• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,024 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 44: Waning Moon

Fresh fried donuts were quite possibly the best thing to have ever existed.

Celestia bit into another of the sinful confections, nodding gratefully as Pinkie Pie refilled her coffee. She’d just lowered the moon and risen the sun after a night of no sleep, and the coffee was most welcome.

It had been a very long night.

After meeting with her sister et al in the courtyard, at Twilight’s insistence they had immediately gone to Sweet Apple Acres to cast the growth acceleration spell on the Wither Root, and then to Applejack to reassure her that everyone was as well as could be expected. Before they could do that, however, Applejack had a few things she had wanted to get off her chest.

There had been a heartbreaking moment as Celestia watched the two friends standing in the doorway of the farmhouse awkwardly, unsure what should be said. Applejack tried her hoof at an apology, but hadn’t seemed to know where to start. Twilight had merely smiled and shaken her head, causing Applejack to protest, but by then the worries of the day had taken their toll. She’d yawned loudly in the middle of whatever she’d been trying to say, which had sent the five friends into a fit of giggling after seeing the huge blush on Applejack’s face.

Twilight had then hugged her friend and told her there would be time for conversations later, after which Applejack had finally been persuaded to get some much needed rest. Celestia had been both proud and worried for her student, regardless of how true the words were. Still, it had been good to see them laughing together.

Since then, they’d been doing little but research, and as Celestia pulled down another medical text, she reflected that at some point in the very near future, she needed to get back to Canterlot, lest Midnight Oil suffer a mental breakdown or worse. For now, however, they were trying to figure out what was happening to Rarity, and if possible, reverse it without causing her undue harm.

Luna was resting nearby, having appropriated Spike’s beanbag chair from the upstairs bedroom. She was alarmingly weak and becoming weaker by the minute.

Celestia flashed her sister an encouraging little smile when she saw Luna’s eyes flick open. Despite her displeasure at Luna’s actions, she was proud of her sister for bearing up as she was. After all, without the tendril of magic connecting her to Rarity, the unicorn may well have been at death’s door already, instead of busily dusting and redusting books that had already been completely reorganized and reshelved.

“She's a sponge,” Twilight said out of the blue. She lay down the tome she was reading resolutely. “It’s incredible. I don't think I've ever even read about anything that accounts for this.”

“What do you mean by that?” Rarity demanded, looking cross. “I am not a sponge!” She looked at her duster and spray, reconsidering. “Unless you mean metaphorically in that I am cleaning things. Then yes, I am absolutely a sponge, and an exceptional one at that!”

“I meant that, because of the healing spell Luna supercharged, your body absorbs magic from everywhere it can—including Luna through the link—and uses it to rejuvenate and regenerate anything that might happen to you.” Twilight fell silent and stroked her chin. “You might even survive something potentially lethal!” she exclaimed, happily clopping her hooves together. “We should run some tests to make sure.”

Luna blinked tiredly. “Are you... are you honestly suggesting we injure to Rarity to see if she will survive?”

“Well, I suppose it might cause more of a strain on your magic, but you have to admit that the potential medical applications could be phenomenal!” Twilight blurted out excitedly. “If we can somehow replicate the exact amount of magic required, this could turn into a brand new field of treatment, potentially—” She stopped as she saw the horrified look on Fluttershy’s face. “Um... no. No I’m not suggesting that we injure Rarity.” Twilight said quickly, waving a hoof dismissively.

"Please let's not do that?" Fluttershy asked with big doe eyes.

“So... what’s to be done then?” Rarity asked in a rare moment of stillness. “I... I appreciate Luna’s efforts, but even she doesn’t have endless magic to draw on, does she?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said, sighing. “And I don’t know if there’s anything we can do. Everything we've tried so far only seems to backfire; feeding this spell more magic just makes things worse.”

Rarity was silent for a time. When she finally spoke, her voice was clear and decisive. “I won’t have her risking her own life for mine. If it comes down to it, sever the link.”

“There is no need for that,” Luna said quickly. “I am strong, Rarity. It will take more than you running around the library to drain me of my magic.”

“Yes, but perhaps that’s a bad thing! I mean, are you sure that the spell won’t simply starve itself out if there is no more magic to draw from?” Rarity replied, looking pensive. “We don’t know what might happen, but I can at least see that what’s happening to you is not what we’re looking for.”

Luna chuckled weakly. “Truly your faith astounds me, dear Rarity. Just because I am waning does not mean I am in pain. You’ve simply drained the magic I recovered since the elements wrested the dark mantle from me. The power that, I would remind you, took me all of a year to regain. If I am physically weak, it is simply my body trying to regain what was lost.”

“Yes, but you said Celestia would need to take over the moon again!” Rarity protested. “I am preventing you from exercising your talent in life, for goodness’ sake.”

“And so I shall, Rarity, while my sister recovers her strength,” Celestia replied. “I kept both in their cycles for a millennium. Another year will not hurt things.”

Luna nodded with a smile. “So you see the way of things. Also, we gave our word that we would not allow thee to come to harm by our actions, dear Rarity.” The princess’s eyes flicked to Fluttershy. “Our word is inviolable.”

“A wonderful sentiment, Princess Luna. But right now it’s as if you're giving a blood transfusion to a patient who is bleeding out,” Twilight told her with a humorless smile. “Rarity’s right, even if we don’t want to just sever the link without a solid solution first. You don’t have an unlimited source of magic, and even if you might survive for her lifetime, it might take you another lifetime to recover. The longer the spell lasts, the more magic it drains.”

“So there is a time component; we’ve known that since before we started researching, Twilight,” Celestia said, draining her coffee mug to hide her own worries. “The question is, what do we do about it?”

Twilight groaned in irritation. “I don’t know. Everything we’ve done only makes the spell drain more magic and become more dangerous in the process.”

“What if you blew it up?” Pinkie asked out of the blue.

Every pair of eyes in the room focused on Pinkie Pie.

“What?” Twilight demanded, giving her an obvious deadpan and irritation seemed to slide off of the earth pony like water.

Pinkie smiled and bounced over to Rarity, grabbing her in a big hug which, to her surprise, Rarity returned with as much force. It let Pinkie know how it was to be on the receiving end of a bonecrushing hug and for a few seconds after it ended, even she needed to catch her breath.

“Well?” Twilight asked her, growing more annoyed by the second.

“You said that Rarity could be like a sponge... but what if she’s more like a balloon?”

Celestia touched her student’s back with a feather, trying to keep her from blowing up at her marefriend so soon after they had reconciled. “Could you please explain to us what you mean, Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie looked pensive for a moment, grabbing a bubble pipe for extra profoundness. “Well, whenever I’m trying to prepare for a party, I have to blow up balloons, but if you have the wrong kind of balloons or the wrong color, then the entire party will be—”

“Pinkie, please, time is of the essence.”

With another smile at Celestia, Pinkie nodded. “If you put a little air into a balloon, it’s going to get bigger. But if you put too much in it all at once...”

“It explodes,” Twilight whispered, looking back at Rarity. Her earlier annoyance seemed to have evaporated and she immediately dove back into the pile of books she had been reading.

“B-but what if Rarity gets hurt?” Fluttershy said, trying her doe-eyed look again, but her purple friend was too occupied to care, or even look.

Celestia smiled gently. “We won’t try it if it seems like it could harm Rarity, but perhaps we can find some way to make it safer while still getting rid of the spell.”

Twilight peeked back up from her pile. “Yes, yes, safety first, of course.”

“D-do you Pinkie Promise, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes still fearful.

“Cross my heart. Pinkie, make a note of it,” Twilight said distractedly. “Now let me study!”

“Don’t worry.” Pinkie said, smiling. “We’ll be really careful with your balloon.”

Fluttershy just stared at her, looking confused. “You mean with Rarity, right?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie replied, sounding surprised. “What did I say?”

After several more hours of trying to find busy work to do, Rarity had suggested that she and Fluttershy sojourn back to the cottage to look in on the animals, who would no doubt very much be missing their mistress. Besides, feeding animals was something to do, and if Rarity sat still too long she began to vibrate.

“Luna, are you sure you're going to be all right?” Fluttershy asked nervously, marking the sixth time she'd asked that very same question. Every time she looked at her princess, she worried all over again.

“I am fine, dear Fluttershy,” Luna assured her. “I would like a change of scenery as much as you yourself. I have only ever seen your hov—your home once before, and it was during a busy night, as you recall.”

“Yes, so I heard after the fact,” Rarity said, grimacing. “If I had known we would be having a royal visit, I wouldn’t have turned in so early!”

“We apologize, dear Rarity,” Luna replied. “The visit was... spur of the moment. We wished to reconnect with the populace, and did, after a fashion.” The princess looked down at her smaller form sadly. “We may have to seclude ourselves again, now. Our current state is hardly the regal form our citizens would admire.”

“Oh, but you’re adorable!” Rarity insisted. “I mean, yes, your mane is lovely when it flows, but there is a certain endearing factor to you now.”

“Yes...” Luna said sadly. “Adorable. But... no longer desirable. We fear we shall have to endure the older maids and their insistence on pinching our cheeks once more. And Night Court will be all but impossible. Who would take us seriously?”

“Nonsense!” Rarity said, circling Luna as they walked. “You’ve lost a bit of presence, it’s true, but not desirable? You are Princess Luna! Princess of the night, protector of dreams, and co-ruler of the land!”

“I was all of those things before the Nightmare, Rarity, and ponies had no love to spare for me,” Luna said, her eyes downcast. “I am used to it.”

Rarity hesitated, eyes flicking to Fluttershy, who was watching their interaction with an unreadable expression. She sighed sadly. “Well, we’ll just have to have you fitted for a new wardrobe while you recover, then. You’ll see! You will look lovely.”

Luna just plodded along next to her, offering no further opinion.

Rarity opened and closed her mouth a few times, unsure what else could be said. Eventually she concluded that perhaps this particular problem could not be solved with mere words of encouragement. But actions... could be problematic. Her eyes flicked to Fluttershy once more. There was a tension in the air, and she was uncertain what to make of it. In Canterlot, she would have sworn she’d read the mood between Fluttershy and Luna correctly. There was attraction between them; she’d seen that. But something had changed. And that made her hesitant to do the direct thing in this case, which would have been to display that Luna was desirable to her.

But desire was not love, and while she cared for Luna, she loved Fluttershy. Doing anything that would risk that was intolerable. The whole thing made her heart ache.

Fluttershy dropped back to walk alongside Luna, and in a move that seemed to surprise herself as much as it did Rarity, nuzzled the side of the princess’s face. “Luna... you’re still very pretty,” Fluttershy said hesitantly. “And... Maybe not being as big is a good thing? Like... you’re a teensy bit less scary now...”

Luna laughed in spite of herself. “I... I am sorry, Fluttershy. I suppose the royal stature does present certain... disadvantages to ponies of normal size. Certainly you, most of all, should know that I am not as scary as I appear.”

“Sorry!” Fluttershy replied quickly, blushing. “I just mean... you’re still tall, but not as tall, and it’s...” She paused, briefly looking away from the princess. “It’s... nice.”

Rarity looked back and forth between the pair, second and third guessing her assessment. She was relatively certain that she hadn’t misread the attraction, now. Still, feelings were clearly mixed; she just didn’t know with what.

Well, we’ll have time to work that mess out later.

As they approached the cottage, Rarity was filled with a sense of foreboding. Something was in the air. It was hard to describe, just a feeling that soon there would be danger, and she should flee from it. But what it could be she had no idea...

Coming from the cottage was a sound she’d never heard before. Her ears stood straight up, then flattened as the sound grew louder. “One side, quickly!” Rarity shouted, diving for Luna and pushing her off the path, and just in time too. Mere moments later, the door to the cottage slammed open, and Fluttershy’s entire menagerie thundered down the path, narrowly missing the both of them and engulfing Fluttershy in a cloud of screeches, moos and other assorted animal noises.

In the chaos that followed, nothing but a din of noises could be heard. But then, all of it stilled, and like magic the crowd parted. A lone white bunny stepped forth, glaring at his pony.

“Um.. hi, Angel,” Fluttershy said softly. “Did you miss—”

Her words were cut short by a sudden exhalation of breath as the rabbit leapt atop her head, glaring down at her from atop his perch. He motioned impatiently for her to go into the home.

Fluttershy merely chuckled. “I missed you too, Angel.”

Angel stubbornly refused to acknowledge her, though a light blush could be seen on his cheeks.

“That rabbit is most impetuous,” Luna whispered from under Rarity as the zoo moved en masse back to the house.. “Does she not discipline him?”

“He’s a beloved pet,” Rarity whispered back. “So... no.”

“Ah,” Luna replied, looking thoughtful. “I suppose I have allowed Tibbles some liberties as well. Still, being too forgiving is doing her pet a disservice. She should put her hoof down on occasion.”

“She does, in her own way.” Rarity whispered back. “It is frighteningly effective when she does it.”

“I see,” Luna replied. “Well, shall we follow them?”

“That would likely be wise,” Rarity said, helping Luna to her hooves.

Before they could follow the stampede back into the cottage, Luna’s attention was drawn by a sound coming from the opposite direction. “I think company is coming. Perhaps they sent Pinkie Pie to us to give word of their progress?”

Rarity glanced down the path, unable to see who approached just yet due to foliage blocking her view. “Much as that would be welcome, I doubt it. Twilight is doubtless still studying up on every related subject to the problem.”

“Well, hey there!” a voice called from down the path. Rarity’s ear cocked in surprise, as it was a voice she had expected to be sleeping for some time yet.

“Hello yourself, Applejack,” she called back. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Please,” Applejack said, smirking as she came into view. “I’m a farmpony. I did sleep in a bit, though. Awful late for me. Anyway, I figured you and Shy might be busy with Twi ‘n the princesses, so I stopped by to check on Shy’s critters...” She stopped, looking at Luna in surprise. “Beggin’ yer pardon, Your Princessness. I... I’m guessin’ some more magic went wrong? I mean, you look kinda...”

“She looks lovely, is what you meant, isn’t it, Applejack?” Rarity said quickly.

“Huh?” Applejack replied, confused. A pointed look helped clue her in to what was expected of her. “Well, sure! I never meant to say different. Just... y’know, a little shorter is all. Anyway, I see you got things in hoof here. I better scoot an’ get some chores done. Poor Mac’s been takin’ up my slack, and he tends to complain a bit about that.”

Rarity mouthed a silent ‘thank you’, smiling as she did so. “Well, I’m glad to hear you were checking on Fluttershy’s animals on a regular basis.”

“The most dependable pony; that’s me.” Applejack replied, flashing a grin back. “Well s’long as things are in hoof here, I should go check on Apple Bloom and the other two. Granny ain’t heard a peep from em in a while, and that gets worrisome.” The farmer doffed her hat to Princess Luna, waving goodbye to Rarity. “I’ll be seein’ ya. And good luck with yer magic problems.” With that, she started back up the path to the Acres.

“‘Good luck’ she says,” Luna said bitterly. “Well, I suppose our luck cannot possibly get—” Luna squealed as her mouth was covered, staring at the offending white hoof, then at the pony attached to it.

“Do not ever ever say the thing you were about to say,” Rarity said quickly. “Call me superstitious, but the universe seems to love to prove just how wrong we are when we say that.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed, but eventually she nodded. When the hoof was taken away, she grimaced. “We suppose thou art correct. Very well, we will not tempt fate. Shall we go check on dear Fluttershy?”

Rarity gestured down the path. “After you, Your Highness.”

“Will everyone please calm down?” Fluttershy pleaded. “I know I was gone for a little while, but I’m sure my friends took good care of you while I was gone. Just give me a little time to settle in and I’ll make sure you’re all fed.”

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. All of the animals were too busy voicing their complaints to pay attention to her. If it went on much longer, she was afraid she might have to raise her voice.

“What exactly is going on here?” Rarity called out over the din.

“Um... they are a little upset with me—” Fluttershy said before the chorus of screeches got too loud to talk over once more.

Enough!” a voice boomed throughout the cottage, and all was still and silent. Every eye turned towards the princess, who passed her gaze over the assemble menagere. “Do not fear, little ones,” Luna continued, slightly lower in volume. It was the difference between a lightning strike dead in front of you and thunder rumbling over the horizon. “Your caretaker did not abandon you, and still loves you all. Stay calm, and allow her to tend to you.

While Luna had been talking, not a peep could be heard, but the moment she stopped, the din rose up even louder than before.

“Wait!” Luna cried out, apparently trying and failing to call upon the Voice once more. “Please all of you—”

“Attentttttion!” a strident voice called out from the middle of the animals. Fluttershy stood up in the midst of it all, having cowered down with the rest of the animals while Luna was using the Voice. She looked over the animals with an air of command. “All of you, behave yourselves at once! I know she frightened you, but she meant well! Now, every last one of you wait your turn, and we’ll take care of you.”

Luna watched in awe as the entire group laid down obediently.

Rarity, in the meantime, had made her way to Fluttershy’s pantry, and was zipping around the room filling various bowls and feeders and water bottles.

“Fluttershy, where do you keep the—” There was a sound of several shelves collapsing, followed by cursing. “Nevermind! I found it!”

Like a flash, she zipped out into the yard, carrying various bags of feed with her. As she passed out of sight, the angry yowl of a cat could be heard. “Opal! Mommy’s sorry, baby! Did I get your—” Opal hissed loudly. “Opal! Be a good kitty!”

“Dear Fluttershy,” Luna said in a normal speaking voice. “Pray forgive our trespass. We had no intent to trod upon thy hoof. Clearly you are well prepared to dominate these creatures.”

Fluttershy shook her head sadly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. But they couldn’t calm down long enough to listen.”

“We thought much the same,” Luna confessed. “But it seems they were little more than frightened of our Voice.”

“Opal, let go of my tail or so help me—”

“Oh... We should go help Rarity,” Fluttershy said quickly.

“—shave every inch of your body and make a tacky wig out of it! And you will wear it! Ow!”

“I will... do what I can, dear Fluttershy,” Luna replied, following along.

“—no more treats for a month!”

What followed was a mad chase after a crazed unicorn with a cat clawed deep inside of her coiled tail, refusing to let go. Luna merely watched the scene in quiet bemusement, trying not to get in the way.

In time, Fluttershy tackled the both of them, and finally managed to extricate Opalescence from Rarity’s tail, leaving Rarity sitting on her haunches a few feet away from her cat.

Rarity scowled at Opalescence, holding her tail like it was a crying child. The cat merely purred at her from Fluttershy’s hooves.

“Well, that’s a fine welcome home. When I rebuild the boutique, guess who isn’t getting a new cat bed now? That’s right, it’s you!” Rarity spat out, getting up and dusting herself off. “You ungrateful ball of fur...”

“Rarity, do recall what you said about beloved pets...” Luna called out from the doorway.

“But she... you saw what she did!” Rarity replied, clutching her tail and smoothing it with her hooves somewhat ineffectually.

“She just missed you, Rarity.” Fluttershy said as she stroked Opalescence’s fur. “You know how she is.”

“Yes, I know exactly how she is. Mean-spirited and—” Rarity wilted as Fluttershy’s words registered. “Sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to be gone so long.”

Opalescence jumped down from Fluttershy’s forelegs, casually strolling past Rarity. For the briefest of moments, she rubbed against Rarity’s knee, darting quickly away when Rarity tried to reach out and stroke her back in return.

Luna watched the exchange with interest. “You have a complicated relationship with your animal, dear Rarity. Perhaps you’d like to consider an opossum instead? They are very affectionate. This one seems very stingy with acts of love.”

Rarity watched her cat saunter away casually, having second and third thoughts about her choice herself. “Are they at least clean?” she asked distantly.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy said, shocked.

“Oh, I was kidding, of course!” Rarity said quickly. “But I must admit she is trying at times. I still love her nonetheless, even if I wonder if it’s returned.” Rarity sighed heavily, then brightened. “Well at least I know somepony who loves me without question.” She smiled at Fluttershy, who beamed back happily.

“Rarity!” a squeaky voice called from in front of Fluttershy’s cottage.

Rarity’s ears perked up. “Sweetie?”

A trio of hooves could be heard on the hardwood floor of Fluttershy’s cottage, and in a few short moments they clambered out the door into the yard, nearly knocking Luna over in the process. Sweetie then proceeded to sprint the remaining distance to her sister and knock her over with the sheer force of her rush.

Rarity looked up in surprise at the beaming filly standing on her chest. “Well, that would be more the welcome I was hoping for!” She chuckled as she carefully righted herself after Sweetie dismounted, the latter giving her all of a moment’s respite before immediately latching onto her with a hug. Rarity nuzzled Sweetie affectionately, returning the hug with enough force to make the filly squeak. “I suppose I was gone a little longer than I told you I would be, wasn’t I?”

Sweetie nodded, not budging from her sister’s side.

Sighing happily, Rarity raised a hoof up to stroke an errant hair on her sister’s head back into place. “Sorry, Sweetie Belle. I missed you too.”

“We daresay there are at least two who love thee unconditionally, dear Rarity,” Luna said as she dusted herself off. “Though we suppose family is a given.” The princess blinked away an errant tear. The sight before her made her miss her own sister, despite having seen her fairly recently. She decided Celestia was getting a big hug the moment she saw her again, for no reason in particular.

“Hey, uh... Sweetie?”

Sweetie’s head turned back from nuzzling Rarity’s chest to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, grinning apologetically.

Apple Bloom smiled back, looking contrite for interrupting. “Scoot an’ me were thinkin’ we could head back to the acres and pitch in on the chores a bit, but you could stay here fer a bit and visit yer sister, if you like...”

Sweetie hesitated for a moment. “But... I’m supposed to help you...”

“We got it,” Scoot said quickly. “You can catch up later!”

Turning back to her sister, Sweetie gave her a pleading look. “Would that be okay? I... I know you’ve been busy, but—”

Rarity shushed her sister with a smile. “Of course! Though I’m afraid I don’t really have any games to play,” Rarity said, looking pensive. “Still, I would love a visit.”

Sweetie Belle gave her sister a huge smile. “That’s okay! We could just talk or go for a walk or really anything!”

“Well then, that sounds lovely,” Rarity replied.

Sweetie let go of her sister and ran over to her friends, giving them a big hug and a kiss on the cheek each.

Rarity in turn got up and trotted over to Fluttershy and Luna. “Erm, terribly sorry, but it seems I’m being preempted. I have managed to feed most of the animals, I think just the chickens and the ducks are left—”

Fluttershy silenced her with a kiss. “Go spend time with your sister. Tell her how brave you were.”

Rarity looked at Fluttershy in surprise. “Brave? Not at all. Foolhardy more than anything. Though I suppose I can tell her to not charge headlong into a metal chestplate.”

Luna simply watched the couple and trio exchange affections, trying to avoid getting in the way. It was difficult to watch, however. The exchanges only served to remind her what she herself lacked in any of her relationships. And also made her fearful that she would be able to experience even the hollow physical pleasures of her various nighttime playmates any longer. She was not loved by any of them, merely desired, and now...

She shivered. Being alone was a frightful prospect, especially after spending so much time trying to reconnect with her subjects to avoid that very feeling. She had her sister, of course, always her, but Tia... wasn’t enough for some things.

In the spaces between spaces, where light and shadow rule, the thin tendril of magic stretched between Rarity and herself. It measured exactly a nothingth, being both infinitely long and short, depending on your perceptions of dimensions. She could see it, and feel it, for it was part of herself. She felt its gentle ebb and flow, drawing away a little more magic from her with each passing second.

It was a connection of sorts, though not quite what she’d had in mind when she’d proposed getting to know the pair better. Regardless, she cherished it. It made her feel needed, even if only by one pony, and for no greater reason than to save that pony’s life. And so long as she was needed, she would not have to deal with the unpleasant prospect.

In time, the fillies left, and Rarity trotted off merrily with a smiling sister in tow, leaving Luna alone with Fluttershy and her army of animals.


Luna shook herself out of her ruminations. “Yes?”

“Will... will Rarity be okay? I mean, without you close by?”

It was only now that Luna saw the look on Fluttershy’s face. The demure pegasus had put on a brave face, but now that Rarity was gone, the naked fear that must have been hidden in her eyes all along shone through. Luna cursed herself for a fool for the umteenth time that day, how could she have missed something that should be so obvious?

Because she is nowhere near as transparent as you think she is.

“She will be fine, dear Fluttershy. Our link is not one that exists in the physical world, or rather, it’s not one that is bound by physical limitations like distance—” Luna stopped, seeing the look of incomprehension on the other mare’s face. “Well, I could be on the opposite side of the world and she would still be right as rain. Or... as close as she can be right now.”

Silence stretched out between them, broken only by the sounds of animals going about their lives. Luna yawned mightily. It had been a very long night.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said quietly.

Luna nodded, reflecting on how very little she understood about this mare. She seemed as comprehensible as... a mass of contradictions. Quiet and meek to her own detriment, but willing, and often able, to move mountains for others.

“Would... would you like some tea? Or maybe something to eat?” Fluttershy asked finally, seemingly uncertain of what else to say.

Luna’s stomach, traitorous thing that it was, rumbled loudly at the mention of food, causing her cheeks to burn furiously. “Perhaps that would be best.”

They adjourned to the cottage, Luna exchanging glances with the little white rabbit, who apparently had come to the same conclusion as she: they were neither friends nor enemies, but were prepared to tolerate the presence of the other so long as no threatening moves were made. It wasn’t exactly satisfactory, but it would suffice for the moment, though she made note that relationships of any type with these two would involve potentially having to contend with their pets. Still, no need to begin hostilities until they were warranted. After all, there was no guarantee his owner would want to have anything to do with her after she was no longer needed.

She sat down on her host’s divan, taking in her surroundings more fully. The dwelling of a pony said much about them, and Fluttershy’s home was no exception. This was a home built for the comfort of others first and foremost. Animal beds, cages, and food dishes abounded. Mouse-sized stairs lead upwards to small holes in the walls. And not one of the cages had a lock.

But there was so very little that seemed to be for the mare herself! No pictures of family, no knickknacks, no keepsakes.

Fluttershy returned with tea and sandwiches, the tray clenched perilously in her mouth. She set it down, smiling apologetically. “Sorry if that took too long.”

“Not at all, dear Fluttershy!” Luna said quickly. “I was just admiring your home. It’s a very nice cottage.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy replied, carefully pouring tea into a cup for Luna, who began adding sugar.

The two sat in relative silence once more. When Luna finally had enough sugar in her cup, she took a deep draught, enjoying the hot sweetness as it ran down her throat.

Luna opened her mouth, closing it once more when she realized she had no idea what to say. She felt like she should apologize again for the mess they all found themselves in, but knew that Fluttershy would accept her apology once again without any real recrimination being directed at her to begin with. And that was the worst part: Luna felt horrible, but neither of them were inclined to yell at her for it.

It struck her as being almost rude in and of itself. She’d very nearly killed a pony and nopony had the common courtesy to get upset over it.

The idea, once it formed in her head, ran about insidiously. Why were neither of them willing to be upset? The most she’d gotten out of Fluttershy was a brief little flash of irritation at not being told the whole truth. And Rarity just seemed so lackadaisical about the whole thing it was insane!

Fluttershy cleared her throat. “Luna, would you like a sand—”

“Why aren’t you upset?” Luna demanded.

“I’m... I’m sorry?” Fluttershy replied, startled.

“No, I am sorry.” Luna said, barreling onward in her agitation. “I’ve been apologizing and you keep saying it’s all right but it’s not all right! I put your mate in mortal peril and neither of you seems to care!” Luna gasped as she ran out of breath, burying her muzzle in her teacup before it could embarrass her again.

There was another long uncomfortable silence, broken only by the occasional bleat or scamper.

“I... I am,” Fluttershy said at last.

“You... you are what?” Luna asked hesitantly after prying her muzzle back out of her cup.

“I am upset,” Fluttershy explained. When Luna said nothing more, she went on. “It’s just... there’s nothing we can do about it. Twilight will either find a way, or she won’t, but getting angry at you won’t solve that.”

Luna just stared at her for a moment. “Of course it won’t solve anything! I better than any other know where anger leads. But... it must be expressed, or it becomes a raging inferno, love turns to hatred, light to darkness, and all is lost—” Luna held her head in her hooves. “I... don’t want that, dear Fluttershy. I don’t want guilt and anger to lay between my new friends and I like a void, drawing in what little good will I can muster. If I had but told Tia how I felt...” She trailed off sadly. “But some things must be, some mistakes must be made for us to learn. And we do... learn. Or we try, at least.”

Fluttershy shook her head vehemently. “It’s... it’s not the same. I get mad at ponies all the time, and it’s fine. I’m not going to stop being your friend just because you make me angry.”

“Do you fear my reaction?” Luna asked. “Is this some misplaced concern that your railing against me would hurt me in some way?”

Fluttershy shivered in her seat. “I know I could. I have, with friends I know so much better. Nopony deserves that, no matter what they did.”

“Neither do you deserve to repress that which should be said, Fluttershy,” Luna replied seriously. “We have withstood the anger of beings far greater than you can ever imagine. If ever there was a safe target to vent thy fury on, it is us! And we can tell that you hold yourself in check, even now, when we demand as your princess that you speak! Must we humble ourselves before you and beg? If it will help mend the rift, we would do it gladly!”

Fluttershy was silent for a very long time, looking down at her teacup. “You... you scare me,” she said at last.

“I...” Luna closed her mouth with a snap. She had no notion how to respond, so she simply held her tongue. What else could she say?

“You’re... you’re a princess, and you’re beautiful.” At Luna’s incredulous look, Fluttershy nodded. “Even now, you’re so... so beautiful. And you’re confident, you say what you want and expect that you’ll get it. And... and you’ve said, you want... my Rarity.”

Luna quickly shook her head. “I merely inquired about being a friend to both of you, dear Fluttershy! Though it’s true I find you both very comely, I would never—”

“That’s not... nevermind. It’s not important,” Fluttershy demured. “I’m just... being silly.”

“Please, don’t stop now that you have begun unburdening yourself!” Luna persisted. “I had thought that we had an understanding about how we would progress, but now it seems I am trodding on your hooves without intent once more! Please, I ask not as thy princess, but as one who would be thy friend, tell me how I have wronged you!”

Fluttershy stared down into her cup, collecting her thoughts. “Princess... I’m just a pegasus who takes care of animals. The only reason anypony knows me at all is I got pushed into modeling because I couldn’t say ‘no’. But I love her, so so much. I... I watched her for so many years, I watched while she had crush after crush on other ponies, never saying anything. But you... you just told her right after you found us in your baths that you found her attractive. It took me years. And you said it in a second, without hesitation. And that scares the willies out of me.”

Luna hesitated for the briefest of moments, coming closer to Fluttershy and throwing a wing over her. “I... I'm sorry to worry you, but what you say is true. I do want what you have. Last night at the party... I enjoyed the looks, the feeling of being desired, but... I felt no love from Fancy, or Fleur. Not directed at me, in any case. Passion, to be sure, but caring? I... I only felt that when I rejoined Rarity and yourself. I do want that: I want somepony to care for, and to care for me. Is that so wrong?”

The pegasus stiffened against her, and Luna found her wing shrugged off by a very intensely glaring Fluttershy. “You. Can’t. Have. Her,” she said in succinct, punctuated words. “If you’re lonely, find your own marefriend! Rarity is taken!”

Luna inched away from Fluttershy, unsure what she had said that would provoke such a reaction. “Please... I...”

“Taken!” Fluttershy repeated. “Just because you’re adorable doesn’t mean you can just waltz in and get what you want! Years, Luna.” Fluttershy edged closer, still not breaking her intense gaze. “You have no idea how hard it was to love somepony who didn’t even know! So you go out there, and you find somepony else, anypony else, but not her!”

Luna’s ears clamped to the back of her head, her shoulders slumping.

I’ve made a horrible error, she thought.

Fluttershy merely stared at her, eyes locked with hers, the pegasus’s breath coming in agitated huffs. “You... you...”

I’ve muddied up what I wish to be a lifelong friendship with fears that I am some sort of interloper!

The expression on the other mare’s face flashed from angry, to confused, to horrified in the space of a few seconds. “Oh gosh! Luna, I’m so sorry! I just... I told you I was being silly. This is why I didn’t want to say anything!” Fluttershy finally dropped her gaze, which had held’s Luna’s own even as the other mare stopped actively yelling at her.

Luna breathed a sigh of relief as the storm in Fluttershy’s eyes finally passed, though she was still wary of more. “That is... quite all right, dear Fluttershy. We did invite thee to speak thy mind, and we are sorry to have troubled it so much!” Luna drained her cup in one gulp. “We appreciate being made aware of your feelings on the matter.”

“Please, I don't want you to think—” Fluttershy began before being cut off by the princess.

Luna nodded quickly. “It was a mistake to ask such a thing. Please forgive your poor princess for her transgressions.” Luna stood, bowing formally to her host.

“No! All you did is say what you hoped would happen!” Fluttershy responded quickly. “I wish... I wish I was like that. I try to be, sometimes. But it’s... it’s hard. It makes me feel...”

Luna held up a hoof. “Enough, please. We’ve read enough of relationships to recognize the ‘Tis not thee, but us’-speech. We believe all that can usefully be said on the matter has been said. We shall go take a walk, if thou will allow us the use of thy environs to clear our head?”

“Um... that’s fine,” Fluttershy said distantly.

Luna walked stiffly out of the room, briefly exchanging glances with the hateful rabbit. He had the common sense to not look outwardly smug, and so was allowed to continue existing.

Outside, the sun was beginning to crest over its zenith. Distantly, she felt the steady pulse of magic going to Rarity. Before, it had been comforting. Now it only felt as if she was bleeding out for no purpose. Luna was tired, more so than she could recall feeling in some time. She spared a thought for Rarity and her sister, hoping they were enjoying themselves, and found herself wishing her own was nearby, so that she might crawl under that great white wing and shut herself from the world for a time.

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