• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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10. Convoluted Conversations

Convoluted Conversations

Sunset Shimmer

The pink Princess was not amused by my actions and she was doing her best to ensure that I knew that. From the frown that adorned her visage and the way her eyes had tightened, losing the amused spark that they had held. It could also be the way that she is trying to get me to call her by her preferred name instead.

“Really Sunset? I know you are doing this on purpose. I saw your smirk, you annoying pony.” She huffed out finally losing what little steam she had left after spending far too long in my opinion trying to get me to change what I had called her. “Also if it wouldn't be too troublesome the next time we have an alliance meeting please have it somewhere other than a library. I have been doing far too many things that Celestia would frown upon in them.” She spoke with a slow gait.

I wonder what else she has been doing to have Princess Celestia frown upon my replacement's actions? She knew from my example that the celestial ruler was only willing to allow so much before her will began to strangle the one who offended her. Perhaps she has been plotting against the Alicorn of the Sun? Narrowing my eyes at the thought I brought up my concern.

“What exactly have you been doing?” I asked the Alicorn before me who was failing to stifle a yawn. If she was doing that could harm Princess Celestia I would ensure that she was taken care of. No matter what Princess Celestia would do to me afterward.

“Making a deal with a noble scion to get some information on the Crystal Kingdom.” The pink pony yawned out, apparently having given up trying to cover her yawn as she lifted a wing in front of her mouth.

“Take this advice with as much displeasure as you would give it, but you shouldn't trust any of the nobility. They will do anything to climb higher.” I warned the Alicorn Princess before frowning. “It's the Crystal Empire.” I corrected her again. She would need to learn how to survive on little sleep. There are plenty of events and occasions that would prevent a pony as close to Princess Celestia as she from getting a full night's rest.

“Shining doesn't seem that bad.” The pink Alicorn yawned. If she was correct and he was one of the few nobles that were not concerned with only increasing their standing and power perhaps she would have found an ally that could support her. If not I would be here to help pick up the pieces. The thought brings a frown to my face. It wasn't my job to protect the pink pony before me. Or was it? I haven't been in an alliance before.

“Question if you don't mind, but what is to be expected of both sides of this alliance? Other than the assistance towards the goals we have already shared.” I asked the pony before me. She in turn even when yawning just frowned, shaking her head at me. I was not a foal for her to dismiss and I was planning on reminding her majesty of the fact. She however responded before I could decide the best way to reignite her short memory.

“Protection. You can protect me with your magic until I have fully ascended. In return, I will protect you the best way I can until I can return the favor in a physical or magical sense.” She started stifling the yawns that caused her mane to droop. In what ways would I need her protection? I hadn't needed protection from any pony for years. Even against the guiding hoof of the solar monarch, I had continued unabated. I had let my feelings show as the Princess before me rolled her eyes “You aren't exactly on good terms with any pony. I am, so instead of protecting you I am more thinking of protecting your interests.” That made more sense than the Alicorn before me throwing itself into harm's way before it was a true immortal.

“And what exactly are my interests that you are planning to protect?” I questioned the pony across from me. After all, if I was simply going to be used it would be better to realize that at the beginning. The more time to plot my vengeance on the pony.

“Really Sunset? We are supposed to be partners.” She scoffed, shaking her head. I could tell that it wasn't in the same way that she had done earlier. Instead of being dismissive it was far more… annoyed? Seeing that I had no plans to interrupt her she simply raised a hoof to her face and rubbed her darkened eyes. “While I would prefer not to have my partner go off treasure hunting, that is a good example. Your trip if it is that important to you I can express to Celestia my support in its favor.”

While the pink pony spoke of my planned excursion to see if the tapestry would hold anything of value for my ascension. Left behind by the two Alicorn sisters in their castle. If this version of the story was important enough to be locked away perhaps there was more truth than fiction to the old mares tale. If the two pony sisters that would be etched into legend were depicted to have been at that unnamed castle. They would have left something behind. I knew that it was a long shot, but it was all I had.

I had been set aside by the Sun. My replacement was already an Alicorn and soon-to-be-crowned Princess. Princess of Love yes but that was still better than any title that had been given to me. She was everything that I wasn't. She was near perfect and soon enough when I had trained her to Princess Celestia’s standards I would no longer be needed. After all, why would Princess Celestia bother to keep around a broken Unicorn when she had an Alicorn?

Even with this so-called alliance that I was now a part of I knew it wouldn't last. When I outlived my usefulness to the pink Alicorn I would be discarded. It wasn't the first time such a fate had befallen me. I almost let a somber smile flicker across my face. It would be a foolish endeavor to inform Alicorn before me that I knew its game. After it had gained the fullness of its ascension and had become immortal I would be removed in a permanent fashion. It was a devious ploy that the manipulative pony in front of me had concocted.

Turning me into its aegis against all those that would attempt it harm. The parasite would be able to survive the dangers that would certainly threaten it. All the while offering empty gestures and false promises. Allowing me only the scraps of what it could provide to fuel my dying search. When the parasite either found a new way to shield itself it would do as any would do. Replace the defective piece with a newer version. The parasite truly was taking after Princess Celestia all too well.

“Perhaps it would have been better for Princess Celestia to have brought in the parasite instead, all those years ago? It would have allowed both of them to be happy uninterrupted by a failure of a pony. No matter what she attempted, it was still just the newest blight on the radiance of the Princess's light. They would have been happy together. The perfect pair. The daughter and-.”

“Sunset.” A whispered voice bludgeoned the spiral I had found myself in as I saw the parasite grimacing at me. Oh? Does the little parasite wish to deal with me now? A bit too late for me to be such easy prey. It should have attacked earlier. Now I would be able to match it. No, I would beat it. Rip the information on ascension from its mind and then enjoy myself with the suit of flesh that would be left. Only after I had sated myself on its brain-dead body would I allow myself the pleasure to incinerate it.

Focusing back on the parasite my blood ceased burning and was frozen in my veins. The look on her face was somber. “If you don't want to work together you can say so. I swear to Celestia herself that I won't manipulate you into allying with me.” She slowly spoke out each word. Her purple eyes not meeting my gaze instead focusing beyond me. Was she afraid that I was going to attack her? Checking the temperature of the room I didn't notice any large differences.

“Didn't I already agree to work together with you?” I do believe that we had moved on from that portion of the topic and were now working on what this alliance would be providing each party. The pink Alicorn deeply frowned before she responded.

“Sunset you didn't exactly stay silent.” She simply said. What? What does she… There was no way I was that exhausted. It had only been a little over a week since I had stopped sleeping. “I don't hate you but you have some trouble with me. If this is too much for you, say so.” She smiled at the end of her sentence. It was the most horrific smile I had ever seen on another pony. I was only used to seeing it in my reflection.

Were we that alike? Here she was offering me a clean-cut way to get out of this deal. Promising not even to rat me out to Princess Celestia for some reason. No. She was still innocent. She still had the naive belief that Princess Celestia would ensure that nothing ever harmed her. It was a similar tale to my own, only a few steps behind.

“My apologies.” I could see the spark of pain in the pink pony's purple eyes… She did truly want to be on the same side as me for some reason. Mentally sighing I spoke, “But I do believe that I said I was agreeable to allying with you.” The pain that had been stuck in the orbs of purple dissipated and was replaced with joy as the Alicorn Princess rushed over to my side.

“Thank you Sunset Shimmer!” She mumbled into my mane as she wrapped her wings around me. I attempted to return the gesture after a moment's confusion. However I found myself unable to reciprocate the… Does this count as a hug? I hadn't been hugged in some time. It had been over four years since the last time that Celestia had hugged me. Ignoring the pointless drivel that I had running through my head I instead attempted to reciprocate the motion as best I can.

“You don't have to call me by my full name. That would with most certainty alert Celestia to the fact that we have changed our relationship.” I offered the pink Alicorn before me after she had separated from me. The Princess paused and just peered at me. “What?” Did I have something on my face?

“You are absolutely precious.” She said with a smirk as she waved off my question. “However now that I have heard some of your thought processes I do have to deduct some points.” She continued as if she was continuing to talk to a pony that understood what she was talking about. If there was a pony that did, it certainly was not me. She frowned, her smirk fading replaced by a stern look before she once more spoke. “While I am completely exhausted and have quite the day ahead of re-learning how to fly. I do believe that I should ask what I can do to prove to you that I am not here to steal Celestia away from you.”

As soon as those final words left her lips I reflexively cast the cooling charm as my magic attempted to incinerate the air around me. The parasite before me had flinched back. It… she had escaped being burned. Taking a moment to douse myself in another cooling charm before I trusted myself to speak.

“Sorry.” I snarled out as I winced. That didn't work. Once more running through the all-familiar theorem again, this time I increased the amount of fuel I was providing the spell. Forcing myself not to shiver as I felt ice begin to coat my form. “Sorry.” I gritted out my teeth chattering due to the new addition of ice that had surrounded me.

The pony before me had a strange expression on her face. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was set in a firm line. The rest of her body was positioned carefully as she had her wings outstretched towards me. A few of the feathers even had frost on them. Wincing, I apologized again. “Sorry… Again.”

“About what?” She spoke out her face still passive but there was an undercurrent edge to those two words that flitted through the air and threatened to stab me.

“Your feathers,” I said moving one of my hooves, a cracking of ice that reverberated through the library, as I continued to gesture to her wingtips and the layer of frost that coated them.

“Sunset don't take this the wrong way but sweet Celestia-.” the parasite-pony before me started. Her eyes narrowed as she continued “Wait a moment isn't this the same thing that happened to you when we met.”

“Yes?” I answered the Princess who was quickly growing angry. Well, then it looks like I won't have to deal with cleaning up the library after all. She shot me a heated glare that froze me more than the ice that still coated my form. Perhaps that was the wrong answer? Actually, how was that the wrong answer? She was there. I had just tried to kill her.

“Sunset as a member of this alliance I propose a trade.” She said after taking a deep breath of air and exhaling. “You don’t freeze yourself in a Tartarus damn ice cube again and in exchange, if I get accidentally burned by you I won't go running off to have you executed.” That was a rather lopsided deal in my favor.

Before I could think about the ‘deal’ any further she had trotted back into my face and began to speak “I can see that you are about to go on another internal tirade. So let me make this simple for you. Say yes.” She continued as if I was simply expected to bow down to her every whim and fancy. She may be an Alicorn but I had been personally taught by the Princess of the Sun for years.

Narrowing my eyes at her and enjoying the feeling of a molten stream that quickly began to flow through my body chasing away the chill that had been present. I opened my mouth only to have her wings push it closed with a click. “Yes it is too good of a deal and you want to know the catch?” I couldn't nod but she got whatever she wanted out of my eyes. “The catch is THAT I DON'T HATE YOU!” She screamed out. Her eyes were screaming the opposite as they were filled to the brim with anger.

I can understand why many ponies were completely enthralled by her. I couldn't help but think as I was about to be struck down by divine judgment. I couldn't contain the laugh this time. The Alicorn Princess turned murderous. Her eyes were focused on me as the pools of purple that were floating within, turned dark. “Sunset I am going to let you explain why you just laughed and if you do not have a good reason I am going to kill you.” She hissed out all the while removing her wings from my mouth.

“I'm sorry but all this time I have been so careful to avoid being incinerated by Celestia all to end up obliterated by the Alicorn of Love?” I couldn't help it as I started to laugh in the face of my would-be executioner. I couldn't even begin to guess that this would be how my tale ended.

“And what is so amusing about being smitten by the Princess of Love?” The Alicorn all but snarled out. Anger dripped from her tongue as if it were drenched in poison.

“Love isn't exactly as impressive as the Sun itself.-” I started and upon seeing the pony before me, shuddering in what I can only assume to be anger, I continued “- even with all that a pony is willing to do for love it isn't that important.” The Alicorn before me glared but thankfully did nothing else.

“Sunset I realize that you may not be the most well versed in the matters of the heart -” That's untrue I have a theoretical understanding of the subject. “- so I will let it pass this once. In the future, I would request that you think about the fact that I feel about Love in a similar fashion to how Celestia feels about her Sun.”

That… Was a fair comparison. I had certainly exploded on several ponies that had dared make light of the Princess's source of power. They were both Alicorns even if the one in front of me was far less impressive. I had indeed seen the signs that there was something grand hidden within this pony. Something equal in standing to the Sun herself. A poisonous thought seeped into my thoughts before I could silence it. Perhaps something greater.

“Since I am the Alicorn in the room I will both metaphorically and literally be the bigger pony and allow the conversation to move on.” The pink Princess stated once more, her voice tinted with regality. Straightening her form and rising to her full height. “Were you to ascend right now, what would you be the Princess of?” She queried as she looked down at me. I frowned but answered all the same.

“Either Magic or Fire.” I confidently declared, matching the gaze of the Alicorn before me. Narrowing my eyes as I hadn't considered that you could be an Alicorn of an emotion. “Perhaps Hatred,” I added. Once more the library was cloaked in silence as the Unicorn and the Alicorn stared down at each other. Studying her face she did not reveal much. What was there was a slight softening of her eyes.

“You could do with less Hatred in your heart and more Love.” The pink Alicorn breathed out. Splintering the silence that we had found ourselves in. In my experience Hatred burned and Love was easily extinguished. I, however, ensured that my tongue did not once more betray me as I matched her gaze silently. She removed her gaze from mine and began to trot away. “If there is anything else it will wait until I have gotten some sleep.” Before she pauses and turns slightly to look at me. “Sunset will you be alright with your nightmares?”

I nodded. I had been dealing with them long before the creature before me had been forced into my life. I would be fine. I was always fine. The creature sighed and shook her head as she trotted out of sight into the darkness of the library. Leaving me alone with my only companions being the knowledge contained within these shelves and the shadows that began to once more dance.

It wasn't the first time that this had happened. I knew in my heart that it would happen again. No matter how I wished it wouldn't. In the end no matter what any pony said you could only rely on yourself. Alone in the shadows. With only the magic that burned through my veins as a comfort.

“Love may bring you warmth but not all are as blessed as you,” I whispered to the shade of a pony that flickered into existence where the parasite had retreated from. I watched with ill-contained malice as the shade began to rip into itself with a misaligned glee. First, it tore from its flank two near perpendicular gashes. Where it had ripped into itself two wings had begun to sprout.

Matted with darkness it took the shade some effort to rip them from its side and reposition them properly along its side. I only watched in vain amusement while I wondered if the parasite would be able to stomach the self-inflicted torment, as well as its shade, did. It would most certainly bring a cacophony of delicious screams, unlike the shadow before me. Which was silent even as it mutilated itself.

It next began with its horn. A clawed hoof met a bowed head as it ripped shadowed flesh and began to sculpt it. It almost looked as if it were but a foal playing with mud. Almost was not enough however as it continued its macabre work upon itself. I could only wait with anticipation for my turn. After all, I was the one to be punished. I wondered if I would see Princess Celestia again. After all, they did so enjoy watching her burn me alive last time.

Eventually, the shade stood in the form of the parasite. Still in the mocking bow that it had adopted to sculpt its horn. I couldn't help but focus on its face. Whereupon the parasite rested twin orbs of twinkling amethyst. The shades were simply two pits of uncaring darkness. I waited for the shade to summon its brethren and bring me to those accursed snowfields. Sighing as I averted my gaze from the still bowing shade, in truth those flurried winds filled with frozen daggers were preferable to the cottage that rested beyond.

I hadn't been carted in as of late. Separated from my hooves and horn. Brought beyond the scorched door. I could almost consider myself lucky that it had been so long since I had been brought into that place of torture however my luck never held. I could only hope that I would be able to be out of the castle by the time this punishment decided I deserved to enter that place.

Turning back towards the shade I waited. All I could do was wait. Covered in shadows. Waiting for the one before me to begin the ritual. Waiting for the sun to be swallowed by darkness. Waiting to be lost in the furious storms of ice and snow. Waiting for the nightly torment to start. Waiting for my prayers to Celestia to be once more unanswered.

I stayed there waiting. Watching the shade before me. Bowing. In the darkened remains of the library. When it made its move I would counter. I would try and I would fail. I prevented the smile from taking root on my face. For all, I knew Ce- Princess Celestia herself was watching at this moment. I would not once more fail.

So there I stood enveloped in darkness. With only the shade of the parasite for company. I knew not, how long I was still. I only knew that it was an all too familiar sigh that broke me from my stupor. Stealing my gaze from the shade. Forcing a smile upon my muzzle and dropping into a bow before even seeing her sunlit form.

“Princess Celestia, is there anything that I can assist you with?” I asked the celestial Princess as I rested my weary eyes upon her brilliant form. She as always was as close to perfection as any pony could achieve. The only mar upon her form was the tight frown that had managed to slip past her mask of perfection. In my delirious state, I was unsure if I was proud to have marred the perfection of the sun or if I should be horrified that my actions has caused Princess Celestia to lose her perfect splendor.

“Sunset I had hoped that you would take my recommendation last night to heart and get some sleep.” The Alicorn of the Sun frowned at me. I met her eyes and shrugged.

“My apologies, it seems that I got caught up in my thoughts and let the night get away from me,” I responded before turning the conversation back to the white Alicorn. “What is it you require from me Princess Celestia -” Seeing her frown deepen I explained my reasoning. “- as normally you would task one of the servants to bring me to your side.” Or if I was including more recently sicking the parasite on me.

Princess Celestia’s frown at this point would become visible to even a pony that had not spent her life with the goddess. She didn't immediately respond, instead electing to silently observe me. I in turn kept as still as possible I knew not what afflictions she was searching for but whatever it was it would be better to conceal them.

“Sunset I…” The celestial monarch began before shaking her head slightly before continuing. “Sunset, how far into the newest array have you completed?” She asked, her voice oddly stilted for some reason. Ignoring the slight oddity of the solar Princess I responded in turn.

“I have completed it if you would wish for me to retrieve it for you. My apologies for not keeping it on my form.” I said while bowing my head, after all, I didn't expect to run into Princess Celestia at least for another few weeks with how busy she has been with the parasite. It was amusing however that the one time that we met up without the looming presence of the parasite it was to discuss the final task she had given to me before she found her newest fascination.

Speaking of looming forms I chanced a glance at where I had last seen the shade and felt my heart freeze. There it still stood watching with unblinking pools of darkness that threatened to smother the light. Ignoring the looming threat I turned my attention back to the current largest threat. All the while keeping as much attention as I could feasibly spare on the shade that was somehow still here. I knew I wasn't asleep. I haven't been able to see Princess Celestia in my dreams without being tormented by her for years.

My blood freezes at that thought. Was this the next step of my punishment? Was I to be forever lost between the waking and sleeping realms? My tormentors from both performing their craft. I couldn't help the plea that I entreated Celestia with. “Please tell me that I am still asleep,” I begged the Alicorn who had been there for my entire life. Praying to her that for once in my life some form of her would answer my prayers.

“Why would you ask such a thing? Sunset you're awake.” The Goddess said with a smile unaware once more as she damned what little hope I had for salvation. The smile was ripped off of her face as her eyes sharpened. “Sunset, what's wrong?” She questioned her voice, taking on a warmth that I would kill for to once more target me. Instead, all I received was the harsh chill of reality. I once more looked at the caring gaze of the only pony who had once cared about me and despaired.

“My most sincere apologies for the delay Princess, I will be right back with the array,” I answered, smothering the terror that was pouring through my body. I couldn't burn it away with her right in front of me. All that would do would prove that I couldn't accept my punishment. That I still needed her to take care of me for every single small thing.

Taking a deep breath and praying to the deity before me that she wouldn't catch the difference between the normal fuel that ran rampant through me. Instead of being fueled by anger, my spell was cast with terror that still ran rampant throughout me. The last thing I saw before my vision was replaced by my room was Princess Celestia’s horn lighting up. Taking a deep breath I couldn't help but collapse to the ground.

That was close. Too damned close. I was nearly willing to once more throw myself at the hooves of the princess that saved me. I almost proved every single pony correct. Again. That without the grace of the shining savior I was nothing. Sucking in more air I forced the terror out. Replaced by soothing rage. All was perfect until some damnable pony knocked on my door.

I had half a mind to simply teleport away and leave the pony at my door to either wait or leave with empty hoofs. Thankfully the anger that now coursed through my veins provided enough clarity to force myself to my hoofs and begin to make my way toward the door. Having no desire to interact with any pony today I threw open the door and felt the harsh words die in my throat.

“Are you feeling better?” Asked the one pony who I most wished was not outside my door. Princess Celestia’s tone was calm but her eyes still held their gleam from earlier. Gulping down the strangled words I nodded. Princess Celestia damn her… She was still suspicious after my freakout. A singular plan ran through my head. Stall.

“I will go grab the array.” I calmly said as I twisted around and began my retreat from the Princess of the Sun. My eyes scoured my room for anything that could damn me to Tartarus. Thankfully I found nothing. I even in my half-delirious state still kept prudent about hiding things that the celestial deity would frown at. Snorting at the thought, she would most certainly do more than frown at me. After all, my current punishment was proof that no matter what any noble pony says that Princess Celestia was not soft.

Finding it stored on my desk I quickly grabbed it and turned back around towards Princess Celestia who for some reason was inspecting a chair. Adopting a small frown myself I questioned the Princess on her fascination with the furniture. “Is everything alright Princess?” Princess Celestia matched my expression as her gaze met mine.

“I don't recall this particular series of chairs being used in the castle.” She said her eyes were gaining more steel as they attempted to pierce my own. What does she mean? I bought the same thing that I burned. I even went… Damn it all to Tarturuas deepest pits. I will flash fry that sorry excuse for a pony. Her parents will regret ever conceiving her after I am through with her. Did she dare set me up? I would show her what happened when any pony dared get in my way. My mental tirade was interrupted by Princess Celestia as she once more spoke up. “You didn't burn your room again did you?”

I fell into silence. This was another test to see whether I would lie to the face of the Princess of the Sun. If I said yes she would have confirmation that I still couldn't control my flames. If I said no I would be showing that she was right not to trust me. After all, I was the pony that kept rejecting her guiding hoof. That left only one path left forward. I forced a grin to my face and answered.

“It was an unfortunate casualty of an attempt to further my progress in the field of combining spatial manipulation and my innate gift for pyromancy. In comparison to other rooms of the castle that were not in use, I decided to perform the act in my room to reduce any potential damage. I used the fund that you requested I use on such occasions, however, I am happy to pay for the damages that I unfortunately caused.” I said hopefully redirecting the conversation toward an old battle that I would happily fight instead of the current one.

“Sunset, you have access to that fund for a reason.” Princess Celestia sighed out unaware that she took the bait. “I have also informed you multiple times that you can use that account for whatever purpose you wish.” She continued not even realizing that she was no longer focused on the reason why I had been working on such volatile magics. “They are your bits, not mine. Had you informed me I would have happily replaced everything that was lost to the fire.” She offered her eyes, finally losing most of the sharpness that was held within them.

That was the exact reason that I didn't want you to find out. I mentally snarled at her. Taking a moment to ensure that the temperature hasn't increased thanks to the turn of my thoughts. I decided to let her win the argument this time as I simply levitated the array over to her. She grasped it in her magic and began to scour the page looking for any mistakes. Unfortunately for her, I had ensured that I had checked my work in triplicate. After all, I had plenty of time to work on it.

Very impressive Sunset. I can almost hear her whisper as I watch the phantom Celestia’s smile brighten up my room. Reality is often a disappointing mess however as the Princess before me, simply nods and rolls it up, before turning towards me her eyes once more regaining the flame that I had hoped to smother. “Now then about your planned trip?”

Author's Note:

Last chapter of the year. See everyone in the next. But enough of realiity we are here for the ponies that live in our minds eye. Sunset continues to make a mess of herself as she continues to struggle with Cadance. Of course staying up for a week straight probably hasn't helped her in any case. Then Celestia comes along and does her own thing. Hopefully she can get through this day of hers. After all it is just the morning.

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