• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,024 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 58: The Mutiny

Rarity awoke with a start, her eyes flying open as a loud, distressed yowl rang out in the night.

“Opal?” she called out into the darkness. Truthfully, she wasn’t entirely sure it had been Opal, muddled as she was, but it was enough to get her to unsteady hooves. She was careful not to wake Fluttershy at first, until she noticed Fluttershy was in fact not next to her.


Fluttershy’s voice could be faintly heard from downstairs. “Opal, I’m so sorry!”

Rarity rubbed sleep from her eyes, blinking in the darkness that was lit only by the light of the moon. As her eyes adjusted, she got a better sense of what time it was, or rather, what time it wasn’t. It wasn’t an hour anypony would normally wish to be up, especially when they were planning a trip in the morning. But Fluttershy was up, and that didn’t bode well at all.

There were no further complaints coming from Opal, so presumably she had calmed down and gone back to sleep. Rarity briefly considered doing the same, but despite desperately needing more rest, she instead made her way downstairs in hopes of persuading Fluttershy to do the same.

She found Fluttershy fairly easily, as well as the cause for Opal’s yowling. Her cat was nested amongst a basket of yarn, and several of the yarn balls had fallen out of the basket. Fluttershy was knitting, and had apparently managed to tug at one of the balls from underneath Opal, causing her nest to be unsettled.

Fluttershy was busily crafting something that would likely become a sweater in time, but for now was simply a mass of looped yarn. Rarity idly wondered how Fluttershy typically kept her own cats from ruining her work. Then she spotted a few half-finished items (One which might have been a hat, had it been completed, another which looked like a single sock) and realized that either Opal had been busy, or in fact Fluttershy’s cats did exactly as cats were prone to do with yarn.

Rarity watched for a time, entranced by the simple motion of looping yarn performed by deft hooves. It was a kind of magic, seeing the weave being formed.

There was much to be learned from what a pony did in the middle of the night when sleep wouldn’t come. Part of Rarity, while worried that Fluttershy was apparently unsettled enough to need to be up at this hour, was pleased to see that Fluttershy relaxed in a manner that was entirely compatible with the way Rarity herself relaxed.

She wondered if knitting was fun. It seemed to be.

Her eyes then landed on a nice pot of tea, still hot if the steam rising from the cup was any indication. She momentarily forgot about knitting and Fluttershy being up at this entirely unpalatable hour and instead became fixated on how nice a cup of tea would be. Followed by more sleep.

She let out a huge yawn, walking towards the kitchen to fetch a cup. And sugar, and cream. And perhaps a nice slice of bread with butter.

Fluttershy let out a little squeak, snagging a stitch and causing a snarl in the fabric, which she had to carefully work out. “Rarity? Why are you awake?”

Rarity flashed her marefriend a sleepy smile and vaguely waved in her direction as she shambled to the kitchen. “One moment, darling.” The question of who was up for what reason was in fact a conversation she wished to have in the near future, once there was tea. And possibly biscuits, if Fluttershy had some at hoof. If not, toast with butter. Or jam. Priorities were important. “Did you want toast?” she asked as she looked through Fluttershy’s cupboard.

“Um... I don’t own a toaster.” Fluttershy replied, almost too quiet to hear.

It seemed biscuits were not to be found, so toast it was. A toaster would have been convenient, but was not, strictly speaking, necessary. Rarity chuckled to herself, and feeling horribly clever, applied a little trick she’d learned while camping. She fetched a couple of slices from a bread box, holding them in her magic and pouring just a little power into the levitation until the surfaces browned nicely, then did the same with two more, putting the results on a couple of plates. She then added said plates to a platter along with a jug of cream, a small tub of butter, and a jar of jam from Fluttershy’s icebox.

She trotted out of the kitchen, all smiles and with a platter of snacks, and plopped down next to Fluttershy. “Right, that’s settled. What are we drinking?”

“E-Earl Grey?” Fluttershy stammered, hurriedly putting away the sweater-in-progress.

“Splendid! Pour me a cup, would you?”

A few moments of awkward fumbling later found Rarity gleefully sipping tea from her cup, nibbling on toast with butter and jam in between sips.

She daintily wiped the crumbs from her mouth, leaning up against Fluttershy. “I missed you in bed. Would you like to get some sleep?”

“I’m sorry—”

“None of that. We have a big day tomorrow, you’ll want some rest.”

“I tried.” Fluttershy replied miserably. “I just stared at the ceiling for a few hours, then I came downstairs to see if some tea would help.”

“Hmmm.” Rarity pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Right. Let’s see. Tea didn’t help, snuggling didn’t help... Was the bed uncomfortable? We could try the couch for a while—” her eyes widened in a sudden horrifying thought, and she recoiled from her marefriend’s side, suddenly conscious that she may have been the cause of Fluttershy’s restless night. “I...I didn’t steal all of the covers again, did I? I actually bought some fabric so we could make a new quilt together, something a bit larger so I can’t take every bit of it—”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, you didn’t.”

“Oh, well, that’s a relief. I did that yesterday and I was appalled with myself. You had me covered with the blanket and your big warm wing—”

“You didn’t steal the covers yesterday, either. I noticed you were shivering so I doubled the blanket over you.”

Rarity paused for a moment, taken aback by both the caring of her marefriend and the fact that she’d just declared herself a blanket-thief. “Well... I would still like to make a large quilt. Actually, I got materials to make two of them. One for summer, and one for winter.”

That finally got a ghost of a smile to appear on Fluttershy’s lips. “You... you want to stay with me during winter?”

“Well, of course!” Rarity replied, her brow furrowed in confusion. She had thought that obvious, but then, she had slept a few hours, whereas Fluttershy had apparently had none. “I had thought a few days with you, you a few days with me, a free day here and there if you like, so we don’t end up spending every waking moment attached at the hip, and of course there’ll be you with your animals and me working at the shop, so we can still earn a living. Though we could help each other on occasion...” she trailed off, blushing. “I’m overthinking this. But yes, in winter, and all the seasons, if you don’t mind.”

“Oh... do... do you think you’ll need very much time away from me?”

Rarity looked off into the distance, giving the matter serious thought. “Not terribly much, no. But such things need to be properly balanced. Too much time and we’ll end up feeling distant, too little, it might become smothering. I was also thinking we’ll want to vacation away from both of our occupations at times, just spend some ‘us’ time. Maybe for our sixth month anniversary?” she closed her eyes, smiling. “I hear Mareis is lovely...”

“Six months?” Fluttershy asked, her voice sounding odd.

Rarity opened her eyes, looking into Fluttershy’s own questioningly. “Well, yes. It could be sooner, if you like. Or we could wait for the first anniversary if you want to be proper.”

“You... you think we’ll...” Fluttershy swallowed heavily. “You’ll be with me, for—”

“I was thinking a lifetime, barring unfortunate accidents or magical mishaps. Is that all right?” Rarity asked, thoroughly confused by these reactions. Still, she was enjoying herself nonetheless. There was tea, there was Fluttershy, and the possibility of more sleep made her absolutely giddy!

“Yes!” Fluttershy said quickly. “It’s just... everything, and Luna, and you were maybe going to die, and I didn’t know if you wanted to stay—”

“Well, admittedly I have more long term plans, but I thought one year was enough to discuss for now. It’s a bit soon for wedding plans, although we can certainly talk about those if you wish. I still need to acquire some engagement bands—”

Her world was yellow framed by pink, her lips claimed with a passionate kiss. The only sound she could make out when she wasn’t engaged in the kisses was the excited utterance of two words, being said so quickly they were almost a chant.

“I do I do I do I do I do I do I do!”

After a few moments of that, Fluttershy finally let her up, and Rarity did what she could to regain her breath, composure, and sanity. “D-duly noted, but I need the rings first, and we’ll need a ceremony, there’s forms to fill out—”

Fluttershy just beamed at her, then leaned in for a much more chaste kiss on Rarity’s cheek. “Okay.”

“Right!” Rarity brushed a stray piece of forelock away from her face, flashing Fluttershy a warm smile of her own. “Well, I suppose we’ll need to discuss what type of ring—”

Rarity stopped as Fluttershy let out a huge yawn, slumping against the edge of the couch. She blushed, yawning once more.

“Sorry, I just... it was really nice to hear you say that.”

Rarity nodded decisively, standing up. “I think sleep is the thing after all. Up, up! Let’s go!”

“Okay... But... I needed to tell you something. Please.”

“In the morning.” Rarity said firmly.

“Please?” Fluttershy said with huge, unforgivably adorable eyes.

Rarity sighed heavily. “Fine. Out with it. Then off to bed for us both.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, exhaling in a huge yawn. “I... I had a fight with Luna, and I was worried about seeing her again. That’s... that’s why I couldn’t sleep.”

Rarity sat down, suddenly intrigued. That explained quite a bit. “I surmised as much. What did you fight about?”

Fluttershy’s visage darkened into a scowl. “I... I accused her of trying to steal you from me.”

Rarity’s eyebrows rose high. So it was jealousy! The poor dear had likely been worried sick over this. “All right.”

There was a long silence as Fluttershy just stared at her. “I... she wanted to date you, and I told her you were mine!”

Rarity nodded primly. While this might have surprised her some weeks ago, it didn’t even phase her at that moment. “I understand, and while I think you might be overreacting, I appreciate why that would have happened. I remember just enough to know we had a discussion about finding her attractive, and I imagine that was a bit daunting.”

“But I lied!” Fluttershy protested, her mouth hanging open. “You asked me if something was wrong, and I said no! It’s just... we’d already argued, and I didn’t want to do it again—”

“‘Lying’ is a strong word,” Rarity replied patiently. “You merely omitted. Even our dear Applejack has been known to do that.”


“Besides,” Rarity said, cutting off further recrimination attempts by her obviously very upset marefriend. “We’ve had this argument before, by your own admission, yes?


“And what did I say the first time?”

Fluttershy didn’t answer for a time, looking off into the distance. “That everything was going to be okay.”

Rarity smiled, pleased. It seemed she’d still been much herself, magical mishap aside. “That sounds right.” She covered her mouth with as hoof and yawned quietly. “We’ll go with that. Now, you get up, and we’ll both get some rest.”

Fluttershy allowed herself to be helped up, looking just a little shellshocked. Rarity supposed she could understand; the poor dear had been bracing for something horrible, and it hadn’t come.

“Will... will it really be okay?” she asked quietly as they walked up the stairs.

Rarity stopped at the top of the stairs, then caught Fluttershy up in a hug. “Everything is going to be wonderful,” she released Fluttershy, bringing her to bed and helping her in. “Now, let’s get some rest,” she said as she got into bed on the opposite side. “In the morning, we’ll go to Canterlot, and we’ll get things settled. You’ll see.”

A quiet snore was the only answer.

Rarity snuggled down into bed, a huge smile on her face. She closed her eyes, and drifted off into a blissful slumber.

Luna woke feeling at ease for the first time in days. Her mane was disheveled, her pelt felt matted from sweat, and she very much wanted a shower. Hygiene would have to wait, however, for there was a beautiful unicorn snuggled up against her chest, and one of her forelegs was inarguably trapped beneath her.

There was also, she now noted, a scroll tangled in her mane. She had felt something hit her head at some point while Fleur was kissing her, and had assumed it to be Fleur stroking her mane. Curious, she opened it in her magic, doing her best not to dislodge Fleur in doing so.

The scroll was... an invoice, apparently. She read off various entries, the numbers meaning very little to her, the product names even less. She did recognize the word Silversilk, as it was what Rarity had mentioned making her dress of. As she reached the end of the page, her eyebrows rose as she realized the meaning of this document. There was a magical seal affixed to it, with Luna’s personal mark emblazoned in the middle. This was an invoice for Rarity, for the purchase of replacement fabrics for her shop. She rolled it back up, and with a quick flick of magic sent it off to her desk where she could attend to it later.

Fleur stirred in her sleep, opening her eyes with a sweep of those long, black lashes. She looked confused, at first, but her expression cleared after a moment. “Ah, pardon, ma chérie. It seems I have gotten too comfortable. Have I inconvenienced you?”

Luna shook her head, uncertain how to respond. She felt... confused by the turn of events that had lead to her current situation. She’d always assumed that she’d knew where she stood with Fleur and Fancy, but it seemed she had misread Fleur once again.

‘Tis hardly a new situation, she thought wryly.

Fleur’s assurances of having laid no claim on Luna were not terribly convincing. Luna was confronted with the very real possibility that her close friend with whom she had enjoyed many a night making love and sharing affection might in fact harbor some deeper feelings than had been previously indicated.

She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about that at all. She did care for Fleur, of course. But she was uncertain what it meant that Fleur cared for her. Fleur had always been enigmatic. Seemingly fickle, at least to Luna. Luna knew full well she was not the first lover they had taken, nor was she the last, or even the latest. She knew this because Fleur loved to tell her about them, often in graphic detail.

She had thought herself little more than a favored playmate, and now... she was uncertain.

Was she making a mistake even seeking a connection with Fluttershy and Rarity? She was fond of them as she was of Fleur, and they were certainly attractive... But perhaps she already had what she had wished to find in Fluttershy and Rarity? Had she been horribly rude to Fleur to even discuss the matter with her?

“Ma chérie?” Fleur asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No,” Luna replied, belatedly. “No, it’s been quite pleasant. Though I fear my foreleg will go numb before long.”

“Ah, one moment.” Fleur said with a grin. She lifted herself bodily from Luna’s foreleg, then just as Luna let out a sigh of relief from the pressure being removed, Fleur crawled up bodily onto Luna’s chest. She found herself being rolled so that she was on her back, and Fleur ended resting on her, chest to chest. Fleur looked down at her with a look rather like the one a predator gives its prey before the meal commences. “Better?”

“Slightly.” Luna replied with something half grin half grimace. “Forgive me—”

Fleur leaned down and kissed her lips, pulling back again after a mere moment. “Done.”

Luna stared at Fleur, thoroughly flummoxed.

“So serious, ma chérie!” Fleur said, giving Luna a playful little pout. “Something weighs heavy on your poor head.”

“Something weighs heavily on my chest, Fleur.” Luna said pointedly.

Fleur nodded, not budging an inch. “And a comfortable chest it is. You are very soft, ma petite.”

Nothing that was happening was helping to confuse Luna any less. Fleur had always been... possessive before, but Luna had assumed that was just as she was.

Luna’s lack of response to her playful jabs must have finally registered to Fleur, because the smile fell, replaced by a more serious expression. “Ah, I see. Something truly does concern you.” Fleur carefully removed herself, sitting down next to Luna and helping her into a sitting position as well. “Very well, it seems play must end.”

“I...” Luna began, uncertain once more. She pressed on, regardless. “Forgive me, I make this overly complicated. I worry for you.”

“For me?” Fleur replied, her face a mask of confusion. “Why would that be so?”

“Because...” Luna trailed off, struggling for the words. “I thought... that I understood you, and... now I wonder if I have, ever.”

Je vois,” Fleur muttered, looking abashed. “I meant to make you relax, instead I have added to the weight. Your poor head...” Fleur reached out to stroke Luna’s mane, kissing Luna’s forehead as she did so. “Very well, you worry. For what reason?”

“I worry... that I tread upon your feelings, as I did dear Fluttershy’s,” Luna admitted, not quite able to meet Fleur’s gaze. “I have no wish to hurt ponies I care about, but it seems I do so quite easily, intending to or not.”

My feelings?” Fleur repeated, the confusion now outright incredulity. “Ma petite, you’ve done me no wrong.”

“Haven’t I?” Luna demanded, looking into Fleur’s own eyes with a fierce intensity. “I spoke to you at length about my problems with Rarity and Fluttershy. My wish for something... something closer to love, something beyond nights spent in the arms of somepony who wishes only pleasure. But I worry... that I am dearer to you than I had suspected, and that I hurt you by searching for something under my very nose.”

There was a long silence, then a small giggle, followed by gales of laughter. Luna simply stared at Fleur as the other mare laughed hysterically.

When she had calmed down enough to speak, Fleur smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Oh, ma petite princesse, you are a treasure!”

Luna frowned angrily, turning away from Fleur, even more confused.

“Oh, are we pouting again?” Fleur asked with a giggle. “Be not upset, I meant no harm. But you speak of love so very oddly.”

“How so?” Luna asked, staring down at the floor, fuming. “It was love that made dear Fluttershy react so poorly to my advances. It was a heart that I feared I was breaking when first you kissed me, for I feared you betrayed Sir Pants.” Luna sighed heavily. “I had thought... that I was welcome because you loved Sir Pants above all others, yet now I question if I have made your heart traitorous.”

“Fancy is my heart.” Fleur replied, quite seriously. “He is my love, and my passion, and my desire. But love is not something that exists as but a single connection. The love of fine food, of drink, of a good friend...” Luna’s shoulders hunched up at that word, and Fleur reached out to touch her shoulder gently. “Yes, even one whom you share a bed with. These things are precious, but none that could ever make me forget Fancy.”

“So you said, before—”

“And so I mean, even now. You are wondrous, ma chérie... But you will be wondrous still many years from now, while I will grow old, and my allure shall fade. Fancy will grow ever more handsome, and I will have to warn young mares away with stern looks.” Fleur laughed, suddenly and unexpectedly. “But, then, in your mind, there will always be a young, attractive Fleur who kissed you and made you run away. So in some way, I will be as I was.”

“Please, don’t deflect with talk of lifespans, I can no more change that than you can.” Luna replied, somewhat annoyed. “I ask... if I have wronged you, by not seeing how you felt.”

Fleur simply shook her head, still smiling. “Very very serious. Ma chérie, perhaps it is true that you have been... less than careful with others’ hearts. But fear not for mine. As I said, I delight in you, but if you would have the company of others, I will not be hurt. I would no more deny you your Butterfly than I would deny myself your company. I ask only that you visit when you can.”

Luna took it in silently, feeling a rightness to it. Perhaps love could be as Fleur said. And if it was, then there was no shame in sharing that love. “And would you have nothing more?” Luna asked with mock severity. “Would you have anything from your dear friend?”

Fleur blinked at her, then her smile grew. “Ah, perhaps playtime is not over, mon cygne?”

“That depends. I feel perhaps we are missing somepony. Do you suppose Fancy is done with his business?”

Fleur got up, kissing Luna on the lips and taking one of her hooves in her own. “I believe he is waiting in the bedroom. He will want to sleep soon, but I imagine he could be persuaded to stay up, for a time.”

“For a long time, I would hope.” Luna replied, a slow mischievous smile growing on her lips.

“Long enough, Je t'assure.” Fleur said with a little titter. “And perhaps...” she trailed off, hesitating a mere heartbeat. “If you would, you could share our bed, afterwards?”

The question was innocent, but Luna gave it the gravity it demanded of her. That was a boundary she had not crossed before, and knowing what she did now, she felt the uncertainty return.

But then, it was such a small thing to grant to a good friend.

I hope Middy won’t be terribly cross with me, she thought as she followed Fleur to her bedroom.

Celestia regarded the book in front of her with a single raised brow. It had positioned itself there after the second paragraph, and hadn’t deigned to come down since.

She was used to certain... liberties being taken by literary talents when creating their works. But she wasn’t certain she was comfortable about the sheer disregard for anything resembling reality when it came to the depictions of the historical figures in this particular volume.

Princess Platinum, for instance, had not been, to Celestia’s knowledge, known for her flexibility. Nor for her particularly unhealthy libido. Private Pansy, or as she would later be known, Major Pansy, was likewise not being given due consideration.

Celestia reflected that she might, in fact, have a duty to these poor souls lost to the pages of history, and wondered if it might be worthwhile to commission biographies for each of them. Clearly something had to be done. She shuddered to think what might have become of Luna’s legacy, had she not made a conscious effort to remove her from the annals of history.

As a historical volume, the book was complete garbage. But... as a work of erotica... well... she’d seen worse in some respects. However, she’d seen better as well. She closed the book firmly, carefully levitating it back to the shelving cart, and tucked a small card in the sleeve that made note of it being fiction instead of history. She’d need to have a talk with Twilight about her categorization in the near future.

“What if we tried the Elements?” Twilight’s voice rang out from across the room.

Celestia raised her head from the next book in her stack, allowing her second eyebrow to join the first. “I’m sorry, tried them on what, exactly?”

“On you.” Twilight replied, in a tone that indicated she was, in fact, serious, and apparently not just pulling a prank of some kind. When exactly had her favored student become a prankster? She couldn’t recall any instance where one of her own pranks hadn’t been met with anything but frustration, or a sheepish smile.

Pinkie Pie’s influence, no doubt. I’ll have to compare notes with her.

Getting back to the matter at hoof, Twilight, if she was not joking, was proposing something at best not useful, and at worst potentially dangerous. The Princess allowed both brows to fall, exhaling quietly. “And what do you suppose using the Elements would do, Twilight?”

“They might restore you!” Twilight replied excitedly. “They worked on Luna, didn’t they?”

Celestia pursed her lips. “The first time or the second? Because the first time resulted in a thousand year banishment and the second time left her with but a fraction of her normal power, which took her months to recover.” she said, allowing a small, patient smile to grace her lips. “Whatever you hope using the elements will accomplish, Twilight, I’m not sure it’s a wise idea.”

Twilight’s own smile faltered, replaced by a thoughtful frown. “But... Luna, she was...” Twilight hesitated, looking worried.

“You can say it, Twilight. My sister had gone mad, and she needed to be stopped. That is why the Elements were needed. And while I did go a little...” Celestia trailed off, then twirled a hoof around near her head. “Kookoo, I suppose... I wasn’t actually dangerous.”

“But we used them to stop Discord, and they reversed everything he’d done! They could work the same for you! Just think about it. You could be healthy in a matter of moments!”

“Twilight...” Celestia paused, gathering her thoughts. The truth was, the Elements were a mystery, but she was reasonably sure that they were more a weapon wielded in defense, than a cure-all for every situation. “With Discord, he was altering the world with Chaos. The Elements can fix that. They did the same when we defeated him the first time. Nothing about my condition was caused by anything unnatural. I’m simply magically exhausted. We don’t know for sure what the Elements could even do for that, if anything.”

“Oh,” Twilight replied, looking as though somepony had just stolen her favorite book. “Maybe if—”

Celestia held up a single hoof, and Twilight paused in her protest. “I appreciate your concern, Twilight. But I am healthy. A little drained perhaps, and not...” she looked herself over with a wry smile. “Not looking as you think I should, I suppose... but given the choice between a chance at a quick recovery, and spending weeks, maybe months here with you?” She leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on Twilight’s cheek. “I’d rather stay here.”

By Twilight's expression, the metaphorical bookstealer had gone on to tear out the pages and wipe their bottom with them. “Sorry, Pri—Celestia. I... I was just hoping...”

“I know, Twilight. But trying to rush a natural recovery is exactly what caused all of this in the first place.” Celestia got up from her seat, walking to Twilight’s reading table. She leaned her head down to Twilight, kissing her chastely on the cheek. “If you want to help me, get me a nice sun chair and a tanning mirror. I haven’t been getting nearly enough sun in the last few centuries.”

Twilight stared at her for a moment before laughing almost involuntarily. “Don’t joke, this is serious!”

“I am serious!” Celestia replied with a smile. “I’ll feel right as rain, I just need some rest, something to read, and a nice sunny spot to do it in. Please, stop worrying so much about me.”

Twilight blushed furiously, but looked Celestia straight in the eye regardless. “I wish I could! But in the past week I’ve apparently managed to drive you to the brink of madness, then I drained you for most of your magic. I think I have a right to worry!”

“You were not to blame for my lack of sanity, Twilight. That was my own doing. And as for the second point, I willingly contributed to the rescue of two lives. You made that possible.” Celestia sat down on the bench with Twilight, drawing her in with a wing. “You have no idea how grateful I am for that.”

“I know... or at least, I can guess.” Twilight leaned into the embrace, which Celestia took as a sign of progress. Mere days ago and such an embrace would have sent her into a panic attack. “I just... I want you to be okay.”

“I am much more than okay, Twilight.” Celestia replied, nuzzling Twilight’s cheek affectionately. “Now, why don’t you step away from those for a while? I thought maybe we could talk about your shelving system—”

The library door opened with a dust of air, and Pinkie bounced in with a large basket and a larger smile. “I brought snacks!” she announced.

Upon seeing Twilight and Celestia embraced, she dropped the basket, putting both of her forehooves up to her face, her eyes sparkling in sudden wonder. “Oh my gosh you two are adorable! I mean... kittens easily rank third, and babies? Babies take second place and then...” she squealed quietly, which grew louder than shouting before she finished. “And then there’s you!”

And with that utterance, it seemed Twilight remembered who it was she had snuggled up to, and she stiffened up immediately. Celestia allowed her wing to fall, disappointed as she was. Confessions aside, it would take time to become acclimated to the the reality that being in a relationship with Twilight represented.

And that was to say nothing of the daunting prospect of the same with Pinkie Pie. Perhaps it might not be romantic in nature, but at the very least she wished to get to know the mare better.

Pinkie scooped up her basket in her mouth, presenting it with a plop on the table as if she were a kitten that had successfully caught a mouse. “So, did you two have fun?”

Celestia allowed herself a small smile, if only for Pinkie’s sake. “We simply read for a while, Pinkie. Although I was about to ask Twilight about her shelving methods.”

“Oh, hey!” Pinkie exclaimed in surprise. “How did you know?”

“Um... know what, exactly?” Celestia asked, confused. She looked down at Twilight, who was for some reason looking horribly uncomfortable.

“Twilight really, really likes to talk about books.” Pinkie replied with a big smile. “Sometimes, it gets her all excited and she drags me off to her room—”

“I need to check on something!” Twilight announced to nopony in particular, getting up and trotting upstairs.

“Awww.” Pinkie said, following Twilight’s egress with a look of genuine disappointment. She turned her head back to Celestia, her expression shifting back to its accustomed one. “Well, did you two get a chance to make out?”

“I’m... afraid Twilight and I have to spend some time getting to know each other a little better in this new aspect of our relationship, first.”

“Well, duh!” Pinkie said with a deadpan expression. “But part of that is kissing! Did you need some hints about how she likes to be kissed?”

Part of Celestia (the part that had gone, for the most part, blissfully silent since Celestia had accepted Twilight’s feelings and allowed herself to reciprocate), urged her to take Pinkie up on the offer, even suggesting that Pinkie give a hooves-on demonstration.

Patience is a virtue, she thought, thoroughly amused.

So is chastity. Just think, you could violate two virtues at once! It’ll be fun, just try it!

Pinkie looked at her curiously, making Celestia very aware that she was conversing with her head-mate instead of with the pony that had asked her a question. “Forgive me, Pinkie—”

“Gathering wool, right?” Pinkie said, smiling just as big as when she’d first trotted in with her basket. “It’s okay, I do that sometimes, too. The thoughts get kinda jumbled up and you have to take a second to sort ‘em out!”

“It’s more like an internal debate.” Celestia admitted. “So, how was work?”

“It was great!” Pinkie somehow managed to ratchet up her grin another notch. “I was watching Pound and Pumpkin so Cup and Carrot could get some sleep. We played for a bit but Pumpkin did something to the cake and then I had to get it to take a nap because it was cranky.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she heard this, uncertain if Pinkie was being serious or not. She eventually concluded that Pinkie might have meant that the foals had to be put down for a nap. “I see. And your employers are better rested, now?”

“A little. Cup still looks kinda like she’s been put through a wringer and hung out to dry, but she says she’s okay.” The look on Pinkie’s face was mixed, looking both happy as she remembered her time foal-sitting and also concerned for her employers. “So, hey! I brought home donuts and coffee, do you want some?”

I’d say let’s go for temperance, too... But we both know there is no way you’ll turn down pastry. It’s the one vice I never had to bother you about.

Celestia’s left eye twitched momentarily before her expression went back to its usual eternal patience. “Two, if you could. And coffee as well, please.”

Pinkie dutifully dished out the donuts, pouring out the coffee from a thermos, (which Celestia then noticed had been labeled ‘Best Princess’ in black marker) and pushing them to Celestia, who noted once again that the cream and sugar ratio was perfect. Pinkie then fetched out two more donuts for herself, tossing one of them into her mouth and chewing with great gusto.

“Princess?” Twilight’s voice called from up the stairs.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Where does the observatory get lenses for its giant telescope?”

Celestia didn’t respond at first, thoroughly nonplussed by the question. “Well, with the Crystal Empire back we can actually have them made there, now. We used to have to grind them down individually from the crystals in the caverns below Canterlot, but it would be far more efficient to have them grown in the correct shape and density. Is Ponyville planning to start an observatory?”

There was no immediate response, which was more worrisome still. Pinkie was busily devouring a box of donuts, which initially upset Celestia, though a quick glance to the table revealed a second box. This both relieved her and made her self-conscious of the fact that Pinkie knew she’d want a dozen of her own. If she wasn’t even more concerned about what Twilight was planning to do with an observatory-grade lens she might have felt worse about that.

“You should go help her. It would make her happy.” Pinkie said from the other end of the universe.

Celestia shook herself, smiling apologetically. “I am being a bad guest, aren’t I?”

“Nah. The guest can do whatever she wants. I’m being a bad...” Pinkie blinked, sticking her tongue out. “Host? Hostess? Guester?” she gave it some more thought. “I’m not doing what I’m supposed to.”

“Hostess, and you’re doing fine, Pinkie!” Celestia said with a much more genuine smile. Being around Pinkie was starting to make her face hurt, considering all the muscles in her face (that she didn’t normally use) getting exercised. “I have never felt more welcome, unexpected guest that I was.”

“Nuh uh. I...” Pinkie looked upstairs, worry crossing her features. “This... this was supposed to be about making you happy. Giving you lots of love, you know? But... I don’t... I don’t know how that’s supposed to go. I mean, I was... it was gonna be easy peasy, Twi’s happy, you’re happy... But I...” she shook her head, stiffening her lip and turning it back up into a smile that didn’t reflect in those incredibly expressive eyes of her. “I’ll do better, Pinkie Promise.”

“Pinkie... this... whatever this is, it’s about more than me, or Twilight. I’m happy enough to share your lives if you’ll allow it, but...” Celestia trailed off, not quite certain what to say. It was clear that Pinkie was troubled, that was enough to clear her mind of worries over whatever Twilight was planning next. “I’m very lost, right now.” she said at last. “I’m... thrilled, but... I have no precedent for what has happened. But as much as I wish to explore what it means to be in love again... It seems you’re just as lost as I am.”

Pinkie blinked, then nodded in surprise. “Yeah! Like... you’re so... it makes me so happy, when I see you two...” she smiled brightly for a moment, before the expression darkened. “But then... I... I wonder why... I tried so hard, and she smiles for you and it’s like the sun just came out from behind a great big thundercloud and I just wonder why...” she took a deep, steadying breath, and then forced her face into a rictus that was a mockery of the very concept of happiness. “It’s okay. Everything is okay.”

Oh, dear.

Celestia cursed herself for a fool. She’d seen Pinkie’s state of mind before. Pinkie’s goal in life was the happiness of others, of course her goal in love would be the same. But she seemed to derive so much of her own happiness from causing those smiles. And now, seeing Twilight being so easily happy around Celestia was quietly tearing her up.

“Pinkie, everything is going to be okay. But clearly it’s not now, not yet.”

“Yes it is.” Pinkie said quietly. “I’ll make it be okay. You’ll see.”

Celestia opened her mouth, then closed it without actually blurting out the words that immediately came to mind. Instead, she thought hard, trying to decide how best to help—

Or, you could, and this is just an idea... Keep your promise to help her? Because you did do that. You remember? Little mountain top, heart to heart, she offered to step aside for you and you said “I’ll help you make her happy.” So what about that?

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she had to physically restrain herself from smacking herself on the forehead. She’d come here for a reason, and it hadn’t been to integrate herself into Twilight’s relationship, it had been to help them come to understand each other better.

You know, being in their home, staying with them, starting a relationship with them... that puts you in a rather unique place to help, doesn’t it? Why, if they need a little advice even in the bedroom you wouldn’t be unwelcome. You know what might make Pinkie a little cheerier? If you dragged them both off and then you and Twilight lavished affection on her.

The fires of the sun burned on Celestia’s cheeks, and she wondered if she dared to go so far. For one thing, she wasn’t entirely sure how to go about suggesting such a thing to Twilight. For another, while she cared a great deal about Pinkie, that was not the same thing as love.

I suggested affection, nothing more. Who said anything about love? But let’s explore that, since you’re so focused on it. You love Twilight, Twilight loves Pinkie. Twilight would absolutely want Pinkie to be happy, if she wasn’t so wrapped up in trying to fix something she didn’t even break. But she is, and so she’s not seeing what you do. So make her see. And then tell her Pinkie needs to be wrapped up in her arms, then wrap them both up in yours.

It all sounded so easy, but the first step would be getting Pinkie to come with her, and the way she was acting at that moment, it was unlikely she could be motivated easily.

Really? Celestia, you’re slipping. You want Pinkie to move? Tell her somepony needs cheering up. You want her to move mountains? Tell her Twilight needs cheering up.

Her mouth firmed in resolution. She could do that. “Pinkie, get up.”

Pinkie looked at her in surprise, but complied quickly enough. “Are we going somewhere?”

“Yes. We are going upstairs.” Celestia replied, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. “I think Twilight needs to take a break. She’s been researching a little too long, and it’s really starting to stress her out. Will you help me to get her to relax?”

The change in Pinkie’s demeanor was sudden and startling. It was as if the sadness melted away at the mere mention of somepony else that needed her help. “Yeah! Twi-twi can get all buried in books sometimes. I mean, Spike usually gets her out long enough to eat but he’s been busy...”

“Very well. It will have to be us, won’t it?” Celestia said, smiling despite herself.

“Yeah.” Pinkie Pie replied, adopting what Celestia supposed to be a ‘serious’ face, in that her eyebrows were lowered, her eyes slitted, her mouth set in a firm, thin line. But in those eyes, the merriment danced. Pinkie was apparently thrilled. “Yeah!” she repeated, louder and with purpose.

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