• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,026 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 34: Pulling An All-Nighter

Rarity threw herself down on the bed, loving the feeling of the feather mattress as it conformed to her, supporting her in ways only a mattress stuffed with alicorn down could. Fluttershy sat down on the edge of the bed, still laughing weakly.

The fashionista stared at the ceiling, giving a great mighty sigh. “This whole trip has gotten terribly complicated, hasn’t it?”

“Sorry,” Fluttershy replied.

“None of that now, darling. Nopony is to blame.” Rarity scooted backwards to the pillows by the headboard and opened her forelegs, silently asking for a hug, to which Fluttershy quickly agreed.

“But my dad—”

“Is merely worried for his daughter,” Rarity finished her sentence. “I do not believe I would be very different if it was my child getting engaged to some pony I barely knew.” Rarity’s eyes widened as she realized what she’d just said. “I-I mean, potentially engaged, because this is a horrid way to ask somepony to marry them and I should really do it properly and can you please just forget what I said just now?”

Fluttershy snuggled closer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But... um... if somepony I loved were to ask me to marry them, I would say yes.”

Rarity opened and closed her mouth helplessly, trying to force words out of a throat that had seemingly shut of it’s own accord. “Well! That’s—” she squeaked, taking a moment to force her heart back down out of her throat by sheer force of will. “That’s good to know,” she finished at last.

They lay back in silence, neither daring to speak lest the magic of that moment be broken. Which was probably why Rarity cursed loudly when somepony knocked on their door.

Fluttershy raised her head, startled, but Rarity held her firmly in her forelegs. “Whoever that is can come back another time.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to protest, but Rarity met it with a kiss. Neither of them was terribly inclined to move for quite some time.

Distantly, Rarity heard someone outside give a frustrated little grunt and then hoofsteps walking away. She offered up a silent prayer of thanks to Princess Cadance, for if anypony watched over lovers, it was her.

Rarity yawned, growing drowsy as she was at last in a more comfortable place to sleep than the muddy ground or a massage table. The warmth of Fluttershy shifted against her, the aforementioned wrapping a hoof around her barrel and resting the pink-maned head against Rarity’s chest.

Rarity never had a chance. She was out like a candle in a windstorm.

Hours later, Fluttershy awoke groggily to a polite rapping on the door. Rarity’s chest rose and fell in gentle slumber, her grip on Fluttershy having grown slack, allowing the lithe pegasus to extricate herself and answer the door.

Spike was there, looking a little annoyed. “Where have you—”

Fluttershy shot him a warning look, gesturing to Rarity sleeping on the bed. “Shhh.”

The draconic eyes widened, and Spike’s voice lowered to a much softer tone. “Where have you two been? I told Fancy you’d be coming.”

Fluttershy cringed, giving Spike a look of contrition. “We... had some problems with my parents. Rarity’s going to be busy for a while.”

Spike looked past her, concern etched onto his face. “Is she okay? It’s kinda early to be sleeping.”

“She’s fine. Just tired.”

The dragon stood in the doorway, opening and closing his claws as he watched Rarity sleep.

“Um... did you need something else?” Fluttershy asked when the silence became uncomfortable even for her.

“Oh, right, sorry. It’s just that Fancy Pants was upset when you didn’t come.” Spike stole another glance at the sleeping unicorn, shaking his head sadly. “I’ll have to explain what kept you, now.”

Fluttershy sat down on a nearby chair, gesturing for Spike to do the same. “Sorry. She’s been trying to get my dad to like her. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t like that she’s letting my dad distract her either.”

“Huh... Well, I guess that makes me feel a little better,” he said, settling into his seat. “I’m just glad I won’t have to go through that.”


“Well...” Spike hesitated for a moment, thinking it over. “The princess said my mother is sleeping for the next couple of centuries, and I don’t know who my father is.”

Fluttershy nodded in sympathy. “I suppose that makes sense, even if it is a little sad. I should be glad my parents are awake to meet her... I just wish it had gone better.”

Spike leaned forward in his seat, looking at Fluttershy attentively. “What happened?”

“My dad happened.” Fluttershy replied, crestfallen. “He thinks Rarity is not strong enough to take care of me.”

Spike’s ridged eyebrows rose as he regarded the unicorn in repose on the bed. “Really?! He thinks Rarity... huh. I guess if you didn’t know her...” He trailed off, shrugging. “So what’s she going to do, kick his butt?”

Fluttershy laughed a little; it felt good to laugh when she was thinking about her father. “She... my mother convinced her...” She giggled, realizing how silly it would all sound. “She asked my dad if a royal guard would be strong enough, and when he said yes, Rarity said she was going to go through the tests to qualify.”

Spike’s eyebrows somehow rose even higher, and he grinned manically. “Wait... so you mean she was... in the armor, through the mud...”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Whoa....” Spike said, marveling. “I would have paid good money to see that.”

Fluttershy’s face flushed as she remembered watching those pristine white legs slogging through the mud in that golden armor. “Um... it was very... nice.”

The silence was deafening as the two of them were off in their own worlds for a moment.

“Um...” Fluttershy said at last. “Did you need anything else?”

Spike shook himself out of whatever he was imagining at that moment. “Sorry, um... I’ll talk to Fancy, see if we can get an invite for another day.”

Fluttershy gave him a little smile. “Okay, I’ll talk to Rarity about it. Thank you, Spike.”

“Right! Well, I’m supposed to meet up with Dancer in a bit.” Spike gave Rarity one last look, turning towards the door. “Tell her I said good luck with your parents.”

Fluttershy nodded, closing the door softly as Spike left. She looked back to the bed, frowning unhappily.

Rarity gave a quiet little snore, blinking her eyes as the sound disturbed her. “Fluttershy? What was that?”

Fluttershy debated telling Rarity that her own snore had woken her up, but decided against it. “It was Spike, stopping by to see what was so important that we missed the party.”

Struggling to wake up, Rarity yawned. “Oh dear, did you explain to him?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I did, yes. He said he’ll see if he can get us another invite for a different party.”

“That’s very sweet of him.” Rarity replied, yawning again. “Sorry, I am just so terribly exhausted...”

“That’s all right,” Fluttershy said, walking over to the bed and laying down next to Rarity. “We don’t need to be anywhere right now, and you’ll need to be well rested for tomorrow.” Fluttershy snuggled up close to Rarity, running a hoof through the purple locks in a simple gesture of affection.

“Well, I suppose a lady does need her beauty sleep,” Rarity said, chuckling. “Be a dear and wake me at some point. I don’t want to sleep the whole day away.”

As it happened, Rarity slept for only another couple of hours before she was interrupted again. This time it was not by her own snoring, or a concerned dragon, but by a distraught princess.

This would normally have been difficult to tell, but she had some subtle hints.

“Rarity, Fluttershy, art thou decent?”

She blinked, staring at the ceiling, wondering at what point her life had become what it was now. She had always wanted connections to royalty, it was true, but she’d never envisioned it would involve post-coitus chat sessions in a royal bath, or for that matter this particular princess. There was also the small matter of Celestia having been her in-law in her dreams. Ah well, when life gives you lemons... The lemon in question protested sleepily as Rarity moved under her foreleg. She really wasn’t very lemonish, come to think of it, more buttery, especially during—

There was a strident knock, followed by the princess calling into the room once more. “By royal command, one of you needs to answer this door!”

Fluttershy’s eyes snapped open, looking around wildly. “What—” she relaxed slightly, seeing Rarity. “Oh... That was so strange. I was dreaming about Princess Luna pounding on the door—”

“That wasn’t a dream, love. Let me up. I’d best go see what she needs.” Rarity extricated herself from Fluttershy snuggly grip, walking to the door and opening it. “Good... afternoon, Princess,” she said as she noted the position of the sun. “How are you—”

Princess Luna strode in, closing the door and casting a spell that made the wall facing the hallway shimmer light starlight. “Rarity, Fluttershy, I have need of a confidant. Can I trust you to keep silent on what we are about to talk about?”

Rarity opened her mouth, then closed it, glancing back at Fluttershy. Her marefriend looked confused, but nodded in affirmation. “Well, certainly, princess. We would be happy to listen. Though wouldn’t your sister be a better choice? Not that we mind—”

Luna cut her off with the wave of a hoof. “My sister... would be the last pony I would want to talk to about this matter. I have committed a grave sin, and while I will confess my error to her at some point, I fear telling her now would only ascerbate the existing problems.” The younger princess paced back and forth, agitation radiating off her in nearly visible waves.

Rarity and Fluttershy looked at each other helplessly. Fluttershy finally spoke up. “Um... maybe you could tell us what’s bothering you? I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but we’d be glad to help if we can.”

“The problem, dear Fluttershy, is that I broke one of my own cardinal rules as the Princess of Dreams. I intruded on my sister as she lay down for a catnap.” Luna shook her head, glancing up at them expectantly. “I did not like what I saw there.”

“Um... you looked at her dream?” Fluttershy replied. “Isn’t that okay for you? I mean, even Princess Celestia has bad dreams sometimes, doesn’t she?”

“Not for many centuries now, no.” Luna said. At their blank expressions, she frowned. “My sister has kept herself from my realm since my... banishment. The dreamscape did not take kindly to its mistress being imprisoned, and it lashed out against my sister when she attempted to take over my duties there. For her to let her guard down enough to allow herself to dream speaks of great distress, and that was reflected in her dreams.”

“Wait, wait,” Rarity cut in, eyebrows raised. “So the problem is that Celestia is having nightmares?”

“The problem is that my sister is dreaming for the first time in a millenia, and those dreams consist of her tearing herself apart over supposed crimes against Twilight. It’s bad enough she won’t pursue her, now she is racked with guilt!”

Luna cut through the air with a hoof. “I won’t allow this. I must ask for your assistance in this matter. I will continue to try to persuade my idiot sister, but I would like for you two to act in my stead with regards to Pinkie and Twilight in Ponyville. If Celestia will not act, perhaps those two will, if they but know there is something to act on.”

Rarity considered for a long moment, finally shaking her head. “I am sorry, princess, but we’re going to be in Canterlot for the moment. We have business with family here.”

“Surely it could wait a while?” Luna asked with pleading eyes. “I shan’t order you, but as your friend I am asking for thine aid! One way or another, my sister must confront her student. I’ve experienced heartache before, but what she is putting herself through is not healthy.”

“I’m afraid it’s a bit time sensitive.” Rarity replied apologetically. “I’m trying to win over my potential father-in-law, you see. He’s a bit protective.”

Luna’s expression turned from pleading to calculating. “Father-in-law, you say? I could intercede on your behalf if it would allow you to attend to my request quicker.”

“Funny, your sister offered the same thing.” Rarity said, chuckling quietly. “No, you see, I am trying to prove my worth to him by going through some basic tests that your royal guard uses to assess combat skills.”

"Hm, that sounds needlessly complex," Luna said, tilting her head speculatively. "Have you tried simply asserting yourself to him at maximum volume?"

Rarity considered for a moment, trying to decipher the meaning of the words. “Oh! Yes, I tried yelling at him.”

Luna raised a hoof to her chin in thought. “What about physical violence to his person?”

“Fluttershy doesn’t want me to hit him.”

Luna was silent for a time, contemplating. “You could let me try. I am very good at that.”

Rarity stared at the princess, unsure how to respond. “Wait, did you want to yell at him or hit him?”

“Princess!” squeaked a small voice, causing them both to turn to the source. Fluttershy looked hesitant, but after a moment she took a deep breath and plunged on. “We’re not just here for my family—”

Rarity winced. “Fluttershy, please, she doesn’t need to hear that—”

“We’re also here because Rarity needs an investor to help her rebuild her shop!” Fluttershy said, heedless of Rarity’s protests. “So, um... do you know of anypony who could help?”

Luna regarded the pair. Rarity was frowning at Fluttershy and the latter wilted under her gaze, then returned it with a brave face. “What’s this?” Luna asked.

The fashionista turned to Luna, giving her an embarrassed little grin. “Please, forgive her, Your Highness...” At Luna’s raised eyebrow, she quickly corrected herself. “L-Luna! I meant to say that... Don’t concern yourself unduly, I can manage just fine.”

Luna swept her gaze from the unicorn to the pegasus. “Dear Fluttershy, what is it that is troubling you?”

Fluttershy tore her gaze away from Rarity. “Um... Rarity’s shop was badly damaged during a wild storm a few nights ago. She lost her fabric stock and the top floor of her home.”

“And it’s nothing I can’t recover from!” Rarity asserted, a pout forming on her lips. “Luna has more pressing concerns than my shop!”

“But if you don’t get the fabric replaced you’ll miss your deadline—” Fluttershy replied to Rarity, her face troubled and sad at having upset her marefriend.

“Enough!” barked Luna, at a volume that, while not magically enhanced, still rattled both of the other mares.

The pair turned back to Luna, all further argument quieted for the moment.

“My apologies, but I couldn’t hear myself think.” The princess looked at Rarity. “Rarity, we are friends, are we not? Why would you hesitate to mention this to me?”

“Because…” Rarity faltered for a moment, then set her jaw and raised her head. “Because I have no wish to run to others when I am perfectly capable of taking care of my own problems. I have been a self made mare since I left home, and I refuse to ask for charity,” she replied, her eyes shining with pride. “I do not want to impose.”

Luna stared at her, eventually looking away and shaking her head. “You remind me of my sister so, right now. Neither of you seem to grasp such a basic concept as enlightened self-interest. Let me help you, so that you can in turn help me and my sister!”

“I’m sorry, but I won’t. What am I supposed to do the next time I have a problem? I can’t just ask you to fix every little thing,” Rarity replied firmly. “I appreciate the thought, though.”

Luna’s expression darkened. “You will accept my aid or—”

“Princess,” a quiet voice said into Luna’s ear.

The princess’s eyes looked left to find Fluttershy had approached while she was talking to Rarity.

“Um... Rarity doesn’t want to just be given bits. But if you wanted a dress made...” Fluttershy whispered.

“What?” Rarity demanded. “What are you two chatting about?”

Luna allowed a small smile to grow on her face. She knew her quarry’s weakness, now. “I see. Well then, if you will not accept my aid, will you accept my order?”

“Even if you order me, I will not—”

“I actually have a bit of a problem of my own. One you could help me with, now that I think of it. There is an upcoming party at which my presence was requested, and my wardrobe predates my incarceration by... centuries." Luna smiled uncomfortably. "I never really cared much for fashion before, Celestia could wear any dress and steal the spotlight every time, so there was little point. But over the centuries it's become her custom to wear only her regalia, which means I could steal the spotlight from her for a change. Do you think you could make me something more contemporary? Something to bend the minds of the elite, and make them more pliable?”

She held up a hoof to forestall the protests she could already tell Rarity was about to make based on her expression. "The dress would help me impress the gentry, and I’ll be sure to mention who the designer was. If it goes over particularly well, I just might want a whole new wardrobe. In return, I could help you get the materials you need to finish your other work, and could perhaps allow you to stop worrying and return home, where you could help me once more.”

“I...” Rarity hesitated. The chance to design for royalty was something she had long dreamed of, but as Luna had mentioned, Princess Celestia had long since come to regard anything but her regalia as being prideful. She ran her eyes over Luna’s sleek form. There was something about the legginess of an alicorn, so unlike most ponies. Luna would look stunning in an evening gown, cut to flatter her natural curves and strategically show off certain features while enticing the eye by hiding others. “But... I-I would need fabric, tools! I didn’t come prepared!”

Luna chortled, having been observing Rarity’s change in attitude. She swished her tail playfully. “Come now, surely you know the various uniforms our staff wear come from somewhere! I am asking for your expertise! I can provide you with ample materials and any tools you need. All you need do is agree.”

Rarity’s mind raced. This was a golden opportunity. Passing it up would be worse than foolish, but she was worried about it possibly interfering with her current plans. “Erm... and when did you need this by?”

“Tomorrow evening.”

Her heart sank. Even with the materials and tools at hoof, trying to design and make the gown in a single night, while possible, would mean getting no sleep for her test tomorrow morning. “I’m sorr—”

“She’ll do it!” Fluttershy said quickly, rushing over to Rarity’s side. “You have to do it! She’s our friend, and she’s a princess!”

“But the test—”

Fluttershy put her hooves on Rarity’s cheeks, looking the unicorn in the eye. “You want Luna to look good, don’t you? Could you leave that poor thing in the hooves of some other pony?”

“Poor thing?” Luna raised a single eyebrow.

Fluttershy turned Rarity’s head towards Luna and gestured at her, completely ignoring what the princess had said, “Just look at her! Could anypony else do her justice?”

Luna glanced in a mirror self-consciously. “Is... is there something wrong with the way I look?”

“A few... perhaps—” Rarity responded, not noticing Luna’s crisis of self-image.

“Are you willing to take that risk?” Fluttershy began talking faster, getting a little breathless. “She could end up a laughing stock, drawing back into herself, becoming more and more lonely, until one night—” She drew back on her forelegs, spreading her wings wide “—Nightmare Moon returns!” She stood panting on her hind legs, wings still spread wide. After a moment she glanced at Luna, who was watching Fluttershy with a growing look of horror. “Oh, um... sorry for implying you would return to the path of darkness and try to kill us all again, Luna.”

“It... it wasn’t quite so sudden. I had this resentment for her for centuries...” Luna mumbled, her eyes unfocused. She shook herself, looking at Fluttershy with relief evident in her eyes. “Right, you were just... joking then?”

“Um...” Fluttershy blushed and scuffed a hoof against the floor.

“Of course she was!” Rarity cut in quickly. “My, what a kidder you are, darling!”

“Right... joking. Sorry, Luna.” Fluttershy said, smiling sheepishly. “I just think it’s a really good idea for her to make a dress for you.”

“I do as well,” Luna replied. “That was the point of asking her. So, will you do it, Rarity?”

“Hmmm.” Rarity considered, trying not to let the encouraging smile from her marefriend or the expectant look of a literal goddess weigh on her mind as she considered. It would mean an all-nighter, but she’d done those before. And while she did want to be well rested for the test tomorrow, she had been napping all morning now. Besides, passing up this opportunity would be the height of foolishness. “All right, I’ll do it.”

Luna stomped her hooves on the floor in approval. “Excellent. Do you have time to take measurements?”

“My time is yours, Princess,” Rarity said with a flourish. “Now, what do I have to work with? I’ve come up with some amazing designs using relatively common materials...”

Luna shot Rarity an amused grin. “Follow me...”

It was beautiful.

Mere words could not do this room justice. Sewing machines, shears, needles, thread, all laid out with the meticulous care that spoke of love for the craft. There was a drawing table with a fresh stack of paper at hoof. All of it perfect.

And then there was the Wall.

It could only be referred to as a title in her mind. The Wall stretched from the floor to the high vaulted ceiling, full of reams of every fabric imaginable, and several she had never even heard of. Satins, silks, common cloth, each in a variety of colors. While nothing like her own inspiration room, it was the best possible thing she could hope for when designing away from her own shop.

“I... I couldn’t possibly work here!” she said, breathlessly.

“Does it not have what you need?” Luna asked, confused.

“Everything I could possibly need and more is here. But look at this!” Rarity pointed at the meticulous organization, being careful not to touch anything. “This room is carefully organized, practically cataloged! This speaks of a mind that needs everything just so to create! Altering anything in here would be sacrilege of the highest order!”

“Rarity... you have nothing to fear in that regard. While the former royal seamstress was every bit as finicky as you suppose, she will not mind if her room is used. Indeed, were she here, I suspect she would delight that she could be of some service once more, even if it is in a peripheral fashion.” Luna gestured sadly. “These tools of the trade have been unused for nigh many years now.”

“Oh my...” Fluttershy responded. “Did... did she die?”

“Hmmm?” Luna glanced at Fluttershy, then shook her head. “Oh, no, the stress got to her after a while. She was never the same after Discord’s attack on the palace. Her dress forms came to life and attacked her.”

A sharp intake of breath announced that Rarity had found a new source of nightmares.

“Then they tied her up and laid gown after gown on her until she nearly suffocated in fabric.” Luna swept a hoof around the room, pointing out the distinct lack of said ponnequins. “She would only use live ponies to model her gowns after that, and switched to much lighter fabrics. She burned the dress forms. Poor dear kept thinking they would come back for her one day.”

“Well... that’s...” Rarity took a deep breath, which totally failed to calm her frazzled nerves. “That’s completely horrible,” she finished at last.

“She’s doing well now, if it helps you feel any better,” Luna said. “But it really was for the best that she retired. Being afraid of your own special talent is a kind of torture I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”

Rarity took another breath, looking around the room with fresh eyes. Luna was right; this room was disused, but lovingly maintained in readiness for a new pony to make use of the treasures herein. It would do that poor mare a disservice not to make use of her hard work. “Right! Well then, I need measuring tape!”

Luna was not cooperating.

“Princess, please!” Rarity glanced up at the princess, doing her best to keep the exasperation she felt out of her voice. “I need you to keep your tail still!”

“My apologies,” came the reply, paired with a hint of a smile that crossed the alicorn’s face.

“Better, thank you,” Rarity said as she finished the hip measurement. “There we are. Now, I’ll need to take your inseam next.”

“Oh? Did you plan to use your hooves for this one?” Luna batted her eyelashes coquettishly.

“No, of course not, I can manage with magic just fine,” came the confused reply from the unicorn.


Luna cast a glance at Fluttershy from the corner of her eyes, the playful smile on her lips growing. “Is something the matter, dear Fluttershy?”

The pegasus shook her head. Her mind was flashing back to a similar scene in which Rarity had insisted she needed to use her hooves to steady the tape. That meant...

That meant Rarity just wanted to put her hooves on Fluttershy. The thought sent her mind racing. She knew now that Rarity had been attracted to her for a long time. She just hadn’t known her marefriend had been fibbing so she could get a chance to touch Fluttershy.

Jealousy flared in her chest. Luna was flirting with her marefriend. And though Rarity wasn't doing the same, it was clear that she wasn't unaffected by the salacious attention. She quelled the impulse to claim Rarity as her own and thought back to the previous night. Rarity had been afraid to make a decision because of her... but that didn't mean that she couldn't make one right now. She got up from the chair she'd been sitting in and walked up behind Rarity, wrapping her forelegs and wings around her marefriend in a double hug.

Rarity started as she felt the embrace. “Um... thank you, darling. Is there some reason in particular?”

“I... um... just love you a lot, right now.” She leaned forward, whispering into Rarity’s ear. “The next time you take my inseam, it’s okay if you want to use your hooves. I don’t mind.”

Rarity’s ears flicked about in confusion. “Um... I shouldn’t need to recheck very often, darling. Your measurements don’t change by very much.”

Fluttershy playfully nipped at Rarity’s ear. “What if I wanted you to?” She felt Rarity’s body tense against hers, and just to really make Rarity blush she added: “What if I wanted you to measure Luna with your mouth?”

Rarity’s flushed crimson, mind areel at what that might mean, and if she was being tested for the right reaction. It might be that Fluttershy was just trying to excite her; if so, it was working. “D-darling, I would need the other end to be held—”

“I could do that.” Fluttershy replied, without missing a beat.


The two turned back to Luna, who was waiting patiently for her measurements to be completed. “As adorable as you two are, maybe you could wait until I leave the room?” Her amused smirk widened another notch. “Or at least have the courtesy to let me join.”

“Sorry!” came the quick response from both mares.

The measurements done at last, Rarity was sketching designs on the drawing table. Luna had night court to attend to, and would be by in the morning to see the finished product. Fluttershy had gone to Donut Joe’s to fetch a decanter of coffee and something sweet to help keep Rarity going.

Rarity mulled over the designs, trying to decide what material to use. Luna would need dark tones for the accents, to compliment her mane and coat. The fabric for the body of the gown needed to shimmer as much as her mane did. Even silk seemed too plain to adorn those godly curves. She found the answer at last, a blend of silk and silver thread that would move fluidly, but also shine in the dimmest of lights. She looked it over carefully, thinking. Silver was a fine material for other things as well. To one side of Luna’s design, she set a fresh sheet of drafting paper and began sketching the armor she had worn during her exam.

It had been extremely heavy, and she could see why now, since it was designed for earth ponies. But a unicorn could benefit from such protection as well, if it were a more light-weight design. Silver was not a material made for taking heavy blows, but it could hold enchantments quite well. She tapped the paper, wondering idly if Twilight might know of any spell that could be used to dull force directed at an object. Setting that aside for the moment, she got back to the task at hoof.

Luna’s gown would be primarily made of the silver silk, with accents of midnight blue and black. She’d debated on the design for some time, finally deciding with a shake of her head that she was being foolish; of course it was going to be an evening gown.

She put a few finishing touches on the design, then turned to the Wall.

“How are you doing, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked as she returned to the workroom with coffee and donuts.

“Oh, well enough, I suppose,” Rarity said, waving a hoof nonchalantly. “I mean, I’m only designing a gown that will be seen by every noble attending this event Luna is going to, and there will be several, let me assure you. Doing well means more orders from Luna, and potentially a large number of the nobles. Doing poorly means I will have made a princess into a laughing stock, and myself by extension.” Rarity smiled winsomely. “And I only need to have it done and perfect in six hours! No problem!”

Fluttershy smiled; Rarity would be very tired. Now was the time to mention that she didn’t really have to go back to the guard exams. “My goodness! Well, I’m sure my mom will understand—”

“Oh, don’t be concerned,” Rarity interrupted quickly. “I’ll make my morning test.”


Sketching the patterns for the various pieces of the gown, Rarity next floated down the reams of fabric that she would need. “I know you’re worried, but I’ll be just fine. It’s not the first time I have done an important presentation without sleeping. Besides, I have been napping all afternoon.”

Fluttershy bit her lip. She wasn’t sure who her mother would pit Rarity against, but trying to take the close quarter combat exam after working all night sounded like the worst idea ever. “Rarity, I really think it’s more important to worry about Luna’s dress, don’t you?”

“I am! But that doesn’t mean I plan to ignore my other commitments. Have no fear, my love. I”m going to wow your father so much he will demand to be at the wedding without even needing an invitation! Everything will be perfect!” Rarity hummed to herself as the various bits of the gown passed by her eyes, shears cutting and thread passing through fabric in a frenzy of activity.

Fluttershy watched nervously. It looked like the following morning was going to end in a disaster, but she set her jaw; nothing bad was going to happen if she could help it. Besides, Joe had said the coffee she bought was decaffeinated. With any luck, Rarity would need to lie down for a quick nap, and if her alarm clock disappeared mysteriously, nopony would blame her for over-sleeping.

Fluttershy allowed herself a small smile; she certainly wouldn’t.

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