• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 38,026 Views, 5,094 Comments

Green - Steel Resolve

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—

  • ...

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Chapter 43: Forever

Everything was horrible, forever.

Or so Sweetie thought at that moment, as a sharp spike of cold stabbed directly into her brain. She glared at the cause of her misery.

Why, ice cream? Why do you hurt me?

“Sweetie? Ya okay there?” Apple Bloom asked from a far away place of warmth and happiness.

“Whoa, that face!” Scootaloo said, sounding like she was trying her best not to chuckle.

Sweetie decided Apple Bloom was getting Scootaloo’s kisses for a while. Then another flash of pain hit her, and she found it hard to think.

“I don’t mean to say I told ya so, but uh...” Apple Bloom trailed off sheepishly. “I guess I just did, huh?”

It was decided that kissing privileges were withdrawn from both of them for the foreseeable future.

“Sweetie, say something, please? Yer startin’ ta scare me. Can ya talk?”

That was Apple Bloom, sounding concerned for her. In her mind, Sweetie made note that Bloom would only be cut off for a day or so.

“She’ll be fine!” Scootaloo said, not even bothering to hide that she was laughing, now.

Scootaloo’s privileges were revoked for eternity. So it was decided.

“Ow.” Sweetie finally managed to squeak out, wincing. The pain was receding, very very slowly, almost enough that she dared to take another bite.


“Look, I like ice cream as much as the next pony, and more’n some. But we ain’t even had breakfast yet! An’ ya can’t just shovel it down like that, it ain’t good fer ya.” Apple Bloom said. Despite her admonishments, she started rubbing Sweetie’s back to try to comfort her and snuck in a quick kiss on her forehead.

Apple Bloom was to be forgiven of all crimes. Kissing rights reinstated.

“I just wanna know where you got it.” Scootaloo said, poking at the bowl. “And if there’s any more.”

“It’s Rarity’s emergency stash, and this was the last of it.” Sweetie replied with a frustrated sigh. She laid her head down, letting the spoon drop with a clatter. “I was hoping it would make me feel better.” It had been a stupid idea, anyway. Even if it was Rarity’s, it was just ice cream.

“Sorry, Sweetie. I didn’t mean to laugh.” Scootaloo said apologetically, joining Apple Bloom in gently rubbing her other shoulder. “I never get those myself, Rainbow says it’s a pegasus thing, cold doesn’t bother us as much. It’s... so we don’t freeze to death when we live up high in the clouds, I think?” There was a long pause, resuming with Scootaloo kissing her temple. Maybe it was just Sweetie’s imagination, but the warmth from the pegasus’s lips spread throughout her face, easing her headache and making her blush.

Half an hour. You’d better be grateful, you brat. Sweetie thought darkly. She couldn’t help but feel a little better, however. Scoots and Bloom were really good at getting back on her good side.

This sort of thing had been happening at least once a day. Yesterday the bickering had been about their fishing cutie-marks and which bait was the best, and the day before that had been about where they should go for their sleepover. Just as she was ready to get good and angry at them they went and did something not quite as stupid. It was starting to become frustrating, or at the very least highly confusing. Love was weird.

“It’s not fair!” Sweetie declared. “I’ve seen Rarity empty dozens of gallons of ice cream, and she never gets these!”

“Well... uh...” Apple Bloom puzzled over that, finally coming up with a theory. “Maybe she kinda... paces herself? ‘Cause you were just... you know...” She looked desperately at Scootaloo. “Uh...”

“She means you were eating really quick, and the faster you eat it the more the cold builds up.” Scootaloo supplied, grinning sheepishly. “I’ve watched your sister sometimes when she’s really sad, she goes through a lot, but she chews slow, so it melts, I guess.”

Sweetie Belle rubbed her temples with both hooves, giving one final glare at the ice cream. “Why were you watching my sister?” She asked.

“Hmmm?” Scootaloo said, looking surprised at the question. “Oh, she had like... five gallons right next to her, and I wanted to ask for some, but I didn’t want to interrupt, and eventually it was just kinda... hippo...”

“Hypnotic?” Sweetie supplied, thinking about it for a moment. Scootaloo had a point. It was amazing how much ice cream Rarity could go through. “You still could’ve asked. She wouldn’t have minded, as long as you were willing to listen to what was making her sad.”

“Oh...” Scootaloo said, looking first at the Sweetie’s ice cream, and then back to her. “You sad, Sweetie?”

All rights restored.

“A little,” Sweetie admitted. “It’s just.... I’m not used to Rarity being gone so long. I mean, my parents go off for long trips, but sis is always there...”

“Well, I ain’t seen Applejack for a couple days.” Apple Bloom said, sounding a little confused. “It ain’t been that long fer you either, has it?”

“That’s different!” Sweetie Belle replied, daring to stick her spoon back into the melting glop. She faltered with the little metal utensil in her magic, eyeing it balefully before bringing it to her mouth. At least it wasn’t cold enough to hurt her anymore. “Applejack is just over at the farm. Rarity is half-way across the world!”

“Huh... I... I guess I can see that.” Apple Bloom replied after a moment. “Sorry.”

There was a silence in the room as one pony brooded, and two more tried to think of a way to help her.

“We should go do something!” Scootaloo said eventually. “I’m sure Rarity will be back soon, but we shouldn’t just sit here.”

“Like what?” Apple Bloom asked. “We already got shooed away from everypony we tried to help.”

Sweetie Belle exhaled loudly, dropping her spoon into the bowl in defeat. “It’s fine, girls. I’ll be okay.”

“How we doing in there, girls?” Sweetie’s mother asked them from the doorway to the kitchen.

“Fine, ma'am,” three voices chorused back.

“Staying out of trouble?”

“Yes, ma'am,” they answered.

“All right then. Yell if you need anything.”

“C’mon, maybe we could... ” Scootaloo began, but as the others turned to her expectantly, she stopped, sighing. “I got nothing.”

They all laid their heads down on the table, feeling listless.

“Maybe we could ask yer mom to teach us to cook?” Apple Bloom offered, though without much conviction. “She can’t be a worse teacher than Pinkie, at least.”

“Hey, my mom is a great cook!” Sweetie protested.

“Never said she wasn’t. But at least she won’t teleport around the danged kitchen.”

“Um... no. She sings, but she pretty much stays in the place where she’s cooking.” Sweetie replied, somewhat mollified. “But it doesn’t matter anyway. Mom doesn’t like me in the kitchen while she cooks breakfast.”

“Why not? I thought yer dad loved yer cooking.”

“Yeah...” Sweetie said, rubbing a hoof sheepishly on the back of her head. “But my dad also eats the tofu-dogs he drops into the fire by mistake... I don’t think he minds much of anything.”

Apple Bloom’s head drooped back down onto the table. “Well, I’m fresh outta ideas, then.”

“What about...” Scootaloo began, then flushed when both of them turned to her expectantly again. “Uh... horsefeathers!” she exclaimed a little louder than she’d intended. “ I forgot what I was gonna say!”

“Young lady,” A stern voice called from the kitchen. “I heard that. Do I need to wash your mouth out with soap?”

“N-no, ma’am!” Scootaloo squeaked out, quickly putting her hooves over her mouth to fend off the imagined soap.

“All right, then. Breakfast is just about ready, girls. After you eat maybe you could go outside and play?”

“Yes, ma'am.” The three fillies responded quickly.

Their tummies full, but moods still down, three fillies set out on a scooter and wagon.

For a time, Scootaloo just circled the town, hoping some air would help clear their collective heads. She really didn’t like seeing Sweetie so down, but she couldn’t come up with anything to help put a smile back on her face. As a result, Scootaloo’s own mood suffered.

As they passed Sugarcube Corner, Apple Bloom tapped Scootaloo excitedly. “Take us to the Acres!” She yelled just loud enough to be heard over the wind of their passage.

Sweetie’s ears unclamped from the side of her head, and she yelled out: “What’s at the acres?”

“I got a sister you can borrow!” Apple Bloom shouted back. “But you gotta give her back, okay?”

“Oh.” Sweetie said, almost to herself. “That’s sweet, but...”

“C’mon. It’ll be fun! I bet my sis could use a hoof here and there. An’ Granny won’t mind if we use the kitchen if we wanna try bakin’. Yer mom is a swell cook, but nopony alive makes pies like my Granny.”

Sweetie hesitated for only a moment, finally giving in to her friend’s enthusiasm. “Okay!”

“That’s the spirit! Giddyup, Scoots!”

A much happier trio arrived at the farm, laughing and occasionally nuzzling one another with affection as they made their way to the farmhouse.

“Whoa... hold up, Scoots. That ain’t right.” Apple Bloom said as she leapt from the wagon. She rushed to what had caught her eye, and found she hadn’t just been seeing things: Ol’ Alexander was covered from trunk to top in a fine network of vines.

“What’s up?” Scoots said as she followed Apple Bloom to the big tree. “Hey, that’s bad, right?”

“Dang right it is! This here is Wither Root! I gotta tell sis before it spreads!” With that, Apple Bloom took off at a full gallop, making her way to the farmhouse.

When she arrived, she found Mac and Granny having a late breakfast, and her sister was nowhere to be found.

“Granny, I found Wither Root on Alex—” She began, before being hushed by her Granny.

“Child, ya need to quiet down. Y’all’re gonna wake yer sister and that blue filly.” When Apple Bloom calmed down, Granny lowered her own voice as well. “We know about that. There ain’t no point in makin’ a big racket over it.” Granny said, setting out a stack of pancakes for her.

“But... but you said Wither Root was bad, Granny! It’s all over that poor tree, shouldn’t we do somethin’?” Apple Bloom protested, eyeing the pancakes hungrily but still far too worried to eat.

“That’s yer sister’s doing. Never heard of such a thing, plantin’ a pest... Back in my day we’d just set fire to the whole lot where we found em. Only way to be sure!” Granny thumped a hoof on the table for emphasis, making the pancakes jump. Mac settled his plate down, continuing to eat in his usual stoic manner.

Apple Bloom just stared at her Granny like she’d grown a second, even older head. “But I thought that made the seeds go flyin’ everywhere—”

“Didn’t matter if you burned everything around! Don’t you go sassing me, lil’ Apple! Yer parents was the ones who came up with the new-fangled ideas, and lemme tell you, that’s why we still see it crop up time and again!” Granny laid a hoof over her breast. “Celestia rest their souls, but my son-in-law was a stubborn mule when it came to doin’ things right. It was always ‘We can’t afford to burn down half the acres to get rid of it, Granny. Let’s try it this way.’ Gol-danged fool...” Granny walked away from the table, muttering under her breath, returning with a decanter of syrup. “Eat up, lil’ Apple. Everythin’ is fine.”

“Apple... Bloom...” Sweetie Belle huffed from the doorway. “I... came... as soon as I... could.” She wiped the sweat from her brow, staring at Apple Bloom in confusion as she was apparently having a second breakfast instead of rallying the Apples. “What?”

“Okay! I got the garden shears and the axes!” Scootaloo announced from behind Sweetie.

“Will you fillies pipe down!” Granny said, putting the tip of her hoof up to her lips in a shushing motion. “I already tol’ this’un it’s okay. We know where it’s planted and it can’t get to the rest of the trees.”

“But... but it’s all over the tree...” Sweetie Belle said in a lower tone of voice.

“I know,” Granny replied, sitting down after laying out two more plates of pancakes. “I don’ like it myself, but that Sparkle filly did some mumbo-jumbo to make the root grow faster, so it should be ready fer harvest soon. Jackie says she’s got a zebra potion to kill it off once it starts sproutin’ leaves. Dun’ know how much stock I put in potions, but that Zecora’s good folk. If she says it’ll work, that’s enough fer this Apple.”

“Why do we need leaves?” Apple Bloom asked, digging into her pancakes now that she was sure everything was in hoof.

“Oh, that lazy blue filly got sick off ‘em. Dang idjit swallowed some when she was pulling the root the other day.” Granny nodded to Applejack’s room. “She’s sleepin’ it off til Jackie gets ‘nother potion from Zecora.”

“Rainbow’s sick?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in alarm. “Is she okay?”

“Now don’t you start, Scooter!” Granny warned, shaking a hoof at her. “She’ll be okay soon enough, she just needs rest. So don’t go off half-cocked bothering her—”

Granny blinked several times, realizing she was addressing an empty chair. A quick scan of the room found the filly scrambling towards the door of Applejack’s room, being held back by Big Macintosh, who had calmly pinned her purple tail to the floor with a hoof.

“Lemme go! I gotta go check on Rainbow Dash!”

“Eenope.” Mac said, finishing his pancakes as if he wasn’t holding a rambunctious pegasus with one leg.

Scootaloo struggled futilely for a few moments, eventually allowing herself to be calmed by her friends.

“I tol’ you there’s no need to fret, Scooter.” Granny chided her, though from her tone she wasn’t upset so much as trying to help reassure the distressed filly. “She’s a tough mare, that one. Little bit of a layabout, but when she hunkers down to work, she gets it done. Cept right now she bit off a bit more’n she could chew...” Granny paused, her expression growing puzzled. “Or mebbe she shouldn’t have been chewin’ at all? Course, she wasn’t chewing so much as swallowin’—”

“She’ll be going on like this fer a few minutes.” Apple Bloom confided. “I’m sure Rainbow is fine, Scoots. My sis’ll straighten her out.”

Scootaloo didn’t respond, only staring at the ground.

Sweetie ran a hoof over Scootaloo’s mane, trying to catch a glimpse of her expression. “Scootaloo?”

“I’m fine,” came the reply, with a badly disguised sniffle accompanying it.

“You don’t sound fine, Scoots.” Apple Bloom said. She nodded to Mac, who released the purple tail after only a moment’s hesitation. “C’mon. Let’s clear out for a bit, everything’s gonna be okay, ya hear?”

A slightly subdued nod was the only reply. But when Sweetie and Apple Bloom walked outside, she did follow.

“Let’s get these tools put away, all right?” Apple Bloom said, nodding to the wagon. “I don’t think we’ll need ‘em.”

Sweetie Belle dutifully picked up the handle of the wagon in her teeth, pulling it along to the tool shed.

Scootaloo just sat where she was, looking back at the farmhouse window where Applejack’s room was located. She eventually picked herself up, walking her scooter towards her friends.

“Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle asked. “You sad?”

Scootaloo shook her head, blushing an angry red. “Dash wouldn’t want me to be worried. She’s too awesome to keep down for long.”

“Scoots, I think Rainbow wouldn’t mind much if you worried after her, so long as you didn’t make a fuss about it.” Apple Bloom replied. She eyed the tools briefly, deciding they’d keep for a second. She wrapped her arms around Scootaloo, just holding her close without saying a word. After a moment or so, she felt her shoulder getting wet.

“If you tell anypony I cried...” Scootaloo whispered.

A second set of arms enveloped them both. “We’ll never speak of it again.” Sweetie Belle promised.

“Cross my heart.” Apple Bloom said. “Take as long as ya need, we’ll just say it’s a group huddle if anypony sees us.”

Eventually, Scootaloo squirmed in the dual-embrace, and her friends took the hint and released her. Though a little red-tinged, her eyes were no long down-cast, which the other two took as a good sign. “Sorry. I got a little freaked out for a second. Thanks for... stuff,” she mumbled.

“That’s what friends are for, Scoots.” Apple Bloom replied.

Scootaloo gave a final glance back to the farmhouse, turning away reluctantly. “I just wish... I wish I could do something. I... I hate just waiting around to see if she gets better.”

“Well, I hear ya, but there ain’t much we can do ‘bout this.” Apple Bloom said

There was a long uncomfortable silence, eventually broken by an excited unicorn filly’s squeal.

“Hey! I got an idea!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

“You sure?” Scootaloo asked. “It might just be a headache again.”

Sweetie opened her mouth, closed it, then muttered something that sounded like ‘two weeks’, much to both of her friends’ confusion. “Yes, it’s an idea. We don’t have to wait around, we can help!”

“How?” Scootaloo replied, her wings snapping up in excitement.

“We can get some of those leaves from that tree, and bring them to Zecora, then she can make the potion and we can bring it back!” Sweetie paused to take a breath. “Then Rainbow can get better quicker!”

Scootaloo’s wings starting buzzing of their own volition. “Hey, yeah! Then we could give her the potion, and she’ll be like ‘Hey, good looking out, squirt!’ And I’ll be all ‘Awww, it was nothing, Rainbow Dash.’ And she’ll be like ‘Call me Dash, Scoots. Say, how about we go flying sometime?’ And I’ll be a little sad, but I’ll say ‘I can’t. You know I don’t know how, yet.’ And she’ll be like ‘Then I’ll have to teach you.’ And I’ll be sooo happy—”

Scootaloo’s flight of fancy was interrupted by a quiet yet audible cough from Apple Bloom. “I don’t mean to burst your bubble, Scoots, but maybe we wanna think twice about this?”

“About what? Helping Rainbow?” Scootaloo demanded as she was rudely brought back to reality by her friend. “What’s to think about?”

“No, not helping Rainbow. I mean heading off into the Everfree just like that. It ain’t exactly the safest place.” Apple Bloom replied. “Fetchin’ some leaves I get, but—”

“So, what then? Wait for your sister to wake up? Why’s she sleeping so late anyway?” Scootaloo asked, looking annoyed. “And really? ‘Hey, the Everfree is dangerous!’ Who’s the chicken now?”

“Now don’t go get yer feathers ruffled—”

“Girls!” Sweetie Belle interjected. For a moment, she thought she might have to shout, but eventually they turned their heads to her. “Scootaloo, Apple Bloom is right, we should be careful.”

“See? I tol’ you—” Apple Bloom said smugly before being interrupted again.

“Apple Bloom, Scootaloo is right too! If Rainbow isn’t well she should get help as soon as we can manage it.” She dropped her voice slightly so only Apple Bloom could hear. “Besides, I don’t want to take this from her, do you?”

Apple Bloom swallowed reflexively as she looked at her other friend, her purple eyes both angry and pleading. ‘Don’t do this to me.’ they said.

Apple Bloom sighed. “Ah’right, fine! But we can’t just run off. Somepony needs to know where we went.”

“No!” Scootaloo nearly shouted. “If we tell Big Mac or Granny they’ll say we can’t go! We need to just go do it.”

“Apple Bloom, it will be okay.” Sweetie Belle said. “It’s not like it’s nighttime, and Zecora keeps the path to her house clear of anything really dangerous.”

Apple Bloom looked back and forth between her friends, biting her bottom lip. “Okay. But let’s make it quick. Maybe I won’t get grounded for too long if I bring back the potion.”

“I’m just... gonna say it... I told you so!” Apple Bloom said as the manticore chased them.

“Like I could have.... predicted... angry manticore attack.” Scootaloo huffed back, running for all she was worth.

“Argue.. later... run... now!” Sweetie called from in front of them both.

The manticore barrelled through the underbrush after his prey, eyeing the plumpness of the yellow pony with glee. Today it would eat well.

One of its intended prey gave it pause, however. The horned pony looked familiar, worryingly so. Only its hunger had made it ignore its misgivings. It had had very little luck of late, only finding rodents and other small game, expending enough energy that it was barely staving off starvation.

But these three were acting exactly as prey should. They ran, it chased. Soon the pursuit would end, and it would be well fed at last.

“How far... to Zecora’s?” Sweetie puffed out. She leapt over a low branch, then heard a crash just behind her as the manticore tripped over it and landed face down in the dirt.

“Dunno!” Apple Bloom shouted back. “Not sure we’re... even still... going the right... way!”

“Maybe... split up?” Scootaloo asked, glancing back at the monster as it struggled to free itself from a mass of branches they had ducked under. “Might lose it that way!”

Apple Bloom hesitated for only a moment. It was still better odds than being caught together. “Find a place to hide!”

She glanced to either side, seeing her friends scramble off the path. Not hesitating at all, she turned back to the manticore and yelled: “C’mon ya big dummy! Soup’s on!” Then she ran straight down the path for all she was worth.

The manticore charged after her with a roar, but the Apples had a proud heritage of strong legs, and a history of being regular winners of the Running of the Leaves. And while Apple Bloom herself had yet to compete, she’d been running with her sister since she could walk without tripping herself up. She wasn’t quite sure if that meant she could keep out of this thing’s claws, but she was sure she had a better chance than either of her two friends. And, after risking another quick look back, that seemed to be true for now.

But despite being able to outpace it, she had to keep its attention on her or risk it going after Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo—

“No, back here, ugly! Wing-meat is more tasty!” Scootaloo shouted from behind.

Or Scootaloo could just ruin everything.

“Scootaloo! Don’t make the pony-eating monster mad!” Sweetie Belle screamed at her. “Besides, I eat more sugar than either of these two! I have to taste better!”

The manticore whipped its head back and forth, thoroughly flummoxed by the prey’s strange antics. It finally set its sights on the pony with wings, spring forth with a great leap, talons extended and jaws gaping.

It was mere inches from its meal when it was hit in the face by a flaming rock roughly half the size of its head. Whipping its head around to face the new threat, it found the horned pony with three more rocks hovering above it, screaming bloody murder.

“You stay away from her, you big jerk!” Sweetie yelled, flinging another rock and yanking a third from the earth.

The prey was distinctly not acting like prey any longer. It was only then that it remembered, the horned pony looked like a smaller version of one it had encountered hours before.

Still, this one was not the other. The other one had incapacitated it without so much as a glance, requiring hours of gnawing on bad-tasting vines to break free from its restraints. It could tear this one’s throat before the flying rocks did any serious harm. The others should prove easier meat.

It reared back, ready to pounce, then found itself buried snout first in dirt, its hind end smarting soundly.

“Oh no y’all don’t!” Apple Bloom screamed at it, not caring that it couldn’t possibly understand her. “Y’all ain’t hurtin’ neither of my friends! You want to eat you gotta get past me!”

The manticore quickly reassessed its position. It was being attacked on two sides, half of its whiskers were singed, and its backside was badly bruised. Hungry as it was, it was no fool.

Three fillies were left blinking as a manticore fled from them into the woods; tail between its legs so far that it might have stung itself if it tripped.

The first one to find her voice was Apple Bloom. “Did... did you just tell a manticore that wing meat was tasty?”

Scootaloo blushed furiously. “I was just trying to get its attention!” She quickly pointed a hoof at Sweetie Belle. “What about her? She said she’d taste better because of all the sweets she eats! A-and you said ‘soup’s on’!”

“Right.” Apple Bloom said. She checked her saddle bags, making sure the leaves they’d plucked were where they should be. “Let’s go find Zecora before something else tries to eat us.”

“Zecora! You in there?” Apple Bloom shouted as the approached the strangely decorated hollow tree that served as her friend’s home.

A striped head poked out of a window, and its owner smiled, though her expression was puzzled. “Hello, small friends! How are you this morn? I’ll be just a moment, else this brew will burn...”

A thick cloud of smoke drifted lazily from her window, and she turned around in alarm. She rushed away from the window muttering a Zebracin curse.

“Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle said.


“Did you understand her?”

Apple Bloom looked away from the window to her friend. “Now why would I understand that?”

“Well,” Sweetie Belle said, defensively, “You spoke french for a little while, so I thought—”

Apple Bloom held up a hoof, stopping Sweetie from uttering any more nonsense. “No, I don’t speak that language. An’ I’m kinda glad I don’t, cause I think she’s cursin’ up a storm in there.”

Sweetie Belle inhaled sharply, looking worried. “She’s making a cursed storm?”

“No! I meant... nevermind. She’s mad, okay?”

“Zecora is crazy?!”

“Not insane, Sweetie Belle, though thoroughly irked. My potion has failed when it should have worked.” Zecora said as she came back, fanning the smoke out the window. “What’s done is done, it cannot be saved. At least my home came through unscathed.”

“Sorry, Zecora.” Apple Bloom said, reaching into her saddlebag. “We’ll let you get back to doing whatever, but can you brew up something for Rainbow with these?” She held out a jar filled with Wither Root leaves.

“Ah! You’ve brought them at last, sweet child! Shall I bring it to you, or can you wait a while?”

“We’ll wait, ma’am.” Sweetie Belle said, sitting down heavily on the uneven floor of living wood. “Actually, would you please help us get back?”

Zecora’s eyebrows rose, as she began grinding the leaves in her mortar and pestle. “Adventurous fillies asking for my supervision? May I ask what possibly lead to that decision?”

“Well, uh—”

“There was a manticore!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “A big hungry mean manticore that tried to eat us up!”

Zecora looked at Scootaloo doubtfully. “A manticore, Scootaloo? Is what you say true?”

“Of course it’s true! I wouldn’t fib about something like that!” Scootaloo stood on her hind legs, flaring out her wings as far as she could. “It roared and slashed and growled!”

“It was kinda scrawny looking, now that I think about it.” Apple Bloom said. “An’ maybe not so much mean as real hungry. I gave it a good buck in the rear and it ran off.”

“Hey! I helped too!” Sweetie protested. “I threw rocks at it!”

“And I...” Scootaloo trailed off. “I didn’t get eaten?” She visibly wilted, looking thoroughly disheartened.

“Don’t feel bad, Scootaloo! I was too scared to do anything but run, but when I saw you about to get eaten I got so mad I just start picking up whatever I could.” Sweetie Belle said. “I couldn’t let it hurt you.”

“It ain’t like you wanted to be scared, Scoots. I’m sure if you saw me or Sweetie about to get ‘et you would have been able to move.”

“At times, it’s hard for the brain to choose. Fight or flight, either can lose. When a predator tries to make you its prey, the victory lies in getting away.”

“Easy for you to say!” Scootaloo said bitterly. "I just... I couldn’t do anything. I just wanted it to leave you two alone, but when it came for me I... I just couldn’t...”

“And that was your way of saving us, Scootaloo. Thank you.” Sweetie said, kissing Scootaloo on the cheek.

Apple Bloom threw her arms around Scootaloo’s neck, kissing her other cheek. “Tell you what, next time something tries to eat us, you can kick it in the behind, okay?”

Scootaloo laughed involuntarily. “O-okay.”

Zecora was a bit surprised at the casual affection, but made no comment, not wishing to embarrass the fillies if she’d simply misjudged. “Well, make yourselves at home, small ones. I’ll lead you back when the brew is done.”

“Oh hey,” Apple Bloom rose her head from their shared embrace. “I thought it was pretty safe on the way to your house, at least as long as you watch your step. So what gives?”

Zecora grinned sheepishly. “Truthfully, young Apple, I am not surprised. The answer is simple, as you might surmise. My path is marked with the scent of a predator. The name of which is of course—”

“The manticore?” Apple Bloom guessed, her eyes widening. “Huh, might be time for a new scent, then?”

“The scent I chose was working, to be fair.” Zecora said, judiciously. “Though a stronger one could be obtained in a dragon’s lair. I have heard tales of such a roost, perhaps my security could use the boost.”

“Huh. Well, I guess if it keeps everything but manticores away that’s pretty good. But yeah, if you can find something to keep the manticores away too that'd be better.” Apple Bloom allowed. “'Bout the potion, though... Anything we can do to help out?”

Zecora pointed to various ingredients which they dutifully fetched, and in due time the three were watching excitedly as the zebra plied her craft.

Three fillies and a watchful zebra made their way back to Sweet Apple Acres. Scootaloo practically had to be physically restrained from running ahead, having already forgotten her near death experience in favor of dreams of praise from Rainbow Dash.

“Now when we get there, do not go chargin’ off into that room, Scoots. If they’re sleepin’ it’s best to just let ‘em sleep.” Apple Bloom warned, hoping against hope that her friend was paying attention.

“Yeah, sure!” Scootaloo replied. After a moment, she glanced back at Apple Bloom. “Hey, why’s Rainbow sleeping in your sister’s room, anyway?”

Doing her best not to blush, Apple Bloom put on her poker face. She had her suspicions. After all, Rainbow snuck into AJ’s bedroom an awful lot, and of course she’d seen them doing... something in the middle of the orchard a while back. It had just been for a second or two before she scrambled away, not wanting to get caught, but whatever they were doing, it seemed like they were having fun.

Trouble was, from the way her sister acted, it was supposed to be a secret. And if her normally forthright sister wanted to keep something a secret, it had to be an important one. As such, she couldn’t exactly tell Scootaloo why she really thought Rainbow was in the room. “I ‘spect she just needs somepony to take care of her while she’s sick. Kinda hard to get one of the doctors to make a house call on a cloud, and Rainbow kinda hates hospitals.”

“Oh yeah! Hospitals, doctors, needles... I hate those, too.” Scootaloo said, shuddering.

“Though some may call me ‘doctor’, too... I take no umbrage, Scootaloo.” Zecora said with a chuckle.

“That’s different!” Scootaloo said quickly, flashing the zebra a guilty little grin. “You’re like... a witch doctor, or something?”

“In my home, they call me shaman, or holy one. But such titles are unnecessary, and overdone.” The zebra smiled indulgently. “I’d rather be called friend, that is all I recommend.”

“Oh, well of course you’re a friend.” Scootaloo said, smiling back. “Sorry.”

“Apple Bloom!” A voice called from the distance. “What in tarnation do you think you’re doin’?”

Apple Bloom’s ears went flat against her skull. “Uh... we kinda...”

“We brought back the potion for Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo shouted back.

Applejack galloped towards them, stopping short of their little group. “And just which one of you decided it was a good idea to run off into the woods without an adult?”

“Mine!” Scootaloo proclaimed, looking completely unrepentant.

“I...I said we should do it too.” Sweetie Belle said a moment later.

Apple Bloom hesitated for a split second, then spoke up. “Sis, I know it was dangerous, an’ I know I shoulda told somepony. But I couldn’t just let em go off by themselves.”

Applejack just looked at the three of them, at a loss for words.

“Be not overly harsh, Applejack. They had sense enough to ask escort back.” Zecora cautioned.

There was another long silence, and finally Applejack let out a long held breath. “Bloom, we’ll talk about this later. And as for the two of you...” Applejack swept her gaze over the other fillies. “I can’t ‘xactly ground you, but I’ll be lettin’ yer parents know—”

“AJ!” Apple Bloom said a little louder than intended, but it had the effect she wanted: Applejack locked eyes with her, waiting expectantly for an explanation. “I... I know it was stupid, but Scoots was worried about Rainbow and wanted to help out. Please don’t? I’ll do extra chores, I’ll take whatever punishment you think is fair for all of us, just... don’t.”

Applejack’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “I don’t know, if I let ‘em just get off scott free y’all will just do it again.”

“We could help her with her chores!” Sweetie Belle piped up.

“Yeah! What she said!” Scootaloo chimed in.

Applejack just stood there, eyes locked with her sister’s. The filly refused to look away, absolutely unrepentant in her attempt to emotionally manipulate her sister. The problem was, as Applejack saw her sister’s bottom lip begin to quiver... it was working. “A’right.” She said finally. “You three are in for a heck of a week. And I expect y’all to swear never to run off alone again. That clear?”

The three fillies dutifully crossed their hearts. Apple Bloom mouthed a silent ‘thank you’ to her sister.

Applejack nodded, gesturing for them to follow her. “Since y’all went to the trouble of getting the potion, ya may as well deliver it to her yerselves—” She blinked as a Scootaloo-shaped cloud of dust dissipated into the wind. “Well, you other two follow me, then. Zecora, you’re welcome to have some lunch with us if you like.”

“While I appreciate the invitation, I’m afraid I must answer in negation.” Zecora replied with evident regret. “The kind offer is most welcome, I’ll keep it in mind for times to come.

“Well, consider it open, then. And thank ya fer watchin’ over the little ‘uns.” Applejack doffed her hat to Zecora. Turning back to the fillies, she gestured to the farmhouse “Now git along ya scamps, afore I change my mind.”

Scootaloo rushed into the farmhouse, not even stopping to talk with Granny on the way. Fortunately for her, Mac was already out in the fields spraying the herbicide potion to kill off any lingering wither root, so there was nopony to stop her from getting to see Rainbow Dash.

“Land sakes!” Granny as exclaimed as she felt a rush of wind blow past her. “I thought I told Jackie to fix that draft!”

When Scootaloo opened the door to the bedroom, she almost dropped the potion in shock. Rainbow looked really sick, so much so that for a brief moment, Scootaloo had to listen for the shallow breathing to reassure herself that Rainbow wasn’t—

She shook her head, refusing to even think about that possibility. Rainbow was way too cool for that.

Rainbow’s eyes fluttered open, staring in her general direction. “Oh, hey Scoots.” she said raspily.

“H-hi, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo replied softly. “I... I brought you something from Zecora so you can get better and why didn’t anypony tell me you were sick I would have come help please take this so you won’t be sick anymore?” The words came tumbling out of her mouth like a waterfall, she just couldn’t stop them.

Rainbow blinked, allowing a slow smile to form on her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worry.” She sat up shakily, grabbing a cup of water from the nearby nightstand. “So Z came through? That’s awesome.”

“I wasn’t worried!” Scootaloo said quickly, then quickly stammered out: “I mean, I was worried, but not because I don’t think you’re awesome. I mean, you’re Rainbow Dash!” She fumbled for the potion tucked under her wing, grasping it with her teeth, then she walked forward quickly to deposit it on the bed next to Rainbow. “Just... take this, please.”

“Heh. Will do.” Rainbow said, squinting down at the stoppered bottle. “Um... coordination’s kinda off, think I could get some help?”

Blushing furiously, Scootaloo picked the potion bottle back up, and very nearly dropped it as she fumbled to get it back under her wing so she could unstopper it with her teeth. That disaster narrowly averted, she shakily brought herself closer so Rainbow could pick up the bottle, reasoning that laying it on the bed would be risking having the hard-won elixir spill all over the covers.

Rainbow squinted, carefully bringing her muzzle to the bottle, trying to avoid bumping her nose in the process. Finally the fuzzy images resolved themselves into one slightly-less-fuzzy bottle, and she deftly plucked the potion from under Scootaloo’s wing, tilting it upwards and guzzling it in one smooth motion.

“Bleh!” She announced, spitting out the empty bottle to land on the soft coverlet. “That tasted...” she smacked her lips, reconsidering. “Actually, that tastes a lot better than what I’ve been tasting for the last few days.” Eyeing the cup of water, she hesitantly picked it up in both hooves and took a long gulp. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she proceeded to drain the glass greedily, setting it down with a satisfied sigh. “Oh, wow! I thought I’d never taste anything but rotten leaves and dirt again!”

“A-are you better now?” Scootaloo asked, trying to restrain her wings from buzzing excitedly.

Rainbow looked at her, squinting. “Well, eyes are still a little off, but I don’t feel like I need to puke up that water, and it didn’t taste like compost. I’m gonna call this a win.”

Scootaloo shot up several feet in her excitement, cheering out loud. “Awesome!” After realizing what she had just done, she allowed herself to shakily flutter back to earth, trying and failing to keep her wings from moving. “Uh. I mean, cool? I... I guess I’ll let you get some rest now.” She turned quickly, smacking her muzzle into the nightstand. “Ow!”

“Scoots? You okay?” Rainbow asked.

Scootaloo blushed some more, mumbling something Dash couldn't quite make out.

"What was that?"

Perhaps it was due to the problems with her eyes, or perhaps she was so drained that her reflexes had suffered, but she didn't see Scootaloo's movements until it was too late. The younger pegasus darted forward and threw her arms around Dash's neck in a swift, decisive movement.

Rainbow gasped silently, not quite able to breathe. When Scootaloo finally released her deathgrip, Rainbow sat in the bed, panting for breath. "W-what the hay, squirt?"

Scootaloo took a few steps backwards, splaying her ears. "S-s-sorry..." She looked down at the floor. "I just... I got so scared and... I needed..." She chanced a glance and smiled weakly at Dash's continued incredulity, and with that she darted for the door.


The younger pegasus froze.

“I...I get it. And... it’s cool. All right? Don’t freak over it. Cool ponies can cry sometimes.”

“They can?” Scootaloo asked, barely daring to speak.

“Yeah. They can. So... if you need somepony to... you know, talk to... Or...” Rainbow paused, scratching the back of her neck. “Look, I’m not all that great with this stuff. But I can listen, if you... you know.”

“I’ll...I’ll remember.” Scootaloo gasped out, trying not to let out the tears right now. Rainbow had said sometimes, not all the time. “And... I know you can’t see so good, but I’m not... I mean, you said it’s okay, but I’m—”

“Sunglasses.” Rainbow said quickly.


“Get a pair. Then if you need to... Or if you’re around somepony you trust, that’s cool too? I mean, I use shades when I’m proud of Tank—” Rainbow’s muzzle snapped shut, and she quickly chuckled to cover for her slip. “Geez, you should take notes or something. How else are you gonna learn?” Rainbow shook her head, feeling a little dizzy for it. “Um... anyway. Thanks, Scoots. I’m gonna take a nap.”

With that, Rainbow lay back down, turning towards Scootaloo, trying to keep her eyes open. “Maybe we can hang a little when I don’t feel like crud,” she paused, letting out a huge yawn. “Sound good?”

“Yeah, that’s... cool.” Scootaloo replied. “Gonna... go now.”

But Rainbow was already fast asleep.

Scootaloo closed the door behind her quietly, letting the unshed tears flow. Rainbow was okay, and she had helped make Rainbow better.

After she had composed herself, she walked downstairs into the kitchen again to find Apple Bloom and Sweetie waiting with Applejack and Granny.

“So, did it work?” Applejack asked.

“Um... well, she said she feels better, but she needs a nap.” Scootaloo replied, still not quite believing the morning she’d had.

Relief shone in Applejack’s eyes. “Okay, well, you three got a list of a few things I want you to do, then you’re free for the afternoon. You’re just lucky Mac got most of the daily chores done already. Might wanna start in the garden, Twilight said I got a weed infestation about to crop up and I’d like to get it rooted out now.”

“Sure sis,” Apple Bloom said immediately.

“Oh, and Sweetie, you might wanna stop by Shy’s cottage afterwards. Rarity—”

Sweetie’s eyes lit the moment the name was mentioned. “She’s home?!”

“Well, yeah. S’what I was trying to tell ya. They just got back this morning, an' they're back at the cottage tendin' to the critters—”

Applejack’s words went largely unheeded as a happy group hug coalesced. She eventually shrugged, going to the room to check on Rainbow herself.

Elsewhere, Sweetie’s sister was waiting for a visit, and chores needed to be done. But not at that moment. Sweetie hugged her two friends closer, and they hugged her back just as much.

Everything was wonderful, forever.

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