wild. Rarity hesitantly walked forward with Fluttershy, unsure of what to expect. The surprise that greeted them was of the unpleasant variety.

“Tibbles!” Luna called excitedly, seemingly unafraid when a large rat jumped down from the trees and perched on her head.

Rarity’s scream woke small foals for miles around.

The next few moments were a frenzy of activity. Every animal in the gardens panicked simultaneously. Rarity had jumped on top of Fluttershy, using her like a stool and pointing a hoof at the large rodent while screaming bloody murder.

“Um... excuse me, friends? Can you all please calm down?” Fluttershy called out into the night. “Please? I know you’re all very frightened...” Her pleas were lost in a cacophony of hoots, screeches and chitterings.

Amidst the chaos, a lone figure calmly spread her wings, sailing up into the night. Dark creatures joined her, swirling around her in a flock. Luna flew high into the air, spreading her wings wide, then swooped down and around in a slow spiral, followed by all of the creatures capable of flight. When she landed, the landbound creatures gathered near her, each seemingly enamored with her presence.

Rarity herself had stopped screaming, transfixed by the princess being paid homage to by the creatures. She watched as Luna reached down with a hoof to scratch underneath the chin of a particular affectionate bat. Then, as quickly as they had gathered, they went back to their roosts, leaving only Luna and ‘Tibbles’ behind.

“Forgive them, please. Dawn nears and they were getting ready to bed down for the day. We startled them,” Luna said, smiling apologetically. The rodent draped itself around her neck, chittering a question to her.

“Um... Luna, your friend seems to—”

“I know, dear Fluttershy. He is curious about you.” Luna gestured to the pair. “Tiberius, the white one is Rarity, the yellow one is Fluttershy.” More chittering followed. “He is pleased to meet you.”

Fluttershy just stared, dumbfounded. “Um... can you... talk to him?”

“Hmmm?” Luna chuckled as Tiberius nibbled at her mane. “Not as such. But he is my pet, and we understand one another well enough.”

Rarity still had her mouth open, though no sound was coming out. She had, at least managed to climb down from her perch, but her mind did not have a response for the giant rat draped around Luna.

“I see,” Fluttershy said, stepping closer to the affectionate opossum. “Hello,Tiberius.”

Tiberius scampered up from around Luna’s neck to the top of her head, leaping from there to Fluttershy’s mane. He leaned down, looking at her and squeaking quietly.

“Why, yes, we are Luna’s friends. I’m sorry if Rarity startled you.” Fluttershy turned back to Rarity, who was still a little shell-shocked. “Rarity, are you all right?”

“You...y-you have a rat on your head,” Rarity said with a shaky voice.

“Actually, he’s an opossum. They look similar to rodents, but they are an entirely different species,” Fluttershy explained calmly. “His name is Tiberius, and he wants to apologize for making you scream.”

“You.... have a rat... on your head,” Rarity repeated.

Tiberius squeaked again, and Fluttershy chuckled. “She doesn’t mean to be rude. Rarity is a cat owner. She’s been given a few presents in the past. She’s not upset with you; you just frighten her.”

Rarity shook her head indignantly. “I am not frightened! I just don’t like rodents! They chew holes in walls, and fabric, and muck about in my garbage! That’s why I adopted Opal! She keeps them away.” She shuddered. “I mean no offense to... Tiberius, however. He just looks an awful lot like... a rat.”

“Tiberius does not eat garbage anymore, do you?” Luna cooed to the opossum, stroking him under his chin. “I did find him in a trash can,” she confided, “and I took the poor dear in. Now he eats quite well.”

“Yes, well... Be that as it may, he is your pet, and I presume he’s more well-mannered than a common rodent.” Rarity tried to suppress a look of distaste. “Just... keep him away from me, please.”

“Tibbles, come here,” Luna called. The opossum leaped from Fluttershy’s head down to the packed earth, scampering along the ground and up Luna’s leg. “Good boy! Now, I think it might be time for you to get some rest.”

Tiberius cocked his head curiously, exchanging glances with the princess. After a moment, he jumped down from her chest and ran up the side of a tree, disappearing into its branches.

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I am very sorry about that. I am sure he’s a wonderful pet.”

“He is,” Luna replied, smiling happily. “Tibbles was one of my very first friends. I suppose it helps that we’re both most active at night.” She gestured to a set of stone benches. “Come, let us sit and chat awhile.”

Rarity took the hint, making her way to the benches, looking around warily for other surprise guests. But, seemingly in keeping with their mistress’ wishes, the fauna were quiet. Presumably they were settling in for a good day’s rest. She idly braided her mane, unable to sit still.

“So,” Luna began. “I believe your design went over far better than I had hoped. I’d like to offer you a job, if you’ll have it.”

Rarity’s eyebrows rose in surprise. She’d finished her mane and started working on her tail. “Oh. Errr... to be honest I hadn’t really considered... I mean, I’d always loved the idea of living in Canterlot... but I have ties at home—”

“Rarity,” Luna interrupted, holding up a hoof. “While you’d be more than welcome to take up residence at castle, nopony ever said you’d have to work here. The castle can place orders, and you can fill them.”

“Well, that’s true enough. But there is still the problem of my shop, you see. Water damage, fire damage... I came here hoping to find an investor.” Rarity shook her head. Lacking for anything else to keep her busy, she started braiding Fluttershy’s mane. “I was so busy socializing at the party I never got around to making any business contacts.”

“Easy enough,” Luna said. “I’ll need an invoice for the treasury, but you may consider your repairs a... ‘signing bonus’, I believe they call it now.”

My shop repaired, a steady source of work, designing for royalty, no less!

Having braided both of their manes, Rarity eyed Luna’s flowing locks curiously, wondering what they would feel like. “That would help so much! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She tried to get down to kiss Luna’s hooves but was held back by a yellow hoof that kept her on the bench.

“Um...” Fluttershy interrupted, hesitating but worried about something that Rarity hadn’t even thought of. “Luna... that’s very nice of you, but... maybe too nice? I mean... why are you doing this? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Because you are my friends?” Luna replied, confused. “Do friends no longer help each other when they are in need?”

“Yes, of course!” Rarity replied, absently trying to grab ahold of Luna’s ethereal mane which stubbornly refused to let itself be caught. “And we’re going to be the best of friends! All three of us!”

“That would be nice,” Fluttershy agreed. “It’s just... it feels like you’re doing so much for us, without asking anything in return. I guess I’m just not used to ponies being like that... Sorry.”

“Well...” Luna sighed softly. “To say that my intentions were purely altruistic would be a lie. Do not mistake what I have given freely for anything but; though I was hoping we could get to know one another... better.”

And there it was. Luna wanted to get to know them better, just like Fancy Pants and Fleur. Fluttershy quailed inside, not sure what to do. “Um... I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” she said, finally. “What I mean to say is, we like you very much, but... what I mean is...” she stopped, unsure what she meant.

“Darling?” Rarity asked, having been working on something that vaguely resembled a hat. “Is something amiss?”

Fluttershy nodded, her faced flushed. How exactly did you explain to a princess that you were worried about being given things with the expectation of... that?

Luna looked back and forth between the two, wondering what was wrong. She hadn’t said or done something inappropriate, had she? Well, she’d flirted with them a little, but that hadn't seemed to be an issue before.

“I think maybe we should just go,” Fluttershy said, finally. “I’m sorry, Luna.” She got up to leave.

“Sorry?” Rarity set the half finished hat down, utterly confused. “Why are you sorry?”

“Luna... wants...” Fluttershy cut off, unable to say it.

“Please stay?” Luna asked, concerned. She’d upset Fluttershy somehow. She didn’t know how, but she did not intend to let things end like this. “I meant no harm in my entreaties. If I’ve given offense in any way, I apologize.”

“You didn’t. I’m sorry, Luna. I just... we can’t just do that.” Fluttershy said, shaking her head vehemently.

“Do what? Which part of my offer is objectionable?” Luna persisted. “Please, whatever it is, I retract it, here and now.”

“We’re not like that!” Fluttershy surprised herself with her own vehemence and put a hoof to her mouth. “Sorry,” she continued after a moment, “I just don’t feel comfortable with... that.”

“With what?” Luna tilted her head, honestly confused by the whole exchange.

“Well... I mean, when you asked if you could come visit us some night, I... I thought you were trying to embarrass Rarity. I didn’t know you actually do that.” Fluttershy finally relented, sitting down. “It’s... it’s not that I’m not flattered, I mean... you’re the princess, and really very beautiful. But that’s... that’s not...”

“Forgive me,” Luna said, her shoulders slumped in dejection. “I have gone about this all wrong. I only meant to deepen our friendships, though I had hoped that with time...” Luna trailed off, looking up once more. “I do my sister a disservice. This is a difficult conversation to have, and she has the benefit of an emotional connection to at least one of them.”

“Could one of you please explain what the problem is?” Rarity asked, plaintively.

“The problem is me, Rarity,” Luna replied. “I have gone a step too far, and I have made Fluttershy feel uncomfortable.”

“No!” Fluttershy assured her, waving her hooves. “I mean, you’re very nice, and I want to be your friend. And... and maybe I did think about... that. But... I didn’t think you really wanted to... It’s so soon, and I just finally got Rarity—”

“Waitwaitwait...” Rarity interrupted. When she had both of their attention, she asked plainly: “This is a sex thing, isn’t it?”

In an instant, both Luna and Fluttershy were reduced to stammering, blushing messes.

Rarity nodded sagely and acted decisively. “Luna, are you inviting us to bed this particular second?”

“N-no, we had in mind a long courtship, many evenings together watching the stars and perha—”

“Just a moment, darling,” Rarity said, cutting her off before turning to her marefriend. “Fluttershy, if I understand you, you are not outright dismissing the idea; you just never considered that the princess might be serious in her flirtations?”

“Um... well... maybe... yes?” Fluttershy squeaked out, her face the color of a ripened tomato.

“Right! Well then, Luna, I hope you’ll understand that we are still feeling out our own relationship and would not necessarily be very certain about the idea of a third, even if it were on a casual basis.” At Luna’s nod, she went on. “And, if I understand... your intentions are less than casual?”

“I...” Luna’s eyes darted back and forth between the pair. None of this was going according to plan, but she wasn’t entirely certain it was going badly, either. “We... had thought the more formal means—”

“Yes, I see the way of it.” Rarity tapped her hooves together, kicking idly at the dirt below her feet. “Fluttershy,” she said, turning back to her marefriend. “She seems to be on the up and up about it. Are you sure we want to turn her down just like that?”

“Um... I... I don’t know,” Fluttershy responded.

“Here’s what I think, if you’ll indulge me further. I think stargazing and the occasional night out with a friend sounds perfectly lovely. And should things progress...” She briefly eyed Luna. “I wouldn’t have any objections. What I’m not hearing is either of you saying that you’re against the idea, just that you want to move slowly. Have I hit the mark?”

“Yes!” Luna answered, somewhat triumphantly. Somehow, it seemed things had gone her way.

“Um... okay,” Fluttershy said, her head reeling.

“Excellent! Well, ladies, this was a nice talk. Can we head back now? I’ve come up with a wonderful hat design and I simply cannot wait to get started on a matching scarf.” Rarity modeled her creation for them. Apparently, while settling their problems, she had weaved it out of sticks and leaves, adorning it with feathers and even an errant pluck of hair from Celestia knew what creature. Not waiting for an answer, she got up, kissed Fluttershy, and walked to the garden entrance.

Fluttershy turned from watching Rarity walk away, to looking back at Luna who looked as befuddled as she did. “I really don’t think she’s okay,” she said at length.

“Okay? She is absolutely wonderful!” Luna replied, feeling pure admiration bordering on flat-out adulation for Rarity at that moment. “Do you think we could get her to talk some sense into my sister?”

“Luna, I’m worried about her! Something like this would normally have made her faint, or at least freak out a little...” Fluttershy shook her head. “I’m going to take her to the doctor. Something is very wrong.”

“Truly? She’s inspired, and productive—”

“She couldn’t stop fidgeting the whole time we were at the party,” Fluttershy deadpanned before grabbing hold of her mane with a hoof. “She braided my mane while we were talking, and she tried to braid yours!” Fluttershy sighed and looked at the doorway through which Rarity had disappeared. “It’s not normal. Not for her.”

“Well, perhaps she is more driven,” Luna allowed, At Fluttershy’s continued silence, she relented. “Fine, I will look her over.”

Rarity hummed softly as she cut all the various pieces of fabric she needed for the order for Lady Starlight. They still needed to be sewn together by hoof, but with the pieces ready, the actual stitching was just a matter of time. And thanks to Luna’s kind offer, whether meant altruistically or not, she would be able to get her shop repaired upon arriving in Ponyville. Things were taking a distinctive turn for the better.

As she worked, thoughts ran around her mind like frightened chipmunks. So much had happened so soon, and there was still more change to come. She had no idea what to think about Luna’s proposal quite yet. It was flattering, to be sure, but she wasn’t quite certain how it would work, or if she wanted it to. Granted, there was a part of her that very much liked the idea, but her head and her heart were clashing on the matter.

She thought back to conversations they’d had recently regarding Celestia and Pinkie and Twilight, seeing Luna’s opinions on the matter in a new light. Her mind also flashed back to a worrisome comment from her own sister, questioning why she had to chose just one special somepony.

Rarity shook her head, irritated. It was too soon to be worried about such things. All Luna had asked for was to be closer friends; that sounded fine, and indeed, quite wonderful. There would be time to decide such things later. Much later.

She added a few more flourishes to another dress design, this one very special. How often did one get to design a wedding dress for the pony she intended to propose to, after all?

She tapped the quill against the paper, idly wondering about the best place for the ceremony. Perhaps Celestia would allow it here at the castle? Oooo! Perhaps she could perform the ceremony! She laughed giddily.

Behind her, a door opened and closed. She turned briefly, seeing Luna had entered. “Hello! Did Fluttershy go to bed, then?”

“She went to go get the coffee you asked for,” Luna replied, closing the door behind her.

“Oh, well, she needn’t have bothered, I feel right as rain. Better than ever, in fact.” Rarity turned her attention back to her design, the sounds of cutting fabric coming from all around.

“That’s... actually why I came to see you,” Luna said, hesitantly. “Fluttershy worries that you might be feeling a little... too good.”

“Too good? How can you feel too good?” Rarity laughed at the idea. “For the first time in my life, it feels like everything is going my way, princess.”

“I am glad to hear it. But her concern is that something I did for you may have had an adverse effect, and I wish to scan you to find out.”

“Well, as I said, I feel fine, but do what you must to settle her mind,” Rarity replied, busying herself with a bit of sketchwork.

Luna simply watched Rarity work for a time, more unsure than ever. The unicorn looked fine. As she had said, she was happy, inspired, and full of energy. How exactly is her current state a bad thing? Wouldn’t it be better for her to remain as she is?

And if you are wrong? Fluttershy knows her far better than you, and she does not seem like a pony that would be worried without reason.

Luna sighed heavily. Having friends was proving very complicated. Enjoyable, but complicated. She lit up her horn in a dark flare, her eyes turning into twin pools of unlight.

The first thing she noticed was Rarity’s inner core of magic, still lit up brighter than it had been when she’d first seen it, but... dimmer than it should have been. Granted, Rarity was using a lot of magic, but not so much that she would be able to burn through all of the magic Luna had given her so quickly. Unusual, but not in itself worrisome.

The second thing made her draw breath in worry. The regeneration spell, which should have been cancelled out when Rarity was healed, had spread along every ley line in her body. Every second it was active, it was washing the fatigue from Rarity, removing any minor hurts a pony might experience from day to day walking about. It had to be why Rarity had so much energy, why she felt perfectly well rested no matter how long she’d been working.

It even seemed to manifest in places the spell was never designed to be; washing away fatigue in key parts of the brain where creativity resided. Normally such things behaved a lot like muscles, active for a period and at rest in between; right now, however, it seemed to be the source of Rarity’s seemingly endless pile of ideas. It would have—should have—been wonderful, if not for the nature of the spell.

For Luna’s spell was one that came at a cost. Normally, that cost was a few days of weakness, trading away a pony’s natural magic in exchange for faster healing. Now, it was making Rarity more active physically and mentally, but it was drawing on her very life force to do it.

Thanks to Luna’s magic, Rarity was feeling no ill effects thus far, but unless the spell was cancelled, swiftly, Luna estimated that Rarity would live to the ripe old age of thirty at best.

Rarity’s ears flicked backwards, and she turned her head away from her work. “Something wrong?”

“N-nothing I can’t fix, I assure you!” Luna said quickly, looking around for the anchor point of the enchantment. She just had to dispel the regeneration, and everything would be fine.

A few fruitless moments of searching told her that the anchor point was essential Rarity’s entire body.

Okay, the important thing to remember is not to panic. Neither of them know anything is wrong; they only suspect. Having the two of them panic as well will not aid matters.

There was a sound of an opening door, followed by the light hoofsteps of a pegasus entering the room.

“Ah, hello, darling! Did you get the coffee?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy replied, setting the bag down and giving Rarity a hug. “I got us some dinner too.”

“Splendid! Luna was just checking me over for that thing that worried you. She said it was nothing she can’t fix, so I’m sure it will keep.”

Luna gulped nervously as Fluttershy whirled back to look at her. “Y-yes. Nothing that I can’t handle, I assure you!” She took one of the cups of coffee from Fluttershy’s bag, drinking it down as quickly as she could. “I’m going to need something to take care of it, however. So just wait here while I go and get it.”

Without waiting for a response, she turned to mist and fled the room. Eager to be away from Fluttershy’s accusatory gaze.

Okay, everything is fine. I just need to find Tia, get her to dispel the spell, and neither of them will be the wiser.

After all, Rarity didn’t know enough about magic to know what had been done to her, and, being a pegasus, Fluttershy likely knew even less.

Luna sped through the palace in her mist form, making a beeline for her sister’s bedroom. Tia was sure to be asleep by now, but this was an emergency. She’d understand.

Arriving at Tia’s bedroom, however, she stopped in surprise. There were no guards; that was unheard of. Still, it did make it easier to pass by into the room, so she simply flew under the door; only to find the room unoccupied.

She nearly panicked, thinking quickly of where Tia could be other than in her room


Middy had been talking about some silly thing at Night Court, hadn’t he? He had thought it was important, so he might have gone to Tia over it. And her sister had chided her for having to take over court the last time she’d skipped out for a night alone. That had to be it. She was running court. Luna fled from the room, making all possible speed for the Court Room.

After finding the court empty, and still no sign of her sister, Luna had gone to the last place she’d expected to need to go this evening: to Middy’s quarters. It felt... odd, to say the least, to have to call upon her own assistant like some common supplicant. This was not the sort of thing a princess should ever have to do.

It was made worse by the fact that he had, in all likelihood, ‘ratted her out’ to Tia. She should have every right to be angry with him. So why did she feel this sense of foreboding? It was just Night Court, after all. All of the important business happened during the day. She had every right to cancel it if she had plans.

And they were important plans! She had needed to establish some modicum of respect and control amongst the Canterlot elite! And she had brand new close friends to help! Friends who even now needed her help more than ever, so what right did Middy have to be upset with her? No right at all!

Yes, this was his fault! Tia wasn’t in her room because he had gone to her like some sort of tattletale and asked Tia to cover instead of just canceling like she’d asked!

Stupid Middy. I should get a new assistant. One who knows that when a princess decrees something, you don’t ask her older sister for a second opinion!

She immediately apologized to Middy in her own mind. She did like him, even if he was a stick in the mud. She decided she would give him a raise for even thinking about firing him. It was only fair, after all. She did put him through a lot.

Wait... maybe that’s why he gets headaches?

Well, that’s just wonderful. Now not only can’t I yell at him, I have to apologize for giving him headaches! Stupid, stupid Middy!

She stopped short of his door, debating whether she should knock or just flow under the door in her mist form. Eventually she decided on knocking, but she seethed at him while she did it. It made her feel better. “Middy?”

A loud crash came from the inside, followed by a scrambling of hooves and a lock being turned.

“Princess!” he cried out in relief. “I was worried I was going to have to run Day Court as well!”

Luna’s eyebrows rose at that, but she didn’t have time to question it. “I can’t seem to find my sister. Have you seen her?”

Midnight’s face fell. “Well, no, not since this evening. I asked her to oversee Night Court in your stead, but she said she had a personal matter to attend to.” He held up Celestia’s symbol of regency. “She told me to hold Night Court instead!”

At this bit of news, Luna clapped her hooves together in sudden delight. “Oh, that’s a wonderful idea! Why didn’t I think of that? I bet you did splendidly!”

The shift in topic only served to confuse Midnight more, although he did seem pleased with the praise. “Well... I did the best I could under the circumstances, princess...”

“Good good,” Luna said, smiling at him proudly. “I would like to thank you as well, Middy. I recognize that... perhaps my needing a night off was inconvenient for you, but I am pleased to hear you handled everything so well. I’ll be contacting the treasury about a nice raise for you.”

“Um... well... of course, princess. I live to serve.” Midnight stammered back. “Although if you really want to thank me, perhaps you could give me advance warning of any personal plans in the future? I could have rescheduled the court appearance with just a little notice...”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Luna said, waving a hoof dismissively. “So, do you know where my sister went?”

“I’m afraid I don’t,” Midnight replied apologetically. “She only said she would be back by morning, and she sent her guards away.”

She sent her guards away? Tia never travels without guards.

“Did she take a chariot?” Luna asked. “Perhaps the pegasus guards would know her destination.”

“No, princess. She said she had a perfectly good pair of wings.” Midnight actually chuckled at that. “I admit I am unused to the princess being flippant about such things, but she seemed amused and I could not help be so as well.”

Tia flew? Where in Equestria would be be flying to in the middle of the night—Oh. Oh sister, why would you pick now of all times to follow my advice?

“Right. Well, I think I know where she is. Thank you, Middy.”

“Erm... princess, she will be back by morning, won’t she?” Midnight inquired, looking even more concerned. “I am not sure if I would even survive day court, let alone manage—”

“You’ll be fine, Middy. I have faith in you!” Luna said, laying a hoof on his shoulder in a gesture that she had been assured was comforting. “In any case, once I find her I’ll make sure she gets back.”

“Thank you, princess,” he said in evident relief.

Luna made her way back to the workroom in all haste, stopping just outside the door to collect herself. There was no real need to worry Fluttershy or Rarity unduly, but she needed to get Rarity to Celestia as soon as possible. After all, there was no telling how much damage the regeneration spell could do if left unchecked. I only have a mere lifetime to get to know them. I won’t have that cut short.

With that in mind, she opened the door, all smiles. “Sorry about that.”

Fluttershy was waiting on the other side, watching Rarity nervously. “Luna!” she hissed. “Did you get what you needed to fix her?”

Luna’s smile faltered for a moment as she tried to keep her cool. “Well, yes and no. I’m going to need my sister’s help, as it turns out, but she’s run off to Ponyville.”

“Is… is it bad?” Fluttershy asked, biting her bottom lip.

“No! No, not at all,” Luna reassured her, hoping her poker face held. She didn’t like it, but being honest was not going to help matters. At the moment, there was nothing wrong with Rarity that a good day’s rest wouldn’t fix. So long as they could find Celestia quickly, there was nothing to worry about.

And besides, if need be, she could always provide Rarity with more magic for the spell to draw on. If nothing else, at least it would mitigate the longer term issues she would experience. The problem with that solution, however, was that she had no idea what even more power would do to the renegade healing spell that was actually threatening to kill the pony it was supposed to be healing.

Best to save that plan for emergency use only. Hopefully Tia is where I think she is, and not off in Las Pegasus or Applewood taking an unannounced vacation.

“Well, that’s a relief,” Fluttershy said. “So, Celestia is in Ponyville? That’s good; we’re already planning to catch the morning train.”

Luna thought furiously. Train rides were not exactly the fastest means of travel. They’d have to wait until morning when the train pulled in, then undergo the actual travel. Chariot was better, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to pester her night guard, and again, it took time to fly there.

“Actually... I had another time in mind,” Luna said, drawing Rarity closer to her in her magic. “Close your eyes for a moment.”

“Why—” was the only word Fluttershy managed before they were all enveloped in a cloud of darkness, which imploded a second later leaving various articles of clothing in half-finished states to fall to the floor.

Author's Note:

For those (like myself) who do not speak french and were confused by Fleur's utterances, a brief explanation.

I do not, as previous stated, speak french. I do however believe that somepony named Fleur De Lis should occasionally speak the language.

In context, we have this scene.

Rarity cleared her throat, prompting Fleur to look back in her direction. While Fluttershy had been talking, she’d been adding five more glasses from around the room, all carefully sipped from. “Ahem. Fleur, I’d like to introduce my marefriend.

“Oh?” Fleur’s ears perked up. “I hadn’t noticed you brought anypony else. Where is she?”

Fluttershy squirmed uncomfortably.

Fleur looked back and forth between the two of them, flushing when she realized her faux pas. C'est gênant! What you must think of me! I meant no offense, Rarity. Nor to you, Fluttershy.”

C'est gênant!: How embarrassing!

“You cherish the princess, mon amie?” Fleur De Lis’ eyes twinkled as she laughed merrily. “Perhaps she is close to you both?”

“Nothing so crass as that,” Rarity replied, flushing guiltily. After all, it wasn’t as if she’d never entertained the idea. “My friends and I are simply important to both sisters, though I admit we have had occasion to deepen the friendship of late.”

“Ah, forgive me. I misunderstood.” Fleur’s eyes flicked over to Luna, who was twirling around in her new dress. “Fancy and I have had that opportunity as well.”

Rarity, who had been in the middle of sipping at a sixth wine glass, nearly choked in shock. “I must be mishearing you—”

Je resterai bouche cousue. I have said more than I should have and I will thank you if you will forget it,” Fleur said quickly. “Our younger princess does not need a scandal laid at her hooves.”

Je resterai bouche cousue: I won't say anymore.

Sorry for any confusion to native speakers and google translate users alike, but that's what I meant to have these phrases mean. I did pretty extensive searches for proper phrasing, but this is the risk you take when you try to utilize a language you don't speak yourself, sadly.

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