• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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23. Sending Letters Brimming with Hope

Sending Letters Brimming with Hope


“Alright, why don't the two of you just wait out here for the moment while I convince my brother to prepare his guest room for the two of you.” Mistletoe offered after she led us to one of the buildings. It was a small two-story shop that had a wooden sign decorated with a boiling cauldron. “If you hear any loud crashes don’t worry, he is just a heavy sleeper.” She concluded with a grin before she pulled a key from her cart. Unlocked the door and slipped inside.

Leaving me with Sunset, the two of us alone in the dark. Taking the chance, I spoke up to clear the air between the two of us.

“What's the plan? Spend some time here to recuperate before moving on?” I asked, shattering the silence that had enveloped us. Sunset looked towards me but refused to meet my gaze. “It's a fair question.” I could not help but grumble. After a moment of consideration, she answered my question.

“That works. Hopefully, we will not spend more time here than necessary.” She said as her gaze glanced through the darkened town. “I will take care of acquiring rations.” Oddly, those words of hers were tinged with anger. I do not even know what I had done this time considering that we had been in near silence for the last three hours. Before I could think of responding the door we were standing before, was slung open revealing a grinning Mistletoe.

“Guestroom is all made up for the two of you. Welcome to Casa Starfish, what my brother has is yours.” She declared in a jovial tone only for a blue Unicorn to appear behind her still rubbing his eyes.

“Would it kill you to be quiet?” He hissed at her before turning to Sunset and myself “Feel free to make yourself at home. All I ask is that you leave my cauldrons alone.” He concluded with a yawn that shook his entire body.

“Thank you for your generosity, Starfish,” I said with a slight bowing of my head as I heard Sunset choke. Looking at her through the corner of my eyes I could see her own eyes wide as she was once more focused on me.

“It's not much of my own-.” Was all he got out before Mistletoe clamped a hoof over his mouth and pulled her brother back into the house.

“Seems like my brother needs to get back to his beauty sleep. Your guy’s room is the second door on the left. Night!” Mistletoe hurriedly explained as she pulled the blue Unicorn that was her brother up the stairs. Leaving me with Sunset whose eyes were still as wide as a fish.

“Shall we first settle in before whatever that is?” I lazily gestured towards her with the point of a hoof. Immediately she is back to acting as if everything was normal. Breathing out a sigh of relief as I entered the building. The majority of the first floor was set up as an alchemical shop of sorts.

Making sure to avoid the various simmering cauldrons I led the way towards the second door on the left just as directed. Opening it to reveal a dusty guest room that had obviously not been in use recently. It seemed nice enough, but it had one glaring problem. The one bed that was within it. While I knew that Sunset was able to sleep on the stone of a cave, I had perhaps vainly hoped that we would both enjoy the creature comforts of civilization.

Before my partner could see the room, I was already making my way over to the side of the room that didn't have a bed. Hopefully, this showing of goodwill would do something to ease the current tensions between the two of us. Sunset entered behind me and without even a singular comment the door shut with an audible click. I sighed and made myself as comfortable as I could be on the wooden flooring.

“What in Princess Celestia’s name are you doing on the floor?” I could hear the frown written upon her face even with my eyes closed. Cracking them open so that I could see Sunset standing in the middle of the room staring at me. I just met her eyes, not bothering to explain my thought process to her. She turned towards the bed and her horn quickly flashed a few times. “It isn't laced with poison or cursed with any spell that I could detect if that was what you were worrying about.” She dutifully reported entirely missing the point in favor of an explanation that made sense to her.

“You haven't been sleeping on a bed this entire time. With my win-. With my side feeling better -” That was a bad slip-up. Unicorns don't have wings. “- you should be the one to sleep on the bed. It is only fair, after all.” Sunset frowned at my logic and a familiar sensation of the world shifting coated me.

“You are an Alicorn, you shouldn't sleep on the floor. Just like you shouldn’t bow your head to any pony.” Was that why she acted weird earlier? Really? I just wanted to shut my eyes and go to my Crystal Palace.

“I bowed my head to him in thanks as we are imposing on both Mistletoe and Starfish.” She did realize that they didn't have to put us up for the night. I could see how my words just washed over Sunset as she disregarded them.

“You are an Alicorn even if they do not know it. You are the pinnacle of pony kind. To be bowing down before a pathetic Unicorn…” She trailed off, realizing the words that she was speaking. I attempted to swallow the rage that those words had brought to the surface. I was unsuccessful as I found my mouth opening.

“What exactly about Starfish is pathetic? Is it the fact that he is willing to put up two strange ponies in his home because his sister asked him to? Or is it because he isn't you that he is pathetic? That because you are the strongest Unicorn, all the others deserve no recognition?” I kept the volume of my words low. However, that did not change the fact that I had just challenged Sunset.

I could see the inner workings of her mind begin to process my words. I prepared for the inevitable fight that was sure to follow again. There was one upside to the constant altercations that we had. It made it far easier to weaken the infatuation I had with her.

Sunset however after a pause chuckled. I couldn't believe my senses. Even when she nearly fell over with gut-wrenching laughter, I still didn't believe it. A pit began to form in my stomach. I was expecting anger, not laughter. This was out of the ordinary for the pony before me.

“You still don't get it, you are an Alicorn.” She said between gasps of breath and continued laughs. “You are worth so much more than every single Unicorn in Equestria put together.” She paused for a moment as she smiled. She smiled as if she had just told the funniest joke she had ever heard. “Including myself in that list.”

That was not what I was expecting. Not that I was expecting a satisfactory answer from her, but I didn't exactly expect that. For her to go into once more, how precious my very existence was due to me being an Alicorn.

“Does that mean if I wasn't an Alicorn you would have never saved me?” I whispered a question that I didn't want to be answered. I knew what the answer to that particular question was, but as long as it had stayed hypothetical it could be ignored.

“If you were never an Alicorn I doubt I would have met you.” Her words were blades that pierced me far easier than the griffon's claws. The pit grew as I felt her words take root deep inside. Her next words allowed that root to begin to flower. “If you were a normal pony, I would have had no reason to save you.”

I could only watch her slowly tilt her head as she solved an equation in her mind. “Going by that line of thinking, if you were still a Pegasus you wouldn't have needed me to be saved.” I could feel the growing dread as the final words were spoken. She really was on her way to becoming a monster with that way of thinking.

“Get out.” I didn't raise my voice. I didn't ask. I simply demanded Sunset leave immediately. She looked over me for a moment longer, a small frown upon her face, before nodding. She was quickly swallowed by flames leaving me alone.

Staring at the spot she had vanished from for a few moments longer before I tore my gaze from it. Taking a quick glance towards the bed that was now without a pony to rest upon it. Wrenching my gaze from it as I made myself comfortable on the floor once more. Doing all I could to avoid thinking about the pony that was my partner before, I was surrounded by the crystals of my castle.

“Umbrum.” I declared my grandfather's name as a way of summoning him. It took a few moments, but a familiar shadow crept into the throne room. “Please tell me you have training or a spell that will help clear my mind.” The shadowy smoke quickly formed into my grandfather with an amused tilt to the fake grin that he wore.

“Long day, my descendant?” He asked with an underlying taunt in his question as if he hadn't been watching from my very own eyes. He found the answer in my gaze as he continued with a nod “Ah yes once again your so-called partner continues to prove my words correct.” This time I glared at him. I didn't even want to think about her for the moment.

“Not tonight, please,” I asked. My grandfather immediately nodded.

“Of course my descendant, why don't we spar once more? Perhaps this time you can last longer than a few moments.” He thankfully taunted. “Mayhap you will even be able to actually harm me?” Ah purposefully riling me up to distract me. I allowed a smile.

“Oh please I got you the last time we spared you are just a sore loser,” I responded with a grin as I leapt from my throne and began to trot next to my grandfather as we made our way to the training hall. My grandfather only chuckled, opening the door to the training hall with a flick of his horn.

“Perhaps you shall be able to prove those words of yours, my descendant.” He intoned as he situated himself at the far end of the training room. Taking a relaxed stance between two spear-bearing crystalline statues of ponies. “On your start my descendant.” Well if he was going to be that nice about it, who was I to pass up such an offer?

Closing my eyes. Breathing in and envisioning myself upon my crystalline throne. A warmth crystallized within my heart. Taking form in the same likeness of my cutie mark. Love seeped forth. Bringing with it the power to protect those that needed it.

Opening my eyes once more I could see my grandfather's red ones flash green in preparation. I felt the corners of my lips curl. Spreading my wings I pushed myself forwards, accelerating towards my ancestor. Reappearing behind him as my magic came together forming into a focused beam that shot towards his back.

Black pillars of crystal erupted to shield him from my attack even as with a beat of my wings I repositioned above him and attacked once more. Only for the crystals to once more stop my beam of arcane energy. Diving towards the crystals that shielded Umbrum I outstretched my front hooves as I made contact. A thunderous tear cascaded through the room as I ripped through the crystalline protection.

Finding my grandfather in the center of the pillars he had summoned to protect him I once more summoned my Love together. Forming this time instead of a beam a crystal. A singular shard no bigger than my hoof, that was sent careening towards my grandfather's head. The shard shifted in the light throughout the colors of the rainbow as my Love pierced the summoned shields of my grandfather's design.

Victoriously watching as my grandfather was forced to finally move. Bending his head at an impossible speed to avoid the attack that would be lethal for any other pony. However, I knew from experience that Umbrum would simply reform from the darkness he often transformed from.

“I see that you have learned a way to use your innate magic efficiently to attack.” He idly commented as the remains of the black pillars shattered before the countless shards shot towards me. They impacted my shield that flickered forth obliterating them all to dust.

“I would prefer to avoid harming any pony. My magic is the same.” Taking a pause from my response as I called forth far more crystals from the ground. Surrounding Umbrum with crystals that were far more colorful than my ancestor. “That does not mean that I cannot improvise.” Feeding my magic into the conjured crystals, they enlarged and fused together. Entrapping my ancestor within the rainbow crystal.

“My descendant you are far too kind for one born of my bloodline.” He mutters out while shaking his head. “Let me show you once more the folly of Kindness.” His crimson eyes flashed emerald green as the crystal that had entrapped him crumbled. Pieces of it faded to blackened dust before his very hoofs.

Watching as he stepped away from the crumbling crystalline prison that had held him for but a scant few seconds before I blasted him once more with a beam of cyan. He summoned forth a block of blackened crystals that splintered my beam. Retaliation was swift as he spelled the large crystal towards me with a frightening pace.

Launching myself skywards once more I looked down to continue my assault on my non-pony of an ancestor before me. However, upon hearing the wind change my shield returned to the corporeal reality to shield me. Just in time as the black crystal that I had evaded splintered against it.

“That was a cheap shot,” I grumbled as I tore my gaze from the falling splinters of blackened crystals that began their descent toward the ground. I could feel my body lighten as I once more became something far grander than what I currently was. “Love is MY passion that consumes all.” I intoned as I could feel my heart beat faster. My words working in tandem with my will tore reality asunder. A singular cyan spark erupted from the tearing.

It floated towards Umbrum, whose eyes were glowing emerald as he attempted to defend himself. Countless barricades of crystals erupted before my grandfather all in a vain attempt to shield him from my magic. I watched in a near-euphoric delight as my spark grew into a wildfire that subsisted on the defenses that fed it.

Growing ever larger as the flames of love spread ever further. Seeking out their target with wild abandon. There was now a frown upon the muzzle of my grandfather’s face, even as he continued to summon forth crystals. A vain effort made by him. He quickly realized the same as he abandoned his position, fading into his form composed of smoke.

I smiled as I summoned forth a torrential flood of crystals that sought him out even in the shadows. A dance of crystal, flame, and smoke was performed. Would continue to be performed until the end of the fight. I had gained the upper wing, all I needed to do was press the advantage.

Watching him weave through the ever-growing and dancing flames that would consume the added crystals that I had continued to bring forth, was almost beautiful. Eventually, I felt a familiar spell cleave reality asunder. Before he even reappeared I summoned a chain of crystals around his destination.

Umbrum reappeared the next moment in the air behind me. With countless sharpened crystals surrounding him, waiting for my command to go forth with impunity. My will was enforced as they went, spearing into the annoying being before me that had just teleported. Twisting myself around to see him even as I conjured a beam formed of my Love. Before Umbrum had a chance to react it impacted him.

Blasting him back into the wall that he would have impacted before turning into his blackened smoke. My flames surged forth as their target returned to where they had claimed dominion. Watching with interest as a bead of black erupted from the shadowed smoke and entered into my Love filled flames.

An acrid taste formed in my mouth as I watched my cyan flames brimming with my Love, tainted. Tortured.Twisted into something horrific. Cyan bled to blackened green as I could feel the grandness I had become recede. My divinity fled with the Love I had brought into reality.

Umbrum stood reformed, at the helm of the now emerald flames that surged behind him. I forced everything I had left into my shield as the flames surged forwards. Eventually, they petered out. Allowing me to see that Umbrum had summoned two chairs made of his black crystals.

“I would not recommend my descendant, using your flame spell against your supposed partner.” He announced as he lounged in one. “Come down, I do believe that you are in a far better mood now that your blood has properly cycled through your body.” He said gesturing with a lazy wave of a hoof towards the empty chair before him. He didn't think I was that stupid.

“I am not falling for that trick again. You have yet to call the spar.” Upon spying the smirk that appeared, quickly dissipated, as he nodded in his assent. “I did get you first,” I said with as much dignity as I could muster as I touched down before him and took a seat in the offered chair. “And no I wasn't planning to summon more fire for use against Sunset. I have seen how effortlessly she commands fire. I am also not planning to fight her no matter how many times you will suggest it.”

Taking a pause as I allowed the fight to wash over me once more, I continued with a question that became apparent. “How in Celestia’s name did you subvert my magic so easily?” I had for that moment transcended into something closer to becoming an Alicorn than not. Shouldn't it have been impossible for him to corrupt? After all, he was far more efficient in the use of an advanced form of crystallokinesis.

“My dear descendant, I have experienced enough flames to know how to subvert them.” He then forms a smile that was far more hostile than I felt appropriate before he continued. “You would not be the first to attempt to use my crystals as fuel for a flame.” Well, that was one of his more ominous-sounding declarations. ”Would you prefer me to go through your failings listed in alphabetical order or which would likely be more costly to perform in a real battle?” Back to being my lovable ancestor, I see.

There we spent the rest of my time “asleep” going over my actions and reasonings behind them. Thankfully Umbrum seemed to be less argumentative and even praised my ability to tap into my new source of power. We bid each other farewell when the lights started to swirl. We parted with a confirmation to return to lessons the next night.

Once more I woke to the waking world. Blinking the remains of the crystals light from my gaze as I reorientated myself to the darkness of the guest room. I knew that I would find myself alone but that didn't stop the disappointment that crept into my heart when I saw that the bed remained empty. Thankfully, I didn't have time to brood on my decision as I heard Mistletoe scream.

“You have to tell me when I leave my cart outside your house! How come you didn't remind me that I forgot?” She bellowed as she all but rocketed down the stairs with her hooves comparable to claps of thunder upon the steps. I could hear the mutterings of annoyance coming from Starfish targeting the antics of his sister.

Embracing the smile that formed upon my lips and allowing the love between the siblings to stir me from the remains of slumber. Pushing myself to stand as I lightly stretched out what I could, deciding to not tempt fate by stretching my wings out. For all I knew the moment I would proceed to do so, Mistletoe or Starfish would enter my room. Not a risk worth taking at the moment. Especially as I had no idea where Sunset was or what she was doing.

“What have I repeatedly told you about being quiet?” I could hear Starfish grumble as he descended the stairs after his sister. Taking a moment to straighten myself before the door. Pushing it open and seeing Starfish crest the landing he met my gaze with an apologetic nod as he continued after his sister.

Deciding to follow the show that was being performed before me as I made my way outside and saw that Mistletoe was in the process of hitching herself up to her cart once more. Only pausing to wave a hoof at me in greeting.

“Morning Umbra! I hope you slept alright. If you are feeling sleepy you can have Starfish give you a potion.” She offered uncaring of the face her brother was making. “Has Dawn already gotten up?” I didn't allow my mood to sour at the mention of Sunset’s alias. I did however note the way that Starfish faltered at Dawn's name.

“Yes, she is an early riser. She has already left and has begun to acquire a few things for our future use.” Turning to Starfish I continued “We would both like to thank you once more for your hospitality.” Starfish nods at my thanks while I could see that Mistletoe is biting her tongue at my words.

“Well, then that's enough of that. I appreciate your thanks, but you both are my guests.” Starfish commented. “If there is anything that I can do to help you both just let me know.” He offered his smoky gray eyes oddly still as he made the offer. I gave my acceptance with a nod before taking him up on the expressed offer.

“I don't suppose you would be able to point me towards the post-pony system?” I asked and before I could get any other words out Mistletoe happily responded.

“Yeah I can show you the way, just give me a moment to park my cart.” Her eyes flicked over to her brother as she continued to gripe about how she was lucky that no pony had touched anything in her cart. Starfish gave me a glance over before saying a quick farewell and stepping back into his home. Leaving me to follow Mistletoe as she dragged her cart behind his house. “Alrighty then let's get you to the local post pony and then perhaps we can get something to eat.”

I gave my assent to her plan with a nod as I fell into step with her as she began to point out various shops and even ponies that made up the community of Wingston. From the ponies that made the best strudel to the ponies that she claimed would eventually revolutionize the airship industry. I could feel the Love coagulate around her as she spoke about each and every pony.

It was a nice feeling to bask in once more. Yes, it wasn't the same as the everpresent warmth of Canterlot, but it was a pleasant feeling nonetheless. Eventually, we made our way to the post-pony station. “Well, then we are here. A bit of advice however since we are so far out from any train station your letter may take some time to make to your desired ponies hooves.” That made sense.

“Thank you for the heads up.” In truth, it was probably for the best that this letter I was planning to pen would take some time to reach its desired denizen. After all, once Celestia received it there was little doubt in my mind that she would tear across Equestria in search of Sunset and myself.

“Alright, why don't you take care of sending your letter while I go grab us a table at the Smoldering Mushroom.” She said as she gestured to a building with various fungi that were painted upon it. I gave a nod as she went off with a laugh. Taking a deep breath I entered the post-pony office.

“Welcome traveler, I am Postmaster Paisley.” A bright orange Pegasus greeted me as I entered through the curtain that served as the entrance to the office. “The standard rate for letters to any pony in Equestria is five bits. Outside of Equestria has a scale of cost depending on where and whom you wish to write.” She droned on the usual spiel.

“Do you happen to have a spare quill and parchment? I unfortunately have traveled rather lightly. Oh my apologies, I'm Umbra.” I hastily greeted her in an effort to not be rude. Paisley nodded as she fished out a piece of parchment and a quill with a half-filled cup of ink. “My thanks.” I summoned the offered writing tools and went over to an empty table and hastily wrote a letter to Celestia.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I am well and safe. I wish to apologize for my rather abrupt disappearance but with everything that was happening at the castle, we thought it would be best to retreat. You would be glad to know that she is keeping me safe even if we are often at each other's throats. We have even become friends. Sort of.

I know that you likely found where we had hidden. While I wish that we could have stayed, only one of us would have remained. I am staying with her and doing my best to protect her in turn. We will return hopefully sooner than later. I know the plan and while I do not agree with it fully I will see it through its completion.

I would like to reiterate that I was not kidnapped or coerced into leaving with her. I went of my own free will and volition. Hopefully, we will be back before the newest princess's coronation.

Sincerely a pony filled with Love and protected by flames.“

Even if my thoughts were scrambled I got all of the important pieces down. Well, the ones that I was willing to share with Celestia at least. She didn't need to know about Umbrum or how far my feelings towards Sunset had changed. Or the fact that Discord and Umbrum didn't believe that she was a pony, but an inevitable disaster.

Upon seeing that I had completed my letter I was offered an envelope from Paisley. I folded the letter that would hopefully absolve Celestia of some of her worry and placed it into the protective shell.

“Alright, then who is this letter going to and where are they located?” Paisley asked as she took out a pad of parchment herself.

“Princess Celestia of Canterlot.” I was expecting some form of reaction to my request. Paisley however just shrugged her wings as she scribbled something down.

“Sure your letter will eventually get to her but it may take months for her to get through the piles of letters that are sent to her by every pony across Equestria,” Paisley said after a momentary pause. “That will be 5 bits.” I wanted her to receive the letter after Sunset and I had left Wingston not after we had potentially returned.

“Actually would it be possible to change the recipient to Rebound a royal guard also in Canterlot.” Paisley nodded as she presumably scratched out Celestia’s name and replaced it with Rebound’s. Now all I had to do was pay. I reached for my bag only to find nothing but air… Sunset had all the supplies on her. Including all of her bits. Letting out a sigh as I cradled my head with a hoof. “Would it be possible for me to return here later today with a payment? My partner has our coin purse.”

Paisley just shrugs in acceptance. Offering a hoof to take the envelope that contained my message to Celestia. I handed it over with my thanks and promised to return as quickly as I could. Exiting through the curtain I proceeded to make my way over to the eatery that Mistletoe had earlier pointed out.

“Umbra there you are. I was beginning to wonder if you had managed to get lost.” I heard Mistletoe call out as soon as I entered the establishment. Spotting the green Earth Pony in one of the corner tables I made my way over to her. “You had me worried for a moment there, as Dawn would have had my head. I have taken the liberty of ordering for you. I hope you don't mind another salad?” Choosing to ignore that first sentence of hers as I haven't eaten yet today and a nice salad sounded divine about now.

“I left my bits with Dawn. So I will have to pay you back when we get back.” Mistletoe just waved off my concerns with a hoof and a laugh.

“It's all good I was the one who invited you out. However, speaking of her I am surprised that the two of you are stuck to the other's flank.” She said in an easy tone, adopting a curious tone as she met my gaze. All I could do was shrug in response. I had no idea where Sunset was. I had no idea if she was even still in Wingston. That thought sent my stomach churning.

Ignoring that feeling I focused once more on the pony before me. “What's the deal with the two of you? Half the time I think that you two are about to rip each other's throat out with your teeth and then the other half you are sweet as breezies.” I couldn't help the sigh that slips through my teeth as I place my head on the table. That was a good question that I had no idea how to answer.

“We are partners. No, not like that.” I said as I picked my head up and saw the look in Mistletoe's eyes. I knew what it was, I have had that same gleam within my own.

“But you want to be?” She asks as her lips curl upwards. I wonder if she had experience in matchmaking as I could remember being in her position. I just shrugged. It would be nice, yes, but I doubted it would last long. Sunset was far too volatile for any sort of relationship.

Then there was the problem of the power disparity. She had proven once more that she puts far more emphasis on my own ascension than even I do. That aside there was the slight issue of her being Celestia’s daughter in all but name, and I was named her niece. No blood relation at all but still. It was just another mark against the two of us.

While I was thinking the server pony arrived with two salads. Placing one in front of each of us before scurrying away. “Well if you do I would be happy to help see if she feels the same as you.” That caught my attention as my fork stopped halfway to my mouth.

“Go on,” I spoke as I lowered the fork with a decent collection of salad back to my plate with a thought. Mistletoe leaned across the table with what could only be described as a devilish grin.

“We make her jealous.” She whispered as her eyes flashed.

Author's Note:

Cadance pushes back against Sunset being her normal charming self. Beats up an elderly non-unicorn that has experience subsuming flames. Then proceeds to send an "I'm alive try not to worry too much. Oh also your not-daughter didn't kidnap me, I left with her of my own free will" letter. The chapter then ends with what could be the start of either a very bad romance movie or a very cheesy one. This chapter was all over the place but things needed to be set up for the next one. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I had while writing it.

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