• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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32. Moving Forward Upon Iron Rails

Moving Forward Upon Iron Rails


I stood there watching the ashes dance in the wind, bereft of the partner that had promised to be by my side. I wonder if this was how Sunset always felt. No matter how hard you tried, nothing you did ever mattered. It was an oddly calm series of thoughts that proceeded through my mind. I could faintly hear Umbrum’s panicked voice resounding in my ears, but I easily ignored his weightless words.

Continuing to draw my magic towards the remnants that Sunset had teleported away with. Scraps remained within the air and even though I did not know how to track her teleportation. I KNEW all the same at this moment. An errant thought allowed my magic to collect both Rebound and Gentle Breeze, another granted them a momentary abatement from their wounds. My mane flickered as I stepped forwards.

“My Love once found is never lost.” I slowly and dutifully intoned the chant I had never spoken before as if this was the thousandth time, I had performed it. My words went against the fabric of reality itself. One had existed for time immemorial and held an immeasurable weight of power behind it, the other was my Love.

Reality reshaped itself to fit my desire as my Love surged forth. An endless fountain of promises that were never spoken, that would forever remain unbroken. I needed not move, for Equus moved for me. One moment I had been left behind by my partner, the next I was before her once more. She didn’t even realize that I was before her. So lost within the shadow-filled depths of her thoughts.

I stood before her at the zenith of my final apotheosis, watching as she mewled and croaked.

Why wasn’t I helping her?

Begging that Celestia would save her.

Could I not save her myself?

For the one that had won in the end, it was a pathetic display unmatched by all others.

What had she won?

The Demon, shattered and fragmented, pulled by desires that it could not hope to comprehend.

Was I the one thinking these thoughts?

It would have been all too easy for me to slay the Demon before me.


Yet that was not what I wished for.

At that moment I gasped as if I had just pulled my once-submerged head from a bath of ice. Those thoughts that were at the same time mine but were not my own passed as if they were but a forgotten recording of a dream. Leaving me as I once more felt the higher divinity, I had called upon fleeing my existence. A great weight fell from my shoulders as I pushed those errant thoughts aside as I made it to my partner’s side.

“I’m sorry Celestia.” She croaked out, still lost to reality. I encircled her with my wings and cradled her until she could no longer even claim to hold onto her consciousness.

“You and I are going to have a long conversation when you wake up. It is not going to be a pleasant one for you I promise.” I muttered to Sunset’s sleeping form as she held onto me the best she could as she began to struggle in her dreams. Once more tortured within her place of rest.

I could hear the faint groans of pain coming from the two Pegasus that I had dragged with me. Glancing over I could see that Gentle Breeze was clutching her head but otherwise was slowly beginning to stand. Rebound however was still out like a light. “Are you alright?” I quickly asked as I knew I had done something to help her, but I didn't know how effective it would be.

“What happened?” She questioned as she slowly glanced around our surroundings, which were just in the middle of a forest. Not a single sign of Wingston at all. “Where are we?” Gentle Breeze continued as she began to softly shake her partner with her hoof.

“Sunset did something which knocked you both out.” I took a sharp breath before swiftly continuing. “It wasn’t intentional, it was as if she wasn’t herself. After she realized what she had done she fled. I, however, followed her here with you both.” I was leaving out much of what had happened, but Gentle Breeze nodded all the same. No doubt already working out a plan.

“I take it that you have no idea where we are then?” At my nod, she sighs before rearing back her leg and walloping Rebound who awoke with a scream. I could only watch as he began to attempt to fly only to push himself against the dirt.

“Celestia’s ass! Gentle, why did you do that?” He got out, continuing to yell. Perhaps I would have offered to remove the pain from the kick, but considering that he was the one that had instigated this entire ordeal… I wasn’t feeling too merciful.

“Thank you Gentle, had I done that I would have likely kicked through him.” At my words, the Pegasus paled. “Rebound I know that I have yet to be officially crowned but if you provoke Sunset like that again I will be removing you from your post with extreme prejudice.” It was impressive how quickly he was nodding after I had finished speaking. Good. I wouldn’t want to go through with my words, but I would.

The first time I could accept it as an accident, the second coincidence, but the third time would be a pattern. Sunset didn’t need any more difficulties stacked against her. Not when ones such as this could have easily been avoided. “That said, are you alright, Rebound?” It takes a moment for Rebound to nod at my words, but he does all the same.

Good. Hopefully whatever Sunset had done wouldn’t have any long-term consequences. “If the two of you are able enough to do so, would you mind attempting to pinpoint where we are?” Rebound and Gentle Breeze shot each other a glance at my words. I sighed but otherwise let the two of them figure out what the plan was for the moment as I turned my attention back to my unconscious partner that was still in my embrace.

Struggling against phantoms that she could only see. Even when I attempted to rouse her it failed. Whether it was due to what she had done earlier or something far more benign than exhaustion, she was awakened by my attempts as the minutes continued to pass by.

“Found some tracks about a mile and a half north of here. No sign of the train but we could always follow them if need be.” Rebound reported as he touched back down. “The Foal Mountain to the south some distance off but, if need be, we can more than likely make our way back to Canterlot from here.” he offered as he glanced over the two of us.

He looked tense. Far more so than earlier. “I would like to say I am sorry. I know what it's like to have some ponies make life more difficult for the special pony in your life.” He apologized as he looked up to the sky where Gentle Breeze was flying.

“Thank you. I know that Sunset needs to apologize to you both as well but…” I smiled at him as I trailed off. Rebound simply chuckled as he shook his head.

“I knew that the two of you would be nothing but trouble when you got together.” He said to my confusion. Had he known that Sunset liked me? Wait, when had she begun to like me to the same degree that I favored her?

“When did you figure this out?” I asked, confusion present in my tone, as I attempted to figure out when he had concluded that we would get together. Because I certainly hadn’t liked her before she saved me from that griffon.

“The day before the assault on the castle, when I woke you up from your dream.” Oh, sweet Celestia, no. “You had after all been seeing her within your dreams.” There was an amused grin that was stretched across his face. One that I knew was not mirrored on mine. The feeling of mortification was evidence enough that there was no smile on my face, instead a grimace was formed upon my lips. I knew that if I wasn’t cradling Sunset, I would have buried my face under my wings in an attempt to escape from Rebound’s words.

“Just for some clarification, I wasn’t dreaming about Sunset-. No not like that either.” I quickly attempted to extinguish the knowing nod that accompanied my words. “I am half certain she was still figuring out how to not hate me then.” At my words, Rebound winced. Sweet Celestia, my relationship with Sunset started horribly, even before we had gotten together.

“Speaking of that I feel that I should confirm that Sunset isn’t forcing you into this relationship.” I was wrong earlier when I thought this conversation couldn’t get any worse. I was horrifically wrong. At Least Celestia wasn't the one who had asked this question. That would have been far more mortifying.

“I was the one who initiated the relationship! Yes, she tried to kill me when we first met! Yes, I realize how bad that is! She has her reasons, and she is doing better now!” My cheeks were ablaze as my blood, fueled by embarrassment pumped into them. “Yes, it wasn't the best potential start to a relationship, but we will make it work!” I concluded all but daring Rebound to deny my declaration on the matter as I glared at him.

“Look, I was just checking. I know Princess Celestia does her best, but she has blind spots when it comes to Sunset.” Rebound said as he put a hoof up in a clear attempt to calm the conversation. What does he mean by blind spots? Perhaps I would have asked but Gentle Breeze chose this moment to touch down next to her partner.

“Spotted the Friendship Express making its way towards us in the distance. It's your call Princess but if you want to catch a ride it would be best to start moving Sunset Shimmer now.” She quickly relayed. Leaving the decision in my hooves. Isn't she supposed to be the adult or was this another case of ponies just leaving all the important decisions and matters to the pony that had both horn and wings?

Quickly shaking Sunset once more in a vain hope that she would wake on her own. Unfortunately, she was still out cold. The only response I got from her was faint murmurs about Celestia. Glad to see that my partner never truly changed.

“Alright, let's intercept it. I am going to support her with my magic and hold her as we fly. Rebound if you wouldn't mind taking Sunset’s other side.” Immediately Rebound snapped out a quick salute before positioning himself on the left side of Sunset while I took her right. Wrapping my magic around her in a protective shell as I lifted off the ground only a few feet. It wouldn't be right to risk dropping her from the sky.

Taking a breath, I counted down with Rebound as we both began to fly with Gentle Breeze directing us. Even as I supported the majority of my partner's weight, Rebound and I were not able to keep a constant pace with one another. We nearly made it to the rails when disaster struck. I could feel Sunset shift in my magic, so I turned to look at her just in time to see her emerald eyes open.

“Sunset please don’t do anything stupid.” I all but begged my partner who was still suspended five feet off the ground. Her eyes looked to me and then to Rebound before once more settling on me. That was the only warning I received before, I could no longer feel her weight in my magic and hooves. That absolute horse! I couldn't help but mentally snarl. Always teleporting away from me. She better not have-. My burgeoning mental tirade was cut off when I heard Sunset call out.

“How did you even follow me?” Sunset questioned from the base of a hill about 30 hoof steps away. Thank Celestia, she was still here. I stopped my movement and instead just stayed flapping in the air.

“Magic. Now please don’t run away from me. There is a train coming and it could be going to Hollow Shades.” I quickly continued. Sunset frowned at me but otherwise didn’t once more teleport away. Letting out a breath that I hadn’t even realized that I had been holding in. “We can talk on the train. Please Sunset.” I asked as I touched down so that I wouldn't be above her.

She looked at me and then at Rebound and Gentle Breeze who were awkwardly staying in the air. Awkwardly she turned back to me at this point. I could all but see the choices flickering through her gaze. “You promised that you wouldn’t abandon me, and I want you to stay with me.” My words had an instantaneous effect on Sunset. No longer was her gaze wide as she attempted to evaluate any possible avenue of attempts.

Now her eyes focused solely on me. I knew at the moment she no longer could even comprehend the rest of Equus much less see it. I moved forwards towards her, extending my right wing out. Leaving about four hoofs of distance between where she was stuck and the very tip of my wing. A much smaller divide than the one that had previously formed between the two of us.

Her eyes moved from mine to the tip of my extended wing. Unmoving and nearly as still as a statue other than her intermittent breaths that she took. Until eventually she crossed the final few steps and placed her hoof against my wing. “Alright, why don’t we worry about getting on the train before we do anything else? Is that okay with you Sunset?” At my offered propositions she nodded her gaze still affixed to the bridged connection of my wing and her hoof.

At this point, I motioned for Rebound and Gentle Breeze to come down. They once more joined us on the ground. “If you are up to it, do you think you could teleport us into the train?” As I gestured out, in the distance I could see the vibrantly colored train chugging along towards us without a care in the world.

Sunset’s eyes finally broke from the connection we shared as she gazed at the train which was quickly growing in size upon the horizon. She then looks back at me with a slight frown on her lips.

“I don’t suppose you grabbed my sack when you had teleported after me?” Sunset asked. Her words left an annoying feeling in my stomach as I regretfully shook my head in the negative. That was what she was worried about. Her things? “I will be right back then.” She said but then awkwardly paused. Her gaze was still locked to mine instead of dissipating in a burst of flames.

“I trust you,” I answered my partner’s unasked question and with my permission, she teleported away. The moment she dissipated I felt a sharp tug at my heart, but I ignored it. I did trust her to come back. Taking a breath as I turned around to both Rebound and Gentle Breeze. “Not a word.” I preemptively got out before either of them could comment.

Thankfully they both followed my order as we stood in silence. The train grew ever larger as it closed the distance between us. With each second that passed, the tension in my heart continued to grow. Just as that inward tension grew, I could feel a damp heat beginning to once more ethereally form. She was going to return, she had promised after all, and Sunset didn't break her promises. Not yet.

Thankfully it only took a few more tense seconds for Sunset to reappear her sack held by her mouth. Spitting the cloth out she gave me a smile, which was far too strained to be natural, before looking at the train that was shortly about to start going by us.

“My apologies for the delay,” Sunset said before she glanced at the quickly approaching train. “Get next to me and give me a moment.” She then half closes her eyes before pausing. Her normal coloration was quickly replaced with her disguise. “Cadance you may want to put your hood up.” She said with one final half-lidded glance before fully closing her eyes.

I shrugged as I put the hood up. I mean we were no longer hiding from Celestia but better safe than sorry. I moved next to Sunset and stood directly next to her, Rebound and Gentle followed but stayed a little bit farther away. I could feel a familiar arcane formula being written into reality by the pony next to me. This time there were alterations that I could feel shifting the entire purpose of the spell.

I guess my own earlier teleportation had given me a bit of help in understanding how spatial manipulation was enforced through arcane formulas. The train reached us as Sunset’s magic surged forth. Entrapping us all within a corporeal field of warmth that spirited us through reality. Reappearing at the destination that Sunset had plotted. I could hear the faintly muffled panic yelping of a pony, but I was too busy scoping out the train car we had arrived in.

It was odd, as all that was in this particular car was an off-white door that was blocking most of the rest of the car. I could faintly feel the magic that it was giving off in slow pulses that were reminiscent of Celestia herself. Glancing to my side I could see that Sunset was going through her satchel before pulling out her coin pouch. “I will go pay for our passage. The room before you is yours.” She swiftly spoke before pausing, her emerald gaze faltering as her eyes fled from mine. She once more wished to leave me.

Once more silence had consumed us, this time it was a tense silence that threatened to collapse into something far more damning. Sunset’s emerald eyes furrowed as she lowered the bag of bits to the ground. “Fair enough.” She huffed out as if she was the one that was being punished. That she wasn't the one who had all but fled from me.

“Gentle Breeze, Rebound, please pay for four tickets and enquire where our next destination is,” I commanded the two guards without breaking Sunset’s gaze. I levitated the bits over to Rebound as the two guards saluted before grabbing the bits and scampering off. Leaving only Sunset and myself in this train car.

Taking a moment to ensure that they had fully left before my will and eyes hardened, Sunset reflexively took a step back as she gulped. Yet before I could even begin to tear into the pony before me, she opened her mouth.

“Do you want me to apologize?” She quickly questioned. I could only brace myself for whatever madness that Sunset was about to spout. “I am sorry that I once more lost control. I am sorry that I can’t even control myself. I am sorry that I harmed your friends. I am sorry that I am such a failure!” Her apologies quickly gained a heated edge as the very air began to warm around her. I could work with her anger. However, Sunset wasn’t done. “I am sorry that I once again hurt you!” Sunset broke our connected gazes, as she instead twisted her head to look down at her hooves. Her mane now fully obscures her face. Yet it did little to hide the way that her entire body was being wracked with shivers.

“Sunset, thank you for your apologies, but that isn't why I am mad at you,” I said after I took a deep breath. “We are partners, and we support each other. I am furious that instead of attempting to work things with me after you lost control, you fled from me. That is one of the key things that being in a relationship, no, a partnership is about. Being able to work through issues and problems with another pony.” I reminded my partner about what a relationship between us entailed.

Nothing? I could barely even hear Sunset breathing, the only sign that she was listening to my words was the way that her breath hitched throughout my impromptu speech. “Sunset, you have to respond. I can’t read your mind.” I paused considering my words before quickly continuing. “And I don’t want to read your mind, I would like you to actively participate in this conversation, however.” Thankfully Sunset finally lifted her head once more, her mane falling back into its normal place as she caught my gaze.

“I am sorry that I abandoned you.” She morosely got out, her voice wet with unshed tears. “I-I didn't want to harm you, I swear upon Celestia herself that I didn’t, but I did.” Her eyes were once more a muddled mess, of emerald and cyan that fought for dominance in my partner's eyes. “If I did it once I would do it again… I don’t have the best track record when it comes to involuntarily hurting you… and voluntarily hurting you.” She finished, her voice no more than a whisper as she once more spoke the shameful truth.

“Sunset,” I sighed out my partner's name as I stepped forwards embracing her within my wings embrace. “I know it was an accident. I know you, Sunset. You care for me.” She did if she was willing to bend one of Celestia’s rulings against her just to be with me. Sunset just stared at my words. I waited for her to respond, however, I heard the familiar clicking of hoofs coming our way. “We can continue this later but please remember Sunset the two of us are together against Equus.”

Sunset thankfully nodded, even if it was a slow stiff nod, at my words but otherwise stayed silent as the door to the train car opened. Revealing two familiar Pegasus. Gentle Breeze tossed the bag of bits back to Sunset who grabbed them out of the air with her telekinesis.

“We are indeed heading towards Hollow Shades. The conductor, however, seemed rather interested in how we managed to get onto his moving train but otherwise the four tickets have been paid for. Even if we only needed two tickets.” Rebound reported he received an odd look from Sunset as she looked at him with clear confusion in her eyes.

“Why would we only need two tickets?” I asked even already knowing that there wasn’t going to be a good reason for any of this. I was expecting my question to be answered by either Gentle Breeze or Rebound. I did not expect Sunset to answer it.

“Alicorn Princesses have their private cars on the Friendship Express. Princess Celestia would never be expected to pay for her ticket or be seated with all the normal ponies. Since your ascension, you were likely added to the short list of ponies that can enter this private room.” Sunset spoke without realizing… Or perhaps her words were spoken already realizing the hypocrisy of her statements.

Gentle Breeze and Rebound glanced at each other as they both side-eyed Sunset. Alright, so more than likely Sunset’s words were close to the truth but not fully.

“Technically it is a list that can be updated to include any pony that a Princess would wish to allow within its walls.” Gentle Breeze softly corrected. Only for Sunset to scowl at her words.

“Princesses can also remove ponies who were once on it, especially if they should have never been granted such a boon.” She snarled out at Gentle only to freeze as her emerald eyes flicked over to me. Alright so Sunset was once on the list and then she was removed by Celestia. No, from the way that Rebound spoke, it seemed to imply that the two of us could get into the private car. Was Sunset never removed? Or was she added back onto the list?

“How would one check the allowed occupants for this car and where is it?” I asked only to watch as all three of the ponies before me, blanched at my questions, even Sunset who was still frozen. Gentle Breeze just pointed using her wing to the off-white door behind me. I just sighed as I rubbed my face with my hoof. Great. “Fair enough,” I muttered as I glanced at my partner who was still refusing to move.

Taking a moment as I made my way toward the door before the thought occurred to me. “Sunset since you have been in this room before, would you mind assisting me with getting settled within its walls?” I calmly asked my partner, ignoring the glances that my two guards were shooting each other. Sunset finally moved as she tilted her head in a clear display of the confusion she felt at my words. Thankfully after a few seconds, she nodded. “Thank you,” I whispered into my partner's ear as I snuggled into her side. Not at all enjoying the way that she had tensed the moment I had begun to affectionately touch her.

Turning to Rebound, and Gentle Breeze, I saw them nodding even before I expressed my orders. Fair, it was likely the only pony within this car that didn’t understand my intentions was Sunset herself. I nodded back at the two who then turned on their frogs and marched out of the cabin. Once more leaving an Alicorn and a Unicorn by their lonesome.

“You should just need to place your hoof against the door to unlock it,” Sunset spoke after a few moments of silence where I was enjoying the feeling of my partner who had nearly abandoned me. I met her emerald eyes, and she rightly went rigid. Allowing me another few moments to enjoy her warmth. Before I slipped from her side and followed her instructions.

I was not expecting it to instantly open, so I was rather surprised when the moment my hoof brushed against the door it would all but fade away. Even as I jumped back, my wings at the ready to defend myself, a spell on my lips, I couldn’t help but hear the amused chuckles of my partner from behind me. No doubt laughing at my reaction. “You acted just like I did…” She paused as I looked back at her before she continued with an almost wistful smile on her face. “Well, I lit Celestia on fire in my panic but close enough.” Her eyes flashed cyan once more as she concluded her words.

I did take note that she was once more saying Celestia instead of Princess Celestia, however considering the smile on her face. I could only assume this was something far more positive than negative. Hopefully. I couldn’t tell what set Sunset off on the best of days, but I would like to think that behind Celestia herself that I was the pony that most understood my partner.

“You lit Celestia on fire?” I questioned as I pulled away from the door that was no longer fully there. Instead, I let my hacks fall as I made my back to Sunset, she nodded at my words. Her eyes no longer focused on me as they were no doubt once more clouded by her memories of far kinder times. “Would that even work? You know with her being the Alicorn of the Sun and all?” I questioned as I grabbed my partner's hoof and slowly began to manipulate her through the translucent door.

“Well, I at least managed to set her regalia on fire at the time. She seemed almost proud of me for that accomplishment.” Sunset slowly revisited the tale as she spoke, her smile almost impossibly growing even larger upon her muzzle. All the while all but oblivious to the fact that I had already brought us within the royal carriage. “She said that it was the first time in nearly three hundred years that any pony had managed to get such a clean hit on her.” Sunset at this point snorted in amusement at her own words. Which was completely fair, the scene that she was describing sounded adorable.

Glancing around I found what appeared to be a general seating area as I manipulated Sunset so that she was sitting next to me. Still completely caught in the retelling that she had been regaling me with. “Her words didn’t exactly calm me down as I took them as that I had nearly killed the pony that had…” Her smile fractured as her words trailed off. Her eyes lost their cyan color as it was replaced by a piercing emerald that refocused upon Equus. Her eyes widened in shock that only grew as they left my form and swept across the room where she now found herself within. “How?” She somehow managed to both whimper and hiss out that singular word.

“I guess that you were put back on that list.” My words caused Sunset’s head to snap back to directly stare at me. Taking a quick breath as I continued, “You walked straight in, I didn’t invite you in, as I don’t know how to do so.” Sunset’s horn lit up as I felt her magic ooze over the entire car, searching for something. When she found it, hidden invisibly suspended in the air, a shimmer of sparks began to flare, as what appeared to be an ornate scroll now hovered there. Sunset quickly unfurled the scroll, and all snarled once more as she saw something that displeased her.

Taking the opportunity to circle and see what had incensed my partner so. I could see four names on the list. The first was Celestia’s, the second was all but fully hidden beneath layers of scratches, and the third however was Sunset’s. I quickly noted my name beneath hers but otherwise instead turned my attention back to my partner who had finally calmed down from her indecipherable snarling and was now listlessly staring at the paper. “Sunset?” I softly whispered her name.

“She didn’t remove me from the list. Why didn’t she remove me? Out of everything she had done to me, why allow me to stay here?” She questioned herself, or more accurately the Alicorn who was not here to answer any of Sunset’s questions. I just silently watched as Sunset continued to work her way through the complex emotions that were formed from this knowledge.

It took a few minutes of Sunset staring at the scroll as I watched over her once more. Finally, with one final deep breath, she rolled the scroll back up before banishing it back to wherever it had come from. “It doesn’t matter.” she softly intoned to herself as she once more focused on me. Slowly crossing the distance between us, I would have sworn she was about to embrace me, but instead, she stopped dead a hoof step away. Her emerald eyes intently observe my gaze. She was searching for something.

Rolling my eyes at my partner I stepped forwards and embraced her within my wings as she quickly responded before snuggling into my embrace. Our two warmth’s once more intermingling with the others. Two ponies, having managed to stay connected as I could see past my partner's mane a cyan string fluttering against an invisible wind.

Author's Note:

Cadance once more proves that she is an Alicorn by telling reality who is in charge as he chases after Sunset. Then having a minor existential crisis, which was long overdue at this point. Sunset has been the one with the majority of them so far. Otherwise, Cadance and Sunset along with the two babysitters make their way onto the Friendship Express where they quickly split up. At the very least the train is indeed heading towards Hollow Shades where nothing ever goes wrong.

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