• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,026 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 69: Happy Endings

Daring Do was just about to claim the Guffin when Celestia caught wind of the distinctive smell of dragonfire, and moments after, saw a sealed scroll land on her nose.

The list of beings capable of sending such a missive was small indeed, being limited to Spike and her own sister, as Cadence had yet to learn the spell. She set both the scroll and the mystery of its sender aside long enough to bookmark her place. Much as the book was finally getting to the exciting part, it could wait. She unfurled the scroll, noting that the seal was her sister’s rather than Twilight’s (as any missive Spike might send would be using one of Twilight’s scrolls). Mystery solved.

”Hmmm. What’s troubling you, sister?” she said to the empty library.

A quick perusal of the letter (having to spend some time wading through the flowery language and overly ornate scripting) left her with raised eyebrows for several reasons.

The news about her great nephew was surprising, but gratifying. It would do him good to settle down with somepony nice, and might make him more pleasant to be around during social events. She wondered if she might get to meet her nephew’s paramour in the near future.

Luna’s second concern was a bit more complicated. Restructuring the court system wasn’t exactly something one did overnight. Truthfully, she’d been considering such a change for the last two centuries or so, but simple inertia had caused her to allow the system to continue as it was.

It had all seemed like such a good idea at the time, as such things often went. It had really only started to get troublesome in the later half the seventh century since she’d lost Luna. And even then, only during certain times of the year.

That had, of course, gotten worse over time. Occasions in which she was presented with something actually important (like a criminal case or a petition from somepony not using her court as their personal soapbox) had gotten much rarer. In the last fifty years much of her time in court had been spent essentially hearing out whatever was bothering her nobles about her taxes, the actions of their fellows, or the current state of the city.

Those selfsame nobles were the ones who always stayed her hoof from enacting change, as the expected outcry was too much of a headache for her to want to go through with it. But Luna might actually get away with it if she tried. She was a relative unknown, not expected to know the usual way of things.

In the same letter Luna detailed rather matter-of-factly that Midnight Oil had replaced the entire press corps simply because Luna had gotten irritated and threatened to drop a moon on them. It was a perfect example of Celestia’s theory in action. Luna could do this because she existed both outside the system, yet was a vital part to maintaining it. In her state of assumed ignorance, she could essentially do anything, and instead of being labeled a tyrant, she would simply be called ignorant, or accused of being overly harsh.

Celestia’s eyes widened as she realized the full implication of that simple fact. If she’d known it was this easy to change the stagnate system, she would have put Luna in charge as soon as her sister had regained her former stature and then taken a nice holiday on the other side of the world for a decade or so.

There would, of course, still be outcry, but not of the same sort that Celestia would have suffered in Luna’s stead. Of course, when Celestia inevitably returned, the wailing and gnashing of teeth would be great. But she could delegate some of those petitions to other ponies in the newly created lower courts if they were too troublesome, hear out the more reasonable ones herself, and still come out a significantly saner pony for all of it.

She penned back a response, giving her whole-hearted approval of the idea, but being certain to explain that Luna should expect backlash. She didn’t bother explaining why, as doing so would not help matters and she was certain the nobles would be happy to tell Luna why what she was doing was insane and could never work. Those arguments might have swayed Celestia, but to Luna, everything that currently was represented a departure from what she had known. She had no investment in the current state of affairs, and only cared because Celestia might. Given the assurance that she could freely change it, she would act swiftly and decisively, and nopony would be able to talk her out of it.

She looked over the letter again, wondering at it. Could it be that Luna had come upon this idea herself?

“Ah, she mentions that Midnight Oil approached her about it. Brilliant either way.”

It sadly meant that Luna was not yet willing to question her sister’s judgement unless prompted to do so. Hopefully that would come again in time. Celestia had gone too long without a voice of dissent, beyond the ones that protested when she tried to change things.

She always prefered to let you deal with the business of governing, Celestia, a now-familiar voice said in her head.

“Yes, well, she didn’t like the ponies that came by to bother us.” Celestia said with a chuckle.

Oh? I seem to recall you laying more than half of those traps in the old castle. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t do something similar in the new one.

“They were fun, but somepony could have gotten hurt.” Celestia said with a wince. “Besides, the contractors would have squealed.”

You’ve gotten far too serious in your old age. Perhaps it’s good you’ll have Pinkie Pie in your life.

“Perhaps.” Celestia said, rolling up her reply and sending it off with a flick of magic. “For now, I’d rather they worry about each other for a little while. It will be easier to see where I stand with them once their own relationship is a little more stable.”

As long as you don’t try to sneak away. Pinkie made it into the throne room, it’s not much more of a stretch to say she could get into your bedroom. And that’s without considering your prodigious protege.

“No. I’m through running from my feelings, Astra. But I’m a patient mare.”

So you are. And as long as you’re willing to pursue those feelings, I can be as well. Just remember, you don’t have forever with them.

Celestia nodded, smiling just a little. It was an odd feeling, being chastised by what was essentially her own self. She picked her book back up in her magic, resuming her place. By now, Pinkie and Twilight would be on the hill watching the meteor shower, and she hoped it was going as well as Pinkie wanted it to.

Things weren’t going so well for Daring, it seemed. She settled down on the bed to read about how Yearling had managed to escape this particular deathtrap.

Things were going unreasonably well for Twilight.

Which wasn’t to say she was unhappy about that fact. She was, in fact, feeling better than she had ever remembered feeling in months. It was as if the universe had finally taken pity on her after raining down heartache and depression in a steady hail and had now cleared the metaphorical skies of her life.

Or is that allegorical? Anecdotal?

Her only worry was where to find a dictionary in the near future, but it could wait awhile longer.

It could be figurative, too...

“Whatcha thinking about?” Pinkie asked from her side as they made their way back to the pool of light in the distance that was Ponyville.

Twilight smiled guiltily. They’d both been somewhat silent on the walk home, save for Pinkie humming some little tune that Twilight would no doubt hear in coming days, but she could have made some effort to say something. “Sorry. Just wrapped up in my own headspace again.”

“Do you have that too? I keep all kinds of things in mine! Like balls and pies and cupcakes and—”

Pinkie went on for some time, giving what was assuredly a full catalog of things that she kept in her ‘headspace’, which Twilight was forced to assume meant ‘mane’ or else contend with yet another example of Pinkie’s casual disregard of the basic laws of physics. She was beginning to think there was far more to earth pony magic than she’d ever suspected. It was that or there was something very special about Pinkie herself.

Perhaps something related to her talent?

She pondered that for a long while, coming to no conclusions but finding the question opened up many new avenues of study.

Her list of concerns had become finding a notepad first and foremost, distantly followed by locating a dictionary. Learning more about Pinkie was much more important.

In due time, they came into Ponyville proper, and eventually to Twilight’s library. Twilight opened the door, attempting to usher Pinkie inside, but found her waiting patiently at the threshold.

“Uh... come in?” Twilight said after a long moment.

Pinkie shook her head. “First date. I kiss you goodnight, then go home,” she said firmly. “Pretty sure about that one.”

“But... I was hoping—” Twilight gestured futilely upstairs to her bedroom, in which she’d at least hoped to sleep with Pinkie by her side if they weren’t going to do what she’d been trying very hard not to think about.

She added snuggling to her list of needs, above the dictionary and the notepad.

“It’s better if we don’t.” Pinkie said regretfully. “I mean, I want to. I really, really want to, but we might... you know. And then it’s all ruined again.” she gave Twilight a sad-puppy-dog look. “I’m sorry.”

Dozens of protests came to mind, all of them feeling more selfish than the last. Instead, Twilight just nodded, coming back to the door and kissing Pinkie very chastely on the cheek. “Thank you for a wonderful evening, Pinkie.”

Pinkie blushed bright crimson, her eyes lighting up with joy. “Yay! First date, success!” She pulled a camera out of her mane, snaking a foreleg around Twilight while she held the camera out in front of them with her tail and smiling widely as the flash went off.

A photo popped out a moment later, showing a widely smiling Pinkie and a surprised-looking Twilight in the middle of a blink.

“I’m gonna frame this!” Pinkie said, clutching the picture close to her chest. She put away the camera and the picture in her mane, then grabbed the picnic basket and did the same. “I’ll see you tomorrow for breakfast! Tell Celly I said good night!”

Twilight watched and waved until Pinkie had passed around the corner on the way to her home, filled with both elation and sadness. They’d had a date, by any measure of the word. It was their first successful one, at any rate. Maybe it was silly to think that way, but silly was good sometimes. She liked silly.

And so, even if she was not in the best of moods with Pinkie having gone home, she was still smiling as she went up to her room.

“Things went well, I take it?” Celestia asked from her bed.

Twilight jumped several feet in the air, hitting her head on the doorframe. For just a moment, she’d forgotten that Princess Celestia was staying with her. “P-princess! I mean... um... yes! Everything went well and nothing went wrong at all and how are you?!”

The Princess arched a single eyebrow at her from over the book she was reading. “Doing well, thank you. I’m probably going to have to have a chat with Miss Yearling about some of these artifacts she’s been recovering, however.”

“Really?!” Twilight replied, panicking just a little as she tried to figure out if the princess was being serious.

“Well, some of this might be simple fabrication to make for a better story. But a few of these artifacts have made their way to my museums, and others have not. Some of the latter are very, very dangerous. I try not to leave such things unattended.” The princess closed her book with a sigh. “But that’s not important right now. I’m glad your date went well.”

“I’m glad too!” Twilight said quickly, unsure what else she was meant to say. “I... that is... we planned a second one, and I asked her if I could plan the third...” she sat down heavily on the guest bed. “I have to plan the third date, now.”

“Well! Sounds like everything is going perfectly—”

“I have no idea what I’m doing, Princess.” Twilight said with wild eyes. “I’m going to mess this up, I just know it.”

There was a long, uncomfortable silence before the princess asked: “So... things aren’t going so well, I take it?”

“They are!” Twilight said with a little, slightly manic, laugh. She pressed a hoof to her temple, shaking her head. “They’ve been going really, really well! I even messed up a little and Pinkie just forgave me and everything was fine!”

“Well, that’s good, isn’t it?” Celestia said, getting up from the other bed and sitting next to Twilight on the guest bed.

“Yes! Good. It’s good. Too good.” Twilight groaned loudly. “It’s going so well that I just can’t keep up. Something will happen, I will happen. I should have never suggested planning the third date. I’ll do something wrong, I just know it. That’s how it always works, how it always has worked. I’m really, really bad at this stuff.”

Celestia extended a wing out. Twilight tensed up for a moment, before taking a deep breath and allowing herself to relax and slump forward into it. There was just a hint of a whimper.

“Now, Twilight. We both know that if there is one thing you know how to do beyond any doubt, it is to plan. And, if I might point out, you are not exactly alone here. I am sure any of your friends might have some insight on how you could set up your date. Think of it as... research. In the field, so to speak.”

The words had the desired effect, as Twilight had become calmer as Celestia had spoke. She allowed herself to nestle into Celestia’s side, only feeling a little self-conscious while she did so.

For a time, they simply sat together in silence, then Celestia snorted quietly, saying: “I thought you said you could be patient?”

Twilight shifted, looking up at Celestia with a puzzled frown. “Um... I don’t remember saying that?”

Celestia stiffened in surprise. “Forgive me, Twilight. That wasn’t meant for you.”

“Oh.” Twilight replied, settling back down into Celestia’s embrace. She wasn’t sure what had just happened, but was content that it had seemed to resolve itself.

Her ears perked up again as she realized that just because Celestia hadn’t been talking to her didn’t mean that she hadn’t been talking to somepony else, and given that they were alone in the room, that seemed very odd. “Who were you talking to?” she blurted out, feeling foolish for saying it but honestly concerned for Celestia.

Celestia hesitated, not wishing to seem even crazier, but reasoned that Twilight would likely remember Astra given enough prompting. “Astra.” she said after a long moment. “That is... well, you saw her in our shared dream. But she wasn’t called that then. She didn’t have a name, at the time. But I called her—”

“Fiend!” Twilight said, looking up in surprise. “I thought... I mean I assumed that we’d more or less resolved everything?”

No, nothing has been resolved! You’re only at the bare beginnings of doing anything at all. I’m still needed, so I’ll be here until I’m not. Did you think I would just go away after you two finally had the nerve to kiss? Centuries upon centuries you’ve denied yourself, and you’re still dancing on eggshells around her!

Celestia laughed just a little. “No, no. As it turns out, ‘my repressed desires from several centuries of missed opportunities and loneliness aren’t satisfied with a mere kiss and a promise to stop running.’ Those are her words, more or less. She’s gotten a bit calmer at least, but she still teases me whenever the situation is least appropriate.”

If you’re going to paraphrase me, you could try for a little more accuracy, Celestia.

“She’s there now?” Twilight asked, looking spooked at the very idea.

Present and accounted for.

“She’s always there, in a way. But there are times she’s more active.” Celestia looked down, kissing Twilight on the forehead. “Forgive me, Twilight. I didn’t mean to let her get to me.”

Now, that’s more like it! Try nuzzling her mane next.

“She calls herself Astra, now?”

“It’s the name she chose. She says she also liked Universalia but was worried Pinkie would call her—”

“Sally!” Twilight said at the same time as Celestia uttered the name. They looked at each other and shared a little laugh.

Yes, yes, mock my pain. I really did like that name, too. It might not have been so bad. Just think, we could have been Celly and Sally! What will poor Pinkie do with the name ‘Astra’?

“I’m sure she’ll come up with something...” Celestia murmured in undertone, then added for Twilight: “She’s been saying I’m too serious. She’s right, but I’ve had to be for so very long, I don’t know if I remember how to just be me.”

“I... I understand.” Twilight replied, looking up into Celestia’s eyes. “I... I’m not very good at being me either...”

“That’s why she thinks that you and Pinkie will be good for me, and... I think she’s right.”

“I... I don’t know.” Twilight said. “I mean, I think Pinkie is really, really good to me, but the idea of me being good for anypony else is... weird.”

“Why would that be ‘weird’?” Celestia asked somewhat incredulously. “You’re a wonderful mare, Twilight. You are the most gifted protege I’ve had the privilege of teaching, possibly the most gifted mage in several generations of unicorns that have gone through my school, and that’s to say nothing of all of the things you’ve accomplished since I coaxed you out of the castle!”

“If I’m such a good mage, why did you end up so drained?” Twilight demanded with a frown.

How can you possibly be this dense, Celestia? She’s been suffering from general self-worth issues all of her life, and with her own worth as a romantic partner since she tried to confess her feelings to you.

Celestia pursed her lips thoughtfully. She wasn’t blind, or dense, and she did know about Twilight’s fears, probably more intimately than anypony else save Pinkie. But she’d honestly hoped having a successful date with Pinkie might help Twilight get past at least a few doubts. “Twilight, you can hardly blame yourself for not knowing how things would end up. We were working out a cure for an unheard-of malady, and you found a solution that saved them both. I’d do it again every time.”

“I should have come up with something better...” Twilight replied, sounding less upset and more sulky.

“Yes, well, maybe you could have, with more time. Not being perfect has nothing to do with you being a good enough pony to fall in love with. I should know, and Pinkie knows as well.”

Twilight blushed, opening and closing her mouth several times with no sound coming out.

Much, much better. Now, kiss her before she says something else about how unlovable she is.

Reasoning that it was probably the most helpful of Astra’s little asides, Celestia decided to follow suit.

That’s... very nice.

She noted (in some little corner of her brain that wasn’t swimming in euphoria) that Twilight was far less hesitant to return the kiss than she’d been even two days before. Then that part too was flooded with emotions and unable to do more than experience what was happening.

After some time, they both broke the kiss, sharing a little smile. Celestia felt like a filly again, her heart racing as she galloped across a desert with Luna at her side, leaving a trail of glass in her wake.

“You are so very worth loving, Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia said softly. “Please, when you doubt yourself again, remember that I love you, and Pinkie does as well. You are outnumbered two to one.”

“Sorry.” Twilight said, looking flushed and abashed at the same time.

“Don’t be.” Celestia said, nuzzling into the crest of Twilight’s mane just between her ears. “It’s hard to have confidence sometimes. I know that better than most. And don’t feel like you have to hide it when you falter, at least not from me. I’ll happily pick you up and dust you off every time.”

They sat embraced, neither of them moving nor wishing to.

“Thank you.” Twilight said at last, letting out a noisy exhalation, and with it much of the tension left her.

In time, Celestia felt Twilight’s breathing slow, her form leaning more heavily into Celestia’s pelt. She smiled, gently lowering Twilight down to her side and laying a wing over her. “Sleep well, Twilight.” she said, laying a final kiss on Twilight’s forehead. With her magic, she carefully levitated her book back to her, opening it up at the bookmark.

She read with great interest as Miss Yearling wrote of her exploits in pulling off the impossible, and had a smile on her face as Daring made the journey home with her prized Guffin.

Celestia loved happy endings.

Fluttershy felt light and happy.

The first was a side effect of being a pegasus. She was naturally light on her feet when she was in a good mood, so much so that flight came naturally and easily. It was as if the very air around her wanted to lift her up along with her spirits.

The second was simple joy at having her feelings resolved at last. She hadn’t been at all exaggerating when she’d told Luna that grudges were exhausting for her. It was why she preferred to let go of anger as much as she could, and shut the rest away in the darker parts of her mind.

At least she didn’t have to feel guilty about this particular grudge, as Luna herself had admitted that she knew she’d done some very foolish things. But, whether the grudge was justified or not, it was still exhausting being mad all the time.

“Darling, could you possibly wait up?” Rarity’s voice called out to her from a surprising distance away.

Fluttershy turned, looking back in consternation. “Um... I’m sorry. I thought you were right next to me...”

“I was, then you started skipping. I’m not really up for a trot right now,” Rarity replied with a tired smile. “Just wait there a moment, I’ll catch up.”

Fluttershy dutifully waited for Rarity, feeling horribly embarrassed. It was just so nice to not be upset about anything, and she’d just had a nice meal, and she had really liked hugging Luna and not feeling conflicted about it.

“There,” Rarity said as she caught up. “You may resume skipping if you wish, just... skip slower if you would. It’s been a long day.”

Fluttershy nodded, consciously trying to keep a steady pace next to Rarity. She still felt light on her feet, but she could at least keep them on the ground. “I’m sorry,” she repeated quietly.

“No need to apologize, darling,” Rarity said, flashing Fluttershy a tired grin. “I’m glad you’re in such good spirits,” she yawned loudly. “Ugh. I feel like I could sleep for a week. Thank goodness Luna had the foresight to prepare a room for us.”

“It was very nice of her.” Fluttershy replied. “I’m glad we did this. I really do feel so much better now.”

Rarity yawned again. “Well, I’m not usually one to say I told you so, but I did.”

Fluttershy said nothing, only humming happily. Truthfully, she could recall several times that Rarity had said exactly that, but it didn’t matter. Luna wasn’t evil, she was just stressed out, which was something Fluttershy could understand very well. And more importantly, Luna didn’t want Rarity for herself.

That still seemed odd to her, but it was somewhat easier to accept knowing that Luna had other friends with which she shared a similar type of relationship. Fluttershy had briefly toyed with the idea of what it would be like to have a threesome on a few occasions (an idea that made her feel very, very naughty), and so the idea of Luna wanting to be a regular participant in such a thing wasn’t nearly as scary as it might have been. It was even exciting.

Of course, that was for later on. She didn’t know Luna nearly as well as she did Pinkie Pie, for instance. And Pinkie was somepony else Fluttershy felt like pursuing at some point for a private party of three every now and again. But there was time (years and years of time!) to get comfortable, and share in Rarity’s life, and for each of them to just enjoy the other.

But she was willing to get to know Luna that well. She looked forward to it, even. She especially wanted to get to know the animals in Luna’s garden, and Tiberius in particular. That seemed rude without getting to know Luna herself first. There were many other reasons, of course, but Fluttershy was a mare of fairly simple aspirations. She really liked animals, and pets in particular. It was only natural she’d be interested.

She’d had occasion to wonder where she’d gone wrong with the animals in Celestia’s garden more than once, and that was one conclusion she’d come to: the animals there were Celestia’s friends. She should have asked to be introduced first. It was only polite, after all.

“Darling, you’re outpacing me again...” Rarity said tiredly from far down the hall.

“Oh!” Fluttershy said, coming to a halt mid-skip.

“No, there’s no point in stopping, the door is just up ahead. Why don’t you go inside and make us some tea? I’ll catch up momentarily.”

Fluttershy nodded hurriedly, rushing down the hall to the suite that had been given to them for the night. Actually, Luna had said for however long they wished to make use of it, but Fluttershy only planned on the night. In the morning, they needed to go home.

Thankfully, a tea service was already prepared, which was good because Fluttershy wouldn’t have had any idea where to find it, or even if they normally kept a tea service in the royal guest suites. She supposed it made sense that Celestia’s staff would provide tea to any guests, and presumably anything else they might want.

Rarity trudged in a moment or two later, smiling at the steaming hot cup that Fluttershy had just poured out for her. “Darling, I don’t know what I would do without you right now. I’m sorry to be such a party pooper, but after the day we’ve had and the heavy meal on top of it all I find I’m quite pooped out indeed. Do you mind terribly if we just have some tea and settle into bed?”

Fluttershy did mind, a little, but she understood that just because she was full of energy and maybe wanting to do more than sleep didn’t mean Rarity would want that. Honestly, after watching Rarity not sleep for a couple of days straight because of Luna’s magical shenanigans it was nice to see Rarity sleeping like a normal pony again. “That’s okay.” she said, meaning every word, because there was time. There was the six month anniversary, and the wedding at some point, and the one year anniversary, and trips to Mareis and other wonderful things.

Suddenly, Fluttershy was very glad she had lots of bits taking up space. Trips and weddings and buying Rarity things could get expensive. She really needed to write the juice company a nice thank-you note.

They both sat in the chairs surrounding the little tea nook of the room. Along with the tea was a snack tray filled with scones and little cookies. After she’d managed to get roughly half a cup of tea consumed along with several scones, Rarity sat back with a little sigh. “Ah, that’s a pleasant way to round out a very stressful day.”

“Sorry.” Fluttershy mumbled around her own cup.

Rarity’s ears perked up, and she looked at Fluttershy curiously. “Whatever for, darling?”

“I... I just... if I’d known what was going to happen—”

Rarity reached across the table to press a hoof gently to Fluttershy’s lips. “Don’t do that, darling. Yes, things might have gone differently, but it’s not like I’m never going to go shopping in Canterlot again, and it’s good that we came back to settle things with Luna rather than let it linger. I think we can both agree that Luna’s track record with grudges is a bit poor.”

Fluttershy laughed just a little. “That’s... not being fair. She’s not like that anymore.”

“There, you see?” Rarity said, sitting back with a look of satisfaction. “There was nothing really to worry about. Just your poor mind and heart driving you batty. But it’s easier to realize that when you can see for yourself.”

“I... I suppose so.” Fluttershy said, taking a long sip of tea. She looked down into the cup thoughtfully. “But... I also mean if I had just mentioned I was having trouble with all of the bits that kept coming in, maybe we could have just fixed your home without needing to come here.”

“Oh, well, I can understand that. While your problem is...” Rarity hesitated for a long moment, finally saying: “Unique, shall we say? It’s not very easy to talk about such things. I daresay having too much and not knowing what to do with it is clearly troublesome for you. Indeed, I have heard of ponies who became rich suddenly and spent it all frivolously, leaving themselves destitute afterwards. Hoarding it all is another problem altogether, however. Money is meant to be used for things.”

“I know, which is why I usually save it for when I need to buy things. But... it didn’t work very well.”

“Well, no point in worrying about it after the fact. But if you have any other problems I would like to know sooner than later, please.”

Fluttershy laughed. “Um... nothing else I can think of.”

“Well, that’s good then.” Rarity sagged back into the seat with a yawn. “So, let’s take stock just a little. I need to fetch the materials from the workroom here, along with any precut fabrics or designs I worked on while I was... Well, normally I would say ‘in the zone’ but what you’ve described sounds totally different.”

“It was a little scary, but not in a bad way.” Fluttershy admitted. “I was more scared for you than of you. You were still you, but really really intensely you. Like...” Fluttershy thought for a long moment. “Like you after a week of not sleeping and drinking coffee to stay up so you can finish a project.”

Rarity winced, shaking her head. “I’m sorry you had to see that, darling. I sequester myself during such times for a reason.”

“It’s okay. But I understand why Luna was worried and took you straight to her sister for help. I don’t think you could have gone on like that for very long. Ponies are supposed to sleep.”

Rarity nodded, yawning again. “Point taken. We’ll retire soon enough, but my mind is still racing a little. I need to unwind.” she let out another, much louder yawn. “My body, on the other hoof, agrees with you wholeheartedly.”

Fluttershy smiled, reaching over the table to pat Rarity’s knee. “Okay.”

“Thank you for understanding.” Rarity said, pouring another cup of tea. “You know, we’ve been so wrapped up lately I think I forgot to mention a juicy little tidbit I heard about our Applejack and Rainbow.”

Fluttershy leaned forward in sudden interest. “Oh?”

“It seems they were having a bit of a falling out, partly because of Rainbow, partly because our Applejack is apparently the jealous type.”

Fluttershy inhaled in a little gasp. “Oh, no! Dashie was talking about something like that, she said Applejack might get upset if she mentioned being attracted to other ponies. So Applejack was mad at her?”

“Yes, apparently, though she was taking it out on other ponies who had nothing to do with the conflict.” Rarity said with a frown. “Well, I did what I could to help settle her mind, poor dear. She felt like she couldn’t tell Rainbow about it. Can you imagine?”

“I hope they’re okay—” Fluttershy said, her ears perking up as she heard a noise coming from the door. It happened again, a sharp and insistent knocking.

Rarity looked in the direction of the door, a curious look on her face. “Hmmm. I wonder what that’s about?” she sat forward with a pained expression.

“Sit.” Fluttershy said firmly. “I’ll get it.”

She opened the door, and at first was confused as she saw nopony standing there. Then she felt strong little arms grasp her torso, and looked down to find Spike clinging to her. “Oh, hello, Spike.”

He didn’t answer at first, simply hugging her for a moment longer before letting go. “Sorry.” he said with a grin. “I was just glad to see you’re okay.” he looked past Fluttershy to Rarity, letting out a sigh of relief. “And Rarity’s okay too. Man, those guys are gonna get it for making me worry.”

“Spikey! Come in, sit!” Rarity called from the tea nook.

He looked at Fluttershy for a moment, as if to confirm he wasn’t interrupting anything, and only when she nodded her assent did he step inside, dragging another chair up to the little tea table and hopping up into it.

“Who made you worry, exactly?” Rarity asked after pouring Spike a cup and levitating it to his outstretched claws.

“Some of the guards in the castle.” Spike replied, looking at Fluttershy with a strange look in his eyes. “They were hanging out, talking about somepony. Just, you know, guy talk?”

Rarity nodded. “And what did they say?”

“Well, they said that ‘Wildflower’s daughter got attacked by a changeling army and killed almost all of them, then dragged the leader and his elite guard in for questioning. That didn’t really tell me anything, but I just had to hear more after that.”

“Goodness, what did they say?” Rarity asked with wide eyes.

“Well, one guy swore she was taller than Princess Celestia, but his buddy said nopony was that tall, and they finally agreed she was just a little taller than Princess Luna. Then the other guy said she breathed fire, and walked into the palace covered with blood—”

“Oh, my...” Fluttershy said breathlessly.

“Yeah, can you imagine?” Spike said with a chuckle. “Anyway, I finally got them to describe your mane and coat color and figured out who they meant. Then I asked them if Luna had guests in the castle and they told me you two were staying here under Luna’s orders.”

His expression darkened when he finally noticed the bruise just under Rarity’s maneline. “So I gotta know, what the hay did happen? I mean I figured they weren’t completely pulling my leg but it’d be nice to know what was fact and what was made up.”

Fluttershy looked at Rarity helplessly. The moment Spike had mentioned the blood she’d remembered it all again, and how it had been so hard to scrub off afterwards. It had gotten up inside the frogs of her hooves and she’d even found little spots near her knees. She still felt like she’d done the right thing, but that didn’t make it any easier to reconcile in her head afterwards.

Rarity nodded firmly, turning back to Spike. “Spikey... I’m going to preface this by saying we are all right, the ponies responsible are... Well, they’re alive, in any case, and they are in custody waiting for trial with Princess Luna. So I don’t want you worrying any further.”

His eyes widened with every word she’d just spoken. “Whoa... Okay, just tell me what happened, please.”

Rarity hesitated for a moment longer, then began. “Well, first of all, we found a lovely place for pizza and pasta. They even provide griffin options, in case you’d ever wanted to try that sort of thing. In any case, we were walking from there to Regent’s Row...”

“...And then we had an audience with Princess Luna. I suspect the guards who saw us walk in were responsible for the rumors you heard. So, here we are, safe and relatively sound, if a bit ruffled and exhausted from the whole thing.” Rarity finished, “It’s been quite a time.”

“Right...” Spike said, forcibly unclenching his claws from the teacup. He took a long moment to digest everything he’d just heard, then smiled. “Well, you got through it, anyway. Kinda glad to hear they got their butts handed to ‘em.”

Fluttershy squirmed uncomfortably.

“So...” he said as he took another sip of tea. “Uh, do you know where Princess Celestia is?”

“Hmmm?” Rarity replied in surprise. “Oh, I thought you’d heard along with the rest of Canterlot.”

“Well, yeah, you’d have to be deaf to have not heard that.” Spike said, rolling his eyes. “But I mean, I get that’s she’s taking a rest, but where at?”

“She’s in Ponyville, Spike.” Rarity said, “Staying with Twilight, actually.”

“What?!” Spike demanded, actually shattering the teacup in his claws. “When, how, why?”

“Oh, dear.” Rarity said, floating a broom and dustpan over to clean up the glass. “Fluttershy, be a dear and catch him up a little?”

“Um... let’s see.” Fluttershy replied, thinking quickly. “She’s been there for a few days, I’m pretty sure she flew there, she went there because she was worried about Pinkie and Twilight having a falling out...”

“Yes, but she ended up staying because it took the bulk of her magical reserves to reverse that healing spell that was killing me, Fluttershy. Well, that and the whole unresolved feelings between Twilight and Celestia thing.” Rarity added smoothly as she tipped the dustpan into a nearby trashcan.

Spike looked back and forth between the two of them, trying to get a word in edgewise. “Wait, killing you? And unresolved—” his eyes widened in sudden shock. “I knew it! Twilight and Celestia was one of my—” he shut his mouth with a snap. “Right! So... she’s okay. That’s good. And the... the healing spell that was killing you is fixed, now?”

“Yes, Twilight fixed it. You know how that goes.” Rarity said with a laugh.

“Yeah... she’s good at fixing mistakes. She had to be, because she’s made so many.” Spike replied with a little chuckle. “Okay, so... how did things go for you and your shop? I set things up and then you didn’t come to the party! Did you find a backer?”

“Oh... Well, you see... that got a little complex. I’m technically a contractor for Princess Luna, now. She promised me financial backing in exchange for producing a new wardrobe for her that can stand the test of time, so to speak. She sent along a document to claim the bits I need. Unfortunately, the Ponyville branch of the Equestrian National Bank is running a bit shy of funds these days. That’s one of the reasons we came here.”

“Oh, that works, I guess.” Spike replied, looking surprised. “So, you got what you needed?”

“Actually, I found out why there was a bit shortage in Ponyville. We’ll be going home in the morning to fix that.”

“I’m sorry...” Fluttershy said very quietly.

“It’s fine, darling.” Rarity said as an aside to Fluttershy. “So, I’m very sorry you were worried, Spikey, but I promise we’re okay.”

“Geez,” he said, shaking his head. “I take off for a little ‘me’ time and you have all the fun without me.” Despite saying this, he was smiling brightly. “Man, I gotta get the lowdown from Princess Celestia on what the hay happened.”

“It’s... complicated. I wouldn’t even be able to begin to explain.” Rarity said, nodding.

“Yeah, I’d rather hear from her anyway. Plus if I stay away any longer Twilight might forget to feed herself. I mean, Pinkie will bring cupcakes and donuts but Twilight can’t eat like that all the time, it makes her loopy.” Spike shook his head.

“Well, we’re planning to return in the morning ourselves. Fluttershy’s animals will not tolerate her being gone for another extended period of time.”

“All right then. I gotta get. Moon Dancer is supposed to start classes again tomorrow and I promised her I’d be there for dinner. But I’ll probably see you on the train.”

He hopped out of his seat, taking a moment to hug them both in turn.

“Good night, Spikey. If we don’t see you on the morning train we’ll follow along shortly on the next one.” Rarity said, escorting him to the door.

“Okay! I’ll tell the other girls you’re coming home.” Spike said, stepping out. Just before he crossed fully over the threshold, he stopped and turned. “Oh! I almost forgot. We had one of your clients at Jet Set’s party a couple of days ago,” he thought for a moment, then said: “Shimmering Starlight, that was it.”

Rarity’s face screwed up in deep thought. “Shimmering Starlight... Oh! Lady Starlight! She was here in Canterlot?”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, business deal with the airship docks, I guess. Her husband’s kind of a big deal when it comes to ships. Anyway, she’ll be in Canterlot for another week or so, but she mentioned she’d be stopping through Ponyville to check on an order.” Spike said with a wink. “I kinda sorta put in a good word for you a while back. I was glad to hear it paid off.”

“Yes, yes it did.” Rarity said with a nervous little grin. “If you see her again, would you be so kind as to pass along that I will be waiting?”

“Will do! Anyway, see ya!” Spike said, walking away with a skip in his step.

Rarity quietly closed the door, leaning up against it heavily.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

“Wrong? Oh, nothing! Except I have a client wanting to see a completed order and I don’t even have a workroom, much less materials and time...” Rarity let out a manic laugh that sounded almost like a sob.

Fluttershy quickly crossed the room, embracing Rarity quietly. After a few moment, she asked: “I thought you had materials here in Canterlot?”

“Well... yes, but transporting them will take some doing. And the other materials I ordered from Buttons will take weeks, not to mention I need to get Hard Hat and his crew to work on my shop to have any hope of using that again...” Rarity stopped, apparently being hit by a thought. “Darling, do you think I could ask something of you?”

“Anything, Rarity.” Fluttershy said with no hesitation at all.

“If I can get my shop usable once more, that solves a good number of my problems. Then I just need to worry about how to transport the materials from here to Ponyville. I think I might have a solution that will make both your animals and my work crew happy.”

Author's Note:

First of all, no, this is not the end. I chose that chapter title because Celestia was reading a book, and for other reasons.

Secondly, yes, I am fully aware that Shimmering Starlight is not a clever name. I made it reference both of our bad girls turned face just for fun. When I came up with the idea of Lady Starlight we didn't even have an inkling that our communist time-traveling world destroyer would be a thing. I finally decided I may as well give her a first name since I had never specified that... oh good lord it's been 5 years since I wrote that chapter now And since I had to give her a first name, I may as well own the fact that canon got me by making a dig at canon in turn. So enjoy the name, I hope it made you giggle.

As a bonus, here's a bio I totally didn't make up on the spot when someone asked me for more information on Lady Starlight. No, really, I had notes. Five year old notes. You can't prove otherwise!

Shimmering Starlight is minor nobility from Canterlot. She is a unicorn with a coat of dark purple (Byzantium), a mane of Midnight Blue, and a cutiemark that has three yellow stars arranged in circle. She grew up being raised largely by nannies, and was educated in private schools. She eventually met Knotty Pine, a shipwright from Baltimare who had inherited his father's money and business sense. He was exactly the type of pony her parents hated, as he was new money, an earth pony with a mud brown coat and a black mane, had a scar under his right eye from a bar fight, and a raunchy sense of humor. She's deliriously happy, and spends his money on clothing and other frivolous things.

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